Example #1
    def matchJets(self, event, jets):
        match = matchObjectCollection2(jets,
                                       event.genbquarks + event.genwzquarks,
        for jet in jets:
            gen = match[jet]
            jet.mcParton = gen
            jet.mcMatchId = (gen.sourceId if gen != None else 0)
            jet.mcMatchFlav = (abs(gen.pdgId()) if gen != None else 0)

        match = matchObjectCollection2(jets, self.genJets, deltaRMax=0.3)
        for jet in jets:
            jet.mcJet = match[jet]
Example #2
    def matchJets(self, event, jets):
        match = matchObjectCollection2(jets,
                                       event.genbquarks + event.genwzquarks,
                                       deltaRMax = 0.3)
        for jet in jets:
            gen = match[jet]
            jet.mcParton    = gen
            jet.mcMatchId   = (gen.sourceId     if gen != None else 0)
            jet.mcMatchFlav = (abs(gen.pdgId()) if gen != None else 0)

        match = matchObjectCollection2(jets,
                                       deltaRMax = 0.3)
        for jet in jets:
            jet.mcJet = match[jet]
Example #3
    def jetFlavour(self,event):
        def isFlavour(x,f):
            id = abs(x.pdgId())
            if id > 999: return (id/1000)%10 == f
            if id >  99: return  (id/100)%10 == f
            return id % 100 == f

        self.bqObjects = [ p for p in event.genParticles if (p.status() == 2 and isFlavour(p,5)) ]
        self.cqObjects = [ p for p in event.genParticles if (p.status() == 2 and isFlavour(p,4)) ]

        self.partons   = [ p for p in event.genParticles if ((p.status() == 23 or p.status() == 3) and abs(p.pdgId())>0 and (abs(p.pdgId()) in [1,2,3,4,5,21]) ) ]
        match = matchObjectCollection2(self.cleanJetsAll,
                                       deltaRMax = 0.3)

        for jet in self.cleanJetsAll:
            parton = match[jet]
            jet.partonId = (parton.pdgId() if parton != None else 0)
            jet.partonMotherId = (parton.mother(0).pdgId() if parton != None and parton.numberOfMothers()>0 else 0)

        for jet in self.jets:
            (bmatch, dr) = bestMatch(jet, self.bqObjects)
            if dr < 0.4:
                jet.mcFlavour = 5
                (cmatch, dr) = bestMatch(jet, self.cqObjects) 
                if dr < 0.4:
                    jet.mcFlavour = 4
                    jet.mcFlavour = 0

        self.heaviestQCDFlavour = 5 if len(self.bqObjects) else (4 if len(self.cqObjects) else 1);
Example #4
    def jetFlavour(self,event):
        def isFlavour(x,f):
            id = abs(x.pdgId())
            if id > 999: return (id/1000)%10 == f
            if id >  99: return  (id/100)%10 == f
            return id % 100 == f

        self.bqObjects = [ p for p in event.genParticles if (p.status() == 2 and isFlavour(p,5)) ]
        self.cqObjects = [ p for p in event.genParticles if (p.status() == 2 and isFlavour(p,4)) ]

        self.partons   = [ p for p in event.genParticles if ((p.status() == 23 or p.status() == 3) and abs(p.pdgId())>0 and (abs(p.pdgId()) in [1,2,3,4,5,21]) ) ]
        match = matchObjectCollection2(self.cleanJetsAll,
                                       deltaRMax = 0.3)

        for jet in self.cleanJetsAll:
            parton = match[jet]
            jet.partonId = (parton.pdgId() if parton != None else 0)
            jet.partonMotherId = (parton.mother(0).pdgId() if parton != None and parton.numberOfMothers()>0 else 0)
        for jet in self.jets:
           (bmatch, dr) = bestMatch(jet, self.bqObjects)
           if dr < 0.4:
               jet.mcFlavour = 5
               (cmatch, dr) = bestMatch(jet, self.cqObjects) 
               if dr < 0.4:
                   jet.mcFlavour = 4
                   jet.mcFlavour = 0

        self.heaviestQCDFlavour = 5 if len(self.bqObjects) else (4 if len(self.cqObjects) else 1);
Example #5
    def matchJets(self, event, jets):
        match = matchObjectCollection2(jets,
                                       event.genbquarks + event.genwzquarks,
                                       deltaRMax = 0.4)
        for jet in jets:
            gen = match[jet]
            jet.mcParton    = gen
            jet.mcMatchId   = (gen.sourceId     if gen != None else 0)
            jet.mcMatchFlav = (abs(gen.pdgId()) if gen != None else 0)

        # use the genJet matching stored in miniAOD
        for jet in jets:            
            mcJet = jet.genJet() 
            jet.mcJet = mcJet
            jet.mcJet.index = self.genJets.index(mcJet) if mcJet!=None else -1
Example #6
    def matchJets(self, event, jets):
        match = matchObjectCollection2(jets,
                                       event.genbquarks + event.genwzquarks,
                                       deltaRMax = 0.4)
        for jet in jets:
            gen = match[jet]
            jet.mcParton    = gen
            jet.mcMatchId   = (gen.sourceId     if gen != None else 0)
            jet.mcMatchFlav = (abs(gen.pdgId()) if gen != None else 0)

        # use the genJet matching stored in miniAOD
        for jet in jets:            
            mcJet = jet.genJet() 
            jet.mcJet = mcJet
            jet.mcJet.index = self.genJets.index(mcJet) if mcJet!=None else -1
Example #7
    def jetFlavour(self, event):
        def isFlavour(x, f):
            id = abs(x.pdgId())
            if id > 999: return (id / 1000) % 10 == f
            if id > 99: return (id / 100) % 10 == f
            return id % 100 == f

        self.partons = [
            p for p in event.genParticles
            if ((p.status() == 23 or p.status() == 3) and abs(p.pdgId()) > 0
                and (abs(p.pdgId()) in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 21]))
        match = matchObjectCollection2(self.cleanJetsAll,

        for jet in self.cleanJetsAll:
            parton = match[jet]
            jet.partonId = (parton.pdgId() if parton != None else 0)
            jet.partonMotherId = (parton.mother(0).pdgId() if parton != None
                                  and parton.numberOfMothers() > 0 else 0)