def _createToolButtonWidget(self, parent): """ @see: self.createWidget() """ btn = QToolButton(parent) btn.setAutoFillBackground(True) btn.setToolButtonStyle(Qt.ToolButtonTextUnderIcon) btn.setMinimumWidth(75) btn.setMaximumWidth(75) btn.setMinimumHeight(62) btn.setAutoRaise(True) btn.setCheckable(True) btn.setDefaultAction(self) text = truncateText(self.text()) btn.setText(text) if self._toolButtonPalette: btn.setPalette(self._toolButtonPalette) #@@@ ninad070125 The following function #adds a newline character after each word in toolbutton text. #but the changes are reflected only on 'mode' toolbuttons #on the flyout toolbar (i.e.only Checkable buttons..don't know #why. Disabling its use for now. debug_wrapText = False if debug_wrapText: text = wrapToolButtonText(action.text()) if text: action.setText(text) return btn
def _createToolButton(self, widgetParams): """ Returns a tool button created using the custom parameters. @param widgetParams: A list containing tool button parameters. @type widgetParams: list @see: L{self._createWidgetUsingParameters} where this method is called. """ buttonSize = QSize(32, 32) #@ FOR TEST ONLY buttonParams = list(widgetParams) buttonId = buttonParams[1] buttonText = buttonParams[2] buttonIconPath = buttonParams[3] buttonToolTip = buttonParams[4] buttonShortcut = buttonParams[5] button = QToolButton(self) button.setText(buttonText) if buttonIconPath: buttonIcon = geticon(buttonIconPath) if not buttonIcon.isNull(): button.setIcon(buttonIcon) button.setIconSize(QSize(22, 22)) button.setToolTip(buttonToolTip) if buttonShortcut: button.setShortcut(buttonShortcut) button.setFixedSize(buttonSize) #@ Currently fixed to 32 x 32. button.setCheckable(True) return button
def setupUi(self): """ Setup the UI for the command toolbar. """ #ninad 070123 : It's important to set the Vertical size policy of the # cmd toolbar widget. otherwise the flyout QToolbar messes up the #layout (makes the command toolbar twice as big) #I have set the vertical policy as fixed. Works fine. There are some # MainWindow resizing problems for but those are not due to this #size policy AFAIK self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Fixed) layout_cmdtoolbar = QHBoxLayout(self) layout_cmdtoolbar.setMargin(2) layout_cmdtoolbar.setSpacing(2) #See comment at the top for details about this flag if DEFINE_CONTROL_AREA_AS_A_QWIDGET: self.cmdToolbarControlArea = QWidget(self) else: self.cmdToolbarControlArea = QToolBar_WikiHelp(self) self.cmdToolbarControlArea.setAutoFillBackground(True) self.ctrlAreaPalette = self.getCmdMgrCtrlAreaPalette() self.cmdToolbarControlArea.setPalette(self.ctrlAreaPalette) self.cmdToolbarControlArea.setMinimumHeight(62) self.cmdToolbarControlArea.setMinimumWidth(380) self.cmdToolbarControlArea.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed) #See comment at the top for details about this flag if DEFINE_CONTROL_AREA_AS_A_QWIDGET: layout_controlArea = QHBoxLayout(self.cmdToolbarControlArea) layout_controlArea.setMargin(0) layout_controlArea.setSpacing(0) self.cmdButtonGroup = QButtonGroup() btn_index = 0 for name in ('Build', 'Insert', 'Tools', 'Move', 'Simulation'): btn = QToolButton(self.cmdToolbarControlArea) btn.setObjectName(name) btn.setMinimumWidth(75) btn.setMaximumWidth(75) btn.setMinimumHeight(62) btn.setAutoRaise(True) btn.setCheckable(True) btn.setAutoExclusive(True) iconpath = "ui/actions/Command Toolbar/ControlArea/" + name + ".png" btn.setIcon(geticon(iconpath)) btn.setIconSize(QSize(22, 22)) btn.setText(name) btn.setToolButtonStyle(Qt.ToolButtonTextUnderIcon) btn.setPalette(self.ctrlAreaPalette) self.cmdButtonGroup.addButton(btn, btn_index) btn_index += 1 #See comment at the top for details about this flag if DEFINE_CONTROL_AREA_AS_A_QWIDGET: layout_controlArea.addWidget(btn) else: self.cmdToolbarControlArea.layout().addWidget(btn) #following has issues. so not adding widget directly to the #toolbar. (instead adding it in its layout)-- ninad 070124 ##self.cmdToolbarControlArea.addWidget(btn) layout_cmdtoolbar.addWidget(self.cmdToolbarControlArea) #Flyout Toolbar in the command toolbar self.flyoutToolBar = FlyoutToolBar(self) layout_cmdtoolbar.addWidget(self.flyoutToolBar) #ninad 070116: Define a spacer item. It will have the exact geometry # as that of the flyout toolbar. it is added to the command toolbar # layout only when the Flyout Toolbar is hidden. It is required # to keep the 'Control Area' widget fixed in its place (otherwise, #after hiding the flyout toolbar, the layout adjusts the position of #remaining widget items) self.spacerItem = QSpacerItem(0, 0, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Minimum) self.spacerItem.setGeometry = self.flyoutToolBar.geometry() for btn in self.cmdButtonGroup.buttons(): if str(btn.objectName()) == 'Build': btn.setMenu( btn.setPopupMode(QToolButton.MenuButtonPopup) btn.setToolTip("Build Commands") whatsThisTextForCommandToolbarBuildButton(btn) if str(btn.objectName()) == 'Insert': btn.setMenu( btn.setPopupMode(QToolButton.MenuButtonPopup) btn.setToolTip("Insert Commands") whatsThisTextForCommandToolbarInsertButton(btn) if str(btn.objectName()) == 'Tools': #fyi: cmd stands for 'command toolbar' - ninad070406 = QtGui.QMenu( btn.setMenu( btn.setPopupMode(QToolButton.MenuButtonPopup) btn.setToolTip("Tools") whatsThisTextForCommandToolbarToolsButton(btn) if str(btn.objectName()) == 'Move': = QtGui.QMenu(\ ## btn.setMenu( btn.setPopupMode(QToolButton.MenuButtonPopup) btn.setToolTip("Move Commands") whatsThisTextForCommandToolbarMoveButton(btn) if str(btn.objectName()) == 'Dimension': btn.setMenu( btn.setPopupMode(QToolButton.MenuButtonPopup) btn.setToolTip("Dimensioning Commands") if str(btn.objectName()) == 'Simulation': btn.setMenu( btn.setPopupMode(QToolButton.MenuButtonPopup) btn.setToolTip("Simulation Commands") whatsThisTextForCommandToolbarSimulationButton(btn) # Convert all "img" tags in the button's "What's This" text # into abs paths (from their original rel paths). # Partially fixes bug 2943. --mark 2008-12-07 # [bruce 081209 revised this -- removed mac = False] fix_QAction_whatsthis(btn) return