Example #1
def rendTri(T, imageBounds, pixelSize, c=None, im=None, geometric_mean=False):
    from PYME.Analysis.points.SoftRend import drawTriang, drawTriangles
    xs = T.x[
        triangles]  # x posititions of vertices [nm], dimensions (# triangles, 3)
    ys = T.y[
        triangles]  # y posititions of vertices [nm], dimensions (# triangles, 3)

    if c is None:
        # We didn't pass anything in for c - use 1/ area of triangle
        a01 = numpy.vstack((xs[:, 0] - xs[:, 1], ys[:, 0] - ys[:, 1])).T
        a02 = numpy.vstack((xs[:, 0] - xs[:, 2], ys[:, 0] - ys[:, 2])).T
        a12 = numpy.vstack((xs[:, 1] - xs[:, 2], ys[:, 1] - ys[:, 2])).T

        a_ = ((a01 * a01).sum(1))
        b_ = ((a02 * a02).sum(1))
        b2_ = ((a12 * a12).sum(1))
        # use the median edge length^2 as a proxy for area (this avoids "slithers" getting really bright)
        c = 0.5 * numpy.median([b_, a_, b2_], 0)

        #c_neighbours = c[T.triangle_neighbors].sum(1)
        #c = 1.0/(c + c_neighbours + 1)

        #c = numpy.maximum(c, pixelsize**2) #try to avoid spikes

    # Changed pre-factor 4/3/2019 so that image is calibrated in localizations/um^2 rather than
    # localizations per nm^2 in the hope that this will play better with other software (e.g. ImageJ)
    if geometric_mean:
        # calculate the mean areas first, then invert
        c = c
        # default - arithmetic mean (of density)
        c = 1e6 / (c + 1)

    if im is None:
        print('Some thing is wrong - we should already have allocated memory')
        sizeX = (imageBounds.x1 - imageBounds.x0) / pixelSize
        sizeY = (imageBounds.y1 - imageBounds.y0) / pixelSize

        im = numpy.zeros((sizeX, sizeY))

    # convert vertices [nm] to pixel position in output image (still floating point)
    xs = (xs - imageBounds.x0) / pixelSize
    ys = (ys - imageBounds.y0) / pixelSize

    # NOTE 1: drawTriangles truncates co-ordinates to the nearest pixel on the left.
    # NOTE 2: this truncation means that nothing is drawn for triangles < 1 pixel
    # NOTE 3: triangles which would intersect with the edge of the image are discarded
    drawTriangles(im, xs, ys, c)

    return im
Example #2
def rendTri2(T, imageBounds, pixelSize, c=None, im=None, im1=None):
    from PYME.Analysis.points.SoftRend import drawTriang, drawTriangles
    xs = T.x[T.triangles]
    ys = T.y[T.triangles]

    a = numpy.vstack((xs[:, 0] - xs[:, 1], ys[:, 0] - ys[:, 1])).T
    b = numpy.vstack((xs[:, 0] - xs[:, 2], ys[:, 0] - ys[:, 2])).T
    b2 = numpy.vstack((xs[:, 1] - xs[:, 2], ys[:, 1] - ys[:, 2])).T

    #area of triangle
    #c = 0.5*numpy.sqrt((b*b).sum(1) - ((a*b).sum(1)**2)/(a*a).sum(1))*numpy.sqrt((a*a).sum(1))

    #c = 0.5*numpy.sqrt((b*b).sum(1)*(a*a).sum(1) - ((a*b).sum(1)**2))

    #c = numpy.maximum(((b*b).sum(1)),((a*a).sum(1)))

    c = numpy.abs(a[:, 0] * b[:, 1] + a[:, 1] * b[:, 0])

    if c is None:
        if numpy.version.version > '1.2':
            c = numpy.median([(b * b).sum(1), (a * a).sum(1),
                              (b2 * b2).sum(1)], 0)
            c = numpy.median([(b * b).sum(1), (a * a).sum(1),
                              (b2 * b2).sum(1)])

            #c = c*c/1e6

    a_ = ((a * a).sum(1))
    b_ = ((b * b).sum(1))
    b2_ = ((b2 * b2).sum(1))
    #c_neighbours = c[T.triangle_neighbors].sum(1)
    #c = 1.0/(c + c_neighbours + 1)
    #c = numpy.maximum(c, self.pixelsize**2)
    #c = 1.0/(c + 1)

    sizeX = int((imageBounds.x1 - imageBounds.x0) / pixelSize)
    sizeY = int((imageBounds.y1 - imageBounds.y0) / pixelSize)

    xs = (xs - imageBounds.x0) / pixelSize
    ys = (ys - imageBounds.y0) / pixelSize

    if im is None:
        im = numpy.zeros((sizeX, sizeY))
        im1 = numpy.zeros_like(im)

    drawTriangles(im, xs, ys, c * c * c)
    drawTriangles(im1, xs, ys, c * c * c * c)

    return im, im1
def rendVoronoi(x, y, imageBounds, pixelSize):
    from matplotlib import tri
    from PYME.Analysis.points.SoftRend import drawTriang, drawTriangles
    from PYME.recipes.pointcloud import Tesselation
    sizeX = int((imageBounds.x1 - imageBounds.x0) / pixelSize)
    sizeY = int((imageBounds.y1 - imageBounds.y0) / pixelSize)
    im = np.zeros((sizeX, sizeY))
    #T = tri.Triangulation(x, y)
    Ts = Tesselation({'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': 0 * x}, three_d=False)
    cc = Ts.circumcentres()
    T = Ts.T

    tdb = []
    for i in range(len(x)):

    for i in range(len(T.simplices)):
        nds = T.simplices[i]
        for n in nds:

    xs_ = None
    ys_ = None
    c_ = None

    area_colouring = True
    for i in range(len(x)):
        #get triangles around point
        impingentTriangs = tdb[i] #numpy.where(T.triangle_nodes == i)[0]
        if len(impingentTriangs) >= 3:
            circumcenters = cc[impingentTriangs] #get their circumcenters
            #add current point - to deal with edge cases
            newPts = np.array(list(circumcenters) + [[x[i], y[i]]])
            #re-triangulate (we could try and sort the triangles somehow, but this is easier)
            T2 = tri.Triangulation(newPts[:, 0], newPts[:, 1])
            #now do the same as for the standard triangulation
            xs = T2.x[T2.triangles]
            ys = T2.y[T2.triangles]
            a = np.vstack((xs[:, 0] - xs[:, 1], ys[:, 0] - ys[:, 1])).T
            b = np.vstack((xs[:, 0] - xs[:, 2], ys[:, 0] - ys[:, 2])).T
            #area of triangle
            c = 0.5 * np.sqrt((b * b).sum(1) - ((a * b).sum(1) ** 2) / (a * a).sum(1)) * np.sqrt((a * a).sum(1))
            #c = numpy.maximum(((b*b).sum(1)),((a*a).sum(1)))
            #c_neighbours = c[T.triangle_neighbors].sum(1)
            #c = 1.0/(c + c_neighbours + 1)
            c = c.sum() * np.ones(c.shape)
            c = 1.0 / (c + 1)
            #print xs.shape
            #print c.shape
            if xs_ is None:
                xs_ = xs
                ys_ = ys
                c_ = c
                xs_ = np.vstack((xs_, xs))
                ys_ = np.vstack((ys_, ys))
                c_ = np.hstack((c_, c))


    # convert vertices [nm] to pixel position in output image (still floating point)
    xs = (xs_ - imageBounds.x0) / pixelSize
    ys = (ys_ - imageBounds.y0) / pixelSize

    # NOTE 1: drawTriangles truncates co-ordinates to the nearest pixel on the left.
    # NOTE 2: this truncation means that nothing is drawn for triangles < 1 pixel
    # NOTE 3: triangles which would intersect with the edge of the image are discarded
    drawTriangles(im, xs, ys, c_)
    return im