def _addBottomSpacer(self): """ Add a vertical spacer below this group box. Method: Assume this is going to be the last group box in the PM, so set its spacer's vertical sizePolicy to MinimumExpanding. We then set the vertical sizePolicy of the last group box's spacer to Fixed and set its height to PM_GROUPBOX_SPACING. """ # Spacers are only added to groupboxes in the PropMgr, not # nested groupboxes. ## from PM.PM_Dialog import PM_Dialog ## if not isinstance(self.parentWidget, PM_Dialog): if not self.parentWidget or isinstance(self.parentWidget, PM_GroupBox): #bruce 071103 revised test to remove import cycle; I assume that # self.parentWidget is either a PM_GroupBox or a PM_Dialog, since # comments about similar code in __init__ imply that. # # A cleaner fix would involve asking self.parentWidget whether to # do this, with instances of PM_GroupBox and PM_Dialog giving # different answers, and making them both inherit an API class # which documents the method or attr with which we ask them that # question; the API class would be inherited by any object to # which PM_GroupBox's such as self can be added. # # Or, an even cleaner fix would just call a method in # self.parentWidget to do what this code does now (implemented # differently in PM_GroupBox and PM_Dialog). self.verticalSpacer = None return if self.parentWidget._lastGroupBox: # _lastGroupBox is no longer the last one. <self> will be the # _lastGroupBox, so we must change the verticalSpacer height # and sizePolicy of _lastGroupBox to be a fixed # spacer between it and <self>. defaultHeight = PM_GROUPBOX_SPACING self.parentWidget._lastGroupBox.verticalSpacer.changeSize( 10, defaultHeight, QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed) self.parentWidget._lastGroupBox.verticalSpacer.defaultHeight = \ defaultHeight # Add a 1 pixel high, MinimumExpanding VSpacer below this group box. # This keeps all group boxes in the PM layout squeezed together as # group boxes are expanded, collapsed, hidden and shown again. defaultHeight = 1 self.verticalSpacer = QSpacerItem(10, defaultHeight, QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding) self.verticalSpacer.defaultHeight = defaultHeight self.parentWidget.vBoxLayout.addItem(self.verticalSpacer) # This groupbox is now the last one in the PropMgr. self.parentWidget._lastGroupBox = self return
def _addAtomTypesGroupBox(self, inPmGroupBox): """ Creates a row of atom type buttons (i.e. sp3, sp2, sp and graphitic). @param inPmGroupBox: The parent group box to contain the atom type buttons. @type inPmGroupBox: PM_GroupBox """ self._atomTypesButtonGroup = \ PM_ToolButtonGrid( inPmGroupBox, buttonList = self.getAtomTypesButtonList(), label = "Atomic hybrids:", checkedId = 0, setAsDefault = True ) #Increase the button width for atom hybrids so that # button texts such as sp3(p), sp2(-), sp2(-.5) fit. # This change can be removed once we have icons # for the buttons with long text -- Ninad 2008-09-04 self._atomTypesButtonGroup.setButtonSize(width = 44) # Horizontal spacer to keep buttons grouped close together. _hSpacer = QSpacerItem( 1, 32, QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Fixed ) self._atomTypesButtonGroup.gridLayout.addItem( _hSpacer, 0, 4, 1, 1 ) self.connect( self._atomTypesButtonGroup.buttonGroup, SIGNAL("buttonClicked(int)"), self._setAtomType ) self._updateAtomTypesButtons()
def __init__(self, text, parent=None, clicked_func=None, caption="(caption)"): QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.setWindowTitle(caption) self.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon("ui/border/MainWindow")) self.setObjectName("WikiHelpBrowser") TextBrowserLayout = QGridLayout(self) TextBrowserLayout.setSpacing(5) TextBrowserLayout.setMargin(2) self.text_browser = QTextBrowser(self) self.text_browser.setOpenExternalLinks(True) self.text_browser.setObjectName("text_browser") TextBrowserLayout.addWidget(self.text_browser, 0, 0, 1, 0) self.text_browser.setMinimumSize(400, 200) # make it pale yellow like a post-it note self.text_browser.setHtml("<qt bgcolor=\"#FFFF80\">" + text) self.close_button = QPushButton(self) self.close_button.setObjectName("close_button") self.close_button.setText("Close") TextBrowserLayout.addWidget(self.close_button, 1, 1) spacer = QSpacerItem(40, 20, QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Minimum) TextBrowserLayout.addItem(spacer, 1, 0) self.resize(QSize(300, 300).expandedTo(self.minimumSizeHint())) self.connect(self.close_button, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.close) return
def addWidget(self, widget): self.content = widget self.wlayout.addWidget(self.content) if self.isDialog: widget.setStyleSheet("QMessageBox { background:none }") self.layout.addItem( QSpacerItem(10, 10, QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding)) self.layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 8) self.layout.addLayout(self.wlayout)
def _addAlignmentSpacer(self, rowNumber, columnNumber): """ Adds a alignment spacer to the parent widget's grid layout which also contain this classes widget. @see: L{self.addWidgetToParentGridLayout} for an example on how it is used. """ row = rowNumber column = columnNumber spacer = QSpacerItem(10, 5, QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Minimum) self.parentWidget.gridLayout.addItem(spacer, row, column, 1, 1)
def _insertMacSpacer(self, spacerHeight = 6): """ This addresses a Qt 4.3.5 layout bug on Mac OS X in which the title button will overlap with and cover the first widget in the group box. This workaround inserts a I{spacerHeight} tall spacer between the group box's title button and container widget. """ if sys.platform != "darwin": return self._macVerticalSpacer = QSpacerItem(10, spacerHeight, QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy.Fixed) self._vBoxLayout.insertItem(1, self._macVerticalSpacer) return
def _createSpacer(self, widgetParams): """ Returns a QSpacerItem created using the custom parameters. @param widgetParams: A list containing spacer parameters. @type widgetParams: list @see: L{self._createWidgetUsingParameters} where this method is called. """ spacerParams = list(widgetParams) spacerWidth = spacerParams[1] spacerHeight = spacerParams[2] spacer = QSpacerItem(spacerWidth, spacerHeight, QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy.Minimum) return spacer
def _addAtomTypesGroupBox(self, inPmGroupBox): """ Creates a row of atom type buttons (i.e. sp3, sp2, sp and graphitic). @param inPmGroupBox: The parent group box to contain the atom type buttons. @type inPmGroupBox: PM_GroupBox """ self._atomTypesButtonGroup = \ PM_ToolButtonGrid( inPmGroupBox, buttonList = self.getAtomTypesButtonList(), label = "Atomic hybrids:", checkedId = 0, setAsDefault = True ) # Horizontal spacer to keep buttons grouped close together. _hSpacer = QSpacerItem(1, 32, QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Fixed) self._atomTypesButtonGroup.gridLayout.addItem(_hSpacer, 0, 4, 1, 1) self.connect(self._atomTypesButtonGroup.buttonGroup, SIGNAL("buttonClicked(int)"), self._setAtomType) self._updateAtomTypesButtons()
def __init__(self, parent, closeButton=True): QFrame.__init__(self, parent) self.setMaximumSize(QSize(9999999, 22)) self.setObjectName("windowTitle") self.hboxlayout = QHBoxLayout(self) self.hboxlayout.setSpacing(0) self.hboxlayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 4, 0) self.label = QLabel(self) self.label.setObjectName("label") self.label.setStyleSheet( "padding-left:4px; font:bold 11px; color: #FFFFFF;") self.hboxlayout.addWidget(self.label) spacerItem = QSpacerItem(40, 20, QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Minimum) self.hboxlayout.addItem(spacerItem) if closeButton: self.pushButton = QPushButton(self) self.pushButton.setFocusPolicy(Qt.NoFocus) self.pushButton.setObjectName("pushButton") self.pushButton.setStyleSheet("font:bold;") self.pushButton.setText("X") self.hboxlayout.addWidget(self.pushButton) self.dragPosition = None self.mainwidget = self.parent() self.setStyleSheet(""" QFrame#windowTitle {background-color:#222222;color:#FFF;} """) # Initial position to top left self.dragPosition = self.mainwidget.frameGeometry().topLeft()
def __init__(self, fm, pref_name, parent=None): QDialog.__init__(self, parent) = fm if pref_name == 'column_color_rules': self.rule_kind = 'color' rule_text = _('coloring') else: self.rule_kind = 'icon' rule_text = _('icon') self.setWindowIcon(QIcon(I('format-fill-color.png'))) self.setWindowTitle( _('Create/edit a column {0} rule').format(rule_text)) self.l = l = QGridLayout(self) self.setLayout(l) self.l1 = l1 = QLabel( _('Create a column {0} rule by' ' filling in the boxes below'.format(rule_text))) l.addWidget(l1, 0, 0, 1, 8) self.f1 = QFrame(self) self.f1.setFrameShape(QFrame.HLine) l.addWidget(self.f1, 1, 0, 1, 8) self.l2 = l2 = QLabel(_('Set the')) l.addWidget(l2, 2, 0) if self.rule_kind == 'color': l.addWidget(QLabel(_('color'))) else: self.kind_box = QComboBox(self) for tt, t in icon_rule_kinds: self.kind_box.addItem(tt, t) l.addWidget(self.kind_box, 2, 1) self.l3 = l3 = QLabel(_('of the column:')) l.addWidget(l3, 2, 2) self.column_box = QComboBox(self) l.addWidget(self.column_box, 2, 3) self.l4 = l4 = QLabel(_('to')) l.addWidget(l4, 2, 4) if self.rule_kind == 'color': self.color_box = QComboBox(self) self.color_label = QLabel('Sample text Sample text') self.color_label.setTextFormat(Qt.RichText) l.addWidget(self.color_box, 2, 5) l.addWidget(self.color_label, 2, 6) l.addItem(QSpacerItem(10, 10, QSizePolicy.Expanding), 2, 7) else: self.filename_box = QComboBox() self.filename_box.setInsertPolicy( self.filename_box.InsertAlphabetically) d = os.path.join(config_dir, 'cc_icons') self.icon_file_names = [] if os.path.exists(d): for icon_file in os.listdir(d): icon_file = lower(icon_file) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(d, icon_file)): if icon_file.endswith('.png'): self.icon_file_names.append(icon_file) self.icon_file_names.sort(key=sort_key) self.update_filename_box() l.addWidget(self.filename_box, 2, 5) self.filename_button = QPushButton(QIcon(I('document_open.png')), _('&Add icon')) l.addWidget(self.filename_button, 2, 6) l.addWidget(QLabel(_('Icons should be square or landscape')), 2, 7) l.setColumnStretch(7, 10) self.l5 = l5 = QLabel( _('Only if the following conditions are all satisfied:')) l.addWidget(l5, 3, 0, 1, 7) self.scroll_area = sa = QScrollArea(self) sa.setMinimumHeight(300) sa.setMinimumWidth(950) sa.setWidgetResizable(True) l.addWidget(sa, 4, 0, 1, 8) self.add_button = b = QPushButton(QIcon(I('plus.png')), _('Add another condition')) l.addWidget(b, 5, 0, 1, 8) b.clicked.connect(self.add_blank_condition) self.l6 = l6 = QLabel( _('You can disable a condition by' ' blanking all of its boxes')) l.addWidget(l6, 6, 0, 1, 8) = bb = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) bb.accepted.connect(self.accept) bb.rejected.connect(self.reject) l.addWidget(bb, 7, 0, 1, 8) self.conditions_widget = QWidget(self) sa.setWidget(self.conditions_widget) self.conditions_widget.setLayout(QVBoxLayout()) self.conditions_widget.layout().setAlignment(Qt.AlignTop) self.conditions = [] if self.rule_kind == 'color': for b in (self.column_box, self.color_box): b.setSizeAdjustPolicy(b.AdjustToMinimumContentsLengthWithIcon) b.setMinimumContentsLength(15) for key in sorted(displayable_columns(fm), key=lambda (k): sort_key(fm[k]['name']) if k != color_row_key else 0): if key == color_row_key and self.rule_kind != 'color': continue name = all_columns_string if key == color_row_key else fm[key][ 'name'] if name: self.column_box.addItem(name, key) self.column_box.setCurrentIndex(0) if self.rule_kind == 'color': self.color_box.addItems(QColor.colorNames()) self.color_box.setCurrentIndex(0) self.update_color_label() self.color_box.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.update_color_label) else: self.filename_button.clicked.connect(self.filename_button_clicked) self.resize(self.sizeHint())
class PM_GroupBox( QGroupBox ): """ The PM_GroupBox widget provides a group box container with a collapse/expand button and a title button. PM group boxes can be nested by supplying an existing PM_GroupBox as the parentWidget of a new PM_GroupBox (as an argument to its constructor). If the parentWidget is a PM_GroupBox, no title button will be created for the new group box. @cvar setAsDefault: Determines whether to reset the value of all widgets in the group box when the user clicks the "Restore Defaults" button. If set to False, no widgets will be reset regardless thier own I{setAsDefault} value. @type setAsDefault: bool @cvar labelWidget: The Qt label widget of this group box. @type labelWidget: U{B{QLabel}<>} @cvar expanded: Expanded flag. @type expanded: bool @cvar _title: The group box title. @type _title: str @cvar _widgetList: List of widgets in the group box (except the title button). @type _widgetList: list @cvar _rowCount: Number of rows in the group box. @type _rowCount: int @cvar _groupBoxCount: Number of group boxes in this group box. @type _groupBoxCount: int @cvar _lastGroupBox: The last group box in this group box (i.e. the most recent PM group box added). @type _lastGroupBox: PM_GroupBox """ setAsDefault = True labelWidget = None expanded = True _title = "" _widgetList = [] _rowCount = 0 _groupBoxCount = 0 _lastGroupBox = None titleButtonRequested = True def __init__(self, parentWidget, title = '', connectTitleButton = True, setAsDefault = True ): """ Appends a PM_GroupBox widget to I{parentWidget}, a L{PM_Dialog} or a L{PM_GroupBox}. If I{parentWidget} is a L{PM_Dialog}, the group box will have a title button at the top for collapsing and expanding the group box. If I{parentWidget} is a PM_GroupBox, the title will simply be a text label at the top of the group box. @param parentWidget: The parent dialog or group box containing this widget. @type parentWidget: L{PM_Dialog} or L{PM_GroupBox} @param title: The title (button) text. If empty, no title is added. @type title: str @param connectTitleButton: If True, this class will automatically connect the title button of the groupbox to send signal to expand or collapse the groupbox. Otherwise, the caller has to connect this signal by itself. See: B{Ui_MovePropertyManager.addGroupBoxes} and B{MovePropertyManager.connect_or_disconnect_signals} for examples where the client connects this slot. @type connectTitleButton: bool @param setAsDefault: If False, no widgets in this group box will have thier default values restored when the B{Restore Defaults} button is clicked, regardless thier own I{setAsDefault} value. @type setAsDefault: bool @see: U{B{QGroupBox}<>} """ QGroupBox.__init__(self) self.parentWidget = parentWidget # Calling addWidget() here is important. If done at the end, # the title button does not get assigned its palette for some # unknown reason. Mark 2007-05-20. # Add self to PropMgr's vBoxLayout if parentWidget: parentWidget._groupBoxCount += 1 parentWidget.vBoxLayout.addWidget(self) parentWidget._widgetList.append(self) _groupBoxCount = 0 self._widgetList = [] self._title = title self.setAsDefault = setAsDefault self.setAutoFillBackground(True) self.setStyleSheet(self._getStyleSheet()) # Create vertical box layout which will contain two widgets: # - the group box title button (or title) on row 0. # - the container widget for all PM widgets on row 1. self._vBoxLayout = QVBoxLayout(self) self._vBoxLayout.setMargin(0) self._vBoxLayout.setSpacing(0) # _containerWidget contains all PM widgets in this group box. # Its sole purpose is to easily support the collapsing and # expanding of a group box by calling this widget's hide() # and show() methods. self._containerWidget = QWidget() self._vBoxLayout.insertWidget(0, self._containerWidget) # Create vertical box layout self.vBoxLayout = QVBoxLayout(self._containerWidget) self.vBoxLayout.setMargin(PM_GROUPBOX_VBOXLAYOUT_MARGIN) self.vBoxLayout.setSpacing(PM_GROUPBOX_VBOXLAYOUT_SPACING) # Create grid layout self.gridLayout = QGridLayout() self.gridLayout.setMargin(PM_GRIDLAYOUT_MARGIN) self.gridLayout.setSpacing(PM_GRIDLAYOUT_SPACING) # Insert grid layout in its own vBoxLayout self.vBoxLayout.addLayout(self.gridLayout) # Add title button (or just a title if the parent is not a PM_Dialog). if not parentWidget or isinstance(parentWidget, PM_GroupBox): self.setTitle(title) else: # Parent is a PM_Dialog, so add a title button. if not self.titleButtonRequested: self.setTitle(title) else: self.titleButton = self._getTitleButton(self, title) self._vBoxLayout.insertWidget(0, self.titleButton) if connectTitleButton: self.connect( self.titleButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.toggleExpandCollapse) self._insertMacSpacer() # Fixes the height of the group box. Very important. Mark 2007-05-29 self.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Policy(QSizePolicy.Preferred), QSizePolicy.Policy(QSizePolicy.Fixed))) self._addBottomSpacer() return def _insertMacSpacer(self, spacerHeight = 6): """ This addresses a Qt 4.3.5 layout bug on Mac OS X in which the title button will overlap with and cover the first widget in the group box. This workaround inserts a I{spacerHeight} tall spacer between the group box's title button and container widget. """ if sys.platform != "darwin": return self._macVerticalSpacer = QSpacerItem(10, spacerHeight, QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy.Fixed) self._vBoxLayout.insertItem(1, self._macVerticalSpacer) return def _addBottomSpacer(self): """ Add a vertical spacer below this group box. Method: Assume this is going to be the last group box in the PM, so set its spacer's vertical sizePolicy to MinimumExpanding. We then set the vertical sizePolicy of the last group box's spacer to Fixed and set its height to PM_GROUPBOX_SPACING. """ # Spacers are only added to groupboxes in the PropMgr, not # nested groupboxes. ## from PM.PM_Dialog import PM_Dialog ## if not isinstance(self.parentWidget, PM_Dialog): if not self.parentWidget or isinstance(self.parentWidget, PM_GroupBox): #bruce 071103 revised test to remove import cycle; I assume that # self.parentWidget is either a PM_GroupBox or a PM_Dialog, since # comments about similar code in __init__ imply that. # # A cleaner fix would involve asking self.parentWidget whether to # do this, with instances of PM_GroupBox and PM_Dialog giving # different answers, and making them both inherit an API class # which documents the method or attr with which we ask them that # question; the API class would be inherited by any object to # which PM_GroupBox's such as self can be added. # # Or, an even cleaner fix would just call a method in # self.parentWidget to do what this code does now (implemented # differently in PM_GroupBox and PM_Dialog). self.verticalSpacer = None return if self.parentWidget._lastGroupBox: # _lastGroupBox is no longer the last one. <self> will be the # _lastGroupBox, so we must change the verticalSpacer height # and sizePolicy of _lastGroupBox to be a fixed # spacer between it and <self>. defaultHeight = PM_GROUPBOX_SPACING self.parentWidget._lastGroupBox.verticalSpacer.changeSize( 10, defaultHeight, QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed) self.parentWidget._lastGroupBox.verticalSpacer.defaultHeight = \ defaultHeight # Add a 1 pixel high, MinimumExpanding VSpacer below this group box. # This keeps all group boxes in the PM layout squeezed together as # group boxes are expanded, collapsed, hidden and shown again. defaultHeight = 1 self.verticalSpacer = QSpacerItem(10, defaultHeight, QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding) self.verticalSpacer.defaultHeight = defaultHeight self.parentWidget.vBoxLayout.addItem(self.verticalSpacer) # This groupbox is now the last one in the PropMgr. self.parentWidget._lastGroupBox = self return def restoreDefault (self): """ Restores the default values for all widgets in this group box. """ for widget in self._widgetList: if debug_flags.atom_debug: print "PM_GroupBox.restoreDefault(): widget =", \ widget.objectName() widget.restoreDefault() return def getTitle(self): """ Returns the group box title. @return: The group box title. @rtype: str """ return self._title def setTitle(self, title): """ Sets the groupbox title to <title>. @param title: The group box title. @type title: str @attention: This overrides QGroupBox's setTitle() method. """ if not title: return # Create QLabel widget. if not self.labelWidget: self.labelWidget = QLabel() self.vBoxLayout.insertWidget(0, self.labelWidget) labelAlignment = PM_LABEL_LEFT_ALIGNMENT self.labelWidget.setAlignment(labelAlignment) self._title = title self.labelWidget.setText(title) return def getPmWidgetPlacementParameters(self, pmWidget): """ Returns all the layout parameters needed to place a PM_Widget in the group box grid layout. @param pmWidget: The PM widget. @type pmWidget: PM_Widget """ row = self._rowCount #PM_CheckBox doesn't have a label. So do the following to decide the #placement of the checkbox. (can be placed either in column 0 or 1 , #This also needs to be implemented for PM_RadioButton, but at present #the following code doesn't support PM_RadioButton. if isinstance(pmWidget, PM_CheckBox): spanWidth = pmWidget.spanWidth if not spanWidth: # Set the widget's row and column parameters. widgetRow = row widgetColumn = pmWidget.widgetColumn widgetSpanCols = 1 widgetAlignment = PM_LABEL_LEFT_ALIGNMENT rowIncrement = 1 #set a virtual label labelRow = row labelSpanCols = 1 labelAlignment = PM_LABEL_RIGHT_ALIGNMENT if widgetColumn == 0: labelColumn = 1 elif widgetColumn == 1: labelColumn = 0 else: # Set the widget's row and column parameters. widgetRow = row widgetColumn = pmWidget.widgetColumn widgetSpanCols = 2 widgetAlignment = PM_LABEL_LEFT_ALIGNMENT rowIncrement = 1 #no label labelRow = 0 labelColumn = 0 labelSpanCols = 0 labelAlignment = PM_LABEL_RIGHT_ALIGNMENT return widgetRow, \ widgetColumn, \ widgetSpanCols, \ widgetAlignment, \ rowIncrement, \ labelRow, \ labelColumn, \ labelSpanCols, \ labelAlignment label = pmWidget.label labelColumn = pmWidget.labelColumn spanWidth = pmWidget.spanWidth if not spanWidth: # This widget and its label are on the same row labelRow = row labelSpanCols = 1 labelAlignment = PM_LABEL_RIGHT_ALIGNMENT # Set the widget's row and column parameters. widgetRow = row widgetColumn = 1 widgetSpanCols = 1 widgetAlignment = PM_LABEL_LEFT_ALIGNMENT rowIncrement = 1 if labelColumn == 1: widgetColumn = 0 labelAlignment = PM_LABEL_LEFT_ALIGNMENT widgetAlignment = PM_LABEL_RIGHT_ALIGNMENT else: # This widget spans the full width of the groupbox if label: # The label and widget are on separate rows. # Set the label's row, column and alignment. labelRow = row labelColumn = 0 labelSpanCols = 2 # Set this widget's row and column parameters. widgetRow = row + 1 # Widget is below the label. widgetColumn = 0 widgetSpanCols = 2 rowIncrement = 2 else: # No label. Just the widget. labelRow = 0 labelColumn = 0 labelSpanCols = 0 # Set the widget's row and column parameters. widgetRow = row widgetColumn = 0 widgetSpanCols = 2 rowIncrement = 1 labelAlignment = PM_LABEL_LEFT_ALIGNMENT widgetAlignment = PM_LABEL_LEFT_ALIGNMENT return widgetRow, \ widgetColumn, \ widgetSpanCols, \ widgetAlignment, \ rowIncrement, \ labelRow, \ labelColumn, \ labelSpanCols, \ labelAlignment def addPmWidget(self, pmWidget): """ Add a PM widget and its label to this group box. @param pmWidget: The PM widget to add. @type pmWidget: PM_Widget """ # Get all the widget and label layout parameters. widgetRow, \ widgetColumn, \ widgetSpanCols, \ widgetAlignment, \ rowIncrement, \ labelRow, \ labelColumn, \ labelSpanCols, \ labelAlignment = \ self.getPmWidgetPlacementParameters(pmWidget) if pmWidget.labelWidget: #Create Label as a pixmap (instead of text) if a valid icon path #is provided labelPath = str(pmWidget.label) if labelPath and labelPath.startswith("ui/"): #bruce 080325 revised labelPixmap = getpixmap(labelPath) if not labelPixmap.isNull(): pmWidget.labelWidget.setPixmap(labelPixmap) pmWidget.labelWidget.setText('') self.gridLayout.addWidget( pmWidget.labelWidget, labelRow, labelColumn, 1, labelSpanCols, labelAlignment ) # The following is a workaround for a Qt bug. If addWidth()'s # <alignment> argument is not supplied, the widget spans the full # column width of the grid cell containing it. If <alignment> # is supplied, this desired behavior is lost and there is no # value that can be supplied to maintain the behavior (0 doesn't # work). The workaround is to call addWidget() without the <alignment> # argument. Mark 2007-07-27. if widgetAlignment == PM_LABEL_LEFT_ALIGNMENT: self.gridLayout.addWidget( pmWidget, widgetRow, widgetColumn, 1, widgetSpanCols) # aligment = 0 doesn't work. else: self.gridLayout.addWidget( pmWidget, widgetRow, widgetColumn, 1, widgetSpanCols, widgetAlignment ) self._widgetList.append(pmWidget) self._rowCount += rowIncrement return def getRowCount(self): """ Return the row count of gridlayout of L{PM_Groupbox} @return: The row count of L{self.gridlayout} @rtype: int """ return self._rowCount def incrementRowCount(self, increment = 1): """ Increment the row count of the gridlayout of L{PM_groupBox} @param increment: The incremental value @type increment: int """ self._rowCount += increment return def addQtWidget(self, qtWidget, column = 0, spanWidth = False): """ Add a Qt widget to this group box. @param qtWidget: The Qt widget to add. @type qtWidget: QWidget @warning: this method has not been tested yet. """ # Set the widget's row and column parameters. widgetRow = self._rowCount widgetColumn = column if spanWidth: widgetSpanCols = 2 else: widgetSpanCols = 1 self.gridLayout.addWidget( qtWidget, widgetRow, widgetColumn, 1, widgetSpanCols ) self._rowCount += 1 return def collapse(self): """ Collapse this group box i.e. hide all its contents and change the look and feel of the groupbox button. """ self.vBoxLayout.setMargin(0) self.vBoxLayout.setSpacing(0) self.gridLayout.setMargin(0) self.gridLayout.setSpacing(0) # The styleSheet contains the expand/collapse. styleSheet = self._getTitleButtonStyleSheet(showExpanded = False) self.titleButton.setStyleSheet(styleSheet) self._containerWidget.hide() self.expanded = False return def expand(self): """ Expand this group box i.e. show all its contents and change the look and feel of the groupbox button. """ self.vBoxLayout.setMargin(PM_GROUPBOX_VBOXLAYOUT_MARGIN) self.vBoxLayout.setSpacing(PM_GROUPBOX_VBOXLAYOUT_SPACING) self.gridLayout.setMargin(PM_GROUPBOX_GRIDLAYOUT_MARGIN) self.gridLayout.setSpacing(PM_GROUPBOX_GRIDLAYOUT_SPACING) # The styleSheet contains the expand/collapse. styleSheet = self._getTitleButtonStyleSheet(showExpanded = True) self.titleButton.setStyleSheet(styleSheet) self.expanded = True return def hide(self): """ Hides the group box . @see: L{show} """ QWidget.hide(self) if self.labelWidget: self.labelWidget.hide() # Change the spacer height to zero to "hide" it unless # self is the last GroupBox in the Property Manager. if self.parentWidget._lastGroupBox is self: return if self.verticalSpacer: self.verticalSpacer.changeSize(10, 0) return def show(self): """ Unhides the group box. @see: L{hide} """ if self.labelWidget: if self.parentWidget._lastGroupBox is self: return if self.verticalSpacer: self.verticalSpacer.changeSize(10, self.verticalSpacer.defaultHeight) return # Title Button Methods ##################################### def _getTitleButton(self, parentWidget = None, title = '', showExpanded = True ): """ Return the group box title push button. The push button is customized such that it appears as a title bar at the top of the group box. If the user clicks on this 'title bar' it sends a signal to open or close the group box. @param parentWidget: The parent dialog or group box containing this widget. @type parentWidget: PM_Dialog or PM_GroupBox @param title: The button title. @type title: str @param showExpanded: dDetermines whether the expand or collapse image is displayed on the title button. @type showExpanded: bool @see: L{_getTitleButtonStyleSheet()} @Note: Including a title button should only be legal if the parentWidget is a PM_Dialog. """ button = QPushButton(title, parentWidget) button.setFlat(False) button.setAutoFillBackground(True) button.setStyleSheet(self._getTitleButtonStyleSheet(showExpanded)) return button def _getTitleButtonStyleSheet(self, showExpanded = True): """ Returns the style sheet for a group box title button (or checkbox). @param showExpanded: Determines whether to include an expand or collapse icon. @type showExpanded: bool @return: The title button style sheet. @rtype: str """ # Need to move border color and text color to top # (make global constants). if showExpanded: styleSheet = \ "QPushButton {"\ "border-style: outset; "\ "border-width: 2px; "\ "border-color: #%s; "\ "border-radius: 2px; "\ "background-color: #%s; "\ "font: bold 12px 'Arial'; "\ "color: #%s; "\ "min-width: 10em; "\ "background-image: url(%s); "\ "background-position: right; "\ "background-repeat: no-repeat; "\ "text-align: left; "\ "}" % (QColor_to_Hex(pmGrpBoxButtonBorderColor), QColor_to_Hex(pmGrpBoxButtonColor), QColor_to_Hex(pmGrpBoxButtonTextColor), pmGrpBoxExpandedIconPath ) else: # Collapsed. styleSheet = \ "QPushButton {"\ "border-style: outset; "\ "border-width: 2px; "\ "border-color: #%s; "\ "border-radius: 2px; "\ "background-color: #%s; "\ "font: bold 12px 'Arial'; "\ "color: #%s; "\ "min-width: 10em; "\ "background-image: url(%s); "\ "background-position: right; "\ "background-repeat: no-repeat; "\ "text-align: left; "\ "}" % (QColor_to_Hex(pmGrpBoxButtonBorderColor), QColor_to_Hex(pmGrpBoxButtonColor), QColor_to_Hex(pmGrpBoxButtonTextColor), pmGrpBoxCollapsedIconPath ) return styleSheet def toggleExpandCollapse(self): """ Slot method for the title button to expand/collapse the group box. """ if self._widgetList: if self.expanded: self.collapse() else: # Expand groupbox by showing all widgets in groupbox. self.expand() else: print "Clicking on the group box button has no effect "\ "since it has no widgets." return # GroupBox stylesheet methods. ############################## def _getStyleSheet(self): """ Return the style sheet for the groupbox. This sets the following properties only: - border style - border width - border color - border radius (on corners) - background color @return: The group box style sheet. @rtype: str """ styleSheet = \ "QGroupBox {"\ "border-style: solid; "\ "border-width: 1px; "\ "border-color: #%s; "\ "border-radius: 0px; "\ "background-color: #%s; "\ "min-width: 10em; "\ "}" % ( QColor_to_Hex(pmGrpBoxBorderColor), QColor_to_Hex(pmGrpBoxColor) ) return styleSheet
def do_layout(self): self.central_widget.clear() self.labels = [] sto = QWidget.setTabOrder self.central_widget.tabBar().setVisible(False) tab0 = QWidget(self) self.central_widget.addTab(tab0, _("&Metadata")) l = QGridLayout() tab0.setLayout(l) # Basic metadata in col 0 tl = QGridLayout() gb = QGroupBox(_('Basic metadata'), tab0) l.addWidget(gb, 0, 0, 1, 1) gb.setLayout(tl) self.button_box_layout.insertWidget(1, self.fetch_metadata_button) self.button_box_layout.insertWidget(2, self.config_metadata_button) sto(self.button_box, self.fetch_metadata_button) sto(self.fetch_metadata_button, self.config_metadata_button) sto(self.config_metadata_button, self.title) def create_row(row, widget, tab_to, button=None, icon=None, span=1): ql = BuddyLabel(widget) tl.addWidget(ql, row, 1, 1, 1) tl.addWidget(widget, row, 2, 1, 1) if button is not None: tl.addWidget(button, row, 3, span, 1) if icon is not None: button.setIcon(QIcon(I(icon))) if tab_to is not None: if button is not None: sto(widget, button) sto(button, tab_to) else: sto(widget, tab_to) tl.addWidget(self.swap_title_author_button, 0, 0, 2, 1) tl.addWidget(self.manage_authors_button, 2, 0, 2, 1) tl.addWidget(self.paste_isbn_button, 12, 0, 1, 1) tl.addWidget(self.tags_editor_button, 6, 0, 1, 1) create_row(0, self.title, self.title_sort, button=self.deduce_title_sort_button, span=2, icon='auto_author_sort.png') create_row(1, self.title_sort, self.authors) create_row(2, self.authors, self.author_sort, button=self.deduce_author_sort_button, span=2, icon='auto_author_sort.png') create_row(3, self.author_sort, self.series) create_row(4, self.series, self.series_index, button=self.clear_series_button, icon='trash.png') create_row(5, self.series_index, self.tags) create_row(6, self.tags, self.rating, button=self.clear_tags_button) create_row(7, self.rating, self.pubdate, button=self.clear_ratings_button) create_row(8, self.pubdate, self.publisher, button=self.pubdate.clear_button, icon='trash.png') create_row(9, self.publisher, self.languages) create_row(10, self.languages, self.timestamp) create_row(11, self.timestamp, self.identifiers, button=self.timestamp.clear_button, icon='trash.png') create_row(12, self.identifiers, self.comments, button=self.clear_identifiers_button, icon='trash.png') sto(self.clear_identifiers_button, self.swap_title_author_button) sto(self.swap_title_author_button, self.manage_authors_button) sto(self.manage_authors_button, self.tags_editor_button) sto(self.tags_editor_button, self.paste_isbn_button) tl.addItem(QSpacerItem(1, 1, QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Expanding), 13, 1, 1, 1) # Custom metadata in col 1 w = getattr(self, 'custom_metadata_widgets_parent', None) if w is not None: gb = QGroupBox(_('Custom metadata'), tab0) gbl = QVBoxLayout() gb.setLayout(gbl) sr = QScrollArea(gb) sr.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) sr.setWidgetResizable(True) sr.setFrameStyle(QFrame.NoFrame) sr.setWidget(w) gbl.addWidget(sr) l.addWidget(gb, 0, 1, 1, 1) sp = QSizePolicy() sp.setVerticalStretch(10) sp.setHorizontalPolicy(QSizePolicy.Minimum) sp.setVerticalPolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding) gb.setSizePolicy(sp) self.set_custom_metadata_tab_order() # comments span col 0 & 1 w = QGroupBox(_('Comments'), tab0) sp = QSizePolicy() sp.setVerticalStretch(10) sp.setHorizontalPolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding) sp.setVerticalPolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding) w.setSizePolicy(sp) lb = QHBoxLayout() w.setLayout(lb) lb.addWidget(self.comments) l.addWidget(w, 1, 0, 1, 2) # Cover & formats in col 3 gb = QGroupBox(_('Cover'), tab0) lb = QGridLayout() gb.setLayout(lb) lb.addWidget(self.cover, 0, 0, 1, 3, alignment=Qt.AlignCenter) sto(self.manage_authors_button, self.cover.buttons[0]) for i, b in enumerate(self.cover.buttons[:3]): lb.addWidget(b, 1, i, 1, 1) sto(b, self.cover.buttons[i + 1]) hl = QHBoxLayout() for b in self.cover.buttons[3:]: hl.addWidget(b) sto(self.cover.buttons[-2], self.cover.buttons[-1]) lb.addLayout(hl, 2, 0, 1, 3) l.addWidget(gb, 0, 2, 1, 1) l.addWidget(self.formats_manager, 1, 2, 1, 1) sto(self.cover.buttons[-1], self.formats_manager) self.formats_manager.formats.setMaximumWidth(10000) self.formats_manager.formats.setIconSize(QSize(32, 32))
def do_layout(self): self.central_widget.clear() self.tabs = [] self.labels = [] sto = QWidget.setTabOrder self.on_drag_enter.connect(self.handle_drag_enter) self.tabs.append(DragTrackingWidget(self, self.on_drag_enter)) self.central_widget.addTab(self.tabs[0], _("&Metadata")) self.tabs[0].l = QGridLayout() self.tabs[0].setLayout(self.tabs[0].l) self.tabs.append(QWidget(self)) self.central_widget.addTab(self.tabs[1], _("&Cover and formats")) self.tabs[1].l = QGridLayout() self.tabs[1].setLayout(self.tabs[1].l) # accept drop events so we can automatically switch to the second tab to # drop covers and formats self.tabs[0].setAcceptDrops(True) # Tab 0 tab0 = self.tabs[0] tl = QGridLayout() gb = QGroupBox(_('&Basic metadata'), self.tabs[0]) self.tabs[0].l.addWidget(gb, 0, 0, 1, 1) gb.setLayout(tl) self.button_box_layout.insertWidget(1, self.fetch_metadata_button) self.button_box_layout.insertWidget(2, self.config_metadata_button) sto(self.button_box, self.fetch_metadata_button) sto(self.fetch_metadata_button, self.config_metadata_button) sto(self.config_metadata_button, self.title) def create_row(row, widget, tab_to, button=None, icon=None, span=1): ql = BuddyLabel(widget) tl.addWidget(ql, row, 1, 1, 1) tl.addWidget(widget, row, 2, 1, 1) if button is not None: tl.addWidget(button, row, 3, span, 1) if icon is not None: button.setIcon(QIcon(I(icon))) if tab_to is not None: if button is not None: sto(widget, button) sto(button, tab_to) else: sto(widget, tab_to) tl.addWidget(self.swap_title_author_button, 0, 0, 2, 1) tl.addWidget(self.manage_authors_button, 2, 0, 1, 1) tl.addWidget(self.paste_isbn_button, 12, 0, 1, 1) tl.addWidget(self.tags_editor_button, 6, 0, 1, 1) create_row(0, self.title, self.title_sort, button=self.deduce_title_sort_button, span=2, icon='auto_author_sort.png') create_row(1, self.title_sort, self.authors) create_row(2, self.authors, self.author_sort, button=self.deduce_author_sort_button, span=2, icon='auto_author_sort.png') create_row(3, self.author_sort, self.series) create_row(4, self.series, self.series_index, button=self.clear_series_button, icon='trash.png') create_row(5, self.series_index, self.tags) create_row(6, self.tags, self.rating, button=self.clear_tags_button) create_row(7, self.rating, self.pubdate, button=self.clear_ratings_button) create_row(8, self.pubdate, self.publisher, button=self.pubdate.clear_button, icon='trash.png') create_row(9, self.publisher, self.languages) create_row(10, self.languages, self.timestamp) create_row(11, self.timestamp, self.identifiers, button=self.timestamp.clear_button, icon='trash.png') create_row(12, self.identifiers, self.comments, button=self.clear_identifiers_button, icon='trash.png') sto(self.clear_identifiers_button, self.swap_title_author_button) sto(self.swap_title_author_button, self.manage_authors_button) sto(self.manage_authors_button, self.tags_editor_button) sto(self.tags_editor_button, self.paste_isbn_button) tl.addItem(QSpacerItem(1, 1, QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Expanding), 13, 1, 1, 1) w = getattr(self, 'custom_metadata_widgets_parent', None) if w is not None: gb = QGroupBox(_('C&ustom metadata'), tab0) gbl = QVBoxLayout() gb.setLayout(gbl) sr = QScrollArea(tab0) sr.setWidgetResizable(True) sr.setFrameStyle(QFrame.NoFrame) sr.setWidget(w) gbl.addWidget(sr) self.tabs[0].l.addWidget(gb, 0, 1, 1, 1) sto(self.identifiers, gb) w = QGroupBox(_('&Comments'), tab0) sp = QSizePolicy() sp.setVerticalStretch(10) sp.setHorizontalPolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding) sp.setVerticalPolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding) w.setSizePolicy(sp) l = QHBoxLayout() w.setLayout(l) l.addWidget(self.comments) tab0.l.addWidget(w, 1, 0, 1, 2) # Tab 1 tab1 = self.tabs[1] wsp = QWidget(tab1) wgl = QVBoxLayout() wsp.setLayout(wgl) # right-hand side of splitter gb = QGroupBox(_('Change cover'), tab1) l = QGridLayout() gb.setLayout(l) for i, b in enumerate(self.cover.buttons[:3]): l.addWidget(b, 0, i, 1, 1) sto(b, self.cover.buttons[i + 1]) hl = QHBoxLayout() for b in self.cover.buttons[3:]: hl.addWidget(b) sto(self.cover.buttons[-2], self.cover.buttons[-1]) l.addLayout(hl, 1, 0, 1, 3) wgl.addWidget(gb) wgl.addItem( QSpacerItem(10, 10, QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding)) wgl.addItem( QSpacerItem(10, 10, QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding)) wgl.addWidget(self.formats_manager) self.splitter = QSplitter(Qt.Horizontal, tab1) tab1.l.addWidget(self.splitter) self.splitter.addWidget(self.cover) self.splitter.addWidget(wsp) self.formats_manager.formats.setMaximumWidth(10000) self.formats_manager.formats.setIconSize(QSize(64, 64))
def do_layout(self): if len(self.db.custom_column_label_map) == 0: self.central_widget.tabBar().setVisible(False) self.central_widget.clear() self.tabs = [] self.labels = [] self.tabs.append(QWidget(self)) self.central_widget.addTab(self.tabs[0], _("&Basic metadata")) self.tabs[0].l = l = QVBoxLayout() self.tabs[0].tl = tl = QGridLayout() self.tabs[0].setLayout(l) w = getattr(self, 'custom_metadata_widgets_parent', None) if w is not None: self.tabs.append(w) self.central_widget.addTab(w, _('&Custom metadata')) l.addLayout(tl) l.addItem(QSpacerItem(10, 15, QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Fixed)) sto = QWidget.setTabOrder sto(self.button_box, self.fetch_metadata_button) sto(self.fetch_metadata_button, self.config_metadata_button) sto(self.config_metadata_button, self.title) def create_row(row, one, two, three, col=1, icon='forward.png'): ql = BuddyLabel(one) tl.addWidget(ql, row, col + 0, 1, 1) self.labels.append(ql) tl.addWidget(one, row, col + 1, 1, 1) if two is not None: tl.addWidget(two, row, col + 2, 1, 1) two.setIcon(QIcon(I(icon))) ql = BuddyLabel(three) tl.addWidget(ql, row, col + 3, 1, 1) self.labels.append(ql) tl.addWidget(three, row, col + 4, 1, 1) sto(one, two) sto(two, three) tl.addWidget(self.swap_title_author_button, 0, 0, 1, 1) tl.addWidget(self.manage_authors_button, 1, 0, 1, 1) create_row(0, self.title, self.deduce_title_sort_button, self.title_sort) sto(self.title_sort, self.authors) create_row(1, self.authors, self.deduce_author_sort_button, self.author_sort) sto(self.author_sort, self.series) create_row(2, self.series, self.clear_series_button, self.series_index, icon='trash.png') sto(self.series_index, self.swap_title_author_button) sto(self.swap_title_author_button, self.manage_authors_button) tl.addWidget(self.formats_manager, 0, 6, 3, 1) self.splitter = Splitter(Qt.Horizontal, self) self.splitter.addWidget(self.cover) self.splitter.frame_resized.connect(self.cover.frame_resized) l.addWidget(self.splitter) self.tabs[0].gb = gb = QGroupBox(_('Change cover'), self) gb.l = l = QGridLayout() gb.setLayout(l) sto(self.manage_authors_button, self.cover.buttons[0]) for i, b in enumerate(self.cover.buttons[:3]): l.addWidget(b, 0, i, 1, 1) sto(b, self.cover.buttons[i + 1]) gb.hl = QHBoxLayout() for b in self.cover.buttons[3:]: gb.hl.addWidget(b) sto(self.cover.buttons[-2], self.cover.buttons[-1]) l.addLayout(gb.hl, 1, 0, 1, 3) self.tabs[0].middle = w = QWidget(self) w.l = l = QGridLayout() w.setLayout(w.l) self.splitter.addWidget(w) def create_row2(row, widget, button=None, front_button=None): row += 1 ql = BuddyLabel(widget) if front_button: ltl = QHBoxLayout() ltl.addWidget(front_button) ltl.addWidget(ql) l.addLayout(ltl, row, 0, 1, 1) else: l.addWidget(ql, row, 0, 1, 1) l.addWidget(widget, row, 1, 1, 2 if button is None else 1) if button is not None: l.addWidget(button, row, 2, 1, 1) if button is not None: sto(widget, button) l.addWidget(gb, 0, 0, 1, 3) self.tabs[0].spc_one = QSpacerItem(10, 10, QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) l.addItem(self.tabs[0].spc_one, 1, 0, 1, 3) sto(self.cover.buttons[-1], self.rating) create_row2(1, self.rating, self.clear_ratings_button) sto(self.rating, self.clear_ratings_button) sto(self.clear_ratings_button, self.tags_editor_button) sto(self.tags_editor_button, self.tags) create_row2(2, self.tags, self.clear_tags_button, front_button=self.tags_editor_button) sto(self.clear_tags_button, self.paste_isbn_button) sto(self.paste_isbn_button, self.identifiers) create_row2(3, self.identifiers, self.clear_identifiers_button, front_button=self.paste_isbn_button) sto(self.clear_identifiers_button, self.timestamp) create_row2(4, self.timestamp, self.timestamp.clear_button) sto(self.timestamp.clear_button, self.pubdate) create_row2(5, self.pubdate, self.pubdate.clear_button) sto(self.pubdate.clear_button, self.publisher) create_row2(6, self.publisher) sto(self.publisher, self.languages) create_row2(7, self.languages) self.tabs[0].spc_two = QSpacerItem(10, 10, QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) l.addItem(self.tabs[0].spc_two, 9, 0, 1, 3) l.addWidget(self.fetch_metadata_button, 10, 0, 1, 2) l.addWidget(self.config_metadata_button, 10, 2, 1, 1) self.tabs[0].gb2 = gb = QGroupBox(_('Co&mments'), self) gb.l = l = QVBoxLayout() gb.setLayout(l) l.addWidget(self.comments) self.splitter.addWidget(gb) self.set_custom_metadata_tab_order()
def __init__(self, parent=None): QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.l = gl = QGridLayout(self) self.setLayout(gl) self.changed = False self.bars = b = QComboBox(self) b.addItem(_('Choose which toolbar you want to customize')) ft = _('Tools for %s editors') for name, text in ( ( 'global_book_toolbar', _('Book wide actions'), ), ( 'global_tools_toolbar', _('Book wide tools'), ), ( 'editor_html_toolbar', ft % 'HTML', ), ( 'editor_css_toolbar', ft % 'CSS', ), ( 'editor_xml_toolbar', ft % 'XML', ), ( 'editor_format_toolbar', _('Text formatting actions'), ), ): b.addItem(text, name) = la = QLabel(_('&Toolbar to customize:')) la.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed) la.setBuddy(b) gl.addWidget(la), gl.addWidget(b, 0, 1) = l = QGridLayout() gl.addLayout(l, 1, 0, 1, -1) self.gb1 = gb1 = QGroupBox(_('A&vailable actions'), self) self.gb2 = gb2 = QGroupBox(_('&Current actions'), self) gb1.setFlat(True), gb2.setFlat(True) gb1.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) gb2.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) l.addWidget(gb1, 0, 0, -1, 1), l.addWidget(gb2, 0, 2, -1, 1) self.available, self.current = ToolbarList(self), ToolbarList(self) self.ub = b = QToolButton(self) b.clicked.connect(partial(self.move, up=True)) b.setToolTip(_('Move selected action up')), b.setIcon( QIcon(I('arrow-up.png'))) self.db = b = QToolButton(self) b.clicked.connect(partial(self.move, up=False)) b.setToolTip(_('Move selected action down')), b.setIcon( QIcon(I('arrow-down.png'))) self.gl1 = gl1 = QVBoxLayout() gl1.addWidget(self.available), gb1.setLayout(gl1) self.gl2 = gl2 = QGridLayout() gl2.addWidget(self.current, 0, 0, -1, 1) gl2.addWidget(self.ub, 0, 1), gl2.addWidget(self.db, 2, 1) gb2.setLayout(gl2) = b = QToolButton(self) b.setToolTip(_('Add selected actions to toolbar')), b.setIcon( QIcon(I('forward.png'))) l.addWidget(b, 1, 1), b.clicked.connect(self.add_action) self.rb = b = QToolButton(self) b.setToolTip(_('Remove selected actions from toolbar')), b.setIcon( QIcon(I('back.png'))) l.addWidget(b, 3, 1), b.clicked.connect(self.remove_action) = QSpacerItem(20, 10, hPolicy=QSizePolicy.Preferred, vPolicy=QSizePolicy.Expanding) l.setRowStretch(0, 10), l.setRowStretch(2, 10), l.setRowStretch(4, 10) l.addItem(, 4, 1) self.read_settings() self.toggle_visibility(False) self.bars.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.bar_changed)
def setupUi(self): """ Setup the UI for the command toolbar. """ #ninad 070123 : It's important to set the Vertical size policy of the # cmd toolbar widget. otherwise the flyout QToolbar messes up the #layout (makes the command toolbar twice as big) #I have set the vertical policy as fixed. Works fine. There are some # MainWindow resizing problems for but those are not due to this #size policy AFAIK self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Fixed) layout_cmdtoolbar = QHBoxLayout(self) layout_cmdtoolbar.setMargin(2) layout_cmdtoolbar.setSpacing(2) #See comment at the top for details about this flag if DEFINE_CONTROL_AREA_AS_A_QWIDGET: self.cmdToolbarControlArea = QWidget(self) else: self.cmdToolbarControlArea = QToolBar_WikiHelp(self) self.cmdToolbarControlArea.setAutoFillBackground(True) self.ctrlAreaPalette = self.getCmdMgrCtrlAreaPalette() self.cmdToolbarControlArea.setPalette(self.ctrlAreaPalette) self.cmdToolbarControlArea.setMinimumHeight(62) self.cmdToolbarControlArea.setMinimumWidth(380) self.cmdToolbarControlArea.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed) #See comment at the top for details about this flag if DEFINE_CONTROL_AREA_AS_A_QWIDGET: layout_controlArea = QHBoxLayout(self.cmdToolbarControlArea) layout_controlArea.setMargin(0) layout_controlArea.setSpacing(0) self.cmdButtonGroup = QButtonGroup() btn_index = 0 for name in ('Build', 'Insert', 'Tools', 'Move', 'Simulation'): btn = QToolButton(self.cmdToolbarControlArea) btn.setObjectName(name) btn.setMinimumWidth(75) btn.setMaximumWidth(75) btn.setMinimumHeight(62) btn.setAutoRaise(True) btn.setCheckable(True) btn.setAutoExclusive(True) iconpath = "ui/actions/Command Toolbar/ControlArea/" + name + ".png" btn.setIcon(geticon(iconpath)) btn.setIconSize(QSize(22, 22)) btn.setText(name) btn.setToolButtonStyle(Qt.ToolButtonTextUnderIcon) btn.setPalette(self.ctrlAreaPalette) self.cmdButtonGroup.addButton(btn, btn_index) btn_index += 1 #See comment at the top for details about this flag if DEFINE_CONTROL_AREA_AS_A_QWIDGET: layout_controlArea.addWidget(btn) else: self.cmdToolbarControlArea.layout().addWidget(btn) #following has issues. so not adding widget directly to the #toolbar. (instead adding it in its layout)-- ninad 070124 ##self.cmdToolbarControlArea.addWidget(btn) layout_cmdtoolbar.addWidget(self.cmdToolbarControlArea) #Flyout Toolbar in the command toolbar self.flyoutToolBar = FlyoutToolBar(self) layout_cmdtoolbar.addWidget(self.flyoutToolBar) #ninad 070116: Define a spacer item. It will have the exact geometry # as that of the flyout toolbar. it is added to the command toolbar # layout only when the Flyout Toolbar is hidden. It is required # to keep the 'Control Area' widget fixed in its place (otherwise, #after hiding the flyout toolbar, the layout adjusts the position of #remaining widget items) self.spacerItem = QSpacerItem(0, 0, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Minimum) self.spacerItem.setGeometry = self.flyoutToolBar.geometry() for btn in self.cmdButtonGroup.buttons(): if str(btn.objectName()) == 'Build': btn.setMenu( btn.setPopupMode(QToolButton.MenuButtonPopup) btn.setToolTip("Build Commands") whatsThisTextForCommandToolbarBuildButton(btn) if str(btn.objectName()) == 'Insert': btn.setMenu( btn.setPopupMode(QToolButton.MenuButtonPopup) btn.setToolTip("Insert Commands") whatsThisTextForCommandToolbarInsertButton(btn) if str(btn.objectName()) == 'Tools': #fyi: cmd stands for 'command toolbar' - ninad070406 = QtGui.QMenu( btn.setMenu( btn.setPopupMode(QToolButton.MenuButtonPopup) btn.setToolTip("Tools") whatsThisTextForCommandToolbarToolsButton(btn) if str(btn.objectName()) == 'Move': = QtGui.QMenu(\ ## btn.setMenu( btn.setPopupMode(QToolButton.MenuButtonPopup) btn.setToolTip("Move Commands") whatsThisTextForCommandToolbarMoveButton(btn) if str(btn.objectName()) == 'Dimension': btn.setMenu( btn.setPopupMode(QToolButton.MenuButtonPopup) btn.setToolTip("Dimensioning Commands") if str(btn.objectName()) == 'Simulation': btn.setMenu( btn.setPopupMode(QToolButton.MenuButtonPopup) btn.setToolTip("Simulation Commands") whatsThisTextForCommandToolbarSimulationButton(btn) # Convert all "img" tags in the button's "What's This" text # into abs paths (from their original rel paths). # Partially fixes bug 2943. --mark 2008-12-07 # [bruce 081209 revised this -- removed mac = False] fix_QAction_whatsthis(btn) return
def __init__(self, db, book_id_map, parent=None): from calibre.ebooks.oeb.polish.main import HELP QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.db, self.book_id_map = weakref.ref(db), book_id_map self.setWindowIcon(QIcon(I('polish.png'))) title = _('Polish book') if len(book_id_map) > 1: title = _('Polish %d books')%len(book_id_map) self.setWindowTitle(title) self.help_text = { 'polish': _('<h3>About Polishing books</h3>%s')%HELP['about'].format( _('''<p>If you have both EPUB and ORIGINAL_EPUB in your book, then polishing will run on ORIGINAL_EPUB (the same for other ORIGINAL_* formats). So if you want Polishing to not run on the ORIGINAL_* format, delete the ORIGINAL_* format before running it.</p>''') ), 'embed':_('<h3>Embed referenced fonts</h3>%s')%HELP['embed'], 'subset':_('<h3>Subsetting fonts</h3>%s')%HELP['subset'], 'smarten_punctuation': _('<h3>Smarten punctuation</h3>%s')%HELP['smarten_punctuation'], 'metadata':_('<h3>Updating metadata</h3>' '<p>This will update all metadata <i>except</i> the cover in the' ' ebook files to match the current metadata in the' ' calibre library.</p>' ' <p>Note that most ebook' ' formats are not capable of supporting all the' ' metadata in calibre.</p><p>There is a separate option to' ' update the cover.</p>'), 'do_cover': _('<h3>Update cover</h3><p>Update the covers in the ebook files to match the' ' current cover in the calibre library.</p>' '<p>If the ebook file does not have' ' an identifiable cover, a new cover is inserted.</p>' ), 'jacket':_('<h3>Book Jacket</h3>%s')%HELP['jacket'], 'remove_jacket':_('<h3>Remove Book Jacket</h3>%s')%HELP['remove_jacket'], 'remove_unused_css':_('<h3>Remove unused CSS rules</h3>%s')%HELP['remove_unused_css'], } self.l = l = QGridLayout() self.setLayout(l) = la = QLabel('<b>'+_('Select actions to perform:')) l.addWidget(la, 0, 0, 1, 2) count = 0 self.all_actions = OrderedDict([ ('embed', _('&Embed all referenced fonts')), ('subset', _('&Subset all embedded fonts')), ('smarten_punctuation', _('Smarten &punctuation')), ('metadata', _('Update &metadata in the book files')), ('do_cover', _('Update the &cover in the book files')), ('jacket', _('Add metadata as a "book &jacket" page')), ('remove_jacket', _('&Remove a previously inserted book jacket')), ('remove_unused_css', _('Remove &unused CSS rules from the book')), ]) prefs = gprefs.get('polishing_settings', {}) for name, text in self.all_actions.iteritems(): count += 1 x = QCheckBox(text, self) x.setChecked(prefs.get(name, False)) x.stateChanged.connect(partial(self.option_toggled, name)) l.addWidget(x, count, 0, 1, 1) setattr(self, 'opt_'+name, x) la = QLabel(' <a href="#%s">%s</a>'%(name, _('About'))) setattr(self, 'label_'+name, x) la.linkActivated.connect(self.help_link_activated) l.addWidget(la, count, 1, 1, 1) count += 1 l.addItem(QSpacerItem(10, 10, vPolicy=QSizePolicy.Expanding), count, 1, 1, 2) la = self.help_label = QLabel('') self.help_link_activated('#polish') la.setWordWrap(True) la.setTextFormat(Qt.RichText) la.setFrameShape(QFrame.StyledPanel) la.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft|Qt.AlignTop) la.setLineWidth(2) la.setStyleSheet('QLabel { margin-left: 75px }') l.addWidget(la, 0, 2, count+1, 1) l.setColumnStretch(2, 1) self.show_reports = sr = QCheckBox(_('Show &report'), self) sr.setChecked(gprefs.get('polish_show_reports', True)) sr.setToolTip(textwrap.fill(_('Show a report of all the actions performed' ' after polishing is completed'))) l.addWidget(sr, count+1, 0, 1, 1) = bb = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok|QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) bb.accepted.connect(self.accept) bb.rejected.connect(self.reject) self.save_button = sb = bb.addButton(_('&Save Settings'), bb.ActionRole) sb.clicked.connect(self.save_settings) self.load_button = lb = bb.addButton(_('&Load Settings'), bb.ActionRole) self.load_menu = QMenu(lb) lb.setMenu(self.load_menu) self.all_button = b = bb.addButton(_('Select &all'), bb.ActionRole) b.clicked.connect(partial(self.select_all, True)) self.none_button = b = bb.addButton(_('Select &none'), bb.ActionRole) b.clicked.connect(partial(self.select_all, False)) l.addWidget(bb, count+1, 1, 1, -1) self.setup_load_button() self.resize(QSize(950, 600))
def __init__(self, plugin_action): QWidget.__init__(self) self.parent = plugin_action self.gui = get_gui() self.icon = plugin_action.icon self.opts = plugin_action.opts self.prefs = plugin_prefs self.resources_path = plugin_action.resources_path self.verbose = plugin_action.verbose self.restart_required = False self._log_location() self.l = QGridLayout() self.setLayout(self.l) self.column1_layout = QVBoxLayout() self.l.addLayout(self.column1_layout, 0, 0) self.column2_layout = QVBoxLayout() self.l.addLayout(self.column2_layout, 0, 1) # ----------------------------- Column 1 ----------------------------- # ~~~~~~~~ Create the Custom fields options group box ~~~~~~~~ self.cfg_custom_fields_gb = QGroupBox(self) self.cfg_custom_fields_gb.setTitle('Custom column assignments') self.column1_layout.addWidget(self.cfg_custom_fields_gb) self.cfg_custom_fields_qgl = QGridLayout(self.cfg_custom_fields_gb) current_row = 0 # ++++++++ Labels + HLine ++++++++ self.marvin_source_label = QLabel("Marvin source") self.cfg_custom_fields_qgl.addWidget(self.marvin_source_label, current_row, 0) self.calibre_destination_label = QLabel("calibre destination") self.cfg_custom_fields_qgl.addWidget(self.calibre_destination_label, current_row, 1) current_row += 1 self.sd_hl = QFrame(self.cfg_custom_fields_gb) self.sd_hl.setFrameShape(QFrame.HLine) self.sd_hl.setFrameShadow(QFrame.Raised) self.cfg_custom_fields_qgl.addWidget(self.sd_hl, current_row, 0, 1, 3) current_row += 1 # ++++++++ Annotations ++++++++ self.cfg_annotations_label = QLabel('Annotations') self.cfg_annotations_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft) self.cfg_custom_fields_qgl.addWidget(self.cfg_annotations_label, current_row, 0) self.annotations_field_comboBox = QComboBox(self.cfg_custom_fields_gb) self.annotations_field_comboBox.setObjectName( 'annotations_field_comboBox') self.annotations_field_comboBox.setToolTip( 'Select a custom column to store Marvin annotations') self.cfg_custom_fields_qgl.addWidget(self.annotations_field_comboBox, current_row, 1) self.cfg_highlights_wizard = QToolButton() self.cfg_highlights_wizard.setIcon(QIcon(I('wizard.png'))) self.cfg_highlights_wizard.setToolTip( "Create a custom column to store Marvin annotations") self.cfg_highlights_wizard.clicked.connect( partial(self.launch_cc_wizard, 'Annotations')) self.cfg_custom_fields_qgl.addWidget(self.cfg_highlights_wizard, current_row, 2) current_row += 1 # ++++++++ Collections ++++++++ self.cfg_collections_label = QLabel('Collections') self.cfg_collections_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft) self.cfg_custom_fields_qgl.addWidget(self.cfg_collections_label, current_row, 0) self.collection_field_comboBox = QComboBox(self.cfg_custom_fields_gb) self.collection_field_comboBox.setObjectName( 'collection_field_comboBox') self.collection_field_comboBox.setToolTip( 'Select a custom column to store Marvin collection assignments') self.cfg_custom_fields_qgl.addWidget(self.collection_field_comboBox, current_row, 1) self.cfg_collections_wizard = QToolButton() self.cfg_collections_wizard.setIcon(QIcon(I('wizard.png'))) self.cfg_collections_wizard.setToolTip( "Create a custom column for Marvin collection assignments") self.cfg_collections_wizard.clicked.connect( partial(self.launch_cc_wizard, 'Collections')) self.cfg_custom_fields_qgl.addWidget(self.cfg_collections_wizard, current_row, 2) current_row += 1 # ++++++++ Last read ++++++++ self.cfg_date_read_label = QLabel("Last read") self.cfg_date_read_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft) self.cfg_custom_fields_qgl.addWidget(self.cfg_date_read_label, current_row, 0) self.date_read_field_comboBox = QComboBox(self.cfg_custom_fields_gb) self.date_read_field_comboBox.setObjectName('date_read_field_comboBox') self.date_read_field_comboBox.setToolTip( 'Select a custom column to store Last read date') self.cfg_custom_fields_qgl.addWidget(self.date_read_field_comboBox, current_row, 1) self.cfg_collections_wizard = QToolButton() self.cfg_collections_wizard.setIcon(QIcon(I('wizard.png'))) self.cfg_collections_wizard.setToolTip( "Create a custom column to store Last read date") self.cfg_collections_wizard.clicked.connect( partial(self.launch_cc_wizard, 'Last read')) self.cfg_custom_fields_qgl.addWidget(self.cfg_collections_wizard, current_row, 2) current_row += 1 # ++++++++ Progress ++++++++ self.cfg_progress_label = QLabel('Progress') self.cfg_progress_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft) self.cfg_custom_fields_qgl.addWidget(self.cfg_progress_label, current_row, 0) self.progress_field_comboBox = QComboBox(self.cfg_custom_fields_gb) self.progress_field_comboBox.setObjectName('progress_field_comboBox') self.progress_field_comboBox.setToolTip( 'Select a custom column to store Marvin reading progress') self.cfg_custom_fields_qgl.addWidget(self.progress_field_comboBox, current_row, 1) self.cfg_progress_wizard = QToolButton() self.cfg_progress_wizard.setIcon(QIcon(I('wizard.png'))) self.cfg_progress_wizard.setToolTip( "Create a custom column to store Marvin reading progress") self.cfg_progress_wizard.clicked.connect( partial(self.launch_cc_wizard, 'Progress')) self.cfg_custom_fields_qgl.addWidget(self.cfg_progress_wizard, current_row, 2) current_row += 1 # ++++++++ Read flag ++++++++ self.cfg_read_label = QLabel('Read') self.cfg_read_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft) self.cfg_custom_fields_qgl.addWidget(self.cfg_read_label, current_row, 0) self.read_field_comboBox = QComboBox(self.cfg_custom_fields_gb) self.read_field_comboBox.setObjectName('read_field_comboBox') self.read_field_comboBox.setToolTip( 'Select a custom column to store Marvin Read status') self.cfg_custom_fields_qgl.addWidget(self.read_field_comboBox, current_row, 1) self.cfg_read_wizard = QToolButton() self.cfg_read_wizard.setIcon(QIcon(I('wizard.png'))) self.cfg_read_wizard.setToolTip( "Create a custom column to store Marvin Read status") self.cfg_read_wizard.clicked.connect( partial(self.launch_cc_wizard, 'Read')) self.cfg_custom_fields_qgl.addWidget(self.cfg_read_wizard, current_row, 2) current_row += 1 # ++++++++ Reading list flag ++++++++ self.cfg_reading_list_label = QLabel('Reading list') self.cfg_reading_list_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft) self.cfg_custom_fields_qgl.addWidget(self.cfg_reading_list_label, current_row, 0) self.reading_list_field_comboBox = QComboBox(self.cfg_custom_fields_gb) self.reading_list_field_comboBox.setObjectName( 'reading_list_field_comboBox') self.reading_list_field_comboBox.setToolTip( 'Select a custom column to store Marvin Reading list status') self.cfg_custom_fields_qgl.addWidget(self.reading_list_field_comboBox, current_row, 1) self.cfg_reading_list_wizard = QToolButton() self.cfg_reading_list_wizard.setIcon(QIcon(I('wizard.png'))) self.cfg_reading_list_wizard.setToolTip( "Create a custom column to store Marvin Reading list status") self.cfg_reading_list_wizard.clicked.connect( partial(self.launch_cc_wizard, 'Reading list')) self.cfg_custom_fields_qgl.addWidget(self.cfg_reading_list_wizard, current_row, 2) current_row += 1 # ++++++++ Word count ++++++++ self.cfg_word_count_label = QLabel('Word count') self.cfg_word_count_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft) self.cfg_custom_fields_qgl.addWidget(self.cfg_word_count_label, current_row, 0) self.word_count_field_comboBox = QComboBox(self.cfg_custom_fields_gb) self.word_count_field_comboBox.setObjectName( 'word_count_field_comboBox') self.word_count_field_comboBox.setToolTip( 'Select a custom column to store Marvin word counts') self.cfg_custom_fields_qgl.addWidget(self.word_count_field_comboBox, current_row, 1) self.cfg_word_count_wizard = QToolButton() self.cfg_word_count_wizard.setIcon(QIcon(I('wizard.png'))) self.cfg_word_count_wizard.setToolTip( "Create a custom column to store Marvin word counts") self.cfg_word_count_wizard.clicked.connect( partial(self.launch_cc_wizard, 'Word count')) self.cfg_custom_fields_qgl.addWidget(self.cfg_word_count_wizard, current_row, 2) current_row += 1 self.spacerItem1 = QSpacerItem(20, 20, QSizePolicy.Minimum, QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.column1_layout.addItem(self.spacerItem1) # ----------------------------- Column 2 ----------------------------- # ~~~~~~~~ Create the CSS group box ~~~~~~~~ self.cfg_css_options_gb = QGroupBox(self) self.cfg_css_options_gb.setTitle('CSS') self.column2_layout.addWidget(self.cfg_css_options_gb) self.cfg_css_options_qgl = QGridLayout(self.cfg_css_options_gb) current_row = 0 # ++++++++ Annotations appearance ++++++++ self.annotations_icon = QIcon( os.path.join(self.resources_path, 'icons', 'annotations_hiliter.png')) self.cfg_annotations_appearance_toolbutton = QToolButton() self.cfg_annotations_appearance_toolbutton.setIcon( self.annotations_icon) self.cfg_annotations_appearance_toolbutton.clicked.connect( self.configure_appearance) self.cfg_css_options_qgl.addWidget( self.cfg_annotations_appearance_toolbutton, current_row, 0) self.cfg_annotations_label = ClickableQLabel("Annotations") self.connect(self.cfg_annotations_label, SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.configure_appearance) self.cfg_css_options_qgl.addWidget(self.cfg_annotations_label, current_row, 1) current_row += 1 # ++++++++ Injected CSS ++++++++ self.css_editor_icon = QIcon(I('format-text-heading.png')) self.cfg_css_editor_toolbutton = QToolButton() self.cfg_css_editor_toolbutton.setIcon(self.css_editor_icon) self.cfg_css_editor_toolbutton.clicked.connect(self.edit_css) self.cfg_css_options_qgl.addWidget(self.cfg_css_editor_toolbutton, current_row, 0) self.cfg_css_editor_label = ClickableQLabel("Articles, Vocabulary") self.connect(self.cfg_css_editor_label, SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.edit_css) self.cfg_css_options_qgl.addWidget(self.cfg_css_editor_label, current_row, 1) """ # ~~~~~~~~ Create the Dropbox syncing group box ~~~~~~~~ self.cfg_dropbox_syncing_gb = QGroupBox(self) self.cfg_dropbox_syncing_gb.setTitle('Dropbox') self.column2_layout.addWidget(self.cfg_dropbox_syncing_gb) self.cfg_dropbox_syncing_qgl = QGridLayout(self.cfg_dropbox_syncing_gb) current_row = 0 # ++++++++ Syncing enabled checkbox ++++++++ self.dropbox_syncing_checkbox = QCheckBox('Enable Dropbox updates') self.dropbox_syncing_checkbox.setObjectName('dropbox_syncing') self.dropbox_syncing_checkbox.setToolTip('Refresh custom column content from Marvin metadata') self.cfg_dropbox_syncing_qgl.addWidget(self.dropbox_syncing_checkbox, current_row, 0, 1, 3) current_row += 1 # ++++++++ Dropbox folder picker ++++++++ self.dropbox_folder_icon = QIcon(os.path.join(self.resources_path, 'icons', 'dropbox.png')) self.cfg_dropbox_folder_toolbutton = QToolButton() self.cfg_dropbox_folder_toolbutton.setIcon(self.dropbox_folder_icon) self.cfg_dropbox_folder_toolbutton.setToolTip("Specify Dropbox folder location on your computer") self.cfg_dropbox_folder_toolbutton.clicked.connect(self.select_dropbox_folder) self.cfg_dropbox_syncing_qgl.addWidget(self.cfg_dropbox_folder_toolbutton, current_row, 1) # ++++++++ Dropbox location lineedit ++++++++ self.dropbox_location_lineedit = QLineEdit() self.dropbox_location_lineedit.setPlaceholderText("Dropbox folder location") self.cfg_dropbox_syncing_qgl.addWidget(self.dropbox_location_lineedit, current_row, 2) """ # ~~~~~~~~ Create the General options group box ~~~~~~~~ self.cfg_runtime_options_gb = QGroupBox(self) self.cfg_runtime_options_gb.setTitle('General options') self.column2_layout.addWidget(self.cfg_runtime_options_gb) self.cfg_runtime_options_qvl = QVBoxLayout(self.cfg_runtime_options_gb) # ++++++++ Auto refresh checkbox ++++++++ self.auto_refresh_checkbox = QCheckBox( 'Automatically refresh custom column content') self.auto_refresh_checkbox.setObjectName('auto_refresh_at_startup') self.auto_refresh_checkbox.setToolTip( 'Update calibre custom column when Marvin XD is opened') self.cfg_runtime_options_qvl.addWidget(self.auto_refresh_checkbox) # ++++++++ Progress as percentage checkbox ++++++++ self.reading_progress_checkbox = QCheckBox( 'Show reading progress as percentage') self.reading_progress_checkbox.setObjectName( 'show_progress_as_percentage') self.reading_progress_checkbox.setToolTip( 'Display percentage in Progress column') self.cfg_runtime_options_qvl.addWidget(self.reading_progress_checkbox) # ~~~~~~~~ Create the Debug options group box ~~~~~~~~ self.cfg_debug_options_gb = QGroupBox(self) self.cfg_debug_options_gb.setTitle('Debug options') self.column2_layout.addWidget(self.cfg_debug_options_gb) self.cfg_debug_options_qvl = QVBoxLayout(self.cfg_debug_options_gb) # ++++++++ Debug logging checkboxes ++++++++ self.debug_plugin_checkbox = QCheckBox( 'Enable debug logging for Marvin XD') self.debug_plugin_checkbox.setObjectName('debug_plugin_checkbox') self.debug_plugin_checkbox.setToolTip( 'Print plugin diagnostic messages to console') self.cfg_debug_options_qvl.addWidget(self.debug_plugin_checkbox) self.debug_libimobiledevice_checkbox = QCheckBox( 'Enable debug logging for libiMobileDevice') self.debug_libimobiledevice_checkbox.setObjectName( 'debug_libimobiledevice_checkbox') self.debug_libimobiledevice_checkbox.setToolTip( 'Print libiMobileDevice diagnostic messages to console') self.cfg_debug_options_qvl.addWidget( self.debug_libimobiledevice_checkbox) self.spacerItem2 = QSpacerItem(20, 20, QSizePolicy.Minimum, QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.column2_layout.addItem(self.spacerItem2) # ~~~~~~~~ End of construction zone ~~~~~~~~ self.resize(self.sizeHint()) # ~~~~~~~~ Populate/restore config options ~~~~~~~~ # Annotations comboBox self.populate_annotations() self.populate_collections() self.populate_date_read() self.populate_progress() self.populate_read() self.populate_reading_list() self.populate_word_count() """ # Restore Dropbox settings, hook changes dropbox_syncing = self.prefs.get('dropbox_syncing', False) self.dropbox_syncing_checkbox.setChecked(dropbox_syncing) self.set_dropbox_syncing(dropbox_syncing) self.dropbox_syncing_checkbox.clicked.connect(partial(self.set_dropbox_syncing)) self.dropbox_location_lineedit.setText(self.prefs.get('dropbox_folder', '')) """ # Restore general settings self.auto_refresh_checkbox.setChecked( self.prefs.get('auto_refresh_at_startup', False)) self.reading_progress_checkbox.setChecked( self.prefs.get('show_progress_as_percentage', False)) # Restore debug settings, hook changes self.debug_plugin_checkbox.setChecked( self.prefs.get('debug_plugin', False)) self.debug_plugin_checkbox.stateChanged.connect( self.set_restart_required) self.debug_libimobiledevice_checkbox.setChecked( self.prefs.get('debug_libimobiledevice', False)) self.debug_libimobiledevice_checkbox.stateChanged.connect( self.set_restart_required) # Hook changes to Annotations comboBox # self.annotations_field_comboBox.currentIndexChanged.connect( # partial(self.save_combobox_setting, 'annotations_field_comboBox')) self.connect(self.annotations_field_comboBox, SIGNAL('currentIndexChanged(const QString &)'), self.annotations_destination_changed) # Launch the annotated_books_scanner field = get_cc_mapping('annotations', 'field', None) self.annotated_books_scanner = InventoryAnnotatedBooks(self.gui, field) self.connect(self.annotated_books_scanner, self.annotated_books_scanner.signal, self.inventory_complete) QTimer.singleShot(1, self.start_inventory)
def __init__(self, main): self.main = main ########################################################################## ##### Display the conversion values based on the Coinbase API self.lastPriceFetch = 0 self.lblHeader = QRichLabel(tr("""<b>Tracking buy and sell prices on Coinbase every 60 seconds</b>"""), doWrap=False) self.lblLastTime = QRichLabel('', doWrap=False) self.lblSellLabel = QRichLabel(tr('Coinbase <b>Sell</b> Price (USD):'), doWrap=False) self.lblBuyLabel = QRichLabel(tr('Coinbase <b>Buy</b> Price (USD):'), doWrap=False) self.lblSellPrice = QRichLabel('<Not Available>') self.lblBuyPrice = QRichLabel('<Not Available>') self.lastSellStr = '' self.lastBuyStr = '' self.btnUpdate = QPushButton(tr('Check Now')) self.main.connect(self.btnUpdate, SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.checkUpdatePrice) ########################################################################## ##### A calculator for converting prices between USD and BTC lblCalcTitle = QRichLabel(tr("""Convert between USD and BTC using Coinbase sell price"""), hAlign=Qt.AlignHCenter, doWrap=False) self.edtEnterUSD = QLineEdit() self.edtEnterBTC = QLineEdit() self.lblEnterUSD1 = QRichLabel('$') self.lblEnterUSD2 = QRichLabel('USD') self.lblEnterBTC = QRichLabel('BTC') btnClear = QPushButton('Clear') self.main.connect(self.edtEnterUSD, SIGNAL('textEdited(QString)'), self.updateCalcBTC) self.main.connect(self.edtEnterBTC, SIGNAL('textEdited(QString)'), self.updateCalcUSD) def clearCalc(): self.edtEnterUSD.setText('') self.edtEnterBTC.setText('') self.main.connect(btnClear, SIGNAL('clicked()'), clearCalc) frmCalcMid = makeHorizFrame( [self.lblEnterUSD1, self.edtEnterUSD, self.lblEnterUSD2, 'Stretch', self.edtEnterBTC, self.lblEnterBTC]) frmCalcClear = makeHorizFrame(['Stretch', btnClear, 'Stretch']) frmCalc = makeVertFrame([lblCalcTitle, frmCalcMid, frmCalcClear], STYLE_PLAIN) ########################################################################## ##### A table showing you the total balance of each wallet in USD and BTC lblWltTableTitle = QRichLabel(tr("Wallet balances converted to USD"), doWrap=False, hAlign=Qt.AlignHCenter) numWallets = len(self.main.walletMap) self.wltTable = QTableWidget(self.main) self.wltTable.setRowCount(numWallets) self.wltTable.setColumnCount(4) self.wltTable.horizontalHeader().setStretchLastSection(True) self.wltTable.setMinimumWidth(600) ########################################################################## ##### Setup the main layout for the tab mainLayout = QGridLayout() i=0 mainLayout.addWidget(self.lblHeader, i,0, 1,3) i+=1 mainLayout.addItem(QSpacerItem(15,15), i,0) mainLayout.addWidget(self.lblSellLabel, i,1) mainLayout.addWidget(self.lblSellPrice, i,2) i+=1 mainLayout.addItem(QSpacerItem(15,15), i,0) mainLayout.addWidget(self.lblBuyLabel, i,1) mainLayout.addWidget(self.lblBuyPrice, i,2) i+=1 mainLayout.addWidget(self.lblLastTime, i,0, 1,2) mainLayout.addWidget(self.btnUpdate, i,2) i+=1 mainLayout.addItem(QSpacerItem(20,20), i,0) i+=1 mainLayout.addWidget(frmCalc, i,0, 1,3) i+=1 mainLayout.addItem(QSpacerItem(30,30), i,0) i+=1 mainLayout.addWidget(lblWltTableTitle, i,0, 1,3) i+=1 mainLayout.addWidget(self.wltTable, i,0, 1,3) mainLayout.setColumnStretch(0,0) mainLayout.setColumnStretch(1,1) mainLayout.setColumnStretch(2,1) tabWidget = QWidget() tabWidget.setLayout(mainLayout) frmH = makeHorizFrame(['Stretch', tabWidget, 'Stretch']) frm = makeVertFrame(['Space(20)', frmH, 'Stretch']) # Now set the scrollarea widget to the layout self.tabToDisplay = QScrollArea() self.tabToDisplay.setWidgetResizable(True) self.tabToDisplay.setWidget(frm)
def __init__(self, fm, parent=None): QDialog.__init__(self, parent) = fm self.setWindowIcon(QIcon(I('format-fill-color.png'))) self.setWindowTitle(_('Create/edit a column coloring rule')) self.l = l = QGridLayout(self) self.setLayout(l) self.l1 = l1 = QLabel(_('Create a coloring rule by' ' filling in the boxes below')) l.addWidget(l1, 0, 0, 1, 5) self.f1 = QFrame(self) self.f1.setFrameShape(QFrame.HLine) l.addWidget(self.f1, 1, 0, 1, 5) self.l2 = l2 = QLabel(_('Set the color of the column:')) l.addWidget(l2, 2, 0) self.column_box = QComboBox(self) l.addWidget(self.column_box, 2, 1) self.l3 = l3 = QLabel(_('to')) l.addWidget(l3, 2, 2) self.color_box = QComboBox(self) self.color_label = QLabel('Sample text Sample text') self.color_label.setTextFormat(Qt.RichText) l.addWidget(self.color_box, 2, 3) l.addWidget(self.color_label, 2, 4) l.addItem(QSpacerItem(10, 10, QSizePolicy.Expanding), 2, 5) self.l4 = l4 = QLabel( _('Only if the following conditions are all satisfied:')) l.addWidget(l4, 3, 0, 1, 6) self.scroll_area = sa = QScrollArea(self) sa.setMinimumHeight(300) sa.setMinimumWidth(950) sa.setWidgetResizable(True) l.addWidget(sa, 4, 0, 1, 6) self.add_button = b = QPushButton(QIcon(I('plus.png')), _('Add another condition')) l.addWidget(b, 5, 0, 1, 6) b.clicked.connect(self.add_blank_condition) self.l5 = l5 = QLabel(_('You can disable a condition by' ' blanking all of its boxes')) l.addWidget(l5, 6, 0, 1, 6) = bb = QDialogButtonBox( QDialogButtonBox.Ok|QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) bb.accepted.connect(self.accept) bb.rejected.connect(self.reject) l.addWidget(bb, 7, 0, 1, 6) self.conditions_widget = QWidget(self) sa.setWidget(self.conditions_widget) self.conditions_widget.setLayout(QVBoxLayout()) self.conditions_widget.layout().setAlignment(Qt.AlignTop) self.conditions = [] for b in (self.column_box, self.color_box): b.setSizeAdjustPolicy(b.AdjustToMinimumContentsLengthWithIcon) b.setMinimumContentsLength(15) for key in sorted( displayable_columns(fm), key=sort_key): name = fm[key]['name'] if name: self.column_box.addItem(key, key) self.column_box.setCurrentIndex(0) self.color_box.addItems(QColor.colorNames()) self.color_box.setCurrentIndex(0) self.update_color_label() self.color_box.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.update_color_label) self.resize(self.sizeHint())