def getFilesToProcess(self): db = None cur = None filesList = [] try: db = pymysql.connect(self.DATABASEIP, self.DB_USER, self.DB_PASSWORD, self.DATABASE) cur = db.cursor() processed = "N" args = (processed) sql = 'Select FileName,ProjectName,ProjectUserID,Processed,UploadDate,UploadPath,Lang , FileID from project_files where Processed = %s' cur.execute(sql, args) for row in cur.fetchall(): ProjectFile_ = ProjectFile(row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], row[5], row[6]) ProjectFile_.setFileID(row[7]) filesList.append(ProjectFile_) del ProjectFile_ except Exception as error: raise DBError('Can not insert File Data into DB ' + str(error)) print("In DB Handler storing file Data", error) finally: if (db != None): db.close() return filesList
def setWorkDir(cls,parent): parent.workDir=QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory() if len(parent.workDir)>0: parent.setExtraFileName() #保存工程文件 pj=ProjectFile(parent.projectFile) pj.createProject() else: parent.workDir=None
def importFullImages(cls,parent): if parent.workDir is None: return files,ext = QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(parent, "导入全图", './', "Image Files (*.jpg *tif)") if len(files)>0: parent.centerUi.fullViewer.insertFiles(files) #保存工程文件 pj=ProjectFile(parent.projectFile) pj.setFullImages(files)
def openWork(cls,parent): file, ext = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(parent, "文件选择", './', "PRO Files (*.pro)") if len(file)>0: parent.projectFile=file parent.workDir=os.path.split(file)[0] parent.setExtraFileName() #保存工程文件 pj=ProjectFile(parent.projectFile) (files1,files2)=pj.getImages() parent.centerUi.fileViewer.insertFiles(files1)#显示文件名列表 parent.centerUi.fullViewer.insertFiles(files2)#显示文件名列表 controlPointName=parent.workDir+'/'+Attribute.controlPointName parent.centerUi.pointsViewer.setPointsFile(controlPointName)
def importImages(cls,parent): if parent.workDir is None: return files,ext = QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(parent, "导入待拼接图像", './', "Image Files (*.jpg *tif)") if len(files)>0: parent.centerUi.fileViewer.insertFiles(files) #保存工程文件 pj=ProjectFile(parent.projectFile) pj.setNoramlImages(files) latlonName=parent.workDir+'/'+Attribute.imageLocationName #从图片中获取坐标信息 command=[] command.append(parent.programPath+'/modules/exifcoords.exe') command.append(parent.projectFile) command.append(latlonName) subprocess.Popen(command, startupinfo=Attribute.startupinfo, shell=False, close_fds=True)
def __init__(self, bls_path, bll_path): self.bls = ProjectFile(bls_path) self.bll = ProjectFile(bll_path) self.uses = [] self.dep = [] # список файлов ссылающихся на этот модуль self.compile = True # нуждается ли в компилировании
class BlsObj(object): def __init__(self, bls_path, bll_path): self.bls = ProjectFile(bls_path) self.bll = ProjectFile(bll_path) self.uses = [] self.dep = [] # список файлов ссылающихся на этот модуль self.compile = True # нуждается ли в компилировании def update_bls(self): self.uses = [] self.dep = [] if self.bls.is_exists(): data = self.bls.get_data() self.bls.update_md5(data) self.uses = utils.parse_bls(data, 'uses') def update_bll(self): if self.bll.is_exists(): data = self.bll.get_data() self.bll.update_md5(data) def add_dep(self, name): self.dep.append(name) def gen_xml_dict(self, bls_dict): if self.compile: return bls_dict[self.bls.get_name()] = {"bls_md5" : self.bls.get_md5(), "bll_md5" : self.bll.get_md5()} def load_xml_dict(self, bls_md5, bll_md5): """На этом этапе идет сравнение данных из xml и реальных данных, по результатам делается вывод нужно ли компилировать файл """ self.compile = True debug = False # в прошлый раз файл не был скомпилирован if bls_md5 == '' or bll_md5 == '': if debug: print self.get_bls_path() + ': not compiled' return # bll удалена или не была скомпилирована if not self.bll.is_exists(): if debug: print self.get_bls_path() + ': bll not exists' return # bls изменилась if bls_md5 != self.bls.get_md5(): if debug: print self.get_bls_path() + ': bls change' return # bll изменилась self.update_bll() if bll_md5 != self.bll.get_md5(): if debug: print self.get_bls_path() + ': bll change' return self.compile = False def remove_bll(self): if self.bll.is_exists(): os.remove(self.bll.get_path()) def need_compile(self, arr): self.compile = True for it in self.dep: arr[it].need_compile(arr) def on_compiled(self): self.compile = False self.update_bll() def get_name(self): return self.bls.get_name() def is_need_compile(self): return self.compile def get_bls_path(self): return self.bls.get_path()
def upload_file_s(): try: print("Here in uploader new") if request.method == 'POST': file = request.files['file'] pname = request.form['pname'] lang = request.form['lang'] if file.filename == '': print("file name is empty") return redirect( url_for('addfiles.html', message='No selected file')) if file and allowed_file(file.filename): filename = secure_filename(file.filename) file.filename = filename print("file", file.filename) os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_PATH_PDF'], file.filename)) processed = "N" datetime_now = formatted_date = datetime_now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') projectFile_ = ProjectFile(file.filename, pname, session['user'], processed, formatted_date, app.config['UPLOAD_PATH_PDF'], lang) dbHandler_ = DBHandler(app.config["DATABASEIP"], app.config["DB_USER"], app.config["DB_PASSWORD"], app.config["DATABASE"]) dbHandler_.insertFiles(projectFile_) if (projectFile_.lang == "eng"): try: FileProcessor_ = FileProcessor() FileProcessor_.process(projectFile_) dbHandler_.updateFileStatus(projectFile_.FileName, "Y") except Exception as e: dbHandler_.updateFileStatus(projectFile_.FileName, "F") return render_template( 'addfiles.html', email=session['user'], projectList=session['projectList'], message="File processing is failed due to error:" + str(e)) return render_template( 'addfiles.html', email=session['user'], projectList=session['projectList'], message= "File is successfully uploaded. File will be processed in a while" ) except DBError as e: return render_template('addfiles.html', projectList=session['projectList'], email=session['user'], message='Exception in file processing' + str(e)) except Exception as e: return render_template('addfiles.html', projectList=session['projectList'], email=session['user'], message='Exception in file processing' + str(e))