def download_collection(self, id, register_name): """Download a collection given its ID. For zip collection, we will download the zip, and extract the collection to collections dir. :param id: The ID of the collection. :type id: str :param register_name: The register name of the collection (the section name of the collection) :type register_name: unicode """ # Download the zip first collection_path = 'collections/' % register_name network_manager = NetworkManager(self.file_url(collection_path)) status, description = network_manager.fetch() if not status: return False, description # Create the zip file zip_file = QTemporaryFile() if zip_file.write(network_manager.content) zip_file.close() zf = ZipFile(zip_file.fileName()) zf.extractall(path=local_collection_path(id)) return True, None
def fetch_online_directories(self): """Fetch online directory of repositories.""" downloader = NetworkManager(self.DIRECTORY_URL) status, _ = downloader.fetch() if status: directory_file = QTemporaryFile() if directory_file.write(downloader.content) directory_file.close() with open(directory_file.fileName()) as csv_file: reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file, fieldnames=('name', 'url')) for row in reader: self._online_directories[row['name']] = row['url'].strip() # Save it to cache settings = QSettings() settings.beginGroup(repo_settings_group()) settings.setValue('online_directories', self._online_directories) settings.endGroup() else: # Just use cache from previous use settings = QSettings() settings.beginGroup(repo_settings_group()) self._online_directories = settings.value('online_directories', {}) settings.endGroup()
def _get_cursor_columns( self, c ): tf = QTemporaryFile() tmp = tf.fileName() tf.close() q = QUrl.toPercentEncoding(c.sql) p = QgsProviderRegistry.instance().provider("virtual", "%s?query=%s" % (tmp, q) ) if not p.isValid(): return [] f = [ for f in p.fields() ] if p.geometryType() != QGis.WKBNoGeometry: gn = get_query_geometry_name( tmp ) if gn: f += [gn] return f
def _get_cursor_columns(self, c): tf = QTemporaryFile() tmp = tf.fileName() tf.close() q = QUrl.toPercentEncoding(c.sql) p = QgsVectorLayer("%s?query=%s" % (tmp, q), "vv", "virtual") if not p.isValid(): return [] f = [ for f in p.fields()] if p.geometryType() != QGis.WKBNoGeometry: gn = getQueryGeometryName(tmp) if gn: f += [gn] return f
def display_downloaded_content(self): """ Called when an unsupported content type is finished downloading. """ file_path = QDir.toNativeSeparators(QDir.tempPath() + "/XXXXXX_" + self.content_filename) myfile = QTemporaryFile(file_path) myfile.setAutoRemove(False) if ( myfile.write(self.reply.readAll()) myfile.close() subprocess.Popen([self.content_handlers.get(str(self.content_type)), myfile.fileName()]) #Sometimes downloading files opens an empty window. #So if the current window has no URL, close it. if(str(self.url().toString()) in ('', 'about:blank')): self.close()
def generate_qr_code(qr_content): """ Generates a QR code SVG item and saves it as a temporary file. :param qr_content: Content used to generate a QR code. :type qr_content: str :return: Returns a QTemporaryFile object containing the SVG file with the QR code. :rtype: QTemporaryFile """ tmpf = QTemporaryFile() if file_path = tmpf.fileName() qr_code = pyqrcode.create(qr_content) qr_code.svg(file_path, scale=6) tmpf.close() return tmpf
def write(self, theRasterName): print theRasterName path = "%s/%s" % (self.testDataDir, theRasterName) # myFileInfo = QFileInfo( path ) # myBaseName = myFileInfo.baseName() rasterLayer = QgsRasterLayer(path, "test") if not rasterLayer.isValid(): return False provider = rasterLayer.dataProvider() tmpFile = QTemporaryFile() # fileName is no avialable until open tmpName = tmpFile.fileName() tmpFile.close() # do not remove when class is destroyd so that we can read the file and see difference tmpFile.setAutoRemove(False) fileWriter = QgsRasterFileWriter(tmpName) pipe = QgsRasterPipe() if not pipe.set(provider.clone()): print "Cannot set pipe provider" return False # nuller = QgsRasterNuller() # nuller.setNoData( ... ) # if not pipe.insert( 1, nuller ): # print "Cannot set pipe nuller" # return False projector = QgsRasterProjector() projector.setCRS(, if not pipe.insert(2, projector): print "Cannot set pipe projector" return False fileWriter.writeRaster(pipe, provider.xSize(), provider.ySize(), provider.extent(), checker = QgsRasterChecker() ok = checker.runTest("gdal", tmpName, "gdal", path) += # All OK, we can delete the file tmpFile.setAutoRemove(ok) return ok
def _get_cursor_columns(self, c): tf = QTemporaryFile() tmp = tf.fileName() tf.close() q = QUrl.toPercentEncoding(c.sql) p = QgsProviderRegistry.instance().provider("virtual", "%s?query=%s" % (tmp, q)) if not p.isValid(): return [] f = [ for f in p.fields()] if p.geometryType() != QGis.WKBNoGeometry: gn = get_query_geometry_name(tmp) if gn: f += [gn] return f
def write(self, theRasterName): print theRasterName path = "%s/%s" % (self.testDataDir, theRasterName) #myFileInfo = QFileInfo( path ) #myBaseName = myFileInfo.baseName() rasterLayer = QgsRasterLayer(path, "test") if not rasterLayer.isValid(): return False provider = rasterLayer.dataProvider() tmpFile = QTemporaryFile() # fileName is no avialable until open tmpName = tmpFile.fileName() tmpFile.close() # do not remove when class is destroyd so that we can read the file and see difference tmpFile.setAutoRemove(False) fileWriter = QgsRasterFileWriter(tmpName) pipe = QgsRasterPipe() if not pipe.set(provider.clone()): print "Cannot set pipe provider" return False #nuller = QgsRasterNuller() #nuller.setNoData( ... ) #if not pipe.insert( 1, nuller ): # print "Cannot set pipe nuller" # return False projector = QgsRasterProjector() projector.setCRS(, if not pipe.insert(2, projector): print "Cannot set pipe projector" return False fileWriter.writeRaster(pipe, provider.xSize(), provider.ySize(), provider.extent(), checker = QgsRasterChecker() ok = checker.runTest("gdal", tmpName, "gdal", path) += # All OK, we can delete the file tmpFile.setAutoRemove(ok) return ok
def merge(self): """ merge current view with a previously-saved M2T """ # first we get the old m2t path oldPath = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self.ui.menubar, "Select M2T file to merge", expanduser("~"), "M2T files (*.m2t);;All Files(*.*)" ) if oldPath.isEmpty(): return # cancel action # then we save a copy of the current view, so that we have a m2t tempFile = QTemporaryFile() tempFile.setAutoRemove(False) tempFile.close() self._writeM2T(tempFile.fileName()) # then we merge old = etree.parse(str(oldPath)) new = etree.parse(str(tempFile.fileName())) oldMap = {} # get statuses in the old file for node in old.findall(".//node"): if node.attrib.has_key("m2t_checked"): checked = node.attrib["m2t_checked"] oldMap[node.attrib["ID"]] = checked # set statuses in new file for node in new.findall(".//node"): nodeId = node.attrib["ID"] if oldMap.has_key(nodeId): node.attrib["m2t_checked"] = oldMap[nodeId] # write down the result new.write(tempFile.fileName(), "utf-8") # reload the view self.ui.treeWidget.clear() self._parseM2T(str(tempFile.fileName())) self.ui.actionSave.setDisabled(False) tempFile.remove()
def __init__(self, db, sql, parent=None): # create a virtual layer with non-geometry results q = QUrl.toPercentEncoding(sql) t = QTime() t.start() tf = QTemporaryFile() tmp = tf.fileName() tf.close() p = QgsVectorLayer( "%s?query=%s" % (QUrl.fromLocalFile(tmp).toString(), q), "vv", "virtual") self._secs = t.elapsed() / 1000.0 if not p.isValid(): data = [] header = [] raise DbError(p.dataProvider().error().summary(), sql) else: header = [ for f in p.fields()] has_geometry = False if p.geometryType() != QGis.WKBNoGeometry: gn = getQueryGeometryName(tmp) if gn: has_geometry = True header += [gn] data = [] for f in p.getFeatures(): a = f.attributes() if has_geometry: if f.geometry(): a += [f.geometry().exportToWkt()] else: a += [None] data += [a] self._secs = 0 self._affectedRows = len(data) BaseTableModel.__init__(self, header, data, parent)
def __init__(self, db, sql, parent=None): # create a virtual layer with non-geometry results q = QUrl.toPercentEncoding(sql) t = QTime() t.start() tf = QTemporaryFile() tmp = tf.fileName() tf.close() p = QgsVectorLayer("%s?query=%s" % (QUrl.fromLocalFile(tmp).toString(), q), "vv", "virtual") self._secs = t.elapsed() / 1000.0 if not p.isValid(): data = [] header = [] raise DbError(p.dataProvider().error().summary(), sql) else: header = [ for f in p.fields()] has_geometry = False if p.geometryType() != QGis.WKBNoGeometry: gn = getQueryGeometryName(tmp) if gn: has_geometry = True header += [gn] data = [] for f in p.getFeatures(): a = f.attributes() if has_geometry: if f.geometry(): a += [f.geometry().exportToWkt()] else: a += [None] data += [a] self._secs = 0 self._affectedRows = len(data) BaseTableModel.__init__(self, header, data, parent)
def adjust(self): """ Export data to GNU Gama xml, adjust the network and read result :returns: result list of adjusment from GNU Gama """ # fix = 0 free network fix = 0 adj = 0 for p, s in self.points: if s == 'FIX': fix += 1 else: adj += 1 if adj == 0 or len(self.observations) == 0: # no unknowns or observations return None doc = QDomDocument() doc.appendChild( doc.createComment( 'Gama XML created by SurveyingCalculation plugin for QGIS')) gama_local = doc.createElement('gama-local') gama_local.setAttribute('version', '2.0') doc.appendChild(gama_local) network = doc.createElement('network') network.setAttribute('axes-xy', 'ne') network.setAttribute('angles', 'left-handed') gama_local.appendChild(network) description = doc.createElement('description') if self.dimension == 1: description.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('GNU Gama 1D network')) elif self.dimension == 2: description.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('GNU Gama 2D network')) elif self.dimension == 3: description.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('GNU Gama 3D network')) network.appendChild(description) parameters = doc.createElement('parameters') parameters.setAttribute('sigma-apr', '1') parameters.setAttribute('conf-pr', str(self.probability)) parameters.setAttribute('tol-abs', '1000') parameters.setAttribute('sigma-act', 'aposteriori') parameters.setAttribute('update-constrained-coordinates', 'yes') network.appendChild(parameters) points_observations = doc.createElement('points-observations') points_observations.setAttribute( 'distance-stdev', str(self.stdev_dist) + ' ' + str(self.stdev_dist1)) points_observations.setAttribute('direction-stdev', str(self.stdev_angle)) points_observations.setAttribute('angle-stdev', str(math.sqrt(self.stdev_angle * 2))) points_observations.setAttribute('zenith-angle-stdev', str(self.stdev_angle)) network.appendChild(points_observations) for p, s in self.points: if self.dimension == 1: tmp = doc.createElement('point') tmp.setAttribute('id', if p.z is not None: tmp.setAttribute('z', str(p.z)) if s == 'FIX': tmp.setAttribute('fix', 'z') else: if fix == 0: tmp.setAttribute('adj', 'Z') else: tmp.setAttribute('adj', 'z') points_observations.appendChild(tmp) elif self.dimension == 2: tmp = doc.createElement('point') tmp.setAttribute('id', if p.e is not None and p.n is not None: tmp.setAttribute('y', str(p.e)) tmp.setAttribute('x', str(p.n)) if s == 'FIX': tmp.setAttribute('fix', 'xy') else: if fix == 0: # free network tmp.setAttribute('adj', 'XY') else: tmp.setAttribute('adj', 'xy') points_observations.appendChild(tmp) elif self.dimension == 3: tmp = doc.createElement('point') tmp.setAttribute('id', if p.e is not None and p.n is not None: tmp.setAttribute('y', str(p.e)) tmp.setAttribute('x', str(p.n)) if p.z is not None: tmp.setAttribute('z', str(p.z)) if s == 'FIX': tmp.setAttribute('fix', 'xyz') else: if fix == 0: tmp.setAttribute('adj', 'XYZ') else: tmp.setAttribute('adj', 'xyz') points_observations.appendChild(tmp) if self.dimension == 1: hd = doc.createElement('height-differences') points_observations.appendChild(hd) for o in self.observations: if o.station == 'station': # station record st_id = o.point_id if is None: ih = 0 else: ih = if self.dimension in [2, 3]: sta = doc.createElement('obs') sta.setAttribute('from', o.point_id) points_observations.appendChild(sta) else: # observation if self.dimension == 2: # horizontal network if o.hz is not None: tmp = doc.createElement('direction') tmp.setAttribute('to', o.point_id) tmp.setAttribute('val', str(o.hz.get_angle('GON'))) sta.appendChild(tmp) if o.d is not None: # horizontal distance hd = o.horiz_dist() if hd is not None: tmp = doc.createElement('distance') tmp.setAttribute('to', o.point_id) tmp.setAttribute('val', str(hd)) sta.appendChild(tmp) elif self.dimension == 1: # elevations only 1d if is None: th = 0 else: th = if o.d is not None and o.v is not None: tmp = doc.createElement('dh') tmp.setAttribute('from', st_id) tmp.setAttribute('to', o.point_id) # TODO hibaterjedes tmp.setAttribute('stdev', '1') sz = math.sin(o.v.get_angle()) w = self.stdev_dist + self.stdev_dist1 * o.d.d / 1000 ro_cc = 200 * 100 * 100 / math.pi if o.d.mode == 'SD': cz = math.cos(o.v.get_angle()) tmp.setAttribute('val', str(o.d.d * cz + ih - th)) tmp.setAttribute( 'stdev', str( math.sqrt(cz**2 * w**2 + (o.d.d * 1000)**2 * sz**2 * (self.stdev_angle / RO_CC)**2))) else: tz = math.tan(o.v.get_angle()) tmp.setAttribute( 'val', str(o.d.d / math.tan(o.v.get_angle()) + ih - th)) tmp.setAttribute( 'stdev', str( math.sqrt((1 / tz)**2 * w**2 + (o.d.d * 1000)**2 * (o.d.d * 1000)**2 * (1 / sz**2)**2 * (self.stdev_angle / RO_CC)**2))) hd.appendChild(tmp) elif self.dimension == 3: # 3d if is None: th = 0 else: th = if o.hz is not None: tmp = doc.createElement('direction') tmp.setAttribute('to', o.point_id) tmp.setAttribute('val', str(o.hz.get_angle('GON'))) sta.appendChild(tmp) if o.d is not None: if o.d.mode == 'SD': tmp = doc.createElement('s-distance') tmp.setAttribute('val', str(o.d.d)) tmp.setAttribute('from_dh', str(ih)) tmp.setAttribute('to_dh', str(th)) else: tmp = doc.createElement('distance') tmp.setAttribute('val', str(o.d.d)) tmp.setAttribute('to', o.point_id) sta.appendChild(tmp) if o.v is not None: tmp = doc.createElement('z-angle') tmp.setAttribute('to', o.point_id) tmp.setAttribute('val', str(o.v.get_angle('GON'))) tmp.setAttribute('from_dh', str(ih)) tmp.setAttribute('to_dh', str(th)) sta.appendChild(tmp) else: # unknown dimension return None # generate temp file name tmpf = QTemporaryFile(QDir.temp().absoluteFilePath('w')) tmpf.close() tmp_name = tmpf.fileName() f = QFile(tmp_name + '.xml') if f.write(doc.toByteArray()) f.close() # run gama-local if self.gama_prog is None: return None status = QProcess.execute(self.gama_prog, [ tmp_name + '.xml', '--text', tmp_name + '.txt', '--xml', tmp_name + 'out.xml' ]) if status != 0: return None xmlParser = QXmlSimpleReader() xmlFile = QFile(tmp_name + 'out.xml') xmlInputSource = QXmlInputSource(xmlFile) doc.setContent(xmlInputSource, xmlParser) f_txt = QFile(tmp_name + '.txt') res = f_txt.readAll().data() f_txt.close() # store coordinates adj_nodes = doc.elementsByTagName('adjusted') if adj_nodes.count() < 1: return res adj_node = for i in range(len(adj_node.childNodes())): pp = adj_node.childNodes().at(i) if pp.nodeName() == 'point': for ii in range(len(pp.childNodes())): ppp = pp.childNodes().at(ii) if ppp.nodeName() == 'id': p = Point(ppp.firstChild().nodeValue()) elif ppp.nodeName() == 'Y' or ppp.nodeName() == 'y': p.e = float(ppp.firstChild().nodeValue()) elif ppp.nodeName() == 'X' or ppp.nodeName() == 'x': p.n = float(ppp.firstChild().nodeValue()) elif ppp.nodeName() == 'Z' or ppp.nodeName() == 'z': p.z = float(ppp.firstChild().nodeValue()) ScPoint(p).store_coord(self.dimension) # remove input xml and output xml tmpf.remove() f_txt.remove() f.remove() xmlFile.remove() return res
def adjust(self): """ Export data to GNU Gama xml, adjust the network and read result :returns: result list of adjusment from GNU Gama """ # fix = 0 free network fix = 0 adj = 0 for p, s in self.points: if s == 'FIX': fix += 1 else: adj += 1 if adj == 0 or len(self.observations) == 0: # no unknowns or observations return None doc = QDomDocument() doc.appendChild(doc.createComment('Gama XML created by Land Surveying plugin for QGIS')) gama_local = doc.createElement('gama-local') gama_local.setAttribute('version', '2.0') doc.appendChild(gama_local) network = doc.createElement('network') network.setAttribute('axes-xy', 'ne') network.setAttribute('angles', 'left-handed') gama_local.appendChild(network) description = doc.createElement('description') if self.dimension == 1: description.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('GNU Gama 1D network')) elif self.dimension == 2: description.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('GNU Gama 2D network')) elif self.dimension == 3: description.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('GNU Gama 3D network')) network.appendChild(description) parameters = doc.createElement('parameters') parameters.setAttribute('sigma-apr', '1') parameters.setAttribute('conf-pr', str(self.probability)) parameters.setAttribute('tol-abs', '1000') parameters.setAttribute('sigma-act', 'aposteriori') parameters.setAttribute('update-constrained-coordinates', 'yes') network.appendChild(parameters) points_observations = doc.createElement('points-observations') points_observations.setAttribute('distance-stdev', str(self.stdev_dist) + ' ' + str(self.stdev_dist1)) points_observations.setAttribute('direction-stdev', str(self.stdev_angle)) points_observations.setAttribute('angle-stdev', str(math.sqrt(self.stdev_angle * 2))) points_observations.setAttribute('zenith-angle-stdev', str(self.stdev_angle)) network.appendChild(points_observations) for p, s in self.points: if self.dimension == 1: tmp = doc.createElement('point') tmp.setAttribute('id', if p.z is not None: tmp.setAttribute('z', str(p.z)) if s == 'FIX': tmp.setAttribute('fix', 'z') else: if fix == 0: tmp.setAttribute('adj', 'Z') else: tmp.setAttribute('adj', 'z') points_observations.appendChild(tmp) elif self.dimension == 2: tmp = doc.createElement('point') tmp.setAttribute('id', if p.e is not None and p.n is not None: tmp.setAttribute('y', str(p.e)) tmp.setAttribute('x', str(p.n)) if s == 'FIX': tmp.setAttribute('fix', 'xy') else: if fix == 0: # free network tmp.setAttribute('adj', 'XY') else: tmp.setAttribute('adj', 'xy') points_observations.appendChild(tmp) elif self.dimension == 3: tmp = doc.createElement('point') tmp.setAttribute('id', if p.e is not None and p.n is not None: tmp.setAttribute('y', str(p.e)) tmp.setAttribute('x', str(p.n)) if p.z is not None: tmp.setAttribute('z', str(p.z)) if s == 'FIX': tmp.setAttribute('fix', 'xyz') else: if fix == 0: tmp.setAttribute('adj', 'XYZ') else: tmp.setAttribute('adj', 'xyz') points_observations.appendChild(tmp) for o in self.observations: if o.station == 'station': # station record sta = doc.createElement('obs') sta.setAttribute('from', o.point_id) if is None: ih = 0 else: ih = points_observations.appendChild(sta) else: # observation if self.dimension == 2: # horizontal network if o.hz is not None: tmp = doc.createElement('direction') tmp.setAttribute('to', o.point_id) tmp.setAttribute('val', str(o.hz.get_angle('GON'))) sta.appendChild(tmp) if o.d is not None: # horizontal distance hd = o.horiz_dist() if hd is not None: tmp = doc.createElement('distance') tmp.setAttribute('to', o.point_id) tmp.setAttribute('val', str(hd)) sta.appendChild(tmp) elif self.dimension == 1: # elevations only pass elif self.dimension == 3: # 3d if is None: th = else: th = 0 if o.hz is not None: tmp = doc.createElement('direction') tmp.setAttribute('to', o.point_id) tmp.setAttribute('val', str(o.hz.get_angle('GON'))) sta.appendChild(tmp) if o.d is not None: if o.d.mode == 'SD': tmp = doc.createElement('s-distance') tmp.setAttribute('val', str(o.d.d)) tmp.setAttribute('from_dh', str(ih)) tmp.setAttribute('to_dh', str(th)) else: tmp = doc.createElement('distance') tmp.setAttribute('val', str(o.d.d)) tmp.setAttribute('to', o.point_id) sta.appendChild(tmp) if o.v is not None: tmp = doc.createElement('z-angle') tmp.setAttribute('to', o.point_id) tmp.setAttribute('val', str(o.v.get_angle('GON'))) tmp.setAttribute('from_dh', str(ih)) tmp.setAttribute('to_dh', str(th)) sta.appendChild(tmp) else: # unknown dimension return None #print doc.toprettyxml(indent=" ") # generate temp file name tmpf = QTemporaryFile( QDir.temp().absoluteFilePath('w') ) tmpf.close() tmp_name = tmpf.fileName() f = QFile(tmp_name + '.xml') if f.write(doc.toByteArray()) f.close() # run gama-local if self.gama_prog is None: return None # status = call([str(self.gama_prog), str(tmp_name) + '.xml', '--text', # str(tmp_name) + '.txt', '--xml', str(tmp_name) + 'out.xml']) status = QProcess.execute(self.gama_prog, [ tmp_name+'.xml', '--text', tmp_name+'.txt', '--xml', tmp_name+'out.xml']) if status != 0: return None xmlParser = QXmlSimpleReader() xmlFile = QFile(tmp_name + 'out.xml') xmlInputSource = QXmlInputSource(xmlFile) doc.setContent(xmlInputSource,xmlParser) f_txt = QFile(tmp_name + '.txt') res = f_txt.readAll().data() f_txt.close() # store coordinates adj_nodes = doc.elementsByTagName('adjusted') if adj_nodes.count() < 1: return res adj_node = for i in range(len(adj_node.childNodes())): pp = adj_node.childNodes().at(i) if pp.nodeName() == 'point': for ii in range(len(pp.childNodes())): ppp = pp.childNodes().at(ii) if ppp.nodeName() == 'id': p = Point(ppp.firstChild().nodeValue()) elif ppp.nodeName() == 'Y' or ppp.nodeName() == 'y': p.e = float(ppp.firstChild().nodeValue()) elif ppp.nodeName() == 'X' or ppp.nodeName() == 'x': p.n = float(ppp.firstChild().nodeValue()) elif ppp.nodeName() == 'Z' or ppp.nodeName() == 'z': p.z = float(ppp.firstChild().nodeValue()) ScPoint(p).store_coord(self.dimension) # remove input xml and output xml tmpf.remove() f_txt.remove() f.remove() xmlFile.remove() return res
def parse_metadata(self): """Parse str metadata to collection dict.""" if not self.metadata: msg = 'The metadata content is None' LOGGER.error(msg) raise MetadataError(msg) collections = [] metadata_file = QTemporaryFile() if metadata_file.write(self.metadata) metadata_file.close() try: parser = SafeConfigParser() metadata_path = metadata_file.fileName() with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: parser.readfp(f) collections_str = parser.get('general', 'collections') except Exception as e: raise MetadataError('Error parsing metadata: %s' % e) collection_list = [ collection.strip() for collection in collections_str.split(',') ] # Read all the collections for collection in collection_list: # Parse the version qgis_min_version = parser.has_option( collection, 'qgis_minimum_version') and parser.get( collection, 'qgis_minimum_version') or None qgis_max_version = parser.has_option( collection, 'qgis_maximum_version') and parser.get( collection, 'qgis_maximum_version') or None if not qgis_min_version: qgis_min_version = '2.0' if not qgis_max_version: qgis_max_version = '3.99' if not isCompatible(QGis.QGIS_VERSION, qgis_min_version, qgis_max_version): 'Collection %s is not compatible with current QGIS ' 'version. QGIS ver:%s, QGIS min ver:%s, QGIS max ver: ' '%s' % (collection, QGis.QGIS_VERSION, qgis_min_version, qgis_max_version)) break # Collection is compatible, continue parsing try: # Parse general information author = parser.get(collection, 'author') email = parser.get(collection, 'email') name = parser.get(collection, 'name') tags = parser.get(collection, 'tags') description = parser.get(collection, 'description') # Parse licensing stuffs license_str = parser.has_option( collection, 'license') and parser.get( collection, 'license') or None license_path = parser.has_option( collection, 'license_file') and parser.get( collection, 'license_file') or None license_url = None if license_path: license_url = self.collection_file_url( collection, license_path.strip()) # Parse the preview urls preview_str = parser.has_option(collection, 'preview') and \ parser.get(collection, 'preview') or '' preview_list = [] for preview in preview_str.split(','): if preview.strip() != '': preview_url = self.collection_file_url( collection, preview.strip()) preview_list.append(preview_url) except Exception as e: raise MetadataError('Error parsing metadata: %s' % e) collection_dict = { 'register_name': collection, 'author': author, 'author_email': email, 'repository_url': self.url, 'status': COLLECTION_NOT_INSTALLED_STATUS, 'name': name, 'tags': tags, 'description': description, 'qgis_min_version': qgis_min_version, 'qgis_max_version': qgis_max_version, 'preview': preview_list, 'license': license_str, 'license_url': license_url } collections.append(collection_dict) return collections
def processFile(self,fullPath): fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(fullPath) fileName = os.path.basename(fullPath) self.fileNames.append(fileName) if fileExtension == '.csv': delimiter = ',' else: delimiter = None self.ui.statusbar.showMessage("processing: "+ fileName,2500) #wait here for the file to be completely written to disk and closed before trying to read it fi = QFileInfo(fullPath) while (not fi.isWritable()): time.sleep(0.001) fi.refresh() fp = open(fullPath, mode='r') fileBuffer = fp.close() first10 = fileBuffer[0:10] nMcHeaderLines = 25 #number of header lines in mcgehee IV file format isMcFile = False #true if this is a McGehee iv file format if (not first10.__contains__('#')) and (first10.__contains__('/')) and (first10.__contains__('\t')):#the first line is not a comment #the first 8 chars do not contain comment symbol and do contain / and a tab, it's safe to assume mcgehee iv file format isMcFile = True #comment out the first 25 rows here fileBuffer = '#'+fileBuffer fileBuffer = fileBuffer.replace('\n', '\n#',nMcHeaderLines-1) splitBuffer = fileBuffer.splitlines(True) area = 1 noArea = True vsTime = False #this is not an i,v vs t data file #extract header lines and search for area header = [] for line in splitBuffer: if line.startswith('#'): header.append(line) if line.__contains__('Area'): area = float(line.split(' ')[3]) noArea = False if line.__contains__('I&V vs t'): if float(line.split(' ')[5]) == 1: vsTime = True else: break outputScaleFactor = np.array(1000/area) #for converstion to [mA/cm^2] tempFile = QTemporaryFile() tempFile.writeData(fileBuffer) tempFile.flush() #read in data try: data = np.loadtxt(str(tempFile.fileName()),delimiter=delimiter) VV = data[:,0] II = data[:,1] if vsTime: time = data[:,2] except: self.ui.statusbar.showMessage('Could not read' + fileName +'. Prepend # to all non-data lines and try again',2500) return tempFile.close() tempFile.remove() if isMcFile: #convert to amps II = II/1000*area if not vsTime: #sort data by ascending voltage newOrder = VV.argsort() VV=VV[newOrder] II=II[newOrder] #remove duplicate voltage entries VV, indices = np.unique(VV, return_index =True) II = II[indices] else: #sort data by ascending time newOrder = time.argsort() VV=VV[newOrder] II=II[newOrder] time=time[newOrder] time=time-time[0]#start time at t=0 #catch and fix flipped current sign: if II[0] < II[-1]: II = II * -1 indexInQuad1 = np.logical_and(VV>0,II>0) if any(indexInQuad1): #enters statement if there is at least one datapoint in quadrant 1 isDarkCurve = False else: self.ui.statusbar.showMessage("Dark curve detected",500) isDarkCurve = True #put items in table self.ui.tableWidget.insertRow(self.rows) for ii in range(len(self.cols)): self.ui.tableWidget.setItem(self.rows,ii,QTableWidgetItem()) if not vsTime: fitParams, fitCovariance, infodict, errmsg, ier = self.bestEffortFit(VV,II) #print errmsg I0_fit = fitParams[0] Iph_fit = fitParams[1] Rs_fit = fitParams[2] Rsh_fit = fitParams[3] n_fit = fitParams[4] #0 -> LS-straight line #1 -> cubic spline interpolant smoothingParameter = 1-2e-6 iFitSpline = SmoothSpline(VV, II, p=smoothingParameter) def cellModel(voltageIn): #voltageIn = np.array(voltageIn) return vectorizedCurrent(voltageIn, I0_fit, Iph_fit, Rs_fit, Rsh_fit, n_fit) def invCellPowerSpline(voltageIn): if voltageIn < 0: return 0 else: return -1*voltageIn*iFitSpline(voltageIn) def invCellPowerModel(voltageIn): if voltageIn < 0: return 0 else: return -1*voltageIn*cellModel(voltageIn) if not isDarkCurve: VVq1 = VV[indexInQuad1] IIq1 = II[indexInQuad1] vMaxGuess = VVq1[np.array(VVq1*IIq1).argmax()] powerSearchResults = optimize.minimize(invCellPowerSpline,vMaxGuess) #catch a failed max power search: if not powerSearchResults.status == 0: print "power search exit code = " + str(powerSearchResults.status) print powerSearchResults.message vMax = nan iMax = nan pMax = nan else: vMax = powerSearchResults.x[0] iMax = iFitSpline([vMax])[0] pMax = vMax*iMax #only do this stuff if the char eqn fit was good if ier < 5: powerSearchResults_charEqn = optimize.minimize(invCellPowerModel,vMaxGuess) #catch a failed max power search: if not powerSearchResults_charEqn.status == 0: print "power search exit code = " + str(powerSearchResults_charEqn.status) print powerSearchResults_charEqn.message vMax_charEqn = nan else: vMax_charEqn = powerSearchResults_charEqn.x[0] #dude try: Voc_nn_charEqn=optimize.brentq(cellModel, VV[0], VV[-1]) except: Voc_nn_charEqn = nan else: Voc_nn_charEqn = nan vMax_charEqn = nan try: Voc_nn = optimize.brentq(iFitSpline, VV[0], VV[-1]) except: Voc_nn = nan else: Voc_nn = nan vMax = nan iMax = nan pMax = nan Voc_nn_charEqn = nan vMax_charEqn = nan iMax_charEqn = nan pMax_charEqn = nan if ier < 5: dontFindBounds = False iMax_charEqn = cellModel([vMax_charEqn])[0] pMax_charEqn = vMax_charEqn*iMax_charEqn Isc_nn_charEqn = cellModel(0) FF_charEqn = pMax_charEqn/(Voc_nn_charEqn*Isc_nn_charEqn) else: dontFindBounds = True iMax_charEqn = nan pMax_charEqn = nan Isc_nn_charEqn = nan FF_charEqn = nan #there is a maddening bug in SmoothingSpline: it can't evaluate 0 alone, so I have to do this: try: Isc_nn = iFitSpline([0,1e-55])[0] except: Isc_nn = nan FF = pMax/(Voc_nn*Isc_nn) if (ier != 7) and (ier != 6) and (not dontFindBounds) and (type(fitCovariance) is not float): #error estimation: alpha = 0.05 # 95% confidence interval = 100*(1-alpha) nn = len(VV) # number of data points p = len(fitParams) # number of parameters dof = max(0, nn - p) # number of degrees of freedom # student-t value for the dof and confidence level tval = t.ppf(1.0-alpha/2., dof) lowers = [] uppers = [] #calculate 95% confidence interval for a, p,var in zip(range(nn), fitParams, np.diag(fitCovariance)): sigma = var**0.5 lower = p - sigma*tval upper = p + sigma*tval lowers.append(lower) uppers.append(upper) else: uppers = [nan,nan,nan,nan,nan] lowers = [nan,nan,nan,nan,nan] plotPoints = 1000 fitX = np.linspace(VV[0],VV[-1],plotPoints) if ier < 5: modelY = cellModel(fitX)*outputScaleFactor else: modelY = np.empty(plotPoints)*nan splineY = iFitSpline(fitX)*outputScaleFactor graphData = {'vsTime':vsTime,'origRow':self.rows,'fitX':fitX,'modelY':modelY,'splineY':splineY,'i':II*outputScaleFactor,'v':VV,'Voc':Voc_nn,'Isc':Isc_nn*outputScaleFactor,'Vmax':vMax,'Imax':iMax*outputScaleFactor} #export button exportBtn = QPushButton(self.ui.tableWidget) exportBtn.setText('Export') exportBtn.clicked.connect(self.handleButton) self.ui.tableWidget.setCellWidget(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('exportBtn'), exportBtn) self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('pce')).setData(Qt.DisplayRole,round(pMax/area*1e3,3)) self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('pce')).setToolTip(str(round(pMax_charEqn/area*1e3,3))) self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('pmax')).setData(Qt.DisplayRole,round(pMax/area*1e3,3)) self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('pmax')).setToolTip(str(round(pMax_charEqn/area*1e3,3))) self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('jsc')).setData(Qt.DisplayRole,round(Isc_nn/area*1e3,3)) self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('jsc')).setToolTip(str(round(Isc_nn_charEqn/area*1e3,3))) self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('voc')).setData(Qt.DisplayRole,round(Voc_nn*1e3,3)) self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('voc')).setToolTip(str(round(Voc_nn_charEqn*1e3,3))) self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('ff')).setData(Qt.DisplayRole,round(FF,3)) self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('ff')).setToolTip(str(round(FF_charEqn,3))) self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('rs')).setData(Qt.DisplayRole,round(Rs_fit*area,3)) self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('rs')).setToolTip('[{0} {1}]'.format(lowers[2]*area, uppers[2]*area)) self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('rsh')).setData(Qt.DisplayRole,round(Rsh_fit*area,3)) self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('rsh')).setToolTip('[{0} {1}]'.format(lowers[3]*area, uppers[3]*area)) self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('jph')).setData(Qt.DisplayRole,round(Iph_fit/area*1e3,3)) self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('jph')).setToolTip('[{0} {1}]'.format(lowers[1]/area*1e3, uppers[1]/area*1e3)) self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('j0')).setData(Qt.DisplayRole,round(I0_fit/area*1e9,3)) self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('j0')).setToolTip('[{0} {1}]'.format(lowers[0]/area*1e9, uppers[0]/area*1e9)) self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('n')).setData(Qt.DisplayRole,round(n_fit,3)) self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('n')).setToolTip('[{0} {1}]'.format(lowers[4], uppers[4])) self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('Vmax')).setData(Qt.DisplayRole,round(vMax*1e3,3)) self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('Vmax')).setToolTip(str(round(vMax_charEqn*1e3,3))) self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('area')).setData(Qt.DisplayRole,round(area,3)) self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('pmax2')).setData(Qt.DisplayRole,round(pMax*1e3,3)) self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('pmax2')).setToolTip(str(round(pMax_charEqn*1e3,3))) self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('isc')).setData(Qt.DisplayRole,round(Isc_nn*1e3,3)) self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('isc')).setToolTip(str(round(Isc_nn_charEqn*1e3,3))) self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('iph')).setData(Qt.DisplayRole,round(Iph_fit*1e3,3)) self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('iph')).setToolTip('[{0} {1}]'.format(lowers[1]*1e3, uppers[1]*1e3)) self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('i0')).setData(Qt.DisplayRole,round(I0_fit*1e9,3)) self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('i0')).setToolTip('[{0} {1}]'.format(lowers[0]*1e9, uppers[0]*1e9)) self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('rs2')).setData(Qt.DisplayRole,round(Rs_fit,3)) self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('rs2')).setToolTip('[{0} {1}]'.format(lowers[2], uppers[2])) self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('rsh2')).setData(Qt.DisplayRole,round(Rsh_fit,3)) self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('rsh2')).setToolTip('[{0} {1}]'.format(lowers[3], uppers[3])) else:#vs time graphData = {'vsTime':vsTime,'origRow':self.rows,'time':time,'i':II*outputScaleFactor,'v':VV} #file name self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('file')).setText(fileName) self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('file')).setToolTip(''.join(header)) #plot button plotBtn = QPushButton(self.ui.tableWidget) plotBtn.setText('Plot') plotBtn.clicked.connect(self.handleButton) self.ui.tableWidget.setCellWidget(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('plotBtn'), plotBtn) self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.rows,self.cols.keys().index('plotBtn')).setData(Qt.UserRole,graphData) self.ui.tableWidget.resizeColumnsToContents() self.rows = self.rows + 1
def print_(doc, filename=None, widget=None): """Prints the popplerqt4.Poppler.Document. The filename is used in the dialog and print job name. If the filename is not given, it defaults to a translation of "PDF Document". The widget is a widget to use as parent for the print dialog etc. """ cmd = fileprinter.lprCommand() if not cmd and QMessageBox.information(widget, _("Warning"), _( "No print command to print a PostScript file could be found.\n\n" "Therefore the document will be printed using raster images at {resolution} DPI. " "It is recommended to print using a dedicated PDF viewer.\n\n" "Do you want to continue?").format(resolution=300), QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) != QMessageBox.Yes: return # cancelled filename = os.path.basename(filename) if filename else _("PDF Document") printer = QPrinter() printer.setDocName(filename) dlg = QPrintDialog(printer, widget) dlg.setMinMax(1, doc.numPages()) dlg.setOption(QPrintDialog.PrintToFile, False) dlg.setWindowTitle(app.caption(_("Print {filename}").format(filename=filename))) result = dlg.exec_() if widget: dlg.deleteLater() # because it has a parent if not result: return # cancelled if cmd: # make a PostScript file with the desired paper size ps = QTemporaryFile() if and qpopplerview.printer.psfile(doc, printer, ps): ps.close() # let all converted pages print printer.setPrintRange(QPrinter.AllPages) command = fileprinter.printCommand(cmd, printer, ps.fileName()) if not return # success! QMessageBox.warning(widget, _("Printing Error"), _("Could not send the document to the printer.")) else: # Fall back printing of rendered raster images. # It is unsure if the Poppler ArthurBackend ever will be ready for # good rendering directly to a painter, so we'll fall back to using # 300DPI raster images. p = Printer() p.setDocument(doc) p.setPrinter(printer) p.setResolution(300) d = QProgressDialog() d.setModal(True) d.setMinimumDuration(0) d.setRange(0, len(p.pageList()) + 1) d.canceled.connect(p.abort) def progress(num, total, page): d.setValue(num) d.setLabelText(_("Printing page {page} ({num} of {total})...").format( page=page, num=num, total=total)) def finished(): p.deleteLater() d.deleteLater() d.hide() if not p.success and not p.aborted(): QMessageBox.warning(widget, _("Printing Error"), _("Could not send the document to the printer.")) p.finished.connect(finished) p.printing.connect(progress) p.start()
def print_(doc, filename=None, widget=None): """Prints the popplerqt4.Poppler.Document. The filename is used in the dialog and print job name. If the filename is not given, it defaults to a translation of "PDF Document". The widget is a widget to use as parent for the print dialog etc. """ # Decide how we will print. # on Windows and Mac OS X a print command must be specified, otherwise # we'll use raster printing s = QSettings() s.beginGroup("helper_applications") cmd = s.value("printcommand", "", type("")) use_dialog = s.value("printcommand/dialog", False, bool) resolution = s.value("printcommand/dpi", 300, int) linux_lpr = False if != 'nt' and not sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): # we're probably on Linux if not cmd: cmd = fileprinter.lprCommand() if cmd: linux_lpr = True elif cmd.split('/')[-1] in fileprinter.lpr_commands: linux_lpr = True print_file = filename title = os.path.basename(filename) if filename else _("PDF Document") printer = QPrinter() printer.setDocName(title) printer.setPrintRange(QPrinter.AllPages) if linux_lpr or use_dialog or not cmd: dlg = QPrintDialog(printer, widget) dlg.setMinMax(1, doc.numPages()) dlg.setOption(QPrintDialog.PrintToFile, False) dlg.setWindowTitle(app.caption(_("Print {filename}").format(filename=title))) result = dlg.exec_() if widget: dlg.deleteLater() # because it has a parent if not result: return # cancelled if linux_lpr or '$ps' in cmd: # make a PostScript file with the desired paper size ps = QTemporaryFile() if and qpopplerview.printer.psfile(doc, printer, ps): ps.close() print_file = ps.fileName() elif cmd: if printer.printRange() != QPrinter.AllPages: cmd = None # we can't cut out pages from a PDF file elif '$pdf' not in cmd: cmd += ' $pdf' command = [] if linux_lpr: # let all converted pages print printer.setPrintRange(QPrinter.AllPages) command = fileprinter.printCommand(cmd, printer, ps.fileName()) elif cmd and print_file: for arg in helpers.shell_split(cmd): if arg in ('$ps', '$pdf'): command.append(print_file) else: arg = arg.replace('$printer', printer.printerName()) command.append(arg) if command: if QMessageBox.warning(widget, _("Printing Error"), _("Could not send the document to the printer.")) return else: # Fall back printing of rendered raster images. # It is unsure if the Poppler ArthurBackend ever will be ready for # good rendering directly to a painter, so we'll fall back to using # raster images. p = Printer() p.setDocument(doc) p.setPrinter(printer) p.setResolution(resolution) d = QProgressDialog() d.setModal(True) d.setMinimumDuration(0) d.setRange(0, len(p.pageList()) + 1) d.canceled.connect(p.abort) def progress(num, total, page): d.setValue(num) d.setLabelText(_("Printing page {page} ({num} of {total})...").format( page=page, num=num, total=total)) def finished(): p.deleteLater() d.deleteLater() d.hide() if not p.success and not p.aborted(): QMessageBox.warning(widget, _("Printing Error"), _("Could not send the document to the printer.")) p.finished.connect(finished) p.printing.connect(progress) p.start()
def print_(doc, filename=None, widget=None): """Prints the popplerqt4.Poppler.Document. The filename is used in the dialog and print job name. If the filename is not given, it defaults to a translation of "PDF Document". The widget is a widget to use as parent for the print dialog etc. """ # Decide how we will print. # on Windows and Mac OS X a print command must be specified, otherwise # we'll use raster printing s = QSettings() s.beginGroup("helper_applications") cmd = s.value("printcommand", "", type("")) use_dialog = s.value("printcommand/dialog", False, bool) resolution = s.value("printcommand/dpi", 300, int) linux_lpr = False if != 'nt' and not sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): # we're probably on Linux if not cmd: cmd = fileprinter.lprCommand() if cmd: linux_lpr = True elif cmd.split('/')[-1] in fileprinter.lpr_commands: linux_lpr = True print_file = filename title = os.path.basename(filename) if filename else _("PDF Document") printer = QPrinter() printer.setDocName(title) printer.setPrintRange(QPrinter.AllPages) if linux_lpr or use_dialog or not cmd: dlg = QPrintDialog(printer, widget) dlg.setMinMax(1, doc.numPages()) dlg.setOption(QPrintDialog.PrintToFile, False) dlg.setWindowTitle( app.caption(_("Print {filename}").format(filename=title))) result = dlg.exec_() if widget: dlg.deleteLater() # because it has a parent if not result: return # cancelled if linux_lpr or '$ps' in cmd: # make a PostScript file with the desired paper size ps = QTemporaryFile() if and qpopplerview.printer.psfile(doc, printer, ps): ps.close() print_file = ps.fileName() elif cmd: if printer.printRange() != QPrinter.AllPages: cmd = None # we can't cut out pages from a PDF file elif '$pdf' not in cmd: cmd += ' $pdf' command = [] if linux_lpr: # let all converted pages print printer.setPrintRange(QPrinter.AllPages) command = fileprinter.printCommand(cmd, printer, ps.fileName()) elif cmd and print_file: for arg in helpers.shell_split(cmd): if arg in ('$ps', '$pdf'): command.append(print_file) else: arg = arg.replace('$printer', printer.printerName()) command.append(arg) if command: if QMessageBox.warning( widget, _("Printing Error"), _("Could not send the document to the printer.")) return else: # Fall back printing of rendered raster images. # It is unsure if the Poppler ArthurBackend ever will be ready for # good rendering directly to a painter, so we'll fall back to using # raster images. p = Printer() p.setDocument(doc) p.setPrinter(printer) p.setResolution(resolution) d = QProgressDialog() d.setModal(True) d.setMinimumDuration(0) d.setRange(0, len(p.pageList()) + 1) d.canceled.connect(p.abort) def progress(num, total, page): d.setValue(num) d.setLabelText( _("Printing page {page} ({num} of {total})...").format( page=page, num=num, total=total)) def finished(): p.deleteLater() d.deleteLater() d.hide() if not p.success and not p.aborted(): QMessageBox.warning( widget, _("Printing Error"), _("Could not send the document to the printer.")) p.finished.connect(finished) p.printing.connect(progress) p.start()