def pose_msg_to_kdl_frame(msg_pose):
    pose = msg_pose.pose
    f = Frame()
    f.p[0] = pose.position.x
    f.p[1] = pose.position.y
    f.p[2] = pose.position.z
    f.M = Rotation.Quaternion(pose.orientation.x, pose.orientation.y,
                              pose.orientation.z, pose.orientation.w)

    return f
def pose_msg_to_kdl_frame(msg_pose):
    pose = msg_pose.transform
    f = Frame()
    f.p[0] = pose.translation.x
    f.p[1] = pose.translation.y
    f.p[2] = pose.translation.z
    f.M = Rotation.Quaternion(pose.rotation.x, pose.rotation.y,
                              pose.rotation.z, pose.rotation.w)

    return f
Example #3
def to_kdl_frame(urdf_frame):
    f = Frame()
    if urdf_frame is not None:
        if 'xyz' in urdf_frame.attrib:
            xyz = [float(i) for i in urdf_frame.attrib['xyz'].split()]
            for i in range(0, 3):
                f.p[i] = xyz[i]
        if 'rpy' in urdf_frame.attrib:
            rpy = [float(i) for i in urdf_frame.attrib['rpy'].split()]
            f.M = Rotation.RPY(rpy[0], rpy[1], rpy[2])

    return f
def hydra_msg_to_kdl_frame(msg_hydra):
    pose = msg_hydra.paddles[0].transform
    f = Frame()
    f.p[0] = 10*pose.translation.x
    f.p[1] = 10*pose.translation.y
    f.p[2] = 10*pose.translation.z
    f.M = Rotation.Quaternion(pose.rotation.x,

    return f
def main():
    _pair_one_specified = True
    _pair_two_specified = False

    _geomagic_one_name = '/Geomagic/'
    _geomagic_two_name = ''

    _device_pairs = []

    _mtm_one_name = 'MTMR'
    _mtm_two_name = 'MTML'

    # The publish frequency
    _pub_freq = 500

    print('Specified Arguments')
    for i in range(0, len(sys.argv)):
        print (sys.argv[i])

    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        _geomagic_one_name = sys.argv[1]
        _pair_one_specified = True

    if len(sys.argv) > 2:
        _geomagic_two_name = sys.argv[2]
        _pair_two_specified = True

    if len(sys.argv) > 3:
        _pub_freq = int(sys.argv[3])

    if _pair_one_specified:
        geomagic_one = GeomagicDevice(_geomagic_one_name, _mtm_one_name)
        base_frame = Frame()
        tip_frame = Frame()
        # This is important. Firs we set the orientation of the
        # MTM base in Geomagic Base
        base_frame.M = Rotation.RPY((-1.57079 - 0.6), 3.14, 0)
        # Then we set the offset of MTMs tip in Geomagics Base
        # The Geomagic Base and Tip are aligned
        tip_frame.M = Rotation.RPY(-3.14, 0, 1.57079)



    if _pair_two_specified:
        geomagic_two = GeomagicDevice(_geomagic_two_name, _mtm_two_name)

        base_frame = Frame()
        tip_frame = Frame()
        # This is important. Firs we set the orientation of the
        # MTM base in Geomagic Base
        base_frame.M = Rotation.RPY((-1.57079 - 0.6), 3.14, 0)
        # Then we set the offset of MTMs tip in Geomagics Base
        # The Geomagic Base and Tip are aligned
        tip_frame.M = Rotation.RPY(-3.14, 0, 1.57079)



    rate = rospy.Rate(_pub_freq)
    msg_index = 0
    _start_time = rospy.get_time()

    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        for dev in _device_pairs:

        msg_index = msg_index + 1
        if msg_index % _pub_freq*3 == 0:
            # Print every 3 seconds as a flag to show that this code is alive
            print('Geomagic Mimic Node Alive...', round(rospy.get_time() - _start_time, 3), 'secs')
        if msg_index >= _pub_freq * 10:
            # After ten seconds, reset, no need to keep increasing this
            msg_index = 0