def __init__(self, arg_str):
     ProbabilisticInterleave.__init__(self, arg_str)
     # parse arguments
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
         description="Initialize probabilistic"
         " interleave with history.",
         help="Number of historical data points to keep in memory and use "
         "to infer feedback.")
         help="Set to true if comparison should be biased (i.e., not use"
         "importance sampling).")
     if not arg_str:
         raise (Exception("Comparison arguments missing. " +
     args = vars(parser.parse_args(split_arg_str(arg_str)))
     self.history_length = args["history_length"]
     self.biased = string_to_boolean(args["biased"])"Initialized historical data usage to: %r" % self.biased)
     # initialize history
     self.history = []
 def __init__(self, arg_str):
     ProbabilisticInterleave.__init__(self, arg_str)
     # parse arguments
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
         description="Initialize probabilistic" " interleave with history.",
         help="Number of historical data points to keep in memory and use " "to infer feedback.",
         help="Set to true if comparison should be biased (i.e., not use" "importance sampling).",
     if not arg_str:
         raise (Exception("Comparison arguments missing. " + parser.format_usage()))
     args = vars(parser.parse_args(split_arg_str(arg_str)))
     self.history_length = args["history_length"]
     self.biased = string_to_boolean(args["biased"])"Initialized historical data usage to: %r" % self.biased)
     # initialize history
     self.history = []
    def __init__(self, arg_str=None):
        self.pi = ProbabilisticInterleave(arg_str)
        if arg_str:
            parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Parse arguments for "
                                             "interleaving method.",
                                    "expectation", "log-likelihood-ratio",
                                    "likelihood-ratio", "log-ratio", "binary"
                                help="Exploration rate, 0.5 = perfect "
                                "exploration, 0.0 = perfect exploitation.")
            parser.add_argument("-b", "--biased", default="False")

            args = vars(parser.parse_known_args(split_arg_str(arg_str))[0])
            self.exploration_rate = args["exploration_rate"]
            self.aggregate = args["aggregate"]

            self.biased = string_to_boolean(args["biased"])
            raise ValueError("Configuration arguments required. Please provide"
                             " at least a value for the exploration rate.")
    def infer_outcome(self, l, context, c, query):
        # infer live outcome
        live_outcome = ProbabilisticInterleave.infer_outcome(
            self, l, context, c, query)
        # The following seems to work only from Python 3 onwards (currently
        # using 2.7).
        #live_outcome = super().infer_outcome(l, context, c, query)
        # For each historic data point, infer outcome under the target rankers
        # and re-weight outcomes using importance sampling
        h_outcomes = []
        for h_item in self.history:
            # use the current context (rankers), but historical list and clicks
            raw_outcome = ProbabilisticInterleave.infer_outcome(
                self, h_item.result_list, context, h_item.clicks, h_item.query)
            # probability of the result list under the target distribution
            p_list_target = self.get_probability_of_list(
                h_item.result_list, context, h_item.query)
            if self.biased:
                weight = 1.0
                weight = p_list_target / h_item.p_list_source
            h_outcomes.append(raw_outcome * weight)
        # TODO: implement alternatives
        # How to actually combine the two estimates? Supposedly, they
        # are both estimates of the expected value of the comparison outcome
        # under the target distribution (rankers), so we should just be able to
        # average them out? But then, the estimator based on historical data
        # has a much higher variance than the live estimator (in fact,
        # infinitely higher, because we only have one estimate from live data
        # so that the variance is zero)
        combined_outcome = .0
        mean_hist = mean(h_outcomes) if len(h_outcomes) > 0 else .0
        if live_outcome == .0 and mean_hist != .0:
            combined_outcome = mean_hist
        elif live_outcome != .0 and mean_hist == .0:
            combined_outcome = live_outcome
            var_live = 1.0
            var_hist = var(h_outcomes) if len(h_outcomes) > 1 else 1000.0
            combined_outcome = (
                (var_live * mean_hist + var_hist * live_outcome) /
                (var_live + var_hist))

        # add current live data point to history (and keep below or at length
        # self.history_length)
        if self.history_length > 0:
            if len(self.history) and len(self.history) == self.history_length:
            # store probability of the observed list under the source
            # distribution so that it only has to be computed once
            new_h_item = HistoryItem(l, context, c, query)
            new_h_item.p_list_source = self.get_probability_of_list(
                l, context, query)

        # return the combined outcome
        return combined_outcome
    def infer_outcome(self, l, context, c, query):
        # infer live outcome
        live_outcome = ProbabilisticInterleave.infer_outcome(self, l, context, c, query)
        # The following seems to work only from Python 3 onwards (currently
        # using 2.7).
        # live_outcome = super().infer_outcome(l, context, c, query)
        # For each historic data point, infer outcome under the target rankers
        # and re-weight outcomes using importance sampling
        h_outcomes = []
        for h_item in self.history:
            # use the current context (rankers), but historical list and clicks
            raw_outcome = ProbabilisticInterleave.infer_outcome(
                self, h_item.result_list, context, h_item.clicks, h_item.query
            # probability of the result list under the target distribution
            p_list_target = self.get_probability_of_list(h_item.result_list, context, h_item.query)
            if self.biased:
                weight = 1.0
                weight = p_list_target / h_item.p_list_source
            h_outcomes.append(raw_outcome * weight)
        # TODO: implement alternatives
        # How to actually combine the two estimates? Supposedly, they
        # are both estimates of the expected value of the comparison outcome
        # under the target distribution (rankers), so we should just be able to
        # average them out? But then, the estimator based on historical data
        # has a much higher variance than the live estimator (in fact,
        # infinitely higher, because we only have one estimate from live data
        # so that the variance is zero)
        combined_outcome = 0.0
        mean_hist = mean(h_outcomes) if len(h_outcomes) > 0 else 0.0
        if live_outcome == 0.0 and mean_hist != 0.0:
            combined_outcome = mean_hist
        elif live_outcome != 0.0 and mean_hist == 0.0:
            combined_outcome = live_outcome
            var_live = 1.0
            var_hist = var(h_outcomes) if len(h_outcomes) > 1 else 1000.0
            combined_outcome = (var_live * mean_hist + var_hist * live_outcome) / (var_live + var_hist)

        # add current live data point to history (and keep below or at length
        # self.history_length)
        if self.history_length > 0:
            if len(self.history) and len(self.history) == self.history_length:
            # store probability of the observed list under the source
            # distribution so that it only has to be computed once
            new_h_item = HistoryItem(l, context, c, query)
            new_h_item.p_list_source = self.get_probability_of_list(l, context, query)

        # return the combined outcome
        return combined_outcome
Example #6
 def testProbabilisticInterleave(self):
     pi = ProbabilisticInterleave(None)
     r1 = ProbabilisticRankingFunction(3, self.weights_1)
     r2 = ProbabilisticRankingFunction(3, self.weights_2)
     context = (None, r1, r2)
     # test get_probability_of_list
     p = pi.get_probability_of_list([1, 0, 3, 2], context, self.query)
     self.assertAlmostEquals(p, 0.182775, 6, "Probability of the most "
         "likely list. p = %.6f" % p)
     # test a few possible interleavings
     test_lists = {"0,1,2,3": 0, "0,1,3,2": 0, "0,2,1,3": 0, "0,2,3,1": 0,
                   "0,3,1,2": 0, "0,3,2,1": 0, "1,0,2,3": 0, "1,0,3,2": 0,
                   "1,2,0,3": 0, "1,2,3,0": 0, "1,3,0,2": 0, "1,3,2,0": 0,
                   "2,0,1,3": 0, "2,0,3,1": 0, "2,1,0,3": 0, "2,1,3,0": 0,
                   "2,3,0,1": 0, "2,3,1,0": 0, "3,0,1,2": 0, "3,0,2,1": 0,
                   "3,1,0,2": 0, "3,1,2,0": 0, "3,2,0,1": 0, "3,2,1,0": 0}
     trials = 0
     MAX_TRIALS = 100000
     while trials < MAX_TRIALS and 0 in test_lists.values():
         trials += 1
         (l, _) = pi.interleave(r1, r2, self.query, 10)
         list_str = ",".join(str(a) for a in l.tolist())
         self.assertIn(list_str, test_lists.keys())
         test_lists[list_str] += 1
     for list_str, count in test_lists.items():
         self.assertNotEqual(0, count,
             "Interleave failed for: %s" % list_str)
     # test interleaving outcomes
     self.assertEqual(pi.infer_outcome([0, 1, 2, 3], context, [0, 0, 0, 0],
         self.query), 0, "No clicks, outcome should be 0.")
     o = pi.infer_outcome([1, 0, 3, 2], context, [1, 0, 0, 0], self.query)
     self.assertAlmostEquals(o, -0.0486, 4,
         "Ranker 1 should win (o = %.4f)." % o)
     o = pi.infer_outcome([0, 1, 3, 2], context, [1, 0, 0, 0], self.query)
     self.assertAlmostEquals(o, 0.0606, 4,
         "Ranker 2 should win (o = %.4f)." % o)
     # from the example in CIKM 2011
     weight_str_1 = "0 0 1 0 -1 0"
     weights_1 = np.asarray([float(x) for x in weight_str_1.split()])
     weight_str_2 = "1 0 0 0 -1 0"
     weights_2 = np.asarray([float(x) for x in weight_str_2.split()])
     r1 = ProbabilisticRankingFunction(3, weights_1)
     r2 = ProbabilisticRankingFunction(3, weights_2)
     context = (None, r2, r1)
     o = pi.infer_outcome([0, 1, 2, 3], context, [0, 1, 1, 0], self.query)
     self.assertAlmostEquals(o, 0.0046, 4,
         "Ranker 2 should win again (o = %.4f)." % o)
     # click on one before last document
     o = pi.infer_outcome([3, 1, 0, 2], context, [0, 0, 1, 0], self.query)
     self.assertAlmostEquals(o, -0.0496, 4,
         "Ranker 1 should win with click on doc 0 (o = %.4f)." % o)
     # click on last document
     o = pi.infer_outcome([3, 1, 2, 0], context, [0, 0, 0, 1], self.query)
     self.assertAlmostEquals(o, 0.0, 4,
         "Tie for click on last doc (o = %.4f)." % o)
Example #7
 def testProbabilisticInterleaveWithDeterministicRankers(self):
     pi = ProbabilisticInterleave(None)
     # test a few possible interleavings
     r1 = DeterministicRankingFunction(None, self.weights_1)
     r2 = DeterministicRankingFunction(None, self.weights_2)
     test_lists = {"0,1,3,2": 0, "1,0,3,2": 0, "1,3,0,2": 0, "1,3,2,0": 0}
     trials = 0
     MAX_TRIALS = 10000
     while trials < MAX_TRIALS and 0 in test_lists.values():
         trials += 1
         (l, a) = pi.interleave(r1, r2, self.query, 10)
         list_str = ",".join(str(a) for a in l.tolist())
         self.assertIn(list_str, test_lists.keys())
         test_lists[list_str] += 1
     for list_str, count in test_lists.items():
         self.assertNotEqual(0, count,
                             "Interleave failed for: %s" % list_str)
     # test interleaving outcomes
     context = (None, r1, r2)
         pi.infer_outcome([0, 1, 2, 3], context, [0, 0, 0, 0], self.query),
         0, "No clicks, outcome should be 0.")
         pi.infer_outcome([0, 1, 2, 3], context, [1, 0, 0, 0], self.query),
         0, "No possible assignment, outcome should be 0.")
     o = pi.infer_outcome([1, 0, 3, 2], context, [1, 0, 0, 0], self.query)
     self.assertAlmostEquals(o, -0.0625, 4,
                             "Ranker 1 should win (o = %.4f)." % o)
     o = pi.infer_outcome([0, 1, 3, 2], context, [1, 0, 0, 0], self.query)
     self.assertAlmostEquals(o, 0.0625, 4,
                             "Ranker 2 should win (o = %.4f)." % o)
     # test get_probability_of_list
     p = pi.get_probability_of_list([1, 0, 3, 2], context, self.query)
     self.assertEqual(p, 0.25, "Probability of the most "
                      "likely list. p = %g" % p)
Example #8
 def testProbabilisticInterleaveWithDeterministicRankers(self):
     pi = ProbabilisticInterleave(None)
     # test a few possible interleavings
     r1 = DeterministicRankingFunction(None, self.weights_1)
     r2 = DeterministicRankingFunction(None, self.weights_2)
     test_lists = {"0,1,3,2": 0, "1,0,3,2": 0, "1,3,0,2": 0, "1,3,2,0": 0}
     trials = 0
     MAX_TRIALS = 10000
     while trials < MAX_TRIALS and 0 in test_lists.values():
         trials += 1
         (l, a) = pi.interleave(r1, r2, self.query, 10)
         list_str = ",".join(str(a) for a in l.tolist())
         self.assertIn(list_str, test_lists.keys())
         test_lists[list_str] += 1
     for list_str, count in test_lists.items():
         self.assertNotEqual(0, count,
             "Interleave failed for: %s" % list_str)
     # test interleaving outcomes
     context = (None, r1, r2)
     self.assertEqual(pi.infer_outcome([0, 1, 2, 3], context, [0, 0, 0, 0],
         self.query), 0, "No clicks, outcome should be 0.")
     self.assertEqual(pi.infer_outcome([0, 1, 2, 3], context, [1, 0, 0, 0],
         self.query), 0, "No possible assignment, outcome should be 0.")
     o = pi.infer_outcome([1, 0, 3, 2], context, [1, 0, 0, 0], self.query)
     self.assertAlmostEquals(o, -0.0625, 4,
         "Ranker 1 should win (o = %.4f)." % o)
     o = pi.infer_outcome([0, 1, 3, 2], context, [1, 0, 0, 0], self.query)
     self.assertAlmostEquals(o, 0.0625, 4,
         "Ranker 2 should win (o = %.4f)." % o)
     # test get_probability_of_list
     p = pi.get_probability_of_list([1, 0, 3, 2], context, self.query)
     self.assertEqual(p, 0.25, "Probability of the most "
         "likely list. p = %g" % p)
Example #9
 def __init__(self, arg_str=None):
     self.pi = ProbabilisticInterleave(arg_str)
     self.biased = False
     self.marginalize = True
     if arg_str:
         parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Parse arguments for "
             "interleaving method.", prog=self.__class__.__name__)
         parser.add_argument("-b", "--biased")
         parser.add_argument("-m", "--marginalize")
         args = vars(parser.parse_known_args(split_arg_str(arg_str))[0])
         if args["biased"] == "False" or args["biased"] == None \
             or args["biased"] == 0:
             self.biased = False
             self.biased = True
         if args["marginalize"] == "False" or args["marginalize"] == 0:
             self.marginalize = False
             self.marginalize = True
 def __init__(self, arg_str=None):
     self.pi = ProbabilisticInterleave(arg_str)
     self.biased = False
     self.marginalize = True
     if arg_str:
         parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Parse arguments for "
             "interleaving method.", prog=self.__class__.__name__)
         parser.add_argument("-b", "--biased")
         parser.add_argument("-m", "--marginalize")
         args = vars(parser.parse_known_args(split_arg_str(arg_str))[0])
         if args["biased"] == "False" or args["biased"] == None \
             or args["biased"] == 0:
             self.biased = False
             self.biased = True
         if args["marginalize"] == "False" or args["marginalize"] == 0:
             self.marginalize = False
             self.marginalize = True
    def __init__(self, arg_str=None):
        self.pi = ProbabilisticInterleave(arg_str)
        if arg_str:
            parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Parse arguments for "
                "interleaving method.", prog=self.__class__.__name__)
            parser.add_argument("-a", "--aggregate", choices=["expectation",
                "log-likelihood-ratio", "likelihood-ratio", "log-ratio",
                "binary"], default="expectation")
            parser.add_argument("-e", "--exploration_rate", type=float,
                required=True, help="Exploration rate, 0.5 = perfect "
                "exploration, 0.0 = perfect exploitation.")
            parser.add_argument("-b", "--biased", default="False")

            args = vars(parser.parse_known_args(split_arg_str(arg_str))[0])
            self.exploration_rate = args["exploration_rate"]
            self.aggregate = args["aggregate"]

            self.biased = string_to_boolean(args["biased"])
            raise ValueError("Configuration arguments required. Please provide"
                " at least a value for the exploration rate.")
class HistProbabilisticInterleave(AbstractHistInterleavedComparison):
    """Probabilistic interleaving using historical data"""

    def __init__(self, arg_str=None):
        self.pi = ProbabilisticInterleave(arg_str)
        self.biased = False
        self.marginalize = True
        if arg_str:
            parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Parse arguments for "
                "interleaving method.", prog=self.__class__.__name__)
            parser.add_argument("-b", "--biased")
            parser.add_argument("-m", "--marginalize")
            args = vars(parser.parse_known_args(split_arg_str(arg_str))[0])
            if args["biased"] == "False" or args["biased"] == None \
                or args["biased"] == 0:
                self.biased = False
                self.biased = True
            if args["marginalize"] == "False" or args["marginalize"] == 0:
                self.marginalize = False
                self.marginalize = True

    def infer_outcome(self, l, source_context, c, target_r1, target_r2, query):
        # for prob interleave, a = (a, r1, r2)
        (a, r1, r2) = source_context
        if self.marginalize:
            return self._infer_outcome_with_marginalization(l, a, c, r1, r2,
                target_r1, target_r2, query, self.biased)
            return self._infer_outcome_no_marginalization(l, a, c, r1, r2,
                target_r1, target_r2, query, self.biased)

    def _infer_outcome_with_marginalization(self, l, a, c, r1, r2, target_r1,
        target_r2, query, biased):
        # get outcome using the target rankers
        target_context = (None, target_r1, target_r2)
        if r1 == r2:
            raise ValueError("r1 and r2 cannot point to the same object.")
        outcome = self.pi.infer_outcome(l, target_context, c, query)
        if outcome == 0:
            return 0
        if biased:
            return outcome
        # if biased is False, compensate for bias using importance sampling
        target_p_list = self.pi.get_probability_of_list(l, target_context,
        orig_context = (None, r1, r2)
        orig_p_list = self.pi.get_probability_of_list(l, orig_context, query)
        if target_p_list == 0 or orig_p_list == 0:
            logging.warn("Encountered zero probabilities: p(l_target) = %.2f, "
                "p(l_orig) = %.2f" % (target_p_list, orig_p_list))
            return 0
        return outcome * target_p_list / orig_p_list

    def _infer_outcome_no_marginalization(self, l, a, c, r1, r2, target_r1,
        target_r2, query, biased):
        # are there any clicks? (otherwise it's a tie)
        click_ids = where(asarray(c) == 1)
        if not len(click_ids[0]):  # no clicks, will be a tie
            return 0
        # for the observed list and assignment, get the outcome (like TD)
        c1 = sum([1. if val_a == 0 and val_c == 1 else .0
            for val_a, val_c in zip(a, c)])
        c2 = sum([1. if val_a == 1 and val_c == 1 else .0
            for val_a, val_c in zip(a, c)])
        outcome = -1. if c1 > c2 else 1 if c2 > c1 else .0
        if biased:
            return outcome
        # if biased is False, compensate for bias using importance sampling
        # get the probability of observing this list and assignment under
        # target and source distribution
        target_p = self._get_probability_of_list_and_assignment(l, a,
            target_r1, target_r2, query)
        if target_p == 0:
            return .0
        orig_p = self._get_probability_of_list_and_assignment(l, a, r1, r2,
        if orig_p == 0:
            return .0

        return outcome * target_p / orig_p

    def _get_probability_of_list_and_assignment(self, l, a, r1, r2, query):
        # P(l) = \prod_{doc in result_list} 1/2 P_1(doc) + 1/2 P_2(doc)
        p_l_a = 1.0
        for i, doc in enumerate(l):
            if a[i] == -1:
                p_d = r1.get_document_probability(doc)
            elif a[i] == 0:
                p_d = r1.get_document_probability(doc)
            elif a[i] == 1:
                p_d = r2.get_document_probability(doc)
                logging.warn("Illegal assignment: ", a)
                return .0
            p_l_a *= 0.5 * p_d
        return p_l_a
class ExploitativeProbabilisticInterleave(AbstractInterleavedComparison):
    """Probabilistic interleaving that balances exploration with exploitation,
    marginalizes over assignments."""

    def __init__(self, arg_str=None):
        self.pi = ProbabilisticInterleave(arg_str)
        if arg_str:
            parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Parse arguments for "
                "interleaving method.", prog=self.__class__.__name__)
            parser.add_argument("-a", "--aggregate", choices=["expectation",
                "log-likelihood-ratio", "likelihood-ratio", "log-ratio",
                "binary"], default="expectation")
            parser.add_argument("-e", "--exploration_rate", type=float,
                required=True, help="Exploration rate, 0.5 = perfect "
                "exploration, 0.0 = perfect exploitation.")
            parser.add_argument("-b", "--biased", default="False")

            args = vars(parser.parse_known_args(split_arg_str(arg_str))[0])
            self.exploration_rate = args["exploration_rate"]
            self.aggregate = args["aggregate"]

            self.biased = string_to_boolean(args["biased"])
            raise ValueError("Configuration arguments required. Please provide"
                " at least a value for the exploration rate.")

    def _get_document_distribution(self, r1, r2):
        """Compute the combined distribution over documents. Return two lists:
        (docids, probs), where probs[i] is the probability of the document
        docids = r1.get_ranking()
        probs = []
        for docid in docids:
            p1 = r1.get_document_probability(docid)
            p2 = r2.get_document_probability(docid)
            # always assume r1 as the exploitative ranking
            probs.append((1 - self.exploration_rate) * p1
                + self.exploration_rate * p2)
        # sort docids and probs by probability
        # the sort is stable, ties are broken according to ranking r1
        probs, docids = zip(*sorted(zip(probs, docids), reverse=True))
        probs = asarray(probs)
        docids = list(docids)
        return (docids, probs)

    def interleave(self, r1, r2, query, length):
        # compute combined probabilities
        length = min(r1.document_count(), r2.document_count(), length)

        l = []
        while len(l) < length:
            (docids, probs) = self._get_document_distribution(r1, r2)
            # sample from distribution without replacement
            # unless there is only one document left
            if len(docids) == 1:
                pick = docids.pop(0)
                # same as in ProbablisticRankingFunction
                cumprobs = cumsum(probs)
                pick = -1
                rand = random()  # produces a float in range [0.0, 1.0)
                for pos, cp in enumerate(cumprobs):
                    if rand < cp:
                        pick = docids.pop(pos)  # pop, because it's a list
                if (pick == -1):
                    print "Cumprobs:", cumprobs
                    print "rand", rand
                    raise Exception("Could not select document!")
                # remove picked docid from r1 and r2


        return (asarray(l), (r1, r2))

    def _get_source_probability_of_list(self, l, a, query):
        p_l = 1.0
        (_, r1, r2) = a
        for _, doc in enumerate(l):
            p_r1 = r1.get_document_probability(doc)
            p_r2 = r2.get_document_probability(doc)
            p_l *= ((1 - self.exploration_rate) * p_r1 + self.exploration_rate
                * p_r2)
        return p_l

    def infer_outcome(self, l, a, c, query):
        # for prob interleave, a = (a, r1, r2)
        outcome = self.pi.infer_outcome(l, a, c, query)
        # return outcome unless bias compensation is needed
        if outcome == 0:
            return 0
        if self.biased or self.exploration_rate == 0.5:
            return outcome
        # apply importance sampling for unbiased outcomes
        target_p_list = self.pi.get_probability_of_list(l, a, query)
        source_p_list = self._get_source_probability_of_list(l, a, query)
        if target_p_list == 0 or source_p_list == 0:
            logging.warn("Encountered zero probabilities: p(l_target) = %.2f, "
                "p(l_source) = %.2f" % (target_p_list, source_p_list))
            return 0
        return outcome * target_p_list / source_p_list
Example #14
 def testProbabilisticInterleave(self):
     pi = ProbabilisticInterleave(None)
     r1 = ProbabilisticRankingFunction(3, self.weights_1)
     r2 = ProbabilisticRankingFunction(3, self.weights_2)
     context = (None, r1, r2)
     # test get_probability_of_list
     p = pi.get_probability_of_list([1, 0, 3, 2], context, self.query)
         p, 0.182775, 6, "Probability of the most "
         "likely list. p = %.6f" % p)
     # test a few possible interleavings
     test_lists = {
         "0,1,2,3": 0,
         "0,1,3,2": 0,
         "0,2,1,3": 0,
         "0,2,3,1": 0,
         "0,3,1,2": 0,
         "0,3,2,1": 0,
         "1,0,2,3": 0,
         "1,0,3,2": 0,
         "1,2,0,3": 0,
         "1,2,3,0": 0,
         "1,3,0,2": 0,
         "1,3,2,0": 0,
         "2,0,1,3": 0,
         "2,0,3,1": 0,
         "2,1,0,3": 0,
         "2,1,3,0": 0,
         "2,3,0,1": 0,
         "2,3,1,0": 0,
         "3,0,1,2": 0,
         "3,0,2,1": 0,
         "3,1,0,2": 0,
         "3,1,2,0": 0,
         "3,2,0,1": 0,
         "3,2,1,0": 0
     trials = 0
     MAX_TRIALS = 100000
     while trials < MAX_TRIALS and 0 in test_lists.values():
         trials += 1
         (l, _) = pi.interleave(r1, r2, self.query, 10)
         list_str = ",".join(str(a) for a in l.tolist())
         self.assertIn(list_str, test_lists.keys())
         test_lists[list_str] += 1
     for list_str, count in test_lists.items():
         self.assertNotEqual(0, count,
                             "Interleave failed for: %s" % list_str)
     # test interleaving outcomes
         pi.infer_outcome([0, 1, 2, 3], context, [0, 0, 0, 0], self.query),
         0, "No clicks, outcome should be 0.")
     o = pi.infer_outcome([1, 0, 3, 2], context, [1, 0, 0, 0], self.query)
     self.assertAlmostEquals(o, -0.0486, 4,
                             "Ranker 1 should win (o = %.4f)." % o)
     o = pi.infer_outcome([0, 1, 3, 2], context, [1, 0, 0, 0], self.query)
     self.assertAlmostEquals(o, 0.0606, 4,
                             "Ranker 2 should win (o = %.4f)." % o)
     # from the example in CIKM 2011
     weight_str_1 = "0 0 1 0 -1 0"
     weights_1 = np.asarray([float(x) for x in weight_str_1.split()])
     weight_str_2 = "1 0 0 0 -1 0"
     weights_2 = np.asarray([float(x) for x in weight_str_2.split()])
     r1 = ProbabilisticRankingFunction(3, weights_1)
     r2 = ProbabilisticRankingFunction(3, weights_2)
     context = (None, r2, r1)
     o = pi.infer_outcome([0, 1, 2, 3], context, [0, 1, 1, 0], self.query)
     self.assertAlmostEquals(o, 0.0046, 4,
                             "Ranker 2 should win again (o = %.4f)." % o)
     # click on one before last document
     o = pi.infer_outcome([3, 1, 0, 2], context, [0, 0, 1, 0], self.query)
         o, -0.0496, 4,
         "Ranker 1 should win with click on doc 0 (o = %.4f)." % o)
     # click on last document
     o = pi.infer_outcome([3, 1, 2, 0], context, [0, 0, 0, 1], self.query)
     self.assertAlmostEquals(o, 0.0, 4,
                             "Tie for click on last doc (o = %.4f)." % o)
Example #15
class HistProbabilisticInterleave(AbstractHistInterleavedComparison):
    """Probabilistic interleaving using historical data"""

    def __init__(self, arg_str=None):
        self.pi = ProbabilisticInterleave(arg_str)
        self.biased = False
        self.marginalize = True
        if arg_str:
            parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Parse arguments for "
                "interleaving method.", prog=self.__class__.__name__)
            parser.add_argument("-b", "--biased")
            parser.add_argument("-m", "--marginalize")
            args = vars(parser.parse_known_args(split_arg_str(arg_str))[0])
            if args["biased"] == "False" or args["biased"] == None \
                or args["biased"] == 0:
                self.biased = False
                self.biased = True
            if args["marginalize"] == "False" or args["marginalize"] == 0:
                self.marginalize = False
                self.marginalize = True

    def infer_outcome(self, l, source_context, c, target_r1, target_r2, query):
        # for prob interleave, a = (a, r1, r2)
        (a, r1, r2) = source_context
        if self.marginalize:
            return self._infer_outcome_with_marginalization(l, a, c, r1, r2,
                target_r1, target_r2, query, self.biased)
            return self._infer_outcome_no_marginalization(l, a, c, r1, r2,
                target_r1, target_r2, query, self.biased)

    def _infer_outcome_with_marginalization(self, l, a, c, r1, r2, target_r1,
        target_r2, query, biased):
        # get outcome using the target rankers
        target_context = (None, target_r1, target_r2)
        if r1 == r2:
            raise ValueError("r1 and r2 cannot point to the same object.")
        outcome = self.pi.infer_outcome(l, target_context, c, query)
        if outcome == 0:
            return 0
        if biased:
            return outcome
        # if biased is False, compensate for bias using importance sampling
        target_p_list = self.pi.get_probability_of_list(l, target_context,
        orig_context = (None, r1, r2)
        orig_p_list = self.pi.get_probability_of_list(l, orig_context, query)
        if target_p_list == 0 or orig_p_list == 0:
            logging.warn("Encountered zero probabilities: p(l_target) = %.2f, "
                "p(l_orig) = %.2f" % (target_p_list, orig_p_list))
            return 0
        return outcome * target_p_list / orig_p_list

    def _infer_outcome_no_marginalization(self, l, a, c, r1, r2, target_r1,
        target_r2, query, biased):
        # are there any clicks? (otherwise it's a tie)
        click_ids = where(asarray(c) == 1)
        if not len(click_ids[0]):  # no clicks, will be a tie
            return 0
        # for the observed list and assignment, get the outcome (like TD)
        c1 = sum([1. if val_a == 0 and val_c == 1 else .0
            for val_a, val_c in zip(a, c)])
        c2 = sum([1. if val_a == 1 and val_c == 1 else .0
            for val_a, val_c in zip(a, c)])
        outcome = -1. if c1 > c2 else 1 if c2 > c1 else .0
        if biased:
            return outcome
        # if biased is False, compensate for bias using importance sampling
        # get the probability of observing this list and assignment under
        # target and source distribution
        target_p = self._get_probability_of_list_and_assignment(l, a,
            target_r1, target_r2, query)
        if target_p == 0:
            return .0
        orig_p = self._get_probability_of_list_and_assignment(l, a, r1, r2,
        if orig_p == 0:
            return .0

        return outcome * target_p / orig_p

    def _get_probability_of_list_and_assignment(self, l, a, r1, r2, query):
        # P(l) = \prod_{doc in result_list} 1/2 P_1(doc) + 1/2 P_2(doc)
        p_l_a = 1.0
        for i, doc in enumerate(l):
            if a[i] == -1:
                p_d = r1.get_document_probability(doc)
            elif a[i] == 0:
                p_d = r1.get_document_probability(doc)
            elif a[i] == 1:
                p_d = r2.get_document_probability(doc)
                logging.warn("Illegal assignment: ", a)
                return .0
            p_l_a *= 0.5 * p_d
        return p_l_a