Example #1
	def __init__(self):
		Creates the lanparty server. Call the Launch() method to start it.
		Use GetMessages() and PostMessage(data) to send stuff to and from connected clients. 
		# two way Pd style connection working
		# run server first
		# emulate ip address broadcast catcher = nc -lu 10314
		# emulate Pd listener = nc -l 10315
		# emulate Pd sender = nc localhost 10314 -s
		# tell external process when we're done
		self.exitFlag = False
		# set this up as the actual two way server
		PdServer.__init__(self, channelClass=PdChannel, localaddr=("", 10314), listeners=50)
		# broadcasts to all devices on the network every two seconds and handles UDP sends
		self.poller = PdLANPoller(self)
		# listens for UDP packets from the network
		self.udplistener = PdUDPListener()