Example #1
def convolve_dim(f, convolve_def):
    convolve_parts = convolve_def.split(',')
    dimkey = convolve_parts.pop(0)
    mode = convolve_parts.pop(0)
    weights = np.array(convolve_parts, dtype='f')
    outf = PseudoNetCDFFile()
    from PseudoNetCDF.pncgen import Pseudo2NetCDF
    p2p = Pseudo2NetCDF(verbose=0)
    p2p.addGlobalProperties(f, outf)
    p2p.addDimensions(f, outf)
    dim = outf.dimensions[dimkey]
    dim = outf.createDimension(
        dimkey, len(np.convolve(weights, np.arange(len(dim)), mode=mode)))
    for vark, var in f.variables.items():
        lconvolve = dimkey in var.dimensions
        p2p.addVariable(f, outf, vark, data=not lconvolve)
        if lconvolve:
            axisi = list(var.dimensions).index(dimkey)
            values = np.apply_along_axis(
                func1d=lambda x_: np.convolve(weights, x_, mode=mode),
            if isinstance(var[:], np.ma.MaskedArray):
                values = np.ma.masked_invalid(values)

            outf.variables[vark][:] = values
    return outf
Example #2
def pncbo(op, ifile1, ifile2, coordkeys = [], verbose = False):
    Perform binary operation (op) on all variables in ifile1
    and ifile2.  The returned file (rfile) contains the result
    rfile = ifile1 <op> ifile2
    op can be any valid operator (e.g., +, -, /, *, **, &, ||)
    from PseudoNetCDF.sci_var import Pseudo2NetCDF
    # Copy infile1 to a temporary PseudoNetCDFFile
    p2p = Pseudo2NetCDF()
    p2p.verbose = verbose
    tmpfile = PseudoNetCDFFile()
    p2p.addGlobalProperties(ifile1, tmpfile)
    p2p.addDimensions(ifile1, tmpfile)
    # For each variable, assign the new value
    # to the tmpfile variables.
    for k in ifile1.variables.keys():
        in1var = ifile1.variables[k]
        if k not in ifile2.variables.keys() or k in coordkeys:
            warn('%s not found in ifile2' % k)
            p2p.addVariable(ifile1, tmpfile, k)
            in2var = ifile2.variables[k]
            propd = dict([(ak, getattr(in1var, ak)) for ak in in1var.ncattrs()])
            unit1 = getattr(in1var, 'units', 'unknown')
            unit2 = getattr(in2var, 'units', 'unknown')
            propd['units'] = '(%s) %s (%s)' % (unit1, op, unit2)
            outval = np.ma.masked_invalid(eval('in1var[...] %s in2var[...]' % op).view(np.ndarray))
            outvar = tmpfile.createVariable(k, in1var.dtype.char, in1var.dimensions, fill_value = -999, values = outval)
    return tmpfile
Example #3
def pncbfunc(func, ifile1, ifile2, coordkeys=[], verbose=0):
    Perform binary function (func) on all variables in ifile1
    and ifile2.  The returned file (rfile) contains the result
    rfile = ifile1 <op> ifile2
    op can be any valid operator (e.g., +, -, /, *, **, &, ||)
    from PseudoNetCDF.sci_var import Pseudo2NetCDF

    # Copy infile1 to a temporary PseudoNetCDFFile
    p2p = Pseudo2NetCDF()
    p2p.verbose = verbose
    tmpfile = PseudoNetCDFFile()
    p2p.convert(ifile1, tmpfile)

    # For each variable, assign the new value
    # to the tmpfile variables.
    for k in tmpfile.variables.keys():
        if k in coordkeys: continue
        outvar = tmpfile.variables[k]
        in1var = ifile1.variables[k]
        if k not in ifile2.variables.keys():
            warn('%s not found in ifile2' % k)
        in2var = ifile2.variables[k]
        outval = np.ma.filled(
            np.ma.masked_invalid(func(in1var[...], in2var[...])), -999)
        if outvar.ndim > 0:
            outvar[:] = outval
        outvar.fill_value = -999
    return tmpfile
Example #4
    def __init__(self, ncffile, dimension, oldres, newres,
                 repeat_method=repeat, condense_method=sum, nthick=0):
        from PseudoNetCDF.sci_var import Pseudo2NetCDF
        self.__dimension = array(dimension, ndmin=1)
        oldres = array(oldres, ndmin=1)
        newres = array(newres, ndmin=1)
        self.__mesh = newres / oldres.astype('f')
        self.__condense = condense_method
        self.__repeat = repeat_method
        self.__file = ncffile
        self.__nthick = nthick

        if not logical_or((self.__mesh % 1) == 0,
                          (1. / self.__mesh) % 1 == 0).any():
            raise ValueError("One resolution must be a factor of the other.")

        Pseudo2NetCDF().addDimensions(self.__file, self)
        any_non_time_key = [
            k for k in self.__file.variables.keys() if 'TFLAG' not in k][0]
        for dk, dfactor in zip(self.__dimension, 1. / self.__mesh):
            dimo = self.dimensions[dk]
            ndimo = self.createDimension(str(dk), len(dimo) * dfactor)
        v = self.__file.variables[any_non_time_key]
        v = self.__method(v)

        self.variables = PseudoNetCDFVariables(
            self.__variables, self.__file.variables.keys())
def slice_dim(f, slicedef, fuzzydim=True):
    variables have dimensions (e.g., time, layer, lat, lon), which can be
    subset using:

        slice_dim(f, 'dim,start,stop,stride')

    e.g., slice_dim(f, 'layer,0,47,5') would sample every fifth layer
    starting at 0
    inf = f

    historydef = "slice_dim(f, %s, fuzzydim = %s); " % (slicedef, fuzzydim)
    slicedef = slicedef.split(',')
    slicedef = [slicedef[0]] + list(map(eval, slicedef[1:]))
    if len(slicedef) == 2:
        slicedef.append(slicedef[-1] + 1)
    slicedef = (slicedef + [
    dimkey, dmin, dmax, dstride = slicedef
    if dimkey not in inf.dimensions:
        warn('%s not in file' % dimkey)
        return inf

    unlimited = inf.dimensions[dimkey].isunlimited()
    if fuzzydim:
        partial_check = [
            key for key in inf.dimensions
            if dimkey == key[:len(dimkey)] and key[len(dimkey):].isdigit()
        for dimk in partial_check:
            inf = slice_dim(inf, '%s,%s,%s,%s' % (dimk, dmin, dmax, dstride))

    from PseudoNetCDF.sci_var import Pseudo2NetCDF
    p2p = Pseudo2NetCDF(verbose=0)
    outf = PseudoNetCDFFile()
    p2p.addDimensions(inf, outf)
    p2p.addGlobalProperties(inf, outf)

    for varkey in inf.variables.keys():
        var = inf.variables[varkey]
        if dimkey not in var.dimensions:
            p2p.addVariable(inf, outf, varkey)
            axis = list(var.dimensions).index(dimkey)
            vout = var[...].swapaxes(0, axis)[dmin:dmax:dstride].swapaxes(
                0, axis)

            newlen = vout.shape[axis]
            newdim = outf.createDimension(dimkey, newlen)
            outf.variables[varkey] = vout

    history = getattr(outf, 'history', '')
    history += historydef
    setattr(outf, 'history', history)

    return outf
Example #6
 def __variables(self, k):
     if 'TFLAG' in k and (self.__axis != 0).any():
         raise KeyError("Tflag is off limits")
         ov = self.__file.variables[k]
         v = self.__method(ov)
         Pseudo2NetCDF().addVariableProperties(ov, v)
         return v
Example #7
 def __variables(self, k):
     if 'TFLAG' in k:
         return self.__file.variables[k]
     ov = self.__file.variables[k]
     nv = ov[self.__idx]
     from PseudoNetCDF.sci_var import Pseudo2NetCDF
     Pseudo2NetCDF().addVariableProperties(nv, ov)
     return nv
Example #8
def stack_files(fs, stackdim, coordkeys=None):
    Create files with dimensions extended by stacking.

    Currently, there is no sanity check...

    f = PseudoNetCDFFile()
    tmpf = fs[0]
    if coordkeys is None:
        coordkeys = tmpf.getCoords()

    dimensions = [f_.dimensions for f_ in fs]
    shareddims = {}
    for dimk, dim in tmpf.dimensions.items():
        if dimk == stackdim:
        dimlens = map(len, [dims[dimk] for dims in dimensions])
        if all([len(dim) == i for i in dimlens]):
            shareddims[dimk] = len(dim)
    differentdims = [
        set(dims.keys()).difference(shareddims.keys()) for dims in dimensions
    assert (all([different == set([stackdim]) for different in differentdims]))
    from PseudoNetCDF.sci_var import Pseudo2NetCDF
    p2p = Pseudo2NetCDF(verbose=0)
    p2p.addDimensions(tmpf, f)
                      sum([len(dims[stackdim]) for dims in dimensions]))
    p2p.addGlobalProperties(tmpf, f)
    for tmpf in fs:
        for varkey, var in tmpf.variables.items():
            if stackdim not in var.dimensions:
                if varkey in f.variables:
                    if varkey not in coordkeys:
                        warn(('Got duplicate variables for %s ' % varkey) +
                             'without stackable dimension; first value ' +
                    p2p.addVariable(tmpf, f, varkey, data=True)
                if varkey not in f.variables.keys():
                    axisi = list(var.dimensions).index(stackdim)
                    values = np.ma.concatenate(
                        [f_.variables[varkey][:] for f_ in fs], axis=axisi)
                    p2p.addVariable(tmpf, f, varkey, data=False)
                    f.variables[varkey][:] = values

    return f
Example #9
def pncfunc(func, ifile1, coordkeys=None, verbose=0):
    Perform function (func) on all variables in ifile1.  The returned file
    (rfile) contains the result

    rfile = ifile1 <op>

    func can be a function or string
    from PseudoNetCDF.sci_var import Pseudo2NetCDF

    if coordkeys is None:
        coordkeys = ifile1.getCoords()
    # Copy infile1 to a temporary PseudoNetCDFFile
    p2p = Pseudo2NetCDF()
    p2p.verbose = verbose
    tmpfile = PseudoNetCDFFile()
    p2p.convert(ifile1, tmpfile)

    # For each variable, assign the new value
    # to the tmpfile variables.
    for k in tmpfile.variables.keys():
        if k in coordkeys:
        outvar = tmpfile.variables[k]
        in1var = ifile1.variables[k]
        if not hasattr(func, '__call__'):
            if hasattr(in1var, func):
                outval = getattr(in1var, func)()
            elif '.' == func[:1]:
                outval = eval('in1var[:]' + func)
            outval = func(in1var[:])
        outval = np.ma.filled(np.ma.masked_invalid(outval), -999)
        if outvar.ndim > 0:
            outvar[:] = outval
        outvar.fill_value = -999
    return tmpfile
Example #10
def splitdim(inf, olddim, newdims, newshape):
    oldsize = len(inf.dimensions[olddim])
    newsize = np.prod(newshape)
    if newsize != oldsize:
        raise ValueError(
            'New shape, must match old dimension length: %d %d %s' %
            (oldsize, newsize, newshape))
    if len(newdims) != len(newshape):
        raise ValueError('Shape and dimensions must match in length')
    from PseudoNetCDF.sci_var import Pseudo2NetCDF
    p2n = Pseudo2NetCDF()
    outf = PseudoNetCDFFile()
    for dk, d in inf.dimensions.items():
        if dk == olddim:
            for dk, dl in zip(newdims, newshape):
                outf.createDimension(dk, dl)
            p2n.addDimension(inf, outf, dk)

    for vk, invar in inf.variables.items():
        if olddim in invar.dimensions:
            outdims = []
            outshape = []
            for dk in invar.dimensions:
                if dk == olddim:

            outvar = outf.createVariable(vk, invar.dtype.char, tuple(outdims))
            p2n.addVariableProperties(invar, outvar)
            outvar[:] = invar[:].reshape(*outshape)
            p2n.addVariable(inf, outf, vk)

    return outf
Example #11
        elif args.verbose > 2:
            print(point, isin)

varkeys = ['temperature', 'windDir', 'windSpeed', 'dewpoint', 'altimeter']
vardds = [k + 'DD' for k in varkeys]

if args.verbose > 1:
    print('Subset variables')

getvarkeys = varkeys + vardds + \
    ['stationName', 'timeObs', 'timeNominal', 'elevation', 'latitude', 'longitude']

if args.verbose > 1:
    print('Slicing files')

p2p = Pseudo2NetCDF(verbose=0)
outfile = PseudoNetCDFFile()
p2p.addDimensions(ncff, outfile)
outfile.createDimension('recNum', len(found_point_ids))
p2p.addGlobalProperties(ncff, outfile)

for vark in getvarkeys:
    p2p.addVariable(ncff, outfile, vark, data=False)

for vark in getvarkeys:
    invar = ncff.variables[vark]
    outvar = outfile.variables[vark]
    recid = list(invar.dimensions).index('recNum')
    outvar[:] = invar[:].take(found_point_ids, recid)

if args.humidity:
Example #12
def reduce_dim(
    metakeys='time layer level latitude longitude time_bounds latitude_bounds longitude_bounds ROW COL LAY TFLAG ETFLAG'
    variable dimensions can be reduced using
    reduce_dim(file 'dim,function,weight')
    e.g., reduce_dim(layer,mean,weight).
    Weighting is not fully functional.
    inf = f
    metakeys = [k for k in metakeys if k in inf.variables.keys()]
    historydef = "reduce_dim(f, %s, fuzzydim = %s, metakeys = %s); " % (
        reducedef, fuzzydim, metakeys)
    import numpy as np
    if hasattr(reducedef, 'split') and hasattr(reducedef, 'count'):
        commacount = reducedef.count(',')
        reducevals = reducedef.split(',')
        commacount = len(reducedef)
        reducevals = reducedef
    if commacount == 3:
        dimkey, func, numweightkey, denweightkey = reducevals
        numweight = inf.variables[numweightkey]
        denweight = inf.variables[denweightkey]
    elif commacount == 2:
        dimkey, func, numweightkey = reducevals
        numweight = inf.variables[numweightkey]
        denweightkey = None
    elif commacount == 1:
        dimkey, func = reducevals
        numweightkey = None
        denweightkey = None
    if fuzzydim:
        partial_check = [
            key for key in inf.dimensions
            if dimkey == key[:len(dimkey)] and key[len(dimkey):].isdigit()
        for dimk in partial_check:
            if commacount == 1:
                inf = reduce_dim(
                    '%s,%s' % (dimk, func),
            elif commacount == 2:
                inf = reduce_dim(
                    '%s,%s,%s' % (dimk, func, numweightkey),
            elif commacount == 3:
                inf = reduce_dim(
                    '%s,%s,%s,%s' % (dimk, func, numweightkey, denweightkey),
    if dimkey not in inf.dimensions:
        warn('%s not in file' % dimkey)
        return inf

    from PseudoNetCDF.sci_var import Pseudo2NetCDF
    p2p = Pseudo2NetCDF(verbose=0)
    outf = PseudoNetCDFFile()
    p2p.addDimensions(inf, outf)
    del outf.dimensions[dimkey]
    p2p.addGlobalProperties(inf, outf)

    #unlimited = inf.dimensions[dimkey].isunlimited()
    #outf.createDimension(dimkey, 1)
    #if unlimited:
    #    outf.dimensions[dimkey].setunlimited(True)

    for varkey in inf.variables.keys():
        var = inf.variables[varkey]
        if dimkey not in var.dimensions:
            p2p.addVariable(inf, outf, varkey)

        axis = list(var.dimensions).index(dimkey)
        #def addunitydim(var):
        #    return var[(slice(None),) * (axis + 1) + (None,)]
        vreshape = var[slice(None)]
        #vreshape = addunitydim(var)
        if not varkey in metakeys:
            if numweightkey is None:
                vout = _getfunc(vreshape, func)(axis=axis, keepdims=True)
            elif denweightkey is None:
                wvar = var * np.array(
                    numweight, ndmin=var.ndim)[(slice(None), ) * axis +
                                               (slice(0, var.shape[axis]), )]
                vout = getattr(wvar[(slice(None), ) * (axis + 1) + (None, )],
                vout.units = vout.units.strip(
                ) + ' * ' + numweight.units.strip()
                if hasattr(vout, 'base_units'):
                    vout.base_units = vout.base_units.strip(
                    ) + ' * ' + numweight.base_units.strip()
                nwvar = var * np.array(
                    numweight, ndmin=var.ndim)[(slice(None), ) * axis +
                                               (slice(0, var.shape[axis]), )]
                vout = getattr(nwvar[(slice(None), ) * (axis + 1) + (None, )],
                               func)(axis=axis) / getattr(
                                   np.array(denweight, ndmin=var.ndim)[
                                       (slice(None), ) * axis +
                                       (slice(0, var.shape[axis]), None)],
            if '_bounds' not in varkey and '_bnds' not in varkey:
                vout = _getfunc(vreshape, func)(axis=axis, keepdims=True)
                vout = _getfunc(vreshape, func)(axis=axis, keepdims=True)
                vmin = _getfunc(vreshape, 'min')(axis=axis, keepdims=True)
                vmax = _getfunc(vreshape, 'max')(axis=axis, keepdims=True)
                if 'lon' in varkey or 'time' in varkey:
                        vout[..., [0, 3]] = vmin[..., [0, 3]]
                        vout[..., [1, 2]] = vmax[..., [1, 2]]
                        vout[..., [0, 1]] = vmin[0, 0], vmax[0, 1]
                elif 'lat' in varkey:
                    nmin = vout.shape[-1] // 2
                    vout[..., :nmin] = vmin[..., :nmin]
                    vout[..., nmin:] = vmax[..., nmin:]
        if dimkey not in outf.dimensions:
            outdim = outf.createDimension(dimkey, vout.shape[axis])
        nvar = outf.variables[varkey] = PseudoNetCDFMaskedVariable(
            outf, varkey, var.dtype.char, var.dimensions, values=vout)
        for k in var.ncattrs():
            setattr(nvar, k, getattr(var, k))

    history = getattr(outf, 'history', '')
    history += historydef
    setattr(outf, 'history', history)
    return outf
Example #13
def extract_lonlat(f,
    from PseudoNetCDF.sci_var import Pseudo2NetCDF
        from StringIO import StringIO as BytesIO
    except ImportError:
        from io import BytesIO
    import os
    outf = PseudoNetCDFFile()
    outf.dimensions = f.dimensions.copy()
    if hasattr(f, 'groups'):
        outf.groups = {}
        for grpk, grpv in f.groups.items():
            outf.groups[grpk] = extract(grpv, lonlat)

    p2p = Pseudo2NetCDF()
    p2p.verbose = 0
    p2p.addGlobalProperties(f, outf)

    longitude = f.variables['longitude'][:]
    latitude = f.variables['latitude'][:]
    if gridded is None:
        gridded = ('longitude' in f.dimensions and 'latitude' in f.dimensions) or \
                  ('COL' in f.dimensions and 'ROW' in f.dimensions) or \
                  ('x' in f.dimensions and 'y' in f.dimensions)
    if isinstance(lonlat, (str, )):
        lonlat = [lonlat]
    lonlatin = lonlat
    lonlatout = []
    for ll in lonlat:
        if isinstance(ll, (str, )):
                if os.path.exists(ll):
                    ll = open(ll, 'r').read().strip()
            except Exception as e:
                warn('Windows machines may have uncessary warnings; ' + str(e))

    lonlat = ('/'.join(lonlatout))
        lons, lats = np.genfromtxt(BytesIO(
            bytes(lonlat.replace('/', '\n'), 'ASCII')),
    except Exception as e:
        raise e
    outf.lonlatcoords = lonlat
    latlon1d = longitude.ndim == 1 and latitude.ndim == 1
    if method == 'nn':
        if latlon1d and gridded:
            latitude = latitude[(slice(None), None, None)]
            longitude = longitude[(None, slice(None), None)]
            latitude = latitude[Ellipsis, None]
            longitude = longitude[Ellipsis, None]

        lonlatdims = latitude.ndim - 1
        londists = longitude - lons[(None, ) * lonlatdims]
        latdists = latitude - lats[(None, ) * lonlatdims]
        totaldists = ((latdists**2 + londists**2)**.5)
        if latlon1d and not gridded:
            latidxs, = lonidxs, = np.unravel_index(
                totaldists.reshape(-1, latdists.shape[-1]).argmin(0),
            latidxs, lonidxs = np.unravel_index(
                totaldists.reshape(-1, latdists.shape[-1]).argmin(0),

        def extractfunc(v, thiscoords):
            newslice = tuple([{
                'latitude': latidxs,
                'longitude': lonidxs,
                'points': latidxs,
                'PERIM': latidxs
            }.get(d, slice(None)) for d in thiscoords])
            if newslice == ():
                return v
                return v[:][newslice]
    elif method == 'KDTree':
        if latlon1d and gridded:
            longitude, latitude = np.meshgrid(longitude, latitude)
        from scipy.spatial import KDTree
        tree = KDTree(np.ma.array([latitude.ravel(), longitude.ravel()]).T)
        dists, idxs = tree.query(np.ma.array([lats, lons]).T)
        if latlon1d and not gridded:
            latidxs, = lonidxs, = np.unravel_index(idxs, latitude.shape)
            latidxs, lonidxs = np.unravel_index(idxs, latitude.shape)

        def extractfunc(v, thiscoords):
            newslice = tuple([{
                'latitude': latidxs,
                'longitude': lonidxs,
                'points': latidxs,
                'PERIM': latidxs
            }.get(d, slice(None)) for d in thiscoords])
            return v[newslice]
    elif method in ('linear', 'cubic'):
        from scipy.interpolate import LinearNDInterpolator, CloughTocher2DInterpolator
        if method == 'cubic':
            interpclass = CloughTocher2DInterpolator
            interpclass = LinearNDInterpolator
        if latlon1d and gridded:
            longitude, latitude = np.meshgrid(longitude, latitude)
        points = np.array([longitude.ravel(), latitude.ravel()]).T

        def extractfunc(v, thiscoords):
            if not 'latitude' in thiscoords or not 'longitude' in thiscoords:
                return v
            newshape = [
                dl if d not in ('latitude', 'longitude') else -1
                for di, (d, dl) in enumerate(zip(thiscoords, v.shape))
            i1 = newshape.index(-1)
            if newshape.count(-1) > 1:
                i2 = newshape.index(-1, i1 + 1)
                assert (i1 == (i2 - 1))
            i2df = interpclass(points, np.rollaxis(v.reshape(*newshape), i1,
            out = np.rollaxis(
                np.ma.array([i2df(lon, lat) for lat, lon in zip(lats, lons)]),
                0, len(newshape))
            return out

        latidxs = extractfunc(latitude, ('latitude', 'longitude'))
    elif method in ('cubic', 'quintic'):
        from scipy.interpolate import interp2d
        if latlon1d and gridded:
            longitude, latitude = np.meshgrid(longitude, latitude)

        def extractfunc(v, thiscoords):
            i2df = interp2d(latitude, longitude, v, kind=method)
            return np.ma.array(
                [i2df(lat, lon) for lat, lon in zip(lats, lons)])

        latidxs = extractfunc(latitude, '')
        raise ValueError('method must be: nn, KDTree')
    if unique:
        tmpx = OrderedDict()
        for lon, lat, lonlatstr in zip(lonidxs, latidxs,
            if (lon, lat) not in tmpx:
                tmpx[(lon, lat)] = lonlatstr

        lonidxs, latidxs = np.array(tmpx.keys()).T
        outf.lonlatcoords_orig = outf.lonlatcoords
        outf.lonlatcoords = '/'.join([tmpx[k] for k in zip(lonidxs, latidxs)])

    for k, v in f.variables.items():
            coords = v.coordinates.split()
            coords = v.dimensions
        dims = v.dimensions
        outf.createDimension('points', len(latidxs))
        if passthrough or 'longitude' in coords or 'latitude' in coords:
                del outf.variables[k]
            newdims = []
            if len(dims) != len(coords):
                thiscoords = dims
                thiscoords = coords
            for d, c in zip(dims, thiscoords):
                if d not in ('longitude',
                             'latitude') and c not in ('longitude',
                    if 'points' not in newdims:

            newdims = tuple(newdims)
            newv = extractfunc(v, thiscoords)

            propd = dict([(ak, getattr(v, ak)) for ak in v.ncattrs()])
            nv = outf.createVariable(k,
            setattr(nv, 'coordinates',
                    getattr(v, 'coordinates', ' '.join(coords)))
            for di, dk in enumerate(newdims):
                if dk not in outf.dimensions:
                    outf.createDimension(dk, nv.shape[di])
    return outf