Example #1
class IdTool(BaseTool):
    This tools handles the generation of IDs.
  id = 'portal_ids'
  meta_type = 'ERP5 Id Tool'
  portal_type = 'Id Tool'

  # Declarative Security
  security = ClassSecurityInfo()

  security.declareProtected( Permissions.ManagePortal, 'manage_overview' )
  manage_overview = DTMLFile( 'explainIdTool', _dtmldir )

  def newContent(self, *args, **kw):
      the newContent is overriden to not use generateNewId
    if not kw.has_key(id):
      new_id = self._generateNextId()
      if new_id is not None:
        kw['id'] = new_id
        raise ValueError('Failed to gererate id')
    return BaseTool.newContent(self, *args, **kw)

  def _get_id(self, id):
      _get_id is overrided to not use generateNewId
      It is used for example when an object is cloned
    if self._getOb(id, None) is None :
      return id
    return self._generateNextId()

  def _getLatestIdGenerator(self, reference):
      Tries to find the id_generator with the latest version
      from the current object.
      Use the low-level to create a site without catalog
    assert reference
    id_tool = self.getPortalObject().portal_ids
    id_last_generator = None
    version_last_generator = 0
    for generator in id_tool.objectValues():
      if generator.getReference() == reference:
        version = generator.getVersion()
        if version > version_last_generator:
          id_last_generator = generator.getId()
          version_last_generator = generator.getVersion()
    if id_last_generator is None:
      raise KeyError, 'The generator %s is not present' % (reference,)
    return id_last_generator

  def _getLatestGeneratorValue(self, id_generator):
      Return the last generator with the reference
    id_tool = self.getPortalObject().portal_ids
    last_id_generator = self._getLatestIdGenerator(id_generator)
    last_generator = id_tool._getOb(last_id_generator)
    return last_generator

  def generateNewId(self, id_group=None, default=None, method=_marker,
      Generate the next id in the sequence of ids of a particular group
    if id_group in (None, 'None'):
      raise ValueError, '%s is not a valid id_group' % (repr(id_group), )
    # for compatibilty with sql data, must not use id_group as a list
    if not isinstance(id_group, str):
      id_group = repr(id_group)
      warnings.warn('id_group must be a string, other types '
                    'are deprecated.', DeprecationWarning)
    if id_generator is None:
      id_generator = 'document'
    if method is not _marker:
      warnings.warn("Use of 'method' argument is deprecated", DeprecationWarning)
      #use _getLatestGeneratorValue here for that the technical level
      #must not call the method
      last_generator = self._getLatestGeneratorValue(id_generator)
      new_id = last_generator.generateNewId(id_group=id_group, \
    except KeyError:
      template_tool = getattr(self, 'portal_templates', None)
      revision = template_tool.getInstalledBusinessTemplateRevision('erp5_core')
      # XXX backward compatiblity
      if int(revision) > 1561:
        LOG('generateNewId', ERROR, 'while generating id')
        # Compatibility code below, in case the last version of erp5_core
        # is not installed yet
        warnings.warn("You are using an old version of erp5_core to generate"
                      "ids.\nPlease update erp5_core business template to "
                      "use new id generators", DeprecationWarning)
        dict_ids = getattr(aq_base(self), 'dict_ids', None)
        if dict_ids is None:
          dict_ids = self.dict_ids = PersistentMapping()
        new_id = None
        # Getting the last id
        if default is None:
          default = 0
        marker = []
        new_id = dict_ids.get(id_group, marker)
        if method is _marker:
          if new_id is marker:
            new_id = default
            new_id = new_id + 1
          if new_id is marker:
            new_id = default
          new_id = method(new_id)
        # Store the new value
        dict_ids[id_group] = new_id
    return new_id

  def generateNewIdList(self, id_group=None, id_count=1, default=None,
                        store=_marker, id_generator=None):
      Generate a list of next ids in the sequence of ids of a particular group
    if id_group in (None, 'None'):
      raise ValueError, '%s is not a valid id_group' % (repr(id_group), )
    # for compatibilty with sql data, must not use id_group as a list
    if not isinstance(id_group, str):
      id_group = repr(id_group)
      warnings.warn('id_group must be a string, other types '
                    'are deprecated.', DeprecationWarning)
    if id_generator is None:
      id_generator = 'uid'
    if store is not _marker:
      warnings.warn("Use of 'store' argument is deprecated.",
      #use _getLatestGeneratorValue here for that the technical level
      #must not call the method
      last_generator = self._getLatestGeneratorValue(id_generator)
      new_id_list = last_generator.generateNewIdList(id_group=id_group,
                         id_count=id_count, default=default)
    except (KeyError, ValueError):
      template_tool = getattr(self, 'portal_templates', None)
      revision = template_tool.getInstalledBusinessTemplateRevision('erp5_core')
      # XXX backward compatiblity
      if int(revision) > 1561:
        LOG('generateNewIdList', ERROR, 'while generating id')
        # Compatibility code below, in case the last version of erp5_core
        # is not installed yet
        warnings.warn("You are using an old version of erp5_core to generate"
                      "ids.\nPlease update erp5_core business template to "
                      "use new id generators", DeprecationWarning)
        new_id = None
        if default is None:
          default = 1
        # XXX It's temporary, a New API will be implemented soon
        #     the code will be change
        portal = self.getPortalObject()
        query = getattr(portal, 'IdTool_zGenerateId', None)
        commit = getattr(portal, 'IdTool_zCommit', None)

        if query is None or commit is None:
          portal_catalog = getattr(self, 'portal_catalog').getSQLCatalog()
          query = getattr(portal_catalog, 'z_portal_ids_generate_id')
          commit = getattr(portal_catalog, 'z_portal_ids_commit')
        if None in (query, commit):
          raise AttributeError, 'Error while generating Id: ' \
            'idTool_zGenerateId and/or idTool_zCommit could not ' \
            'be found.'
          result = query(id_group=id_group, id_count=id_count, default=default)
        new_id = result[0]['LAST_INSERT_ID()']
        if store:
          if getattr(aq_base(self), 'dict_length_ids', None) is None:
            # Length objects are stored in a persistent mapping: there is one
            # Length object per id_group.
            self.dict_length_ids = PersistentMapping()
          if self.dict_length_ids.get(id_group) is None:
            self.dict_length_ids[id_group] = Length(new_id)
        new_id_list = range(new_id - id_count, new_id)
    return new_id_list

  def initializeGenerator(self, id_generator=None, all=False):
    Initialize generators. This is mostly used when a new ERP5 site
    is created. Some generators will need to do some initialization like
    creating SQL Database, prepare some data in ZODB, etc
    if not all:
      #Use _getLatestGeneratorValue here for that the technical level
      #must not call the method
      last_generator = self._getLatestGeneratorValue(id_generator)
      # recovery all the generators and initialize them
      for generator in self.objectValues(\
                       portal_type='Application Id Generator'):

  def clearGenerator(self, id_generator=None, all=False):
    Clear generators data. This can be usefull when working on a
    development instance or in some other rare cases. This will
    loose data and must be use with caution

    This can be incompatible with some particular generator implementation,
    in this case a particular error will be raised (to be determined and
    added here)
    if not all:
      #Use _getLatestGeneratorValue here for that the technical level
      #must not call the method
      last_generator = self._getLatestGeneratorValue(id_generator)

      if len(self.objectValues()) == 0:
        # compatibility with old API
      for generator in self.objectValues(\
                       portal_type='Application Id Generator'):

  ## XXX Old API deprecated
  #backward compatibility
  generateNewLengthIdList = generateNewIdList

  def getLastLengthGeneratedId(self, id_group, default=None):
    Get the last length id generated
    warnings.warn('getLastLengthGeneratedId is deprecated',
    # check in persistent mapping if exists
    if getattr(aq_base(self), 'dict_length_ids', None) is not None:
      last_id = self.dict_length_ids.get(id_group)
      if last_id is not None:
        return last_id.value - 1
    # otherwise check in mysql
    # XXX It's temporary, a New API will be implemented soon
    #     the code will be change
    portal = self.getPortalObject()
    query = getattr(portal, 'IdTool_zGetLastId', None)
    if query is None:
      portal_catalog = getattr(self, 'portal_catalog').getSQLCatalog()
      query = getattr(portal_catalog, 'z_portal_ids_get_last_id')
    if query is None:
      raise AttributeError, 'Error while getting last Id: ' \
            'IdTool_zGetLastId could not ' \
            'be found.'
    result = query(id_group=id_group)
    if len(result):
        return result[0]['last_id']
      except KeyError:
        return result[0]['LAST_INSERT_ID()']
    return default

  def getLastGeneratedId(self, id_group=None, default=None):
    Get the last id generated
    warnings.warn('getLastGeneratedId is deprecated', DeprecationWarning)
    if getattr(aq_base(self), 'dict_ids', None) is None:
      self.dict_ids = PersistentMapping()
    last_id = None
    if id_group is not None and id_group != 'None':
      last_id = self.dict_ids.get(id_group, default)
    return last_id

  def setLastGeneratedId(self, new_id, id_group=None):
    Set a new last id. This is usefull in order to reset
    a sequence of ids.
    if getattr(aq_base(self), 'dict_ids', None) is None:
      self.dict_ids = PersistentMapping()
    if id_group is not None and id_group != 'None':
      self.dict_ids[id_group] = new_id

  def generateNewLengthId(self, id_group=None, default=None, store=_marker):
     """Generates an Id using a conflict free id generator. Deprecated.
     warnings.warn('generateNewLengthId is deprecated.\n'
                   'Use generateNewIdList with a sql id_generator',
     if store is not _marker:
       return self.generateNewIdList(id_group=id_group,
                        id_count=1, default=default, store=store)[0]
     return self.generateNewIdList(id_group=id_group,
                        id_count=1, default=default)[0]

  def getDictLengthIdsItems(self):
      Return a copy of dict_length_ids.
      This is a workaround to access the persistent mapping content from ZSQL
      method to be able to insert initial tuples in the database at creation.
    if getattr(self, 'dict_length_ids', None) is None:
      self.dict_length_ids = PersistentMapping()
    return self.dict_length_ids.items()

  def dumpDictLengthIdsItems(self):
      Store persistently data from SQL table portal_ids.
    portal_catalog = getattr(self, 'portal_catalog').getSQLCatalog()
    query = getattr(portal_catalog, 'z_portal_ids_dump')
    dict_length_ids = getattr(aq_base(self), 'dict_length_ids', None)
    if dict_length_ids is None:
      dict_length_ids = self.dict_length_ids = PersistentMapping()
    for line in query().dictionaries():
      id_group = line['id_group']
      last_id = line['last_id']
      stored_last_id = self.dict_length_ids.get(id_group)
      if stored_last_id is None:
        self.dict_length_ids[id_group] = Length(last_id)
        stored_last_id_value = stored_last_id()
        if stored_last_id_value < last_id:
          if stored_last_id_value > last_id:
            LOG('IdTool', WARNING, 'ZODB value (%r) for group %r is higher ' \
                'than SQL value (%r). Keeping ZODB value untouched.' % \
                (stored_last_id, id_group, last_id))
Example #2
class IdTool(BaseTool):
    This tools handles the generation of IDs.
  id = 'portal_ids'
  meta_type = 'ERP5 Id Tool'
  portal_type = 'Id Tool'
  title = 'Id Generators'

  # Declarative Security
  security = ClassSecurityInfo()

  security.declareProtected( Permissions.ManagePortal, 'manage_overview' )
  manage_overview = DTMLFile( 'explainIdTool', _dtmldir )

  def newContent(self, *args, **kw):
      the newContent is overriden to not use generateNewId
    if id not in kw:
      new_id = self._generateNextId()
      if new_id is not None:
        kw['id'] = new_id
        raise ValueError('Failed to gererate id')
    return BaseTool.newContent(self, *args, **kw)

  def _get_id(self, id):
      _get_id is overrided to not use generateNewId
      It is used for example when an object is cloned
    if self._getOb(id, None) is None :
      return id
    return self._generateNextId()

  def _getLatestIdGenerator(self, reference):
      Tries to find the id_generator with the latest version
      from the current object.
      Use the low-level to create a site without catalog
    assert reference
    id_last_generator = None
    version_last_generator = 0
    for generator in self.objectValues():
      if generator.getReference() == reference:
        # Version Property Sheet defines 'version' property as a 'string'
        version = int(generator.getVersion())
        if version > version_last_generator:
          id_last_generator = generator.getId()
          version_last_generator = version
    if id_last_generator is None:
      raise KeyError(repr(reference))
    return id_last_generator

  def _getLatestGeneratorValue(self, id_generator):
      Return the last generator with the reference
    return self._getOb(self._getLatestIdGenerator(id_generator))

  def generateNewId(self, id_group=None, default=None, method=_marker,
                    id_generator=None, poison=False):
      Generate the next id in the sequence of ids of a particular group
    if id_group in (None, 'None'):
      raise ValueError('%r is not a valid id_group' % id_group)
    # for compatibilty with sql data, must not use id_group as a list
    if not isinstance(id_group, str):
      id_group = repr(id_group)
      warnings.warn('id_group must be a string, other types '
                    'are deprecated.', DeprecationWarning)
    if id_generator is None:
      id_generator = 'document'
    if method is not _marker:
      warnings.warn("Use of 'method' argument is deprecated", DeprecationWarning)
      #use _getLatestGeneratorValue here for that the technical level
      #must not call the method
      last_generator = self._getLatestGeneratorValue(id_generator)
      new_id = last_generator.generateNewId(
    except KeyError:
      # XXX backward compatiblity
      if self.getTypeInfo():
        LOG('generateNewId', ERROR, 'while generating id')
        # Compatibility code below, in case the last version of erp5_core
        # is not installed yet
        warnings.warn("You are using an old version of erp5_core to generate"
                      "ids.\nPlease update erp5_core business template to "
                      "use new id generators", DeprecationWarning)
        dict_ids = getattr(aq_base(self), 'dict_ids', None)
        if dict_ids is None:
          dict_ids = self.dict_ids = PersistentMapping()
        new_id = None
        # Getting the last id
        if default is None:
          default = 0
        marker = []
        new_id = dict_ids.get(id_group, marker)
        if method is _marker:
          if new_id is marker:
            new_id = default
            new_id = new_id + 1
          if new_id is marker:
            new_id = default
          new_id = method(new_id)
        # Store the new value
        dict_ids[id_group] = new_id
    return new_id

  def generateNewIdList(self, id_group=None, id_count=1, default=None,
                        store=_marker, id_generator=None, poison=False):
      Generate a list of next ids in the sequence of ids of a particular group
    if id_group in (None, 'None'):
      raise ValueError('%r is not a valid id_group' % id_group)
    # for compatibilty with sql data, must not use id_group as a list
    if not isinstance(id_group, str):
      id_group = repr(id_group)
      warnings.warn('id_group must be a string, other types '
                    'are deprecated.', DeprecationWarning)
    if id_generator is None:
      id_generator = 'uid'
    if store is not _marker:
      warnings.warn("Use of 'store' argument is deprecated.",
      #use _getLatestGeneratorValue here for that the technical level
      #must not call the method
      last_generator = self._getLatestGeneratorValue(id_generator)
      new_id_list = last_generator.generateNewIdList(id_group=id_group,
                         id_count=id_count, default=default, poison=poison)
    except (KeyError, ValueError):
      # XXX backward compatiblity
      if self.getTypeInfo():
        LOG('generateNewIdList', ERROR, 'while generating id')
        # Compatibility code below, in case the last version of erp5_core
        # is not installed yet
        warnings.warn("You are using an old version of erp5_core to generate"
                      "ids.\nPlease update erp5_core business template to "
                      "use new id generators", DeprecationWarning)
        new_id = None
        if default is None:
          default = 1
        # XXX It's temporary, a New API will be implemented soon
        #     the code will be change
        portal = self.getPortalObject()
          query = portal.IdTool_zGenerateId
          commit = portal.IdTool_zCommit
        except AttributeError:
          portal_catalog = portal.portal_catalog.getSQLCatalog()
          query = portal_catalog.z_portal_ids_generate_id
          commit = portal_catalog.z_portal_ids_commit
          result = query(id_group=id_group, id_count=id_count, default=default)
        new_id = result[0]['LAST_INSERT_ID()']
        if store:
          if getattr(aq_base(self), 'dict_length_ids', None) is None:
            # Length objects are stored in a persistent mapping: there is one
            # Length object per id_group.
            self.dict_length_ids = PersistentMapping()
          if self.dict_length_ids.get(id_group) is None:
            self.dict_length_ids[id_group] = Length(new_id)
        if six.PY2:
          new_id_list = range(new_id - id_count, new_id)
          new_id_list = list(range(new_id - id_count, new_id))
    return new_id_list

  def initializeGenerator(self, id_generator=None, all=False):
    Initialize generators. This is mostly used when a new ERP5 site
    is created. Some generators will need to do some initialization like
    creating SQL Database, prepare some data in ZODB, etc
    if not all:
      #Use _getLatestGeneratorValue here for that the technical level
      #must not call the method
      last_generator = self._getLatestGeneratorValue(id_generator)
      # recovery all the generators and initialize them
      for generator in self.objectValues(\
                       portal_type='Application Id Generator'):

  def clearGenerator(self, id_generator=None, all=False):
    Clear generators data. This can be usefull when working on a
    development instance or in some other rare cases. This will
    loose data and must be use with caution

    This can be incompatible with some particular generator implementation,
    in this case a particular error will be raised (to be determined and
    added here)
    if not all:
      #Use _getLatestGeneratorValue here for that the technical level
      #must not call the method
      last_generator = self._getLatestGeneratorValue(id_generator)

      if len(self.objectValues()) == 0:
        # compatibility with old API
      for generator in self.objectValues(\
                       portal_type='Application Id Generator'):

  ## XXX Old API deprecated
  #backward compatibility
  generateNewLengthIdList = generateNewIdList

  def getLastLengthGeneratedId(self, id_group, default=None):
    Get the last length id generated
    warnings.warn('getLastLengthGeneratedId is deprecated',
    # check in persistent mapping if exists
    if getattr(aq_base(self), 'dict_length_ids', None) is not None:
      last_id = self.dict_length_ids.get(id_group)
      if last_id is not None:
        return last_id.value - 1
    # otherwise check in mysql
    # XXX It's temporary, a New API will be implemented soon
    #     the code will be change
    portal = self.getPortalObject()
      query = portal.IdTool_zGetLastId
    except AttributeError:
      query = portal.portal_catalog.getSQLCatalog().z_portal_ids_get_last_id
    result = query(id_group=id_group)
    if len(result):
        return result[0]['last_id']
      except KeyError:
        return result[0]['LAST_INSERT_ID()']
    return default

  def getLastGeneratedId(self, id_group=None, default=None):
    Get the last id generated
    warnings.warn('getLastGeneratedId is deprecated', DeprecationWarning)
    if getattr(aq_base(self), 'dict_ids', None) is None:
      self.dict_ids = PersistentMapping()
    last_id = None
    if id_group is not None and id_group != 'None':
      last_id = self.dict_ids.get(id_group, default)
    return last_id

  def setLastGeneratedId(self, new_id, id_group=None):
    Set a new last id. This is usefull in order to reset
    a sequence of ids.
    if getattr(aq_base(self), 'dict_ids', None) is None:
      self.dict_ids = PersistentMapping()
    if id_group is not None and id_group != 'None':
      self.dict_ids[id_group] = new_id

  def generateNewLengthId(self, id_group=None, default=None, store=_marker):
     """Generates an Id using a conflict free id generator. Deprecated.
     warnings.warn('generateNewLengthId is deprecated.\n'
                   'Use generateNewIdList with a sql id_generator',
     if store is not _marker:
       return self.generateNewIdList(id_group=id_group,
                        id_count=1, default=default, store=store)[0]
     return self.generateNewIdList(id_group=id_group,
                        id_count=1, default=default)[0]

  def getDictLengthIdsItems(self):
      Return a copy of dict_length_ids.
      This is a workaround to access the persistent mapping content from ZSQL
      method to be able to insert initial tuples in the database at creation.
    if getattr(self, 'dict_length_ids', None) is None:
      self.dict_length_ids = PersistentMapping()
    return self.dict_length_ids.items()

  def dumpDictLengthIdsItems(self):
      Store persistently data from SQL table portal_ids.
    portal_catalog = getattr(self, 'portal_catalog').getSQLCatalog()
    query = getattr(portal_catalog, 'z_portal_ids_dump')
    dict_length_ids = getattr(aq_base(self), 'dict_length_ids', None)
    if dict_length_ids is None:
      dict_length_ids = self.dict_length_ids = PersistentMapping()
    for line in query().dictionaries():
      id_group = line['id_group']
      last_id = line['last_id']
      stored_last_id = self.dict_length_ids.get(id_group)
      if stored_last_id is None:
        self.dict_length_ids[id_group] = Length(last_id)
        stored_last_id_value = stored_last_id()
        if stored_last_id_value < last_id:
          if stored_last_id_value > last_id:
            LOG('IdTool', WARNING, 'ZODB value (%r) for group %r is higher ' \
                'than SQL value (%r). Keeping ZODB value untouched.' % \
                (stored_last_id, id_group, last_id))
Example #3
class PasswordTool(BaseTool):
    PasswordTool is used to allow a user to change its password
  title = 'Password Tool'
  id = 'portal_password'
  meta_type = 'ERP5 Password Tool'
  portal_type = 'Password Tool'
  allowed_types = ()

  # Declarative Security
  security = ClassSecurityInfo()

  security.declareProtected(Permissions.ManagePortal, 'manage_overview' )
  manage_overview = DTMLFile( 'explainPasswordTool', _dtmldir )

  _expiration_day = 1
  _password_request_dict = {}

  def __init__(self, id=None):
    if id is None:
      id = self.__class__.id
    self._password_request_dict = PersistentMapping()
    # XXX no call to BaseTool.__init__ ?
    # BaseTool.__init__(self, id)

  security.declareProtected('Manage users', 'getResetPasswordKey')
  def getResetPasswordKey(self, user_login):
    # generate expiration date
    expiration_date = DateTime() + self._expiration_day

    # generate a random string
    key = self._generateUUID()
    # XXX before r26093, _password_request_dict was initialized by an OOBTree and
    # replaced by a dict on each request, so if it's data structure is not up
    # to date, we update it if needed
    if not isinstance(self._password_request_dict, PersistentMapping):
      LOG('ERP5.PasswordTool', INFO, 'Updating password_request_dict to'
                                     ' PersistentMapping')
      self._password_request_dict = PersistentMapping()

    # register request
    self._password_request_dict[key] = (user_login, expiration_date)
    return key

  security.declareProtected('Manage users', 'getResetPasswordUrl')
  def getResetPasswordUrl(self, user_login=None, key=None, site_url=None):
    if user_login is not None:
      # XXX Backward compatibility
      key = self.getResetPasswordKey(user_login)

    parameter = urlencode(dict(reset_key=key))
    method = self._getTypeBasedMethod("getSiteUrl")
    if method is not None:
      base_url = method()
      base_url = "%s/portal_password/PasswordTool_viewResetPassword" % (
    url = "%s?%s" %(base_url, parameter)
    return url

  security.declareProtected('Manage users', 'getResetPasswordUrl')
  def getExpirationDateForKey(self, key=None):
    return self._password_request_dict[key][1]

  def mailPasswordResetRequest(self, user_login=None, REQUEST=None,
                              notification_message=None, sender=None,
    Create a random string and expiration date for request
    user_login -- Reference of the user to send password reset link
    REQUEST -- Request object
    notification_message -- Notification Message Document used to build the email.
                            As default, a standart text will be used.
    sender -- Sender (Person or Organisation) of the email.
            As default, the default email address will be used
    store_as_event -- whenever CRM is available, store
                        notifications as events
    if REQUEST is None:
      REQUEST = get_request()

    if user_login is None:
      user_login = REQUEST["user_login"]

    site_url = self.getPortalObject().absolute_url()
    if REQUEST and 'came_from' in REQUEST:
      site_url = REQUEST.came_from

    msg = None
    # check user exists, and have an email
    user_list = self.getPortalObject().acl_users.\
    if len(user_list) == 0:
      msg = translateString("User ${user} does not exist.",
      # We use checked_permission to prevent errors when trying to acquire
      # email from organisation
      user = user_list[0]
      email_value = user.getDefaultEmailValue(
              checked_permission='Access content information')
      if email_value is None or not email_value.asText():
        msg = translateString(
            "User ${user} does not have an email address, please contact site "
            "administrator directly", mapping={'user':user_login})
    if msg:
      if REQUEST is not None:
        parameter = urlencode(dict(portal_status_message=msg))
        ret_url = '%s/login_form?%s' % \
                  (site_url, parameter)
        return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect( ret_url )
      return msg

    key = self.getResetPasswordKey(user_login=user_login)
    url = self.getResetPasswordUrl(key=key, site_url=site_url)

    # send mail
    message_dict = {'instance_name':self.getPortalObject().getTitle(),

    if notification_message is None:
      subject = translateString("[${instance_name}] Reset of your password",
          mapping={'instance_name': self.getPortalObject().getTitle()})
      subject = subject.translate()
      message = translateString("\nYou requested to reset your ${instance_name}"\
                " account password.\n\n" \
                "Please copy and paste the following link into your browser: \n"\
                "${reset_password_link}\n\n" \
                "Please note that this link will be valid only one time, until "\
                "${expiration_date}.\n" \
                "After this date, or after having used this link, you will have to make " \
                "a new request\n\n" \
                "Thank you",
      message = message.translate()
      subject = notification_message.getTitle()
      if notification_message.getContentType() == "text/html":
        message = notification_message.asEntireHTML(substitution_method_parameter_dict=message_dict)
        message = notification_message.asText(substitution_method_parameter_dict=message_dict)

    self.getPortalObject().portal_notifications.sendMessage(sender=sender, recipient=[user,],
                                                            subject=subject, message=message,
    if REQUEST is not None:
      msg = translateString("An email has been sent to you.")
      parameter = urlencode(dict(portal_status_message=msg))
      ret_url = '%s/login_form?%s' % (site_url, parameter)
      return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect( ret_url )

  def _generateUUID(self, args=""):
    Generate a unique id that will be used as url for password
    # this code is based on
    # http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/213761
    # by Carl Free Jr
    # as uuid module is only available in pyhton 2.5
    t = long( time.time() * 1000 )
    r = long( random.random()*100000000000000000L )
      a = socket.gethostbyname( socket.gethostname() )
      # if we can't get a network address, just imagine one
      a = random.random()*100000000000000000L
    data = ' '.join((str(t), str(r), str(a), str(args)))
    data = md5_new(data).hexdigest()
    return data

  def resetPassword(self, reset_key=None, REQUEST=None):
    # XXX-Aurel : is it used ?
    if REQUEST is None:
      REQUEST = get_request()
    user_login, expiration_date = self._password_request_dict.get(reset_key, (None, None))
    site_url = self.getPortalObject().absolute_url()
    if REQUEST and 'came_from' in REQUEST:
      site_url = REQUEST.came_from
    if reset_key is None or user_login is None:
      ret_url = '%s/login_form' % site_url
      return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect( ret_url )

    # check date
    current_date = DateTime()
    if current_date > expiration_date:
      msg = translateString("Date has expire.")
      parameter = urlencode(dict(portal_status_message=msg))
      ret_url = '%s/login_form?%s' % (site_url, parameter)
      return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect( ret_url )

    # redirect to form as all is ok
    REQUEST.set("password_key", reset_key)
    return self.reset_password_form(REQUEST=REQUEST)

  def removeExpiredRequests(self, **kw):
    Browse dict and remove expired request
    current_date = DateTime()
    for key, (login, date) in self._password_request_dict.items():
      if date < current_date:

  def changeUserPassword(self, password, password_key, password_confirm=None,
                         user_login=None, REQUEST=None, **kw):
    Reset the password for a given login
    # check the key
    register_user_login, expiration_date = self._password_request_dict.get(
                                                    password_key, (None, None))

    current_date = DateTime()
    msg = None
    if REQUEST is None:
      REQUEST = get_request()
    site_url = self.getPortalObject().absolute_url()
    if REQUEST and 'came_from' in REQUEST:
      site_url = REQUEST.came_from
    if self.getWebSiteValue():
      site_url = self.getWebSiteValue().absolute_url()
    if register_user_login is None:
      msg = "Key not known. Please ask reset password."
    elif user_login is not None and register_user_login != user_login:
      msg = translateString("Bad login provided.")
    elif current_date > expiration_date:
      msg = translateString("Date has expire.")
    if msg is not None:
      if REQUEST is not None:
        parameter = urlencode(dict(portal_status_message=msg))
        ret_url = '%s/login_form?%s' % (site_url, parameter)
        return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect( ret_url )
        return msg

    # all is OK, change password and remove it from request dict
    persons = self.getPortalObject().acl_users.erp5_users.getUserByLogin(register_user_login)
    person = persons[0]
    if REQUEST is not None:
      msg = translateString("Password changed.")
      parameter = urlencode(dict(portal_status_message=msg))
      ret_url = '%s/login_form?%s' % (site_url, parameter)
      return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect( ret_url )