def moveService(self, param): print "[WebComponents.BouquetEditor] moveService with param = ", param sBouquetRef = param["sBouquetRef"] if sBouquetRef is None: return (False, _("No bouquet given!")) sRef = None if "sRef" in param: if param["sRef"] is not None: sRef = param["sRef"] if sRef is None: return (False, _("No service given!")) position = None if "position" in param: if param["position"] is not None: position = int(param["position"]) if position is None: return (False, _("No position given!")) mutableBouquetList = self.getMutableList( eServiceReference(sBouquetRef)) if mutableBouquetList is not None: ref = eServiceReference(sRef) mutableBouquetList.moveService(ref, position) mutableBouquetList.flushChanges() self.setRoot(sBouquetRef) return (True, _("Service %s moved.") % self.getName(ref)) return (False, _("Service can not be moved."))
def addMarkerToBouquet(self, param): print "[WebComponents.BouquetEditor] addMarkerToBouquet with param = ", param sBouquetRef = param["sBouquetRef"] if sBouquetRef is None: return (False, _("No bouquet given!")) name = None if "Name" in param: if param["Name"] is not None: name =param["Name"] if name is None: if not "SP" in param: return (False, _("No marker-name given!")) sRefBefore = eServiceReference() if "sRefBefore" in param: if param["sRefBefore"] is not None: sRefBefore = eServiceReference(param["sRefBefore"]) bouquet_ref = eServiceReference(sBouquetRef) mutableBouquetList = self.getMutableList(bouquet_ref) cnt = 0 while mutableBouquetList: if name is None: service_str = '1:832:D:%d:0:0:0:0:0:0:'% cnt else: service_str = '1:64:%d:0:0:0:0:0:0:0::%s'%(cnt, name) ref = eServiceReference(service_str) if not mutableBouquetList.addService(ref, sRefBefore): mutableBouquetList.flushChanges() self.setRoot(sBouquetRef) return (True, _("Marker added.")) cnt+=1 return (False, _("Internal error!"))
def setSleepTimer(session, time, action, enabled): if action not in ["shutdown", "standby"]: action = "standby" if hasattr(session.nav, "SleepTimer"): try: ret = getSleepTimer(session) from Screens.Standby import inStandby if inStandby is not None: ret["message"] = _( "ERROR: Cannot set SleepTimer while device is in Standby-Mode" ) return ret if enabled == False: session.nav.SleepTimer.clear() ret = getSleepTimer(session) ret["message"] = _("Sleeptimer has been disabled") return ret config.SleepTimer.action.value = action session.nav.SleepTimer.setSleepTime(time) ret = getSleepTimer(session) ret["message"] = _("Sleeptimer set to %d minutes") % time return ret except Exception, e: return {"result": False, "message": _("SleepTimer Error")}
def addMarkerToBouquet(self, param): print "[WebComponents.BouquetEditor] addMarkerToBouquet with param = ", param sBouquetRef = param["sBouquetRef"] if sBouquetRef is None: return (False, _("No bouquet given!")) name = None if "Name" in param: if param["Name"] is not None: name = param["Name"] if name is None: if not "SP" in param: return (False, _("No marker-name given!")) sRefBefore = eServiceReference() if "sRefBefore" in param: if param["sRefBefore"] is not None: sRefBefore = eServiceReference(param["sRefBefore"]) bouquet_ref = eServiceReference(sBouquetRef) mutableBouquetList = self.getMutableList(bouquet_ref) cnt = 0 while mutableBouquetList: if name is None: service_str = '1:832:D:%d:0:0:0:0:0:0:' % cnt else: service_str = '1:64:%d:0:0:0:0:0:0:0::%s' % (cnt, name) ref = eServiceReference(service_str) if not mutableBouquetList.addService(ref, sRefBefore): mutableBouquetList.flushChanges() self.setRoot(sBouquetRef) return (True, _("Marker added.")) cnt += 1 return (False, _("Internal error!"))
def removeService(self, param): print "[WebComponents.BouquetEditor] removeService with param = ", param sBouquetRef = param["sBouquetRef"] if sBouquetRef is None: return (False, _("No bouquet given!")) sRef = None if "sRef" in param: if param["sRef"] is not None: sRef = param["sRef"] if sRef is None: return (False, _("No service given!")) ref = eServiceReference(sRef) if ref.flags & eServiceReference.isGroup: # check if service is an alternative, if so delete it with removeBouquet new_param = {} new_param["sBouquetRef"] = sRef new_param[ "mode"] = None # of no interest when passing BouquetRefRoot new_param["BouquetRefRoot"] = sBouquetRef returnValue = self.removeBouquet(new_param) if returnValue[0]: return (True, _("Service %s removed.") % self.getName(ref)) else: bouquetRef = eServiceReference(sBouquetRef) mutableBouquetList = self.getMutableList(bouquetRef) if mutableBouquetList is not None: if not mutableBouquetList.removeService(ref): mutableBouquetList.flushChanges() self.setRoot(sBouquetRef) return (True, _("Service %s removed from bouquet %s.") % (self.getName(ref), self.getName(bouquetRef))) return (False, _("Service %s can not be removed.") % self.getName(ref))
def render_POST(self, request): request.setResponseCode(http.OK) request.setHeader('content-type', 'text/plain') request.setHeader('charset', 'UTF-8') content = request.args['rfile'][0] filename = self.mbasename(request.args['filename'][0]) if not content or not config.OpenWebif.allow_upload_ipk.value: result = [False, _('Error upload File')] else: if not filename.endswith(".ipk"): result = [False, _('wrong filetype')] else: FN = "/tmp/" + filename # nosec fileh =, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT) bytes = 0 if fileh: bytes = os.write(fileh, content) os.close(fileh) if bytes <= 0: try: os.remove(FN) except OSError, oe: pass result = [False, _('Error writing File')] else: result = [True, FN]
def getJsonFromConfig(cnf): if cnf.__class__.__name__ == "ConfigSelection" or cnf.__class__.__name__ == "ConfigSelectionNumber": if type(cnf.choices.choices) == dict: choices = [] for choice in cnf.choices.choices: choices.append((choice, _(cnf.choices.choices[choice]))) elif type(cnf.choices.choices[0]) == tuple: choices = [] for choice_tuple in cnf.choices.choices: choices.append((choice_tuple[0], _(choice_tuple[1]))) else: choices = [] for choice in cnf.choices.choices: choices.append((choice, _(choice))) return {"result": True, "type": "select", "choices": choices, "current": cnf.value} elif ( cnf.__class__.__name__ == "ConfigBoolean" or cnf.__class__.__name__ == "ConfigEnableDisable" or cnf.__class__.__name__ == "ConfigYesNo" ): return {"result": True, "type": "checkbox", "current": cnf.value} elif cnf.__class__.__name__ == "ConfigSet": return {"result": True, "type": "multicheckbox", "choices": cnf.choices.choices, "current": cnf.value} elif cnf.__class__.__name__ == "ConfigNumber": return {"result": True, "type": "number", "current": cnf.value} elif cnf.__class__.__name__ == "ConfigInteger": return {"result": True, "type": "number", "current": cnf.value, "limits": (cnf.limits[0][0], cnf.limits[0][1])} elif cnf.__class__.__name__ == "ConfigText": return {"result": True, "type": "text", "current": cnf.value} print "[OpenWebif] Unknown class ", cnf.__class__.__name__ return {"result": False, "type": "unknown"}
def moveBouquet(self, param): print "[WebComponents.BouquetEditor] moveBouquet with param = ", param sBouquetRef = param["sBouquetRef"] if sBouquetRef is None: return (False, _("No bouquet name given!")) mode = MODE_TV # init if "mode" in param: if param["mode"] is not None: mode = int(param["mode"]) position = None if "position" in param: if param["position"] is not None: position = int(param["position"]) if position is None: return (False, _("No position given!")) mutableBouquetList = self.getMutableBouquetList(mode) if mutableBouquetList is not None: ref = eServiceReference(sBouquetRef) mutableBouquetList.moveService(ref, position) mutableBouquetList.flushChanges() self.setRoot(self.bouquet_rootstr) return (True, _("Bouquet %s moved.") % self.getName(ref)) else: return (False, _("Bouquet %s can not be moved.") % self.getName(ref))
def setSleepTimer(session, time, action, enabled): if action not in ["shutdown", "standby"]: action = "standby" if hasattr(session.nav, "SleepTimer"): try: ret = getSleepTimer(session) from Screens.Standby import inStandby if inStandby is not None: ret["message"] = _("ERROR: Cannot set SleepTimer while device is in Standby-Mode") return ret if enabled == False: session.nav.SleepTimer.clear() ret = getSleepTimer(session) ret["message"] = _("Sleeptimer has been disabled") return ret config.SleepTimer.action.value = action session.nav.SleepTimer.setSleepTime(time) ret = getSleepTimer(session) ret["message"] = _("Sleeptimer set to %d minutes") % time return ret except Exception, e: return { "result": False, "message": _("SleepTimer Error") }
def addBouquet(self, bName, mode, services): if config.usage.multibouquet.value: mutableBouquetList = self.getMutableBouquetList(mode) if mutableBouquetList: if mode == MODE_TV: bName += " (TV)" sref = '1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET \"\" ORDER BY bouquet'%(self.buildBouquetID(bName, "userbouquet.", mode)) else: bName += " (Radio)" sref = '1:7:2:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET \"\" ORDER BY bouquet'%(self.buildBouquetID(bName, "userbouquet.", mode)) new_bouquet_ref = eServiceReference(sref) if not mutableBouquetList.addService(new_bouquet_ref): mutableBouquetList.flushChanges() eDVBDB.getInstance().reloadBouquets() mutableBouquet = self.getMutableList(new_bouquet_ref) if mutableBouquet: mutableBouquet.setListName(bName) if services is not None: for service in services: if mutableBouquet.addService(service): print "add", service.toString(), "to new bouquet failed" mutableBouquet.flushChanges() self.setRoot(self.bouquet_rootstr) return (True, _("Bouquet %s created.") % bName) else: return (False, _("Get mutable list for new created bouquet failed!")) else: return (False, _("Bouquet %s already exists.") % bName) else: return (False, _("Bouquetlist is not editable!")) else: return (False, _("Multi-Bouquet is not enabled!"))
def getAdapterIPv6(ifname): addr = _("IPv4-only kernel") if fileExists('/proc/net/if_inet6'): addr = _("IPv4-only Python/Twisted") if has_ipv6 and version.major >= 12: proc = '/proc/net/if_inet6' tempaddrs = [] for line in file(proc).readlines(): if line.startswith('fe80'): continue tmpaddr = "" tmp = line.split() if ifname == tmp[5]: tmpaddr = ":".join([ tmp[0][i:i+4] for i in range(0,len(tmp[0]),4) ]) if tmp[2].lower() != "ff": tmpaddr = "%s/%s" % (tmpaddr, int(tmp[2].lower(), 16)) tempaddrs.append(normalize_ipv6(tmpaddr)) if len(tempaddrs) > 1: tempaddrs.sort() addr = ', '.join(tempaddrs) elif len(tempaddrs) == 1: addr = tempaddrs[0] elif len(tempaddrs) == 0: addr = _("none/IPv4-only network") return (addr)
def addServiceToBouquet(self, param): print "[WebComponents.BouquetEditor] addService with param = ", param sBouquetRef = param["sBouquetRef"] if sBouquetRef is None: return (False, _("No bouquet given!")) sRef = None if "sRef" in param: if param["sRef"] is not None: sRef = param["sRef"] if sRef is None: return (False, _("No service given!")) sName = None if "Name" in param: if param["Name"] is not None: sName = param["Name"] sRefBefore = eServiceReference() if "sRefBefore" in param: if param["sRefBefore"] is not None: sRefBefore = eServiceReference(param["sRefBefore"]) bouquetRef = eServiceReference(sBouquetRef) mutableBouquetList = self.getMutableList(bouquetRef) if mutableBouquetList is not None: ref = eServiceReference(sRef) if sName: ref.setName(sName) if not mutableBouquetList.addService(ref, sRefBefore): mutableBouquetList.flushChanges() self.setRoot(sBouquetRef) return (True, _("Service %s added.") % self.getName(ref)) else: bouquetName = self.getName(bouquetRef) return (False, _("Service %s already exists in bouquet %s.") % (self.getName(ref), bouquetName)) return (False, _("This service can not be added."))
def prepareMainTemplate(self): # here will be generated the dictionary for the main template ret = getCollapsedMenus() ret["remotegrabscreenshot"] = getRemoteGrabScreenshot()["remotegrabscreenshot"] ret["configsections"] = getConfigsSections()["sections"] ret["zapstream"] = getZapStream()["zapstream"] ret["showname"] = getShowName()["showname"] ret["customname"] = getCustomName()["customname"] ret["boxname"] = getBoxName()["boxname"] if not ret["boxname"] or not ret["customname"]: ret["boxname"] = getInfo()["brand"] + " " + getInfo()["model"] ret["box"] = getBoxType() ret["remote"] = remote from Components.config import config if hasattr(eEPGCache, "FULL_DESCRIPTION_SEARCH"): ret["epgsearchcaps"] = True else: ret["epgsearchcaps"] = False if config.OpenWebif.webcache.epg_desc_search.value: config.OpenWebif.webcache.epg_desc_search.value = False ret["epgsearchtype"] = getEPGSearchType()["epgsearchtype"] extras = [] extras.append({"key": "ajax/settings", "description": _("Settings")}) if fileExists(resolveFilename(SCOPE_PLUGINS, "Extensions/LCD4linux/WebSite.pyo")): lcd4linux_key = "lcd4linux/config" if fileExists(resolveFilename(SCOPE_PLUGINS, "Extensions/WebInterface/plugin.pyo")): from Components.Network import iNetwork ifaces = iNetwork.getConfiguredAdapters() if len(ifaces): ip_list = iNetwork.getAdapterAttribute(ifaces[0], "ip") # use only the first configured interface ip = "%d.%d.%d.%d" % (ip_list[0], ip_list[1], ip_list[2], ip_list[3]) try: lcd4linux_port = "http://" + ip + ":" + str(config.plugins.Webinterface.http.port.value) + "/" lcd4linux_key = lcd4linux_port + "lcd4linux/config" except KeyError: lcd4linux_key = None if lcd4linux_key: extras.append({"key": lcd4linux_key, "description": _("LCD4Linux Setup")}) try: from Plugins.Extensions.AutoTimer.AutoTimer import AutoTimer extras.append({"key": "ajax/at", "description": _("AutoTimer")}) except ImportError: pass if fileExists(resolveFilename(SCOPE_PLUGINS, "Extensions/OpenWebif/controllers/views/ajax/bqe.tmpl")): extras.append({"key": "ajax/bqe", "description": _("BouquetEditor")}) try: from Plugins.Extensions.EPGRefresh.EPGRefresh import epgrefresh extras.append({"key": "ajax/epgr", "description": _("EPGRefresh")}) except ImportError: pass ret["extras"] = extras return ret
def removeService(self, param): print "[WebComponents.BouquetEditor] removeService with param = ", param sBouquetRef = param["sBouquetRef"] if sBouquetRef is None: return (False, _("No bouquet given!")) sRef = None if "sRef" in param: if param["sRef"] is not None: sRef =param["sRef"] if sRef is None: return (False, _("No service given!")) ref = eServiceReference(sRef) if ref.flags & eServiceReference.isGroup: # check if service is an alternative, if so delete it with removeBouquet new_param = {} new_param["sBouquetRef"] = sRef new_param["mode"] = None # of no interest when passing BouquetRefRoot new_param["BouquetRefRoot"] = sBouquetRef returnValue = self.removeBouquet(new_param) if returnValue[0]: return (True, _("Service %s removed.") % self.getName(ref)) else: bouquetRef = eServiceReference(sBouquetRef) mutableBouquetList = self.getMutableList(bouquetRef) if mutableBouquetList is not None: if not mutableBouquetList.removeService(ref): mutableBouquetList.flushChanges() self.setRoot(sBouquetRef) return (True, _("Service %s removed from bouquet %s.") % (self.getName(ref), self.getName(bouquetRef))) return (False, _("Service %s can not be removed.") % self.getName(ref))
def moveService(self, param): print "[WebComponents.BouquetEditor] moveService with param = ", param sBouquetRef = param["sBouquetRef"] if sBouquetRef is None: return (False,_( "No bouquet given!")) sRef = None if "sRef" in param: if param["sRef"] is not None: sRef =param["sRef"] if sRef is None: return (False, _("No service given!")) position = None if "position" in param: if param["position"] is not None: position = int(param["position"]) if position is None: return (False, _("No position given!")) mutableBouquetList = self.getMutableList(eServiceReference(sBouquetRef)) if mutableBouquetList is not None: ref = eServiceReference(sRef) mutableBouquetList.moveService(ref, position) mutableBouquetList.flushChanges() self.setRoot(sBouquetRef) return (True, _("Service %s moved.") % self.getName(ref)) return (False, _("Service can not be moved."))
def addServiceToBouquet(self, param): print "[WebComponents.BouquetEditor] addService with param = ", param sBouquetRef = param["sBouquetRef"] if sBouquetRef is None: return (False, _("No bouquet given!")) sRef = None if "sRef" in param: if param["sRef"] is not None: sRef =param["sRef"] if sRef is None: return (False, _("No service given!")) sName = None if "Name" in param: if param["Name"] is not None: sName =param["Name"] sRefBefore = eServiceReference() if "sRefBefore" in param: if param["sRefBefore"] is not None: sRefBefore = eServiceReference(param["sRefBefore"]) bouquetRef = eServiceReference(sBouquetRef) mutableBouquetList = self.getMutableList(bouquetRef) if mutableBouquetList is not None: ref = eServiceReference(sRef) if sName: ref.setName(sName) if not mutableBouquetList.addService(ref, sRefBefore): mutableBouquetList.flushChanges() self.setRoot(sBouquetRef) return (True, _("Service %s added.") % self.getName(ref)) else: bouquetName = self.getName(bouquetRef) return (False, _("Service %s already exists in bouquet %s.") % (self.getName(ref), bouquetName)) return (False, _("This service can not be added."))
def editTimer(session, serviceref, begin, end, name, description, disabled, justplay, afterEvent, dirname, tags, repeated, channelOld, beginOld, endOld, vpsinfo, always_zap): # TODO: exception handling serviceref = unquote(serviceref) channelOld_str = ':'.join(str(channelOld).split(':')[:11]) rt = session.nav.RecordTimer for timer in rt.timer_list + rt.processed_timers: needed_ref = ':'.join(timer.service_ref.ref.toString().split(':')[:11]) == channelOld_str if needed_ref and int(timer.begin) == beginOld and int(timer.end) == endOld: timer.service_ref = ServiceReference(serviceref) # TODO: start end time check timer.begin = int(float(begin)) timer.end = int(float(end)) = name timer.description = description # TODO : EIT #timer.eit = eit timer.disabled = disabled timer.justplay = justplay timer.afterEvent = afterEvent timer.dirname = dirname timer.tags = tags timer.repeated = repeated timer.processRepeated() if vpsinfo is not None: timer.vpsplugin_enabled = vpsinfo["vpsplugin_enabled"] timer.vpsplugin_overwrite = vpsinfo["vpsplugin_overwrite"] timer.vpsplugin_time = vpsinfo["vpsplugin_time"] if always_zap <> -1: if hasattr(timer,"always_zap"): timer.always_zap = always_zap == 1 # TODO: multi tuner test sanity = TimerSanityCheck(rt.timer_list, timer) conflicts = None if not sanity.check(): conflicts = sanity.getSimulTimerList() if conflicts is not None: for conflict in conflicts: if conflict.setAutoincreaseEnd(entry): rt.timeChanged(conflict) if not sanity.check(): conflicts = sanity.getSimulTimerList() if conflicts is None: rt.timeChanged(timer) return { "result": True, "message": _("Timer '%s' changed") % name } else: return { "result": False, "message": _("Timer '%s' not saved while Conflict") % name } return { "result": False, "message": _("Could not find timer '%s' with given start and end time!") % name }
def testMandatoryArguments(self, request, keys): for key in keys: if key not in request.args.keys(): return {"result": False, "message": _("Missing mandatory parameter '%s'") % key} if len(request.args[key][0]) == 0: return {"result": False, "message": _("The parameter '%s' can't be empty") % key} return None
def addTimer(session, serviceref, begin, end, name, description, disabled, justplay, afterevent, dirname, tags, repeated, vpsinfo=None, logentries=None, eit=0, always_zap=-1): serviceref = unquote(serviceref) rt = session.nav.RecordTimer print "mao1", dirname if not dirname: dirname = preferredTimerPath() print "mao2", dirname try: timer = RecordTimerEntry( ServiceReference(serviceref), begin, end, name, description, eit, disabled, justplay, afterevent, dirname=dirname, tags=tags) timer.repeated = repeated if logentries: timer.log_entries = logentries conflicts = rt.record(timer) if conflicts: errors = [] for conflict in conflicts: errors.append( return { "result": False, "message": _("Conflicting Timer(s) detected! %s") % " / ".join(errors) } #VPS if vpsinfo is not None: timer.vpsplugin_enabled = vpsinfo["vpsplugin_enabled"] timer.vpsplugin_overwrite = vpsinfo["vpsplugin_overwrite"] timer.vpsplugin_time = vpsinfo["vpsplugin_time"] if always_zap <> -1: if hasattr(timer,"always_zap"): timer.always_zap = always_zap == 1 except Exception, e: print e return { "result": False, "message": _("Could not add timer '%s'!") % name }
def toggleLock(self, param): if not config.ParentalControl.configured.value: return (False, _("Parent Control is not activated.")) sRef = None if "sRef" in param: if param["sRef"] is not None: sRef = param["sRef"] if sRef is None: return (False, _("No service given!")) if "setuppinactive" in config.ParentalControl.dict().keys( ) and config.ParentalControl.setuppinactive.value: password = None if "password" in param: if param["password"] is not None: password = param["password"] if password is None: return (False, _("No Parent Control Setup Pin given!")) else: if password.isdigit(): if int(password) != config.ParentalControl.setuppin.value: return (False, _("Parent Control Setup Pin is wrong!")) else: return (False, _("Parent Control Setup Pin is wrong!")) cur_ref = eServiceReference(sRef) protection = parentalControl.getProtectionLevel( cur_ref.toCompareString()) if protection: parentalControl.unProtectService(cur_ref.toCompareString()) else: parentalControl.protectService(cur_ref.toCompareString()) if cur_ref.flags & eServiceReference.mustDescent: serviceType = "Bouquet" else: serviceType = "Service" if protection: if config.ParentalControl.type.value == "blacklist": if parentalControl.blacklist.has_key(sref): if "SERVICE" in parentalControl.blacklist.has_key(sref): protectionText = _( "Service %s is locked.") % self.getName(cur_ref) elif "BOUQUET" in parentalControl.blacklist.has_key(sref): protectionText = _( "Bouquet %s is locked.") % self.getName(cur_ref) else: protectionText = _("%s %s is locked.") % ( serviceType, self.getName(cur_ref)) else: if hasattr(ParentalControl, "whitelist" ) and parentalControl.whitelist.has_key(sref): if "SERVICE" in parentalControl.whitelist.has_key(sref): protectionText = _( "Service %s is unlocked.") % self.getName(cur_ref) elif "BOUQUET" in parentalControl.whitelist.has_key(sref): protectionText = _( "Bouquet %s is unlocked.") % self.getName(cur_ref) return (True, protectionText)
def prepareMainTemplate(self): # here will be generated the dictionary for the main template ret = getCollapsedMenus() ret['remotegrabscreenshot'] = getRemoteGrabScreenshot()['remotegrabscreenshot'] ret['configsections'] = getConfigsSections()['sections'] ret['zapstream'] = getZapStream()['zapstream'] ret['box'] = "dmm" if fileExists("/proc/stb/info/model"): ret['box'] = open("/proc/stb/info/model").read().strip().lower() elif fileExists("/proc/stb/info/model"): ret['box'] = open("/proc/stb/info/model").read().strip().lower() if ret["box"] in ("nbox", "esi88", "adb2850", "adb2849", "dsi87"): ret["remote"] = "nbox" else: ret["remote"] = "dmm" extras = [] extras.append({ 'key': 'ajax/settings','description': _("Settings")}) if fileExists(resolveFilename(SCOPE_PLUGINS, "Extensions/LCD4linux/WebSite.pyo")): lcd4linux_key = "lcd4linux/config" if fileExists(resolveFilename(SCOPE_PLUGINS, "Extensions/WebInterface/plugin.pyo")): from Components.config import config from Components.Network import iNetwork ifaces = iNetwork.getConfiguredAdapters() if len(ifaces): ip_list = iNetwork.getAdapterAttribute(ifaces[0], "ip") # use only the first configured interface ip = "%d.%d.%d.%d" % (ip_list[0], ip_list[1], ip_list[2], ip_list[3]) try: lcd4linux_port = "http://" + ip + ":" + str(config.plugins.Webinterface.http.port.value) + "/" lcd4linux_key = lcd4linux_port + 'lcd4linux/config' except KeyError: lcd4linux_key = None if lcd4linux_key: extras.append({ 'key': lcd4linux_key, 'description': _("LCD4Linux Setup")}) # TODO AutoTimer,Epgrefresh,BouquetEditor as Webinterface # try: # from Plugins.Extensions.AutoTimer.AutoTimer import AutoTimer # extras.append({ 'key': 'ajax/xxx','description': 'AutoTimer'}) # except ImportError: # try: # from Plugins.Extensions.WebBouquetEditor.WebComponents.Sources.BouquetEditor import BouquetEditor # extras.append({ 'key': 'ajax/xxx','description': 'BouquetEditor'}) # except ImportError: # try: # from Plugins.Extensions.EPGRefresh.EPGRefresh import epgrefresh # extras.append({ 'key': 'ajax/xxx','description': 'EPGRefresh'}) # except ImportError: ret['extras'] = extras return ret
def renameService(self, param): sRef = None if "sRef" in param: if param["sRef"] is not None: sRef =param["sRef"] if sRef is None: return (False, _("No service given!")) sName = None if "newName" in param: if param["newName"] is not None: sName =param["newName"] if sName is None: return (False, _("No new servicename given!")) sBouquetRef = None if "sBouquetRef" in param: if param["sBouquetRef"] is not None: sBouquetRef =param["sBouquetRef"] cur_ref = eServiceReference(sRef) if cur_ref.flags & eServiceReference.mustDescent: # bouquets or alternatives can be renamed with setListName directly mutableBouquetList = self.getMutableList(cur_ref) if mutableBouquetList: mutableBouquetList.setListName(sName) mutableBouquetList.flushChanges() if sBouquetRef: # BouquetRef is given when renaming alternatives self.setRoot(sBouquetRef) else: mode = MODE_TV # mode is given when renaming bouquet if "mode" in param: if param["mode"] is not None: mode = int(param["mode"]) if mode == MODE_TV: bouquet_rootstr = '1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "" ORDER BY bouquet' else: bouquet_rootstr = '1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "" ORDER BY bouquet' self.setRoot(bouquet_rootstr) return (True, _("Bouquet renamed successfully.")) else: # service # services can not be renamed directly, so delete the current and add it again with new servicename sRefBefore = None if "sRefBefore" in param: if param["sRefBefore"] is not None: sRefBefore =param["sRefBefore"] new_param = {} new_param["sBouquetRef"] = sBouquetRef new_param["sRef"] = sRef new_param["Name"] = sName new_param["sRefBefore"] = sRefBefore returnValue = self.removeService(new_param) if returnValue[0]: returnValue = self.addServiceToBouquet(new_param) if returnValue[0]: return (True, _("Service renamed successfully.")) return (False, _("Service can not be renamed."))
def backupFiles(self, param): filename = param if not filename: filename = self.BACKUP_FILENAME invalidCharacters = re_compile(r'[^A-Za-z0-9_. ]+|^\.|\.$|^ | $|^$') tarFilename = "%s.tar" % invalidCharacters.sub('_', filename) backupFilename = path.join(self.BACKUP_PATH, tarFilename) if path.exists(backupFilename): remove(backupFilename) checkfile = path.join(self.BACKUP_PATH, '.webouquetedit') f = open(checkfile, 'w') if f: files = [] f.write('created with WebBouquetEditor') f.close() files.append(checkfile) files.append("/etc/enigma2/") files.append("/etc/enigma2/") #files.append("/etc/enigma2/") #files.append("/etc/enigma2/") files.append("/etc/enigma2/lamedb") for xml in ("/etc/tuxbox/cables.xml", "/etc/tuxbox/terrestrial.xml", "/etc/tuxbox/satellites.xml", "/etc/tuxbox/atsc.xml", "/etc/enigma2/lamedb5"): if path.exists(xml): files.append(xml) if config.ParentalControl.configured.value: if config.ParentalControl.type.value == "blacklist": files.append("/etc/enigma2/blacklist") else: files.append("/etc/enigma2/whitelist") files += self.getPhysicalFilenamesFromServicereference( eServiceReference( '1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "" ORDER BY bouquet' )) files += self.getPhysicalFilenamesFromServicereference( eServiceReference( '1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "" ORDER BY bouquet' )) tarFiles = "" for arg in files: if not path.exists(arg): return ( False, _("Error while preparing backup file, %s does not exists." ) % arg) tarFiles += "%s " % arg lines = popen("tar cvf %s %s" % (backupFilename, tarFiles)).readlines() remove(checkfile) return (True, tarFilename) else: return (False, _("Error while preparing backup file."))
def renameService(self, param): sRef = None if "sRef" in param: if param["sRef"] is not None: sRef = param["sRef"] if sRef is None: return (False, _("No service given!")) sName = None if "newName" in param: if param["newName"] is not None: sName = param["newName"] if sName is None: return (False, _("No new servicename given!")) sBouquetRef = None if "sBouquetRef" in param: if param["sBouquetRef"] is not None: sBouquetRef = param["sBouquetRef"] cur_ref = eServiceReference(sRef) if cur_ref.flags & eServiceReference.mustDescent: # bouquets or alternatives can be renamed with setListName directly mutableBouquetList = self.getMutableList(cur_ref) if mutableBouquetList: mutableBouquetList.setListName(sName) mutableBouquetList.flushChanges() if sBouquetRef: # BouquetRef is given when renaming alternatives self.setRoot(sBouquetRef) else: mode = MODE_TV # mode is given when renaming bouquet if "mode" in param: if param["mode"] is not None: mode = int(param["mode"]) if mode == MODE_TV: bouquet_rootstr = '1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "" ORDER BY bouquet' else: bouquet_rootstr = '1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "" ORDER BY bouquet' self.setRoot(bouquet_rootstr) return (True, _("Bouquet renamed successfully.")) else: # service # services can not be renamed directly, so delete the current and add it again with new servicename sRefBefore = None if "sRefBefore" in param: if param["sRefBefore"] is not None: sRefBefore = param["sRefBefore"] new_param = {} new_param["sBouquetRef"] = sBouquetRef new_param["sRef"] = sRef new_param["Name"] = sName new_param["sRefBefore"] = sRefBefore returnValue = self.removeService(new_param) if returnValue[0]: returnValue = self.addServiceToBouquet(new_param) if returnValue[0]: return (True, _("Service renamed successfully.")) return (False, _("Service can not be renamed."))
def getJsonFromConfig(cnf): if cnf.__class__.__name__ == "ConfigSelection" or cnf.__class__.__name__ == "ConfigSelectionNumber": if type(cnf.choices.choices) == dict: choices = [] for choice in cnf.choices.choices: choices.append((choice, _(cnf.choices.choices[choice]))) elif type(cnf.choices.choices[0]) == tuple: choices = [] for choice_tuple in cnf.choices.choices: choices.append((choice_tuple[0], _(choice_tuple[1]))) else: choices = [] for choice in cnf.choices.choices: choices.append((choice, _(choice))) return { "result": True, "type": "select", "choices": choices, "current": cnf.value } elif cnf.__class__.__name__ == "ConfigBoolean" or cnf.__class__.__name__ == "ConfigEnableDisable" or cnf.__class__.__name__ == "ConfigYesNo": return { "result": True, "type": "checkbox", "current": cnf.value } elif cnf.__class__.__name__ == "ConfigSet": return { "result": True, "type": "multicheckbox", "choices": cnf.choices.choices, "current": cnf.value } elif cnf.__class__.__name__ == "ConfigNumber": return { "result": True, "type": "number", "current": cnf.value } elif cnf.__class__.__name__ == "ConfigInteger": return { "result": True, "type": "number", "current": cnf.value, "limits": (cnf.limits[0][0], cnf.limits[0][1]) } print "[OpenWebif] Unknown class ", cnf.__class__.__name__ return { "result": False, "type": "unknown" }
def getMessageAnswer(): global lastreply reply = lastreply if reply is None: return {"result": False, "message": _('No answer in time')} return { "result": True, "message": _('Answer is YES!') if reply else _('Answer is NO!') }
def toggleTimerStatus(session, serviceref, begin, end): serviceref = unquote(serviceref) serviceref_str = ':'.join(str(serviceref).split(':')[:11]) rt = session.nav.RecordTimer for timer in rt.timer_list + rt.processed_timers: needed_ref = ':'.join( timer.service_ref.ref.toString().split(':')[:11]) == serviceref_str if needed_ref and int(timer.begin) == begin and int(timer.end) == end: if timer.disabled: timer.enable() effect = "enabled" sanity = TimerSanityCheck(rt.timer_list, timer) if not sanity.check(): timer.disable() return { "result": False, "message": _("Timer '%s' not enabled while Conflict") % ( } elif sanity.doubleCheck(): timer.disable() return { "result": False, "message": _("Timer '%s' already exists!") % ( } else: if timer.isRunning(): return { "result": False, "message": _("The timer '%s' now recorded! Not disabled!") % ( } else: timer.disable() effect = "disabled" rt.timeChanged(timer) return { "result": True, "message": _("The timer '%s' has been %s successfully") % (, effect), "disabled": timer.disabled } return {"result": False, "message": _("No matching Timer found")}
def removeBouquet(self, param): print "[WebComponents.BouquetEditor] removeBouquet with param = ", param refstr = sref = param["sBouquetRef"] if refstr is None: return (False, _("No bouquet name given!")) mode = MODE_TV # init if "mode" in param: if param["mode"] is not None: mode = int(param["mode"]) if param.has_key("BouquetRefRoot"): bouquet_root = param[ "BouquetRefRoot"] # only when removing alternative else: bouquet_root = None pos = refstr.find('FROM BOUQUET "') filename = None if pos != -1: refstr = refstr[pos + 14:] pos = refstr.find('"') if pos != -1: filename = '/etc/enigma2/' + refstr[: pos] # FIXMEEE !!! HARDCODED /etc/enigma2 ref = eServiceReference(sref) bouquetName = self.getName(ref) if not bouquetName: bouquetName = filename if bouquet_root: mutableList = self.getMutableList(eServiceReference(bouquet_root)) else: mutableList = self.getMutableBouquetList(mode) if ref.valid() and mutableList is not None: if not mutableList.removeService(ref): mutableList.flushChanges() self.setRoot(self.bouquet_rootstr) else: return (False, _("Bouquet %s removed failed.") % filename) else: return ( False, _("Bouquet %s removed failed, sevicerefence or mutable list is not valid." ) % filename) try: if filename is not None: if not path.exists(filename + '.del'): remove(filename) return (True, _("Bouquet %s deleted.") % bouquetName) except OSError: return (False, _("Error: Bouquet %s could not deleted, OSError.") % filename)
def getSleepTimer(session): if hasattr(session.nav, "SleepTimer"): try: return { "enabled": session.nav.SleepTimer.isActive(), "minutes": session.nav.SleepTimer.getCurrentSleepTime(), "action": config.SleepTimer.action.value, "message": _("Sleeptimer is enabled") if session.nav.SleepTimer.isActive() else _("Sleeptimer is disabled") } except Exception, e: return { "result": False, "message": _("SleepTimer error") }
def getMessageAnswer(): global lastreply reply = lastreply if reply is None: return { "result": False, "message": _('No answer in time') } return { "result": True, "message": _('Answer is YES!') if reply else _('Answer is NO!') }
def prepareMainTemplate(self): # here will be generated the dictionary for the main template ret = getCollapsedMenus() ret['remotegrabscreenshot'] = getRemoteGrabScreenshot()['remotegrabscreenshot'] ret['configsections'] = getConfigsSections()['sections'] ret['zapstream'] = getZapStream()['zapstream'] ret['showname'] = getShowName()['showname'] ret['customname'] = getCustomName()['customname'] ret['boxname'] = getBoxName()['boxname'] if not ret['boxname'] or not ret['customname']: ret['boxname'] = getInfo()['brand']+" "+getInfo()['model'] ret['box'] = getBoxType() ret["remote"] = remote extras = [] extras.append({ 'key': 'ajax/settings','description': _("Settings")}) if fileExists(resolveFilename(SCOPE_PLUGINS, "Extensions/LCD4linux/WebSite.pyo")): lcd4linux_key = "lcd4linux/config" if fileExists(resolveFilename(SCOPE_PLUGINS, "Extensions/WebInterface/plugin.pyo")): from Components.config import config from Components.Network import iNetwork ifaces = iNetwork.getConfiguredAdapters() if len(ifaces): ip_list = iNetwork.getAdapterAttribute(ifaces[0], "ip") # use only the first configured interface ip = "%d.%d.%d.%d" % (ip_list[0], ip_list[1], ip_list[2], ip_list[3]) try: lcd4linux_port = "http://" + ip + ":" + str(config.plugins.Webinterface.http.port.value) + "/" lcd4linux_key = lcd4linux_port + 'lcd4linux/config' except KeyError: lcd4linux_key = None if lcd4linux_key: extras.append({ 'key': lcd4linux_key, 'description': _("LCD4Linux Setup")}) try: from Plugins.Extensions.AutoTimer.AutoTimer import AutoTimer extras.append({ 'key': 'ajax/at','description': _('AutoTimer')}) except ImportError: pass if fileExists(resolveFilename(SCOPE_PLUGINS, "Extensions/OpenWebif/controllers/views/ajax/bqe.tmpl")): extras.append({ 'key': 'ajax/bqe','description': _('BouquetEditor')}) try: from Plugins.Extensions.EPGRefresh.EPGRefresh import epgrefresh extras.append({ 'key': 'ajax/epgr','description': _('EPGRefresh')}) except ImportError: pass ret['extras'] = extras return ret
def restoreFiles(self, param): tarFilename = param backupFilename = tarFilename #path.join(self.BACKUP_PATH, tarFilename) if path.exists(backupFilename): check_tar = False lines = popen('tar -tf %s' % backupFilename).readlines() for line in lines: pos = line.find('tmp/.webouquetedit') if pos != -1: check_tar = True break if check_tar: eDVBDB.getInstance().removeServices() files = [] files += self.getPhysicalFilenamesFromServicereference( eServiceReference( '1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "" ORDER BY bouquet' )) files += self.getPhysicalFilenamesFromServicereference( eServiceReference( '1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "" ORDER BY bouquet' )) for bouquetfiles in files: if path.exists(bouquetfiles): remove(bouquetfiles) lines = popen('tar xvf %s -C / --exclude tmp/.webouquetedit' % backupFilename).readlines() nimmanager.readTransponders() eDVBDB.getInstance().reloadServicelist() eDVBDB.getInstance().reloadBouquets() infoBarInstance = InfoBar.instance if infoBarInstance is not None: servicelist = infoBarInstance.servicelist root = servicelist.getRoot() currentref = servicelist.getCurrentSelection() servicelist.setRoot(root) servicelist.setCurrentSelection(currentref) remove(backupFilename) return (True, _("Bouquet-settings were restored successfully")) else: return ( False, _("Error, %s was not created with WebBouquetEditor...") % backupFilename) else: return ( False, _("Error, %s does not exists, restore is not possible...") % backupFilename)
def prepareMainTemplate(self): # here will be generated the dictionary for the main template ret = getCollapsedMenus() ret['remotegrabscreenshot'] = getRemoteGrabScreenshot()['remotegrabscreenshot'] ret['configsections'] = getConfigsSections()['sections'] ret['zapstream'] = getZapStream()['zapstream'] ret['showname'] = getShowName()['showname'] ret['customname'] = getCustomName()['customname'] ret['boxname'] = getBoxName()['boxname'] if not ret['boxname'] or not ret['customname']: ret['boxname'] = getInfo()['brand']+" "+getInfo()['model'] ret['box'] = getBoxType() ret["remote"] = rc_model.getRcFolder()+remotesuffix extras = [] extras.append({ 'key': 'ajax/settings','description': _("Settings")}) if fileExists(resolveFilename(SCOPE_PLUGINS, "Extensions/LCD4linux/WebSite.pyo")): lcd4linux_key = "lcd4linux/config" if fileExists(resolveFilename(SCOPE_PLUGINS, "Extensions/WebInterface/plugin.pyo")): from Components.config import config from Components.Network import iNetwork ifaces = iNetwork.getConfiguredAdapters() if len(ifaces): ip_list = iNetwork.getAdapterAttribute(ifaces[0], "ip") # use only the first configured interface ip = "%d.%d.%d.%d" % (ip_list[0], ip_list[1], ip_list[2], ip_list[3]) try: lcd4linux_port = "http://" + ip + ":" + str(config.plugins.Webinterface.http.port.value) + "/" lcd4linux_key = lcd4linux_port + 'lcd4linux/config' except KeyError: lcd4linux_key = None if lcd4linux_key: extras.append({ 'key': lcd4linux_key, 'description': _("LCD4Linux Setup")}) try: from Plugins.Extensions.AutoTimer.AutoTimer import AutoTimer extras.append({ 'key': 'ajax/at','description': _('AutoTimer')}) except ImportError: pass if fileExists(resolveFilename(SCOPE_PLUGINS, "Extensions/OpenWebif/controllers/views/ajax/bqe.tmpl")): extras.append({ 'key': 'ajax/bqe','description': _('BouquetEditor')}) try: from Plugins.Extensions.EPGRefresh.EPGRefresh import epgrefresh extras.append({ 'key': 'ajax/epgr','description': _('EPGRefresh')}) except ImportError: pass ret['extras'] = extras return ret
def getIPv4Method(iface): # iNetwork.getAdapterAttribute is crap and not portable ipv4method = _("static") if fileExists('/etc/network/interfaces'): ifaces = '/etc/network/interfaces' for line in file(ifaces).readlines(): if not line.startswith('#'): if line.startswith('iface') and "inet " in line and iface in line: if "static" in line: ipv4method = _("static") if "dhcp" in line: ipv4method = _("DHCP") if "manual" in line: ipv4method = _("manual/disabled") return ipv4method
def testMandatoryArguments(self, request, keys): for key in keys: if key not in request.args.keys(): return { "result": False, "message": _("Missing mandatory parameter '%s'") % key } if len(request.args[key][0]) == 0: return { "result": False, "message": _("The parameter '%s' can't be empty") % key } return None
def toggleLock(self, param): if not config.ParentalControl.configured.value: return (False, _("Parent Control is not activated.")) sRef = None if "sRef" in param: if param["sRef"] is not None: sRef =param["sRef"] if sRef is None: return (False, _("No service given!")) if "setuppinactive" in config.ParentalControl.dict().keys() and config.ParentalControl.setuppinactive.value: password = None if "password" in param: if param["password"] is not None: password =param["password"] if password is None: return (False, _("No Parent Control Setup Pin given!")) else: if password.isdigit(): if int(password) != config.ParentalControl.setuppin.value: return (False, _("Parent Control Setup Pin is wrong!")) else: return (False, _("Parent Control Setup Pin is wrong!")) cur_ref = eServiceReference(sRef) protection = parentalControl.getProtectionLevel(cur_ref.toCompareString()) if protection: parentalControl.unProtectService(cur_ref.toCompareString()) else: parentalControl.protectService(cur_ref.toCompareString()) if cur_ref.flags & eServiceReference.mustDescent: serviceType = "Bouquet" else: serviceType = "Service" if protection: if config.ParentalControl.type.value == "blacklist": if parentalControl.blacklist.has_key(sref): if "SERVICE" in parentalControl.blacklist.has_key(sref): protectionText = _("Service %s is locked.") % self.getName(cur_ref) elif "BOUQUET" in parentalControl.blacklist.has_key(sref): protectionText = _("Bouquet %s is locked.") % self.getName(cur_ref) else: protectionText = _("%s %s is locked.") % (serviceType, self.getName(cur_ref)) else: if hasattr(ParentalControl, "whitelist") and parentalControl.whitelist.has_key(sref): if "SERVICE" in parentalControl.whitelist.has_key(sref): protectionText = _("Service %s is unlocked.") % self.getName(cur_ref) elif "BOUQUET" in parentalControl.whitelist.has_key(sref): protectionText = _("Bouquet %s is unlocked.") % self.getName(cur_ref) return (True, protectionText)
def getVPSChannels(session): vpsfile="/etc/enigma2/vps.xml" from Tools.Directories import fileExists if fileExists(vpsfile): try: import xml.etree.cElementTree vpsfile = file(vpsfile, 'r') vpsdom = xml.etree.cElementTree.parse(vpsfile) vpsfile.close() xmldata = vpsdom.getroot() channels = [] for ch in xmldata.findall("channel"): channels.append({ "serviceref": ch.attrib["serviceref"], "has_pdc": ch.attrib["has_pdc"], "last_check": ch.attrib["last_check"], "default_vps": ch.attrib["default_vps"] }) return { "result": True, "channels": channels } except Exception, e: return { "result": False, "message": _("Error parsing vps.xml") }
def getIPv4Method(iface): # iNetwork.getAdapterAttribute is crap and not portable ipv4method = _("static") if fileExists('/etc/network/interfaces'): ifaces = '/etc/network/interfaces' for line in file(ifaces).readlines(): if not line.startswith('#'): if line.startswith( 'iface') and "inet " in line and iface in line: if "static" in line: ipv4method = _("static") if "dhcp" in line: ipv4method = _("DHCP") if "manual" in line: ipv4method = _("manual/disabled") return ipv4method
def removeTimer(session, serviceref, begin, end): serviceref_str = ':'.join(str(serviceref).split(':')[:11]) rt = session.nav.RecordTimer for timer in rt.timer_list + rt.processed_timers: needed_ref = ':'.join( timer.service_ref.ref.toString().split(':')[:11]) == serviceref_str if needed_ref and int(timer.begin) == begin and int(timer.end) == end: rt.removeEntry(timer) return { "result": True, "message": _("The timer '%s' has been deleted successfully") % } return {"result": False, "message": _("No matching Timer found")}
def handleCommand(self, cmd): print "[WebComponents.BouquetEditor] handleCommand with cmd = ", cmd if self.func is self.ADD_BOUQUET: self.result = self.addToBouquet(cmd) elif self.func is self.MOVE_BOUQUET: self.result = self.moveBouquet(cmd) elif self.func is self.MOVE_SERVICE: self.result = self.moveService(cmd) elif self.func is self.REMOVE_BOUQUET: self.result = self.removeBouquet(cmd) elif self.func is self.REMOVE_SERVICE: self.result = self.removeService(cmd) elif self.func is self.ADD_SERVICE_TO_BOUQUET: self.result = self.addServiceToBouquet(cmd) elif self.func is self.ADD_PROVIDER_TO_BOUQUETLIST: self.result = self.addProviderToBouquetlist(cmd) elif self.func is self.ADD_SERVICE_TO_ALTERNATIVE: self.result = self.addServiceToAlternative(cmd) elif self.func is self.REMOVE_ALTERNATIVE_SERVICES: self.result = self.removeAlternativeServices(cmd) elif self.func is self.TOGGLE_LOCK: self.result = self.toggleLock(cmd) elif self.func is self.BACKUP: self.result = self.backupFiles(cmd) elif self.func is self.RESTORE: self.result = self.restoreFiles(cmd) elif self.func is self.RENAME_SERVICE: self.result = self.renameService(cmd) elif self.func is self.ADD_MARKER_TO_BOUQUET: self.result = self.addMarkerToBouquet(cmd) else: self.result = (False, _("one two three four unknown command"))
def addTimerByEventId(session, eventid, serviceref, justplay, dirname, tags, vpsinfo, always_zap): serviceref = unquote(serviceref) event = eEPGCache.getInstance().lookupEventId(eServiceReference(serviceref), eventid) if event is None: return { "result": False, "message": _("EventId not found") } (begin, end, name, description, eit) = parseEvent(event) return addTimer( session, serviceref, begin, end, name, description, False, justplay, AFTEREVENT.AUTO, dirname, tags, False, vpsinfo, None, eit, always_zap )
def handleCommand(self, cmd): print "[WebComponents.BouquetEditor] handleCommand with cmd = ", cmd if self.func is self.ADD_BOUQUET: self.result = self.addToBouquet(cmd) elif self.func is self.MOVE_BOUQUET: self.result = self.moveBouquet(cmd) elif self.func is self.MOVE_SERVICE: self.result = self.moveService(cmd) elif self.func is self.REMOVE_BOUQUET: self.result = self.removeBouquet(cmd) elif self.func is self.REMOVE_SERVICE: self.result = self.removeService(cmd) elif self.func is self.ADD_SERVICE_TO_BOUQUET: self.result = self.addServiceToBouquet(cmd) elif self.func is self.ADD_PROVIDER_TO_BOUQUETLIST: self.result = self.addProviderToBouquetlist(cmd) elif self.func is self.ADD_SERVICE_TO_ALTERNATIVE: self.result = self.addServiceToAlternative(cmd) elif self.func is self.REMOVE_ALTERNATIVE_SERVICES: self.result = self.removeAlternativeServices(cmd) elif self.func is self.TOGGLE_LOCK: self.result = self.toggleLock(cmd) elif self.func is self.BACKUP: self.result = self.backupFiles(cmd) elif self.func is self.RESTORE: self.result = self.restoreFiles(cmd) elif self.func is self.RENAME_SERVICE: self.result = self.renameService(cmd) elif self.func is self.ADD_MARKER_TO_BOUQUET: self.result = self.addMarkerToBouquet(cmd) else: self.result = ( False, _("one two three four unknown command") )
def addTimerByEventId(session, eventid, serviceref, justplay, dirname, tags, vpsinfo, always_zap): event = eEPGCache.getInstance().lookupEventId(eServiceReference(serviceref), eventid) if event is None: return { "result": False, "message": _("EventId not found") } (begin, end, name, description, eit) = parseEvent(event) return addTimer( session, serviceref, begin, end, name, description, False, justplay, AFTEREVENT.AUTO, dirname, tags, False, vpsinfo, None, eit, always_zap )
def removeTimer(session, serviceref, begin, end): serviceref_str = ':'.join(str(serviceref).split(':')[:11]) rt = session.nav.RecordTimer for timer in rt.timer_list + rt.processed_timers: needed_ref = ':'.join(timer.service_ref.ref.toString().split(':')[:11]) == serviceref_str if needed_ref and int(timer.begin) == begin and int(timer.end) == end: rt.removeEntry(timer) return { "result": True, "message": _("The timer '%s' has been deleted successfully") % } return { "result": False, "message": _("No matching Timer found") }
def getNICChipSet(iface): nic = _("unknown") try: nic = os.path.realpath('/sys/class/net/' + iface + '/device/driver').split('/')[-1] nic = str(nic) except: pass return nic
def getNICChipSet(iface): nic = _("unknown") try: nic = os.popen('ethtool -i ' + iface + ' | grep driver: | awk \'{ print $2 }\'').read().strip() except: pass nic = str(nic) return nic
def backupFiles(self, param): filename = param if not filename: filename = self.BACKUP_FILENAME invalidCharacters = re_compile(r"[^A-Za-z0-9_. ]+|^\.|\.$|^ | $|^$") tarFilename = "%s.tar" % invalidCharacters.sub("_", filename) backupFilename = path.join(self.BACKUP_PATH, tarFilename) if path.exists(backupFilename): remove(backupFilename) checkfile = path.join(self.BACKUP_PATH, ".webouquetedit") f = open(checkfile, "w") if f: files = [] f.write("created with WebBouquetEditor") f.close() files.append(checkfile) files.append("/etc/enigma2/") files.append("/etc/enigma2/") # files.append("/etc/enigma2/") # files.append("/etc/enigma2/") files.append("/etc/enigma2/lamedb") for xml in ("/etc/tuxbox/cables.xml", "/etc/tuxbox/terrestrial.xml", "/etc/tuxbox/satellites.xml"): if path.exists(xml): files.append(xml) if config.ParentalControl.configured.value: if config.ParentalControl.type.value == "blacklist": files.append("/etc/enigma2/blacklist") else: files.append("/etc/enigma2/whitelist") files += self.getPhysicalFilenamesFromServicereference( eServiceReference('1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "" ORDER BY bouquet') ) files += self.getPhysicalFilenamesFromServicereference( eServiceReference('1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "" ORDER BY bouquet') ) tarFiles = "" for arg in files: if not path.exists(arg): return (False, _("Error while preparing backup file, %s does not exists.") % arg) tarFiles += "%s " % arg lines = popen("tar cvf %s %s" % (backupFilename, tarFiles)).readlines() remove(checkfile) return (True, tarFilename) else: return (False, _("Error while preparing backup file."))
def P_message(self, request): res = self.testMandatoryArguments(request, ["text", "type"]) if res: return res try: ttype = int(request.args["type"][0]) except Exception, e: return {"result": False, "message": _("type %s is not a number") % request.args["type"][0]}
def removeBouquet(self, param): print "[WebComponents.BouquetEditor] removeBouquet with param = ", param refstr = sref = param["sBouquetRef"] if refstr is None: return (False, _("No bouquet name given!")) mode = MODE_TV # init if "mode" in param: if param["mode"] is not None: mode = int(param["mode"]) if param.has_key("BouquetRefRoot"): bouquet_root = param["BouquetRefRoot"] # only when removing alternative else: bouquet_root = None pos = refstr.find('FROM BOUQUET "') filename = None if pos != -1: refstr = refstr[pos+14:] pos = refstr.find('"') if pos != -1: filename = '/etc/enigma2/' + refstr[:pos] # FIXMEEE !!! HARDCODED /etc/enigma2 ref = eServiceReference(sref) bouquetName = self.getName(ref) if not bouquetName: bouquetName = filename if bouquet_root: mutableList = self.getMutableList(eServiceReference(bouquet_root)) else: mutableList = self.getMutableBouquetList(mode) if ref.valid() and mutableList is not None: if not mutableList.removeService(ref): mutableList.flushChanges() self.setRoot(self.bouquet_rootstr) else: return (False, _("Bouquet %s removed failed.") % filename) else: return (False, _("Bouquet %s removed failed, sevicerefence or mutable list is not valid.") % filename) try: if filename is not None: remove(filename) return (True, _("Bouquet %s deleted.") % bouquetName) except OSError: return (False, _("Error: Bouquet %s could not deleted, OSError.") % filename)
def getPowerTimer(session): try: from PowerTimer import TIMERTYPE ,AFTEREVENT timers = [] timer_list = session.nav.PowerTimer.timer_list processed_timers = session.nav.PowerTimer.processed_timers for timer in timer_list + processed_timers: list = [] for time, code, msg in timer.log_entries: list.append({ "code": str(code), "time": str(time), "msg": str(msg) }) timers.append({ "timertype": str(timer.timerType), "timertypename": str({ TIMERTYPE.WAKEUP: "wakeup", TIMERTYPE.WAKEUPTOSTANDBY: "wakeuptostandby", TIMERTYPE.AUTOSTANDBY: "autostandby", TIMERTYPE.AUTODEEPSTANDBY: "autodeepstandby", TIMERTYPE.STANDBY: "standby", TIMERTYPE.DEEPSTANDBY: "deepstandby", TIMERTYPE.REBOOT: "reboot", TIMERTYPE.RESTART: "restart" }[timer.timerType]), "begin": str(int(timer.begin)), "end": str(int(timer.end)), "repeated": str(int(timer.repeated)), "afterevent": str(timer.afterEvent), "aftereventname": str({ AFTEREVENT.NONE: "nothing", AFTEREVENT.WAKEUPTOSTANDBY: "wakeuptostandby", AFTEREVENT.STANDBY: "standby", AFTEREVENT.DEEPSTANDBY: "deepstandby" }[timer.afterEvent]), "disabled": str(int(timer.disabled)), "autosleepinstandbyonly": str(timer.autosleepinstandbyonly), "autosleepdelay": str(timer.autosleepdelay), "autosleeprepeat": str(timer.autosleeprepeat), "logentries" : list }) return { "result": True, "timers": timers } except Exception, e: print e return { "result": False, "message": _("PowerTimer feature not available") }
def getLinkSpeed(iface): try: with open('/sys/class/net/' + iface + '/speed', 'r') as f: speed = except: speed = _("unknown") speed = str(speed) + " MBit/s" speed = speed.replace("10000 MBit/s", "10 GBit/s") speed = speed.replace("1000 MBit/s", "1 GBit/s") return speed
def getLinkSpeed(iface): try: with open('/sys/class/net/' + iface + '/speed','r') as f: speed = except: speed = _("unknown") speed = str(speed) + " MBit/s" speed = speed.replace("10000 MBit/s","10 GBit/s") speed = speed.replace("1000 MBit/s","1 GBit/s") return speed