Example #1
def connect_to_servers():
	# Run the parser and grab useful values.
	global __ptp__
	global __pump_me__
	global __pump_username__
	global __twitter_api__
	__ptp__ = PumpTweetParser()
	__pump_me__ = __ptp__.get_pump_me()
	__pump_username__ = __ptp__.get_pump_username()
	__twitter_api__ = __ptp__.get_twitter_api()
Example #2
 def connect_to_servers(self):
     # Run the parser and grab useful values.
     self.ptp = PumpTweetParser()
     self.pump_me = self.ptp.get_pump_me()
     self.pump_username = self.ptp.get_pump_username()
     self.twitter_api = self.ptp.get_twitter_api()
Example #3
class PumpTweet(object):
    """Cross-posts from Pump.io to Twitter."""

    # Connect to servers.
    def connect_to_servers(self):
        # Run the parser and grab useful values.
        self.ptp = PumpTweetParser()
        self.pump_me = self.ptp.get_pump_me()
        self.pump_username = self.ptp.get_pump_username()
        self.twitter_api = self.ptp.get_twitter_api()

    # Returns true if the activity is public.
    def is_public(self, activity):
        recipients = []
        recipients += getattr(activity, 'to', [])
        recipients += getattr(activity, 'cc', [])
        public_id = Public().id

        for recipient in recipients:
            if recipient.id == public_id:
                return True

        return False

    # Returns recent outbox activities.
    # If testing, don't stop at recent activity.
    def get_new_activities(self, testing=False):
        print 'Looking at Pump outbox activity...'

        # Some of this can be replaced by 'since' if later implemented by PyPump.
        published = self.ptp.get_published()
        recent = self.ptp.get_recent()
        outbox = self.pump_me.outbox
        history = self.ptp.get_history()

        # Users with a lot of non-note activity might raise this.
        count = 20

        # The maximum number of notes to post at a time.
        # Posting too frequently might lead to errors on Twitter.
        # If this number is too small, consider a more frequent cronjob.
        allowable_posts = 3
        notes = []

        # Returns true if the script has already run since the activity happened.
        def is_old(activity):
            # If there's no logged history, activities are new.
            if not history: return False

            return recent == activity.id or published >= activity.published

        # Returns true if the activity is something we should cross-post.
        def is_crosspostable(activity):
            obj = activity.obj
            note_author = obj.author.id[len('acct:'):]

            return self.is_public(activity) and \
             obj.object_type == 'note' and \
             not obj.deleted and \
             note_author == self.pump_username

        for activity in outbox.major[:count]:
            print '> ' + activity.obj.object_type + ' (' + str(
                activity.published) + ')'

            # Stop looking at the outbox upon finding old activity.
            if is_old(activity) and not testing: break

            # Only post several notes. Others are forgotten.
            if len(notes) >= allowable_posts: break

            # Only the right kind of activities are cross-posted.
            if is_crosspostable(activity):

        return notes

    # Make the text for a tweet that includes the contest of the note.
    def make_tweet(self, note):
        max_length = 136
        content = note.content

        # Convert or remove HTML.
        content = strip_tags(content)

        # If the note fits in a tweet, post it as-is.
        # Tweets of notes this short don't need to link to their source.
        if len(content.splitlines()) == 1 and len(content) <= max_length:
            return content

        # Make a short URL pointing to the original note.
        # Replace the middle of the private note URL to get a usable public link.
        private_url = note.id
        short_username = self.pump_username.split('@')[0]
        public_url = private_url.replace('/api/note/',
                                         '/' + short_username + '/note/')

        # Make room for the ellipsis and URL at the end of the tweet.
        # Note that all links on Twitter are shortened via t.co. Therefore, all links
        # are 22 or 23 characters, depending on whether they use HTTP or HTTPS.
        cropped_length = max_length - 23 - 2

        # Keep only the first line.
        content = content.splitlines()[0]
        content = content[:cropped_length]
        content = content.rstrip()

        tweet = content + u'… ' + public_url
        return tweet

    # Converts posts to tweets.
    def make_tweets(self, notes):
        tweets = []
        for note in notes:
        return tweets

    # Prints a list of tweets.
    def print_tweets(self, tweets):
        print 'Printing tweets...'
        for tweet in tweets:
            normal = normalize('NFKD', tweet).encode('ascii', 'ignore')
            print '> ' + normal

    # Posts a tweet.
    def post_tweet(self, tweet):
        except TwitterError as e:
            print "---------------------------------"
            print "Twitter error."
            print e[0][0]
            print "---------------------------------"

            # In some cases, Twitter's URL shortener makes a Tweet longer.
            # The error code for over-length Tweets is 186.
            if e[0][0]['code'] == 186:
                print "Error: Tweet too long."
                print "Tweet length prior to shortening: " + str(
                    len(tweet)) + "."
                print "Tweet:"
                print tweet
                print "---------------------------------"

            if self.halt_on_error:

    # Posts a list of tweets.
    def post_tweets(self, tweets):
        print 'Posting to Twitter...'
        print 'New tweet count: ' + str(len(tweets)) + '.'
        for tweet in tweets:

    # Updates the ini file with the most recent entry.
    def update_recent(self):
        print 'Updating history...'
        activity = self.pump_me.outbox.major[0]
        latest = activity.id
        published = activity.published
        self.ptp.update_recent(latest, published)

    # Pulls from Pump and produces text for some tweets.
    # Nothing is sent to Twitter. This is for testing.
    def pull_and_test(self):
        print 'Testing PumpTweet...'
        notes = self.get_new_activities(testing=True)
        tweets = self.make_tweets(notes)

    # Pulls from Pump and pushes to Twitter.
    # The parameter halt_on_error affects error handling.
    # By default, we show the error message but continue on.
    def pull_and_push(self, halt_on_error=False):
        self.halt_on_error = halt_on_error
        notes = self.get_new_activities()
        tweets = self.make_tweets(notes)
Example #4
	def connect_to_servers(self):
		# Run the parser and grab useful values.
		self.ptp = PumpTweetParser()
		self.pump_me = self.ptp.get_pump_me()
		self.pump_username = self.ptp.get_pump_username()
		self.twitter_api = self.ptp.get_twitter_api()
Example #5
class PumpTweet(object):
	"""Cross-posts from Pump.io to Twitter."""

	# Connect to servers.
	def connect_to_servers(self):
		# Run the parser and grab useful values.
		self.ptp = PumpTweetParser()
		self.pump_me = self.ptp.get_pump_me()
		self.pump_username = self.ptp.get_pump_username()
		self.twitter_api = self.ptp.get_twitter_api()
	# Returns true if the activity is public.
	def is_public(self, activity):
		recipients = []
		recipients += getattr(activity, 'to', [])
		recipients += getattr(activity, 'cc', [])
		public_id = Public().id
		for recipient in recipients:
			if recipient.id == public_id:
				return True
		return False
	# Returns recent outbox activities.
	# If testing, don't stop at recent activity.
	def get_new_activities(self, testing=False):
		print 'Looking at Pump outbox activity...'
		# Some of this can be replaced by 'since' if later implemented by PyPump.
		published = self.ptp.get_published()
		recent = self.ptp.get_recent()
		outbox = self.pump_me.outbox
		history = self.ptp.get_history()
		# Users with a lot of non-note activity might raise this.
		count = 20
		# The maximum number of notes to post at a time.
		# Posting too frequently might lead to errors on Twitter.
		# If this number is too small, consider a more frequent cronjob.
		allowable_posts = 3
		notes = []
		# Returns true if the script has already run since the activity happened.
		def is_old(activity):
			# If there's no logged history, activities are new.
			if not history: return False

			return recent == activity.id or published >= activity.published

		# Returns true if the activity is something we should cross-post.
		def is_crosspostable(activity):
			obj = activity.obj
			note_author = obj.author.id[len('acct:'):]

			return self.is_public(activity) and \
				obj.object_type == 'note' and \
				not obj.deleted and \
				note_author == self.pump_username

		for activity in outbox.major[:count]:
			print '> ' + activity.obj.object_type + ' (' + str(activity.published) + ')'

			# Stop looking at the outbox upon finding old activity.
			if is_old(activity) and not testing: break
			# Only post several notes. Others are forgotten.
			if len(notes) >= allowable_posts: break

			# Only the right kind of activities are cross-posted.
			if is_crosspostable(activity):

		return notes
	# Make the text for a tweet that includes the contest of the note.
	def make_tweet(self, note):
		max_length = 136
		content = note.content
		# Convert or remove HTML.
		content = strip_tags(content)
		# If the note fits in a tweet, post it as-is.
		# Tweets of notes this short don't need to link to their source.
		if len(content.splitlines()) == 1 and len(content) <= max_length:
			return content
		# Make a short URL pointing to the original note.
		# Replace the middle of the private note URL to get a usable public link.
		private_url = note.id
		short_username = self.pump_username.split('@')[0]
		public_url = private_url.replace('/api/note/', '/' + short_username + '/note/')
		# Make room for the ellipsis and URL at the end of the tweet.
		# Note that all links on Twitter are shortened via t.co. Therefore, all links
		# are 22 or 23 characters, depending on whether they use HTTP or HTTPS.
		cropped_length = max_length - 23 - 2
		# Keep only the first line.
		content = content.splitlines()[0]
		content = content[:cropped_length]
		content = content.rstrip()

		tweet = content + u'… ' + public_url	
		return tweet
	# Converts posts to tweets.
	def make_tweets(self, notes):
		tweets = []
		for note in notes:
		return tweets
	# Prints a list of tweets.
	def print_tweets(self, tweets):
		print 'Printing tweets...'
		for tweet in tweets:
			normal = normalize('NFKD', tweet).encode('ascii', 'ignore')
			print '> ' + normal

	# Posts a tweet.
	def post_tweet(self, tweet):
		except TwitterError as e:
			print "---------------------------------"
			print "Twitter error."
			print e[0][0]
			print "---------------------------------"

			# In some cases, Twitter's URL shortener makes a Tweet longer.
			# The error code for over-length Tweets is 186.
			if e[0][0]['code'] == 186:
				print "Error: Tweet too long."
				print "Tweet length prior to shortening: " + str(len(tweet)) + "."
				print "Tweet:"
				print tweet
				print "---------------------------------"

			if self.halt_on_error:

	# Posts a list of tweets.
	def post_tweets(self, tweets):
		print 'Posting to Twitter...'
		print 'New tweet count: ' + str(len(tweets)) + '.'
		for tweet in tweets:
	# Updates the ini file with the most recent entry.
	def update_recent(self):
		print 'Updating history...'
		activity = self.pump_me.outbox.major[0]
		latest = activity.id
		published = activity.published
		self.ptp.update_recent(latest, published)
	# Pulls from Pump and produces text for some tweets.
	# Nothing is sent to Twitter. This is for testing.
	def pull_and_test(self):
		print 'Testing PumpTweet...'
		notes = self.get_new_activities(testing=True)
		tweets = self.make_tweets(notes)
	# Pulls from Pump and pushes to Twitter.
	# The parameter halt_on_error affects error handling.
	# By default, we show the error message but continue on.
	def pull_and_push(self, halt_on_error=False):
		self.halt_on_error = halt_on_error
		notes = self.get_new_activities()
		tweets = self.make_tweets(notes)
Example #6
class PumpTweet(object):
	"""Cross-posts from Pump.io to Twitter."""

	# Connect to servers.
	def connect_to_servers(self):
		# Run the parser and grab useful values.
		self.ptp = PumpTweetParser()
		self.pump_me = self.ptp.get_pump_me()
		self.pump_username = self.ptp.get_pump_username()
		self.twitter_api = self.ptp.get_twitter_api()
	# Returns true if the activity is public.
	def ispublic(self, activity):
		recipients = []
		recipients += getattr(activity, 'to', [])
		recipients += getattr(activity, 'cc', [])
		public_id = Public().id
		for recipient in recipients:
			if recipient.id == public_id:
				return True
		return False
	# Returns recent outbox activities.
	# If testing, don't stop at recent activity.
	def get_new_activities(self, testing=False):
		print 'Looking at Pump outbox activity...'
		# Some of this can be replaced by 'since' if later implemented by PyPump.
		published = self.ptp.get_published()
		recent = self.ptp.get_recent()
		outbox = self.pump_me.outbox
		history = self.ptp.get_history()
		# Users with a lot of non-note activity might raise this.
		count = 20
		# The maximum number of notes to post at a time.
		# Posting too frequently might lead to errors on Twitter.
		# If this number is too small, consider a more frequent cronjob.
		allowable_posts = 3
		notes = []
		for activity in outbox.major[:count]:
			print '> ' + activity.obj.object_type + ' (' + str(activity.published) + ')'
			# Stop looking at the outbox upon finding old activity.
			if history and not testing:
				if recent == activity.id: break
				if published >= activity.published: break
			# Only post several notes. Others are forgotten.
			if len(notes) >= allowable_posts: break
			# Only post public notes.
			if not self.ispublic (activity): break
			obj = activity.obj
			# Only post notes to Twitter.
			if obj.object_type != 'note': break
			# Skip deleted notes.
			if obj.deleted: break
			# Omit posts written by others and then shared.
			note_author = obj.author.id[len('acct:'):]
			if note_author != self.pump_username: break

		return notes
	# Make the text for a tweet that includes the contest of the note.
	def make_tweet(self, note):
		max_length = 136
		content = note.content
		# Convert or remove HTML.
		content = strip_tags(content)
		# If the note fits in a tweet, post it as-is.
		# Tweets of notes this short don't need to link to their source.
		if len(content.splitlines()) == 1 and len(content) <= max_length:
			return content
		# Make a short URL pointing to the original note.
		# Replace the middle of the private note URL to get a usable public link.
		private_url = note.id
		short_username = self.pump_username.split('@')[0]
		public_url = private_url.replace('/api/note/', '/' + short_username + '/note/')
		short_url = shorten(public_url)
		# Make room for the ellipsis and URL at the end of the tweet.
		cropped_length = max_length - len(short_url) - 2
		# Keep only the first line.
		content = content.splitlines()[0]
		content = content[:cropped_length]
		content = content.rstrip()
		tweet = content + u'… ' + short_url
		return tweet
	# Converts posts to tweets.
	def make_tweets(self, notes):
		tweets = []
		for note in notes:
		return tweets
	# Prints a list of tweets.
	def print_tweets(self, tweets):
		print 'Printing tweets...'
		for tweet in tweets:
			normal = normalize('NFKD', tweet).encode('ascii', 'ignore')
			print '> ' + normal
	# Posts a list of tweets.
	def post_tweets(self, tweets):
		print 'Posting to Twitter...'
		print 'New tweet count: ' + str(len(tweets)) + '.'
		for tweet in tweets:
	# Updates the ini file with the most recent entry.
	def update_recent(self):
		print 'Updating history...'
		activity = self.pump_me.outbox.major[0]
		latest = activity.id
		published = activity.published
		self.ptp.update_recent(latest, published)
	# Pulls from Pump and produces text for some tweets.
	# Nothing is sent to Twitter. This is for testing.
	def pull_and_test(self):
		print 'Testing PumpTweet...'
		notes = self.get_new_activities(testing=True)
		tweets = self.make_tweets(notes)
	# Pulls from Pump and pushes to Twitter.
	def pull_and_push(self):
		notes = self.get_new_activities()
		tweets = self.make_tweets(notes)
Example #7
class PumpTweet(object):
    """Cross-posts from Pump.io to Twitter."""

    # Connect to servers.
    def connect_to_servers(self):
        # Run the parser and grab useful values.
        self.ptp = PumpTweetParser()
        self.pump_me = self.ptp.get_pump_me()
        self.pump_username = self.ptp.get_pump_username()
        self.twitter_api = self.ptp.get_twitter_api()

    # Returns true if the activity is public.
    def ispublic(self, activity):
        recipients = []
        recipients += getattr(activity, 'to', [])
        recipients += getattr(activity, 'cc', [])
        public_id = Public().id

        for recipient in recipients:
            if recipient.id == public_id:
                return True

        return False

    # Returns recent outbox activities.
    # If testing, don't stop at recent activity.
    def get_new_activities(self, testing=False):
        print 'Looking at Pump outbox activity...'

        # Some of this can be replaced by 'since' if later implemented by PyPump.
        published = self.ptp.get_published()
        recent = self.ptp.get_recent()
        outbox = self.pump_me.outbox
        history = self.ptp.get_history()

        # Users with a lot of non-note activity might raise this.
        count = 20

        # The maximum number of notes to post at a time.
        # Posting too frequently might lead to errors on Twitter.
        # If this number is too small, consider a more frequent cronjob.
        allowable_posts = 3
        notes = []

        for activity in outbox.major[:count]:
            print '> ' + activity.obj.object_type + ' (' + str(
                activity.published) + ')'

            # Stop looking at the outbox upon finding old activity.
            if history and not testing:
                if recent == activity.id: break
                if published >= activity.published: break

            # Only post several notes. Others are forgotten.
            if len(notes) >= allowable_posts: break

            # Only post public notes.
            if not self.ispublic(activity): break

            obj = activity.obj

            # Only post notes to Twitter.
            if obj.object_type != 'note': break

            # Skip deleted notes.
            if obj.deleted: break

            # Omit posts written by others and then shared.
            note_author = obj.author.id[len('acct:'):]
            if note_author != self.pump_username: break

        return notes

    # Make the text for a tweet that includes the contest of the note.
    def make_tweet(self, note):
        max_length = 136
        content = note.content

        # Convert or remove HTML.
        content = strip_tags(content)

        # If the note fits in a tweet, post it as-is.
        # Tweets of notes this short don't need to link to their source.
        if len(content.splitlines()) == 1 and len(content) <= max_length:
            return content

        # Make a short URL pointing to the original note.
        # Replace the middle of the private note URL to get a usable public link.
        private_url = note.id
        short_username = self.pump_username.split('@')[0]
        public_url = private_url.replace('/api/note/',
                                         '/' + short_username + '/note/')
        short_url = shorten(public_url)

        # Make room for the ellipsis and URL at the end of the tweet.
        cropped_length = max_length - len(short_url) - 2

        # Keep only the first line.
        content = content.splitlines()[0]
        content = content[:cropped_length]
        content = content.rstrip()

        tweet = content + u'… ' + short_url
        return tweet

    # Converts posts to tweets.
    def make_tweets(self, notes):
        tweets = []
        for note in notes:
        return tweets

    # Prints a list of tweets.
    def print_tweets(self, tweets):
        print 'Printing tweets...'
        for tweet in tweets:
            normal = normalize('NFKD', tweet).encode('ascii', 'ignore')
            print '> ' + normal

    # Posts a list of tweets.
    def post_tweets(self, tweets):
        print 'Posting to Twitter...'
        print 'New tweet count: ' + str(len(tweets)) + '.'
        for tweet in tweets:

    # Updates the ini file with the most recent entry.
    def update_recent(self):
        print 'Updating history...'
        activity = self.pump_me.outbox.major[0]
        latest = activity.id
        published = activity.published
        self.ptp.update_recent(latest, published)

    # Pulls from Pump and produces text for some tweets.
    # Nothing is sent to Twitter. This is for testing.
    def pull_and_test(self):
        print 'Testing PumpTweet...'
        notes = self.get_new_activities(testing=True)
        tweets = self.make_tweets(notes)

    # Pulls from Pump and pushes to Twitter.
    def pull_and_push(self):
        notes = self.get_new_activities()
        tweets = self.make_tweets(notes)