Example #1
    def test_forbidden_tools( self ):

        from Products.GenericSetup.tool import TOOLSET_XML
        from Products.GenericSetup.tool import importToolset
        TOOL_IDS = ( 'doomed', 'blasted', 'saved' )

        site = self._initSite()

        for tool_id in TOOL_IDS:
            pseudo = Folder()
            pseudo._setId( tool_id )
            site._setObject( tool_id, pseudo )

        self.assertEqual( len( site.objectIds() ), len( TOOL_IDS ) + 1 )

        for tool_id in TOOL_IDS:
            self.failUnless( tool_id in site.objectIds() )

        context = DummyImportContext( site, tool=site.setup_tool )
        context._files[ TOOLSET_XML ] = _FORBIDDEN_TOOLSET_XML

        importToolset( context )

        self.assertEqual( len( site.objectIds() ), 2 )
        self.failUnless( 'setup_tool' in site.objectIds() )
        self.failUnless( 'saved' in site.objectIds() )
Example #2
    def test_required_tools_missing_acquired_nofail( self ):

        from Products.GenericSetup.tool import TOOLSET_XML
        from Products.GenericSetup.tool import importToolset

        site = self._initSite()
        parent_site = Folder()

        mandatory = AnotherDummyTool()
        mandatory._setId( 'mandatory' )
        parent_site._setObject( 'mandatory', mandatory )

        obligatory = AnotherDummyTool()
        obligatory._setId( 'obligatory' )
        parent_site._setObject( 'obligatory', obligatory )

        site = site.__of__(parent_site)

        # acquiring subobjects of a different class during import
        # should not prevent new objects from being created if they
        # don't exist in the site

        context = DummyImportContext( site, tool=site.setup_tool )
        context._files[ TOOLSET_XML ] = _REQUIRED_TOOLSET_XML

        importToolset( context )

        self.failIf( aq_base( site._getOb( 'mandatory' ) ) is mandatory )
        self.failUnless( isinstance( aq_base( site._getOb( 'mandatory' ) )
                                   , DummyTool ) )

        self.failIf( aq_base( site._getOb( 'obligatory' ) ) is obligatory )
        self.failUnless( isinstance( aq_base( site._getOb( 'obligatory' ) )
                                   , DummyTool ) )
Example #3
    def test_import_updates_registry(self):
        from Products.GenericSetup.tool import TOOLSET_XML
        from Products.GenericSetup.tool import importToolset
        from test_registry import _NORMAL_TOOLSET_XML

        site = self._initSite()
        context = DummyImportContext( site, tool=site.setup_tool )

        # Import forbidden
        context._files[ TOOLSET_XML ] = _FORBIDDEN_TOOLSET_XML
        importToolset( context )

        tool = context.getSetupTool()
        toolset = tool.getToolsetRegistry()

        self.assertEqual( len( toolset.listForbiddenTools() ), 3 )
        self.failUnless( 'doomed' in toolset.listForbiddenTools() )
        self.failUnless( 'damned' in toolset.listForbiddenTools() )
        self.failUnless( 'blasted' in toolset.listForbiddenTools() )

        # Import required
        context._files[ TOOLSET_XML ] = _REQUIRED_TOOLSET_XML
        importToolset( context )

        self.assertEqual( len( toolset.listRequiredTools() ), 2 )
        self.failUnless( 'mandatory' in toolset.listRequiredTools() )
        info = toolset.getRequiredToolInfo( 'mandatory' )
        self.assertEqual( info[ 'class' ],
                          'Products.GenericSetup.tests.test_tool.DummyTool' )
        self.failUnless( 'obligatory' in toolset.listRequiredTools() )
        info = toolset.getRequiredToolInfo( 'obligatory' )
        self.assertEqual( info[ 'class' ],
                          'Products.GenericSetup.tests.test_tool.DummyTool' )
Example #4
    def test_required_tools_with_replacement( self ):

        from Products.GenericSetup.tool import TOOLSET_XML
        from Products.GenericSetup.tool import importToolset

        site = self._initSite()

        mandatory = AnotherDummyTool()
        mandatory._setId( 'mandatory' )
        site._setObject( 'mandatory', mandatory )

        obligatory = AnotherDummyTool()
        obligatory._setId( 'obligatory' )
        site._setObject( 'obligatory', obligatory )

        self.assertEqual( len( site.objectIds() ), 3 )

        context = DummyImportContext( site, tool=site.setup_tool )
        context._files[ TOOLSET_XML ] = _REQUIRED_TOOLSET_XML

        importToolset( context )

        self.assertEqual( len( site.objectIds() ), 3 )

        self.failIf( aq_base( site._getOb( 'mandatory' ) ) is mandatory )
        self.failUnless( isinstance( aq_base( site._getOb( 'mandatory' ) )
                                   , DummyTool ) )

        self.failIf( aq_base( site._getOb( 'obligatory' ) ) is obligatory )
        self.failUnless( isinstance( aq_base( site._getOb( 'obligatory' ) )
                                   , DummyTool ) )
Example #5
    def test_required_tools_with_replacement( self ):

        from Products.GenericSetup.tool import TOOLSET_XML
        from Products.GenericSetup.tool import importToolset

        site = self._initSite()

        mandatory = AnotherDummyTool()
        mandatory._setId( 'mandatory' )
        site._setObject( 'mandatory', mandatory )

        obligatory = AnotherDummyTool()
        obligatory._setId( 'obligatory' )
        site._setObject( 'obligatory', obligatory )

        self.assertEqual( len( site.objectIds() ), 3 )

        context = DummyImportContext( site, tool=site.setup_tool )
        context._files[ TOOLSET_XML ] = _REQUIRED_TOOLSET_XML

        importToolset( context )

        self.assertEqual( len( site.objectIds() ), 3 )

        self.failIf( aq_base( site._getOb( 'mandatory' ) ) is mandatory )
        self.failUnless( isinstance( aq_base( site._getOb( 'mandatory' ) )
                                   , DummyTool ) )

        self.failIf( aq_base( site._getOb( 'obligatory' ) ) is obligatory )
        self.failUnless( isinstance( aq_base( site._getOb( 'obligatory' ) )
                                   , DummyTool ) )
Example #6
    def test_required_tools_missing_acquired_nofail( self ):

        from Products.GenericSetup.tool import TOOLSET_XML
        from Products.GenericSetup.tool import importToolset

        site = self._initSite()
        parent_site = Folder()

        mandatory = AnotherDummyTool()
        mandatory._setId( 'mandatory' )
        parent_site._setObject( 'mandatory', mandatory )

        obligatory = AnotherDummyTool()
        obligatory._setId( 'obligatory' )
        parent_site._setObject( 'obligatory', obligatory )

        site = site.__of__(parent_site)

        # acquiring subobjects of a different class during import
        # should not prevent new objects from being created if they
        # don't exist in the site

        context = DummyImportContext( site, tool=site.setup_tool )
        context._files[ TOOLSET_XML ] = _REQUIRED_TOOLSET_XML

        importToolset( context )

        self.failIf( aq_base( site._getOb( 'mandatory' ) ) is mandatory )
        self.failUnless( isinstance( aq_base( site._getOb( 'mandatory' ) )
                                   , DummyTool ) )

        self.failIf( aq_base( site._getOb( 'obligatory' ) ) is obligatory )
        self.failUnless( isinstance( aq_base( site._getOb( 'obligatory' ) )
                                   , DummyTool ) )
Example #7
    def test_forbidden_tools( self ):

        from Products.GenericSetup.tool import TOOLSET_XML
        from Products.GenericSetup.tool import importToolset
        TOOL_IDS = ( 'doomed', 'blasted', 'saved' )

        site = self._initSite()

        for tool_id in TOOL_IDS:
            pseudo = Folder()
            pseudo._setId( tool_id )
            site._setObject( tool_id, pseudo )

        self.assertEqual( len( site.objectIds() ), len( TOOL_IDS ) + 1 )

        for tool_id in TOOL_IDS:
            self.failUnless( tool_id in site.objectIds() )

        context = DummyImportContext( site, tool=site.setup_tool )
        context._files[ TOOLSET_XML ] = _FORBIDDEN_TOOLSET_XML

        importToolset( context )

        self.assertEqual( len( site.objectIds() ), 2 )
        self.failUnless( 'setup_tool' in site.objectIds() )
        self.failUnless( 'saved' in site.objectIds() )
Example #8
    def test_import_updates_registry(self):
        from Products.GenericSetup.tool import TOOLSET_XML
        from Products.GenericSetup.tool import importToolset
        from test_registry import _NORMAL_TOOLSET_XML

        site = self._initSite()
        context = DummyImportContext(site, tool=site.setup_tool)

        # Import forbidden
        context._files[TOOLSET_XML] = _FORBIDDEN_TOOLSET_XML

        tool = context.getSetupTool()
        toolset = tool.getToolsetRegistry()

        self.assertEqual(len(toolset.listForbiddenTools()), 3)
        self.failUnless('doomed' in toolset.listForbiddenTools())
        self.failUnless('damned' in toolset.listForbiddenTools())
        self.failUnless('blasted' in toolset.listForbiddenTools())

        # Import required
        context._files[TOOLSET_XML] = _REQUIRED_TOOLSET_XML

        self.assertEqual(len(toolset.listRequiredTools()), 2)
        self.failUnless('mandatory' in toolset.listRequiredTools())
        info = toolset.getRequiredToolInfo('mandatory')
        self.failUnless('obligatory' in toolset.listRequiredTools())
        info = toolset.getRequiredToolInfo('obligatory')
Example #9
    def test_tool_id_required(self):
        # Tests that tool creation will still work when an id is required
        # by the tool constructor.
        from Products.GenericSetup.tool import TOOLSET_XML
        from Products.GenericSetup.tool import importToolset

        site = self._initSite()
        context = DummyImportContext( site, tool=site.setup_tool )
        context._files[ TOOLSET_XML ] = _WITH_ID_TOOLSET_XML

        importToolset( context )

        for tool_id in ( 'mandatory', 'requires_id' ):
            tool = getattr( site, tool_id )
            self.assertEqual( tool.getId(), tool_id )
Example #10
    def test_tool_id_required(self):
        # Tests that tool creation will still work when an id is required
        # by the tool constructor.
        from Products.GenericSetup.tool import TOOLSET_XML
        from Products.GenericSetup.tool import importToolset

        site = self._initSite()
        context = DummyImportContext( site, tool=site.setup_tool )
        context._files[ TOOLSET_XML ] = _WITH_ID_TOOLSET_XML

        importToolset( context )

        for tool_id in ( 'mandatory', 'requires_id' ):
            tool = getattr( site, tool_id )
            self.assertEqual( tool.getId(), tool_id )
Example #11
    def test_tool_ids( self ):
        # The tool import mechanism used to rely on the fact that all tools
        # have unique IDs set at the class level and that you can call their
        # constructor with no arguments. However, there might be tools
        # that need IDs set.
        from Products.GenericSetup.tool import TOOLSET_XML
        from Products.GenericSetup.tool import importToolset

        site = self._initSite()
        context = DummyImportContext( site, tool=site.setup_tool )
        context._files[ TOOLSET_XML ] = _REQUIRED_TOOLSET_XML

        importToolset( context )

        for tool_id in ( 'mandatory', 'obligatory' ):
            tool = getattr( site, tool_id )
            self.assertEqual( tool.getId(), tool_id )
Example #12
    def test_tool_ids( self ):
        # The tool import mechanism used to rely on the fact that all tools
        # have unique IDs set at the class level and that you can call their
        # constructor with no arguments. However, there might be tools
        # that need IDs set.
        from Products.GenericSetup.tool import TOOLSET_XML
        from Products.GenericSetup.tool import importToolset

        site = self._initSite()
        context = DummyImportContext( site, tool=site.setup_tool )
        context._files[ TOOLSET_XML ] = _REQUIRED_TOOLSET_XML

        importToolset( context )

        for tool_id in ( 'mandatory', 'obligatory' ):
            tool = getattr( site, tool_id )
            self.assertEqual( tool.getId(), tool_id )
Example #13
    def test_required_tools_missing( self ):

        from Products.GenericSetup.tool import TOOLSET_XML
        from Products.GenericSetup.tool import importToolset

        site = self._initSite()
        self.assertEqual( len( site.objectIds() ), 1 )

        context = DummyImportContext( site, tool=site.setup_tool )
        context._files[ TOOLSET_XML ] = _REQUIRED_TOOLSET_XML

        importToolset( context )

        self.assertEqual( len( site.objectIds() ), 3 )
        self.failUnless( isinstance( aq_base( site._getOb( 'mandatory' ) )
                                   , DummyTool ) )
        self.failUnless( isinstance( aq_base( site._getOb( 'obligatory' ) )
                                   , DummyTool ) )
Example #14
    def test_required_tools_missing( self ):

        from Products.GenericSetup.tool import TOOLSET_XML
        from Products.GenericSetup.tool import importToolset

        site = self._initSite()
        self.assertEqual( len( site.objectIds() ), 1 )

        context = DummyImportContext( site, tool=site.setup_tool )
        context._files[ TOOLSET_XML ] = _REQUIRED_TOOLSET_XML

        importToolset( context )

        self.assertEqual( len( site.objectIds() ), 3 )
        self.failUnless( isinstance( aq_base( site._getOb( 'mandatory' ) )
                                   , DummyTool ) )
        self.failUnless( isinstance( aq_base( site._getOb( 'obligatory' ) )
                                   , DummyTool ) )