Example #1
    def __init__(self):
        self.start_value = 0
        self.coinbase = Coinbase()
        self.binance = Binance()
        self.polo = poloniex()
        self.Threshold = 0.0021

        self.num_trades = 0

        self.order_volume = {'btc': 0.5, 'eth': 1, 'usd': 1000, 'xrp': 100}
        self.start_value = 0
######### Functions from other python files #########
from Poloniex import poloniex, createTimeStamp
from Technical import TechnicalIndicators

from time import gmtime, strftime
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# <API Key>, <Secret Key>, to connect with Poloniex API
source_API = poloniex("API Key", "Secret Key")

###### Simulation ######

def MACD_RSI_SIMULATION(market_currency, trade_currency, data_range_time,
    # Parameters
    strategy = TechnicalIndicators()
    macd_fast = 12
    macd_slow = 26
    rsi_period = 14
    rsi_upper = 70
    rsi_down = 30
    nNine = 9

    # As starting position for market transactions #
    willing_position = "buy"

    # To prepare data for simulation #
Example #3
from Poloniex import poloniex, createTimeStamp
from Graphs import chart_technical, chart_general
from Technical import TechnicalIndicators
from Trading_Strategies import MACD_RSI_STRATEGY
from Trading_Simulation import MACD_RSI_SIMULATION

from time import gmtime, strftime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

############# MODIFY PARAMETERS ###############

#<API Key>, <Secret Key>``
source_API = poloniex("", "")

# As a DOLLAR for buying a stock
market_currency = "USDT"  #BTC; ETH; XMR; USDT

# As a STOCK which will be traded
trade_currency = "XRP"  #XRP at least 0.0001

periodic = 900
#900(15 min)
#1800(30 min)
#7200(2 h)
#14400(4 h)
#86400(24 h)
data_range_time = 2592000
#1 day (86400 s)
#3 day (259200 s)
Example #4
import sys

class C:
    HEADER = '\033[95m'
    OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
    OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
    WARNING = '\033[93m'
    FAIL = '\033[91m'
    ENDC = '\033[0m'
    BOLD = '\033[1m'
    UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'

b = Binance()
p = poloniex()
engine = Engine()

while True:
    polo_price = float(p.getLastTradingPrice('BTC_XRP'))
    binance_price = float(b.client.get_all_tickers()[88]['price'])
    percent_difference = (polo_price - binance_price) / min(
        polo_price, binance_price)

    pd = str(percent_difference)
    if (percent_difference) > engine.Threshold:
        pd = C.OKBLUE + str(percent_difference) + C.ENDC
    elif abs(percent_difference) > engine.Threshold:
        pd = C.OKGREEN + str(percent_difference) + C.ENDC

    print polo_price, '\t', binance_price, '\t', pd