def purchaseorderdetails(request): context = {} po_id = request.POST['purchase_order_id'] quotation_id = request.POST['quotation_id'] shipping_inst = request.POST['shipping_inst'] vendor_id = request.POST['vendor_id'] description = request.POST['description'] staff_id = request.POST['staff_id'] staff_info = Person.objects.get(person_id=staff_id) quotation = Quotation.objects.get(quotation_id=quotation_id) vendor_info = Vendor.objects.get(vendor_id=vendor_id) responses = print(responses) q = QueryDict(responses) items_id = q.getlist('item_id') print(items_id) items_name = q.getlist('item_name') print(items_name) items_quantity = q.getlist('quantity') print(items_quantity) items_unit_price = q.getlist('unit_price') print(items_unit_price) items_total_price = q.getlist('total_price') print(items_total_price) items = list() i = 0 items_length = len(items_id) grand_total = Decimal(0) while i < items_length: total = Decimal(items_quantity[i]) * Decimal(items_unit_price[i]) item_table = { 'item_name': items_name[i], 'item_id': items_id[i], 'quantity': items_quantity[i], 'unit_price': items_unit_price[i], 'total_price': total } items.append(item_table) i = i + 1 grand_total = grand_total + total print(items) # push the Purchase Order data to the database current_time = print(current_time) po_info = PurchaseOrder( purchase_order_id=po_id, shipping_instructions=shipping_inst, time_created=current_time, total_price=grand_total, #person_id = staff_id, person_id=staff_info, description=description, vendor_id=vendor_info, quotation_id=quotation) # push the Purchase Order item data to the database purchase_order = PurchaseOrder.objects.get(purchase_order_id=po_id) for item in items: item_info = Item.objects.get(item_id=item['item_id']) po_item_info = PurchaseOrderItem(purchase_order_id=purchase_order, item_id=item_info, quantity=item['quantity'], unit_price=item['unit_price'], total_price=item['total_price']) #sending email to vendor x = PrettyTable() x.field_names = [ "Item ID", "Item Name", "Quantity", "Unit Price", "Total Price" ] for item in items: x.add_row([ item['item_id'], item['item_name'], item['quantity'], item['unit_price'], item['total_price'] ]) subject = 'PURCHASE ORDER INFORMATION: ' + po_id message = 'This is the Purchase Order Information: \n' + 'Person In Charge: ' + staff_info.person_name + '\n' + 'Ship to:' + staff_info.person_address + '\n' + 'Purchase Order Number: ' + po_id + '\n' + 'Quotation ID: ' + quotation.quotation_id + '\n' + 'Time Issued: ' + str( current_time ) + '\n' + 'Vendor ID: ' + vendor_id + '\n' + 'Description: ' + description + '\n' + 'Shipping Instructions: ' + shipping_inst + '\n' + str( x) + '\n' email_from = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER recipient_list = [vendor_info.vendor_email] send_mail(subject, message, '*****@*****.**', recipient_list, fail_silently=False) # info pass to html context = { 'title': 'Purchase Order Details', 'quotation_id': quotation_id, 'purchase_order_id': po_id, 'staff_id': staff_id, 'vendor_id': vendor_id, 'shipping_inst': shipping_inst, 'rows': items, #'staff' : staff, 'staff_info': staff_info, 'vendor_info': vendor_info, 'grand_total': grand_total, 'time_created': current_time, 'description': description } return render(request, 'PurchaseOrder/purchaseorderdetails.html', context)
def purchaseorderupdate(request): print(request.body) pk = request.GET['po_id'] purchase_order = PurchaseOrder.objects.get(purchase_order_id=pk) items = PurchaseOrderItem.objects.filter(purchase_order_id=pk) staff = Person.objects.get(person_id=purchase_order.person_id.person_id) context = { 'title': 'Purchase Order Details', 'quotation_id': purchase_order.quotation_id.quotation_id, 'purchase_order_id': pk, 'shipping_inst': purchase_order.shipping_instructions, 'rows': items, 'staff': staff, 'vendor_info': purchase_order.vendor_id, 'grand_total': purchase_order.total_price, 'time_created': purchase_order.time_created, 'description': purchase_order.description } # push the Purchase Order data to the database current_time = print(current_time) po_info = PurchaseOrder(purchase_order_id=po_id, shipping_instructions=shipping_inst, time_created=current_time, total_price=grand_total, person_id=staff, description=description, vendor_id=vendor_info, quotation_id=quotation) # push the Purchase Order item data to the database purchase_order = PurchaseOrder.objects.get(purchase_order_id=po_id) for item in items: item_info = Item.objects.get(item_id=item['item_id']) po_item_info = PurchaseOrderItem(purchase_order_id=purchase_order, item_id=item_info, quantity=item['quantity'], unit_price=item['unit_price'], total_price=item['total_price']) #sending email to vendor x = PrettyTable() x.field_names = [ "Item ID", "Item Name", "Quantity", "Unit Price", "Total Price" ] for item in items: x.add_row([ item['item_id'], item['item_name'], item['quantity'], item['unit_price'], item['total_price'] ]) subject = 'PURCHASE ORDER INFORMATION: ' + po_id message = 'This is the Purchase Order Information: \n' + 'Person In Charge: ' + staff.person_name + '\n' + 'Ship to:' + staff.person_address + '\n' + 'Purchase Order Number: ' + po_id + '\n' + 'Quotation ID: ' + quotation.quotation_id + '\n' + 'Time Issued: ' + str( current_time ) + '\n' + 'Vendor ID: ' + vendor_id + '\n' + 'Description: ' + description + '\n' + 'Shipping Instructions: ' + shipping_inst + '\n' + str( x) + '\n' email_from = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER recipient_list = [ vendor_info.vendor_email, ] send_mail(subject, message, email_from, recipient_list) # info pass to html context = { 'title': 'Purchase Order Details', 'quotation_id': quotation_id, 'purchase_order_id': po_id, 'vendor_id': vendor_id, 'shipping_inst': shipping_inst, 'rows': items, 'staff': staff, 'vendor_info': vendor_info, 'grand_total': grand_total, 'time_created': current_time, 'description': description } return render(request, 'PurchaseOrder/purchaseorderupdate.html', context)