Example #1
    def __init__(self, channels=None, efftype='R', include_preFLS=True, include_repointings=False):
        if include_preFLS == False:
            raise Exception('Not including preFLS is not currently supported')
        self.include_preFLS = include_preFLS
        self.include_repointings = include_repointings
        self.channels = parse_channels(channels)

        if self.channels is None:
            self.f = None
            self.f = self.channels[0].f
        self.config = {}
        self.config['database'] = private.database
        self.config['breaks'] = private.TOAST['breaks']
        if self.channels is None:
            self.config['exchangefolder'] = None
            self.config['exchangefolder'] = private.exchangefolder[self.f.inst.name]

        self.config['ahf_folder'] = private.AHF
        self.config['exclude_454_455'] = True
        self.efftype = efftype
        self.ring_range = None
        self.obt_range = [1e30, -1e30]
Example #2
    def __init__(self, odrange=None, channels=None, nside=1024, ordering='RING', coord='E', outmap='outmap.fits', exchange_folder=None, fpdb=None, output_xml='toastrun.xml', ahf_folder=None, components='IQU', obtmask=None, flagmask=None, log_level=l.INFO, remote_exchange_folder=None, remote_ahf_folder=None, calibration_file=None, dipole_removal=False, noise_tod=False, noise_tod_weight=None, efftype=None, flag_HFI_bad_rings=None, include_preFLS=False, ptcorfile=None, include_repointings=False, psd=None, deaberrate=True, extend_857=False, no_wobble=False, eff_is_for_flags=False, exchange_weights=None, beamsky=None, beamsky_weight=None, interp_order=5, horn_noise_tod=None, horn_noise_weight=None, horn_noise_psd=None, observation_is_interval=False, lfi_ring_range=None, hfi_ring_range=None, wobble_high=False):
        """TOAST configuration:

            odrange: list of start and end OD, AHF ODS, i.e. with whole pointing periods as the DPC is using
            lfi_ring_range: first and last LFI pointing ID to include
            hfi_ring_range: first and last HFI ring number to include
            channels: one of integer frequency, channel string, list of channel strings
            obtmask and flagmask: default LFI 1,255 HFI 1,1
            exchange_folder: either a string or a container or strings listing locations for Exchange Format data
            exchange_weights: list of scaling factors to apply to Exchange data prior to coadding
            eff_is_for_flags : only use Exchange data for flags
            remote_exchange_folder, remote_ahf_folder: they allow to run toast.py in one environment using ahf_folder and exchange_folder and then replace the path with the remote folders
            calibration_file: path to a fits calibration file, with first extension OBT, then one extension per channel with the calibration factors
            dipole_removal: dipole removal is performed ONLY if calibration is specified
            noise_tod: Add simulated noise TODs
            noise_tod_weight: scaling factor to apply to noise_tod
            flag_HFI_bad_rings: if None, flagged just for HFI. If a valid file, use that as input.
            include_preFLS : if None, True for LFI
            include_repointings : Construct intervals with the 4 minute repointing maneuvers: 10% dataset increase, continuous time stamps
            psd : templated name of an ASCII PSD files. Tag CHANNEL will be replaced with the appropriate channel identifier.
            horn_noise_tod : False
            horn_noise_weight : None
            horn_noise_psd : templated name of an ASCII PSD files. Tag HORN will be replaced with the appropriate identifier.
            deaberrate : Correct pointing for aberration
            extend_857 : Whether or not to include the RTS bolometer, 857-4 in processing
            no_wobble : Disable all flavors of wobble angle correction
            wobble_high : Use 8Hz wobble correction rather than per ring
            beamsky : templated name of the beamsky files for OTF sky convolution. Tag CHANNEL will be replaced with the appropriate channel identifier.
            beamsky_weight : scaling factor to apply to the beamsky
            interp_order : beamsky interpolation order defines number of cartesian pixels to interpolate over
            observation_is_interval : If True, do not split operational days into pointing period intervals

            additional configuration options are available modifying:
            and Data Selector configuration:
            dictionaries before running .run()
        l.root.level = log_level
        self.extend_857 = extend_857
        if self.extend_857:
            if '857-4' in EXCLUDED_CH: EXCLUDED_CH.remove('857-4')
        if sum([odrange!=None, lfi_ring_range!=None, hfi_ring_range!=None]) != 1:
            raise Exception('Must specify exactly one type of data span: OD, LFI PID or HFI ring')
        self.odrange = odrange
        self.lfi_ring_range = lfi_ring_range
        self.hfi_ring_range = hfi_ring_range
        self.nside = nside
        self.coord = coord
        self.ordering = ordering
        self.outmap = outmap
        if channels == None:
            raise Exception('Must define which channels to include')
        self.channels = parse_channels(channels)
        self.f = self.channels[0].f
        self.output_xml = output_xml
        self.ptcorfile = ptcorfile
        if no_wobble and wobble_high:
            raise Exception('no_wobble and wobble_high are mutually exclusive')
        self.no_wobble = no_wobble
        self.wobble_high = wobble_high
        self.include_repointings = include_repointings
        self.deaberrate = deaberrate
        self.noise_tod = noise_tod
        self.noise_tod_weight = noise_tod_weight
        self.psd = psd
        self.horn_noise_tod = horn_noise_tod
        self.horn_noise_weight = horn_noise_weight
        self.horn_noise_psd = horn_noise_psd
        if self.horn_noise_tod and not self.horn_noise_psd:
            raise Exception('Must specify horn_noise_psd template name when enabling horn_noise')
        self.fpdb = fpdb or private.rimo[self.f.inst.name]
        self.beamsky = beamsky
        self.beamsky_weight = beamsky_weight
        self.interp_order = interp_order
        self.observation_is_interval = observation_is_interval
        self.rngorder = {
            'LFI18M' : 0,
            'LFI18S' : 1,
            'LFI19M' : 2,
            'LFI19S' : 3,
            'LFI20M' : 4,
            'LFI20S' : 5,
            'LFI21M' : 6,
            'LFI21S' : 7,
            'LFI22M' : 8,
            'LFI22S' : 9,
            'LFI23M' : 10,
            'LFI23S' : 11,
            'LFI24M' : 12,
            'LFI24S' : 13,
            'LFI25M' : 14,
            'LFI25S' : 15,
            'LFI26M' : 16,
            'LFI26S' : 17,
            'LFI27M' : 18,
            'LFI27S' : 19,
            'LFI28M' : 20,
            'LFI28S' : 21,
            '100-1a' : 22,
            '100-1b' : 23,
            '100-2a' : 24,
            '100-2b' : 25,
            '100-3a' : 26,
            '100-3b' : 27,
            '100-4a' : 28,
            '100-4b' : 29,
            '143-1a' : 30,
            '143-1b' : 31,
            '143-2a' : 32,
            '143-2b' : 33,
            '143-3a' : 34,
            '143-3b' : 35,
            '143-4a' : 36,
            '143-4b' : 37,
            '143-5'  : 38,
            '143-6'  : 39,
            '143-7'  : 40,
            '143-8'  : 41,
            '217-5a' : 42,
            '217-5b' : 43,
            '217-6a' : 44,
            '217-6b' : 45,
            '217-7a' : 46,
            '217-7b' : 47,
            '217-8a' : 48,
            '217-8b' : 49,
            '217-1'  : 50,
            '217-2'  : 51,
            '217-3'  : 52,
            '217-4'  : 53,
            '353-3a' : 54,
            '353-3b' : 55,
            '353-4a' : 56,
            '353-4b' : 57,
            '353-5a' : 58,
            '353-5b' : 59,
            '353-6a' : 60,
            '353-6b' : 61,
            '353-1'  : 62,
            '353-2'  : 63,
            '353-7'  : 64,
            '353-8'  : 65,
            '545-1'  : 66,
            '545-2'  : 67,
            '545-3'  : 68,
            '545-4'  : 69,
            '857-1'  : 70,
            '857-2'  : 71,
            '857-3'  : 72,
            '857-4'  : 73,
            'LFI18' : 74,
            'LFI19' : 75,
            'LFI20' : 76,
            'LFI21' : 77,
            'LFI22' : 78,
            'LFI23' : 79,
            'LFI24' : 80,
            'LFI25' : 81,
            'LFI26' : 82,
            'LFI27' : 83,
            'LFI28' : 84,
            '100-1' : 85,
            '100-2' : 86,
            '100-3' : 87,
            '100-4' : 88,
            '143-1' : 89,
            '143-2' : 90,
            '143-3' : 91,
            '143-4' : 92,
            '217-5' : 93,
            '217-6' : 94,
            '217-7' : 95,
            '217-8' : 96,
            '353-3' : 97,
            '353-4' : 98,
            '353-5' : 99,
            '353-6' : 100,

        self.config = {}
        if self.f.inst.name == 'LFI':
            self.config['pairflags'] = True
            self.config['pairflags'] = False

        if efftype is None:
            efftype ='R'
            if self.f.inst.name == 'LFI' and (not calibration_file is None):
                efftype ='C'
        self.data_selector = DataSelector(channels=self.channels, efftype=efftype, include_preFLS=include_preFLS)

        self.exchange_weights = exchange_weights

        if remote_exchange_folder:
            if isinstance(remote_exchange_folder, str):
                remote_exchange_folder = [remote_exchange_folder]
            if remote_exchange_folder[-1] != '/':
                remote_exchange_folder += '/'

        self.remote_exchange_folder = remote_exchange_folder
        if remote_ahf_folder:
            if remote_ahf_folder[-1] != '/':
                remote_ahf_folder += '/'
        self.remote_ahf_folder = remote_ahf_folder
        if exchange_folder:
            if isinstance(exchange_folder, str):
                exchange_folder = [exchange_folder]
            self.exchange_folder = exchange_folder

            self.data_selector.config[ 'exchangefolder' ] = exchange_folder[0]
        if ahf_folder:
            self.data_selector.config['ahf_folder'] = ahf_folder

        if self.odrange:
        elif self.lfi_ring_range:
        elif self.hfi_ring_range:
            raise Exception('Must specify one type of data span')

        self.wobble = private.WOBBLE
        self.components = components

        self.obtmask = obtmask or DEFAULT_OBTMASK[self.f.inst.name]
        self.flagmask = flagmask or DEFAULT_FLAGMASK[self.f.inst.name]

        self.calibration_file = calibration_file
        self.dipole_removal = dipole_removal

        if flag_HFI_bad_rings is None:
            if self.f.inst.name == 'HFI':
                flag_HFI_bad_rings = True
                flag_HFI_bad_rings = False
        if flag_HFI_bad_rings:
            if ( os.path.isfile(str(flag_HFI_bad_rings)) ):
                self.bad_rings = flag_HFI_bad_rings
                self.bad_rings = private.HFI_badrings
            self.bad_rings = None

        self.eff_is_for_flags = eff_is_for_flags

        self.fptab = None