Example #1
 def arc(x, y, i, j, z, f):
     if obj.Direction == "CW":
         code = "G2"
     elif obj.Direction == "CCW":
         code = "G3"
     return code + " I" + fmt(i) + " J" + fmt(j) + " X" + fmt(
         x) + " Y" + fmt(y) + " Z" + fmt(z) + F(f) + "\n"
Example #2
 def xyz(x=None, y=None, z=None):
     out = ""
     if x is not None:
         out += " X" + fmt(x)
     if y is not None:
         out += " Y" + fmt(y)
     if z is not None:
         out += " Z" + fmt(z)
     return out
Example #3
 def xyz(x=None, y=None, z=None):
     out = ""
     if x is not None:
         out += " X" + fmt(x)
     if y is not None:
         out += " Y" + fmt(y)
     if z is not None:
         out += " Z" + fmt(z)
     return out
Example #4
 def drawLoops(loops):
     nloop = 0
     waterlinestring = ""
     waterlinestring += "(waterline begin)"
     for loop in loops:
         p = loop[0]
         loopstring = "(loop begin)" + "\n"
         loopstring += "G0 Z" + str(obj.SafeHeight.Value) + "\n"
         loopstring += "G0 X" + \
             str(fmt(p.x)) + " Y" + str(fmt(p.y)) + "\n"
         loopstring += "G1 Z" + str(fmt(p.z)) + "\n"
         for p in loop[1:]:
             loopstring += "G1 X" + \
                 str(fmt(p.x)) + " Y" + str(fmt(p.y)) + \
                 " Z" + str(fmt(p.z)) + "\n"
             zheight = p.z
         p = loop[0]
         loopstring += "G1 X" + \
             str(fmt(p.x)) + " Y" + str(fmt(p.y)) + \
             " Z" + str(fmt(zheight)) + "\n"
         loopstring += "(loop end)" + "\n"
         print "    loop ", nloop, " with ", len(loop), " points"
         nloop = nloop + 1
         waterlinestring += loopstring
     waterlinestring += "(waterline end)" + "\n"
     return waterlinestring
Example #5
    def circularHoleExecute(self, obj, holes):
        '''circularHoleExecute(obj, holes) ... generate helix commands for each hole in holes'''
        self.commandlist.append(Path.Command('(helix cut operation)'))

        self.commandlist.append(Path.Command('G0', {'Z': obj.ClearanceHeight.Value, 'F': self.vertRapid}))

        zsafe = max(baseobj.Shape.BoundBox.ZMax for baseobj, features in obj.Base) + obj.ClearanceHeight.Value
        output = ''
        output += "G0 Z" + fmt(zsafe)

        for hole in holes:
            output += self.helix_cut(obj, hole['x'], hole['y'], hole['r'] / 2, 0.0, (float(obj.StepOver.Value)/50.0) * self.radius)
Example #6
    def circularHoleExecute(self, obj, holes):
        '''circularHoleExecute(obj, holes) ... generate helix commands for each hole in holes'''
        self.commandlist.append(Path.Command('(helix cut operation)'))

        self.commandlist.append(Path.Command('G0', {'Z': obj.ClearanceHeight.Value, 'F': self.vertRapid}))

        zsafe = max(baseobj.Shape.BoundBox.ZMax for baseobj, features in obj.Base) + obj.ClearanceHeight.Value
        output = ''
        output += "G0 Z" + fmt(zsafe)

        holes = sort_jobs(holes, ['x', 'y'])
        for hole in holes:
            output += self.helix_cut(obj, hole['x'], hole['y'], hole['r'] / 2, float(obj.StartRadius.Value), (float(obj.StepOver.Value) / 50.0) * self.radius)
Example #7
    def execute(self, obj):

        if not obj.Active:
            path = Path.Path("(inactive operation)")
            obj.Path = path
            obj.ViewObject.Visibility = False

        output = ""
        if obj.Comment != "":
            output += '(' + str(obj.Comment) + ')\n'

        toolLoad = obj.ToolController
        if toolLoad is None or toolLoad.ToolNumber == 0:
                "No Tool Controller is selected. We need a tool to build a Path."
            self.vertFeed = toolLoad.VertFeed.Value
            self.horizFeed = toolLoad.HorizFeed.Value
            self.vertRapid = toolLoad.VertRapid.Value
            self.horizRapid = toolLoad.HorizRapid.Value
            tool = toolLoad.Proxy.getTool(toolLoad)
            if not tool or tool.Diameter == 0:
                    "No Tool found or diameter is zero. We need a tool to build a Path."
                self.radius = tool.Diameter / 2

        tiplength = 0.0
        if obj.AddTipLength:
            tiplength = PathUtils.drillTipLength(tool)

        if len(obj.Names) == 0:
            parentJob = PathUtils.findParentJob(obj)
            if parentJob is None:
            baseobject = parentJob.Base
            if baseobject is None:

            # Arch PanelSheet
            if hasattr(baseobject, "Proxy"):
                holes = []
                if isinstance(baseobject.Proxy, ArchPanel.PanelSheet):
                    i = 0
                    holeshapes = baseobject.Proxy.getHoles(baseobject,
                    tooldiameter = obj.ToolController.Proxy.getTool(
                    for holeshape in holeshapes:
                        PathLog.debug('Entering new HoleShape')
                        for wire in holeshape.Wires:
                            PathLog.debug('Entering new Wire')
                            for edge in wire.Edges:
                                if PathUtils.isDrillable(
                                        baseobject, edge, tooldiameter):
                                        'Found drillable hole edges: {}'.
                                    x = edge.Curve.Center.x
                                    y = edge.Curve.Center.y
                                    diameter = edge.BoundBox.XLength
                                        baseobject.Name + '.' + 'Drill' +
                                    i = i + 1
                holes = self.findHoles(obj, baseobject.Shape)
                for i in range(len(holes)):
                    holes[i]['featureName'] = baseobject.Name + '.' + holes[i][
            names = []
            positions = []
            enabled = []
            diameters = []
            for h in holes:
                if len(names) == 0:
                    self.setDepths(obj, baseobject, h)
                positions.append(FreeCAD.Vector(h['x'], h['y'], 0))
            obj.Names = names
            obj.Positions = positions
            obj.Enabled = enabled
            obj.Diameters = diameters

        locations = []
        output = "(Begin Drilling)\n"

        for i in range(len(obj.Names)):
            if obj.Enabled[i] > 0:
                    'x': obj.Positions[i].x,
                    'y': obj.Positions[i].y
        if len(locations) > 0:
            locations = PathUtils.sort_jobs(locations, ['x', 'y'])
            output += "G90 " + obj.ReturnLevel + "\n"
            # rapid to clearance height
            output += "G0 Z" + str(
                obj.ClearanceHeight.Value) + "F " + PathUtils.fmt(
                    self.vertRapid) + "\n"
            # rapid to first hole location, with spindle still retracted:

            p0 = locations[0]
            output += "G0 X" + fmt(p0['x']) + " Y" + fmt(
                p0['y']) + "F " + PathUtils.fmt(self.horizRapid) + "\n"
            # move tool to clearance plane
            output += "G0 Z" + fmt(
                obj.ClearanceHeight.Value) + "F " + PathUtils.fmt(
                    self.vertRapid) + "\n"
            pword = ""
            qword = ""
            if obj.PeckDepth.Value > 0 and obj.PeckEnabled:
                cmd = "G83"
                qword = " Q" + fmt(obj.PeckDepth.Value)
            elif obj.DwellTime > 0 and obj.DwellEnabled:
                cmd = "G82"
                pword = " P" + fmt(obj.DwellTime)
                cmd = "G81"
            for p in locations:
                output += cmd + \
                    " X" + fmt(p['x']) + \
                    " Y" + fmt(p['y']) + \
                    " Z" + fmt(obj.FinalDepth.Value - tiplength) + qword + pword + \
                    " R" + str(obj.RetractHeight.Value) + \
                    " F" + str(self.vertFeed) + "\n" \

            output += "G80\n"

        path = Path.Path(output)
        obj.Path = path
Example #8
    def buildpathocc(self, obj, shape):
        """Build pocket Path using Native OCC algorithm."""
        import Part
        import DraftGeomUtils
        from PathScripts.PathUtils import fmt, helicalPlunge, rampPlunge

                      "Generating toolpath with OCC native offsets.\n"))

        # Build up the offset loops
        output = ""
        offsets = []
        nextradius = (self.radius * 2) * (float(obj.StepOver) / 100)
        result = DraftGeomUtils.pocket2d(shape, nextradius)
        print "did we get something: " + str(result)
        while result:
            print "Adding " + str(len(result)) + " wires"
            nextradius += (self.radius * 2) * (float(obj.StepOver) / 100)
            result = DraftGeomUtils.pocket2d(shape, nextradius)

        # revert the list so we start with the outer wires
        if obj.StartAt != 'Edge':

        plungePos = None
        rampEdge = None
        if obj.UseEntry:
            # Try to find an entry location
            toold = self.radius * 2
            helixBounds = DraftGeomUtils.pocket2d(
                shape, self.radius * (1 + obj.HelixSize))

            if helixBounds:
                rampD = obj.RampSize

                if obj.StartAt == 'Edge':
                    plungePos = helixBounds[0].Edges[0].Vertexes[0].Point
                    plungePos = offsets[0].Edges[0].Vertexes[0].Point

                    # If it turns out this is invalid for some reason, nuke plungePos
                    [perp, idx] = DraftGeomUtils.findPerpendicular(
                        plungePos, shape.Edges)
                    if not perp or perp.Length < self.radius * (1 +
                        plungePos = None
                                      "Helical Entry location not found.\n"))
                    # FIXME: Really need to do a point-in-polygon operation to make sure this is within helixBounds
                    # Or some math to prove that it has to be (doubt that's true)
                    # Maybe reverse helixBounds and pick off that?

            if plungePos is None:  # If we didn't find a place to helix, how about a ramp?
                    translate("PathPocket", "Attempting ramp entry.\n"))
                if (offsets[0].Edges[0].Length >= toold * rampD) and not (
                        isinstance(offsets[0].Edges[0].Curve, Part.Circle)):
                    rampEdge = offsets[0].Edges[0]
                # The last edge also connects with the starting location- try that
                elif (offsets[0].Edges[-1].Length >= toold * rampD) and not (
                        isinstance(offsets[0].Edges[-1].Curve, Part.Circle)):
                    rampEdge = offsets[0].Edges[-1]
                                  "Ramp Entry location not found.\n"))
                    # print "Neither edge works: " + str(offsets[0].Edges[0]) + ", " + str(offsets[0].Edges[-1])
                    # FIXME: There's got to be a smarter way to find a place to ramp

        fastZPos = obj.ClearanceHeight.Value

        # For helix-ing/ramping, know where we were last time
        # FIXME: Can probably get this from the "machine"?
        lastZ = fastZPos

        startPoint = None

        for vpos in PathUtils.frange(obj.StartDepth.Value,
                                     obj.FinalDepth.Value, obj.StepDown,
            first = True
            # loop over successive wires
            for currentWire in offsets:
                #output += PathUtils.convert(currentWire.Edges, "on", 1)
                last = None
                for edge in currentWire.Edges:
                    if not last:
                        # we set the base GO to our fast move to our starting pos
                        if first:
                            # If we can helix, do so
                            if plungePos:
                                output += helicalPlunge(
                                    plungePos, obj.RampAngle, vpos, lastZ,
                                    self.radius * 2, obj.HelixSize,
                                # print output
                                lastZ = vpos
                            # Otherwise, see if we can ramp
                            # FIXME: This could be a LOT smarter (eg, searching for a longer leg of the edge to ramp along)
                            elif rampEdge:
                                output += rampPlunge(rampEdge, obj.RampAngle,
                                                     vpos, lastZ)
                                lastZ = vpos
                            # Otherwise, straight plunge... Don't want to, but sometimes you might not have a choice.
                            # FIXME: At least not with the lazy ramp programming above...
                                print "WARNING: Straight-plunging... probably not good, but we didn't find a place to helix or ramp"
                                startPoint = edge.Vertexes[0].Point
                                output += "G0 X" + fmt(startPoint.x) + " Y" + fmt(startPoint.y) +\
                                          " Z" + fmt(fastZPos) + "\n"
                            first = False
                        # then move slow down to our starting point for our profile
                        last = edge.Vertexes[0].Point
                        output += "G1 X" + fmt(last.x) + " Y" + fmt(
                            last.y) + " Z" + fmt(vpos) + "\n"
                    # if isinstance(edge.Curve,Part.Circle):
                    if DraftGeomUtils.geomType(edge) == "Circle":
                        point = edge.Vertexes[-1].Point
                        if point == last:  # edges can come flipped
                            point = edge.Vertexes[0].Point
                        center = edge.Curve.Center
                        relcenter = center.sub(last)
                        v1 = last.sub(center)
                        v2 = point.sub(center)
                        if v1.cross(v2).z < 0:
                            output += "G2"
                            output += "G3"
                        output += " X" + fmt(point.x) + " Y" + fmt(
                            point.y) + " Z" + fmt(vpos)
                        output += " I" + fmt(relcenter.x) + " J" + fmt(
                            relcenter.y) + " K" + fmt(relcenter.z)
                        output += "\n"
                        last = point
                        point = edge.Vertexes[-1].Point
                        if point == last:  # edges can come flipped
                            point = edge.Vertexes[0].Point
                        output += "G1 X" + fmt(point.x) + " Y" + fmt(
                            point.y) + " Z" + fmt(vpos) + "\n"
                        last = point

        # move back up
        output += "G1 Z" + fmt(fastZPos) + "\n"
        return output
Example #9
    def execute(self, obj):
        output = ""
        if obj.Comment != "":
            output += '(' + str(obj.Comment)+')\n'

        toolLoad = PathUtils.getLastToolLoad(obj)
        if toolLoad is None or toolLoad.ToolNumber == 0:
            self.vertFeed = 100
            self.horizFeed = 100
            self.radius = 0.25
            obj.ToolNumber = 0
            obj.ToolDescription = "UNDEFINED"

            self.vertFeed = toolLoad.VertFeed.Value
            self.horizFeed = toolLoad.HorizFeed.Value
            tool = PathUtils.getTool(obj, toolLoad.ToolNumber)
            self.radius = tool.Diameter/2
            obj.ToolNumber = toolLoad.ToolNumber
            obj.ToolDescription = toolLoad.Name

        if obj.UserLabel == "":
            obj.Label = obj.Name + " :" + obj.ToolDescription
            obj.Label = obj.UserLabel + " :" + obj.ToolDescription

        locations = []
        output = "(Begin Drilling)\n"
        if obj.Base:
            for loc in obj.Base:
                for sub in loc[1]:

                    if "Face" in sub or "Edge" in sub:
                        s = getattr(loc[0].Shape, sub)
                        s = loc[0].Shape

                    if s.ShapeType in ['Wire', 'Edge']:
                        X = s.Edges[0].Curve.Center.x
                        Y = s.Edges[0].Curve.Center.y
                        Z = s.Edges[0].Curve.Center.z
                    elif s.ShapeType in ['Vertex']:
                        X = s.Point.x
                        Y = s.Point.y
                        Z = s.Point.z
                    elif s.ShapeType in ['Face']:
                        #if abs(s.normalAt(0, 0).z) == 1:  # horizontal face
                        X = s.CenterOfMass.x
                        Y = s.CenterOfMass.y
                        Z = s.CenterOfMass.z
                    locations.append(FreeCAD.Vector(X, Y, Z))

            output += "G90 G98\n"
            # rapid to clearance height
            output += "G0 Z" + str(obj.ClearanceHeight.Value)
            # rapid to first hole location, with spindle still retracted:
            p0 = locations[0]
            output += "G0 X" + fmt(p0.x) + " Y" + fmt(p0.y) + "\n"
            # move tool to clearance plane
            output += "G0 Z" + fmt(obj.ClearanceHeight.Value) + "\n"
            if obj.PeckDepth.Value > 0:
                cmd = "G83"
                qword = " Q" + fmt(obj.PeckDepth.Value)
                cmd = "G81"
                qword = ""
            for p in locations:
                output += cmd + \
                    " X" + fmt(p.x) + \
                    " Y" + fmt(p.y) + \
                    " Z" + fmt(obj.FinalDepth.Value) + qword + \
                    " R" + str(obj.RetractHeight.Value) + \
                    " F" + str(self.vertFeed) + "\n" \

            output += "G80\n"

#         path = Path.Path(output)
#         obj.Path = path

        if obj.Active:
            path = Path.Path(output)
            obj.Path = path
            obj.ViewObject.Visibility = True

            path = Path.Path("(inactive operation)")
            obj.Path = path
            obj.ViewObject.Visibility = False
Example #10
 def F(f=None):
     return (" F" + fmt(f) if f else "")
Example #11
    def buildpathocc(self, obj, shape):
        """Build pocket Path using Native OCC algorithm."""
        import Part
        import DraftGeomUtils
        from PathScripts.PathUtils import fmt, helicalPlunge, rampPlunge, depth_params

        FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(translate("PathPocket", "Generating toolpath with OCC native offsets.\n"))
        extraoffset = obj.MaterialAllowance.Value

        # Build up the offset loops
        output = ""
        if obj.Comment != "":
            output += '(' + str(obj.Comment)+')\n'
        output += 'G0 Z' + fmt(obj.ClearanceHeight.Value) + "F " + PathUtils.fmt(self.vertRapid) + "\n"

        offsets = []
        nextradius = self.radius + extraoffset
        result = DraftGeomUtils.pocket2d(shape, nextradius)
        while result:
            nextradius += (self.radius * 2) * (float(obj.StepOver)/100)
            result = DraftGeomUtils.pocket2d(shape, nextradius)

        # revert the list so we start with the outer wires
        if obj.StartAt != 'Edge':

        plungePos = None
        rampEdge = None
        if obj.UseEntry:
            # Try to find an entry location
            toold = self.radius*2
            helixBounds = DraftGeomUtils.pocket2d(shape, self.radius * (1 + obj.HelixSize))

            if helixBounds:
                rampD = obj.RampSize

                if obj.StartAt == 'Edge':
                    plungePos = helixBounds[0].Edges[0].Vertexes[0].Point
                    plungePos = offsets[0].Edges[0].Vertexes[0].Point

                    # If it turns out this is invalid for some reason, nuke plungePos
                    [perp, idx] = DraftGeomUtils.findPerpendicular(plungePos, shape.Edges)
                    if not perp or perp.Length < self.radius * (1 + obj.HelixSize):
                        plungePos = None
                        FreeCAD.Console.PrintError(translate("PathPocket", "Helical Entry location not found.\n"))
                    # FIXME: Really need to do a point-in-polygon operation to make sure this is within helixBounds
                    # Or some math to prove that it has to be (doubt that's true)
                    # Maybe reverse helixBounds and pick off that?

            if plungePos is None:  # If we didn't find a place to helix, how about a ramp?
                FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(translate("PathPocket", "Attempting ramp entry.\n"))
                if (offsets[0].Edges[0].Length >= toold * rampD) and not (isinstance(offsets[0].Edges[0].Curve, Part.Circle)):
                    rampEdge = offsets[0].Edges[0]
                # The last edge also connects with the starting location- try that
                elif (offsets[0].Edges[-1].Length >= toold * rampD) and not (isinstance(offsets[0].Edges[-1].Curve, Part.Circle)):
                    rampEdge = offsets[0].Edges[-1]
                    FreeCAD.Console.PrintError(translate("PathPocket", "Ramp Entry location not found.\n"))
                    # print "Neither edge works: " + str(offsets[0].Edges[0]) + ", " + str(offsets[0].Edges[-1])
                    # FIXME: There's got to be a smarter way to find a place to ramp

        # For helix-ing/ramping, know where we were last time
        # FIXME: Can probably get this from the "machine"?
        lastZ = obj.ClearanceHeight.Value

        startPoint = None

        depthparams = depth_params(

        for vpos in depthparams.get_depths():

            first = True
            # loop over successive wires
            for currentWire in offsets:
                last = None
                for edge in currentWire.Edges:
                    if not last:
                        # we set the base GO to our fast move to our starting pos
                        if first:
                            # If we can helix, do so
                            if plungePos:
                                output += helicalPlunge(plungePos, obj.RampAngle, vpos, lastZ, self.radius*2, obj.HelixSize, self.horizFeed)
                                lastZ = vpos
                            # Otherwise, see if we can ramp
                            # FIXME: This could be a LOT smarter (eg, searching for a longer leg of the edge to ramp along)
                            elif rampEdge:
                                output += rampPlunge(rampEdge, obj.RampAngle, vpos, lastZ)
                                lastZ = vpos
                            # Otherwise, straight plunge... Don't want to, but sometimes you might not have a choice.
                            # FIXME: At least not with the lazy ramp programming above...
                                print "WARNING: Straight-plunging... probably not good, but we didn't find a place to helix or ramp"
                                startPoint = edge.Vertexes[0].Point
                                output += "G0 Z" + fmt(obj.ClearanceHeight.Value) + "F " + PathUtils.fmt(self.vertRapid) + "\n"
                                output += "G0 X" + fmt(startPoint.x) + " Y" + fmt(startPoint.y) +\
                                          " Z" + fmt(obj.ClearanceHeight.Value) + "F " + PathUtils.fmt(self.horizRapid) + "\n"
                            first = False
                        # then move slow down to our starting point for our profile
                        last = edge.Vertexes[0].Point
                        output += "G1 X" + fmt(last.x) + " Y" + fmt(last.y) + " Z" + fmt(vpos) + " F" + fmt(self.vertFeed) + "\n"
                    if DraftGeomUtils.geomType(edge) == "Circle":
                        point = edge.Vertexes[-1].Point
                        if point == last:  # edges can come flipped
                            point = edge.Vertexes[0].Point
                        center = edge.Curve.Center
                        relcenter = center.sub(last)
                        v1 = last.sub(center)
                        v2 = point.sub(center)
                        if v1.cross(v2).z < 0:
                            output += "G2"
                            output += "G3"
                        output += " X" + fmt(point.x) + " Y" + fmt(point.y) + " Z" + fmt(vpos)
                        output += " I" + fmt(relcenter.x) + " J" + fmt(relcenter.y) + " K" + fmt(relcenter.z)  + " F" + fmt(self.horizFeed) 
                        output += "\n"
                        last = point
                        point = edge.Vertexes[-1].Point
                        if point == last:  # edges can come flipped
                            point = edge.Vertexes[0].Point
                        output += "G1 X" + fmt(point.x) + " Y" + fmt(point.y) + " Z" + fmt(vpos) + " F" + fmt(self.horizFeed)  + "\n"
                        last = point

        # move back up
        output += "G0 Z" + fmt(obj.ClearanceHeight.Value) + "F " + PathUtils.fmt(self.vertRapid) + "\n"
        return output
Example #12
    def execute(self, obj):
        output = ""
        if obj.Comment != "":
            output += '(' + str(obj.Comment)+')\n'

        toolLoad = obj.ToolController
        if toolLoad is None or toolLoad.ToolNumber == 0:
            FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("No Tool Controller is selected. We need a tool to build a Path.")
            self.vertFeed = toolLoad.VertFeed.Value
            self.horizFeed = toolLoad.HorizFeed.Value
            self.vertRapid = toolLoad.VertRapid.Value
            self.horizRapid = toolLoad.HorizRapid.Value
            tool = toolLoad.Proxy.getTool(toolLoad)
            if not tool or tool.Diameter == 0:
                FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("No Tool found or diameter is zero. We need a tool to build a Path.")
                self.radius = tool.Diameter/2

        if not obj.Base:
            parentJob = PathUtils.findParentJob(obj)
            if parentJob is None:
            baseobject = parentJob.Base
            if baseobject is None:
            holes = self.findHoles(obj, baseobject.Shape)
            for hole in holes:
                self.addDrillableLocation(obj, baseobject, hole[0])

        locations = []
        output = "(Begin Drilling)\n"
        if obj.Base:
            for loc in obj.Base:
                #print loc
                for sub in loc[1]:

                    if "Face" in sub or "Edge" in sub:
                        s = getattr(loc[0].Shape, sub)
                        s = loc[0].Shape

                    if s.ShapeType in ['Wire', 'Edge']:
                        X = s.Edges[0].Curve.Center.x
                        Y = s.Edges[0].Curve.Center.y
                        Z = s.Edges[0].Curve.Center.z
                    elif s.ShapeType in ['Vertex']:
                        X = s.Point.x
                        Y = s.Point.y
                        Z = s.Point.z
                    elif s.ShapeType in ['Face']:
                        #if abs(s.normalAt(0, 0).z) == 1:  # horizontal face
                        X = s.CenterOfMass.x
                        Y = s.CenterOfMass.y
                        Z = s.CenterOfMass.z
                    locations.append(FreeCAD.Vector(X, Y, Z))

            output += "G90 G98\n"
            # rapid to clearance height
            output += "G0 Z" + str(obj.ClearanceHeight.Value) + "F " + PathUtils.fmt(self.vertRapid) + "\n"
            # rapid to first hole location, with spindle still retracted:
            p0 = locations[0]
            output += "G0 X" + fmt(p0.x) + " Y" + fmt(p0.y)  + "F " + PathUtils.fmt(self.horizRapid) + "\n"
            # move tool to clearance plane
            output += "G0 Z" + fmt(obj.ClearanceHeight.Value)  + "F " + PathUtils.fmt(self.vertRapid) + "\n"
            pword = ""
            qword = ""
            if obj.PeckDepth.Value > 0:
                cmd = "G83"
                qword = " Q" + fmt(obj.PeckDepth.Value)
            elif obj.DwellTime > 0:
                cmd = "G82"
                pword = " P" + fmt(obj.DwellTime)
                cmd = "G81"
            for p in locations:
                output += cmd + \
                    " X" + fmt(p.x) + \
                    " Y" + fmt(p.y) + \
                    " Z" + fmt(obj.FinalDepth.Value) + qword + pword + \
                    " R" + str(obj.RetractHeight.Value) + \
                    " F" + str(self.vertFeed) + "\n" \

            output += "G80\n"

        if obj.Active:
            path = Path.Path(output)
            obj.Path = path
            obj.ViewObject.Visibility = True

            path = Path.Path("(inactive operation)")
            obj.Path = path
            obj.ViewObject.Visibility = False
Example #13
    def execute(self, obj):
        output = ""
        if obj.Comment != "":
            output += '(' + str(obj.Comment)+')\n'

        toolLoad = PathUtils.getLastToolLoad(obj)
        if toolLoad is None or toolLoad.ToolNumber == 0:
            self.vertFeed = 100
            self.horizFeed = 100
            self.vertRapid = 100
            self.horizRapid = 100
            self.radius = 0.25
            obj.ToolNumber = 0
            obj.ToolDescription = "UNDEFINED"
            self.vertFeed = toolLoad.VertFeed.Value
            self.horizFeed = toolLoad.HorizFeed.Value
            self.vertRapid = toolLoad.VertRapid.Value
            self.horizRapid = toolLoad.HorizRapid.Value
            tool = PathUtils.getTool(obj, toolLoad.ToolNumber)
            if tool.Diameter == 0:
                self.radius = 0.25
                self.radius = tool.Diameter/2
            obj.ToolNumber = toolLoad.ToolNumber
            obj.ToolDescription = toolLoad.Name

        if obj.UserLabel == "":
            obj.Label = obj.Name + " :" + obj.ToolDescription
            obj.Label = obj.UserLabel + " :" + obj.ToolDescription

        locations = []
        output = "(Begin Drilling)\n"
        if obj.Base:
            for loc in obj.Base:
                #print loc
                for sub in loc[1]:

                    if "Face" in sub or "Edge" in sub:
                        s = getattr(loc[0].Shape, sub)
                        s = loc[0].Shape

                    if s.ShapeType in ['Wire', 'Edge']:
                        X = s.Edges[0].Curve.Center.x
                        Y = s.Edges[0].Curve.Center.y
                        Z = s.Edges[0].Curve.Center.z
                    elif s.ShapeType in ['Vertex']:
                        X = s.Point.x
                        Y = s.Point.y
                        Z = s.Point.z
                    elif s.ShapeType in ['Face']:
                        #if abs(s.normalAt(0, 0).z) == 1:  # horizontal face
                        X = s.CenterOfMass.x
                        Y = s.CenterOfMass.y
                        Z = s.CenterOfMass.z
                    locations.append(FreeCAD.Vector(X, Y, Z))

            output += "G90 G98\n"
            # rapid to clearance height
            output += "G0 Z" + str(obj.ClearanceHeight.Value) + "F " + PathUtils.fmt(self.vertRapid) + "\n"
            # rapid to first hole location, with spindle still retracted:
            p0 = locations[0]
            output += "G0 X" + fmt(p0.x) + " Y" + fmt(p0.y)  + "F " + PathUtils.fmt(self.horizRapid) + "\n"
            # move tool to clearance plane
            output += "G0 Z" + fmt(obj.ClearanceHeight.Value)  + "F " + PathUtils.fmt(self.vertRapid) + "\n"
            pword = ""
            qword = ""
            if obj.PeckDepth.Value > 0:
                cmd = "G83"
                qword = " Q" + fmt(obj.PeckDepth.Value)
            elif obj.DwellTime > 0:
                cmd = "G82"
                pword = " P" + fmt(obj.DwellTime)
                cmd = "G81"
            for p in locations:
                output += cmd + \
                    " X" + fmt(p.x) + \
                    " Y" + fmt(p.y) + \
                    " Z" + fmt(obj.FinalDepth.Value) + qword + pword + \
                    " R" + str(obj.RetractHeight.Value) + \
                    " F" + str(self.vertFeed) + "\n" \

            output += "G80\n"

#         path = Path.Path(output)
#         obj.Path = path

        if obj.Active:
            path = Path.Path(output)
            obj.Path = path
            obj.ViewObject.Visibility = True

            path = Path.Path("(inactive operation)")
            obj.Path = path
            obj.ViewObject.Visibility = False
Example #14
    def execute(self, obj):
        output = ""
        if obj.Comment != "":
            output += '(' + str(obj.Comment)+')\n'

        toolLoad = obj.ToolController
        if toolLoad is None or toolLoad.ToolNumber == 0:
            FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("No Tool Controller is selected. We need a tool to build a Path.")
            self.vertFeed = toolLoad.VertFeed.Value
            self.horizFeed = toolLoad.HorizFeed.Value
            self.vertRapid = toolLoad.VertRapid.Value
            self.horizRapid = toolLoad.HorizRapid.Value
            tool = toolLoad.Proxy.getTool(toolLoad)
            if not tool or tool.Diameter == 0:
                FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("No Tool found or diameter is zero. We need a tool to build a Path.")
                self.radius = tool.Diameter/2

        if len(obj.Names) == 0:
            parentJob = PathUtils.findParentJob(obj)
            if parentJob is None:
            baseobject = parentJob.Base
            if baseobject is None:

            # Arch PanelSheet
            if hasattr(baseobject, "Proxy"):
                holes = []
                if isinstance(baseobject.Proxy, ArchPanel.PanelSheet):
                    i = 0
                    holeshapes = baseobject.Proxy.getHoles(baseobject, transform=True)
                    tooldiameter = obj.ToolController.Proxy.getTool(obj.ToolController).Diameter
                    for holeshape in holeshapes:
                        PathLog.debug('Entering new HoleShape')
                        for wire in holeshape.Wires:
                            PathLog.debug('Entering new Wire')
                            for edge in wire.Edges:
                                if PathUtils.isDrillable(baseobject, edge, tooldiameter):
                                    PathLog.debug('Found drillable hole edges: {}'.format(edge))
                                    x = edge.Curve.Center.x
                                    y = edge.Curve.Center.y
                                    diameter = edge.BoundBox.XLength
                                    holes.append({'x': x, 'y': y, 'featureName': baseobject.Name+'.'+'Drill'+str(i), 'd': diameter})
                                    i = i + 1
                holes = self.findHoles(obj, baseobject.Shape)
                for i in range(len(holes)):
                    holes[i]['featureName'] = baseobject.Name + '.' + holes[i]['featureName']
            names = []
            positions = []
            enabled = []
            diameters = []
            for h in holes:
                if len(names) == 0:
                    self.findHeights(obj, baseobject, h)
                positions.append(FreeCAD.Vector(h['x'], h['y'], 0))
            obj.Names = names
            obj.Positions = positions
            obj.Enabled = enabled
            obj.Diameters = diameters

        locations = []
        output = "(Begin Drilling)\n"

        for i in range(len(obj.Names)):
            if obj.Enabled[i] > 0:
                locations.append({'x': obj.Positions[i].x, 'y': obj.Positions[i].y})
        if len(locations) > 0:
            locations = PathUtils.sort_jobs(locations, ['x', 'y'])
            output += "G90 G98\n"
            # rapid to clearance height
            output += "G0 Z" + str(obj.ClearanceHeight.Value) + "F " + PathUtils.fmt(self.vertRapid) + "\n"
            # rapid to first hole location, with spindle still retracted:

            p0 = locations[0]
            output += "G0 X" + fmt(p0['x']) + " Y" + fmt(p0['y']) + "F " + PathUtils.fmt(self.horizRapid) + "\n"
            # move tool to clearance plane
            output += "G0 Z" + fmt(obj.ClearanceHeight.Value) + "F " + PathUtils.fmt(self.vertRapid) + "\n"
            pword = ""
            qword = ""
            if obj.PeckDepth.Value > 0 and obj.PeckEnabled:
                cmd = "G83"
                qword = " Q" + fmt(obj.PeckDepth.Value)
            elif obj.DwellTime > 0 and obj.DwellEnabled:
                cmd = "G82"
                pword = " P" + fmt(obj.DwellTime)
                cmd = "G81"
            for p in locations:
                output += cmd + \
                    " X" + fmt(p['x']) + \
                    " Y" + fmt(p['y']) + \
                    " Z" + fmt(obj.FinalDepth.Value) + qword + pword + \
                    " R" + str(obj.RetractHeight.Value) + \
                    " F" + str(self.vertFeed) + "\n" \

            output += "G80\n"

        if obj.Active:
            path = Path.Path(output)
            obj.Path = path
            obj.ViewObject.Visibility = True

            path = Path.Path("(inactive operation)")
            obj.Path = path
            obj.ViewObject.Visibility = False
Example #15
 def arc(x, y, i, j, z, f):
     if obj.Direction == "CW":
         code = "G2"
     elif obj.Direction == "CCW":
         code = "G3"
     return code + " I" + fmt(i) + " J" + fmt(j) + " X" + fmt(x) + " Y" + fmt(y) + " Z" + fmt(z) + F(f) + "\n"
Example #16
 def F(f=None):
     return (" F" + fmt(f) if f else "")