Example #1
    def resizeEvent(self, event):
        Reimplementation of the resizeEvent handler. It determines if the
        frame is being resized by the splitter (allowed) or programmably 
        via a resize of the part window (not allowed).
        if self.parent.resizeTimer.isActive():
            # LeftFrame is being resized (programmably) by the part window
            # as the user drags the resize handle.
            # We don't want that, so don't change the splitter position.

        # LeftFrame is most likely being resized by the user via the splitter,
        # but it is also possible that the user clicked the maximize/restore
        # button. If the user did this, set the splitter position to the
        # "old" width (not the current width) since it has been changed
        # programmably (and we didn't want that).
        size = event.size()
        oldSize = event.oldSize()
        delta = abs(size.width() - oldSize.width())
        if delta < 10:  # 10 pixels. Value chosen based on experimentation.
            self.parent.splitterPosition = size.width()
            if _DEBUG:
                print "New Size: ", self.parent.splitterPosition
            self.parent.splitterPosition = oldSize.width()
            if _DEBUG:
                print "Old Size: ", self.parent.splitterPosition
        QWidget.resizeEvent(self, event)
Example #2
 def resizeEvent(self, event):
     Reimplementation of the resizeEvent handler. It determines if the
     frame is being resized by the splitter (allowed) or programmably 
     via a resize of the part window (not allowed).
     if self.parent.resizeTimer.isActive():
         # LeftFrame is being resized (programmably) by the part window
         # as the user drags the resize handle.
         # We don't want that, so don't change the splitter position.
     # LeftFrame is most likely being resized by the user via the splitter,
     # but it is also possible that the user clicked the maximize/restore 
     # button. If the user did this, set the splitter position to the
     # "old" width (not the current width) since it has been changed
     # programmably (and we didn't want that).
     size = event.size()
     oldSize = event.oldSize()
     delta = abs(size.width() - oldSize.width())
     if delta < 10: # 10 pixels. Value chosen based on experimentation.
         self.parent.splitterPosition = size.width()
         if _DEBUG:
             print "New Size: ", self.parent.splitterPosition
         self.parent.splitterPosition = oldSize.width()
         if _DEBUG:
             print "Old Size: ", self.parent.splitterPosition
     QWidget.resizeEvent(self, event)
Example #3
 def resizeEvent(self, event):
     This reimplementation of QWidget.resizeEvent is here to deal with the
     undesired behavior of the splitter while resizing the part window.
     Normally, the splitter will drift back and forth while resizing
     the part window. This forces the splitter to stay fixed during
     resize operations.
     # When self.resizeTimer.isActive() = True, the partwindow is being
     # resized. This is checked by the resizeEvent handler in LeftFrame
     # to determine if the splitter is being moved by the user or
     # programmably by self's resizeEvent.
     if self.resizeTimer.isActive():
         self.resizeTimer.stop()  # Stop the timer.
     self.resizeTimer.start(500)  # (Re)strand a .5 second singleshot timer.
     self.setSplitterPosition(self.splitterPosition, setDefault=False)
     QWidget.resizeEvent(self, event)
Example #4
 def resizeEvent(self, event):
     This reimplementation of QWidget.resizeEvent is here to deal with the
     undesired behavior of the splitter while resizing the part window.
     Normally, the splitter will drift back and forth while resizing
     the part window. This forces the splitter to stay fixed during
     resize operations.
     # When self.resizeTimer.isActive() = True, the partwindow is being
     # resized. This is checked by the resizeEvent handler in LeftFrame
     # to determine if the splitter is being moved by the user or 
     # programmably by self's resizeEvent.
     if self.resizeTimer.isActive():
         self.resizeTimer.stop() # Stop the timer.
     self.resizeTimer.start( 500 )  # (Re)strand a .5 second singleshot timer.
     self.setSplitterPosition(self.splitterPosition, setDefault = False)
     QWidget.resizeEvent(self, event)