def _lightcurves(): objblock_original = PhotParse.PhotParse( '/Users/amorgan/Data/PAIRITEL/120119A/Combined/120119Afinal.dat') objblock_xrt = PhotParse.PhotParse( '/Users/amorgan/Data/PAIRITEL/120119A/Combined/xrt/xrtlcbin_test.dat') objblock_original.PlotLC(show=True, save=True, legend=True, residualscale=False, xlimits=(3e1, 1e5), ylimits=(1e0, 3e4)) cmd = "mv " + storepath + 'LC_GRB120119A.png ' + figuresdir os.system(cmd) cmd = "mv " + storepath + 'LC_GRB120119A.pdf ' + figuresdir os.system(cmd) objblock_original.WriteTable() # objblock_xrt.PlotXRTlc(show=True,save=True,legend=True, # obslist=['BAT_unknown','XRT_unknown','PAIRITEL_K'], # xlimits=(1e0,1e6),ylimits=None) objblock_xrt.PlotLC(show=True, save=True, legend=False, xlimits=(1e0, 3e4), ylimits=(6e-1, 3e4), incl_xrt=True, residualscale=True, figsize=(11, 8)) cmd = "mv " + storepath + 'LCxrt_GRB120119A.png ' + figuresdir os.system(cmd) cmd = "mv " + storepath + 'LCxrt_GRB120119A.pdf ' + figuresdir os.system(cmd) print 'New lightcurve plots moved to paper directory.'
def obj_loop(do_interp=False): for table in phottables: phot_obj = PhotParse.PhotParse(table) GRB_key =',')[-1] # eg 071025 GRB_df = df_grb.loc[GRB_key] xlims = (GRB_df['xmin'], GRB_df['xmax']) # grab plot imits from DF ylims = (GRB_df['ymin'], GRB_df['ymax']) phot_obj.PlotLC(show=False, legend=False, xlimits=xlims, ylimits=ylims, figsize=(9, 7)) phot_obj.WriteCondensedTable() if do_interp: #build interpolation! extraptime = _build_up_extraptime(phot_obj) interpolate_list = ['PAIRITEL_J', 'PAIRITEL_H', 'PAIRITEL_K'] try: objblock_interpolated = DustModel.BuildInterpolation( phot_obj, extraptime, interpolate_list, take_as_given_list=None, interp_type='smart', plot=True, value_lims=(18.5, 10.5), error_lims=(0.00, 0.30)) except: print "UH OH. Can't do spline fit."
def SEDvsTime120119A(): directory = '/Users/amorgan/Data/PAIRITEL/120119A/PTELDustCompare/AlignedDataPTELPROMPT+SMARTS.dat' objblock = PhotParse.PhotParse(directory) sedtimelist = copy.deepcopy(objblock.obsdict['PAIRITEL_J'].tmidlist ) # have to copy this as it will be changed sedtimelist2 = objblock.obsdict['SMARTS_J'].tmidlist[0:3] for time in sedtimelist2: sedtimelist.append(time) directory = '/Users/amorgan/Data/PAIRITEL/120119A/PTELDustCompare/AlignedDataPTELPROMPT+SMARTS.dat' objblock = PhotParse.PhotParse(directory) # # # first do fixed Av: fig = SEDtimeSimulFit120119A(objblock=objblock, sedtimelist=sedtimelist, fixparam='Av', plot=True, Av_0init=-0.62, Av_1init=0, Av_2init=100) # # SEDvsTime(objblock,fitlist=['beta'],sedtimelist=sedtimelist) fig = SEDvsTime(objblock, plotsed=False, fitlist=['beta'], sedtimelist=sedtimelist, retfig=True, color='grey', fig=fig, Av_init=-0.62, beta_init=-1.45, time_thresh=5) # directory = '/Users/amorgan/Data/PAIRITEL/120119A/PTELDustCompare/AlignedDataPTELonly.dat' # objblock=PhotParse.PhotParse(directory) # sedtimelist=objblock.obsdict['PAIRITEL_J'].tmidlist # fig = SEDvsTime(objblock, plotsed=False,fitlist=['beta'],sedtimelist=sedtimelist, retfig=True, color='grey',fig=fig) # # directory = '/Users/amorgan/Data/PAIRITEL/120119A/PTELDustCompare/AlignedDataPTELPROMPT.dat' # objblock=PhotParse.PhotParse(directory) # sedtimelist=objblock.obsdict['PAIRITEL_J'].tmidlist # fig = SEDvsTime(objblock, plotsed=False,fitlist=['beta'], # sedtimelist=sedtimelist, retfig=True, color='red',fig=fig,Av_init=-0.62,beta_init=-1.45) # # directory = '/Users/amorgan/Data/PAIRITEL/120119A/PTELDustCompare/AlignedDataSMARTSonly.dat' # objblock=PhotParse.PhotParse(directory) # sedtimelist=objblock.obsdict['SMARTS_J'].tmidlist # fig = SEDvsTime(objblock, plotsed=False,fitlist=['beta'], # sedtimelist=sedtimelist, retfig=True, color='green',fig=fig,Av_init=-0.62,beta_init=-1.45) # # crappy hack way to go about building up the time list if one of the # scopes isnt available for each of the SEDs. Take two timelists, and append # the values of one onto the other. Usually wont have to do this. # sedtimelist=objblock.obsdict[align_key].tmidlist # if second_align_key: # addl_sed_times=objblock.obsdict[align_key].tmidlist # for time in addl_sed_times: # sedtimelist.append(time) # now fixed beta fig = SEDtimeSimulFit120119A(objblock=objblock, sedtimelist=sedtimelist, fixparam='beta', plot=True, beta_0init=-1.45, beta_1init=0, beta_2init=100) directory = '/Users/amorgan/Data/PAIRITEL/120119A/PTELDustCompare/AlignedDataPTELPROMPT+SMARTS.dat' objblock = PhotParse.PhotParse(directory) sedtimelist = copy.deepcopy(objblock.obsdict['PAIRITEL_J'].tmidlist ) # have to copy this as it will be changed sedtimelist2 = objblock.obsdict['SMARTS_J'].tmidlist[0:3] for time in sedtimelist2: sedtimelist.append(time) fig = SEDvsTime(objblock, plotsed=False, fitlist=['Av'], sedtimelist=sedtimelist, retfig=True, color='grey', fig=fig) # directory = '/Users/amorgan/Data/PAIRITEL/120119A/PTELDustCompare/AlignedDataPTELonly.dat' # objblock=PhotParse.PhotParse(directory) # sedtimelist=objblock.obsdict['PAIRITEL_J'].tmidlist # fig = SEDvsTime(objblock, plotsed=False,fitlist=['Av'],sedtimelist=sedtimelist, retfig=True, color='grey',fig=fig) # # directory = '/Users/amorgan/Data/PAIRITEL/120119A/PTELDustCompare/AlignedDataPTELPROMPT.dat' # objblock=PhotParse.PhotParse(directory) # sedtimelist=objblock.obsdict['PAIRITEL_J'].tmidlist # fig = SEDvsTime(objblock, plotsed=False,fitlist=['Av'], # sedtimelist=sedtimelist, retfig=True, color='red',fig=fig,Av_init=-0.62,beta_init=-1.45) # # directory = '/Users/amorgan/Data/PAIRITEL/120119A/PTELDustCompare/AlignedDataSMARTSonly.dat' # objblock=PhotParse.PhotParse(directory) # sedtimelist=objblock.obsdict['SMARTS_J'].tmidlist # fig = SEDvsTime(objblock, plotsed=False,fitlist=['Av'], # sedtimelist=sedtimelist, retfig=True, color='green',fig=fig,Av_init=-0.62,beta_init=-1.45)
def ChiSqMap(initial_param='smc', Av_init=-0.62, beta_init=-1.45, time_thresh=5): ''' Loop through a bunch of different parameter values and map out how chisq changes as you change these values. ''' directory = '/Users/amorgan/Data/PAIRITEL/120119A/PTELDustCompare/AlignedDataPTELPROMPT+SMARTS.dat' objblock = PhotParse.PhotParse(directory) sedtimelist = objblock.obsdict['PAIRITEL_J'].tmidlist addl_sed_times = objblock.obsdict['SMARTS_J'].tmidlist for time in addl_sed_times: sedtimelist.append(time) directory = '/Users/amorgan/Data/PAIRITEL/120119A/PTELDustCompare/AlignedDataPTELPROMPT+SMARTS.dat' objblock = PhotParse.PhotParse(directory) sedtimelist = objblock.obsdict['PAIRITEL_J'].tmidlist addl_sed_times = objblock.obsdict['SMARTS_J'].tmidlist for time in addl_sed_times: sedtimelist.append(time) objblock = PhotParse.PhotParse(directory) if not sedtimelist: # use this as a default if it is not explicitly defined sedtimelist = objblock.obsdict['PAIRITEL_J'].tmidlist # need to do this to see how many alignments we have aligndict = _align_SED_times(objblock, sedtimelist, time_thresh=time_thresh) # need to do this to see how many alignments we have aligndict = _align_SED_times(objblock, sedtimelist, time_thresh=time_thresh) # set up the fit dict fitdict = _getfitdict(initial_param, Av_init=Av_init, beta_init=beta_init) fitdict.pop('const') # get rid of the old const fitdict.pop('Av') fitdict.pop('beta') # add the correct number of normalization constants based on the number of aligned SEDs for constnumber in np.arange(len(aligndict)): name = 'const' + str(constnumber) fitdict.update({name: {'init': 10000, 'fixed': False}}) # do a for loop here, fixing Av_1 and beta_1 at different values numav = 25 numbeta = 25 steps = numav * numbeta Av_1_steps = np.linspace(-2.01, 0.01, num=numav) # 50 items from -2 to 0 beta_1_steps = np.linspace(-1.01, 3.01, num=numbeta) chisqarr = np.zeros((numav, numbeta)) count = 0 for avind in np.arange(numav): Av_1 = Av_1_steps[avind] for betaind in np.arange(numbeta): count += 1 print "Doing step %i of %i" % (count, steps) beta_1 = beta_1_steps[betaind] fitdict2 = { 'Av_0': { 'init': -0.62, 'fixed': True }, 'Av_1': { 'init': Av_1, 'fixed': True }, 'Av_2': { 'init': 1000, 'fixed': False }, 'beta_0': { 'init': -1.45, 'fixed': True }, 'beta_1': { 'init': beta_1, 'fixed': True }, 'beta_2': { 'init': 1000, 'fixed': False } } fitdict.update(fitdict2) try: outdict = SEDtimeSimulFit(objblock, sedtimelist, fitdict) chisq = outdict['chi2'] except: chisq = np.nan chisqarr[avind, betaind] = chisq return chisqarr
def SEDtimeSimulFit120119A(objblock=None, initial_param='smc', fixparam='Av', sedtimelist=None, Av_0init=-0.57, Av_1init=0, Av_2init=50, beta_0init=-1.57, beta_1init=0, beta_2init=50, randomize_inits=False, unred_latetime=False, plot=False, plotchi2=True, retfig=True, time_thresh=5, plot_every_model=False, fixxlim=None): ''' time_thresh: Number of seconds we can be off in time from the reference interp_type used to be a paaramter when it was done inside here, but now we want the interpolation to be done prior to calling this function set unred_latetime=True and initial param to mw for the assumption of late-time SMC and early time MW ''' fig = None if objblock == None: print "WARNING: NO OBJBLOCK SPECIFIED. USING DEFAULTS" directory = '/Users/amorgan/Data/PAIRITEL/120119A/PTELDustCompare/AlignedDataPTELPROMPT+SMARTS.dat' objblock = PhotParse.PhotParse(directory) #NOTE: Now do the interpolation PRIOR to calling this function # if interp_type != None: # directory='/Users/amorgan/Data/PAIRITEL/120119A/Combined/120119Afinal.dat' # objblock = BuildInterpolation(interp_type=interp_type) # sedtimelist = objblock.sedtimelist #made sedtimelist an attribute in BuildInterpolation # # FIXME : need to have a smarter way of building the sedtimelist; should be built up in # # the smartinterpolation stage, using all the "take as given" frames # # sedtimelist=objblock.obsdict['PAIRITEL_J'].tmidlist[0:20] #only take the first ptel ones # addl_sed_times=objblock.obsdict['SMARTS_J'].tmidlist[0:3] #add the smarts # for time in addl_sed_times: # sedtimelist.append(time) # defaulttimelist='PTELSMARTS' # interpolation will give us an sedtimelist. If we didnt do this, we need to choose it.. if sedtimelist == None: print "WARNING: NO SEDTIMELIST SPECIFIED. USING DEFAULTS." sedtimelist = objblock.obsdict['PAIRITEL_J'].tmidlist[ 0:20] #only take the first ptel ones addl_sed_times = objblock.obsdict['SMARTS_J'].tmidlist[ 0:3] #add the smarts for time in addl_sed_times: sedtimelist.append(time) # if defaulttimelist == 'PAIRITEL': # use this as a default if it is not explicitly defined # sedtimelist=objblock.obsdict['PAIRITEL_J'].tmidlist # elif defaulttimelist == 'PTELSMARTS': # sedtimelist=objblock.obsdict['PAIRITEL_J'].tmidlist[0:20]#only take the first ptel ones # addl_sed_times=objblock.obsdict['SMARTS_J'].tmidlist[0:3] #add the smarts # for time in addl_sed_times: # sedtimelist.append(time) # else: # raise ValueError('Invalid defaulttimelist') # need to do this to see how many alignments we have aligndict = _align_SED_times(objblock, sedtimelist, time_thresh=time_thresh) # set up the fit dict fitdict = _getfitdict(initial_param, Av_init=Av_0init, beta_init=beta_0init) fitdict.pop('const') # get rid of the old const fitdict.pop('Av') fitdict.pop('beta') # add the correct number of normalization constants based on the number of aligned SEDs for constnumber in np.arange(len(aligndict)): name = 'const' + str(constnumber) fitdict.update({name: {'init': 20000, 'fixed': False}}) # setting up the new parameters fitdict2 = { 'Av_0': { 'init': Av_0init, 'fixed': False }, 'Av_1': { 'init': Av_1init, 'fixed': False }, 'Av_2': { 'init': Av_2init, 'fixed': False }, 'beta_0': { 'init': beta_0init, 'fixed': False }, 'beta_1': { 'init': beta_1init, 'fixed': False }, 'beta_2': { 'init': beta_2init, 'fixed': False } } # fixing those as desired if fixparam == 'beta': fixlist = ['beta_0', 'beta_1', 'beta_2'] elif fixparam == 'Av': fixlist = ['Av_0', 'Av_1', 'Av_2'] elif fixparam == 'both': fixlist = ['Av_0', 'beta_0'] elif fixparam == 'all': # for testing purposes fixlist = ['Av_0', 'Av_1', 'Av_2', 'beta_0', 'beta_1', 'beta_2'] elif fixparam == 'none': fixlist = [] else: raise ValueError('invalid fixparam') for key in fixlist: if key in fitdict2: fitdict2[key]['fixed'] = True else: errmsg = '%s is not a valid fit parameter' raise ValueError(errmsg) # Go through and randomize the initial parameters, if desired, according to # The acceptable physical ranges. Crappy coding practice ahoy! if randomize_inits: import random Av_0range = (0, -2.0) Av_1range = (0, -2.0) Av_2range = (0, 1000) beta_0range = (-2.0, 2.0) beta_1range = (-2.0, 2.0) beta_2range = (0, 1000) const_range = (10000, 30000) if not fitdict2['Av_0']['fixed']: fitdict2['Av_0']['init'] = random.uniform(Av_0range[0], Av_0range[1]) if not fitdict2['Av_1']['fixed']: fitdict2['Av_1']['init'] = random.uniform(Av_1range[0], Av_1range[1]) if not fitdict2['Av_2']['fixed']: fitdict2['Av_2']['init'] = random.uniform(Av_2range[0], Av_2range[1]) if not fitdict2['beta_0']['fixed']: fitdict2['beta_0']['init'] = random.uniform( beta_0range[0], beta_0range[1]) if not fitdict2['beta_1']['fixed']: fitdict2['beta_1']['init'] = random.uniform( beta_1range[0], beta_1range[1]) if not fitdict2['beta_2']['fixed']: fitdict2['beta_2']['init'] = random.uniform( beta_2range[0], beta_2range[1]) for key, value in fitdict.iteritems( ): # loop through all the constants if key[0:5] == 'const': value['init'] = random.uniform(const_range[0], const_range[1]) ### END RANDOMIZATION fitdict.update(fitdict2) outdict = SEDtimeSimulFit(objblock, sedtimelist, fitdict, correct_late_time_dust=unred_latetime) #### FIX THIS - from the fitdict you should be able to get thie initial value # from the ones what were fixed, and those that were free # return outdict Av1 = None Av2 = None Av0 = None beta1 = None beta2 = None beta0 = None paramcount = 0 # keeping track of parameters since throws them in random places for param in outdict['parameters']: if == 'Av_1': Av1 = param.value Av1_index = paramcount elif fitdict['Av_1'][ 'fixed'] == True: # if we fixed it, wouldnt have gone to parameters Av1 = fitdict['Av_1']['init'] Av1_index = None if == 'Av_2': Av2 = param.value Av2_index = paramcount elif fitdict['Av_2'][ 'fixed'] == True: # if we fixed it, wouldnt have gone to parameters Av2 = fitdict['Av_2']['init'] Av2_index = None if == 'Av_0': Av0 = param.value Av0_index = paramcount elif fitdict['Av_0'][ 'fixed'] == True: # if we fixed it, wouldnt have gone to parameters Av0 = fitdict['Av_0']['init'] Av0_index = None if == 'beta_1': beta1 = param.value beta1_index = paramcount elif fitdict['beta_1'][ 'fixed'] == True: # if we fixed it, wouldnt have gone to parameters beta1 = fitdict['beta_1']['init'] beta1_index = None if == 'beta_2': beta2 = param.value beta2_index = paramcount elif fitdict['beta_2'][ 'fixed'] == True: # if we fixed it, wouldnt have gone to parameters beta2 = fitdict['beta_2']['init'] beta2_index = None if == 'beta_0': beta0 = param.value beta0_index = paramcount elif fitdict['beta_0'][ 'fixed'] == True: # if we fixed it, wouldnt have gone to parameters beta0 = fitdict['beta_0']['init'] beta0_index = None paramcount += 1 #### ##### # recalculate chi2 as a function of time based on the model and each time point chi2list = [] doflist = [] reducedchi2list = [] for time in sedtimelist: corrtime = time / (1. + objblock.redshift) # grab the Av and beta values for each time point # note we use the corrected time here, but the observer time in the SEDvsTime, # because SEDvsTime only uses it as an index Av_snap = DecayingExponentialAv(corrtime, Av0, Av1, Av2) beta_snap = DecayingExponentialbeta(corrtime, beta0, beta1, beta2) #hack! chi2, dof = SEDvsTime(objblock, initial_param=initial_param, plotsed=False, fitlist=[], sedtimelist=[time], retfig=False, fig=None, plotchi2=False, retchi2=True, Av_init=Av_snap, beta_init=beta_snap) chi2list.append(chi2) doflist.append(dof) reducedchi2list.append(float(chi2) / int(dof)) print "chi2 list:" print chi2list print sum(chi2list) print "Dof list:" print doflist print sum(doflist) corrtimelist = np.array(sedtimelist) / (1. + objblock.redshift) # raise Exception #### #### if plot: fig = plt.figure() t = 10**np.linspace(1, 4, 1000) #evenly spaced in log space plot_uncertainty_estimate = True if not fitdict['beta_1']['fixed'] and not fitdict['Av_1']['fixed']: if not plotchi2: ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.4]) ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.5, 0.8, 0.4]) ax1.semilogx() ax2.semilogx() else: ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.6, 0.8, 0.3]) ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.3, 0.8, 0.3]) ax3 = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.2]) ax3.semilogx() ax1.semilogx() ax2.semilogx() # plot model c = DecayingExponentialAv(t, Av0, Av1, Av2) d = DecayingExponentialbeta(t, beta0, beta1, beta2) c = -1 * np.array(c) #changing since Av negative ax2.plot(t, d, lw=2, color='#FF0000') #beta old_ax2lim = ax2.get_ylim() #saving for later ax1.plot(t, c, lw=2, color='#FF0000') #Av old_ax1lim = ax1.get_ylim() # saving for later if plot_uncertainty_estimate: ## plot unerlying uncertainty, drawing from multivariate gaussian mean = [param.value for param in outdict['parameters']] mean = tuple(mean) cov = outdict['covarmatrix'] # nxvals=1000 nsimulations = 1500 samples = np.random.multivariate_normal( mean, cov, (nsimulations)) simymat = np.empty((nsimulations, len(t))) ############# ## FOR BETA count = 0 badbetacount = 0 for sample in samples: if beta0_index is not None: sample_beta_0 = sample[beta0_index] else: sample_beta_0 = beta0 # fixed value if beta0_index is None if beta2_index is not None: sample_beta_2 = sample[beta2_index] else: sample_beta_2 = beta2 # fixed value if beta2_index is None if beta1_index is not None: sample_beta_1 = sample[beta1_index] else: sample_beta_1 = beta1 # fixed value if beta1_index is None simyvals = DecayingExponentialbeta(t, sample_beta_0, sample_beta_1, sample_beta_2) # some samples were diverging to unphysical values; weird since # the late time values were supposedly fixed to set values. Given # that, here we will only add to the matrix and plot if the late # time value is not something crazy. Lazy hack now of just +/- 100 if simyvals[-1] < 100 and simyvals[-1] > -100: simymat[count] = simyvals if plot_every_model: ax2.plot(t, simyvals, lw=2, color='black', alpha=0.01) count += 1 else: badbetacount += 1 #correct for the bad fits above: goodcount = nsimulations - badbetacount simymat = simymat[:goodcount] #two sigma is 95.4% simylower02point3 = stats.scoreatpercentile(simymat, 2.3) simyupper97point7 = stats.scoreatpercentile(simymat, 97.7) if not plot_every_model: ax2.fill_between(t, simylower02point3, simyupper97point7, color='#CCCCCC') else: ax2.plot(t, simylower02point3, linestyle=':', lw=2, color='#FF6600') ax2.plot(t, simyupper97point7, linestyle=':', lw=2, color='#FF6600') simyupper84 = stats.scoreatpercentile(simymat, 84.1) simylower16 = stats.scoreatpercentile(simymat, 15.9) if not plot_every_model: ax2.fill_between(t, simylower16, simyupper84, color='#888888') else: ax2.plot(t, simylower16, linestyle='--', lw=2, color='#FF3300') ax2.plot(t, simyupper84, linestyle='--', lw=2, color='#FF3300') ## FOR AV simymat = np.empty((nsimulations, len(t))) count = 0 badavcount = 0 for sample in samples: if Av0_index is not None: sample_Av_0 = sample[Av0_index] else: sample_Av_0 = Av0 # fixed value if Av0_index is None if Av2_index is not None: sample_Av_2 = sample[Av2_index] else: sample_Av_2 = Av2 # fixed value if Av2_index is None if Av1_index is not None: sample_Av_1 = sample[Av1_index] else: sample_Av_1 = Av1 # fixed value if Av1_index is None simyvals = DecayingExponentialAv(t, sample_Av_0, sample_Av_1, sample_Av_2) simyvals = -1 * np.array( simyvals) #changing since Av negative # some samples were diverging to unphysical values; weird since # the late time values were supposedly fixed to set values. Given # that, here we will only add to the matrix and plot if the late # time value is not something crazy. Lazy hack now of just +/- 100 if simyvals[-1] < 100 and simyvals[-1] > -100: simymat[count] = simyvals if plot_every_model: ax1.plot(t, simyvals, lw=2, color='black', alpha=0.01) count += 1 else: badavcount += 1 #correct for the bad fits above: goodcount = nsimulations - badavcount simymat = simymat[:goodcount] #two sigma is 95.4% simylower02point3 = stats.scoreatpercentile(simymat, 2.3) simyupper97point7 = stats.scoreatpercentile(simymat, 97.7) if not plot_every_model: ax1.fill_between(t, simylower02point3, simyupper97point7, color='#CCCCCC') else: ax1.plot(t, simylower02point3, linestyle=':', lw=2, color='#FF6600') ax1.plot(t, simyupper97point7, linestyle=':', lw=2, color='#FF6600') simyupper84 = stats.scoreatpercentile(simymat, 84.1) simylower16 = stats.scoreatpercentile(simymat, 15.9) if not plot_every_model: ax1.fill_between(t, simylower16, simyupper84, color='#888888') else: ax1.plot(t, simylower16, linestyle='--', lw=2, color='#FF3300') ax1.plot(t, simyupper84, linestyle='--', lw=2, color='#FF3300') ####### print "Number of betas diverging out of %i: %i" % ( nsimulations, badbetacount) print "Number of Avs diverging out of %i: %i" % (nsimulations, badavcount) #plot again c = DecayingExponentialAv(t, Av0, Av1, Av2) d = DecayingExponentialbeta(t, beta0, beta1, beta2) c = -1 * np.array(c) #changing since Av negative ax2.plot(t, d, lw=2, color='#FF0000') #beta ax1.plot(t, c, lw=2, color='#FF0000') #Av ax1.set_ylim(old_ax1lim) ax2.set_ylim(old_ax2lim) ax1.set_ylim((1.0, 1.65)) ax2.set_ylim((-1.28, -0.90)) ax1.set_ylabel(r'$A_V$', size=16) ax2.set_ylabel(r'$\beta$', size=16) ax1.set_xlabel(r'$t$ (s, rest frame)', size=16) # if not fixylimAv: # pass # else: # ax1.set_ylim(fixylimAv) # if not fixylimbeta: # pass # else: # ax2.set_ylim(fixylimbeta) if plotchi2: ax3.scatter(corrtimelist, reducedchi2list) ax2.set_xlabel('') ax3.set_xlabel(r'$t$ (s, rest frame)', size=16) ax3.set_ylabel(r'$\chi^2$ / dof', size=16) ylim = ax3.get_ylim() ax3.set_ylim([0, ylim[1] ]) # ensure bottom is 0; cant have chi2 < 0 xlim = ax3.get_xlim() # set all xlims to be the same ax1.set_xlim(xlim) ax1.set_xticks(ax1.get_xticks()[1:-1]) ax2.set_xlim(xlim) ax2.set_xticks(ax2.get_xticks()[1:-1]) ax1.set_yticks(ax1.get_yticks()[1:-1]) ax2.set_yticks(ax2.get_yticks()[1:]) ax3.set_yticks(ax3.get_yticks()[:-1]) string = 'Total chi2 / dof = %.2f / %i' % (outdict['chi2'], outdict['dof']) fig.text(0.55, 0.2, string) else: ax2.set_xticks([]) #beta ax2.set_yticks(ax2.get_yticks()[1:]) elif not fitdict['Av_1']['fixed']: ax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8]) ax.semilogx() # c=DecayingExponentialAv(t,Av0,Av1,Av2) c = DecayingExponentialAv(t, Av0, Av1, Av2) c = -1 * np.array(c) #changing since Av negative ax.plot(t, c) elif not fitdict['beta_1']['fixed']: ax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8]) ax.semilogx() # c=DecayingExponentialbeta(t,Av0,Av1,Av2) c = DecayingExponentialbeta(t, beta0, beta1, beta2) ax.plot(t, c) if fixxlim: try: ax1.set_xlim(fixxlim) except: pass try: ax2.set_xlim(fixxlim) except: pass try: ax3.set_xlim(fixxlim) except: pass try: ax.set_xlim(fixxlim) except: pass filepath = storepath + 'SEDtimesimulfit.png' fig.savefig(filepath) filepath = storepath + 'SEDtimesimulfit.pdf' fig.savefig(filepath) if retfig and fig != None: return fig else: return outdict
def BuildInterpolation(objblock, extraptime, interpolate_list, take_as_given_list=None, interp_type='dumb', plot=True, plotzoom=None, samefig=True, value_lims=None, error_lims=None): '''Inputs: objblock: block of all relevant observations extraptime: list of desired times to extrapolate to interpolate_list: obsdict names to interpolate take_as_given_list: obsdict names to leave alone. if None, just add all names not in interpolate_list interpolate_list = ['PAIRITEL_J','PAIRITEL_H','PAIRITEL_K'] take_as_given_list = ['PROMPT_I','PROMPT_R', 'PROMPT_V', 'PROMPT_B',"Liverpool_z'","Liverpool_r'", 'SMARTS_B','SMARTS_V','SMARTS_R','SMARTS_I','SMARTS_J','SMARTS_H','SMARTS_K'] if samefig, plot all interpolations on the same figure if value_lims or error_lims set, use these for the y-axis limits on the interpolation plots ''' newobjblock = PhotParse.ObjBlock() #initialize blank objblock newobjblock.utburst = objblock.utburst newobjblock.redshift = objblock.redshift newobjblock.galebv = objblock.galebv = print "Building interpolation for {}".format( # taking the times from pairitel and using them as the extrapolation times #FIXME - instead, loop through the take_as_given list and extrapolate to those times # perhaps allow for some non-extrap times to be included in the sedtime list (SMARTS) # As these are better for the late time values.. worried about contamination # from nearby star for small telescopes # perhaps this could be an attribute of the object block instead.. this would be better # than returning two values. could have a caveat to align_sed_times or further # down the road (i.e. in the SEDfit) to not try to do a fit if not more than 3 or 4 points # 30 on 128 if take_as_given_list != None: for obs in take_as_given_list: obsblock = objblock.obsdict[obs] newobjblock.obsdict.update({obs: obsblock}) else: # just default to adding all keys not in the interpolate list for obs, obsblock in objblock.obsdict.iteritems(): if obs not in interpolate_list: newobjblock.obsdict.update({obs: obsblock}) newobjblock.sedtimelist = extraptime fig = None for obs in interpolate_list: obsblock = objblock.obsdict[obs] if interp_type == 'dumb': newobsblock = PhotParse.DumbInterpolation(obsblock, extraptime, fake_error=0.1) elif interp_type == 'smart': # if obs == 'PROMPT_R': # cheap hack to fix the extrapolation time for R band since it doesnt go back as far # extraptime2 = extraptime_r # else: # extraptime2 = extraptime if not samefig: fig = None newobsblock, fig = PhotParse.SmartInterpolation( obsblock, extraptime, plot=plot, value_lims=value_lims, error_lims=error_lims, plotzoom=plotzoom, fig=fig,'\,', '')) newobjblock.obsdict.update({obs: newobsblock}) assert newobsblock != None newobjblock.CalculateFlux() return newobjblock
def _interpplot(initial_param='FMfit_xrt', late_time_av=-1.09, late_time_beta=-0.92, Av_1init=-1.7, beta_1init=2.0, Av_2init=70, beta_2init=70, sedvstimeylimdict={ "betaonly": None, "Avonly": None, "bothAv": None, "bothbeta": None }, retfigfortesting=False, testrandom=False, xlim=None): # sedvstimeylimdict dictionary of ylimits for sedvstime # late_time_av=-0.86 # late_time_beta=-0.90 zoomtime = 2000 #seconds addl_sed_times = None objblock_original = PhotParse.PhotParse( '/Users/amorgan/Data/PAIRITEL/120119A/Combined/120119Afinal.dat') objblock_original_2 = copy.deepcopy( objblock_original) #not sure why i have do this.. # take_as_given_list = ['PROMPT_I','PROMPT_R', 'PROMPT_V', 'PROMPT_B',"Liverpool_z'","Liverpool_r'", # 'SMARTS_B','SMARTS_V','SMARTS_R','SMARTS_I','SMARTS_J','SMARTS_H','SMARTS_K'] interpolate_list = ['PAIRITEL_J', 'PAIRITEL_H', 'PAIRITEL_K'] # ptelj=objblock.obsdict['PAIRITEL_J'] # extraptime=ptelj.tmidlist[0:20] # extraptime_r=ptelj.tmidlist[1:20] # special hack for when extrapolating prompt R band extraptime = _build_extraptime(objblock_original) objblock_interpolated = DustModel.BuildInterpolation( objblock_original, extraptime, interpolate_list, take_as_given_list=None, interp_type='smart', plot=True, value_lims=(18.5, 10.5), error_lims=(0.00, 0.30)) cmd = "mv " + storepath + 'splinePAIRITEL* ' + figuresdir os.system(cmd) print 'New interpolation plots moved to paper directory.' # # do a zoomed in interpolation plot if zoomtime: zoomobjblock = DustModel.BuildInterpolation(objblock_original_2, extraptime, interpolate_list, take_as_given_list=None, interp_type='smart', plot=True, plotzoom=zoomtime, value_lims=(15.5, 10.5), error_lims=(0.00, 0.10)) cmd = "mv " + storepath + 'splinePAIRITEL* ' + figuresdir os.system(cmd) print 'New interpolation plots moved to paper directory.' # Now do the SEDvsTime Plot sedtimelist = extraptime # addl_sed_times=objblock.obsdict['SMARTS_J'].tmidlist[0:3] #add the smarts if addl_sed_times: # shouldnt have to do this; define via extraptimes above for time in addl_sed_times: sedtimelist.append(time) if testrandom: outlist_rand = DustModel.LoopThroughRandomInits( objblock=objblock_interpolated, sedtimelist=sedtimelist, fixparam='both', N=20, initial_param=initial_param, Av_0init=late_time_av, beta_0init=late_time_beta, Av_1init=Av_1init, beta_1init=beta_1init, Av_2init=Av_2init, beta_2init=beta_2init) return outlist_rand fig = None # fig = DustModel.SEDtimeSimulFit120119A(objblock=objblock_interpolated,sedtimelist=sedtimelist,fixparam='Av',plot=True,Av_0init=late_time_av,Av_1init=0,Av_2init=100) # Make SEDvsTime for fixed Av SEDvsTime(objblock_interpolated, sedtimelist=sedtimelist, plotsed=False, fitlist=['beta'], plotchi2=True, Av_init=late_time_av, beta_init=late_time_beta, fig=fig, initial_param=initial_param, retfig=False, retchi2=False, color='grey', time_thresh=5, fixylimbeta=sedvstimeylimdict['betaonly'], fixxlim=xlim) cmd = "mv " + storepath + 'SEDvsTime.png ' + figuresdir + 'SEDvsTime_fixedAv_' + initial_param + '.png' os.system(cmd) cmd = "mv " + storepath + 'SEDvsTime.pdf ' + figuresdir + 'SEDvsTime_fixedAv_' + initial_param + '.pdf' os.system(cmd) print 'New SEDvstime fixed Av plots moved to paper directory.' # Make g for fixed beta SEDvsTime(objblock_interpolated, sedtimelist=sedtimelist, plotsed=False, fitlist=['Av'], plotchi2=True, Av_init=late_time_av, beta_init=late_time_beta, fig=fig, initial_param=initial_param, retfig=False, retchi2=False, color='grey', time_thresh=5, fixylimAv=sedvstimeylimdict['Avonly'], fixxlim=xlim) cmd = "mv " + storepath + 'SEDvsTime.png ' + figuresdir + 'SEDvsTime_fixedbeta_' + initial_param + '.png' os.system(cmd) cmd = "mv " + storepath + 'SEDvsTime.pdf ' + figuresdir + 'SEDvsTime_fixedbeta_' + initial_param + '.pdf' os.system(cmd) print 'New SEDvstime fixed Av plots moved to paper directory.' # Make SEDvsTime for free Av and Beta SEDvsTime(objblock_interpolated, sedtimelist=sedtimelist, plotsed=False, fitlist=['Av', 'beta'], plotchi2=True, Av_init=late_time_av, beta_init=late_time_beta, initial_param=initial_param, retfig=False, retchi2=False, fig=None, color='grey', time_thresh=5, fixylimbeta=sedvstimeylimdict['bothbeta'], fixylimAv=sedvstimeylimdict['bothAv'], fixxlim=xlim) cmd = "mv " + storepath + 'SEDvsTime.png ' + figuresdir + 'SEDvsTime_freeAv_' + initial_param + '.png' os.system(cmd) cmd = "mv " + storepath + 'SEDvsTime.pdf ' + figuresdir + 'SEDvsTime_freeAv_' + initial_param + '.pdf' os.system(cmd) print 'New SEDvstime plots moved to paper directory.' # Now do the SEDtimeSimulfit plot # Av_0init=-0.57, # Av_1init=0, # Av_2init=100, # beta_0init=-1.57, # beta_1init=0, # beta_2init=100, fitdict = DustModel.SEDtimeSimulFit120119A( objblock=objblock_interpolated, sedtimelist=sedtimelist, fixparam='both', #fixparam both is Av0 and beta0 initial_param=initial_param, time_thresh=5, plot=True, plotchi2=False, retfig=False, Av_0init=late_time_av, beta_0init=late_time_beta, Av_1init=Av_1init, beta_1init=beta_1init, Av_2init=Av_2init, beta_2init=beta_2init, randomize_inits=False, unred_latetime=False, plot_every_model=True, fixxlim=xlim) if retfigfortesting: fig = DustModel.SEDtimeSimulFit120119A(objblock=objblock_interpolated, sedtimelist=sedtimelist, fixparam='both', initial_param=initial_param, time_thresh=5, plot=True, plotchi2=False, retfig=True, Av_0init=late_time_av, beta_0init=late_time_beta, Av_1init=Av_1init, beta_1init=beta_1init, Av_2init=Av_2init, beta_2init=beta_2init, randomize_inits=False, unred_latetime=False, fixxlim=xlim) return fig cmd = "mv " + storepath + 'SEDtimesimulfit.png ' + figuresdir + 'SEDtimesimulfit_' + initial_param + '.png' os.system(cmd) cmd = "mv " + storepath + 'SEDtimesimulfit.pdf ' + figuresdir + 'SEDtimesimulfit_' + initial_param + '.pdf' os.system(cmd) # Marginialization plot qFit.plot_marg_from_fitdict(fitdict, ('Av_1', 'beta_1')) cmd = "mv " + storepath + 'marginalization.png ' + figuresdir + 'SEDtimesimulfit_' + initial_param + '_marg.png' os.system(cmd) cmd = "mv " + storepath + 'marginalization.pdf ' + figuresdir + 'SEDtimesimulfit_' + initial_param + '_marg.pdf' os.system(cmd) print 'New SEDsimulfit plots moved to paper directory.' return fitdict