def main(): k = 2 reg = 0.1 tau = 0.001 for art1 in scripts: for art2 in scripts: i = scripts.index(art1) j = scripts.index(art2) if i < j: X, a, words_X = measures[i] Y, b, words_Y = measures[j] U0 = InitialStiefel(300, 2) algo = RiemannianBlockCoordinateDescent(eta=reg, tau=tau, max_iter=1000, threshold=0.001,use_gpu=False, verbose=False) PRW = ProjectedRobustWasserstein(X, Y, a, b, algo, k)'RABCD',tau, U0) PRW_matrix[i, j] = PRW.get_value() PRW_matrix[j, i] = PRW_matrix[i, j] print('RBCD PRW (', art1, ',', art2, ') =', PRW_matrix[i, j]) algo1 = RiemannianGradientAscentSinkhorn(eta=reg, tau=tau/reg, max_iter=1000, threshold=0.001, sink_threshold=1e-9, use_gpu=False, verbose=True) PRW1 = ProjectedRobustWasserstein(X, Y, a, b, algo1, k)'RAGAS', tau/reg, U0) PRW1_matrix[i, j] = PRW1.get_value() PRW1_matrix[j, i] = PRW1_matrix[i, j] print('RGAS PRW (', art1, ',', art2, ') =', PRW1_matrix[i, j])
def main(): d = 20 # Total dimension k = 2 # k* = 2 and compute SRW with k = 2 nb_exp = 100 # Do 500 experiments ns = [25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000] # Compute SRW between measures with 'n' points for 'n' in 'ns' values = np.zeros((3, len(ns), nb_exp)) values_subspace = np.zeros((3, len(ns), nb_exp)) proj = np.zeros((d, d)) # Real optimal subspace proj[0, 0] = 1 proj[1, 1] = 1 eta = 0.2 tau = 0.001 verb = True if 1 == 1: for indn in range(len(ns)): n = ns[indn] # Sample nb_exp times for t in range(nb_exp): a, b, X, Y = fragmented_hypercube(n, d, dim=2) U0 = np.zeros((d, k)) U0[:k, :] = np.eye(k) algo = RiemannianBlockCoordinateDescent(eta=eta, tau=None, max_iter=3000, threshold=0.1, verbose=verb) PRW = ProjectedRobustWasserstein(X, Y, a, b, algo, k)'RBCD', tau, U0) values[0, indn, t] = np.abs(8 - PRW.get_value()) values_subspace[0, indn, t] = np.linalg.norm(PRW.get_Omega() - proj) algo1 = RiemannianGradientAscentSinkhorn(eta=eta, tau=None, max_iter=3000, threshold=0.1, sink_threshold=1e-4, verbose=verb) PRW1 = ProjectedRobustWasserstein(X, Y, a, b, algo1, k)'RGAS', tau / eta, U0) values[1, indn, t] = np.abs(8 - PRW1.get_value()) values_subspace[1, indn, t] = np.linalg.norm(PRW1.get_Omega() - proj) # Compute Wasserstein algo2 = ProjectedGradientAscent(reg=eta, step_size_0=tau, max_iter=1, max_iter_sinkhorn=50, threshold=0.001, threshold_sinkhorn=1e-04, use_gpu=False) W_ = SubspaceRobustWasserstein(X, Y, a, b, algo2, k=d) values[2, indn, t] = np.abs(8 - W_.get_value()) values_subspace[2, indn, t] = np.linalg.norm(W_.get_Omega() - proj) print(W_.get_value()) with open('./results/exp1_hypercube_value.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump([values, values_subspace], f) else: with open('./results/exp1_hypercube_value.pkl', 'rb') as f: values, values_subspace = pickle.load(f) print('n =', n, '/', np.mean(values[indn, :]), '/', np.mean(values1[indn, :])) captions = ['PRW (RBCD)', 'PRW (RGAS)'] line = ['o-', 'o--', '-'] plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) for t in range(3): values_mean = np.mean(values[t, :, :], axis=1) values_min = np.min(values[t, :, :], axis=1) values_10 = np.percentile(values[t, :, :], 10, axis=1) values_25 = np.percentile(values[t, :, :], 25, axis=1) values_75 = np.percentile(values[t, :, :], 75, axis=1) values_90 = np.percentile(values[t, :, :], 90, axis=1) values_max = np.max(values[t, :, :], axis=1) mean, = plt.semilogy(ns, values_mean, line[t], lw=4, ms=11, label=captions[t]) col = mean.get_color() plt.fill_between(ns, values_25, values_75, facecolor=col, alpha=0.3) plt.fill_between(ns, values_10, values_90, facecolor=col, alpha=0.2) plt.xlabel('Number of points n', fontsize=25) plt.ylabel('MEE', fontsize=25) plt.legend(loc='best', fontsize=25) plt.title('Mean estimation error', fontsize=30) plt.xticks(ns, fontsize=20) plt.yticks(np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 10.0]), fontsize=20) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FormatStrFormatter('%0.0f')) plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FormatStrFormatter('%0.1f')) plt.grid(ls=':') plt.savefig('figs/exp1_hypercube_value_1.png') plt.close() plt.clf() plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) for t in range(3): values_subspace_mean = np.mean(values_subspace[t, :, :], axis=1) values_subspace_min = np.min(values_subspace[t, :, :], axis=1) values_subspace_10 = np.percentile(values_subspace[t, :, :], 10, axis=1) values_subspace_25 = np.percentile(values_subspace[t, :, :], 25, axis=1) values_subspace_75 = np.percentile(values_subspace[t, :, :], 75, axis=1) values_subspace_90 = np.percentile(values_subspace[t, :, :], 90, axis=1) values_subspace_max = np.max(values_subspace[t, :, :], axis=1) mean, = plt.loglog(ns, values_subspace_mean, line[t], lw=4, ms=11, label=captions[t]) col = mean.get_color() plt.fill_between(ns, values_subspace_25, values_subspace_75, facecolor=col, alpha=0.3) plt.fill_between(ns, values_subspace_10, values_subspace_90, facecolor=col, alpha=0.2) plt.fill_between(ns, values_subspace_min, values_subspace_max, facecolor=col, alpha=0.15) plt.xlabel('Number of points n', fontsize=25) plt.ylabel('$||\Omega^* - \widehat\Omega||_F$', fontsize=25) plt.legend(loc='best', fontsize=25) plt.title('Mean subspace estimation error', fontsize=30) plt.xticks(ns, fontsize=20) plt.yticks(np.array(range(1, 8)) / 10, fontsize=20) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FormatStrFormatter('%0.0f')) plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FormatStrFormatter('%0.1f')) plt.grid(ls=':') plt.savefig('figs/exp1_hypercube_value_2.png')
def main(): noise_level = 1 d = 20 # Total dimension n = 100 # Number of points for each measure l = 5 # Dimension of Wishart nb_exp = 100 # Number of experiments k = list(range(1, d + 1)) # Compute SRW for all dimension parameter k # Save the values no_noise = np.zeros((nb_exp, d)) noise = np.zeros((nb_exp, d)) eta = 1 tau = 0.0005 verb = True if 1 == 1: for t in range(nb_exp): # Fore each experiment print(t) a = (1. / n) * np.ones(n) b = (1. / n) * np.ones(n) mean_1 = 0. * np.random.randn(d) mean_2 = 0. * np.random.randn(d) cov_1 = np.random.randn(d, l) cov_1 = cov_2 = np.random.randn(d, l) cov_2 = # Draw measures X = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean_1, cov_1, size=n) Y = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean_2, cov_2, size=n) # Add noise Xe = X + noise_level * np.random.randn(n, d) Ye = Y + noise_level * np.random.randn(n, d) vals = [] for k in range(1, d + 1): algo = RiemannianBlockCoordinateDescent(eta=eta, tau=tau, max_iter=5000, threshold=0.1, verbose=verb) PRW = ProjectedRobustWasserstein(X, Y, a, b, algo, k)'RBCD', tau=tau) vals.append(PRW.get_value()) no_noise[t, :] = np.sort(vals) vals = [] for k in range(1, d + 1): algoe = RiemannianBlockCoordinateDescent(eta=eta, tau=tau, max_iter=5000, threshold=0.1, verbose=verb) PRWe = ProjectedRobustWasserstein(Xe, Ye, a, b, algoe, k)'RBCD', tau=0.0005) vals.append(PRWe.get_value()) noise[t, :] = np.sort(vals) no_noise[t, :] /= no_noise[t, (d - 1)] noise[t, :] /= noise[t, (d - 1)] with open('./results/exp2_noise_12.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump([no_noise, noise], f) else: with open('./results/exp2_noise_12.pkl', 'rb') as f: no_noise, noise = pickle.load(f) captions = ['PRW'] plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) no_noise_t = no_noise[:, :] no_noise_mean = np.mean(no_noise_t, axis=0) no_noise_min = np.min(no_noise_t, axis=0) no_noise_10 = np.percentile(no_noise_t, 10, axis=0) no_noise_25 = np.percentile(no_noise_t, 25, axis=0) no_noise_75 = np.percentile(no_noise_t, 75, axis=0) no_noise_90 = np.percentile(no_noise_t, 90, axis=0) no_noise_max = np.max(no_noise_t, axis=0) noise_t = noise[:, :] noise_mean = np.mean(noise_t, axis=0) noise_min = np.min(noise_t, axis=0) noise_10 = np.percentile(noise_t, 10, axis=0) noise_25 = np.percentile(noise_t, 25, axis=0) noise_75 = np.percentile(noise_t, 75, axis=0) noise_90 = np.percentile(noise_t, 90, axis=0) noise_max = np.max(noise_t, axis=0) plotnonoise, = plt.plot(range(d), no_noise_mean, 'C1', label='Without Noise', lw=6) col_nonoise = plotnonoise.get_color() plt.fill_between(range(d), no_noise_25, no_noise_75, facecolor=col_nonoise, alpha=0.3) plt.fill_between(range(d), no_noise_10, no_noise_90, facecolor=col_nonoise, alpha=0.2) plt.fill_between(range(d), no_noise_min, no_noise_max, facecolor=col_nonoise, alpha=0.15) plotnoise, = plt.plot(range(d), noise_mean, 'C2', label='With Noise', lw=6) col_noise = plotnoise.get_color() plt.fill_between(range(d), noise_25, noise_75, facecolor=col_noise, alpha=0.3) plt.fill_between(range(d), noise_10, noise_90, facecolor=col_noise, alpha=0.2) plt.fill_between(range(d), noise_min, noise_max, facecolor=col_noise, alpha=0.15) plt.xlabel('Dimension', fontsize=25) plt.ylabel('Normalized %s value' % (captions[0]), fontsize=25) plt.legend(loc='best', fontsize=20) plt.yticks(fontsize=20) plt.xticks(range(d), range(1, d + 1), fontsize=20) plt.ylim(0.1) plt.legend(loc='best', fontsize=25) plt.title('%s distance with different dimensions' % (captions[0], ), fontsize=30) plt.grid(ls=':') # plt.savefig('figs/exp2_noise_%d.png' % (0,)) plt.close() plt.clf()
def main(): feat_path = './results/exp5_mnist_feats.pkl' ################################################ ## Generate MNIST features of dim (128,) ################################################ # get_feats(feat_path) ################################################ ## Open MNIST features of dim (128,) ################################################ with open(feat_path, 'rb') as f: feats = pickle.load(f) for feat in feats: print(feat.shape) reg = 8 tau = 0.004 PRW_matrix = np.zeros((10, 10)) PRW1_matrix = np.zeros((10, 10)) d = 128 # dimension of MNIST features k = 2 for i in range(10): for j in range(i + 1, 10): assert i < j X = feats[i] Y = feats[j] na = X.shape[0] nb = Y.shape[0] a = (1. / na) * np.ones(na) b = (1. / nb) * np.ones(nb) # print(na,nb) U0 = InitialStiefel(d, k) algo1 = RiemannianBlockCoordinateDescent(eta=reg, tau=tau, max_iter=5000, threshold=0.1, use_gpu=False) PRW1 = ProjectedRobustWasserstein(X, Y, a, b, algo1, k)'RBCD', tau, U0) PRW1_matrix[j, i] = PRW1.get_value() / 1000.0 PRW1_matrix[i, j] = PRW1.get_time() print('PRW (', i, ',', j, ') =', PRW1_matrix[j, i]) # Compute PRW algo = RiemannianGradientAscentSinkhorn(eta=reg, tau=tau / reg, max_iter=5000, threshold=0.1, sink_threshold=1e-9, use_gpu=False) PRW = ProjectedRobustWasserstein(X, Y, a, b, algo, k)'RGAS', tau / reg, U0) PRW_matrix[j, i] = PRW.get_value() / 1000.0 PRW_matrix[i, j] = PRW.get_time() print('PRW (', i, ',', j, ') =', PRW_matrix[j, i]) for i in range(10): print('%s ' % (i), end=' ') for j in range(10): print('& %.2f' % (PRW_matrix[i, j]), '/%.2f' % (PRW1_matrix[i, j]), end='') print('\\\\ \hline') print()
def plot_n_equal_d(): ds = [15, 25, 50, 100, 250] # Number of points in the measures nb_ds = len(ds) k = 5 # Dimension parameter max_iter = 5000 # Maximum number of iterations max_iter_sinkhorn = 1000 # Maximum number of iterations in Sinkhorn threshold = 0.1 # Stopping threshold threshold_sinkhorn = 1e-10 # Stopping threshold in Sinkhorn nb_exp = 5 # Number of experiments tau = 0.01 tau_adap = 0.05 times_RBCD = np.zeros((nb_exp, nb_ds)) times_RGAS = np.zeros((nb_exp, nb_ds)) times_RABCD = np.zeros((nb_exp, nb_ds)) times_RAGAS = np.zeros((nb_exp, nb_ds)) times_SRW = np.zeros((nb_exp, nb_ds)) for t in range(nb_exp): print(t) for ind_d in range(nb_ds): d = ds[ind_d] n = 10 * d print(d, n) a = (1./n) * np.ones(n) b = (1./n) * np.ones(n) mean_1 = np.zeros(d) mean_2 = np.zeros(d) cov_1 = np.random.randn(d,k) cov_1 = cov_2 = np.random.randn(d,k) cov_2 = # Draw the measures X = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean_1, cov_1, size=n) Y = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean_2, cov_2, size=n) reg = 10 if d>=50: tau_adap = 0.1 reg=20 if d>=250: tau_adap = 0.2 reg=50 U0 = InitialStiefel(d, k) print('RBCD') RBCD = RiemannianBlockCoordinateDescent(eta=reg, tau=tau, max_iter=max_iter, threshold=threshold, verbose=True) PRW = ProjectedRobustWasserstein(X, Y, a, b, RBCD, k) 'RBCD',tau, U0) times_RBCD[t,ind_d] = PRW.running_time print('RABCD') 'RABCD',tau_adap, U0) times_RABCD[t,ind_d] = PRW.running_time print('RGAS') RGAS = RiemannianGradientAscentSinkhorn(eta=reg, tau = tau/reg, max_iter=max_iter, threshold=threshold, sink_threshold=threshold_sinkhorn, verbose=True) PRW1 = ProjectedRobustWasserstein(X, Y, a, b, RGAS, k)'RGAS',tau/reg, U0) times_RGAS[t,ind_d] = PRW1.running_time print('RAGAS')'RAGAS',tau_adap/reg, U0) times_RAGAS[t,ind_d] = PRW1.running_time print('FWSRW') algo = FrankWolfe(reg=reg, step_size_0=tau, max_iter=max_iter, max_iter_sinkhorn=max_iter_sinkhorn, threshold=(0.1*tau)**2, threshold_sinkhorn=threshold_sinkhorn, use_gpu=False) SRW = SubspaceRobustWasserstein(X, Y, a, b, algo, k) tic = time.time() tac = time.time() times_SRW[t, ind_d] = tac - tic print("exp_gauss_n_equal_10d") times_RBCD_mean = np.mean(times_RBCD, axis=0) times_RABCD_mean = np.mean(times_RABCD, axis=0) times_RGAS_mean = np.mean(times_RGAS, axis=0) times_RAGAS_mean = np.mean(times_RAGAS, axis=0) times_SRW_mean = np.mean(times_SRW, axis=0) print('RBCD &', "%.2f &" %times_RBCD_mean[0], "%.2f &" %times_RBCD_mean[1],"%.2f &" %times_RBCD_mean[2], "%.2f &" %times_RBCD_mean[3], "%.2f "% times_RBCD_mean[4], "\\ \hline") print('RABCD &', "%.2f &" %times_RABCD_mean[0], "%.2f &" %times_RABCD_mean[1],"%.2f &" %times_RABCD_mean[2], "%.2f &" %times_RABCD_mean[3], "%.2f "% times_RABCD_mean[4], "\\ \hline") print('RGAS &', "%.2f &" %times_RGAS_mean[0], "%.2f &" %times_RGAS_mean[1],"%.2f &" %times_RGAS_mean[2], "%.2f &" %times_RGAS_mean[3], "%.2f "% times_RGAS_mean[4], "\\ \hline") print('RAGAS &', "%.2f &" %times_RAGAS_mean[0], "%.2f &" %times_RAGAS_mean[1],"%.2f &" %times_RAGAS_mean[2], "%.2f &" %times_RAGAS_mean[3], "%.2f "% times_RAGAS_mean[4], "\\ \hline") print('SRW &', "%.2f &" %times_SRW_mean[0], "%.2f &" %times_SRW_mean[1],"%.2f &" %times_SRW_mean[2], "%.2f &" %times_SRW_mean[3], "%.2f "% times_SRW_mean[4], "\\ \hline")
def main(): n = 100 # Number of points for each measure d = 30 # Total dimension maxK = 30 # Compute SRW for all parameters 'k' nb_exp = 50 # Do 100 experiments kstars = [2, 4, 7, 10] # Plot for 'true' dimension k* = 2, 4, 7, 10 eta = 0.2 tau = 0.005 verb = True values = np.zeros((2, len(kstars), maxK, nb_exp)) if 1==1: for t in range(nb_exp): for kstar_index in range(len(kstars)): kstar = kstars[kstar_index] for kdim in range(1, maxK+1): a,b,X,Y = fragmented_hypercube(n,d,kstar) algo = RiemannianBlockCoordinateDescent(eta=eta, tau=None, max_iter=3000, threshold=0.1, verbose=verb) PRW = ProjectedRobustWasserstein(X, Y, a, b, algo, kdim)'RBCD', tau) values[0, kstar_index, kdim - 1, t] = np.abs(PRW.get_value()) algo1 = RiemannianGradientAscentSinkhorn(eta=eta, tau=None, max_iter=3000, threshold=0.1, sink_threshold=1e-4, verbose=verb) PRW1 = ProjectedRobustWasserstein(X, Y, a, b, algo1, kdim)'RGAS', tau/eta) values[1, kstar_index, kdim - 1, t] = np.abs(PRW1.get_value()) with open('./results/exp1_hc_dim_k.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(values, f) else: with open('./results/exp1_hypercube_dim_k.pkl', 'rb') as f: values = pickle.load(f) colors = [['b', 'orange', 'g', 'r'], ['c', 'm', 'y', 'purple']] plt.figure(figsize=(20, 8)) Xs = list(range(1, maxK + 1)) line_styles = ['-', '--'] captions = ['RBCD', 'RGAS'] for t in range(2): for i, kstar in enumerate(kstars): values_mean = np.mean(values[t, i, :, :], axis=1) values_min = np.min(values[t, i, :, :], axis=1) values_max = np.max(values[t, i, :, :], axis=1) mean, = plt.plot(Xs, values_mean, ls=line_styles[t], c=colors[t][i], lw=4, ms=20, label='$k^*=%d$, %s' % (kstar,captions[t])) col = mean.get_color() plt.fill_between(Xs, values_min, values_max, facecolor=col, alpha=0.15) for i in range(len(kstars)): ks = kstars[i] vm1 = np.mean(values[0, i, ks, :], axis=0) vm2 = np.mean(values[1, i, ks, :], axis=0) print(vm1,vm2) tt = max(vm1,vm2) plt.plot([ks, ks], [0, tt], color=colors[0][i], linestyle='--') plt.xlabel('Dimension k', fontsize=25) plt.ylabel('PRW values', fontsize=25) plt.ylabel('$P_k^2(\hat\mu, \hat\\nu)$', fontsize=25) plt.xticks(Xs, fontsize=20) plt.yticks(np.arange(10, 70+1, 10), fontsize=20) plt.legend(loc='best', fontsize=18, ncol=2) plt.ylim(0) plt.title('$P_k^2(\hat\mu, \hat\\nu)$ depending on dimension k', fontsize=30) plt.minorticks_on() plt.grid(ls=':') plt.savefig('figs/exp1_dim_k.png')
def main(): d = 20 # Total dimension n = 100 # Number of points in each measure k = 5 # Dimension of the Wishart (i.e. of support of the measures) nb_exp = 100 # Number of experiments to run reg = 0. # No regularization # max_iter = 1000 # Maximum number of iterations (the bigger the more precise) # thr = 1e-5 # Stopping threshold (not attained here since we are in unregularized SRW) a = (1. / n) * np.ones(n) b = (1. / n) * np.ones(n) mean_1 = np.zeros(d) mean_2 = np.zeros(d) # Noise levels to test ind = [0., 0.01, 0.1, 1, 2, 4, 7, 10] PRW = np.zeros((nb_exp, len(ind))) PRW1 = np.zeros((nb_exp, len(ind))) W = np.zeros((nb_exp, len(ind))) for t in range(nb_exp): print(t) cov_1 = np.random.randn(d, k) cov_1 = cov_2 = np.random.randn(d, k) cov_2 = # Draw the measures X = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean_1, cov_1, size=n) Y = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean_2, cov_2, size=n) verb = True lst_rsw = [] lst_rsw1 = [] lst_w = [] for epsilon in ind: # Add noise of level epsilon noiseX = np.random.randn(n, d) noiseY = np.random.randn(n, d) Xe = X + epsilon * noiseX Ye = Y + epsilon * noiseY if epsilon < 4: eta = 2 stepsize = 0.01 thre = 0.1 else: eta = 10 stepsize = 0.002 thre = 0.1 algo = RiemannianBlockCoordinateDescent(eta=eta, tau=stepsize, max_iter=5000, threshold=thre, verbose=verb) PRW_ = ProjectedRobustWasserstein(Xe, Ye, a, b, algo, k=10)'RBCD', tau=stepsize) algo1 = RiemannianGradientAscentSinkhorn(eta=eta, tau=stepsize / eta, max_iter=5000, sink_threshold=1e-4, threshold=thre, verbose=verb) PRW1_ = ProjectedRobustWasserstein(Xe, Ye, a, b, algo1, k=10)'RGAS', tau=stepsize / eta) # Choice of step size ones = np.ones((n, n)) C = np.diag(np.diag( + np.diag(np.diag( - 2 * step_size_0 = 1. / np.max(C) # Compute Wasserstein algo = ProjectedGradientAscent(reg=reg, step_size_0=step_size_0, max_iter=1, max_iter_sinkhorn=50, threshold=0.001, threshold_sinkhorn=1e-04, use_gpu=False) W_ = SubspaceRobustWasserstein(Xe, Ye, a, b, algo, k=d) print(W_.get_value()) lst_rsw.append(PRW_.get_value()) lst_rsw1.append(PRW1_.get_value()) lst_w.append(W_.get_value()) PRW[t, :] = np.array(lst_rsw) PRW1[t, :] = np.array(lst_rsw1) W[t, :] = np.array(lst_w) # Relative change PRW_percent = np.abs(PRW - np.array([ PRW[:, 0], ] * len(ind)).transpose()) / np.array([ PRW[:, 0], ] * len(ind)).transpose() PRW1_percent = np.abs(PRW1 - np.array([ PRW1[:, 0], ] * len(ind)).transpose()) / np.array([ PRW1[:, 0], ] * len(ind)).transpose() W_percent = np.abs(W - np.array([ W[:, 0], ] * len(ind)).transpose()) / np.array([ W[:, 0], ] * len(ind)).transpose() PRW_percent = PRW_percent[:, 1:] PRW1_percent = PRW1_percent[:, 1:] W_percent = W_percent[:, 1:] PRW_mean = np.mean(PRW_percent, axis=0) PRW_min = np.min(PRW_percent, axis=0) PRW_10 = np.percentile(PRW_percent, 10, axis=0) PRW_25 = np.percentile(PRW_percent, 25, axis=0) PRW_75 = np.percentile(PRW_percent, 75, axis=0) PRW_90 = np.percentile(PRW_percent, 90, axis=0) PRW_max = np.max(PRW_percent, axis=0) PRW1_mean = np.mean(PRW1_percent, axis=0) PRW1_min = np.min(PRW1_percent, axis=0) PRW1_10 = np.percentile(PRW1_percent, 10, axis=0) PRW1_25 = np.percentile(PRW1_percent, 25, axis=0) PRW1_75 = np.percentile(PRW1_percent, 75, axis=0) PRW1_90 = np.percentile(PRW1_percent, 90, axis=0) PRW1_max = np.max(PRW1_percent, axis=0) W_mean = np.mean(W_percent, axis=0) W_min = np.min(W_percent, axis=0) W_10 = np.percentile(W_percent, 10, axis=0) W_25 = np.percentile(W_percent, 25, axis=0) W_75 = np.percentile(W_percent, 75, axis=0) W_90 = np.percentile(W_percent, 90, axis=0) W_max = np.max(W_percent, axis=0) # PLOT import matplotlib.ticker as ticker plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) plotW, = plt.loglog(ind[1:], W_mean, 'o-', label='Wasserstein', lw=5, ms=10) col_W = plotW.get_color() plt.fill_between(ind[1:], W_25, W_75, facecolor=col_W, alpha=0.3) plt.fill_between(ind[1:], W_10, W_90, facecolor=col_W, alpha=0.2) plotPRW, = plt.loglog(ind[1:], PRW_mean, 'o-', label='RBCD', lw=5, ms=10) col_PRW = plotPRW.get_color() plt.fill_between(ind[1:], PRW_25, PRW_75, facecolor=col_PRW, alpha=0.3) plt.fill_between(ind[1:], PRW_10, PRW_90, facecolor=col_PRW, alpha=0.2) plotPRW1, = plt.loglog(ind[1:], PRW1_mean, 'o--', label='RGAS', lw=5, ms=10) col_PRW1 = plotPRW1.get_color() plt.fill_between(ind[1:], PRW1_25, PRW1_75, facecolor=col_PRW1, alpha=0.3) plt.fill_between(ind[1:], PRW1_10, PRW1_90, facecolor=col_PRW1, alpha=0.2) plt.xlabel('Noise level (log scale)', fontsize=25) plt.ylabel('Relative error (log scale)', fontsize=25) plt.yticks(fontsize=20) plt.xticks(ind[1:], fontsize=20) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FormatStrFormatter('%0.2g')) plt.legend(loc=2, fontsize=18) plt.grid(ls=':') plt.savefig('figs/exp2_noise_level.png')
def plot_fix_n(): ds = [25, 50, 100, 250, 500] # Dimensions nb_ds = len(ds) n = 100 # Number of points in the measures k = 2 # Dimension parameter max_iter = 2000 # Maximum number of iterations max_iter_sinkhorn = 1000 # Maximum number of iterations in Sinkhorn threshold = 0.1 # Stopping threshold threshold_sinkhorn = 1e-9 # Stopping threshold in Sinkhorn nb_exp = 100 # Number of experiments tau = 0.001 times_RBCD = np.zeros((nb_exp, nb_ds)) times_RGAS = np.zeros((nb_exp, nb_ds)) times_RABCD = np.zeros((nb_exp, nb_ds)) times_RAGAS = np.zeros((nb_exp, nb_ds)) times_SRW = np.zeros((nb_exp, nb_ds)) for t in range(nb_exp): print(t) reg = 0.2 for ind_d in range(nb_ds): d = ds[ind_d] a,b,X,Y = fragmented_hypercube(n,d,dim=2) if d>=250: reg=0.5 U0 = InitialStiefel(d, k) print('RBCD') RBCD = RiemannianBlockCoordinateDescent(eta=reg, tau=tau, max_iter=max_iter, threshold=threshold, verbose=False) PRW = ProjectedRobustWasserstein(X, Y, a, b, RBCD, k) 'RBCD',tau, U0) times_RBCD[t,ind_d] = PRW.running_time print('RABCD') 'RABCD',tau, U0) times_RABCD[t,ind_d] = PRW.running_time RGAS = RiemannianGradientAscentSinkhorn(eta=reg, tau = tau/reg, max_iter=max_iter, threshold=threshold, sink_threshold=1e-8, verbose=False) PRW1 = ProjectedRobustWasserstein(X, Y, a, b, RGAS, k)'RGAS',tau/reg, U0) times_RGAS[t,ind_d] = PRW1.running_time print('RAGAS')'RAGAS',tau/reg, U0) times_RAGAS[t,ind_d] = PRW1.running_time print('FWSRW') algo = FrankWolfe(reg=reg, step_size_0=tau, max_iter=max_iter, max_iter_sinkhorn=max_iter_sinkhorn, threshold=(0.1*tau)**2, threshold_sinkhorn=threshold_sinkhorn, use_gpu=False) SRW = SubspaceRobustWasserstein(X, Y, a, b, algo, k) tic = time.time() tac = time.time() times_SRW[t, ind_d] = tac - tic print("exp_hypercubic_fix_n") times_RBCD_mean = np.mean(times_RBCD, axis=0) times_RABCD_mean = np.mean(times_RABCD, axis=0) times_RGAS_mean = np.mean(times_RGAS, axis=0) times_RAGAS_mean = np.mean(times_RAGAS, axis=0) times_SRW_mean = np.mean(times_SRW, axis=0) print('RBCD &', "%.2f &" %times_RBCD_mean[0], "%.2f &" %times_RBCD_mean[1],"%.2f &" %times_RBCD_mean[2], "%.2f &" %times_RBCD_mean[3], "%.2f "% times_RBCD_mean[4],"\\ \hline") print('RABCD &', "%.2f &" %times_RABCD_mean[0], "%.2f &" %times_RABCD_mean[1],"%.2f &" %times_RABCD_mean[2], "%.2f &" %times_RABCD_mean[3], "%.2f "% times_RABCD_mean[4], "\\ \hline") print('RGAS &', "%.2f &" %times_RGAS_mean[0], "%.2f &" %times_RGAS_mean[1],"%.2f &" %times_RGAS_mean[2], "%.2f &" %times_RGAS_mean[3], "%.2f "% times_RGAS_mean[4], "\\ \hline") print('RAGAS &', "%.2f &" %times_RAGAS_mean[0], "%.2f &" %times_RAGAS_mean[1],"%.2f &" %times_RAGAS_mean[2], "%.2f &" %times_RAGAS_mean[3], "%.2f "% times_RAGAS_mean[4], "\\ \hline") print('SRW &', "%.2f &" %times_SRW_mean[0], "%.2f &" %times_SRW_mean[1],"%.2f &" %times_SRW_mean[2], "%.2f &" %times_SRW_mean[3], "%.2f "% times_SRW_mean[4], "\\ \hline")
def main(): scripts = [ 'DUNKIRK.txt', 'GRAVITY.txt', 'INTERSTELLAR.txt', 'KILL_BILL_VOLUME_1.txt', 'KILL_BILL_VOLUME_2.txt', 'THE_MARTIAN.txt', 'TITANIC.txt' ] Nb_scripts = len(scripts) PRW_matrix = np.zeros((Nb_scripts, Nb_scripts)) PRW1_matrix = np.zeros((Nb_scripts, Nb_scripts)) PRW_matrix_adap = np.zeros((Nb_scripts, Nb_scripts)) PRW1_matrix_adap = np.zeros((Nb_scripts, Nb_scripts)) measures = [] for film in scripts: measures.append(load_text('Data/movies/' + film)) nb_exp = 10 times_RBCD = np.zeros((Nb_scripts, Nb_scripts)) times_RGAS = np.zeros((Nb_scripts, Nb_scripts)) times_RABCD = np.zeros((Nb_scripts, Nb_scripts)) times_RAGAS = np.zeros((Nb_scripts, Nb_scripts)) for t in range(nb_exp): for film1 in scripts: for film2 in scripts: i = scripts.index(film1) j = scripts.index(film2) if i < j: X, a, words_X = measures[i] Y, b, words_Y = measures[j] U0 = InitialStiefel(300, 2) reg = 0.1 tau = 0.1 RBCD = RiemannianBlockCoordinateDescent(eta=reg, tau=tau, max_iter=1000, threshold=0.001) PRW_ = ProjectedRobustWasserstein(X, Y, a, b, RBCD, k=2)'RBCD', tau, U0) PRW_matrix[i, j] = PRW_.get_value() times_RBCD[i, j] = times_RBCD[i, j] + PRW_.get_time() print('RBCD (', film1, ',', film2, ') =', PRW_matrix[i, j]) RGAS = RiemannianGradientAscentSinkhorn(eta=reg, tau=tau / reg, max_iter=1000, threshold=0.001) PRW1_ = ProjectedRobustWasserstein(X, Y, a, b, RGAS, k=2)'RGAS', tau / reg, U0) PRW1_matrix[i, j] = PRW1_.get_value() times_RGAS[i, j] = times_RBCD[i, j] + PRW1_.get_time() print('RGAS (', film1, ',', film2, ') =', PRW1_matrix[i, j])