def show_context_menu(self, pos): menu = QMenu(self) menu.addAction(actions['edit-toc']) menu.addAction(_('&Expand all'), self.view.expandAll) menu.addAction(_('&Collapse all'), self.view.collapseAll) menu.addAction(self.refresh_action) menu.exec_(self.view.mapToGlobal(pos))
def show_context_menu(self, point): idx = self.currentIndex() if idx and idx.isValid() and not m = QMenu() m.addAction(QIcon(I('view.png')), _('View this cover at full size'), self.show_cover) m.addAction(QIcon(I('edit-copy.png')), _('Copy this cover to clipboard'), self.copy_cover) m.exec_(QCursor.pos())
def show_context_menu(self, point): idx = self.currentIndex() if idx and idx.isValid() and not m = QMenu() m.addAction(QIcon(I('view.png')), _('View this cover at full size'), self.show_cover) m.exec_(QCursor.pos())
def context_menu(self, pos): m = QMenu() if self.items.count() > 0: m.addAction(QIcon(I('edit-copy.png')), _('Copy list of errors to clipboard'), self.copy_to_clipboard) if list(m.actions()): m.exec_(self.mapToGlobal(pos))
def contextMenuEvent(self, ev): menu = QMenu(self) ca = self.pageAction(QWebPage.Copy) if ca.isEnabled(): menu.addAction(ca) menu.addAction(actions['reload-preview']) menu.addAction(QIcon(I('debug.png')), _('Inspect element'), self.inspect) menu.exec_(ev.globalPos())
def contextMenuEvent(self, ev): cm = QMenu(self) paste = cm.addAction(_("Paste Cover")) copy = cm.addAction(_("Copy Cover")) if not QApplication.instance().clipboard().mimeData().hasImage(): paste.setEnabled(False) copy.triggered.connect(self.copy_to_clipboard) paste.triggered.connect(self.paste_from_clipboard) cm.exec_(ev.globalPos())
def contextMenuEvent(self, ev): cm = QMenu(self) paste = cm.addAction(_('Paste Cover')) copy = cm.addAction(_('Copy Cover')) if not QApplication.instance().clipboard().mimeData().hasImage(): paste.setEnabled(False) copy.triggered.connect(self.copy_to_clipboard) paste.triggered.connect(self.paste_from_clipboard) cm.exec_(ev.globalPos())
def contextMenuEvent(self, ev): m = QMenu(self) m.addAction(_('Sort alphabetically'), self.sort_alphabetically) hidden = self.current_db.prefs['virt_libs_hidden'] if hidden: s = m._s = m.addMenu(_('Restore hidden tabs')) for x in hidden: s.addAction(x, partial(self.restore, x)) m.addAction(_('Hide virtual library tabs'), self.disable_bar) m.exec_(ev.globalPos())
def show_context_menu(self, pos): m = QMenu(self) a = m.addAction for x in ('undo', 'redo'): a(actions['editor-%s' % x]) m.addSeparator() for x in ('cut', 'copy', 'paste'): a(actions['editor-' + x]) m.addSeparator() m.addAction(_('&Select all'), self.editor.select_all) m.addAction(actions['mark-selected-text']) m.exec_(self.editor.mapToGlobal(pos))
def contextMenuEvent(self, event): index = self.indexAt(event.pos()) if not index.isValid(): return plugin = self.model().get_plugin(index) menu = QMenu() ca = menu.addAction(_('Configure...'), partial(self.configure_plugin, plugin)) if not plugin.is_customizable(): ca.setEnabled(False) menu.exec_(event.globalPos())
def context_menu(self, pos): index = self.indexAt(pos) if index.isValid(): char_code, ok = self.model().data(index, Qt.UserRole).toInt() if ok: m = QMenu(self) m.addAction(QIcon(I('edit-copy.png')), _('Copy %s to clipboard') % chr(char_code), partial(self.copy_to_clipboard, char_code)) m.addAction(QIcon(I('rating.png')), (_('Remove %s from favorites') if self.showing_favorites else _('Add %s to favorites')) % chr(char_code), partial(self.remove_from_favorites, char_code)) if self.showing_favorites: m.addAction(_('Restore favorites to defaults'), self.restore_defaults) m.exec_(self.mapToGlobal(pos))
def show_context_menu(self, pos): m = QMenu(self) a = m.addAction c = self.editor.cursorForPosition(pos) r = self.editor.syntax_range_for_cursor(c) if r is not None and word = self.editor.text_for_range(c.block(), r) locale = self.editor.spellcheck_locale_for_cursor(c) orig_pos = c.position() c.setPosition(orig_pos - utf16_length(word)) found = False self.editor.setTextCursor(c) if self.editor.find_spell_word([word], locale.langcode, center_on_cursor=False): found = True fc = self.editor.textCursor() if fc.position() < c.position(): self.editor.find_spell_word([word], locale.langcode, center_on_cursor=False) if found: suggestions = dictionaries.suggestions(word, locale)[:7] if suggestions: for suggestion in suggestions: ac = m.addAction(suggestion, partial(self.editor.simple_replace, suggestion)) f = ac.font() f.setBold(True), ac.setFont(f) m.addSeparator() m.addAction(actions['spell-next']) m.addAction(_('Ignore this word'), partial(self._nuke_word, None, word, locale)) dics = dictionaries.active_user_dictionaries if len(dics) > 0: if len(dics) == 1: m.addAction(_('Add this word to the dictionary: {0}').format(dics[0].name), partial( self._nuke_word, dics[0].name, word, locale)) else: ac = m.addAction(_('Add this word to the dictionary')) dmenu = QMenu(m) ac.setMenu(dmenu) for dic in dics: dmenu.addAction(, partial(self._nuke_word,, word, locale)) m.addSeparator() for x in ('undo', 'redo'): a(actions['editor-%s' % x]) m.addSeparator() for x in ('cut', 'copy', 'paste'): a(actions['editor-' + x]) m.addSeparator() m.addAction(_('&Select all'), self.editor.select_all) m.addAction(actions['mark-selected-text']) if self.syntax == 'html': m.addAction(actions['multisplit']) m.exec_(self.editor.mapToGlobal(pos))
def show_context_menu(self, pos): m = QMenu(self) a = m.addAction for x in ('undo', 'redo'): a(actions['editor-%s' % x]) m.addSeparator() for x in ('cut', 'copy', 'paste'): a(actions['editor-' + x]) m.addSeparator() m.addAction(_('&Select all'), self.editor.select_all) m.addAction(actions['mark-selected-text']) if self.syntax == 'html': m.addAction(actions['multisplit']) m.exec_(self.editor.mapToGlobal(pos))
def contextMenuEvent(self, ev): menu = QMenu(self) p = mf = p.mainFrame() r = mf.hitTestContent(ev.pos()) url = unicode(r.linkUrl().toString(QUrl.None)).strip() ca = self.pageAction(QWebPage.Copy) if ca.isEnabled(): menu.addAction(ca) menu.addAction(actions['reload-preview']) menu.addAction(QIcon(I('debug.png')), _('Inspect element'), self.inspect) if url.partition(':')[0].lower() in {'http', 'https'}: menu.addAction(_('Open link'), partial(open_url, r.linkUrl())) menu.exec_(ev.globalPos())
def contextMenuEvent(self, event): index = self.indexAt(event.pos()) if not index.isValid(): return result = self.model().get_result(index) menu = QMenu() da = menu.addAction(_('Download...'), partial(self.download_requested.emit, result)) if not result.downloads: da.setEnabled(False) menu.addSeparator() menu.addAction(_('Goto in store...'), partial(self.open_requested.emit, result)) menu.exec_(event.globalPos())
def eventFilter(self, obj, event): base = super(Central, self) if obj is not self.editor_tabs.tabBar() or event.type() != QEvent.MouseButtonPress or event.button() not in (Qt.RightButton, Qt.MidButton): return base.eventFilter(obj, event) index = self.editor_tabs.tabBar().tabAt(event.pos()) if index < 0: return base.eventFilter(obj, event) if event.button() == Qt.MidButton: self._close_requested(index) ed = self.editor_tabs.widget(index) if ed is not None: menu = QMenu(self) menu.addAction(actions['close-current-tab'].icon(), _('Close tab'), partial(self.close_requested.emit, ed)) menu.addSeparator() menu.addAction(actions['close-all-but-current-tab'].icon(), _('Close other tabs'), partial(self.close_all_but, ed)) menu.exec_(self.editor_tabs.tabBar().mapToGlobal(event.pos())) return True
def show_context_menu(self, pos): m = QMenu(self) a = m.addAction i = unicode(self.textCursor().selectedText()) if i: a(QIcon(I('edit-copy.png')), _('Copy to clipboard'), self.copy).setShortcut(QKeySequence.Copy) if len(self.changes) > 0: a(QIcon(I('arrow-up.png')), _('Previous change'), partial(self.next_change.emit, -1)) a(QIcon(I('arrow-down.png')), _('Next change'), partial(self.next_change.emit, 1)) if self.show_open_in_editor: b = self.cursorForPosition(pos).block() if b.isValid(): a(QIcon(I('tweak.png')), _('Open file in the editor'), partial(self.generate_sync_request, b.blockNumber())) if len(m.actions()) > 0: m.exec_(self.mapToGlobal(pos))
def contextMenuEvent(self, event): menu = QMenu(self) pos = event.pos() index = self.indexAt(pos) if index.isValid(): item = self.indexAt(pos).internalPointer() node = self.item_to_node_dict[item] nodeset = [ node ] # ? ? ? ? optflag = False # ? ? ? ? cmenu_spec = self.treemodel.make_cmenuspec_for_set(nodeset, optflag) for x in cmenu_spec: if x is not None: str, thunk = x[:2] act = QAction(str, self) act.setEnabled("disabled" not in x[2:]) self.connect(act, SIGNAL("triggered()"), thunk) menu.addAction(act) else: menu.addSeparator() menu.exec_(event.globalPos())
def contextMenuEvent(self, event): menu = QMenu(self) pos = event.pos() index = self.indexAt(pos) if index.isValid(): item = self.indexAt(pos).internalPointer() node = self.item_to_node_dict[item] nodeset = [node] # ? ? ? ? optflag = False # ? ? ? ? cmenu_spec = self.ne1model.make_cmenuspec_for_set(nodeset, optflag) for x in cmenu_spec: if x is not None: str, thunk = x[:2] act = QAction(str, self) act.setEnabled("disabled" not in x[2:]) self.connect(act, SIGNAL("triggered()"), thunk) menu.addAction(act) else: menu.addSeparator() menu.exec_(event.globalPos())
def displayContextMenu(self, pos): """ type pos: int """ menu = QMenu() removeAction = menu.addAction("Remove") action = menu.exec_(self.mapToGlobal(pos)) if action == removeAction: while self.filterTable.rowCount() > self.row + 1: self.filterTable.removeRow(self.filterTable.rowCount() - 1) self.filterTable.removeCellWidget(self.row, self.filtTableConnectCol)
def contextMenuEvent(self, ev): m = QMenu(self) w = self.model().word_for_row(self.currentIndex().row()) if w is not None: a = m.addAction(_('Change %s to') % w[0]) cm = QMenu() a.setMenu(cm) cm.addAction(_('Specify replacement manually'), partial(self.change_to.emit, w, None)) cm.addSeparator() for s in dictionaries.suggestions(*w): cm.addAction(s, partial(self.change_to.emit, w, s)) m.addAction(_('Ignore/Unignore all selected words'), self.ignore_all) a = m.addAction(_('Add/Remove all selected words')) am = QMenu() a.setMenu(am) for dic in sorted(dictionaries.active_user_dictionaries, key=lambda x:sort_key( am.addAction(, partial(self.add_all.emit, m.exec_(ev.globalPos())
def showSegContextMenu(self): menu = QMenu(self.segDefTableView) if len(self.segDefTableView.selectedIndexes())==0: return row = self.segDefTableView.selectedIndexes()[0].row() deleteSegMenuItem = menu.addAction("Delete Segment") action = menu.exec_(QCursor.pos()) if action == deleteSegMenuItem: self.deleteSegRow(row)
def showOrdContextMenu(self): menu = QMenu(self.segOrdListBox) if len(self.segOrdListBox.selectedItems())==0: return item = self.segOrdListBox.currentItem() deleteOrdMenuItem = menu.addAction("Delete Ordering") action = menu.exec_(QCursor.pos()) if action == deleteOrdMenuItem: self.deleteOrdItem(item)
def displayContextMenu(self, pos): """ type pos: int """ menu = QMenu() removeAction = menu.addAction("Remove") action = menu.exec_(self.mapToGlobal(pos)) if action == removeAction: while (self.filterTable.rowCount() > self.row + 1): self.filterTable.removeRow(self.filterTable.rowCount() - 1) self.filterTable.removeCellWidget(self.row, self.filtTableConnectCol)
def show_context_menu(self, pos): m = QMenu(self) a = m.addAction i = unicode(self.textCursor().selectedText()).rstrip('\0') if i: a(QIcon(I('edit-copy.png')), _('Copy to clipboard'), self.copy).setShortcut(QKeySequence.Copy) if len(self.changes) > 0: a(QIcon(I('arrow-up.png')), _('Previous change'), partial(self.next_change.emit, -1)) a(QIcon(I('arrow-down.png')), _('Next change'), partial(self.next_change.emit, 1)) if self.show_open_in_editor: b = self.cursorForPosition(pos).block() if b.isValid(): a(QIcon(I('tweak.png')), _('Open file in the editor'), partial(self.generate_sync_request, b.blockNumber())) if len(m.actions()) > 0: m.exec_(self.mapToGlobal(pos))
def show_context_menu(self, point): item = self.currentItem() def key(k): sc = unicode( QKeySequence(k | Qt.CTRL).toString(QKeySequence.NativeText)) return ' [%s]' % sc if item is not None: m = QMenu() ci = unicode(, Qt.DisplayRole).toString()) p = item.parent() or self.invisibleRootItem() idx = p.indexOfChild(item) if idx > 0: m.addAction(QIcon(I('arrow-up.png')), (_('Move "%s" up') % ci) + key(Qt.Key_Up), self.move_up) if idx + 1 < p.childCount(): m.addAction(QIcon(I('arrow-down.png')), (_('Move "%s" down') % ci) + key(Qt.Key_Down), self.move_down) m.addAction(QIcon(I('trash.png')), _('Remove all selected items'), self.del_items) if item.parent() is not None: m.addAction(QIcon(I('back.png')), (_('Unindent "%s"') % ci) + key(Qt.Key_Left), self.move_left) if idx > 0: m.addAction(QIcon(I('forward.png')), (_('Indent "%s"') % ci) + key(Qt.Key_Right), self.move_right) m.addAction(QIcon(I('edit_input.png')), _('Change the location this entry points to'), self.edit_item) m.addAction(_('Change all selected items to title case'), self.title_case) m.addAction(QIcon(I('modified.png')), _('Bulk rename all selected items'), self.bulk_rename) m.exec_(QCursor.pos())
def openMenu(self, position): """ Method that handles actions from context menu. Parameters: position - Position of the action on screen (right click). """ menu = QMenu() copyChannels = menu.addAction("Copy channels to all time series") clearChannels = menu.addAction("Clear") action = menu.exec_(self.ui.listWidgetChannels.mapToGlobal(position)) if action == copyChannels: self.channelCopy.emit(self.index) elif action == clearChannels: self.ui.listWidgetChannels.clear()
def show_context_menu(self, point): item = self.currentItem() def key(k): sc = unicode(QKeySequence(k | Qt.CTRL).toString(QKeySequence.NativeText)) return ' [%s]'%sc if item is not None: m = QMenu() ci = unicode(, Qt.DisplayRole).toString()) p = item.parent() or self.invisibleRootItem() idx = p.indexOfChild(item) if idx > 0: m.addAction(QIcon(I('arrow-up.png')), (_('Move "%s" up')%ci)+key(Qt.Key_Up), self.move_up) if idx + 1 < p.childCount(): m.addAction(QIcon(I('arrow-down.png')), (_('Move "%s" down')%ci)+key(Qt.Key_Down), self.move_down) m.addAction(QIcon(I('trash.png')), _('Remove all selected items'), self.del_items) if item.parent() is not None: m.addAction(QIcon(I('back.png')), (_('Unindent "%s"')%ci)+key(Qt.Key_Left), self.move_left) if idx > 0: m.addAction(QIcon(I('forward.png')), (_('Indent "%s"')%ci)+key(Qt.Key_Right), self.move_right) m.addAction(QIcon(I('edit_input.png')), _('Change the location this entry points to'), self.edit_item) m.addAction(_('Change all selected items to title case'), self.title_case) m.exec_(QCursor.pos())
def contextMenuEvent(self, ev): menu = QMenu(self) menu.addAction(actions['reload-preview']) menu.addAction(QIcon(I('debug.png')), _('Inspect element'), self.inspect) menu.exec_(ev.globalPos())
def show_context_menu(self, pos): m = QMenu(self) a = m.addAction c = self.editor.cursorForPosition(pos) origc = QTextCursor(c) r = origr = self.editor.syntax_range_for_cursor(c) if (r is None or not and c.positionInBlock() > 0: c.setPosition(c.position() - 1) r = self.editor.syntax_range_for_cursor(c) if r is not None and word = self.editor.text_for_range(c.block(), r) locale = self.editor.spellcheck_locale_for_cursor(c) orig_pos = c.position() c.setPosition(orig_pos - utf16_length(word)) found = False self.editor.setTextCursor(c) if self.editor.find_spell_word([word], locale.langcode, center_on_cursor=False): found = True fc = self.editor.textCursor() if fc.position() < c.position(): self.editor.find_spell_word([word], locale.langcode, center_on_cursor=False) if found: suggestions = dictionaries.suggestions(word, locale)[:7] if suggestions: for suggestion in suggestions: ac = m.addAction(suggestion, partial(self.editor.simple_replace, suggestion)) f = ac.font() f.setBold(True), ac.setFont(f) m.addSeparator() m.addAction(actions['spell-next']) m.addAction(_('Ignore this word'), partial(self._nuke_word, None, word, locale)) dics = dictionaries.active_user_dictionaries if len(dics) > 0: if len(dics) == 1: m.addAction(_('Add this word to the dictionary: {0}').format(dics[0].name), partial( self._nuke_word, dics[0].name, word, locale)) else: ac = m.addAction(_('Add this word to the dictionary')) dmenu = QMenu(m) ac.setMenu(dmenu) for dic in dics: dmenu.addAction(, partial(self._nuke_word,, word, locale)) m.addSeparator() if origr is not None and href = self.editor.text_for_range(origc.block(), origr) m.addAction(_('Open %s') % href, partial(self.link_clicked.emit, href)) if origr is not None and ( or word = self.editor.text_for_range(origc.block(), origr) item_type = 'tag_name' if else 'css_property' url = help_url(word, item_type, self.editor.highlighter.doc_name, extra_data=current_container().opf_version) if url is not None: m.addAction(_('Show help for: %s') % word, partial(open_url, url)) for x in ('undo', 'redo'): a(actions['editor-%s' % x]) m.addSeparator() for x in ('cut', 'copy', 'paste'): a(actions['editor-' + x]) m.addSeparator() m.addAction(_('&Select all'), self.editor.select_all) m.addAction(actions['mark-selected-text']) if self.syntax == 'html': m.addAction(actions['multisplit']) m.exec_(self.editor.mapToGlobal(pos))
def show_context_menu(self, pos): m = QMenu(self) a = m.addAction c = self.editor.cursorForPosition(pos) fmt = self.editor.syntax_format_for_cursor(c) spell = SPELL_PROPERTY).toPyObject() if fmt is not None else None if spell is not None: word, locale = spell orig_pos = c.position() c.setPosition(orig_pos - utf16_length(word)) found = False self.editor.setTextCursor(c) if self.editor.find_spell_word([word], locale.langcode, center_on_cursor=False): found = True fc = self.editor.textCursor() if fc.position() < c.position(): self.editor.find_spell_word([word], locale.langcode, center_on_cursor=False) if found: suggestions = dictionaries.suggestions(word, locale)[:7] if suggestions: for suggestion in suggestions: ac = m.addAction( suggestion, partial(self.editor.simple_replace, suggestion)) f = ac.font() f.setBold(True), ac.setFont(f) m.addSeparator() m.addAction(actions['spell-next']) m.addAction(_('Ignore this word'), partial(self._nuke_word, None, word, locale)) dics = dictionaries.active_user_dictionaries if len(dics) > 0: if len(dics) == 1: m.addAction( _('Add this word to the dictionary: {0}').format( dics[0].name), partial(self._nuke_word, dics[0].name, word, locale)) else: ac = m.addAction(_('Add this word to the dictionary')) dmenu = QMenu(m) ac.setMenu(dmenu) for dic in dics: dmenu.addAction(, partial(self._nuke_word,, word, locale)) m.addSeparator() for x in ('undo', 'redo'): a(actions['editor-%s' % x]) m.addSeparator() for x in ('cut', 'copy', 'paste'): a(actions['editor-' + x]) m.addSeparator() m.addAction(_('&Select all'), self.editor.select_all) m.addAction(actions['mark-selected-text']) if self.syntax == 'html': m.addAction(actions['multisplit']) m.exec_(self.editor.mapToGlobal(pos))
def show_context_menu(self, pos): m = QMenu(self) a = m.addAction c = self.editor.cursorForPosition(pos) origc = QTextCursor(c) r = origr = self.editor.syntax_range_for_cursor(c) if (r is None or not ) and c.positionInBlock() > 0: c.setPosition(c.position() - 1) r = self.editor.syntax_range_for_cursor(c) if r is not None and word = self.editor.text_for_range(c.block(), r) locale = self.editor.spellcheck_locale_for_cursor(c) orig_pos = c.position() c.setPosition(orig_pos - utf16_length(word)) found = False self.editor.setTextCursor(c) if self.editor.find_spell_word([word], locale.langcode, center_on_cursor=False): found = True fc = self.editor.textCursor() if fc.position() < c.position(): self.editor.find_spell_word([word], locale.langcode, center_on_cursor=False) if found: suggestions = dictionaries.suggestions(word, locale)[:7] if suggestions: for suggestion in suggestions: ac = m.addAction( suggestion, partial(self.editor.simple_replace, suggestion)) f = ac.font() f.setBold(True), ac.setFont(f) m.addSeparator() m.addAction(actions['spell-next']) m.addAction(_('Ignore this word'), partial(self._nuke_word, None, word, locale)) dics = dictionaries.active_user_dictionaries if len(dics) > 0: if len(dics) == 1: m.addAction( _('Add this word to the dictionary: {0}').format( dics[0].name), partial(self._nuke_word, dics[0].name, word, locale)) else: ac = m.addAction(_('Add this word to the dictionary')) dmenu = QMenu(m) ac.setMenu(dmenu) for dic in dics: dmenu.addAction(, partial(self._nuke_word,, word, locale)) m.addSeparator() if origr is not None and href = self.editor.text_for_range(origc.block(), origr) m.addAction( _('Open %s') % href, partial(self.link_clicked.emit, href)) if origr is not None and ( or word = self.editor.text_for_range(origc.block(), origr) item_type = 'tag_name' if TAG_NAME_PROPERTY).toBool() else 'css_property' url = help_url(word, item_type, self.editor.highlighter.doc_name, extra_data=current_container().opf_version) if url is not None: m.addAction( _('Show help for: %s') % word, partial(open_url, url)) for x in ('undo', 'redo'): a(actions['editor-%s' % x]) m.addSeparator() for x in ('cut', 'copy', 'paste'): a(actions['editor-' + x]) m.addSeparator() m.addAction(_('&Select all'), self.editor.select_all) m.addAction(actions['mark-selected-text']) if self.syntax == 'html': m.addAction(actions['multisplit']) m.exec_(self.editor.mapToGlobal(pos))