Example #1
    def getChainFor(self, ob, managescreen=False):
        """Returns the chain that applies to the object.

        If chain doesn't exist we return None to get a fallback from

        @parm managescreen: If True return the special tuple
                            ('default') instead of the actual default
                            chain (hack).

        cbt = self._chains_by_type
        if type(ob) == type(''):
            pt = ob
        elif hasattr(aq_base(ob), '_getPortalTypeName'):
            pt = ob._getPortalTypeName()
            pt = None

        if pt is None:
            return None

        chain = None
        if cbt is not None:
            chain = cbt.get(pt, _MARKER)

        # Backwards compatibility: before chain was a string, not a list
        if chain is not _MARKER and type(chain) == type(''):
            chain = map(lambda x: x.strip(), chain.split(','))

        Log(LOG_DEBUG, 'Chain founded in policy', chain)
        if chain is _MARKER or chain is None:
            return None
        elif len(chain) == 1 and chain[0] == DEFAULT_CHAIN:
            default = self.getDefaultChain(ob)
            if default:
                if managescreen:
                    return chain[0]
                    return default
                return None

        return chain
Example #2
    def _initChains(self, node):
        """ Import policies from XML

        Types specified are in two cases:

        - a default_chain attribute is present

        - zero or more workflows are presents then type take the chain in the
          same order

        For any types not specified, we do nothing and they will acquire their
        chain from another policy or from portal_workfow.
        seen = set()
        for child in node.childNodes:
            if child.nodeName != 'bindings':
            for sub in child.childNodes:
                if sub.nodeName == 'default':
                if sub.nodeName == 'type':
                    type_id = str(sub.getAttribute('type_id'))
                    assert type_id not in seen, (
                        'Type %s listed more than once' % type_id)

                    default = sub.getAttribute('default_chain')
                    chain = self._getChain(sub)
                    Log(LOG_DEBUG, default, chain)
                    assert not (default and chain), (
                        'Type %s is marked to use default but also '
                        'included a chain: %s' % (type_id, chain))
                    if default:
                        # omit from the policy to acquire
                        self.context.setChain(type_id, (DEFAULT_CHAIN, ))
                        self.context.setChain(type_id, chain)
Example #3
 def name(self):
     Log(LOG_DEBUG, self.context.id)
     return self.context.id