Example #1
 def create(self):
     c.flags = 'dim'
     entries = []
     #Some shortcuts...
     menu = self.info['menu']
     general = self.info['general']
     keys = self.info['menu'].keys()
     #Creating /usr/share/applications-registry/<<package_name>> applications
     msg = '- Preparing /usr/share/applications-registry entry...'
     c.eprint(msg, indent=1)
     path = APP_REG_ENTRY_PATH % general['package_name']
     content = general['package_name'] + "\n"
     content += "\t" + "command=" + menu['command'] + "\n"
     #Boolean properties
     boolean = (
         'can_open_multiple_files', 'expects_uris',
         'requires_terminal', 'uses_gnomevfs', 'startup_notify'
     for b in boolean:
         if b in keys:
             v = str(menu[b]).lower()
             content += "\t" + b + "=" + v + "\n"
     #Optional properties
     optional = ('name', 'mime_types', 'supported_uri_schemes')
     for o in optional:
         if o in keys:
             content += "\t" + o + "=" + menu[o] + "\n"
     entries.append({'path': path, 'content': content[:-1]}) #removes last \n
     #Creating /usr/share/menu/<<package_name>>
     msg = '- Preparing /usr/share/menu entry...'
     c.eprint(msg, indent=1)
     path = MENU_ENTRY_PATH % general['package_name']
     content = '?package(%s): \\\n' % general['package_name']
     content += "\t" + 'command="%s"' % menu['command'] + " \\\n"
     content += "\t" + 'title="%s"' % general['name'] + " \\\n"
     content += "\t" + 'longtitle="%s"' % general['short_description'] + " \\\n"
     content += "\t" + 'needs="%s"' % menu['needs'] + " \\\n"
     if 'hints' in keys:
         content += "\t" + 'hints="%s"' % menu['hints'] + " \\\n"
     if 'icon' in keys and menu['icon']:
         content += "\t" + 'icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/%s.xpm"' % general['package_name']
     content += "\t" + 'section="%s"' % menu['section']
     entries.append({'path': path, 'content': content})
     # Creating /usr/share/applications/<<package_name>>.desktop (Freedesktop)
     msg = '- Preparing /usr/share/applications entry ...'
     c.eprint(msg, indent=1)
     path = APPS_ENTRY_PATH % general['package_name']
     content = '[Desktop Entry]' + "\n"
     content += 'Type=Application' + "\n"
     content += 'Name=' + general['name'] + "\n"
     content += 'Exec=' + menu['command'] + "\n"
     content += 'Version=' + str(general['version']) + "\n"
     #Processing boolean and other fields
     for b in FREEDESKTOP_BOOLEAN.keys():
         if b in keys:
             content += FREEDESKTOP_BOOLEAN[b] + "=" + str(menu[b]).lower() + "\n"
     for o in FREEDESKTOP_OTHER.keys():
         if o in keys:
             content += FREEDESKTOP_OTHER[o] + "=" + str(menu[b]).lower() + "\n"
     if 'icon' in keys and menu['icon']:
         content += "Icon=%s" % general['package_name']
     entries.append({'path': path, 'content': content})
     return entries
Example #2
 def create(self):
     c.flags = 'dim'
     entries = []
     #Some shortcuts...
     menu = self.info['menu']
     general = self.info['general']
     keys = self.info['menu'].keys()
     #Creating /usr/share/applications-registry/<<package_name>> applications
     msg = '- Preparing /usr/share/applications-registry entry...'
     c.eprint(msg, indent=1)
     path = APP_REG_ENTRY_PATH % general['package_name']
     content = general['package_name'] + "\n"
     content += "\t" + "command=" + menu['command'] + "\n"
     #Boolean properties
     boolean = ('can_open_multiple_files', 'expects_uris',
                'requires_terminal', 'uses_gnomevfs', 'startup_notify')
     for b in boolean:
         if b in keys:
             v = str(menu[b]).lower()
             content += "\t" + b + "=" + v + "\n"
     #Optional properties
     optional = ('name', 'mime_types', 'supported_uri_schemes')
     for o in optional:
         if o in keys:
             content += "\t" + o + "=" + menu[o] + "\n"
         'path': path,
         'content': content[:-1]
     })  #removes last \n
     #Creating /usr/share/menu/<<package_name>>
     msg = '- Preparing /usr/share/menu entry...'
     c.eprint(msg, indent=1)
     path = MENU_ENTRY_PATH % general['package_name']
     content = '?package(%s): \\\n' % general['package_name']
     content += "\t" + 'command="%s"' % menu['command'] + " \\\n"
     content += "\t" + 'title="%s"' % general['name'] + " \\\n"
     content += "\t" + 'longtitle="%s"' % general[
         'short_description'] + " \\\n"
     content += "\t" + 'needs="%s"' % menu['needs'] + " \\\n"
     if 'hints' in keys:
         content += "\t" + 'hints="%s"' % menu['hints'] + " \\\n"
     if 'icon' in keys and menu['icon']:
         content += "\t" + 'icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/%s.xpm"' % general[
     content += "\t" + 'section="%s"' % menu['section']
     entries.append({'path': path, 'content': content})
     # Creating /usr/share/applications/<<package_name>>.desktop (Freedesktop)
     msg = '- Preparing /usr/share/applications entry ...'
     c.eprint(msg, indent=1)
     path = APPS_ENTRY_PATH % general['package_name']
     content = '[Desktop Entry]' + "\n"
     content += 'Type=Application' + "\n"
     content += 'Name=' + general['name'] + "\n"
     content += 'Exec=' + menu['command'] + "\n"
     content += 'Version=' + str(general['version']) + "\n"
     #Processing boolean and other fields
     for b in FREEDESKTOP_BOOLEAN.keys():
         if b in keys:
             content += FREEDESKTOP_BOOLEAN[b] + "=" + str(
                 menu[b]).lower() + "\n"
     for o in FREEDESKTOP_OTHER.keys():
         if o in keys:
             content += FREEDESKTOP_OTHER[o] + "=" + str(
                 menu[b]).lower() + "\n"
     if 'icon' in keys and menu['icon']:
         content += "Icon=%s" % general['package_name']
     entries.append({'path': path, 'content': content})
     return entries
Example #3
 def create_package(self):
     #Install files
     for f in self.info['files']:
         src = f['src']
         dst = os.path.join(self.outputdir, f['dst'][1:])
         utils.copy_file(src, dst)
     if 'menu' in self.info.keys():
         menus = self.menu_creator.create()
         for m in menus:
             path = os.path.join(self.outputdir, m['path'])
             utils.create_file(path, m['content'])
         if 'icon' in self.info['menu'].keys():
             icons = self.icon_creator.create()
             if icons:
                 for i in icons:
                     path = os.path.join(self.outputdir, i['path'])
                     c.eprint('- Creating icon %s ...' % path, indent=1)
     #Creating Debian-related files
     c.title('Generating Debian stuff')
     if 'menu' in self.info.keys():
         c.eprint('- Creating postinst and postrm scripts ...', indent=1)
         postinst = os.path.join(self.debiandir, 'postinst')
         postrm = os.path.join(self.debiandir, 'postrm')
         utils.create_file(postinst, POSTINST)
         utils.create_file(postrm, POSTRM)
         mode = S_IRWXU | S_IXGRP | S_IRGRP | S_IXOTH | S_IROTH
         os.chmod(postinst, mode)
         os.chmod(postrm, mode)
     #MD5Sum and installed size
     ignore_list = ['.svn', 'DEBIAN']
     c.eprint('- Calculating md5sums ...', indent=1, end='')
     md5sum_path = os.path.join(self.debiandir, 'md5sums')
     md5sum_values = utils.calculate_md5sums(self.outputdir, ignore_list)
     md5sum_values = md5sum_values.replace(self.outputdir + '/', '')
     utils.create_file(md5sum_path, md5sum_values)
     c.eprint('- Calculating installed size ...', indent=1, end='')
     installed_size = utils.calculate_size(self.outputdir, ignore_list)
     installed_size = int(round(float(installed_size) / 1000))
     c.eprint('- Generating Control file ...', indent=1, end='')
     g = self.info['general']
     fpath = os.path.join(self.debiandir, 'control')
     with codecs.open(fpath, 'wt', 'utf-8') as f:
         f.write('Package: ' + g['package_name'] + '\n')
         f.write('Version: ' + str(g['version']) + '\n')
         f.write('Architecture: ' + g['architecture'] + '\n')
         f.write('Installed-Size: ' + str(installed_size) + '\n')
         e = lambda name, email: name + ' <' + email + '>'
         maintainer = e(g['maintainer']['name'], g['maintainer']['email'])
         f.write('Maintainer: ' + maintainer + '\n')
         #Related packages
         for r in RELATIONSHIPS.keys():
             if r in self.info:
                 items = ''
                 for d in self.info[r]:
                     items += d['name']
                     if 'version' in d.keys() and d['version']:
                         items += '(' + d['version'] + ')'
                     items += ', '
                 items = items[:-2]  #remove last ,<space>
                 f.write(RELATIONSHIPS[r] + ': ' + items + '\n')
         #Other Debian control file fields:
         for o in OTHER_FIELDS.keys():
             if o in g.keys():
                 f.write(OTHER_FIELDS[o] + ': ' + g[o] + '\n')
         f.write('Description: ')
         if 'short_description' in g.keys():
             f.write(g['short_description'] + '\n')
         if 'long_description' in g.keys():
             #@TODO: Format long description acording to Debian rules
     c.eprint('- Running dpkg: ', indent=1, end='')
     cmd = 'dpkg-deb -b %s %s-%s.deb' % (
         self.outputdir, os.path.join(self.distdir,
                                      g['package_name']), g['version'])
     result = os.system(cmd)
     c.eprint('- Final package: ', indent=1, end='')
     c.print_success(not result)
     self.quit_with_message(not result)
Example #4
 def create_package(self):
     #Install files
     for f in self.info['files']:
         src = f['src']
         dst = os.path.join(self.outputdir, f['dst'][1:])
         utils.copy_file(src, dst)
     if 'menu' in self.info.keys():
         menus = self.menu_creator.create()
         for m in menus:
             path = os.path.join(self.outputdir, m['path'])
             utils.create_file(path, m['content'])
         if 'icon' in self.info['menu'].keys():
             icons = self.icon_creator.create()
             if icons:
                 for i in icons:
                     path = os.path.join(self.outputdir, i['path'])
                     c.eprint('- Creating icon %s ...' % path, indent=1)
     #Creating Debian-related files
     c.title('Generating Debian stuff')
     if 'menu' in self.info.keys():
         c.eprint('- Creating postinst and postrm scripts ...', indent=1)
         postinst = os.path.join(self.debiandir, 'postinst')
         postrm = os.path.join(self.debiandir, 'postrm')
         utils.create_file(postinst, POSTINST)
         utils.create_file(postrm, POSTRM)
         mode = S_IRWXU | S_IXGRP | S_IRGRP | S_IXOTH | S_IROTH
         os.chmod(postinst, mode)
         os.chmod(postrm, mode)
     #MD5Sum and installed size
     ignore_list = ['.svn', 'DEBIAN']
     c.eprint('- Calculating md5sums ...', indent=1, end='')
     md5sum_path = os.path.join(self.debiandir, 'md5sums')
     md5sum_values = utils.calculate_md5sums(self.outputdir, ignore_list)
     md5sum_values = md5sum_values.replace(self.outputdir + '/', '')
     utils.create_file(md5sum_path, md5sum_values)
     c.eprint('- Calculating installed size ...', indent=1, end='')
     installed_size = utils.calculate_size(self.outputdir, ignore_list)
     installed_size = int ( round ( float (installed_size) / 1000 ) )
     c.eprint('- Generating Control file ...', indent=1, end='')
     g = self.info['general']
     fpath = os.path.join(self.debiandir, 'control')
     with codecs.open(fpath, 'wt', 'utf-8') as f:
         f.write('Package: ' + g['package_name'] + '\n')
         f.write('Version: ' + str(g['version']) + '\n')
         f.write('Architecture: ' + g['architecture'] + '\n')
         f.write('Installed-Size: ' + str(installed_size) + '\n')
         e = lambda name, email: name + ' <' + email + '>'
         maintainer = e(g['maintainer']['name'], g['maintainer']['email'])
         f.write('Maintainer: ' + maintainer + '\n')
         #Related packages
         for r in RELATIONSHIPS.keys():
             if r in self.info:
                 items = ''
                 for d in self.info[r]:
                     items += d['name']
                     if 'version' in d.keys() and d['version']:
                         items += '(' + d['version'] + ')'
                     items += ', '
                 items = items[:-2] #remove last ,<space>
                 f.write(RELATIONSHIPS[r] + ': ' + items + '\n')
         #Other Debian control file fields:
         for o in OTHER_FIELDS.keys():
             if o in g.keys():
                 f.write(OTHER_FIELDS[o] + ': ' + g[o] + '\n')
         f.write('Description: ')
         if 'short_description' in g.keys():
             f.write(g['short_description'] + '\n')
         if 'long_description' in g.keys():
             #@TODO: Format long description acording to Debian rules
     c.eprint('- Running dpkg: ', indent=1, end='')
     cmd = 'dpkg-deb -b %s %s-%s.deb' % (
         self.outputdir, os.path.join(self.distdir, g['package_name']),
     result = os.system(cmd)
     c.eprint('- Final package: ', indent=1, end='')
     c.print_success(not result)
     self.quit_with_message(not result)