def find_similar_atomtype_params(cls, atom_type, tried):
        :Description: If some atom_type is not found in the SGB_paramaters() func
        the param/similarity.param is parsed to look for the next most
        similar atom type.
        If that is not found as well, we append the tried
        atom_types to tried [] for efficiency and keep looking for
        other similar atom types.

            -atom_type: atom_type of the atom not found.
            - tried: similar atom_types that we try to obtain its parameters
                     but they are not contained in the f14_sgbnp.param file.
            - new_params: [
                          Van der Waals radius,
                          Solvatation gamma factor,
                          Solvatation alpha factor

        new_atom_type = False
        similarity = 0

        #Search for the most similar atom
        lines = preproces_file_lines(SIMILARITY_PATH)
        for line in lines:
            line = line.split()
            if (line[0] == atom_type and float(line[2]) > float(similarity)
                    and line[1] not in tried):
                similarity = line[2]
                new_atom_type = line[1]
            elif (line[1] == atom_type and float(line[2]) > float(similarity)
                  and line[0] not in tried):
                similarity = line[2]
                new_atom_type = line[0]
        if new_atom_type:

            lines = preproces_file_lines(PARAM_PATH)
            for line in lines:
                if not line.startswith('#'):
                    line = line.split()
                    atom_type_file = line[1]
                    if (atom_type == atom_type_file):
                        return (line)
            new_params = cls.find_similar_atomtype_params(new_atom_type, tried)
            return new_params

            return []
    def retrieve_atom_names(OPLS_CONVERSION_FILE):
        :Description: parse the and retrieve
        the atom names of the molecule

        :Input: OPLS_CONVERSION_FILE: ffldserver output file
                   cointaining the system parameters

        :Output: atom_names: Atom_names of the systems

        :Author: Daniel Soler
        atom_names = []
        lines = preproces_file_lines(OPLS_CONVERSION_FILE)
        start_found_NBND = False
        for line in lines:
            if not line.startswith("----------"):
                if (line.startswith("atom type vdw")):
                    start_found_NBND = True
                elif (start_found_NBND):
                        line = line.split()
                    except IndexError:
                        return atom_names
    def SGB_paramaters(cls, atom_types, tried=[]):
        :Description: Parse the param/f14_sgbnp.param file
        to obtain all the SGB Nonbonded parameters
        to build the template file.

        If some atom_type is not found the param/similarity.param
        is parsed to look for the next most similar atom type.
        If that is not found as well, we append the tried
        atom_types to tried [] for efficiency and keep looking for
        other similar atom types.

            - atom_types: atom_types of the system
            - tried: atom_types that we try to obtain its parameters
                     but they are not contained in the f14_sgbnp.param file.

            - radius: Atoms SGB radius
            - vdw_r: Atoms Van der Waals
            - gammas: Atoms gamma solvatation factor
            - alphas: Atoms alpha solvatation factor

            For more information on this parameters refer
            to the PELE documentation.

        Example with one atom_type (ONN):

            1- We look whether or not its in the conversion atom dictionary
                1.1- If it is we change the atom type to the one in the dict
            2- We search the SGB parameters in the PARAM_PATH file
                2.1- If found return them separately
                2.2 -If not found call find_similar_atomtype_params to look
                     for similar atom types parameters
            3- We return the similar SGB parameters or a default
               if they were not found

        :Author: Daniel Soler

        radius = []
        vdw_r = []
        gammas = []
        alphas = []
        lines = preproces_file_lines(PARAM_PATH)
        for atom_type in atom_types:
            if atom_type in CONVERSION:
                atom_type = CONVERSION[atom_type]

            found = False
            for line in lines:
                if not line.startswith('#'):
                    line = line.split()
                    atom_type_file = line[1]
                    if (atom_type == atom_type_file):
                        found = True

            if not found:
                new_params = cls.find_similar_atomtype_params(atom_type,
                if (new_params):
                    # warnings.warn("Paramaters of {} used for {}.".format(
                    # new_params[1], atom_type))
                    # warnings.warn("Defaults Paramaters used for{}.".format(atom_type))

        return (radius, vdw_r, gammas, alphas)