def main(): pp_engine = PredPreyEngine() pp_engine.add_player(Pred) pp_engine.add_player(Pred) pp_engine.add_player(Prey) pp_engine.add_player(Prey) pp_engine.init_engine() gui = PredPreyGUI(pp_engine) gui.run_simulation()
class PredPreyGUI: def __init__(self, engine): # Setup variables self.human_player = -1 self.playing_real_time = False self.projectile_list = [] self.objects = [] self.gui_objects = {} self.gfx_dict = {} self.gui_players = [] self.gui_status = [] self.sim_running = False self.pp_engine = engine # Frame and animation variables self.frame_length = 16 self.frames_until_update = 8 self.frame = self.frames_until_update # Prepare the window self.init_gui() # Load graphics self.load_gfx() # Setup background self.setup_game_window() # Enable keyboard support self.kbd_handler = KeyboardHandler() self.gui_canvas.bind_all('<Key>', self.kbd_handler.keyPressed) self.gui_canvas.bind_all('<KeyRelease>', self.kbd_handler.keyReleased) # Load all graphics files def load_gfx(self): gfx_static = [ 'Grass', 'GrassDark', 'Brick', 'Water', 'Stone', 'Snow', 'Projectile' ] gfx_players = ['PredHeadTransparent', 'PreyTransparent'] for item in gfx_static: self.gfx_dict[item] = tk.PhotoImage(file=('./gfx/' + item + '.gif')) for item in gfx_players: for direction in ['Up', 'Down', 'Left', 'Right']: self.gfx_dict[item + direction] = tk.PhotoImage( file=('./gfx/' + item + direction + '.gif')) def set_human_player(self): for player in self.pp_engine.players: player.human = False self.pp_engine.players[self.human_player].human = True def init_gui(self): # Init game window self.tkinter_instance = tk.Tk() self.tkinter_instance.resizable(width=False, height=False) self.tkinter_instance.geometry('{}x{}'.format( self.pp_engine.squaresize * self.pp_engine.world_width, self.pp_engine.squaresize * self.pp_engine.world_height + 21 * (len(self.pp_engine.players) + 1))) self.gui_canvas = tk.Canvas(self.tkinter_instance) self.gui_canvas.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=1) # GUI information self.font_top = tkfont.Font(weight='bold', size=10) self.font_info = tkfont.Font(size=10) temp = tk.Label(self.tkinter_instance, text="PredPrey version ?.??? time=0", font=self.font_top, background='white') temp.pack(fill=tk.X) self.gui_status.append(temp) for each in self.pp_engine.players: temp = tk.Label(self.tkinter_instance, text=each, font=self.font_info, background='white') temp.pack(fill=tk.X) self.gui_status.append(temp) # Create background and players def setup_game_window(self): # Draw background tiles for y in range(0, self.pp_engine.world_height): for x in range(0, self.pp_engine.world_width): tile =[y * self.pp_engine.world_width + x] self.gui_canvas.create_image( x * self.pp_engine.squaresize + 10, y * self.pp_engine.squaresize + 10, image=self.gfx_dict[tile]) # Create players self.gui_players = [] for player in self.pp_engine.players: temp = self.gui_canvas.create_image( self.pp_engine.squaresize * player.x + 10, self.pp_engine.squaresize * player.y + 10, image=self.gfx_dict[player.gfx + 'Left']) self.gui_players.append(temp) def run_simulation(self): self.sim_running = True self.tkinter_instance.after(1000, self.render_frame) self.tkinter_instance.mainloop() def get_human_action(self): human_action = [] if human_action.append("FIRE") elif self.kbd_handler.jump: human_action.append("JUMP") else: human_action.append("MOVE") if self.kbd_handler.right: human_action.append("RIGHT") elif self.kbd_handler.left: human_action.append("LEFT") elif self.kbd_handler.up: human_action.append("UP") elif self.kbd_handler.down: human_action.append("DOWN") if len(human_action) < 2: human_action = None return human_action # Update GUI information def update_gui(self): for i in range(0, len(self.pp_engine.players)): player = self.pp_engine.players[i] label = self.gui_status[i + 1] label['text'] = 'Player %d (%s) at (%d,%d)' % (i, player.type, player.x, player.y) if self.current_update: label['text'] += ' doing %s' % self.current_update[i] if not player.alive: label['background'] = 'red' elif player.human: label['background'] = 'yellow' else: label['background'] = 'white' self.gui_status[0][ 'text'] = "PredPrey version ?.??? time=%d" % self.pp_engine.time def update_characters(self, update): animation_factor = 1.0 / self.frames_until_update if update: for i in range(0, len(self.pp_engine.players)): # Applicable action and gui element action = update[i] gui_element = self.gui_players[i] player = self.pp_engine.players[i] # Update the characters if action: if action[0] == 'MOVE' or action[0] == 'JUMP': direction = player.direction[0] + player.direction[ 1:].lower() self.gui_canvas.itemconfig( gui_element, image=self.gfx_dict[player.gfx + direction]) if action[1] == 'UP': self.gui_canvas.move( gui_element, 0, -action[2] * self.pp_engine.squaresize * animation_factor) elif action[1] == 'DOWN': self.gui_canvas.move( gui_element, 0, action[2] * self.pp_engine.squaresize * animation_factor) elif action[1] == 'LEFT': self.gui_canvas.move( gui_element, -action[2] * self.pp_engine.squaresize * animation_factor, 0) elif action[1] == 'RIGHT': self.gui_canvas.move( gui_element, action[2] * self.pp_engine.squaresize * animation_factor, 0) def update_objects(self): if self.frame == 0: current_objects = self.pp_engine.objects # Remove objects for object_id in self.pp_engine.objects_removed: self.gui_canvas.delete(self.gui_objects[object_id]) # Create new objects for object_id in self.pp_engine.objects_created: for object in current_objects: if == object_id: temp = self.gui_canvas.create_image( object.x * self.pp_engine.squaresize + self.pp_engine.squaresize // 2, object.y * self.pp_engine.squaresize + self.pp_engine.squaresize // 2, image=self.gfx_dict[object.gfx]) self.gui_objects[] = temp # Save object list self.objects = current_objects # Move objects that already exist for object in self.objects: action = object.action animation_factor = 1.0 / self.frames_until_update gui_element = self.gui_objects[] if action: if action[0] == 'MOVE': if action[1] == 'UP': self.gui_canvas.move( gui_element, 0, -action[2] * self.pp_engine.squaresize * animation_factor) elif action[1] == 'DOWN': self.gui_canvas.move( gui_element, 0, action[2] * self.pp_engine.squaresize * animation_factor) elif action[1] == 'LEFT': self.gui_canvas.move( gui_element, -action[2] * self.pp_engine.squaresize * animation_factor, 0) elif action[1] == 'RIGHT': self.gui_canvas.move( gui_element, action[2] * self.pp_engine.squaresize * animation_factor, 0) def render_frame(self): if self.kbd_handler.humanup: self.kbd_handler.humanup = False self.human_player += 1 if self.human_player >= len(self.pp_engine.players): self.human_player = -1 self.set_human_player() if self.kbd_handler.humandown: self.kbd_handler.humandown = False self.human_player -= 1 if self.human_player < -1: self.human_player = len(self.pp_engine.players) - 1 self.set_human_player() if self.kbd_handler.restart: self.gui_canvas.delete("all") self.pp_engine = PredPreyEngine() self.pp_engine.add_player(Pred) self.pp_engine.add_player(Pred) self.pp_engine.add_player(Prey) self.pp_engine.add_player(Prey) self.pp_engine.init_engine() self.setup_game_window() #self.set_human_player() self.kbd_handler.restart = False if self.kbd_handler.playpause: self.kbd_handler.playpause = False self.sim_running = not self.sim_running if self.sim_running: self.frame += 1 if self.frame >= self.frames_until_update: self.frame = 0 update = None human_action = self.get_human_action() # If simulation is running, get updates if self.pp_engine.check_running(): if self.human_player < 0: self.pp_engine.update_ai() update = elif self.human_player >= 0 and (self.playing_real_time or human_action): self.pp_engine.update_ai() self.pp_engine.set_action(player=self.human_player, action=human_action) update = # Store the update self.current_update = update # === Movement (animated) # Update the GUI self.update_gui() # Move characters self.update_characters(self.current_update) # Draw objects self.update_objects() # Maintain loop time_to_next = self.frame_length if self.kbd_handler.quadspeed: time_to_next //= 4 self.tkinter_instance.after(time_to_next, self.render_frame)
def render_frame(self): if self.kbd_handler.humanup: self.kbd_handler.humanup = False self.human_player += 1 if self.human_player >= len(self.pp_engine.players): self.human_player = -1 self.set_human_player() if self.kbd_handler.humandown: self.kbd_handler.humandown = False self.human_player -= 1 if self.human_player < -1: self.human_player = len(self.pp_engine.players) - 1 self.set_human_player() if self.kbd_handler.restart: self.gui_canvas.delete("all") self.pp_engine = PredPreyEngine() self.pp_engine.add_player(Pred) self.pp_engine.add_player(Pred) self.pp_engine.add_player(Prey) self.pp_engine.add_player(Prey) self.pp_engine.init_engine() self.setup_game_window() #self.set_human_player() self.kbd_handler.restart = False if self.kbd_handler.playpause: self.kbd_handler.playpause = False self.sim_running = not self.sim_running if self.sim_running: self.frame += 1 if self.frame >= self.frames_until_update: self.frame = 0 update = None human_action = self.get_human_action() # If simulation is running, get updates if self.pp_engine.check_running(): if self.human_player < 0: self.pp_engine.update_ai() update = elif self.human_player >= 0 and (self.playing_real_time or human_action): self.pp_engine.update_ai() self.pp_engine.set_action(player=self.human_player, action=human_action) update = # Store the update self.current_update = update # === Movement (animated) # Update the GUI self.update_gui() # Move characters self.update_characters(self.current_update) # Draw objects self.update_objects() # Maintain loop time_to_next = self.frame_length if self.kbd_handler.quadspeed: time_to_next //= 4 self.tkinter_instance.after(time_to_next, self.render_frame)
class PredPreyGUI: def __init__(self, engine): # Setup variables self.human_player = -1 self.playing_real_time = False self.projectile_list = [] self.objects = [] self.gui_objects = {} self.gfx_dict = {} self.gui_players = [] self.gui_status = [] self.sim_running = False self.pp_engine = engine # Frame and animation variables self.frame_length = 16 self.frames_until_update = 8 self.frame = self.frames_until_update # Prepare the window self.init_gui() # Load graphics self.load_gfx() # Setup background self.setup_game_window() # Enable keyboard support self.kbd_handler = KeyboardHandler() self.gui_canvas.bind_all('<Key>', self.kbd_handler.keyPressed) self.gui_canvas.bind_all('<KeyRelease>', self.kbd_handler.keyReleased) # Load all graphics files def load_gfx(self): gfx_static = ['Grass', 'GrassDark', 'Brick', 'Water', 'Stone', 'Snow', 'Projectile'] gfx_players = ['PredHeadTransparent', 'PreyTransparent'] for item in gfx_static: self.gfx_dict[item] = tk.PhotoImage(file=('./gfx/'+item+'.gif')) for item in gfx_players: for direction in ['Up', 'Down', 'Left', 'Right']: self.gfx_dict[item + direction] = tk.PhotoImage(file=('./gfx/'+item+direction+'.gif')) def set_human_player(self): for player in self.pp_engine.players: player.human = False self.pp_engine.players[self.human_player].human = True def init_gui(self): # Init game window self.tkinter_instance = tk.Tk() self.tkinter_instance.resizable(width=False, height=False) self.tkinter_instance.geometry('{}x{}'.format(self.pp_engine.squaresize * self.pp_engine.world_width, self.pp_engine.squaresize * self.pp_engine.world_height + 21 * (len(self.pp_engine.players) + 1))) self.gui_canvas = tk.Canvas(self.tkinter_instance) self.gui_canvas.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=1) # GUI information self.font_top = tkfont.Font(weight='bold', size=10) self.font_info = tkfont.Font(size=10) temp = tk.Label(self.tkinter_instance, text="PredPrey version ?.??? time=0", font=self.font_top, background='white') temp.pack(fill=tk.X) self.gui_status.append(temp) for each in self.pp_engine.players: temp = tk.Label(self.tkinter_instance, text=each, font=self.font_info, background='white') temp.pack(fill=tk.X) self.gui_status.append(temp) # Create background and players def setup_game_window(self): # Draw background tiles for y in range(0, self.pp_engine.world_height): for x in range(0, self.pp_engine.world_width): tile =[y * self.pp_engine.world_width + x] self.gui_canvas.create_image(x * self.pp_engine.squaresize + 10, y * self.pp_engine.squaresize + 10, image=self.gfx_dict[tile]) # Create players self.gui_players = [] for player in self.pp_engine.players: temp = self.gui_canvas.create_image(self.pp_engine.squaresize * player.x + 10, self.pp_engine.squaresize * player.y + 10, image=self.gfx_dict[player.gfx + 'Left']) self.gui_players.append(temp) def run_simulation(self): self.sim_running = True self.tkinter_instance.after(1000, self.render_frame) self.tkinter_instance.mainloop() def get_human_action(self): human_action = [] if human_action.append("FIRE") elif self.kbd_handler.jump: human_action.append("JUMP") else: human_action.append("MOVE") if self.kbd_handler.right: human_action.append("RIGHT") elif self.kbd_handler.left: human_action.append("LEFT") elif self.kbd_handler.up: human_action.append("UP") elif self.kbd_handler.down: human_action.append("DOWN") if len(human_action) < 2: human_action = None return human_action # Update GUI information def update_gui(self): for i in range(0, len(self.pp_engine.players)): player = self.pp_engine.players[i] label = self.gui_status[i+1] label['text'] = 'Player %d (%s) at (%d,%d)' % (i, player.type, player.x, player.y) if self.current_update: label['text'] += ' doing %s' % self.current_update[i] if not player.alive: label['background'] = 'red' elif player.human: label['background'] = 'yellow' else: label['background'] = 'white' self.gui_status[0]['text'] = "PredPrey version ?.??? time=%d" % self.pp_engine.time def update_characters(self, update): animation_factor = 1.0/self.frames_until_update if update: for i in range(0, len(self.pp_engine.players)): # Applicable action and gui element action = update[i] gui_element = self.gui_players[i] player = self.pp_engine.players[i] # Update the characters if action: if action[0] == 'MOVE' or action[0] == 'JUMP': direction = player.direction[0] + player.direction[1:].lower() self.gui_canvas.itemconfig(gui_element, image=self.gfx_dict[player.gfx + direction]) if action[1] == 'UP': self.gui_canvas.move(gui_element, 0, -action[2] * self.pp_engine.squaresize * animation_factor) elif action[1] == 'DOWN': self.gui_canvas.move(gui_element, 0, action[2] * self.pp_engine.squaresize * animation_factor) elif action[1] == 'LEFT': self.gui_canvas.move(gui_element, -action[2] * self.pp_engine.squaresize * animation_factor, 0) elif action[1] == 'RIGHT': self.gui_canvas.move(gui_element, action[2] * self.pp_engine.squaresize * animation_factor, 0) def update_objects(self): if self.frame == 0: current_objects = self.pp_engine.objects # Remove objects for object_id in self.pp_engine.objects_removed: self.gui_canvas.delete(self.gui_objects[object_id]) # Create new objects for object_id in self.pp_engine.objects_created: for object in current_objects: if == object_id: temp = self.gui_canvas.create_image(object.x * self.pp_engine.squaresize + self.pp_engine.squaresize // 2, object.y * self.pp_engine.squaresize + self.pp_engine.squaresize // 2, image=self.gfx_dict[object.gfx]) self.gui_objects[] = temp # Save object list self.objects = current_objects # Move objects that already exist for object in self.objects: action = object.action animation_factor = 1.0/self.frames_until_update gui_element = self.gui_objects[] if action: if action[0] == 'MOVE': if action[1] == 'UP': self.gui_canvas.move(gui_element, 0, -action[2] * self.pp_engine.squaresize * animation_factor) elif action[1] == 'DOWN': self.gui_canvas.move(gui_element, 0, action[2] * self.pp_engine.squaresize * animation_factor) elif action[1] == 'LEFT': self.gui_canvas.move(gui_element, -action[2] * self.pp_engine.squaresize * animation_factor, 0) elif action[1] == 'RIGHT': self.gui_canvas.move(gui_element, action[2] * self.pp_engine.squaresize * animation_factor, 0) def render_frame(self): if self.kbd_handler.humanup: self.kbd_handler.humanup = False self.human_player += 1 if self.human_player >= len(self.pp_engine.players): self.human_player = -1 self.set_human_player() if self.kbd_handler.humandown: self.kbd_handler.humandown = False self.human_player -= 1 if self.human_player < -1: self.human_player = len(self.pp_engine.players) - 1 self.set_human_player() if self.kbd_handler.restart: self.gui_canvas.delete("all") self.pp_engine = PredPreyEngine() self.pp_engine.add_player(Pred) self.pp_engine.add_player(Pred) self.pp_engine.add_player(Prey) self.pp_engine.add_player(Prey) self.pp_engine.init_engine() self.setup_game_window() #self.set_human_player() self.kbd_handler.restart = False if self.kbd_handler.playpause: self.kbd_handler.playpause = False self.sim_running = not self.sim_running if self.sim_running: self.frame += 1 if self.frame >= self.frames_until_update: self.frame = 0 update = None human_action = self.get_human_action() # If simulation is running, get updates if self.pp_engine.check_running(): if self.human_player < 0: self.pp_engine.update_ai() update = elif self.human_player >= 0 and (self.playing_real_time or human_action): self.pp_engine.update_ai() self.pp_engine.set_action(player=self.human_player, action=human_action) update = # Store the update self.current_update = update # === Movement (animated) # Update the GUI self.update_gui() # Move characters self.update_characters(self.current_update) # Draw objects self.update_objects() # Maintain loop time_to_next = self.frame_length if self.kbd_handler.quadspeed: time_to_next //= 4 self.tkinter_instance.after(time_to_next, self.render_frame)