Example #1
    def POISocketSender(self):
            print "\tin POISocketSender"
            messageNum = 1

            while self.close == False:
                while self.sendingData != True and self.close == False:

                while self.sendingData == True and self.close == False:
                    # TODO only sent requested types
                    syncTime = time.time()
                    POIToSend = [(uid, point.toDict()) for uid, point in POIelements.items() if point.getTimestamp() >= self.lastSync] # and point.type in self.overlays]
                    jsonPOI = json.dumps({"POI":dict(POIToSend)})

                    print "\tSS message #{0} : {1} ({2} points, connection {3}, lastSync {4})".format(
                        messageNum, "not shown", len(POIToSend), self.connectionNumber, self.lastSync)

                    self.lastSync = syncTime
                    self.clientsocket.sendall(jsonPOI + "\n")

                    messageNum += 1
                    time.sleep(3.875 + (random.random() / 4.0)) # 4 second average pause

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            print "\tPSS broke by KeyboardInterrupt (%d)" %(self.connectionNumber)
        except Exception as e:
            print "\tPSS broke by some random exception or interrupt (%d)" %(self.connectionNumber)
            print e