def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(EventRecordingApp, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._notify = functools.partial(QApplication.notify, QApplication.instance()) # Since playback speed can be laggy (especially if running from a VM), # we want to give a generous double-click timeout. # Unfortunately, this API is NOT supported in Qt5! # When we upgrade from Qt4, we'll have to find some alternative solution... assert QT_VERSION_STR.startswith( '4' ), "Qt5 does not allow use to use setDoubleClickInterval(). Recordings may not playback well." self.setDoubleClickInterval(1000) self.setStartDragTime(1000) # Lazy import here because there can be subtle problems # if this is imported BEFORE the app is created. from eventcapture.eventRecorderGui import EventRecorderGui # We keep the recorder control window as a member of the app # to ensure that it isn't deleted while the app is alive # (It does not belong to the MainWindow.) self.recorder_control_window = EventRecorderGui()
def onFinishLoading(self): """ On finish loading """ self.webTitle.setText("Title: %s" % self.webView.title()) # need complete refonte with qt5 if QT_VERSION_STR.startswith("5."): return frame = document = frame.documentElement() elements = [] self.examineChildElements(document, elements) tagList = {} idList = {} classList = {} nameList = {} linkList = {} cssList = {} for el in elements: # by tagname if 'tagname' in el: if el['tagname'] not in tagList: tagList[el['tagname']] = '' # by id if 'id' in el: if el['id'] not in idList: idList[el['id']] = '' # by name if 'name' in el: if el['name'] not in nameList: nameList[el['name']] = '' # by class if 'class' in el: if el['class'] not in classList: classList[el['class'].replace(" ", ".")] = '' # by link text if 'text' in el: if 'tagname' in el: if sys.version_info > (3, ): if el['tagname'].lower() == 'a': if el['text'] not in linkList: linkList[el['text']] = '' else: if str(el['tagname']).lower() == 'a': if el['text'] not in linkList: linkList[el['text']] = '' # by css selector if 'tagname' in el: if sys.version_info > (3, ): cssSelector = "%s" % el['tagname'].lower() else: cssSelector = "%s" % str(el['tagname']).lower() if 'id' in el: cssSelector += "#%s" % el['id'] if 'class' in el: cssSelector += ".%s" % el['class'].replace(" ", ".") cssList[cssSelector] = '' self.TagsHtml.emit(tagList, idList, classList, nameList, linkList, cssList)
def createWidgets(self): """ Create all qt widgets """ self.setWindowTitle("Extensive Testing Client - Web Browser")) self.setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/main.png")) self.dockToolbarWebBrowser = QToolBar(self) self.dockToolbarWebBrowser.setToolButtonStyle( Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon) browserLayoutGroup = QVBoxLayout() browserLayoutGroup.addWidget(self.dockToolbarWebBrowser) toolbarBrowserLayoutGroup = QHBoxLayout() self.locationEdit = QLineEdit(self) self.locationEdit.setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy.Expanding, self.locationEdit.sizePolicy().verticalPolicy()) self.webCounter = QLabel("(0%)") toolbarBrowserLayoutGroup.addWidget(QLabel("Load URL:")) toolbarBrowserLayoutGroup.addWidget(self.webCounter) toolbarBrowserLayoutGroup.addWidget(self.locationEdit) self.webTitle = QLabel("Title:") self.webView = QWebView() if QtHelper.str2bool( Settings.instance().readValue(key='Server/proxy-web-active')): proxy = QNetworkProxy() proxy.setType(3) # http proxy.setHostName( Settings.instance().readValue(key='Server/addr-proxy-http')) proxy.setPort( int(Settings.instance().readValue( key='Server/port-proxy-http'))) if QT_VERSION_STR.startswith("4."): self.webInspector = QWebInspector() self.webView.settings().setAttribute( QWebSettings.DeveloperExtrasEnabled, True) self.webInspector.setPage( self.webView.setHtml( '<html><head></head><body>No content loaded</body></html>') self.webView.settings().setAttribute(QWebSettings.PluginsEnabled, True) self.webView.settings().setAttribute( QWebSettings.JavascriptCanOpenWindows, True) browserLayoutGroup.addLayout(toolbarBrowserLayoutGroup) browserLayoutGroup.addWidget(self.webTitle) self.webTab = QTabWidget() self.webTab.addTab(self.webView, "Web Page") if QT_VERSION_STR.startswith("4."): self.webTab.addTab(self.webInspector, "Source Inspector") browserLayoutGroup.addWidget(self.webTab) self.setLayout(browserLayoutGroup)