Example #1
    def process(self, event):

        run = event.input.eventAuxiliary().id().run()
        lumi = event.input.eventAuxiliary().id().luminosityBlock()
        eventId = event.input.eventAuxiliary().id().event()
        self.readCollections( event.input )
        # Will need who for jet calibration later
        rho =  self.handles["rho"].product()[0]

        # AK8 Jets from MiniAOD + Subjet btags

        setattr(event, "ak08", map(PhysicsObject, self.handles["ak08"].product()))

        setattr(event, "ak0softdropsubjets", map(PhysicsObject, self.handles["ak08softdropsubjets"].product()))

        # bb-tag Output
        newtags =  self.handles['ak08bbtag'].product()

        # Loop over jets                        
        for ij, jet in enumerate(getattr(event, "ak08")):

            # Fill bb-tag
            for i in xrange(len(newtags)) :
                if jet.physObj == newtags.key(i).get():
                    jet.bbtag = newtags.value(i)

            # bb-tag Inputs
            muonTagInfos = self.handles['ak08muonTagInfos'].product()[ij]
            elecTagInfos = self.handles['ak08elecTagInfos'].product()[ij]
            ipTagInfo    = self.handles['ak08ipTagInfos'].product()[ij]
            svTagInfo    = self.handles['ak08svTagInfos'].product()[ij]

                               maxSVDeltaRToJet = 0.7,)

        # end of loop over jets

        # Ungroomed Fatjets + NSubjettiness + Hbb Tagging

        for prefix in ["ca15"]:

            if self.skip_ca15 and ("ca15" in prefix):

            # N-Subjettiness
            tau1 = self.handles[prefix+'tau1'].product()
            tau2 = self.handles[prefix+'tau2'].product()
            tau3 = self.handles[prefix+'tau3'].product()

            # bb-tag Output
            newtags =  self.handles[prefix+'bbtag'].product()
            # Four Vector
            setattr(event, prefix+"ungroomed", map(PhysicsObject, self.handles[prefix+'ungroomed'].product()))

            # Loop over jets                        
            for ij, jet in enumerate(getattr(event, prefix+"ungroomed")):

                # Fill N-Subjettiness
                jet.tau1 = tau1.get(ij)
                jet.tau2 = tau2.get(ij)
                jet.tau3 = tau3.get(ij)

                # Fill bb-tag
                for i in xrange(len(newtags)) :
                    if jet.physObj == newtags.key(i).get():
                        jet.bbtag = newtags.value(i)

                # bb-tag Inputs
                muonTagInfos = self.handles['ca15muonTagInfos'].product()[ij]
                elecTagInfos = self.handles['ca15elecTagInfos'].product()[ij]
                ipTagInfo    = self.handles['ca15ipTagInfos'].product()[ij]
                svTagInfo    = self.handles['ca15svTagInfos'].product()[ij]

                                   maxSVDeltaRToJet = 1.3)
            # end of loop over jets

        # Softdrop Fatjets + NSubjettiness

        for fj_name in ["ca15softdropz2b1"]:

            if self.skip_ca15 and ("ca15" in fj_name):
            # Set the four-vector
            setattr(event, fj_name, map(PhysicsObject, self.handles[fj_name].product()))

            # N-Subjettiness
            tau1 = self.handles[fj_name+'tau1'].product()
            tau2 = self.handles[fj_name+'tau2'].product()
            tau3 = self.handles[fj_name+'tau3'].product()

            # Loop over jets                        
            for ij, jet in enumerate(getattr(event, fj_name)):

                # Fill N-Subjettiness
                jet.tau1 = tau1.get(ij)
                jet.tau2 = tau2.get(ij)
                jet.tau3 = tau3.get(ij)
            # end of loop over jets

        # Groomed Uncalibrated Fatjets

        for fj_name in ['ak08pruned', 'ca15trimmed', 'ca15softdrop', 'ca15pruned']:           
            if self.skip_ca15 and ("ca15" in fj_name):
            setattr(event, fj_name, map(PhysicsObject, self.handles[fj_name].product()))

        # Groomed Fatjets to calibrate

        pruned_cal_jets = []

        for groomed_fj in self.handles['ak08pruned'].product():                        

            # We need the closest ungroomed fatjet to get the JEC:            
            # - Make a list of pairs: deltaR(ungroomed fj, groomed fj) for all ungroomed fatjets
            # - Sort by deltaR
            # - And take the minimum
            if len(getattr(event, "ak08")):
                closest_ung_fj_and_dr = sorted(
                    [(ung_fj, deltaR2(ung_fj, groomed_fj)) for ung_fj in getattr(event, "ak08")], 
                    key=lambda x:x[1])[0]
                print "WARNING: No ungroomed fatjets found in event with groomed fatjet. Skipping"

            # Use the jet cone size for matching
            minimal_dr_groomed_ungroomed = 0.8
            if closest_ung_fj_and_dr[1] > minimal_dr_groomed_ungroomed:
                print "WARNING: No ungroomed fatjet found close to groomed fatjet. Skipping"

            ungroomed_jet = Jet(closest_ung_fj_and_dr[0])        
            c = self.jetReCalibrator.getCorrection(ungroomed_jet, rho)
            # Need to do a deep-copy. Otherwise the original jet will be modified
            cal_groomed_fj = PhysicsObject(groomed_fj).__copy__() 

        setattr(event, 'ak08prunedcal', pruned_cal_jets)

        #  AK08 Regression
        # Subjets 
        for fj_name in ['ak08pruned','ca15pruned']:

            if self.skip_ca15 and ("ca15" in fj_name):

            setattr(event, fj_name + "subjets", map(PhysicsObject, self.handles[fj_name+"subjets"].product()))
            newtags =  self.handles[fj_name+'subjetbtag'].product()
            for i in xrange(0,len(newtags)) :
                for j in getattr(event, fj_name+"subjets"):
                    if  j.physObj == newtags.key(i).get():
                        j.btag = newtags.value(i)

        # HEPTopTagger

        if not self.skip_ca15:
            candJets = self.handles['httCandJets'].product()
            candInfos = self.handles['httCandInfos'].product()

            event.httCandidates = map(PhysicsObject, candJets) 
            sjbtags = self.handles['httSubjetBtags'].product()

            for i in xrange(0, len(candJets)):            

                event.httCandidates[i].fRec = candInfos[i].properties().fRec
                event.httCandidates[i].Ropt = candInfos[i].properties().Ropt
                event.httCandidates[i].RoptCalc = candInfos[i].properties().RoptCalc
                event.httCandidates[i].ptForRoptCalc = candInfos[i].properties().ptForRoptCalc

                # HTT return the subjet-pair closest to the W-mass as W-subjets
                # Could be improved by b-tagging if we run into a problem

                [sj_w1, sj_w2, sj_nonw] = [con.__deref__() for con in candJets[i].getJetConstituents() if not con.isNull()]
                event.httCandidates[i].sjW1pt   = sj_w1.pt()
                event.httCandidates[i].sjW1eta  = sj_w1.eta()
                event.httCandidates[i].sjW1phi  = sj_w1.phi()
                event.httCandidates[i].sjW1mass = sj_w1.mass()

                # Get the correct b-tag
                for ib in xrange(0, len(sjbtags)) :
                    if  sj_w1 == sjbtags.key(ib).get():
                        event.httCandidates[i].sjW1btag = sjbtags.value(ib)

                event.httCandidates[i].sjW2pt   = sj_w2.pt()  
                event.httCandidates[i].sjW2eta  = sj_w2.eta() 
                event.httCandidates[i].sjW2phi  = sj_w2.phi() 
                event.httCandidates[i].sjW2mass = sj_w2.mass()

                # Get the correct b-tag
                for ib in xrange(0, len(sjbtags)) :
                    if  sj_w2 == sjbtags.key(ib).get():
                        event.httCandidates[i].sjW2btag = sjbtags.value(ib)

                event.httCandidates[i].sjNonWpt   = sj_nonw.pt()  
                event.httCandidates[i].sjNonWeta  = sj_nonw.eta() 
                event.httCandidates[i].sjNonWphi  = sj_nonw.phi() 
                event.httCandidates[i].sjNonWmass = sj_nonw.mass()

                # Get the correct b-tag
                for ib in xrange(0, len(sjbtags)) :
                    if  sj_nonw == sjbtags.key(ib).get():
                        event.httCandidates[i].sjNonWbtag = sjbtags.value(ib)

        return True
Example #2
    def evaluateRegressionAK08(self, event):
        #self.readCollections( event.input )
        reg_fj = []
        for ung_fj in getattr(event, "ak08"):

            # We need the closest ungroomed fatjet to get the JEC:                                                                                                                                              # - Make a list of pairs: deltaR(ungroomed fj, groomed fj) for all ungroomed fatjets                                                                                                                # - Sort by deltaR                                                                                                                                                                                  # - And take the minimum
            if len(getattr(event, "ak08pruned")):
                closest_pr_fj_and_dr = sorted(
                    [(pr_fj, deltaR2(ung_fj, pr_fj))
                     for pr_fj in getattr(event, "ak08pruned")],
                    key=lambda x: x[1])[0]
                print "WARNING: No pruned fatjets found in event with ungroomed fatjet. Skipping"

            # Use the jet cone size for matching
            minimal_dr_groomed_ungroomed = 0.8
            if closest_pr_fj_and_dr[1] > minimal_dr_groomed_ungroomed:
                print "WARNING: No pruned fatjet found close to ungroomed fatjet. Skipping"

            pr_jet = Jet(closest_pr_fj_and_dr[0])

            if len(getattr(event, "ak08prunedcal")):
                closest_cal_fj_and_dr = sorted(
                    [(cal_fj, deltaR2(ung_fj, cal_fj))
                     for cal_fj in getattr(event, "ak08prunedcal")],
                    key=lambda x: x[1])[0]
                print "WARNING: No calib groomed fatjets found in event with ungroomed fatjet. Skipping"

            if closest_cal_fj_and_dr[1] > minimal_dr_groomed_ungroomed:
                print "WARNING: No calib fatjet found close to ungroomed fatjet. Skipping"

            cal_jet = Jet(closest_cal_fj_and_dr[0])

            # now check the AK08 jet is not a lepton
            #            if len(getattr(event, "selectedLeptons")):
            #                closest_pr_lep_and_dr = sorted( [(lep, deltaR2(cal_jet,lep)) for lep in getattr(event, "vLeptons")],  key=lambda x:x[1])[0]
            #            if closest_pr_lep_and_dr[1] < (0.4 * 0.4):
            #              print "WARNING: No groomed fatjet is overlapping with a vLepton. Skipping"
            #              continue

            # Need to do a deep-copy. Otherwise the original jet will be modified
            reg_groomed_fj = PhysicsObject(closest_cal_fj_and_dr[0]).__copy__()
            #        for j in event.FatjetAK08pruned:

            self.FatjetAK08ungroomed_pt[0] = ung_fj.pt()
            #            print 'ung_fj.pt() ', ung_fj.pt()
            self.FatjetAK08pruned_pt[0] = pr_jet.pt()
            #            print 'pr_jet.pt() ',  pr_jet.pt()
            self.FatjetAK08prunedCal_pt[0] = cal_jet.pt()
            #            print 'cal_jet.pt() ', cal_jet.pt()
            self.FatjetAK08prunedCal_eta[0] = cal_jet.eta()
            self.FatjetAK08ungroomed_vertexNTracks[0] = ung_fj.vertexNTracks
            self.FatjetAK08ungroomed_SV_mass_0[0] = ung_fj.SV_mass_0
                0] = ung_fj.SV_EnergyRatio_0
                0] = ung_fj.SV_EnergyRatio_1
            self.FatjetAK08ungroomed_PFLepton_ptrel[0] = ung_fj.PFLepton_ptrel
            self.FatjetAK08ungroomed_nSL[0] = ung_fj.nSL
            #            print 'ung_fj.nSL ', ung_fj.nSL


#            print 'reg_groomed_fj.pt() ', reg_groomed_fj.pt()

        setattr(event, 'ak08prunedreg', reg_fj)
    def evaluateRegressionAK08(self, event):
#self.readCollections( event.input )
        reg_fj = []
        for ung_fj in getattr(event, "ak08"):         

            # We need the closest ungroomed fatjet to get the JEC:                                                                                                                                              # - Make a list of pairs: deltaR(ungroomed fj, groomed fj) for all ungroomed fatjets                                                                                                                # - Sort by deltaR                                                                                                                                                                                  # - And take the minimum            
            if len(getattr(event, "ak08pruned")):
                closest_pr_fj_and_dr = sorted( [(pr_fj, deltaR2(ung_fj, pr_fj)) for pr_fj in getattr(event, "ak08pruned")],  key=lambda x:x[1])[0] 
                print "WARNING: No pruned fatjets found in event with ungroomed fatjet. Skipping"

            # Use the jet cone size for matching                                                                                                                                                    
            minimal_dr_groomed_ungroomed = 0.8
            if closest_pr_fj_and_dr[1] > minimal_dr_groomed_ungroomed:
                print "WARNING: No pruned fatjet found close to ungroomed fatjet. Skipping"
            pr_jet = Jet(closest_pr_fj_and_dr[0])
            if len(getattr(event, "ak08prunedcal")):
                closest_cal_fj_and_dr = sorted( [(cal_fj, deltaR2(ung_fj, cal_fj)) for cal_fj in getattr(event, "ak08prunedcal")],  key=lambda x:x[1])[0] 
                print "WARNING: No calib groomed fatjets found in event with ungroomed fatjet. Skipping"

            if closest_cal_fj_and_dr[1] > minimal_dr_groomed_ungroomed:
                print "WARNING: No calib fatjet found close to ungroomed fatjet. Skipping"

            cal_jet = Jet(closest_cal_fj_and_dr[0])

            # now check the AK08 jet is not a lepton  
#            if len(getattr(event, "selectedLeptons")):
#                closest_pr_lep_and_dr = sorted( [(lep, deltaR2(cal_jet,lep)) for lep in getattr(event, "vLeptons")],  key=lambda x:x[1])[0]
#            if closest_pr_lep_and_dr[1] < (0.4 * 0.4):
#              print "WARNING: No groomed fatjet is overlapping with a vLepton. Skipping"
#              continue

            # Need to do a deep-copy. Otherwise the original jet will be modified                                                                                                                   
            reg_groomed_fj = PhysicsObject(closest_cal_fj_and_dr[0]).__copy__()
#        for j in event.FatjetAK08pruned:

            self.FatjetAK08ungroomed_pt[0] = ung_fj.pt()
#            print 'ung_fj.pt() ', ung_fj.pt()
            self.FatjetAK08pruned_pt[0] = pr_jet.pt()
#            print 'pr_jet.pt() ',  pr_jet.pt()
            self.FatjetAK08prunedCal_pt[0] = cal_jet.pt()
#            print 'cal_jet.pt() ', cal_jet.pt()
            self.FatjetAK08prunedCal_eta[0] = cal_jet.eta()
            self.FatjetAK08ungroomed_vertexNTracks[0] = ung_fj.vertexNTracks
            self.FatjetAK08ungroomed_SV_mass_0[0] = ung_fj.SV_mass_0
            self.FatjetAK08ungroomed_SV_EnergyRatio_0[0] = ung_fj.SV_EnergyRatio_0
            self.FatjetAK08ungroomed_SV_EnergyRatio_1[0] = ung_fj.SV_EnergyRatio_1
            self.FatjetAK08ungroomed_PFLepton_ptrel[0] = ung_fj.PFLepton_ptrel
            self.FatjetAK08ungroomed_nSL[0] = ung_fj.nSL
#            print 'ung_fj.nSL ', ung_fj.nSL


#            print 'reg_groomed_fj.pt() ', reg_groomed_fj.pt()
        setattr(event, 'ak08prunedreg',  reg_fj )
Example #4
    def process(self, event):
        run = event.input.eventAuxiliary().id().run()
        lumi = event.input.eventAuxiliary().id().luminosityBlock()
        eventId = event.input.eventAuxiliary().id().event()
        self.readCollections( event.input )
        # Will need who for jet calibration later
        rho =  self.handles["rho"].product()[0]

        # Softdrop Fatjets + NSubjettiness

        for fj_name in ["ca15softdropz2b1"]:

            if self.skip_ca15 and ("ca15" in fj_name):
            # Set the four-vector
            setattr(event, fj_name, map(PhysicsObject, self.handles[fj_name].product()))

            # N-Subjettiness
            tau1 = self.handles[fj_name+'tau1'].product()
            tau2 = self.handles[fj_name+'tau2'].product()
            tau3 = self.handles[fj_name+'tau3'].product()

            # Loop over jets                        
            for ij, jet in enumerate(getattr(event, fj_name)):

                # Fill N-Subjettiness
                jet.tau1 = tau1.get(ij)
                jet.tau2 = tau2.get(ij)
                jet.tau3 = tau3.get(ij)
            # end of loop over jets

        # Groomed Uncalibrated Fatjets

        for fj_name in ['ca15trimmed', 'ca15softdrop', 'ca15pruned']:            
                setattr(event, fj_name, map(PhysicsObject, self.handles[fj_name].product()))

#        ######## 
#        # Groomed Fatjets to calibrate
#        ########
#        pruned_cal_jets = []
#        for groomed_fj in self.handles['ak08pruned'].product():                        
#            # We need the closest ungroomed fatjet to get the JEC:            
#            # - Make a list of pairs: deltaR(ungroomed fj, groomed fj) for all ungroomed fatjets
#            # - Sort by deltaR
#            # - And take the minimum
#            if len(getattr(event, "ak08")):
#                closest_ung_fj_and_dr = sorted(
#                    [(ung_fj, deltaR2(ung_fj, groomed_fj)) for ung_fj in getattr(event, "ak08")], 
#                    key=lambda x:x[1])[0]
#            else:
#                print "WARNING: No ungroomed fatjets found in event with groomed fatjet. Skipping"
#                continue
#            # Use the jet cone size for matching
#            minimal_dr_groomed_ungroomed = 0.8
#            if closest_ung_fj_and_dr[1] > minimal_dr_groomed_ungroomed:
#                print "WARNING: No ungroomed fatjet found close to groomed fatjet. Skipping"
#                continue
#            ungroomed_jet = Jet(closest_ung_fj_and_dr[0])        
#            c = self.jetReCalibratorAK8L2L3.getCorrection(ungroomed_jet, rho)
#            # Need to do a deep-copy. Otherwise the original jet will be modified
#            cal_groomed_fj = PhysicsObject(groomed_fj).__copy__() 
#            cal_groomed_fj.scaleEnergy(c)
#            pruned_cal_jets.append(cal_groomed_fj)
#        setattr(event, 'ak08prunedcal', pruned_cal_jets)
        # Subjets 

        for fj_name in ['ca15pruned']:

            if self.skip_ca15 and ("ca15" in fj_name):

            setattr(event, fj_name + "subjets", map(PhysicsObject, self.handles[fj_name+"subjets"].product()))
            newtags =  self.handles[fj_name+'subjetbtag'].product()
            for i in xrange(0,len(newtags)) :
                for j in getattr(event, fj_name+"subjets"):
                    if  j.physObj == newtags.key(i).get():
                        j.btag = newtags.value(i)

        # HEPTopTagger

        if not self.skip_ca15:
            candJets = self.handles['httCandJets'].product()
            candInfos = self.handles['httCandInfos'].product()

            event.httCandidates = map(PhysicsObject, candJets) 
            sjbtags = self.handles['httSubjetBtags'].product()

            for i in xrange(0, len(candJets)):            

                event.httCandidates[i].fRec = candInfos[i].properties().fRec
                event.httCandidates[i].Ropt = candInfos[i].properties().Ropt
                event.httCandidates[i].RoptCalc = candInfos[i].properties().RoptCalc
                event.httCandidates[i].ptForRoptCalc = candInfos[i].properties().ptForRoptCalc

                # HTT return the subjet-pair closest to the W-mass as W-subjets
                # Could be improved by b-tagging if we run into a problem
                [sj_w1, sj_w2, sj_nonw] = [con.__deref__() for con in candJets[i].getJetConstituents() if not con.isNull()]

                # Calibrate the subjets: W1
                sj_w1_uncal = Jet(sj_w1)        
                c = self.jetReCalibratorAK4.getCorrection(sj_w1_uncal, rho, isHttSubjet=True)            
                sj_w1_cal = PhysicsObject(sj_w1).__copy__() 

                # Calibrate the subjets: W2
                sj_w2_uncal = Jet(sj_w2)        
                c = self.jetReCalibratorAK4.getCorrection(sj_w2_uncal, rho, isHttSubjet=True)            
                sj_w2_cal = PhysicsObject(sj_w2).__copy__() 

                # Calibrate the subjets: NonW
                sj_nonw_uncal = Jet(sj_nonw)        
                c = self.jetReCalibratorAK4.getCorrection(sj_nonw_uncal, rho, isHttSubjet=True)            
                sj_nonw_cal = PhysicsObject(sj_nonw).__copy__() 

                # Make TLVs so we can add them and get the top quark
                # candidate                
                tlv_sj_w1_cal   = ROOT.TLorentzVector()
                tlv_sj_w2_cal   = ROOT.TLorentzVector()
                tlv_sj_nonw_cal = ROOT.TLorentzVector()

                tlv_top_cal =  tlv_sj_w1_cal + tlv_sj_w2_cal + tlv_sj_nonw_cal

                # Store calibrated top candidate variables
                event.httCandidates[i].ptcal    = tlv_top_cal.Pt()
                event.httCandidates[i].etacal   = tlv_top_cal.Eta()
                event.httCandidates[i].phical   = tlv_top_cal.Phi()
                event.httCandidates[i].masscal  = tlv_top_cal.M()
                # Store SJ W1 Variables
                event.httCandidates[i].sjW1ptcal   = sj_w1_cal.pt()
                event.httCandidates[i].sjW1masscal = sj_w1_cal.mass()
                event.httCandidates[i].sjW1pt      = sj_w1.pt()
                event.httCandidates[i].sjW1eta     = sj_w1.eta()
                event.httCandidates[i].sjW1phi     = sj_w1.phi()
                event.httCandidates[i].sjW1mass    = sj_w1.mass()

                # Get the correct b-tag
                for ib in xrange(0, len(sjbtags)) :
                    if  sj_w1 == sjbtags.key(ib).get():
                        event.httCandidates[i].sjW1btag = sjbtags.value(ib)

                # Store SJ W2 Variables
                event.httCandidates[i].sjW2ptcal   = sj_w2_cal.pt()
                event.httCandidates[i].sjW2masscal = sj_w2_cal.mass()
                event.httCandidates[i].sjW2pt      = sj_w2.pt()  
                event.httCandidates[i].sjW2eta     = sj_w2.eta() 
                event.httCandidates[i].sjW2phi     = sj_w2.phi() 
                event.httCandidates[i].sjW2mass    = sj_w2.mass()

                # Get the correct b-tag
                for ib in xrange(0, len(sjbtags)) :
                    if  sj_w2 == sjbtags.key(ib).get():
                        event.httCandidates[i].sjW2btag = sjbtags.value(ib)

                # Store SJ Non W Variables
                event.httCandidates[i].sjNonWptcal   = sj_nonw_cal.pt()  
                event.httCandidates[i].sjNonWmasscal = sj_nonw_cal.mass()  
                event.httCandidates[i].sjNonWpt      = sj_nonw.pt()  
                event.httCandidates[i].sjNonWeta     = sj_nonw.eta() 
                event.httCandidates[i].sjNonWphi     = sj_nonw.phi() 
                event.httCandidates[i].sjNonWmass    = sj_nonw.mass()

                # Get the correct b-tag
                for ib in xrange(0, len(sjbtags)) :
                    if  sj_nonw == sjbtags.key(ib).get():
                        event.httCandidates[i].sjNonWbtag = sjbtags.value(ib)

        # AK8 Jets from MiniAOD + Subjet btags

        setattr(event, "ak08", map(PhysicsObject, self.handles["ak08"].product()))
        setattr(event, "ak08softdropsubjets", map(PhysicsObject, self.handles["ak08softdropsubjets"].product()))

        do_calc_bb = False
        # Calc BB tag  
        # -- if there is a HTT candidate and at least one lepton
        if len(event.selectedLeptons):
            for cand in event.httCandidates:
                if cand.fRec < 0.2 and cand.mass() > 100 and cand.mass() < 200:
                    do_calc_bb = True                
        # -- or if there are at least two fatjets with pT > 250 GeV and the scalar sum of the jet pTs is > 600
        fj_pt250 = [j for j in event.ak08 if j.pt() > 250]
        if len(fj_pt250) >= 2 and sum([j.pt() for j in fj_pt250]) > 600:
            do_calc_bb = True            
        # bb-tag Output
        newtags =  self.handles['ak08bbtag'].product()

        # Loop over jets                        
        for ij, jet in enumerate(getattr(event, "ak08")):

            # Fill bb-tag
            for i in xrange(len(newtags)) :
                if jet.physObj == newtags.key(i).get():
                    jet.bbtag = newtags.value(i)
		corr = self.jetReCalibratorAK8L2L3.getCorrection(Jet(jet),rho)
                jet.mprunedcorr= jet.userFloat("ak8PFJetsCHSPrunedMass")*corr	
		jet.JEC_L2L3 = corr
		jet.JEC_L1L2L3 = self.jetReCalibratorAK8L1L2L3.getCorrection(Jet(jet),rho)

            # bb-tag Inputs
            muonTagInfos = self.handles['ak08muonTagInfos'].product()[ij]
            elecTagInfos = self.handles['ak08elecTagInfos'].product()[ij]
            ipTagInfo    = self.handles['ak08ipTagInfos'].product()[ij]
            svTagInfo    = self.handles['ak08svTagInfos'].product()[ij]

            orig_jet = self.handles["ak08"].product()[ij]

            if do_calc_bb:
                                   maxSVDeltaRToJet = 0.7,)

        # end of loop over jets

        # Ungroomed Fatjets + NSubjettiness + Hbb Tagging

        for prefix in ["ca15"]:

            if self.skip_ca15 and ("ca15" in prefix):

            # N-Subjettiness
            tau1 = self.handles[prefix+'tau1'].product()
            tau2 = self.handles[prefix+'tau2'].product()
            tau3 = self.handles[prefix+'tau3'].product()

            # bb-tag Output
            newtags =  self.handles[prefix+'bbtag'].product()
            # Four Vector
            setattr(event, prefix+"ungroomed", map(PhysicsObject, self.handles[prefix+'ungroomed'].product()))

            # Loop over jets                        
            for ij, jet in enumerate(getattr(event, prefix+"ungroomed")):

                # Fill N-Subjettiness
                jet.tau1 = tau1.get(ij)
                jet.tau2 = tau2.get(ij)
                jet.tau3 = tau3.get(ij)

                # Fill bb-tag
                for i in xrange(len(newtags)) :
                    if jet.physObj == newtags.key(i).get():
                        jet.bbtag = newtags.value(i)

                # bb-tag Inputs
                muonTagInfos = self.handles['ca15muonTagInfos'].product()[ij]
                elecTagInfos = self.handles['ca15elecTagInfos'].product()[ij]
                ipTagInfo    = self.handles['ca15ipTagInfos'].product()[ij]
                svTagInfo    = self.handles['ca15svTagInfos'].product()[ij]

                orig_jet = self.handles[prefix+'ungroomed'].product()[ij]

                if do_calc_bb:
                                       maxSVDeltaRToJet = 1.3)

            # end of loop over jets


        return True