def stop(self, wait=None):
		self.keepgoing = False
		if wait==None: return
		if not self.going: return True
		if ongoing.verbose: print repr(self),"is waiting to finish"
		deadline = prectime() + 1000.0 * wait
		while self.going and (wait < 0.0 or prectime() < deadline): sleep(0.001)
		if ongoing.verbose and self.going: print repr(self),"has not finished (timed out after %g seconds)" % wait
		return not self.going
	def go(self, bg=True):
		class DoubleGoError(Exception): pass
		self.thread = None
		if bg:
			if self.going: raise DoubleGoError, 'already running'
			if ongoing.verbose: print repr(self),"is launching a thread"
			self.thread = thread.start_new_thread(self.go, (), {'bg':False})
		if ongoing.verbose: print repr(self),"is starting"
		self.going = True
		self.keepgoing = True
		self.starttime = prectime()
		try: self.core(*self.pargs, **self.kwargs)
		except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
		self.going = False
		self.stoptime = prectime()
		self.thread = None
		if ongoing.verbose: print repr(self),"has finished"
Example #3
 def elapsed(self):
     if not self.going: return None
     return (prectime() - self.starttime) / 1000.0
	def elapsed(self):
		if not self.going: return None
		return (prectime() - self.starttime) / 1000.0