def bookHistos(self): ROOT = importRoot() #Analyzer.__bookHistos(self) meta = self.meta.skel nJobOpts = meta.cfg().size() + 1 return
def make_stack(canvas, pad_nbr, title, drawopt="nostack"): ROOT = importRoot() stack_name = 'st_%s_pad_%i' % (canvas.GetName(), pad_nbr) stack = ROOT.gROOT.FindObject(stack_name) #DR if stack is None: if not stack: stack = ROOT.THStack(stack_name, title) setattr(stack, '_graphs', []) return stack
def main(): """main entry point""" from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser( usage="usage: %prog [options] -o out.root [-i] f1.pmon f2.pmon ...") p = parser.add_option p("-i", "--input-files", dest="inputFiles", default=[], help="path to the performance monitoring files to analyze") p("-o", "--out", dest="outFileName", default=None, help= "path to the output file which will contain analyzed performance monitoring data/infos" ) p( "-a", "--analyzers", dest = "analyzers", default = "cpu,mem", help = "comma-separated list of analyzers to be run during perfmon "\ "processing (eg: cpu,mem,io)" ) p("-l", "--labels", dest="dsLabels", default=None, help= "comma separated list of labels associated to the input files (eg: rel_1,rel_2)" ) p( "-s", "--selection", dest = "selectionUri", default = "m.type == 'summary'", #default = "True", help = "A lambda expression (eg: ''MyAlgName')>0')"\ " or the path to a python file containing the definition of a "\ "filtering function (def filterFct(m): return'MyAlgName')>0) "\ "which will be used to select or discard histograms from the PDF and "\ "output ROOT files. Note that the filter function **HAS** to be "\ "called 'filterFct' and takes only 1 argument (the MonitoredComponent)."\ " Note that a simple 'passthrough' expression could be: -s 'True' " ) p( "-f", "--fit-slice", dest = "fitSlice", default = "0.80", help = "A (python) slice defining the event-range over to which one "\ "wants to apply the various fits. The slice can either be provided as "\ "direct event bin indices or a ratio of the whole event range "\ "(starting from the end of the range, e.g.: 0.80 will fit over the "\ "last 80% of the whole range of events)" ) p("--no-batch", action="store_false", dest="rootBatch", default=False, help="Switch to tell ROOT to load graphics libraries") p("-b", "--batch", action="store_true", dest="rootBatch", default=True, help="Switch to tell ROOT _NOT_ to load graphics libraries") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() from PerfMonAna.App import ExitCodes if options.outFileName == "": print "ERROR: you need to give an output file name !" parser.print_help() return ExitCodes.ERROR if type(options.inputFiles) == type(""): options.inputFiles = [options.inputFiles] for arg in args: if arg[0] != '-': options.inputFiles += [arg] from PerfMonAna.PyRootLib import importRoot ROOT = importRoot(batch=options.rootBatch) inputFiles = [] for f in options.inputFiles: f = glob.glob(os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(f))) f.sort() inputFiles += f ## we want to preserve the potential order of files ## => don't use a set inputFileNames = [] for f in inputFiles: if f not in inputFileNames: inputFileNames += [f] if len(inputFileNames) == 0: print "ERROR: invalid input files (do they exist ?)" print "ERROR: got: %r" % options.inputFiles #parser.print_help() return ExitCodes.ERROR if options.outFileName is None: outFileName = os.path.basename(inputFileNames[0]) options.outFileName = outFileName.replace(".pmon.gz", ".perfmon.root") outFileName = os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(options.outFileName)) ## massage the supposedly comma-separated list of dataset labels dsLabels = None if type(options.dsLabels) == type(""): options.dsLabels = options.dsLabels.strip() if options.dsLabels.count(",") > 0: dsLabels = options.dsLabels.split(",") else: dsLabels = [options.dsLabels] analyzers = [] options.analyzers = options.analyzers.strip() if options.analyzers.count(",") > 0: analyzers = options.analyzers.split(",") else: analyzers = (options.analyzers, ) ## loads and install the user filtering function from PerfMonAna.UserFct import loadFilterFct loadFilterFct(options.selectionUri) try: from PerfMonAna import App as pm ana = pm.AppMgr(inputFileNames=[f for f in inputFileNames], outFileName=outFileName, analyzers=analyzers, dsLabels=dsLabels, fitSlice=options.fitSlice) sc = except Exception, err: print "::: Caught:", err traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) sc = ExitCodes.ERROR pass