Example #1
def data_geo(ntest) :
    """Returns test data numpy array and geometry object
    from time import time
    from PSCalib.NDArrIO import save_txt, load_txt
    from PSCalib.GeometryAccess import GeometryAccess

    dir       = '/reg/g/psdm/detector/alignment/cspad/calib-cxi-camera2-2016-02-05'
    #fname_nda = '%s/nda-water-ring-cxij4716-r0022-e000001-CxiDs2-0-Cspad-0-ave.txt' % dir
    fname_nda = '%s/nda-water-ring-cxij4716-r0022-e014636-CxiDs2-0-Cspad-0-ave.txt' % dir
    fname_geo = '%s/calib/CsPad::CalibV1/CxiDs2.0:Cspad.0/geometry/geo-cxi01516-2016-02-18-Ag-behenate-tuned.data' % dir
    #fname_geo = '%s/geo-cxi02416-r0010-2016-03-11.txt' % dir
    fname_gain = '%s/calib/CsPad::CalibV1/CxiDs2.0:Cspad.0/pixel_gain/cxi01516-r0016-2016-02-18-FeKalpha.data' % dir

    # load n-d array with averaged water ring
    arr = load_txt(fname_nda)
    #arr *= load_txt(fname_gain)
    #print_ndarr(arr,'water ring')
    arr.shape = (arr.size,) # (32*185*388,)

    # retrieve geometry
    t0_sec = time()
    geo = GeometryAccess(fname_geo)
    geo.move_geo('CSPAD:V1', 0, 1600, 0, 0)
    geo.move_geo('QUAD:V1', 2, -100, 0, 0)
    #geo.get_geo('QUAD:V1', 3).print_geo()
    print 'Time to load geometry %.3f sec from file\n%s' % (time()-t0_sec, fname_geo)

    return arr, geo
Example #2
def data_geo(ntest):
    """Returns test data numpy array and geometry object
    from time import time
    from PSCalib.NDArrIO import save_txt, load_txt
    from PSCalib.GeometryAccess import GeometryAccess

    dir = '/reg/g/psdm/detector/alignment/cspad/calib-cxi-camera2-2016-02-05'
    #fname_nda = '%s/nda-water-ring-cxij4716-r0022-e000001-CxiDs2-0-Cspad-0-ave.txt' % dir
    fname_nda = '%s/nda-water-ring-cxij4716-r0022-e014636-CxiDs2-0-Cspad-0-ave.txt' % dir
    fname_geo = '%s/calib/CsPad::CalibV1/CxiDs2.0:Cspad.0/geometry/geo-cxi01516-2016-02-18-Ag-behenate-tuned.data' % dir
    #fname_geo = '%s/geo-cxi02416-r0010-2016-03-11.txt' % dir
    fname_gain = '%s/calib/CsPad::CalibV1/CxiDs2.0:Cspad.0/pixel_gain/cxi01516-r0016-2016-02-18-FeKalpha.data' % dir

    # load n-d array with averaged water ring
    arr = load_txt(fname_nda)
    #arr *= load_txt(fname_gain)
    #print_ndarr(arr,'water ring')
    arr.shape = (arr.size, )  # (32*185*388,)

    # retrieve geometry
    t0_sec = time()
    geo = GeometryAccess(fname_geo)
    geo.move_geo('CSPAD:V1', 0, 1600, 0, 0)
    geo.move_geo('QUAD:V1', 2, -100, 0, 0)
    #geo.get_geo('QUAD:V1', 3).print_geo()
    print 'Time to load geometry %.3f sec from file\n%s' % (time() - t0_sec,

    return arr, geo