Example #1
def test_ode_system(tb_args):
    fvarspecs = {
        "w": "k*w + a*itable + sin(t) + myauxfn1(t)*myauxfn2(w)",
        'aux_wdouble': 'w*2 + globalindepvar(t)',
        'aux_other': 'myauxfn1(2*t) + initcond(w)'
    fnspecs = {
        'myauxfn1': (['t'], '2.5*cos(3*t)'),
        'myauxfn2': (['w'], 'w/2')
    DSargs = {
        'tdomain': [0.1, 2.1],
        'pars': {'k': 2, 'a': -0.5},
        'inputs': {'itable': InterpolateTable(tb_args).variables['x1']},
        'auxvars': ['aux_wdouble', 'aux_other'],
        'algparams': {'init_step': 0.01, 'strict': False},
        'checklevel': 2,
        'name': 'ODEtest',
        'fnspecs': fnspecs,
        'varspecs': fvarspecs
    testODE = Vode_ODEsystem(DSargs)
    assert testODE.pars == DSargs['pars']
    assert (not testODE.defined)
        ics={'w': 3.0},
        tdata=[0.11, 2.1]
    testtraj = testODE.compute('test1')
    assert testODE.defined
    assert_almost_equal(testtraj(0.5, 'w'), 6.05867901304, 3)
    assert_almost_equal(testtraj(0.2, 'aux_other'), 3.90581993688, 3)
    assert testODE.indepvariable.depdomain == Interval(
        't', float64, [0.11, 2.1])
    assert testODE.diagnostics.hasWarnings()
    assert testODE.diagnostics.findWarnings(21) != []

    # Now adding a terminating co-ordinate threshold event...
    ev_args = {
        'name': 'threshold',
        'eventtol': 1e-4,
        'eventdelay': 1e-5,
        'starttime': 0,
        'active': True,  # = default
        'term': True,
        'precise': True  # = default
    thresh_ev = Events.makePythonStateZeroCrossEvent('w', 20, 1, ev_args)
    traj2 = testODE.compute('test2')
    assert testODE.diagnostics.hasWarnings()
    assert testODE.diagnostics.findWarnings(10) != []
    assert_almost_equal(traj2.getEventTimes()['threshold'][0], 1.51449456, 3)
    assert testODE.indepvariable.depdomain == Interval(
        't', float64, [0.11, 2.1])
Example #2
def test_saveload_vode_odesystem(interptable):
    """Test pickling for saving and loading 'Vode_ODEsystem' Generator"""

    # Vode object with event and external input trajectory (defined earlier)
    fvarspecs = {
        "w": "k*w + a*itable + sin(t) + myauxfn1(t)*myauxfn2(w)",
        'aux_wdouble': 'w*2 + globalindepvar(t)',
        'aux_other': 'myauxfn1(2*t) + initcond(w)'
    fnspecs = {'myauxfn1': (['t'], '2.5*cos(3*t)'), 'myauxfn2': (['w'], 'w/2')}
    ev_args = {
        'name': 'threshold',
        'eventtol': 1e-4,
        'eventdelay': 1e-5,
        'starttime': 0,
        'term': True,
    thresh_ev = Events.makePythonStateZeroCrossEvent('w', 20, 1, ev_args)
    DSargs = {
        'tdomain': [0.1, 2.1],
        'tdata': [0.11, 2.1],
        'ics': {
            'w': 3.0
        'pars': {
            'k': 2,
            'a': -0.5
        'inputs': {
            'itable': interptable.variables['x1']
        'auxvars': ['aux_wdouble', 'aux_other'],
        'algparams': {
            'init_step': 0.01,
            'strict': False
        'events': thresh_ev,
        'checklevel': 2,
        'name': 'ODEtest',
        'fnspecs': fnspecs,
        'varspecs': fvarspecs
    testODE = Vode_ODEsystem(DSargs)
    odetraj = testODE.compute('testode')
    saveObjects([odetraj, testODE], 'temp_objects.pkl', True)
    objs_ode = loadObjects('temp_objects.pkl')
    assert len(objs_ode[1].diagnostics.warnings) == 0
    odetraj2 = objs_ode[1].compute('testode2')
    assert odetraj2(0.6) == odetraj(0.6)
    assert len(objs_ode[1].diagnostics.warnings) == 1
def ode():
    return Vode_ODEsystem({
        'name': 'ode',
        'vars': ['x'],
        'varspecs': {
            'x': 'x'
Example #4
def ode():
    return Vode_ODEsystem({
        'name': 'ode',
        'vars': ['x'],
        'pars': {'p': 0.5},
        'varspecs': {'x': 'x+p'},
        'pdomain': {'p': [0,1]}
def test_saveload_vode_odesystem(interptable):
    """Test pickling for saving and loading 'Vode_ODEsystem' Generator"""

    # Vode object with event and external input trajectory (defined earlier)
    fvarspecs = {
        "w": "k*w + a*itable + sin(t) + myauxfn1(t)*myauxfn2(w)",
        'aux_wdouble': 'w*2 + globalindepvar(t)',
        'aux_other': 'myauxfn1(2*t) + initcond(w)'
    fnspecs = {
        'myauxfn1': (['t'], '2.5*cos(3*t)'),
        'myauxfn2': (['w'], 'w/2')
    ev_args = {
        'name': 'threshold',
        'eventtol': 1e-4,
        'eventdelay': 1e-5,
        'starttime': 0,
        'term': True,
    thresh_ev = Events.makePythonStateZeroCrossEvent('w', 20, 1, ev_args)
    DSargs = {
        'tdomain': [0.1, 2.1],
        'tdata': [0.11, 2.1],
        'ics': {'w': 3.0},
        'pars': {'k': 2, 'a': -0.5},
        'inputs': {'itable': interptable.variables['x1']},
        'auxvars': ['aux_wdouble', 'aux_other'],
        'algparams': {'init_step': 0.01, 'strict': False},
        'events': thresh_ev,
        'checklevel': 2,
        'name': 'ODEtest',
        'fnspecs': fnspecs,
        'varspecs': fvarspecs
    testODE = Vode_ODEsystem(DSargs)
    odetraj = testODE.compute('testode')
    saveObjects([odetraj, testODE], 'temp_objects.pkl', True)
    objs_ode = loadObjects('temp_objects.pkl')
    assert len(objs_ode[1].diagnostics.warnings) == 0
    odetraj2 = objs_ode[1].compute('testode2')
    assert odetraj2(0.6) == odetraj(0.6)
    assert len(objs_ode[1].diagnostics.warnings) == 1
Example #6
def test_ode_system(tb_args):
    fvarspecs = {
        "w": "k*w + a*itable + sin(t) + myauxfn1(t)*myauxfn2(w)",
        'aux_wdouble': 'w*2 + globalindepvar(t)',
        'aux_other': 'myauxfn1(2*t) + initcond(w)'
    fnspecs = {'myauxfn1': (['t'], '2.5*cos(3*t)'), 'myauxfn2': (['w'], 'w/2')}
    DSargs = {
        'tdomain': [0.1, 2.1],
        'pars': {
            'k': 2,
            'a': -0.5
        'inputs': {
            'itable': InterpolateTable(tb_args).variables['x1']
        'auxvars': ['aux_wdouble', 'aux_other'],
        'algparams': {
            'init_step': 0.01,
            'strict': False
        'checklevel': 2,
        'name': 'ODEtest',
        'fnspecs': fnspecs,
        'varspecs': fvarspecs
    testODE = Vode_ODEsystem(DSargs)
    assert testODE.pars == DSargs['pars']
    assert (not testODE.defined)
    testODE.set(ics={'w': 3.0}, tdata=[0.11, 2.1])
    testtraj = testODE.compute('test1')
    assert testODE.defined
    assert_almost_equal(testtraj(0.5, 'w'), 6.05867901304, 3)
    assert_almost_equal(testtraj(0.2, 'aux_other'), 3.90581993688, 3)
    assert testODE.indepvariable.depdomain == Interval('t', float64,
                                                       [0.11, 2.1])
    assert testODE.diagnostics.hasWarnings()
    assert testODE.diagnostics.findWarnings(21) != []

    # Now adding a terminating co-ordinate threshold event...
    ev_args = {
        'name': 'threshold',
        'eventtol': 1e-4,
        'eventdelay': 1e-5,
        'starttime': 0,
        'active': True,  # = default
        'term': True,
        'precise': True  # = default
    thresh_ev = Events.makePythonStateZeroCrossEvent('w', 20, 1, ev_args)
    traj2 = testODE.compute('test2')
    assert testODE.diagnostics.hasWarnings()
    assert testODE.diagnostics.findWarnings(10) != []
    assert_almost_equal(traj2.getEventTimes()['threshold'][0], 1.51449456, 3)
    assert testODE.indepvariable.depdomain == Interval('t', float64,
                                                       [0.11, 2.1])
Example #7
def test_python_funcspec_with_for_loop():
    args = {
        'name': 'fs_with_loop',
        'varspecs': {
            'z[i]': 'for(i, 1, 6, t**[i]/2)'

    # XXX: FuncSpec doesn't support 'for' loop directly
    fs = Vode_ODEsystem(args).funcspec
    assert fs.spec[0].split('\n') == [
        'def _specfn(ds, t, x, parsinps):',
        '    xnew0 = t/2 ',
        '    xnew1 = math.pow(t,2)/2 ',
        '    xnew2 = math.pow(t,3)/2 ',
        '    xnew3 = math.pow(t,4)/2 ',
        '    xnew4 = math.pow(t,5)/2 ',
        '    xnew5 = math.pow(t,6)/2 ',
        '    return array([xnew0, xnew1, xnew2, xnew3, xnew4, xnew5])',
Example #8
def test_vode_event(dsargs):
        Test Vode_ODEsystem with events involving external inputs.

Example #9
def test_vode_events_compare_with_euler():
        Test terminal and non-terminal event testing with VODE integrator,
        including some comparisons and tests of Euler integrator too.
    DSargs = args(varspecs={'w': 'k*sin(2*t) - w'}, name='ODEtest')
    DSargs.tdomain = [0, 10]
    DSargs.pars = {'k': 1, 'p_thresh': -0.25}
    DSargs.algparams = {'init_step': 0.001, 'atol': 1e-12, 'rtol': 1e-13}
    DSargs.checklevel = 2
    DSargs.ics = {'w': -1.0}
    DSargs.tdata = [0, 10]
    ev_args_nonterm = {'name': 'monitor',
                       'eventtol': 1e-4,
                       'eventdelay': 1e-5,
                       'starttime': 0,
                       'active': True,
                       'term': False,
                       'precise': True}
    thresh_ev_nonterm = Events.makeZeroCrossEvent('w', 0,
                                                  ev_args_nonterm, varnames=['w'])
    ev_args_term = {'name': 'threshold',
                    'eventtol': 1e-4,
                    'eventdelay': 1e-5,
                    'starttime': 0,
                    'active': True,
                    'term': True,
                    'precise': True}
    thresh_ev_term = Events.makeZeroCrossEvent('w-p_thresh',
                                               -1, ev_args_term, varnames=['w'], parnames=['p_thresh'])
    DSargs.events = [thresh_ev_nonterm, thresh_ev_term]
    testODE = Vode_ODEsystem(DSargs)
    # diagnostics and other possible user-defined python functions
    # for python solvers only (currently only Euler)
    # def before_func(euler):
    # print(euler.algparams['init_step'])
    # def after_func(euler):
    # print(euler._solver.y)
    ##DSargs.user_func_beforestep = before_func
    ##DSargs.user_func_afterstep = after_func
    testODE_Euler = Euler_ODEsystem(DSargs)
    traj = testODE.compute('traj')
    traj2 = testODE_Euler.compute('traj')
    pts = traj.sample()
    mon_evs_found = testODE.getEvents('monitor')
    term_evs_found = testODE.getEvents('threshold')
    # test Euler
    assert allclose(array(testODE.getEventTimes('monitor')),
                    array(traj2.getEventTimes('monitor')), atol=1e-3)
    assert all(traj.getEvents('monitor') == mon_evs_found)
    assert all(traj.getEventTimes('threshold')
               == testODE.getEventTimes('threshold'))
    # Alternative way to extract events: they are labelled in the
    # pointset! These return dictionaries indexing into the pointset.
    mon_evs_dict = pts.labels.by_label['Event:monitor']
    mon_ev_points = pts[sort(list(mon_evs_dict.keys()))]
    assert len(mon_evs_found) == len(mon_ev_points) == 2
    assert all(mon_evs_found == mon_ev_points)
Example #10
def test_vode_events_with_external_input(my_input):
        Test Vode_ODEsystem with events involving external inputs.
        Robert Clewley, September 2006.
    xs = ['x1', 'x2', 'x3']
    ys = [0, 0.5, 1]
    fvarspecs = {"w": "k*w  + pcwfn(sin(t)) + myauxfn1(t)*myauxfn2(w)",
                 'aux_wdouble': 'w*2 + globalindepvar(t)',
                 'aux_other': 'myauxfn1(2*t) + initcond(w)'}
    fnspecs = {'myauxfn1': (['t'], '2.5*cos(3*t)'),
               'myauxfn2': (['w'], 'w/2'),
               'pcwfn': makeMultilinearRegrFn('x', xs, ys)}
    # targetlang is optional if the default python target is desired
    DSargs = args(fnspecs=fnspecs, name='ODEtest')
    DSargs.varspecs = fvarspecs
    DSargs.tdomain = [0.1, 2.1]
    DSargs.pars = {'k': 2, 'a': -0.5, 'x1': -3, 'x2': 0.5, 'x3': 1.5}
    DSargs.vars = 'w'
    DSargs.inputs = {'in': my_input.variables['example_input']}
    DSargs.algparams = {'init_step': 0.01}
    DSargs.checklevel = 2
    testODE = Vode_ODEsystem(DSargs)
    assert not testODE.defined
    testODE.set(ics={'w': 3.0},
                tdata=[0.11, 2.1])
    traj1 = testODE.compute('traj1')
    assert testODE.defined
    assert_almost_equal(traj1(0.5, 'w'), 8.9771499, 5)
    assert not testODE.diagnostics.hasWarnings()
    assert_almost_equal(traj1(0.2, ['aux_other']), 3.905819936, 5)
    print("\nNow adding a terminating co-ordinate threshold event")
    print(" and non-terminating timer event")
    # Show off the general-purpose, language-independent event creator:
    #  'makeZeroCrossEvent'
    ev_args_nonterm = {'name': 'monitor',
                       'eventtol': 1e-4,
                       'eventdelay': 1e-5,
                       'starttime': 0,
                       'active': True,
                       'term': False,
                       'precise': True}
    thresh_ev_nonterm = Events.makeZeroCrossEvent('in', 0,
                                                  ev_args_nonterm, inputnames=['in'])
    # Now show use of the python-target specific creator:
    #  'makePythonStateZeroCrossEvent', which is also only
    #  able to make events for state variable threshold crossings
    ev_args_term = {'name': 'threshold',
                    'eventtol': 1e-4,
                    'eventdelay': 1e-5,
                    'starttime': 0,
                    'active': True,
                    'term': True,
                    'precise': True}
    thresh_ev_term = Events.makePythonStateZeroCrossEvent('w',
                                                          20, 1, ev_args_term)
    testODE.eventstruct.add([thresh_ev_nonterm, thresh_ev_term])
    print("Recomputing trajectory:")
    print("traj2 = testODE.compute('traj2')")
    traj2 = testODE.compute('traj2')
    print("\ntestODE.diagnostics.showWarnings() => ")
    print("\ntraj2.indepdomain.get() => ", traj2.indepdomain.get())
    indep1 = traj2.indepdomain[1]
    assert indep1 < 1.17 and indep1 > 1.16
    mon_evs_found = testODE.getEvents('monitor')
    assert len(mon_evs_found) == 1
Example #11
def test_vode_events_compare_with_euler():
        Test terminal and non-terminal event testing with VODE integrator,
        including some comparisons and tests of Euler integrator too.
    DSargs = args(varspecs={'w': 'k*sin(2*t) - w'}, name='ODEtest')
    DSargs.tdomain = [0, 10]
    DSargs.pars = {'k': 1, 'p_thresh': -0.25}
    DSargs.algparams = {'init_step': 0.001, 'atol': 1e-12, 'rtol': 1e-13}
    DSargs.checklevel = 2
    DSargs.ics = {'w': -1.0}
    DSargs.tdata = [0, 10]
    ev_args_nonterm = {'name': 'monitor',
                       'eventtol': 1e-4,
                       'eventdelay': 1e-5,
                       'starttime': 0,
                       'active': True,
                       'term': False,
                       'precise': True}
    thresh_ev_nonterm = Events.makeZeroCrossEvent('w', 0,
                                                  ev_args_nonterm, varnames=['w'])
    ev_args_term = {'name': 'threshold',
                    'eventtol': 1e-4,
                    'eventdelay': 1e-5,
                    'starttime': 0,
                    'active': True,
                    'term': True,
                    'precise': True}
    thresh_ev_term = Events.makeZeroCrossEvent('w-p_thresh',
                                               -1, ev_args_term, varnames=['w'], parnames=['p_thresh'])
    DSargs.events = [thresh_ev_nonterm, thresh_ev_term]
    testODE = Vode_ODEsystem(DSargs)
    # diagnostics and other possible user-defined python functions
    # for python solvers only (currently only Euler)
    # def before_func(euler):
    # print(euler.algparams['init_step'])
    # def after_func(euler):
    # print(euler._solver.y)
    ##DSargs.user_func_beforestep = before_func
    ##DSargs.user_func_afterstep = after_func
    testODE_Euler = Euler_ODEsystem(DSargs)
    traj = testODE.compute('traj')
    traj2 = testODE_Euler.compute('traj')
    pts = traj.sample()
    mon_evs_found = testODE.getEvents('monitor')
    term_evs_found = testODE.getEvents('threshold')
    # test Euler
    assert allclose(array(testODE.getEventTimes('monitor')),
                    array(traj2.getEventTimes('monitor')), atol=1e-3)
    assert all(traj.getEvents('monitor') == mon_evs_found)
    assert all(traj.getEventTimes('threshold')
               == testODE.getEventTimes('threshold'))
    # Alternative way to extract events: they are labelled in the
    # pointset! These return dictionaries indexing into the pointset.
    mon_evs_dict = pts.labels.by_label['Event:monitor']
    mon_ev_points = pts[sort(mon_evs_dict.keys())]
    assert len(mon_evs_found) == len(mon_ev_points) == 2
    assert all(mon_evs_found == mon_ev_points)
Example #12
def test_vode_events_with_external_input(my_input):
        Test Vode_ODEsystem with events involving external inputs.
        Robert Clewley, September 2006.
    xs = ['x1', 'x2', 'x3']
    ys = [0, 0.5, 1]
    fvarspecs = {"w": "k*w  + pcwfn(sin(t)) + myauxfn1(t)*myauxfn2(w)",
                 'aux_wdouble': 'w*2 + globalindepvar(t)',
                 'aux_other': 'myauxfn1(2*t) + initcond(w)'}
    fnspecs = {'myauxfn1': (['t'], '2.5*cos(3*t)'),
               'myauxfn2': (['w'], 'w/2'),
               'pcwfn': makeMultilinearRegrFn('x', xs, ys)}
    # targetlang is optional if the default python target is desired
    DSargs = args(fnspecs=fnspecs, name='ODEtest')
    DSargs.varspecs = fvarspecs
    DSargs.tdomain = [0.1, 2.1]
    DSargs.pars = {'k': 2, 'a': -0.5, 'x1': -3, 'x2': 0.5, 'x3': 1.5}
    DSargs.vars = 'w'
    DSargs.inputs = {'in': my_input.variables['example_input']}
    DSargs.algparams = {'init_step': 0.01}
    DSargs.checklevel = 2
    testODE = Vode_ODEsystem(DSargs)
    assert not testODE.defined
    testODE.set(ics={'w': 3.0},
                tdata=[0.11, 2.1])
    traj1 = testODE.compute('traj1')
    assert testODE.defined
    assert_almost_equal(traj1(0.5, 'w'), 8.9771499, 5)
    assert not testODE.diagnostics.hasWarnings()
    assert_almost_equal(traj1(0.2, ['aux_other']), 3.905819936, 5)
    print("\nNow adding a terminating co-ordinate threshold event")
    print(" and non-terminating timer event")
    # Show off the general-purpose, language-independent event creator:
    #  'makeZeroCrossEvent'
    ev_args_nonterm = {'name': 'monitor',
                       'eventtol': 1e-4,
                       'eventdelay': 1e-5,
                       'starttime': 0,
                       'active': True,
                       'term': False,
                       'precise': True}
    thresh_ev_nonterm = Events.makeZeroCrossEvent('in', 0,
                                                  ev_args_nonterm, inputnames=['in'])
    # Now show use of the python-target specific creator:
    #  'makePythonStateZeroCrossEvent', which is also only
    #  able to make events for state variable threshold crossings
    ev_args_term = {'name': 'threshold',
                    'eventtol': 1e-4,
                    'eventdelay': 1e-5,
                    'starttime': 0,
                    'active': True,
                    'term': True,
                    'precise': True}
    thresh_ev_term = Events.makePythonStateZeroCrossEvent('w',
                                                          20, 1, ev_args_term)
    testODE.eventstruct.add([thresh_ev_nonterm, thresh_ev_term])
    print("Recomputing trajectory:")
    print("traj2 = testODE.compute('traj2')")
    traj2 = testODE.compute('traj2')
    print("\ntestODE.diagnostics.showWarnings() => ")
    print("\ntraj2.indepdomain.get() => ", traj2.indepdomain.get())
    indep1 = traj2.indepdomain[1]
    assert indep1 < 1.17 and indep1 > 1.16
    mon_evs_found = testODE.getEvents('monitor')
    assert len(mon_evs_found) == 1