Example #1
    def execute(self, namespace):
        from PYME.IO.FileUtils import readSpeckle
        from PYME.IO import MetaDataHandler
        import os

        fileInfo = {'SEP': os.sep}

        seriesLength = 100000

        mdh = MetaDataHandler.NestedClassMDHandler()
        mdh['voxelsize.x'] = .001  # default pixel size - FIXME
        mdh['voxelsize.y'] = .001

        #use a default sensor size of 512
        #this gets over-ridden below if we supply an image
        clip_region = [
            self.edgeRejectionPixels, self.edgeRejectionPixels,
            512 - self.edgeRejectionPixels, 512 - self.edgeRejectionPixels

        if not self.inputImage == '':
            inp = namespace[self.inputImage]
            seriesLength = inp.data.shape[2]

            clip_region = [
                self.edgeRejectionPixels, self.edgeRejectionPixels,
                inp.data.shape[0] - self.edgeRejectionPixels,
                inp.data.shape[1] - self.edgeRejectionPixels

                fileInfo['DIRNAME'], fileInfo['IMAGENAME'] = os.path.split(
                fileInfo['IMAGESTUB'] = fileInfo['IMAGENAME'].split('MM')[0]

        speckleFN = self.speckleFilename.format(**fileInfo)

        specks = readSpeckle.readSpeckles(speckleFN)
        traces = readSpeckle.gen_traces_from_speckles(

        #turn this into an inputFilter object
        inp = tabular.RecArraySource(traces)

        #create a mapping to covert the co-ordinates in pixels to co-ordinates in nm
        vs = mdh.voxelsize_nm
        map = tabular.MappingFilter(inp,
                                    x='x_pixels*%3.2f' % vs.x,
                                    y='y_pixels*%3.2f' % vs.y)

        map.mdh = mdh

        namespace[self.outputName] = map
Example #2
def selectAndPlotEvents(pipeline, outputdir='/Users/david/FusionAnalysis', speckleFile = None):
    import os
    import pandas as pd
    from PYME.IO.FileUtils.readSpeckle import readSpeckles    
    #now iterate through our clumps
    clumpIndices = list(set(pipeline['clumpIndex']))
    clumps = [pipeline.clumps[i] for i in clumpIndices]
    if not speckleFile is None: #use speckle file to determine which tracks correspond to fusion events
        vs = pipeline.mdh.voxelsize_nm.x
        speckles = readSpeckles(speckleFile)
        #print speckles
        sp = np.array([s[0,:] for s in speckles])
        #print sp.shape
        #filteredClumps = [c for c in clumps if (((c['x'][0] - vs*sp[:,1])**2 + (c['y'][0] - vs*sp[:,0])**2 + (5*(c['t'][0] - sp[:,2]))**2).min() < 300**2)]
        #find those clumps which are near (< 1um) to events identified in Joergs speckle file        
        filteredClumps = [c for c in clumps if (((c['x'][0] - vs*sp[:,1])**2 + (c['y'][0] - vs*sp[:,0])**2).min() < 1000**2)]
        #do another level of filtering - fusion events expand, so we're looking for larger than normal
        #sigma in the lipid channel. We can also add a constraint on the mean intensity as proper docking
        #and fusion events are brighter than a lot of the point-like rubbish
        #We do this here, so we can filter on the aggregate behaviour of a track and be more resiliant against
        filteredClumps = [c for c in clumps if (c['Ag'].mean() > 2000) and (c['fitResults_sigma'].mean() > 300)]
    outputDir = os.path.join(outputdir, os.path.split(pipeline.filename)[1])
    if not os.path.exists(outputDir):
    for c in filteredClumps:
        plotEvent(c, pipeline, plotRaw=True)
        pl.savefig('%s/track%d.pdf' % (outputDir, c['clumpIndex'][0]))
        r = fitIntensities(c)
        pl.savefig('%s/track%d_fits.pdf' % (outputDir, c['clumpIndex'][0]))
        r['filename'] = os.path.split(pipeline.filename)[1]
        r['clumpIndex'] = c['clumpIndex'][0]
        d = {}
        pd.DataFrame(d).to_csv('%s/track%d.csv' % (outputDir, c['clumpIndex'][0]))
        #pd.DataFrame(r).to_csv('%s/track%d_fitResults.csv' % (outputDir, c['clumpIndex'][0]))
        with open('%s/track%d_fitResults.json' % (outputDir, c['clumpIndex'][0]), 'w') as f:        
            json.dump(r, f)
    return filteredClumps