def get_char_freq(file_name): """ gets the sorted list of character frequencies :param file_name: the file to parse through :type file_name: str :return: the huffman tree and char count """ char_frequency = {} with open(file_name) as to_encode: cur_char = while cur_char: if char_frequency.has_key(cur_char): char_frequency[cur_char] += 1 else: char_frequency[cur_char] = 1 cur_char = # create the huffman list of nodes sorted by count nodes = PriorityQueue() # adds the initial nodes to the list for node_char, node_freq in char_frequency.iteritems(): nodes.put(h_node(None, None, node_freq, node_char), node_freq) # create the tree of nodes required to get the character codes while nodes.count() > 1: # get the two smallest nodes h_node_a = nodes.get() h_node_b = nodes.get() freq_sum = h_node_a.frequency + h_node_b.frequency nodes.put(h_node(h_node_a, h_node_b, freq_sum, None), freq_sum) return nodes.get()
def search(self, start, end): frontier = PriorityQueue() frontier.put(0, start) cost_so_far = dict() cost_so_far[start] = 0 came_from = dict() came_from[start] = None while not frontier.is_empty(): pri, current = frontier.get() if current == end: self.paths[start].update(self.reconstruct_path(end, came_from)) break neighbors = [ neighbor.end for neighbor in self.graph.neighbors(current) ] for neighbor in neighbors: new_cost = cost_so_far[current] + self.graph.cost( current, neighbor) if neighbor not in cost_so_far.keys( ) or new_cost < cost_so_far[neighbor]: cost_so_far[neighbor] = new_cost came_from[neighbor] = current frontier.put(new_cost, neighbor)
def search(self, initial_state_data, manhattan_distance, max_nodes=0): assert isinstance(initial_state_data, Search.NodeStateData) assert isinstance(manhattan_distance, bool) heuristic = "h2cost" if manhattan_distance else "h1cost" current_node = self.__create_node(initial_state_data, heuristic) frontier = PriorityQueue() # nodes we're looking at now frontier.push(current_node, current_node.search_data.fcost) explored = set() # nodes we've looked at and needn't again while True: if frontier.empty() or (0 < max_nodes <= len(frontier) + len(explored)): # failure return None current_node = frontier.pop() # print(current_node.state_data.get_tiles()) if current_node.state_data.goal_test: # success return Search.build_solution(current_node.state_data) if current_node not in explored: # mark the current node as explored if not already explored.add(current_node) # print("moved ", str(current_node.state_data.last_move), " to " + str(current_node.state_data.parent), # str(current_node.search_data.fcost)) # expand unexplored neighbors, updating their path cost if a better one is found for prioritized_neighbor_node in self.__prioritize_neighbors( current_node, heuristic): neighbor_node = prioritized_neighbor_node[1] if (neighbor_node not in explored) and ( not frontier.contains(neighbor_node)): frontier.push(neighbor_node, prioritized_neighbor_node[0]) elif frontier.contains(neighbor_node) and ( frontier.get(neighbor_node).search_data.fcost > neighbor_node.search_data.fcost): frontier.replace(neighbor_node)
def a_star_search(self, start, goal): frontier = PriorityQueue() frontier.put(start, 0) came_from = {} cost_so_far = {} came_from[start] = start cost_so_far[start] = 0 while not frontier.empty(): current = frontier.get() if current.position_x == goal.position_x and current.position_y == goal.position_y: break for next in self.neighbors(current): next_cell = Cell(next[0], next[1]) if next_cell.position_x == goal.position_x and next_cell.position_y == goal.position_y: next_cell = goal new_cost = cost_so_far[current] + self.heuristic(current, next_cell) if next_cell not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[next_cell]: cost_so_far[next_cell] = new_cost priority = new_cost + self.heuristic(goal, next_cell) frontier.put(next_cell, priority) came_from[next_cell] = current return came_from # , cost_so_far
def dijkstra_search(graph, start, goal): frontier = PriorityQueue() frontier.put(start, 0) # different from first implementation in that it remembers # WHERE we came from, not just that we visited it came_from = {} cost_so_far = {} came_from[start] = None cost_so_far[start] = 0 while not frontier.empty(): # from front of the queue current = frontier.get() # print("Visiting ", current) # main difference from implementation 2 if current == goal: break # get neighbors of current node # add it to back of frontier queue if not yet visited for next in graph.neighbors(current): new_cost = cost_so_far[current] + graph.cost(current, next) if next not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[next]: cost_so_far[next] = new_cost priority = new_cost frontier.put(next, priority) came_from[next] = current return came_from, cost_so_far
def search(self, startHex, goalHex): startNode = HexNode(startHex, None) goalNode = HexNode(goalHex, None) frontier = PriorityQueue() frontier.put(startNode, 0) cameFrom = {} currCost = {} cameFrom[startNode] = None currCost[startNode] = 0 while not frontier.empty(): currNode = frontier.get() if currNode.h == goalNode.h: break for nextNode in self.getNeighborNodes(currNode.h): newCost = currCost[currNode] + self.cost(currNode, nextNode) if nextNode not in currCost or newCost < currCost[nextNode]: currCost[nextNode] = newCost priority = newCost + HexMap.heuristic(goalNode, nextNode) frontier.put(nextNode, priority) cameFrom[nextNode] = currNode return cameFrom, currCost
def dijkstra(start, C): openSet = PriorityQueue() openSet_check = {} closedSet = {} g = {} for i in range(len(start)): g[start[i]] = 0 for i in range(len(start)): openSet.put(start[i], 0) openSet_check[start[i]] = 1 while not openSet.empty(): currentState = openSet.get() closedSet[currentState] = 1 for nextState in get_successors(currentState): if nextState in closedSet: continue newCost = g[currentState] + get_cost(C, nextState) if nextState not in openSet_check: g[nextState] = newCost openSet.put(nextState, g[nextState]) openSet_check[nextState] = 1 elif newCost >= g[nextState]: continue else: g[nextState] = newCost openSet.update(nextState, g[nextState]) openSet_check[nextState] = 1 temp = '' #For printing the H as a grid: '''for i in range(N): for j in range(N): if j==0: temp +=str(g[(i,j)]) else: temp +=','+str(g[(i,j)]) temp += "\n" print temp''' #For writing the H onto a file f = open('heuristic.txt', 'w') temp = '' for i in range(N): temp = '' for j in range(N): if j == 0: temp += str(g[(i, j)]) else: temp += ',' + str(g[(i, j)]) if i == 0: f.write(temp) else: f.write('\n' + temp) f.close() return False
def a_star_search(self, start, goal): self.graph2D.reset() #Push start into frontier frontier = PriorityQueue() frontier.put(start, 0) # Create a dictionary that contains previous position of current position parent = {} # Create a dictionary that contains cost_so_far[current_position] = sum up cost from start to current_position cost_so_far = {} # Initilization dictionary parent[start] = None parent[goal] = None cost_so_far[start] = 0 while not frontier.empty(): # Get position from front positions (previous position) current = frontier.get() # If you are standing at goal to stop if current == goal: break # Get adjacent vertices for next in self.graph2D.get_neighbors(current): #Update new_cost new_cost = cost_so_far[current] + 1 # Checking is in cost_so_far or new_cost is smaller than old_cost if next not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[next]: #Update new cost cost_so_far[next] = new_cost priority = new_cost + self.heuristic(goal, next) #Update frontier and parent frontier.put(next, priority) parent[next] = current return self.backtrace(parent, start, goal)
def a_star_search(graph, start, goal): frontier = PriorityQueue() frontier.put(start, 0) came_from = {} cost_so_far = {} came_from[start] = None cost_so_far[start] = 0 while not frontier.empty(): current = frontier.get() if current == goal: break for next in graph.neighbors(current): new_cost = cost_so_far[current] + graph.cost(current, next) if next not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[next]: cost_so_far[next] = new_cost priority = new_cost + heuristic( goal, next ) # reduce priority for positions further away from goal frontier.put(next, priority) came_from[next] = current return came_from, cost_so_far
def a_star_search(self, start, goal): frontier = PriorityQueue() frontier.put(start, 0) came_from = {} cost_so_far = {} came_from[start] = start cost_so_far[start] = 0 while not frontier.empty(): current = frontier.get() if current.position_x == goal.position_x and current.position_y == goal.position_y: break for next in self.neighbors(current): next_cell = Cell(next[0], next[1]) if next_cell.position_x == goal.position_x and next_cell.position_y == goal.position_y: next_cell = goal new_cost = cost_so_far[current] + self.heuristic( current, next_cell) if next_cell not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[ next_cell]: cost_so_far[next_cell] = new_cost priority = new_cost + self.heuristic(goal, next_cell) frontier.put(next_cell, priority) came_from[next_cell] = current return came_from # , cost_so_far
def a_star(self): # Genera camino usando el algoritmo A* frontier = PriorityQueue() frontier.put(self.start, 0) came_from = {} cost_so_far = {} came_from[self.start] = None cost_so_far[self.start] = 0 # comienza la busqueda while not frontier.empty(): current = frontier.get() # termina si llega a la meta if current == self.goal: break # busca en sus vecinos for next in self.graph.neighbors(current): new_cost = cost_so_far[current] + self.graph.cost( current, next) if next not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[next]: cost_so_far[next] = new_cost priority = new_cost + self.cost(self.posiciones[self.goal], self.posiciones[next]) frontier.put(next, priority) came_from[next] = current # ordena el plan current = self.goal path = [current] while current != self.start: current = came_from[current] path.append(current) # invierte el camino para empezar al inicio path.reverse() self.plan = path
def a_star_search(self, start, goal): frontier = PriorityQueue() frontier.put(start, 0) came_from = {} cost_so_far = {} came_from[start.get_key()] = None cost_so_far[start.get_key()] = 0 while not frontier.empty(): current = frontier.get() if current == goal: break for point in self.graph.neighbors(current): move_cost = self.graph.cost(current, point) new_cost = cost_so_far[current.get_key()] + move_cost if point is None: continue if point.get_key( ) not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[ point.get_key()]: cost_so_far[point.get_key()] = new_cost priority = new_cost + self.heuristic(goal, point) frontier.put(point, priority) came_from[point.get_key()] = current #return came_from, cost_so_far return came_from
def astar(maze, start, goal): pq = PriorityQueue() pq.put(start, 0) predecessor = {start: None} g_value = {start: 0} while not pq.is_empty(): current_cell = pq.get() if current_cell == goal: return get_path(predecessor, start, goal) for directions in ["up", "right", "down", "left"]: row_offset, col_offset = offsets[directions] neighbor = (current_cell[0] + row_offset, current_cell[1] + col_offset) if is_legal_pos(maze, neighbor) and neighbor not in g_value: g_value[neighbor] = g_value[current_cell] + 1 f_value = g_value[neighbor] + heuristic(neighbor, goal) pq.put(neighbor, f_value) predecessor[neighbor] = current_cell return None
def Astar(start, goal, C, im): """Input: Start state, Goal State, Cost map and original map Output: Bool value False after completion of the algorithm This function performs the A-Star algorithm to find the shortest path to the goal """ openSet = PriorityQueue() openSet.put(start, 0) openSet_check = {} openSet_check[start] = 1 closedSet = {} plan = {} g = {} g[start] = 0 f = {} j = 0 f[start] = get_heuristic(start, goal) p = 0 while not openSet.empty(): currentState, fpop = openSet.get() if currentState == goal: print "Path found!" path = reconstruct_path(plan, currentState) path.reverse() get_totalCost(path, C) visualize(path, C, im) #for i in range(len(path)): # print path[i] break closedSet[currentState] = 1 for nextState in get_successors(currentState): j = j + 1 if nextState in closedSet: continue newCost = g[currentState] + get_cost(C, nextState) if nextState not in openSet_check: plan[nextState] = currentState g[nextState] = newCost f[nextState] = g[(nextState)] + get_heuristic( currentState, nextState) openSet.put(nextState, f[nextState]) openSet_check[nextState] = 1 continue elif newCost >= g[nextState]: openSet_check[nextState] = 1 continue plan[nextState] = currentState g[nextState] = newCost f[nextState] = g[(nextState)] + get_heuristic( currentState, nextState) openSet.put(nextState, f[nextState]) openSet_check[nextState] = 1 return False
def algorithm_Prim(self, start_position): priority_queue = PriorityQueue(self.size) self.visited = [False] * (self.size + 1) self.visited[start_position] = True self.insert_to_priority_queue_from(start_position, priority_queue) while self.visited.count(True) < len(self.nodes): target = priority_queue.get() self.visited_history.append((target[1], target[0])) position = target[0] self.visited[position] = True self.insert_to_priority_queue_from(position, priority_queue) self.__show_graph__()
def Astar(start, goal, C): openSet = PriorityQueue() openSet.put(start, 0) openSet_check = {} openSet_check[start] = 1 closedSet = {} plan = {} g = {} g[start] = 0 f = {} j = 0 f[start] = get_heuristic(start) p = 0 while not openSet.empty(): currentState, fpop = openSet.get() if currentState in goal: path = reconstruct_path(plan, currentState) path.reverse() get_totalCost(path, C) visualize(path, C) for i in range(len(path)): print path[i] break closedSet[currentState] = 1 for nextState in get_successors(currentState): j = j + 1 if nextState in closedSet: continue newCost = g[currentState] + get_cost(C, nextState) if nextState not in openSet_check: plan[nextState] = currentState g[nextState] = newCost f[nextState] = g[(nextState)] + get_heuristic(nextState) openSet.put(nextState, f[nextState]) openSet_check[nextState] = 1 continue elif newCost >= g[nextState]: openSet_check[nextState] = 1 continue plan[nextState] = currentState g[nextState] = newCost f[nextState] = g[(nextState)] + get_heuristic(nextState) openSet.put(nextState, f[nextState]) openSet_check[nextState] = 1 return False
def dijkstra(start, C): """Input: Start state and Cost map Output: The cost of each cell as a dictionary This function performs the Dijkstra algorithm to find the cost of each cell in the map """ openSet = PriorityQueue() openSet_check = {} closedSet = {} g = {} for i in range(len(start)): g[start[i]] = 0 openSet.put(start[i], 0) openSet_check[start[i]] = 1 while not openSet.empty(): currentState = openSet.get() closedSet[currentState] = 1 for nextState in get_successors(currentState): if nextState in closedSet: continue newCost = g[currentState[0]] + get_cost(nextState) if nextState not in openSet_check: g[nextState] = newCost openSet.put(nextState, g[nextState]) openSet_check[nextState] = 1 continue elif newCost >= g[nextState]: continue g[nextState] = newCost openSet.put(nextState, g[nextState]) openSet_check[nextState] = 1 # This writes the cost values onto a file which is accessed by the A-star algorithm # for the planning part f = open('heuristic.txt', 'w') temp = '' for i in range(M): temp = '' for j in range(N): if j == 0: temp += str(g[(i, j)]) else: temp += ',' + str(g[(i, j)]) if i == 0: f.write(temp) else: f.write('\n' + temp) f.close() return g
def Dijkstra(G, v0): inf = float("+inf") dist = [inf] * len(G) prev = [None] * len(G) dist[v0] = 0 Q = PriorityQueue() for i in range(len(dist)): Q.put(i, dist[i]) while not Q.empty(): u,d = Q.get() for w in range(len(G)): if G[u][w] and w in Q and dist[u] + G[u][w] < dist[w]: dist[w] = dist[u] + G[u][w] prev[w] = u Q.update(w, dist[w]) return dist
def dijkstra(start,C): openSet = PriorityQueue() openCheck = {} closedSet = {} g = {} for i in range(len(start)): g[start[i]] = 0 for i in range(len(start)): openSet.put(start[i],0) openCheck[start[i]] = 1 while not openSet.empty(): currentState = openSet.get() closedSet[currentState] = 1 for nextState in getSuccessors(currentState): if nextState in closedSet: continue newCost = g[currentState] + cost(C,nextState) if nextState not in openCheck: g[nextState] = newCost openSet.put(nextState,g[nextState]) openCheck[nextState] = 1 elif newCost >= g[nextState]: continue else: g[nextState] = newCost openSet.update(nextState,g[nextState]) openCheck[nextState] = 1 hmap = open('heuristic.txt','w') temp='' for i in range(N): temp='' for j in range(N): if j==0: temp +=str(g[(i,j)]) else: temp +=','+str(g[(i,j)]) if i==0: hmap.write(temp) else: hmap.write('\n'+temp) hmap.close() return False
def findPath(self, gridMap): print("A*.findpath()") startCell = gridMap.getCellOfType(CellConstants.START_CELL) goal = gridMap.getCellOfType(CellConstants.FINISH_CELL) openSet = PriorityQueue() openSet.put(startCell, 0) gScore = {} #cost so far gScore[startCell] = 0.0 # fScore = {} fScore[startCell] = self.cbDist( startCell.position, goal.position, 1.0) #calculate huristic (h()) and add to g() to get f() cameFrom = {} cameFrom[startCell] = None while not openSet.empty(): current = openSet.get() if current == goal: print("Goal reached") waypoints = self.reconstructPath(cameFrom, current) return waypoints #Get neighboring cells t = gridMap.getNeighbors(current) for next in t: tentative_gScore = gScore[current] + next.cost if next not in gScore or tentative_gScore < gScore.setdefault( next, float('inf')): gScore[next] = tentative_gScore fScore[next] = gScore[next] + self.cbDist( next.position, goal.position, 1.0) openSet.put(next, fScore[next]) cameFrom[next] = current print("Path not Found") return None
def a_star_search(graph, start, finish): frontier = PriorityQueue() frontier.put(start, 0) came_from = {} cost_so_far = {} came_from[start] = None cost_so_far[start] = 0 while not frontier.empty(): current = frontier.get() if current == finish: break for next in graph.neighbors(current): new_cost = cost_so_far[current] + graph.cost(current, next) if next not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[next]: cost_so_far[next] = new_cost priority = new_cost + heuristic(finish, next) frontier.put(next, priority) came_from[next] = current return came_from, cost_so_far
def shortest_path_with_moving_polygons(self, start, goal, pick_up_points): self.graph2D.reset() frontier = PriorityQueue() frontier.put(start, 0) parent = {} cost_so_far = {} parent[start] = None parent[goal] = None cost_so_far[start] = 0 trace = [] self.history.append(self.graph2D.polygons) while not frontier.empty(): current = frontier.get() trace.append(current) if current == goal: break forbidden_points = [start, goal] for point in pick_up_points: forbidden_points.append(point) self.graph2D.move_polygons(forbidden_points) self.history.append(self.graph2D.polygons) for next in self.graph2D.get_neighbors(current): new_cost = cost_so_far[current] + 1 if next not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[next]: cost_so_far[next] = new_cost priority = new_cost + self.heuristic(goal, next) frontier.put(next, priority) parent[next] = current return self.backtrace(parent, start, goal), trace
def dijkstra(self, G, start, end=None): D = {} # dictionary of final distances P = {} # dictionary of predecessors Q = PriorityQueue() # estimated distances of non-final vertices Q[start] = 0 # add zero cost for v in Q: D[v] = Q[v] if v == end: break for w in G.getVertex(v).adjacencies: vwLength = D.get(v) + G.vertexAdjacencies(v).get(w).getcost() if w in D: if vwLength < D.get(w): raise ValueError("Dijkstra: found better path to already-final vertex") elif w not in Q or vwLength < Q.get(w): Q[w] = vwLength P[w] = v return D, P
def dijkstra(graph: Graph, s, g, starter_tickets=[], start_cost=0, previous_path=[], reversable_nodes=[], is_recurrency_dijkstra=False): start = graph.getNodeById(s) goal = graph.getNodeById(g) frontier = PriorityQueue() frontier.put(start, 0) came_from = { None} start_tickets = set(starter_tickets) if is not None: start_tickets.add( tickets_earned = { start_tickets} cost_so_far = { start_cost} reverse_states = [] while not frontier.empty(): current = frontier.get() if current == goal: break if in reversable_nodes: if came_from[ current. id] is not None and not in tickets_earned[ came_from[]] and != 0: reverse_states.append( (reconstruct_path(came_from, s,, cost_so_far[], tickets_earned[])) elif came_from[ current. id] is None and not is_recurrency_dijkstra and != 0: reverse_states.append(([], cost_so_far[], tickets_earned[])) for i in graph.getNeighbors( next_node = graph.getNodeById( new_tickets = set(tickets_earned[]) new_tickets.add( new_cost = graph.getCost( current, next_node, tickets_earned[]) + cost_so_far[] if not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[]: cost_so_far[] = new_cost priority = new_cost frontier.put(next_node, priority) came_from[] = tickets_earned[] = new_tickets best_path = previous_path + reconstruct_path(came_from,, best_cost = cost_so_far[] best_tickets = tickets_earned[] for state in reverse_states: # state = previous_path, previous_cost, previous_tickets p, c, t = dijkstra(graph=graph, s=state[0][-1], g=g, starter_tickets=state[2], start_cost=state[1], previous_path=state[0], reversable_nodes=reversable_nodes, is_recurrency_dijkstra=True) if c < best_cost: best_path = p best_cost = c best_tickets = t best_path = clean_path( best_path ) # clean path from 'duplicates' e.g [1, 0, 0, 2] -> [1,0,2]. Duplicates occur due to recurrency dijkstra return best_path, best_cost, best_tickets
class PathFinder(object): def __init__(self, bzrc, tank_index): self.bzrc = bzrc self.points = [] self.edges = [] self.visibility_graph = None = [] self.visited = [] self.path = [] self.search_snapshots = [] self.create_visibility_graph(tank_index) def get_path(self): return self.get_a_star_path() ######################## ### VISIBILITY GRAPH ### ######################## def create_visibility_graph(self, tank_index): print "Generating Visibility Graph for Tank", tank_index tank = self.bzrc.get_mytanks()[tank_index] self.points = [] # append tank position to points, this MUST be the first point in this list (we're relying on that for # our search algorithms below) self.points.append((tank.x, tank.y)) # append goal flag position to points flags = self.bzrc.get_flags() for flag in flags: if tank.flag != '-' and flag.color in tank.callsign: # if the tank has the flag, go home self.points.append((flag.x, flag.y)) # TODO: this line only works if the other team hasn't already taken our flag and run with it. We should probably use our base instead... break elif flag.color not in tank.callsign: # if the tank has no flag, go for one self.points.append((flag.x, flag.y)) break # append obstacle corners to points, and obstacle edges to our list of edges for obstacle in self.bzrc.get_obstacles(): i = 0 for point in obstacle: self.points.append(point) self.edges.append([point, obstacle[(i+1) % len(obstacle)]]) i += 1 # initialize the visibility graph to all -1's length = len(self.points) self.visibility_graph = [[-1 for _ in range(length)] for _ in range(length)] # figure out the visibility between each pair of points for col in range(length): for row in range(length): if self.visibility_graph[row][col] == -1: # we haven't considered this pair of points yet if self.is_visible(self.points[col], self.points[row]): # "if you are visible to me, than I am visible to you" mentality self.visibility_graph[row][col] = 1 self.visibility_graph[col][row] = 1 else: # "if you are not visible to me, than I am not visible to you" mentality self.visibility_graph[row][col] = 0 self.visibility_graph[col][row] = 0 # remove any edges that are on the very edge of the map (and therefore couldn't be traversed by the tank) self.remove_visibility_on_world_edges() def update_visibility_graph(self, tank_index): tank = self.bzrc.get_mytanks()[tank_index] self.points[0] = (tank.x, tank.y) # update the tank position # update goal flag position in points flags = self.bzrc.get_flags() for flag in flags: if tank.flag != '-' and flag.color in tank.callsign: # if the tank has the flag, go home self.points[1] = (flag.x, flag.y) # TODO: this line only works if the other team hasn't already taken our flag and run with it. We should probably use our base instead... break elif tank.flag == '-' and flag.color not in tank.callsign: # if the tank has no flag, go for one self.points[1] = (flag.x, flag.y) break # update the first two rows and columns in our visibility graph (these are the only points that have changed) # initialize the visibility graph to all -1's length = len(self.points) # figure out the visibility between each pair of points for col in range(length): for row in range(length): if col > 1 and row > 1: continue if self.is_visible(self.points[col], self.points[row]): # "if you are visible to me, than I am visible to you" mentality self.visibility_graph[row][col] = 1 self.visibility_graph[col][row] = 1 else: # "if you are not visible to me, than I am not visible to you" mentality self.visibility_graph[row][col] = 0 self.visibility_graph[col][row] = 0 def is_visible(self, point1, point2): # check if they are the same point...a point is not visible to itself if point1 == point2: return False # check if they share an edge p1_found = False for edge in self.edges: if point1 in edge: p1_found = True if point2 in edge: return True # check if they are both in the same obstacle (but obviously don't share an edge because of the case above) if p1_found: for obstacle in self.bzrc.get_obstacles(): if point1 in obstacle and point2 in obstacle: return False # check if there are any intersecting edges between these two points temp_edge = [point1, point2] for edge in self.edges: if self.line_segments_intersect(temp_edge, edge): return False # No edges intersected, these two points are visible to each other return True # Determines if two line segments intersect by checking that the two ends of one segment are on different sides # of the other segment, AND vise-versa (both conditions must be true for the line segments to intersect). # See # for further explanation & math. def line_segments_intersect(self, edge1, edge2): # if both points of edge1 are on the same side of edge2, or one of edge1's points is on edge2 # then we already know the lines aren't crossing over each other. cp1 = self.cross_product(edge1[0], edge2) cp2 = self.cross_product(edge1[1], edge2) if (cp1 > 0 and cp2 > 0) or (cp1 < 0 and cp2 < 0) or cp1 == 0 or cp2 == 0: return False # if both points of edge2 are on the same side of edge1, or one of edge2's endpoints is on edge1 # then we know the lines aren't crossing over each other cp1 = self.cross_product(edge2[0], edge1) cp2 = self.cross_product(edge2[1], edge1) if (cp1 > 0 and cp2 > 0) or (cp1 < 0 and cp2 < 0) or cp1 == 0 or cp2 == 0: return False return True # Returns the cross product between the given line segment and the vector from that line segment to the given point def cross_product(self, point, segment): seg_start = segment[0] seg_end = segment[1] x = 0 y = 1 return (seg_end[x]-seg_start[x]) * (point[y]-seg_end[y]) - (seg_end[y]-seg_start[y]) * (point[x]-seg_end[x]) def remove_visibility_on_world_edges(self): length = len(self.points) for index1 in range(length): point1 = self.points[index1] # check left edge if point1[0] == -400: # the x value is on the left edge of the map for index2 in range(length): point2 = self.points[index2] if self.visibility_graph[index1][index2] == 1 and point2[0] == -400: # both of these points' x values are on the left edge of the map self.visibility_graph[index1][index2] = 0 # make them invisible to each other self.visibility_graph[index2][index1] = 0 # check right edge elif point1[0] == 400: # the x value is on the right edge of the map for index2 in range(length): point2 = self.points[index2] if self.visibility_graph[index1][index2] == 1 and point2[0] == 400: # both of these points' x values are on the edge of the map self.visibility_graph[index1][index2] = 0 # make them invisible to each other self.visibility_graph[index2][index1] = 0 # check top edge elif point1[1] == 400: # the y value is on the top edge of the map for index2 in range(length): point2 = self.points[index2] if self.visibility_graph[index1][index2] == 1 and point2[1] == 400: # both of these points' y values are on the top edge of the map self.visibility_graph[index1][index2] = 0 # make them invisible to each other self.visibility_graph[index2][index1] = 0 # check bottom edge elif point1[1] == -400: # the y value is on the bottom edge of the map for index2 in range(length): point2 = self.points[index2] if self.visibility_graph[index1][index2] == 1 and point2[1] == -400: # both of these points' y values are on the bottom edge of the map self.visibility_graph[index1][index2] = 0 # make them invisible to each other self.visibility_graph[index2][index1] = 0 def print_visibility_graph(self): print "Visibility Graph:" for row in self.visibility_graph: print row ########################## ### DEPTH FIRST SEARCH ### ########################## def get_depth_first_search_path(self): print "Running Depth First Search to Get Path" # clear everything and add the tank's start position to the frontier self.clear_history()[0]) if not self.r_dfs([0]): print >> sys.stderr, 'DFS failed to find the goal' return self.path def r_dfs(self, vertex): self.search_snapshots.append(Snapshot(list(self.visited), list( self.visited.append(vertex) # recursive base case, found the goal if self.is_goal(vertex): self.path.append(vertex) return True # find out which point we're dealing with try: index = self.points.index(vertex) except: print >> sys.stderr, 'Vertex not found in points' return False # prepare qualified new neighbors to be added to frontier row = self.visibility_graph[index] new_neighbors = [] index = 0 for item in row: neighbor = self.points[index] if item == 1 and neighbor not in self.visited: new_neighbors.append(neighbor) index += 1 # recursive base case, no new neighbors if len(new_neighbors) == 0: return False # it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood for neighbor in new_neighbors:, neighbor) if self.r_dfs(neighbor): self.path.insert(0, vertex) return True # none of our children in this path returned true return False ############################ ### BREADTH FIRST SEARCH ### ############################ def get_breadth_first_search_path(self): print "Running Breadth First Search to Get Path" # clear everything and add the beginning node (with the tank's start position) to the frontier self.clear_history()[0], None)) self.breadth_first_search() return self.path def breadth_first_search(self): while if[0].my_point in self.visited: # we've already visited this node, don't need to look at it again continue self.search_snapshots.append(Snapshot(list(self.visited), list(, uses_bfs_nodes=True)) current_node = vertex = current_node.my_point self.visited.append(vertex) # find out which (x,y) point we're dealing with try: index = self.points.index(vertex) except: print >> sys.stderr, 'Vertex not found in points' return # find the neighbors of this point row = self.visibility_graph[index] for i in range(0, len(row)): neighbor = self.points[i] if row[i] == 1 and neighbor not in self.visited: if self.is_goal(neighbor): # If this child is the goal node, we're done! last_node = BFSNode(neighbor, current_node) self.search_snapshots.append(Snapshot(list(self.visited), list(, uses_bfs_nodes=True)) self.reconstruct_path_from_last_node(last_node) return else: # Add this child to the end of the queue, current_node)) # If we get to this point, then the frontier became empty before we found the goal print "BFS failed to find the goal" def reconstruct_path_from_last_node(self, last_node): self.path = [] node = last_node while node: self.path.insert(0, node.my_point) node = node.parent ############################ ### A-STAR ALGORITHM ### ############################ def get_a_star_path(self): print "Running A* to Get Path" self.a_star_search() return self.path def a_star_search(self): self.clear_history() = PriorityQueue()[0], None, 0), 0) last_node = None # iterate until the frontier is empty while not snapshot = Snapshot(list(self.visited),, uses_a_star_nodes=True) self.search_snapshots.append(snapshot) current = if current.my_point in self.visited: # Never mind, we didn't want that snapshot :) self.search_snapshots.remove(snapshot) continue self.visited.append(current.my_point) # end immediately if the goal is found if self.is_goal(current.my_point): last_node = current break # find out which point we're dealing with try: index = self.points.index(current.my_point) except: print >> sys.stderr, 'Vertex not found in points' return False # prepare qualified new neighbors to be added to frontier row = self.visibility_graph[index] index = 0 for item in row: neighbor = self.points[index] if item == 1 and neighbor not in self.visited: distance = current.cost distance += self.distance(neighbor, current.my_point) # distance so far est_distance_remaining = distance + self.distance(neighbor, self.points[1]) # est. distance to go, current, distance), est_distance_remaining) index += 1 # unwind path back to start while not last_node == None: self.path.insert(0, last_node.my_point) last_node = last_node.parent ################################ ### SEARCH ALGORITHM HELPERS ### ################################ def clear_history(self): self.visited = [] = [] self.path = [] self.search_snapshots = [] def is_goal(self, point): return point == self.points[1] # the goal point is always the second one in our list of points def distance(self, point1, point2): return math.sqrt((point1[0]-point2[0])**2 + (point1[1] - point2[1]) ** 2)
class DungeonMaster(object): def __init__(self, clock, dungeon, locale_id): self.clock = clock self.dungeon = dungeon self.path_finder = PathFinder(dungeon) self.locale_id = locale_id self.queue = PriorityQueue() self.factions = {} self.playing = True self.dungeon_expire = self.clock.max_locale_time self.char_id = 'DM' self.placement_locations = { 'ne': [], 'e': [], 'se': [], 'nw': [], 'w': [], 'sw': [], } self.init_placement_locations() self.clock.set_local_time(locale_id=locale_id, locale_time=0) def init_placement_locations(self): center = self.dungeon.get_hex(x=0, y=0, z=0) ring_1 = self.dungeon.ring(center, self.dungeon.map_radius - 1) ring_2 = self.dungeon.ring(center, self.dungeon.map_radius) rings = ring_1 + ring_2 high = self.dungeon.map_radius - 1 low = 1 for point in rings: x = abs(point.x) y = abs(point.y) z = abs(point.z) if x >= high and y > low and y < high: if point.x < 0: self.placement_locations['w'].append(point) else: self.placement_locations['e'].append(point) elif y >= high and x > low and x < high: if point.y < 0: self.placement_locations['se'].append(point) else: self.placement_locations['nw'].append(point) elif z >= high and x > low and x < high: if point.z < 0: self.placement_locations['ne'].append(point) else: self.placement_locations['sw'].append(point) def run_dungeon(self): while self.is_playing(): def run(self): char = self.next_char() self.increment_time() while self.get_time() < char.gcd: self.increment_time() self.activate_char(char) def is_playing(self): if self.get_time() > self.dungeon_expire: self.playing = False elif len(self.factions) <= 1: self.playing = False else: self.playing = True return self.playing def add_char(self, member, faction='dm', edge='dm', insert_time=0): if faction == 'dm': faction = self if faction.faction_id not in self.factions.keys(): self.factions[faction.faction_id] = [] if insert_time == 0: insert_time = self.get_time() + member.get_stat('initiative') self.factions[faction.faction_id].append(member) self.queue.put(member, insert_time) = self faction.place_char(member, self.get_placement_locations(edge)) def remove_char(self, member): faction_id = member.faction.faction_id self.factions[faction_id].remove(member) if len(self.factions[faction_id]) == 0: self.factions.pop(faction_id, None) def next_char(self): return self.queue.get() def get_time(self): return self.clock.get_locale_time(self.locale_id) def increment_time(self): self.clock.increment_locale_time(self.locale_id) def activate_char(self, char): priority = char.activate() if > 0: self.queue.put(char, priority) def get_placement_locations(self, edge): sides = ['ne', 'e', 'se', 'sw', 'w', 'nw'] if edge in sides: return self.placement_locations[edge] def get_adjacent_enemies(self, requestor): hexes = self.dungeon.neighbors(requestor.dungeon_hex) return self.get_enemies(requestor, hexes) def get_nearby_enemies(self, requestor, radius=2): hexes = self.dungeon.spiral(requestor.dungeon_hex, radius) return self.get_enemies(requestor, hexes) def get_enemies(self, requestor, hexes): enemies = [] for dungeon_hex in hexes: if dungeon_hex is None: next elif dungeon_hex.character is None: next elif dungeon_hex.character.faction != requestor.faction: enemies.append(dungeon_hex.character) return enemies def get_nearest_enemy(self, requestor): enemies = [] min_dist = requestor.sight_range closest = None for faction in self.factions.keys(): if faction != requestor.faction.faction_id: for member in self.factions[faction]: enemies.append(member) for enemy in enemies: current = self.distance(requestor, enemy) if current < min_dist: min_dist = current closest = enemy requestor.target_enemy = enemy requestor.distance_to_enemy = min_dist return closest def distance(self, actor, target): return self.dungeon.distance(actor.dungeon_hex, target.dungeon_hex) def move_char_along_path(self, actor, source, dest, distance): path = self.path_finder.find_path( start=source, goal=dest, ) if (len(path) - 1) < distance: distance = (len(path) - 1) actor.move(path[distance])
class PathFinder(object): def __init__(self, bzrc, tank_index): self.bzrc = bzrc self.points = [] self.edges = [] self.visibility_graph = None = [] self.visited = [] self.path = [] self.search_snapshots = [] self.create_visibility_graph(tank_index) def get_path(self): return self.get_a_star_path() ######################## ### VISIBILITY GRAPH ### ######################## def create_visibility_graph(self, tank_index): print "Generating Visibility Graph for Tank", tank_index tank = self.bzrc.get_mytanks()[tank_index] self.points = [] # append tank position to points, this MUST be the first point in this list (we're relying on that for # our search algorithms below) self.points.append((tank.x, tank.y)) # append goal flag position to points flags = self.bzrc.get_flags() for flag in flags: if tank.flag != '-' and flag.color in tank.callsign: # if the tank has the flag, go home self.points.append( (flag.x, flag.y) ) # TODO: this line only works if the other team hasn't already taken our flag and run with it. We should probably use our base instead... break elif flag.color not in tank.callsign: # if the tank has no flag, go for one self.points.append((flag.x, flag.y)) break # append obstacle corners to points, and obstacle edges to our list of edges for obstacle in self.bzrc.get_obstacles(): i = 0 for point in obstacle: self.points.append(point) self.edges.append([point, obstacle[(i + 1) % len(obstacle)]]) i += 1 # initialize the visibility graph to all -1's length = len(self.points) self.visibility_graph = [[-1 for _ in range(length)] for _ in range(length)] # figure out the visibility between each pair of points for col in range(length): for row in range(length): if self.visibility_graph[row][ col] == -1: # we haven't considered this pair of points yet if self.is_visible(self.points[col], self.points[row]): # "if you are visible to me, than I am visible to you" mentality self.visibility_graph[row][col] = 1 self.visibility_graph[col][row] = 1 else: # "if you are not visible to me, than I am not visible to you" mentality self.visibility_graph[row][col] = 0 self.visibility_graph[col][row] = 0 # remove any edges that are on the very edge of the map (and therefore couldn't be traversed by the tank) self.remove_visibility_on_world_edges() def update_visibility_graph(self, tank_index): tank = self.bzrc.get_mytanks()[tank_index] self.points[0] = (tank.x, tank.y) # update the tank position # update goal flag position in points flags = self.bzrc.get_flags() for flag in flags: if tank.flag != '-' and flag.color in tank.callsign: # if the tank has the flag, go home self.points[1] = ( flag.x, flag.y ) # TODO: this line only works if the other team hasn't already taken our flag and run with it. We should probably use our base instead... break elif tank.flag == '-' and flag.color not in tank.callsign: # if the tank has no flag, go for one self.points[1] = (flag.x, flag.y) break # update the first two rows and columns in our visibility graph (these are the only points that have changed) # initialize the visibility graph to all -1's length = len(self.points) # figure out the visibility between each pair of points for col in range(length): for row in range(length): if col > 1 and row > 1: continue if self.is_visible(self.points[col], self.points[row]): # "if you are visible to me, than I am visible to you" mentality self.visibility_graph[row][col] = 1 self.visibility_graph[col][row] = 1 else: # "if you are not visible to me, than I am not visible to you" mentality self.visibility_graph[row][col] = 0 self.visibility_graph[col][row] = 0 def is_visible(self, point1, point2): # check if they are the same point...a point is not visible to itself if point1 == point2: return False # check if they share an edge p1_found = False for edge in self.edges: if point1 in edge: p1_found = True if point2 in edge: return True # check if they are both in the same obstacle (but obviously don't share an edge because of the case above) if p1_found: for obstacle in self.bzrc.get_obstacles(): if point1 in obstacle and point2 in obstacle: return False # check if there are any intersecting edges between these two points temp_edge = [point1, point2] for edge in self.edges: if self.line_segments_intersect(temp_edge, edge): return False # No edges intersected, these two points are visible to each other return True # Determines if two line segments intersect by checking that the two ends of one segment are on different sides # of the other segment, AND vise-versa (both conditions must be true for the line segments to intersect). # See # for further explanation & math. def line_segments_intersect(self, edge1, edge2): # if both points of edge1 are on the same side of edge2, or one of edge1's points is on edge2 # then we already know the lines aren't crossing over each other. cp1 = self.cross_product(edge1[0], edge2) cp2 = self.cross_product(edge1[1], edge2) if (cp1 > 0 and cp2 > 0) or (cp1 < 0 and cp2 < 0) or cp1 == 0 or cp2 == 0: return False # if both points of edge2 are on the same side of edge1, or one of edge2's endpoints is on edge1 # then we know the lines aren't crossing over each other cp1 = self.cross_product(edge2[0], edge1) cp2 = self.cross_product(edge2[1], edge1) if (cp1 > 0 and cp2 > 0) or (cp1 < 0 and cp2 < 0) or cp1 == 0 or cp2 == 0: return False return True # Returns the cross product between the given line segment and the vector from that line segment to the given point def cross_product(self, point, segment): seg_start = segment[0] seg_end = segment[1] x = 0 y = 1 return (seg_end[x] - seg_start[x]) * (point[y] - seg_end[y]) - ( seg_end[y] - seg_start[y]) * (point[x] - seg_end[x]) def remove_visibility_on_world_edges(self): length = len(self.points) for index1 in range(length): point1 = self.points[index1] # check left edge if point1[0] == -400: # the x value is on the left edge of the map for index2 in range(length): point2 = self.points[index2] if self.visibility_graph[index1][index2] == 1 and point2[ 0] == -400: # both of these points' x values are on the left edge of the map self.visibility_graph[index1][ index2] = 0 # make them invisible to each other self.visibility_graph[index2][index1] = 0 # check right edge elif point1[ 0] == 400: # the x value is on the right edge of the map for index2 in range(length): point2 = self.points[index2] if self.visibility_graph[index1][index2] == 1 and point2[ 0] == 400: # both of these points' x values are on the edge of the map self.visibility_graph[index1][ index2] = 0 # make them invisible to each other self.visibility_graph[index2][index1] = 0 # check top edge elif point1[1] == 400: # the y value is on the top edge of the map for index2 in range(length): point2 = self.points[index2] if self.visibility_graph[index1][index2] == 1 and point2[ 1] == 400: # both of these points' y values are on the top edge of the map self.visibility_graph[index1][ index2] = 0 # make them invisible to each other self.visibility_graph[index2][index1] = 0 # check bottom edge elif point1[ 1] == -400: # the y value is on the bottom edge of the map for index2 in range(length): point2 = self.points[index2] if self.visibility_graph[index1][index2] == 1 and point2[ 1] == -400: # both of these points' y values are on the bottom edge of the map self.visibility_graph[index1][ index2] = 0 # make them invisible to each other self.visibility_graph[index2][index1] = 0 def print_visibility_graph(self): print "Visibility Graph:" for row in self.visibility_graph: print row ########################## ### DEPTH FIRST SEARCH ### ########################## def get_depth_first_search_path(self): print "Running Depth First Search to Get Path" # clear everything and add the tank's start position to the frontier self.clear_history()[0]) if not self.r_dfs([0]): print >> sys.stderr, 'DFS failed to find the goal' return self.path def r_dfs(self, vertex): self.search_snapshots.append( Snapshot(list(self.visited), list( self.visited.append(vertex) # recursive base case, found the goal if self.is_goal(vertex): self.path.append(vertex) return True # find out which point we're dealing with try: index = self.points.index(vertex) except: print >> sys.stderr, 'Vertex not found in points' return False # prepare qualified new neighbors to be added to frontier row = self.visibility_graph[index] new_neighbors = [] index = 0 for item in row: neighbor = self.points[index] if item == 1 and neighbor not in self.visited: new_neighbors.append(neighbor) index += 1 # recursive base case, no new neighbors if len(new_neighbors) == 0: return False # it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood for neighbor in new_neighbors:, neighbor) if self.r_dfs(neighbor): self.path.insert(0, vertex) return True # none of our children in this path returned true return False ############################ ### BREADTH FIRST SEARCH ### ############################ def get_breadth_first_search_path(self): print "Running Breadth First Search to Get Path" # clear everything and add the beginning node (with the tank's start position) to the frontier self.clear_history()[0], None)) self.breadth_first_search() return self.path def breadth_first_search(self): while if[0].my_point in self.visited: # we've already visited this node, don't need to look at it again continue self.search_snapshots.append( Snapshot(list(self.visited), list(, uses_bfs_nodes=True)) current_node = vertex = current_node.my_point self.visited.append(vertex) # find out which (x,y) point we're dealing with try: index = self.points.index(vertex) except: print >> sys.stderr, 'Vertex not found in points' return # find the neighbors of this point row = self.visibility_graph[index] for i in range(0, len(row)): neighbor = self.points[i] if row[i] == 1 and neighbor not in self.visited: if self.is_goal(neighbor): # If this child is the goal node, we're done! last_node = BFSNode(neighbor, current_node) self.search_snapshots.append( Snapshot(list(self.visited), list(, uses_bfs_nodes=True)) self.reconstruct_path_from_last_node(last_node) return else: # Add this child to the end of the queue, current_node)) # If we get to this point, then the frontier became empty before we found the goal print "BFS failed to find the goal" def reconstruct_path_from_last_node(self, last_node): self.path = [] node = last_node while node: self.path.insert(0, node.my_point) node = node.parent ############################ ### A-STAR ALGORITHM ### ############################ def get_a_star_path(self): print "Running A* to Get Path" self.a_star_search() return self.path def a_star_search(self): self.clear_history() = PriorityQueue()[0], None, 0), 0) last_node = None # iterate until the frontier is empty while not snapshot = Snapshot(list(self.visited),, uses_a_star_nodes=True) self.search_snapshots.append(snapshot) current = if current.my_point in self.visited: # Never mind, we didn't want that snapshot :) self.search_snapshots.remove(snapshot) continue self.visited.append(current.my_point) # end immediately if the goal is found if self.is_goal(current.my_point): last_node = current break # find out which point we're dealing with try: index = self.points.index(current.my_point) except: print >> sys.stderr, 'Vertex not found in points' return False # prepare qualified new neighbors to be added to frontier row = self.visibility_graph[index] index = 0 for item in row: neighbor = self.points[index] if item == 1 and neighbor not in self.visited: distance = current.cost distance += self.distance( neighbor, current.my_point) # distance so far est_distance_remaining = distance + self.distance( neighbor, self.points[1]) # est. distance to go, current, distance), est_distance_remaining) index += 1 # unwind path back to start while not last_node == None: self.path.insert(0, last_node.my_point) last_node = last_node.parent ################################ ### SEARCH ALGORITHM HELPERS ### ################################ def clear_history(self): self.visited = [] = [] self.path = [] self.search_snapshots = [] def is_goal(self, point): return point == self.points[ 1] # the goal point is always the second one in our list of points def distance(self, point1, point2): return math.sqrt((point1[0] - point2[0])**2 + (point1[1] - point2[1])**2)
def A_star(self): """ Returns the path from the start position to the goal position using the A-star (A*) algorithm. Returns <None> if no solution is found. """ # Heuristic distance between two positions def heuristic(a, b): """ Calculates the Manhattan distance between two positions. """ x1, y1 = a x2, y2 = b dist = abs(x1 - x2) + abs(y1 - y2) return dist # Initialize the priority queue pq = PriorityQueue(queue_type='min') # Values for the start point g = 0 h = heuristic(self.goal, self.start) f = g + h # Add the start point to the priority queue. pq.put(f, self.start) g_values = {self.start: g} previous = {self.start: None} self.added = 1 # Loop until the priority queue is empty self.visited = 0 while (not pq.is_empty()): # Get the highest priority position from the priority queue f, current = pq.get() self.visited += 1 # Stop if it is the goal and return the path if (current == self.goal): path = self.get_path(previous) return path # Define the order in the directions idx = self.order_dir() # Add to the priority queue the neighbours of the current position for direction in idx: # Offset values row_offset, col_offset = self.offset[direction] # Neighbour position row_neigh = current[0] + row_offset col_neigh = current[1] + col_offset neighbour = (row_neigh, col_neigh) # If neighbour position is valid and not in the dictionary if (self.layout[row_neigh][col_neigh] != '#' and self.layout[row_neigh][col_neigh] != '*' and neighbour not in previous): # Values (the g-value of all neighbour positions differ # from the g-value of the current position by 1) g = g_values[current] + 1 h = heuristic(self.goal, neighbour) f = g + h # Add it to the priority queue pq.put(f, neighbour) g_values[neighbour] = g previous[neighbour] = current self.added += 1 return None
class AStarPlanner(object): def __init__(self, planning_env): self.planning_env = planning_env self.nodes = dict() self.PQ = PriorityQueue() def Plan(self, start_config, goal_config): print start_config print goal_config waypoints = {} cost_at_way = {} plan = [] start = self.planning_env.discrete_env.configuration_to_nodeID( start_config) goal = self.planning_env.discrete_env.configuration_to_nodeID( goal_config) print "start:", start print "goal:", goal x = [] y = [] count = 0 waypoints = {} cost_at_way[start] = 0 waypoints[start] = 0 self.PQ.put(start, 0) weight = 1 while not self.PQ.empty(): current = self.PQ.get() count = count + 1 #print "current",current if (current == goal): print "goal reached" thing = copy.copy(goal) path = numpy.array([ self.planning_env.discrete_env.nodeID_to_configuration( thing) ]) npath = numpy.array([thing]) thing = waypoints[thing] while thing != 0: path = numpy.vstack((numpy.array( self.planning_env.discrete_env.nodeID_to_configuration( thing)), path)) npath = numpy.vstack((numpy.array(thing), npath)) thing = waypoints[thing] print "nodes expanded:", count print "npath:", path print "self.planning_env.count", self.planning_env.count print "Final cost", cost_at_way[goal] if self.planning_env.space_dim == 2: self.planning_env.plotthegraph(path) return path #print self.planning_env.get_successors(current) for next in self.planning_env.get_successors(current): #print "next:",next #print "waypoints[current]",waypoints[current] new_cost = cost_at_way[ current] + self.planning_env.compute_distance( current, next) + 5 * self.planning_env.modeswitch( current, next, waypoints[current]) if next not in cost_at_way or new_cost < cost_at_way[next]: #if next not in cost_at_way: #print "new cost:",new_cost #else: #print "updated cost:",new_cost cost_at_way[next] = new_cost priority = new_cost + weight * self.planning_env.get_heuristic( next, goal) self.PQ.put(next, priority) waypoints[next] = current #print "waypoint:",waypoints print "Path Not Found" return 0
def Plan(self, start_config, goal_config): if self.visualize and hasattr(self.planning_env, 'InitializePlot'): self.planning_env.InitializePlot(goal_config) ## INITIALIZATIONS #print "start_config",start_config #print "goal_config",goal_config start_time = time.time() startID = self.planning_env.find_ID(start_config) goalID = self.planning_env.find_ID(goal_config) print "IDs", startID, goalID PQ = PriorityQueue() g = {} closedlist = [] PQ.put(startID, 0) truecost = {} g[startID] = 0 truecost[startID] = True parent = {} parent[startID] = 0 # Starting of planner while not PQ.empty(): current = PQ.get() #print "current",current if current == goalID: print "goal reached" thing = copy.copy(goalID) path = numpy.array([self.planning_env.IDtoconfig(thing)]) npath = numpy.array([thing]) thing = parent[thing] while thing != 0: path = numpy.vstack( (numpy.array(self.planning_env.IDtoconfig(thing)), path)) npath = numpy.vstack((numpy.array(thing), npath)) thing = parent[thing] path = numpy.vstack( (numpy.array(self.planning_env.IDtoconfig(thing)), path)) npath = numpy.vstack((numpy.array(thing), npath)) #print "nodes expanded:",count print "npath:", path #print "self.planning_env.count",self.planning_env.count print "Number of edge evalualtion", self.planning_env.count print "FInal TIme ", time.time() - start_time print "Final cost", g[goalID] #if self.planning_env.space_dim==2: # self.planning_env.plotthegraph(path) return path break if current in closedlist: continue elif truecost[current]: # tells if its in collision or not closedlist.append(current) for neighbor in self.planning_env.get_successors(current): if neighbor not in closedlist: #print "neighbor",neighbor tempcost = g[ current] + self.planning_env.compute_distance( current, neighbor) if neighbor not in g or tempcost < g[neighbor]: g[neighbor] = tempcost priority = tempcost + self.planning_env.get_heuristic( neighbor, goalID) PQ.put(neighbor, priority) truecost[neighbor] = False parent[neighbor] = current else: temp = self.planning_env.gettruecost(parent[current], current) #print "temp,node",temp,current if temp < float('inf'): truecost[current] = True g_here = g[parent[current]] + temp #self.planning_env.PlotEdge(neighbour,new_guy) if current not in g or g_here <= g[current]: #print "coming here" g[current] = g_here priority = g_here + self.planning_env.get_heuristic( neighbor, goalID) PQ.put(current, priority) print "Goal not found" #startID= self.planning_env.configuration_to_nodeID(start_config) plan = [] plan.append(start_config) plan.append(goal_config) return plan
class DStar_planner(object): def __init__(self, start, goal, known_map, r): #The non-pset version # def __init__(self, start, goal, known_map, r, _uvu, _cspu): #PSET verison self.s_start = KeyedVertex(start) self.s_last = self.s_start self.s_goal = KeyedVertex(goal) self.k_m = 0 self.U = PriorityQueue() # Koenig-22 self.map_known = known_map self.robRange = r self.encounteredVertices = [] #further initialization self.s_goal.rhs = 0 self.s_goal.key = self.s_goal.CalculateKey(self.s_start, self.map_known, self.k_m) self.U.put(self.s_goal) self.encounteredVertices.append(self.s_goal) #This one is my addition, to help track initialized vertices self.encounteredVertices.append(self.s_start) #configurable pset functions # self.uvu = _uvu # self.cspu = _cspu def pathExists(self): if (self.s_start.g == inf): print( "No path exists by virtue of the start node having infinite g cost." ) return False else: return True # For each of the update functions, check to see if we're tracking one already def updateStart(self, pos): self.s_start = next( (s for s in self.encounteredVertices if (s.pos == pos)), KeyedVertex(pos)) # This goal refers to overall current target, not next waypoint def updateGoal(self, pos): self.s_goal = next( (s for s in self.encounteredVertices if (s.pos == pos)), False) if ( not self.s_goal ): #<Burn it to the ground> This means the above got false back, and the whole thing needs to be reset for the next pathfinding goal self.encounteredVertices = [] #abandon all the collected values self.s_start = KeyedVertex( self.s_start.pos) #creating a new copy, forget about the old self.s_goal = KeyedVertex(pos) # as originally fed in self.s_last = self.s_start self.k_m = 0 self.U = PriorityQueue() # cont'd self.s_goal.rhs = 0 self.s_goal.key = self.s_goal.CalculateKey(self.s_start, self.map_known, self.k_m) self.U.put(self.s_goal) self.encounteredVertices.append(self.s_goal) #This one is my addition, to help track initialized vertices self.encounteredVertices.append(self.s_start) def checkAndUpdate(self, path, planStep): # Starts at line 28; prior lines taken care of via main & stepping # print("C&U -> Plan step: {}".format(self.s_start)) #Plan step should always be 0 with this config changedEdges = [] edgeFrom = self.s_start #s for pos in path[1:]: # Koenig-28 edgeTo = next( (s for s in self.encounteredVertices if (s.pos == pos)), False) # get corresponding vertex if (self.map_known.c( edgeFrom, edgeTo) == inf): # Koenig-29 obstruction appeared changedEdges.append(edgeFrom) #s edgeFrom = edgeTo if (len(changedEdges) > 0): # print("Replanning due to changed edges..."), # self.k_m = self.k_m + self.s_last.h(self.s_start,self.map_known) prvKm = self.k_m prvH = self.s_last.h(self.s_start, self.map_known) self.k_m = prvKm + prvH self.s_last = copy.deepcopy( self.s_start ) #so it doesn't link w/ and change when s_start changes. could just record pos, but then the nifty h function would need to be reworked for s in changedEdges: # print("Changed edges:{}".format(s)) self.UpdateVertex(s) path = self.computeShortestPath() # path = retrieveShortestPath(map_known, agent1.getPos()) # Koenig-26a (overkill, only need first element, but we want to record the whole map) if (not path): print("Path not retrieved successfully. Final (known) state:") self.map_known.display_terminal() # input("Exits on enter...") raise Exception("Path not found. Self destruct!") # input("Exits on enter...") return True, path else: return False, path # # print("No new obstructions.") def computeShortestPath(self): # return self.cspu(self.map_known, self) #relic of PSET while( (self.U.key_peek() < self.s_start.CalculateKey(self.s_start,self.map_known,self.k_m)) \ or (self.s_start.rhs != self.s_start.g) ): # Koenig-10") k_old = self.U.key_peek() # Koenig-11 u = self.U.get() # Koenig-12 if (k_old < u.CalculateKey(self.s_start, self.map_known, self.k_m)): # Koenig-13 u.key = u.CalculateKey(self.s_start, self.map_known, self.k_m) # Koenig-14 (start) self.U.put(u) # Koenig-14 (end) elif (u.g > u.rhs): # Koenig-15 u.g = u.rhs # Koenig-16 # Koenig-17 (start) for s in self.potentialPredeccessorPositions(u): self.UpdateVertex(s) # Koenig-17 (end) else: # Koenig-18 u.g = inf # Koenig-19 # Koenig-20 (start) for s in self.potentialPredeccessorPositions(u): self.UpdateVertex(s) self.UpdateVertex(u) # Koenig-20 (end) return self.retrieveShortestPath() # get list of potential movements # r dictates range (per dynamics, etc) # TODO: Should we consider dynamics to determine where you can actually get - immediately left /right may be in "range" of a ground robot, but it can't strafe # inits and adds to encountered list if not previously on it # Note: Do not consider obsticles here, that's should be in calculating the cost to go def potentialSuccessorPositions( self, slf ): #Up down left right? requires some dynamics knowledge in future intRange = int( self.robRange) #can round down for what range to iterate over xDim, yDim = self.map_known.dimensions() xRange = range( max(slf.pos[0] - intRange - 1, 0), min(slf.pos[0] + intRange + 1, xDim - 1)) #center around s.position, and limit to Map bounds #For y, visibly up is numerically down (origin is top-left) ; split up so can break on dist easier yRangeDown = range(slf.pos[1], min( slf.pos[1] + intRange + 1, yDim - 1)) #center around s.position, and limit to Map bounds yRangeUp = range( (slf.pos[1] - 1), max(slf.pos[1] - intRange - 1, 0), -1) #center around s.position, and limit to Map bounds successors = [] for x in xRange: for y in yRangeDown: if (slf.pos == (x, y)): continue if (MAII_map.distance(slf.pos, (x, y)) > self.robRange): break else: s = next((s for s in self.encounteredVertices if (s.pos == (x, y))), False) if not s: s = KeyedVertex((x, y)) self.encounteredVertices.append(s) successors.append( s) #get from list of existing; if doesn't exist, init for y in yRangeUp: if (MAII_map.distance(slf.pos, (x, y)) > self.robRange): break else: s = next((s for s in self.encounteredVertices if (s.pos == (x, y))), False) if not s: s = KeyedVertex((x, y)) self.encounteredVertices.append(s) successors.append(s) return successors # For now, disregarding dynamics, successors= # See above commentary on self.potentialSuccessorPositions def potentialPredeccessorPositions(self, s): return self.potentialSuccessorPositions(s) def UpdateVertex(self, u): # self.uvu(self.map_known, self, u) # PSET relic if not (u == self.s_goal): # Koenig-7 (start) successors = self.potentialSuccessorPositions(u) min_cost = inf for s in successors: #over successors # self.map_known.setObs((1,3),False) cg = s.g + self.map_known.c(u, s) if (cg < min_cost): min_cost = cg u.rhs = min_cost # Koenig-7 (end) self.U.remove(u) # Koenig-8 u.key = u.CalculateKey(self.s_start, self.map_known, self.k_m) # Koenig-9 (start) if not (u.g == u.rhs): self.U.put(u) # Go from start to fin by following vertexes which minimize c(s,s')+g(s') def retrieveShortestPath(self): #, known_map, cur): path = [] curPos = next( (s for s in self.encounteredVertices if (s.pos == self.s_start.pos)), False) path.append(curPos.pos) nextPos = curPos iteration = 0 while not (curPos.pos == self.s_goal.pos): # Koenig-7 (start) succs = self.potentialSuccessorPositions(curPos) min_cost = inf for s_suc in succs: #over successors cg = s_suc.g + self.map_known.c(curPos, s_suc) if (cg < min_cost): min_cost = cg nextPos = s_suc if (min_cost == inf): return False elif (iteration == 50): return False curPos = nextPos path.append(curPos.pos) iteration += 1 return path
def a_star_search(start, goal, D_cost_so_far): frontier = PriorityQueue() frontier.put(start) came_from = {} cost_so_far = {} came_from[start] = None cost_so_far[start] = 0 while not frontier.empty(): current = frontier.get() if current == goal: break for next in current.successors(): new_cost = cost_so_far[current] + 1 if next not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[next]: cost_so_far[next] = new_cost next.priority = new_cost + next.heuristic(D_cost_so_far) frontier.put(next) came_from[next] = current # find path current = goal path = [] while current != start: path.append(current.pieces) current = came_from[current] path.append(start.pieces) path.reverse() # print result last = path[0] cur_piece = 0 last_piece = 0 actionNo = 0 for cur in path: # print exit if length of path change if len(cur) < len(last): for piece_i in range(0, len(last)): if last[piece_i] not in cur: last_piece = last[piece_i] print('EXIT from {0}.'.format(tuple(last_piece))) actionNo += 1 else: for piece_i in range(0, len(cur)): if cur[piece_i] not in last: cur_piece = cur[piece_i] for piece_i in range(0, len(last)): if last[piece_i] not in cur: last_piece = last[piece_i] # print move if hexa distance is 1, jump if hexa distance is 2 if type(cur_piece) != type(0): if hexe_distance(last_piece, cur_piece) > 1: print('JUMP from {0} to {1}.'.format( tuple(last_piece), tuple(cur_piece))) actionNo += 1 else: print('MOVE from {0} to {1}.'.format( tuple(last_piece), tuple(cur_piece))) actionNo += 1 last = cur
def Plan(self, start_config, goal_config): if self.visualize and hasattr(self.planning_env, 'InitializePlot'): self.planning_env.InitializePlot(goal_config) # Starting of planner start_time=time.time() startID= self.planning_env.find_ID(start_config) goalID= self.planning_env.find_ID(goal_config) print "IDs",startID,goalID PQ= PriorityQueue() g={} PQ.put(startID,0) g[startID]=0 parent={} parent[startID]=-1 x=0 memory=[] # Starting of planner while not PQ.empty(): current= PQ.get() if current==goalID: x=x+1 print "goal reached ",x thing=copy.copy(goalID) path= numpy.array([self.planning_env.IDtoconfig(thing)]) npath= numpy.array([thing]) thing= parent[thing] while thing!=-1: path= numpy.vstack((numpy.array(self.planning_env.IDtoconfig(thing)),path)) npath= numpy.vstack((numpy.array(thing),npath)) thing = parent[thing] thing=copy.copy(goalID) collision= False while thing!= startID: temp= self.planning_env.gettruecost(parent[thing],thing) if temp==float('inf'): memory.append([parent[thing],thing]) collision =True #print collision thing = parent[thing] #path= numpy.vstack((numpy.array(self.planning_env.IDtoconfig(thing)),path)) #npath= numpy.vstack((numpy.array(thing),npath)) #print "npath:",npath #print "memory",memory #c=input("stop") if collision==True: PQ= PriorityQueue() g={} PQ.put(startID,0) g[startID]=0 parent={} parent[startID]=-1 continue print "Number of edge evalualtion",self.planning_env.count print "FInal TIme ", time.time()-start_time print "npath:",path #print "self.planning_env.count",self.planning_env.count print "Final cost",g[goalID] #if self.planning_env.space_dim==2: # self.planning_env.plotthegraph(path) return path break for neighbor in self.planning_env.get_successors(current): if [current,neighbor] not in memory: if [neighbor,current] not in memory: tempcost= g[current] + self.planning_env.compute_distance(current,neighbor) if neighbor not in g or tempcost < g[neighbor]: g[neighbor]=tempcost priority= tempcost+ self.planning_env.get_heuristic(neighbor,goalID) PQ.put(neighbor,priority) parent[neighbor]= current print "Goal not found"
class Game: """ Defines a running instance of a Murder Mystery. Handles the initialization of the various game states. """ def __init__(self, abilities, players): = players[0] self.errorAbility = ErrorAbility() self.eventQueue = PriorityQueue() self.parser = Parser() self.inbox = Inbox() self.outbox = Outbox() self.players = {} for player in players[1:]: self.players[player.getName().lower()] = player self.abilities = {} for ability in abilities: self.abilities[ability.getName().lower()] = ability def getGameMaster(self): return def addEvent(self, event): """ Schedules an event to be run. """ self.eventQueue.put(event) def addEvents(self, events): """ Schedules a list of events to be run. """ if(events): for event in events: self.eventQueue.put(event) def removeEvent(self, event): """ Removes a specific event from the priority queue """ self.eventQueue.remove(event) def getOutbox(self): return self.outbox def isValidAbility(self, name): return name.lower() in self.abilities def getAbility(self, name): return self.abilities[name.lower()] def getAbilityNames(self): return self.abilities.keys() def isValidPlayer(self, name): return name.lower() in self.players def getPlayer(self, name): return self.players[name.lower()] def getPlayerNames(self): return self.players.keys() def removePlayer(self, name): if( self.isValidPlayer(name) ): del self.players[name.lower()] def run(self): """ Run the game, and Don't stop. Ever. """ print "Starting the main loop!" while( True ): self.step() time.sleep(5) def step(self): """ Perform one step of the game logic. You need to call this repeatedly to make the game run. """ #process incoming messages newMessages = self.inbox.poll() commands = self.parser.parse(self.abilities.values(), newMessages, self.errorAbility) for (sender,ability,args) in commands: print "Handling '"+ability.getName()+"' for '"+sender+"'" for player in self.players.values(): if( player.getContact() == sender ): print "\tRunning the ability!" self.addEvents(ability.getEventsFor(self, player, args)) break #Process the queue of events while( not self.eventQueue.empty() ): event = self.eventQueue.get() if( event.when() < ): print "Performing an event" self.addEvents(event.perform(self)) else: #Doesn't support peeking, so shove it back in the queue if it #shouldn't happen yet self.eventQueue.put(event) break
def a_star(self, start, goal): """ A* This is where the A* algorithum belongs :param start: tuple of start pose :param goal: tuple of goal pose :return: dict of tuples """ # Transform start and end start = map_helper.world_to_index2d(start, goal = map_helper.world_to_index2d(goal, # Priority queue for frontier frontier = PriorityQueue() frontier.put(start, 0) # To find path at end came_from = {} # Track cost to reach each point cost_so_far = {} # Initially start came_from[start] = None cost_so_far[start] = 0 # Loop till finding a path while not frontier.empty(): # Pop best cell from frontier current = frontier.get() rospy.logdebug("Current Node %s " % (current, )) # Done! if current == goal: break # Add neighbors to frontier for next in map_helper.get_neighbors(current, rospy.logdebug("Next node %s" % (next, )) # Find cost new_cost = cost_so_far[current] + self.move_cost(current, next) if next not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[next]: cost_so_far[next] = new_cost priority = new_cost + self.euclidean_heuristic(goal, next) frontier.put(next, priority) came_from[next] = current # Display frontier cells frontier_list = frontier.get_items() frontier_map = [] frontier_to_display = [] for point in frontier_list: frontier_map.append(map_helper.world_to_index2d(point, frontier_to_display.append( map_helper.index2d_to_world(point, # Print debug rospy.logdebug("Frontier list: %s " % frontier_list) # Generate path path = [map_helper.index2d_to_world(goal,] last_node = goal while came_from[last_node] is not None: next_node = came_from[last_node] path.insert(0, map_helper.index2d_to_world(next_node, last_node = next_node new_path = self.optimize_path(path) rospy.logdebug("Path %s " % new_path) self.paint_wavefront(frontier_to_display) self.paint_obstacles(new_path) self.paint_cells(frontier_list, new_path) self.points = new_path