def getText(self): ''' ''' printl("", self, "S") content = "Direct Local" content += "\n Advantages:\tThe medias are played directly from E2." content += "\n Prequesits:\tThis mode works if your plex library is mounted on your Dreambox and accessable." content += "\n Functions:\tSeeking is working" content += "\n HowTo:\tYou can use Windows or Linux based Plexserver." content += "\n\tSample content for Library location: movies | tvshows | music" content += "\n\tMedia location in Plex for Windows (sample): C:\path\of\library\root\movies\movie.mkv" content += "\n\tMedia location Plex for Linux (sample): /path/of/library/root/movies\movie.mkv" content += "\n\tMedia location on the Dreambox (sample): /media/net/mountpoint/movies\movie.mkv" content += "\n\tAs you can see movies/\movie.mkv is identical." content += "\n\tAccording to this just set up the following:" content += "\n\tRemote Path Part >>> C:\path\of\library\root\ or /path/of/library/root/" content += "\n\tLocal Path Part >>> /media/net/mountpoint/" content += "\n\n Transcoded" content += "\n Advantages:\tThe medias go through the plex transcoder. So it is possible to set the quality." content += "\n Prequesits:\tYou have to install gst-fragemented" content += "\n Functions:\tSeeking is working" content += "\n\n Streamed" content += "\n Advantages:\tIf you cant setup direct local and you dont have gst-fragmented" content += "\n Prequesits:\tNothing" content += "\n Functions:\tSeeking is not working" content += "\n\n myPlex" content += "\n Advantages:\tYou can access shared libraries of friends." content += "\n Prequesits:\tYou need a myPlex account." content += "\n Note:\tThis is only neccessary to connect to shared libs. No need to use this in you local network" printl("", self, "C") return content
def __init__(self, session): ''' ''' printl("", self, "S") Screen.__init__(self, session) self._session = session self["help"] = ScrollLabel() self["key_red"] = StaticText(_("Close")) self["setupActions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "DP_View", { "red": self.keyCancel, "cancel": self.keyCancel, "bouquet_up": (self.bouquetUp, ""), "bouquet_down": (self.bouquetDown, ""), }, -2) self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.setContent) printl("", self, "C")
def _filter(self): ''' ''' printl("", self, "S") print self.activeFilter listViewList = [] if self.activeFilter[1][0] is None: listViewList = self.listViewList else: testLength = None if len(self.activeFilter[1]) >= 3: testLength = self.activeFilter[1][2] if self.activeFilter[1][1]: listViewList = [x for x in self.listViewList if self.activeFilter[2] in x[1][self.activeFilter[1][0]]] else: if testLength is None: listViewList = [x for x in self.listViewList if x[1][self.activeFilter[1][0]] == self.activeFilter[2]] else: listViewList = [x for x in self.listViewList if x[1][self.activeFilter[1][0]].strip()[:testLength] == self.activeFilter[2].strip()[:testLength]] self["listview"].setList(listViewList) self["listview"].setIndex(0) printl("", self, "C")
def onChooseFilter(self): ''' ''' printl("", self, "S") menu = [] selection = 0 counter = 0 for i in range(len(self.onFilterKeyValuePair)): x = self.onFilterKeyValuePair[i] subelements = self.onFilterKeyValuePair[i][2] for j in range(len(subelements)): y = subelements[j] text = "%s: %s" % (_(x[0]), _(y)) menu.append((text, (x[0], x[1], y, ))) if self.activeFilter[1][0] == self.onFilterKeyValuePair[i][1][0]: if self.activeFilter[2] == subelements[j]: selection = counter counter += 1 self.session.openWithCallback(self.onChooseFilterCallback, ChoiceBox, title=_("Select filter"), list=menu, selection=selection) printl("", self, "C")
def checkWakeOnLan(self): ''' ''' printl("", self, "S") self.g_wolon = self.g_serverConfig.wol.value self.g_wakeserver = str(self.g_serverConfig.wol_mac.value) self.g_woldelay = int(self.g_serverConfig.wol_delay.value) if self.g_wolon == True: ip = "%d.%d.%d.%d" % tuple(self.g_serverConfig.ip.value) port = int(self.g_serverConfig.port.value) state = testPlexConnectivity(ip, port) if state == False: self.session.openWithCallback( self.executeWakeOnLan, MessageBox, _("Plexserver seems to be offline. Start with Wake on Lan settings? \n\nPlease note: \nIf you press yes the spinner will run for " + str(self.g_woldelay) + " seconds. \nAccording to your settings."), MessageBox.TYPE_YESNO) else: self.getServerData() else: self.getServerData() printl("", self, "C")
def onLeave(self): ''' ''' printl("", self, "S") selectKeyValuePair = self.onLeaveSelectKeyValuePair printl("selectKeyValuePair: " + str(selectKeyValuePair), self, "D") if selectKeyValuePair is None: self.close() printl("", self, "C") return self._load(self.onLeavePrimaryKeyValuePair) for i in range(len(self.listViewList)): entry = self.listViewList[i][1] printl("iterator: " + str(i) + " entry: " + str(entry), self, "I") isIndex = True for key in selectKeyValuePair.keys(): if entry[key] != selectKeyValuePair[key]: isIndex = False break if isIndex: self["listview"].setIndex(i) break self.refresh() printl("", self, "C")
def getMusicSections(self, selection): ''' ''' printl("", self, "S") mainMenuList = [] plugin = selection[2] #e.g. Plugin.MENU_MOVIES origSelection = selection # ARTISTS params = copy.deepcopy(selection[3]) url = params['t_url'] params['t_url'] = url + "?type=8" mainMenuList.append((_("by Artists"), plugin, params)) printl("mainMenuList 1: " + str(mainMenuList), self, "D") #ALBUMS params = copy.deepcopy(selection[3]) params['t_url'] = url + "?type=9" mainMenuList.append((_("by Albums"), plugin, params)) printl("mainMenuList 2: " + str(mainMenuList), self, "D") self["menu"].setList(mainMenuList) self.refreshMenu(0) printl("mainMenuList: " + str(mainMenuList), self, "D") printl("", self, "C")
def getPlayPosition(self): printl("", self, "S") position = printl("", self, "C") return position
def bufferInfo(self): ''' ''' #printl("", self, "S") bufferInfo = self.session.nav.getCurrentService().streamed( ).getBufferCharge() self.bufferPercent = bufferInfo[0] self.buffer1 = bufferInfo[1] self.bufferAvgOutRate = bufferInfo[2] self.buffer3 = bufferInfo[3] self.buffersize = bufferInfo[4] self["bufferslider"].setValue(int(self.bufferPercent)) if (self.bufferPercent > 95): self.bufferFull() if (self.bufferPercent == 0 and not self.endReached and (bufferInfo[1] != 0 and bufferInfo[2] != 0)): self.bufferEmpty() printl( "Buffersize[4]: %d BufferPercent[0]: %d Buffer[1]: %d Buffer[3]: %d BufferAvgOutRate[2]: %d" % (self.buffersize, self.bufferPercent, self.buffer1, self.buffer3, self.bufferAvgOutRate), self, "D")
def setAudioTrack(self): ''' ''' printl("", self, "S") if self.switchedLanguage == False: try: service = self.session.nav.getCurrentService() tracks = service and self.getServiceInterface("audioTracks") nTracks = tracks and tracks.getNumberOfTracks() or 0 if not nTracks: printl("no tracks found yet ... retrying later", self, "D") return self.nTracks = True trackList = [] for i in xrange(nTracks): audioInfo = tracks.getTrackInfo(i) lang = audioInfo.getLanguage() printl("lang: " + str(lang), self, "D") trackList += [str(lang)] systemLanguage = language.getLanguage( )[: 2] # getLanguage returns e.g. "fi_FI" for "language_country" printl("found systemLanguage: " + systemLanguage, self, "I") #systemLanguage = "en" self.tryAudioEnable(trackList, systemLanguage, tracks) except Exception, e: printl("audioTrack exception: " + str(e), self, "W")
def getViewClass(): """ """ printl("",__name__ , "S") printl("",__name__ , "C") return DPS_ViewShows
def finishupdate(self): printl("", self, "S") time.sleep(2) self.session.openWithCallback(self.e2restart, MessageBox,_("Enigma2 must be restarted!\nShould Enigma2 now restart?"), MessageBox.TYPE_YESNO) printl("", self, "C")
def sleepNow(self): printl("", self, "S") time.sleep(int(self.g_woldelay)) self.getServerData() printl("", self, "C")
def seekToMinute(self, minutes): printl("", self, "S") self.resumeStamp = int(minutes)*60 self.seekToStartPos() printl("", self, "C")
def __init__(self, pid, name=None, desc=None, start=None, fnc=None, where=None, supportStillPicture=False, weight=100): ''' ''' printl("", self, "S") = pid = name if desc is None: self.desc = else: self.desc = desc self.start = start self.fnc = fnc self.where = where self.weight = weight self.supportStillPicture = supportStillPicture printl("", self, "C")
def getPlayLength(self): printl("", self, "S") length = printl("", self, "C") return length
def getViewClass(): ''' ''' printl("", __name__, "S") printl("", __name__, "C") return DPS_PosterView
def buildList(self): ''' ''' printl("", self, "S") self.list = [] for c in config.plugins.dreamplex.Entries: res = [c] res.append((eListboxPythonMultiContent.TYPE_TEXT, 5, 0, 200, 20, 1, RT_HALIGN_LEFT | RT_VALIGN_CENTER, str(c.state.value))) res.append( (eListboxPythonMultiContent.TYPE_TEXT, 55, 0, 200, 20, 1, RT_HALIGN_LEFT | RT_VALIGN_CENTER, str( ip = "%d.%d.%d.%d" % tuple(c.ip.value) res.append((eListboxPythonMultiContent.TYPE_TEXT, 260, 0, 150, 20, 1, RT_HALIGN_LEFT | RT_VALIGN_CENTER, str(ip))) port = "%d" % (c.port.value) res.append((eListboxPythonMultiContent.TYPE_TEXT, 450, 0, 80, 20, 1, RT_HALIGN_LEFT | RT_VALIGN_CENTER, str(port))) self.list.append(res) self.l.setList(self.list) self.moveToIndex(0) printl("", self, "C")
def showL1(self): #self.setText("postertext", "rendering ...") if self.postersLeft[1] is not None: printl("show me: " + str(self.postersLeft[1]), self, "D") test = self.EXpicloadPoster_m1.startDecode(self.postersLeft[1])
def showR3(self): #self.setText("postertext", "rendering ...") if self.postersRight[3] is not None: printl("show me: " + str(self.postersRight[3]), self, "D") test = self.EXpicloadPoster_p3.startDecode(self.postersRight[3])
def _load(self, primaryKeys=None, ignoreSort=False, ignoreFilter=False): ''' ''' printl("", self, "S") library = self.loadLibrary(primaryKeys) #printl("library: " + str(library), self, "D") self.listViewList = library[0] self.onEnterPrimaryKeys = library[1] self.onLeavePrimaryKeyValuePair = library[2] self.onLeaveSelectKeyValuePair = library[3] self.onSortKeyValuePair = library[4] self.onFilterKeyValuePair = library[5] if len(library) >= 7: self.libraryFlags = library[6] else: self.libraryFlags = {} if ignoreSort is False: # After changing the lsit always return to the default sort self.activeSort = self.onSortKeyValuePair[0] if ignoreFilter is False: # After changing the lsit always return to the default filter x = self.onFilterKeyValuePair[0] self.activeFilter = (x[0], x[1], x[2][0], ) self.sort() self.filter() printl("", self, "C")
def loadPlexPlugins(): ''' ''' printl("", "__init__::loadPlexPlugins", "S") printl("registering ... movies", "__init__::loadPlexPlugins", "D") registerPlugin( Plugin(pid="movies", name=_("Movies"), start=DP_LibMovies, where=Plugin.MENU_MOVIES)) printl("registering ... tvhshows", "__initgetBoxInformationt__::loadPlexPlugins", "D") registerPlugin( Plugin(pid="tvshows", name=_("TV Shows"), start=DP_LibShows, where=Plugin.MENU_TVSHOWS)) printl("registering ... music", "__initgetBoxInformationt__::loadPlexPlugins", "D") registerPlugin( Plugin(pid="music", name=_("Music"), start=DP_LibMusic, where=Plugin.MENU_MUSIC)) #printl("registering ... pictures", "__initgetBoxInformationt__::loadPlexPlugins", "D") #registerPlugin(Plugin(pid="tvshows", name=_("Music"), start=DP_LibPictures, where=Plugin.MENU_PICTURES)) #printl("registering ... channels", "__initgetBoxInformationt__::loadPlexPlugins", "D") #registerPlugin(Plugin(pid="tvshows", name=_("Music"), start=DP_LibChannels, where=Plugin.MENU_CHANNELS)) printl("", "__init__::loadPlexPlugins", "C")
def displayOptionsMenuCallback(self, choice): ''' ''' printl("", self, "S") if choice is None or choice[1] is None: return selection = self["listview"].getCurrent() if selection is not None: if choice[1].start: if choice[1].supportStillPicture:[1].start, selection[1]) else: if self.has_key("backdrop"): self["backdrop"].finishStillPicture() self.session.openWithCallback(self.pluginCallback, choice[1].start, selection[1]) elif choice[1].fnc: if choice[1].supportStillPicture is False and self.has_key("backdrop"): self["backdrop"].finishStillPicture() choice[1].fnc(self.session, selection[1]) if choice[1].supportStillPicture is False and self.has_key("backdrop"): self.refresh() printl("", self, "C")
def __init__(self, session, what = None): ''' ''' printl("", self, "S") Screen.__init__(self, session) self.session = session self["state"] = StaticText(_("State")) self["name"] = StaticText(_("Name")) self["ip"] = StaticText(_("IP")) self["port"] = StaticText(_("Port")) self["key_red"] = StaticText(_("Add")) self["key_yellow"] = StaticText(_("Edit")) self["key_blue"] = StaticText(_("Delete")) self["entrylist"] = DPS_ServerEntryList([]) self["actions"] = ActionMap(["WizardActions","MenuActions","ShortcutActions"], { "ok" : self.keyYellow, "back" : self.keyClose, "red" : self.keyRed, "yellow": self.keyYellow, "blue": self.keyDelete, }, -1) self.what = what self.updateList() printl("", self, "C")
def checkIfDVD(self, playbackPath): ''' tries to determin if media entry is a dvd ''' printl("", self, "S") isDVD = False dvdFilelist = [] dvdDevice = None if playbackPath.lower().endswith(u"ifo"): # DVD isDVD = True dvdFilelist.append( str(playbackPath.replace(u"/VIDEO_TS.IFO", "").strip())) elif playbackPath.lower().endswith(u"iso"): # DVD isDVD = True dvdFilelist.append(str(playbackPath)) printl("", self, "C") return ( isDVD, dvdFilelist, dvdDevice, )
def keyStartLocalCache(self): ''' ''' printl("", self, "S") printl("start local file caching", self, "I") if ".m3u8" in self.url: MessageBox, _("This stream can not get saved on HDD\nm3u8 streams are not supported" ), MessageBox.TYPE_INFO) printl("", self, "C") return if self.localCache == True: printl("", self, "C") return self.container = eConsoleAppContainer() self.container.appClosed.append(self.DLfinished) self.container.setCWD(config.plugins.dreamplex.playerTempPath.value) self.startDL() printl("", self, "C")
def getViewClass(): ''' ''' printl("", __name__, "S") printl("", __name__, "C") return DPS_ViewMusic
def createSetup(self, data = None): printl("", self, "S") separator = "".ljust(90,"_") self.cfglist = [] # GENERAL SETTINGS self.cfglist.append(getConfigListEntry(_("General Settings") + separator, config.plugins.dreamplex.about, _(" "))) self.cfglist.append(getConfigListEntry(_("> Used Skin"), config.plugins.dreamplex.skins, _("If you change the skin you have to restart at least the GUI!"))) self.cfglist.append(getConfigListEntry(_("> Show Plugin in Main Menu"), config.plugins.dreamplex.showInMainMenu, _(" "))) self.cfglist.append(getConfigListEntry(_("> Use Cache for Sections"), config.plugins.dreamplex.useCache, _(" "))) self.cfglist.append(getConfigListEntry(_("> Use Picture Cache"), config.plugins.dreamplex.usePicCache, _("Use this if you do not have enough space on your box e.g. no hdd drive just flash."))) self.cfglist.append(getConfigListEntry(_("> Stop Live TV on startup"), config.plugins.dreamplex.stopLiveTvOnStartup, _(" "))) self.cfglist.append(getConfigListEntry(_("> Show Infobar when buffer drained"), config.plugins.dreamplex.showInfobarOnBuffer, _(" "))) if config.plugins.dreamplex.showUpdateFunction.value == True: self.cfglist.append(getConfigListEntry(_("> Check for updates on startup"), config.plugins.dreamplex.checkForUpdateOnStartup, _("If activated on each start we will check if there is a new version depending on your update type."))) self.cfglist.append(getConfigListEntry(_("> Updatetype"), config.plugins.dreamplex.updateType, _("Use Beta only if you really want to help with testing"))) # playing themes stops live tv for this reason we enable this only if live stops on startup is set if config.plugins.dreamplex.stopLiveTvOnStartup.value == True: self.cfglist.append(getConfigListEntry(_(">> Play Themes in TV Shows"), config.plugins.dreamplex.playTheme, _(" "))) else: # if the live startup stops is not set we have to turn of playtheme automatically config.plugins.dreamplex.playTheme.value = False # USERINTERFACE SETTINGS self.cfglist.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Userinterface Settings") + separator, config.plugins.dreamplex.about, _(" "))) self.cfglist.append(getConfigListEntry(_("> Summerize Sections"), config.plugins.dreamplex.summerizeSections, _(" "))) self.cfglist.append(getConfigListEntry(_("> Show Filter for Section"), config.plugins.dreamplex.showFilter, _(" "))) self.cfglist.append(getConfigListEntry(_("> Show Seen/Unseen count in TvShows"), config.plugins.dreamplex.showUnSeenCounts, _(" "))) self.cfglist.append(getConfigListEntry(_("> Use fastScroll as default"), config.plugins.dreamplex.fastScroll, _(" "))) # PATH SETTINGS self.cfglist.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Path Settings") + separator, config.plugins.dreamplex.about, _(" "))) self.mediafolderpath = getConfigListEntry(_("> Media Folder Path"), config.plugins.dreamplex.mediafolderpath, _(" ")) self.cfglist.append(self.mediafolderpath) self.configfolderpath = getConfigListEntry(_("> Config Folder Path"), config.plugins.dreamplex.configfolderpath, _(" ")) self.cfglist.append(self.configfolderpath) self.cachefolderpath = getConfigListEntry(_("> Cache Folder Path"), config.plugins.dreamplex.cachefolderpath, _(" ")) self.cfglist.append(self.cachefolderpath) self.playerTempPath = getConfigListEntry(_("> Player Temp Path"), config.plugins.dreamplex.playerTempPath, _(" ")) self.cfglist.append(self.playerTempPath) self.logfolderpath = getConfigListEntry(_("> Log Folder Path"), config.plugins.dreamplex.logfolderpath, _(" ")) self.cfglist.append(self.logfolderpath) # MISC self.cfglist.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Misc Settings") + separator, config.plugins.dreamplex.about, _(" "))) self.cfglist.append(getConfigListEntry(_("> Debug Mode"), config.plugins.dreamplex.debugMode, _(" "))) self["config"].list = self.cfglist self["config"].l.setList(self.cfglist) printl("", self, "C")
def __evUpdatedBufferInfo(self): ''' ''' #printl("", self, "S") if self.localCache: printl("", self, "C") return bufferInfo = self.session.nav.getCurrentService().streamed().getBufferCharge() self.buffersize = bufferInfo[4] self.bufferPercent = bufferInfo[0] self["bufferslider"].setValue(int(self.bufferPercent)) self["label_speed"].setText("DL-Speed: " + self.formatKBits(bufferInfo[1]) ) if bufferInfo[2] > 0: self.bitrate = bufferInfo[2] if(self.bufferPercent > 95): self.bufferFull() if(self.bufferPercent == 0 and not self.endReached and (bufferInfo[1] != 0 and bufferInfo[2] !=0)): self.bufferEmpty() #printl("self.buffersize: " + str(self.buffersize), self, "D") #printl("self.bitrate: " + str(self.bitrate), self, "D") #printl("self.bufferSeconds: " + str(self.bufferSeconds), self, "D") #printl("self.bufferPercent: " + str(self.bufferPercent), self, "D") try: if self.bitrate != 0: self.bufferSeconds = self.buffersize / self.bitrate self.bufferSecondsLeft = self.bufferSeconds * self.bufferPercent / 100 except: printl("something went wrong while calculating", self, "W")
def initServerEntryConfig(): ''' ''' printl("", "__init__::initServerEntryConfig", "S") config.plugins.dreamplex.Entries.append(ConfigSubsection()) i = len(config.plugins.dreamplex.Entries) -1 config.plugins.dreamplex.Entries[i].state = ConfigYesNo(default = True) config.plugins.dreamplex.Entries[i].connectionType = ConfigSelection(default="0", choices = [("0", _("wan")),("1", _("lan"))]) config.plugins.dreamplex.Entries[i].name = ConfigText(default = "PlexServer", visible_width = 50, fixed_size = False) config.plugins.dreamplex.Entries[i].ip = ConfigIP(default = [192,168,0,1]) config.plugins.dreamplex.Entries[i].port = ConfigInteger(default=32400, limits=(1, 65555)) config.plugins.dreamplex.Entries[i].transcode = ConfigYesNo(default = True) config.plugins.dreamplex.Entries[i].transcodeType = ConfigSelection(default="0", choices = [("0", _("m3u8")),("1", _("flv"))]) config.plugins.dreamplex.Entries[i].quality = ConfigSelection(default="0", choices = [("0", _("240p")),("1", _("320p")),("2", _("480p")),("3", _("720p")),("4", _("1080p"))]) config.plugins.dreamplex.Entries[i].audioOutput = ConfigSelection(default="2", choices = [("0", _("mp3,aac")),("1", _("mp3,aac,ac3")),("2", _("mp3,aac,ac3,dts"))]) config.plugins.dreamplex.Entries[i].streamMode = ConfigSelection(default="0", choices = [("0", _("HTTP Streaming")),("1", _("Local Buffer Mode")),("2", _("Direct Play"))]) config.plugins.dreamplex.Entries[i].wol = ConfigYesNo(default = False) config.plugins.dreamplex.Entries[i].wol_mac = ConfigText(default = "00AA00BB00CC", visible_width = 12, fixed_size = False) config.plugins.dreamplex.Entries[i].wol_delay = ConfigInteger(default=60, limits=(1, 180)) return config.plugins.dreamplex.Entries[i] printl("", "__init__::initServerEntryConfig", "C")
def setAudioTrack(self): ''' ''' printl("", self, "S") if self.switchedLanguage == False: try: service = self.session.nav.getCurrentService() tracks = service and self.getServiceInterface("audioTracks") nTracks = tracks and tracks.getNumberOfTracks() or 0 if not nTracks: printl("no tracks found yet ... retrying later", self, "D") return self.nTracks = True trackList = [] for i in xrange(nTracks): audioInfo = tracks.getTrackInfo(i) lang = audioInfo.getLanguage() printl("lang: " + str(lang), self, "D") trackList += [str(lang)] systemLanguage = language.getLanguage()[:2] # getLanguage returns e.g. "fi_FI" for "language_country" printl("found systemLanguage: " + systemLanguage, self, "I") #systemLanguage = "en" self.tryAudioEnable(trackList, systemLanguage, tracks) except Exception, e: printl("audioTrack exception: " + str(e), self, "W")
def buildList(self): ''' ''' printl("", self, "S") self.list=[] for c in config.plugins.dreamplex.Entries: res = [c] #res.append((eListboxPythonMultiContent.TYPE_TEXT, 5, 0, 200, 20, 1, RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, str(c.state.value))) res.append((eListboxPythonMultiContent.TYPE_TEXT, 55, 0, 200, 20, 1, RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, str( if c.connectionType.value == "2": text1 = c.myplexUrl.value text2 = c.myplexUsername.value else: text1 = "%d.%d.%d.%d" % tuple(c.ip.value) text2 = "%d"%(c.port.value) res.append((eListboxPythonMultiContent.TYPE_TEXT, 260, 0, 150, 20, 1, RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, str(text1))) res.append((eListboxPythonMultiContent.TYPE_TEXT, 450, 0, 80, 20, 1, RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, str(text2))) self.list.append(res) self.l.setList(self.list) self.moveToIndex(0) printl("", self, "C")
def getMusicViewDefaults(): printl("", __name__, "S") defaults = {} # mandatory items have to be defined or a assert error will come defaults["itemsPerPage"] = "mandatory" defaults["apiLevel"] = "mandatory" defaults["screen"] = "mandatory" defaults["current"] = True defaults["total"] = True defaults["functionsContainer"] = True defaults["showBackdrop"] = True defaults["showPoster"] = True defaults["audio"] = True defaults["resolution"] = True defaults["aspect"] = True defaults["codec"] = True defaults["rated"] = True defaults["title"] = True defaults["tag"] = True defaults["shortDescription"] = True defaults["subtitles"] = True defaults["selectedAudio"] = True defaults["genre"] = True defaults["year"] = True defaults["runtime"] = True defaults["backdroptext"] = True defaults["postertext"] = True defaults["rating_stars"] = True printl("", __name__, "C") return defaults
def getViewClass(): ''' ''' printl("",__name__ , "S") printl("",__name__ , "C") return DPS_ViewListLong
def buildInfoPlaybackArgs(self, entry): ''' ''' printl("", self, "S") printl("", self, "C") return {}
def postWidgetCreate(self, instance): printl("", self, "S") MenuList.postWidgetCreate(self, instance) instance.setItemHeight(20) printl("", self, "C")
def buildList(self): printl("", self, "S") self.list=[] for c in config.plugins.dreamplex.Entries: res = [c] #res.append((eListboxPythonMultiContent.TYPE_TEXT, 5, 0, 200, 20, 1, RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, str(c.state.value))) res.append((eListboxPythonMultiContent.TYPE_TEXT, 55, 0, 200, 20, 1, RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, str( if c.connectionType.value == "2": text1 = c.myplexUrl.value text2 = c.myplexUsername.value else: text1 = "%d.%d.%d.%d" % tuple(c.ip.value) text2 = "%d"%(c.port.value) res.append((eListboxPythonMultiContent.TYPE_TEXT, 260, 0, 150, 20, 1, RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, str(text1))) res.append((eListboxPythonMultiContent.TYPE_TEXT, 450, 0, 80, 20, 1, RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, str(text2))) self.list.append(res) self.l.setList(self.list) self.moveToIndex(0) printl("", self, "C")
def keyRight(self): printl("", self, "S") ConfigListScreen.keyRight(self) self.createSetup() printl("", self, "C")
def __init__(self, session): printl("", self, "S") Screen.__init__(self, session) HelpableScreen.__init__(self) self.cfglist = [] ConfigListScreen.__init__(self, self.cfglist, session, on_change = self._changed) self._session = session self._hasChanged = False self["key_red"] = StaticText(_("Cancel")) self["key_green"] = StaticText(_("Save")) self["help"] = StaticText() self["setupActions"] = ActionMap(["SetupActions", "ColorActions", "DPS_Settings"], { "green": self.keySave, "red": self.keyCancel, "cancel": self.keyCancel, "ok": self.ok, "left": self.keyLeft, "right": self.keyRight, "bouquet_up": self.keyBouquetUp, "bouquet_down": self.keyBouquetDown, }, -2) self.createSetup() self["config"].onSelectionChanged.append(self.updateHelp) printl("", self, "C")
def keySave(self): printl("", self, "S") self.saveAll() self.close(None) printl("", self, "C")
def __init__(self, session, what = None): printl("", self, "S") Screen.__init__(self, session) self.session = session self["state"] = StaticText(_("State")) self["name"] = StaticText(_("Name")) self["ip"] = StaticText(_("IP")) self["port"] = StaticText(_("Port")) self["key_red"] = StaticText(_("Discover")) self["key_green"] = StaticText(_("Add")) self["key_yellow"] = StaticText(_("Edit")) self["key_blue"] = StaticText(_("Delete")) self["entrylist"] = DPS_ServerEntryList([]) self["actions"] = ActionMap(["WizardActions","MenuActions","ShortcutActions"], { "ok" : self.keyYellow, "back" : self.keyClose, "red" : self.keyRed, "yellow": self.keyYellow, "green": self.keyGreen, "blue": self.keyDelete, }, -1) self.what = what self.updateList() printl("", self, "C")
def setPara(self): ''' ''' printl("", self, "S") self.EXpicloadPoster.setPara([self["poster"].instance.size().width(), self["poster"].instance.size().height(), self.EXscale[0], self.EXscale[1], 0, 1, "#002C2C39"]) self.EXpicloadBackdrop.setPara([self["mybackdrop"].instance.size().width(), self["mybackdrop"].instance.size().height(), self.EXscale[0], self.EXscale[1], 0, 1, "#002C2C39"]) ptr_red = "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/DreamPlex/skin/1280x720/buttons/red.png" self["btn_red"].instance.setPixmapFromFile(ptr_red) ptr_blue = "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/DreamPlex/skin/1280x720/buttons/blue.png" self["btn_blue"].instance.setPixmapFromFile(ptr_blue) ptr_yellow = "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/DreamPlex/skin/1280x720/buttons/yellow.png" self["btn_yellow"].instance.setPixmapFromFile(ptr_yellow) ptr_zero = "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/DreamPlex/skin/all/key_0.png" self["btn_zero"].instance.setPixmapFromFile(ptr_zero) ptr_nine = "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/DreamPlex/skin/all/key_9.png" self["btn_nine"].instance.setPixmapFromFile(ptr_nine) ptr_pvr = "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/DreamPlex/skin/all/pvr.png" self["btn_pvr"].instance.setPixmapFromFile(ptr_pvr) ptr_menu = "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/DreamPlex/skin/all/menu.png" self["btn_menu"].instance.setPixmapFromFile(ptr_menu) self.resetGuiElementsInFastScrollMode() printl("", self, "C")
def onKeyInfo(self): ''' ''' printl("", self, "S") self.showFunctions(not self.areFunctionsHidden) printl("", self, "C")
def _changed(self): ''' ''' printl("", self, "S") self._hasChanged = True printl("", self, "C")
def keyRed(self): ''' ''' printl("", self, "S") self.session.openWithCallback(self.updateList, DPS_ServerEntryConfigScreen, None) printl("", self, "C")
def notifyEntryStopped(self, flags): printl("", self, "D") args = {} args["status"] = "stopped" plugins = getPlugins(where=Plugin.INFO_PLAYBACK) for plugin in plugins: printl("" + str(, self, "D") plugin.fnc(args, flags)
def notifyEntryPlaying(self, entry, flags): printl("", self, "D") args = self.buildInfoPlaybackArgs(entry) args["status"] = "playing" plugins = getPlugins(where=Plugin.INFO_PLAYBACK) for plugin in plugins: printl("" + str(, self, "D") plugin.fnc(args, flags)
def close(self, arg=None): ''' ''' printl("", self, "S") super(getViewClass(), self).close(arg) printl("", self, "C")
def keyClose(self): ''' ''' printl("", self, "S") self.close(self.session, self.what, None) printl("", self, "C")
def onKeyUp(self): ''' ''' printl("", self, "S") self.onPreviousEntry() printl("", self, "C")
def onKeyLeft(self): ''' ''' printl("", self, "S") self.onPreviousPage() printl("", self, "C")
def playEntry(self, entry): ''' ''' printl("", self, "S") super(getViewClass(), self).playEntry(entry) printl("", self, "C")
def leavePlayer(self): ''' ''' printl("", self, "S") self.leavePlayerConfirmed(True) printl("", self, "C")
def onKeyDown(self): ''' ''' printl("", self, "S") self.onNextEntry() printl("", self, "C")
def setCustomTitle(self): ''' ''' printl("", self, "S") self.setTitle(_("Settings")) printl("", self, "C")
def onKeyRight(self): ''' ''' printl("", self, "S") self.onNextPage() printl("", self, "C")
def updateList(self): ''' ''' printl("", self, "S") self["entrylist"].buildList() printl("", self, "C")