Example #1
File: View0.py Project: iras/JADE
 def setupMatrix (self):
     scale = pow (2.0, (self.zoomSlider.value () - 250) / 50.0)
     matrix = QMatrix ()
     matrix.scale (scale, scale)
     self.graphicsView.setMatrix (matrix)
     self.setResetButtonEnabled ()
Example #2
 def setupTransformationMatrix(self,w, h):
     use a matrix to translate in the gl landmark
     m = QMatrix()
     m.translate(-w/2, h/2)
     m.scale(300./w, 300./h)
     print w, h, w/300., 1-((h/300)-1)
     #m.scale((self.width()*100)/300, -(self.height()*100)/300)
     #self.currentSize.x = w
     #self.currentSize.y = h        
     return m
Example #3
    def setupTransformationMatrix(self, w, h):
        use a matrix to translate in the gl landmark

        m = QMatrix()
        m.translate(-w / 2, h / 2)
        m.scale(300. / w, 300. / h)
        print w, h, w / 300., 1 - ((h / 300) - 1)
        #m.scale((self.width()*100)/300, -(self.height()*100)/300)
        #self.currentSize.x = w
        #self.currentSize.y = h
        return m
    def play(self):

        line = 0

        scene_info = self.nonstop.script_pack[line].scene_info
        sprite_id = scene_info.sprite
        sprite_id.sprite_type = SPRITE_TYPE.stand
        sprite = get_sprite(sprite_id)

        self.lblSprite = QLabel(self.ui.lblPreview)
        self.lblSprite.setGeometry(0, 0, 480, 272)

        qt_pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(sprite)

        line = 18

        text_img = self.lines[line]
        line_info = self.nonstop.lines[line]

        matrix = QMatrix()
        matrix.scale(line_info.zoom_start / 100.0,
                     line_info.zoom_start / 100.0)

        text_img = text_img.transformed(matrix, Qt.Qt.SmoothTransformation)

        x_start = line_info.x_start - (text_img.width() / 2.0)
        y_start = line_info.y_start - (text_img.height() / 2.0)
        x_vel = line_info.velocity * math.cos(
            math.radians(90 - line_info.angle))
        y_vel = -line_info.velocity * math.sin(
            math.radians(90 - line_info.angle))

        time_visible = line_info.time_visible / 60.0

        width_start = text_img.width()
        height_start = text_img.height()
        width_end = width_start * (
            (line_info.zoom_change / 100.0)**time_visible)
        height_end = height_start * (
            (line_info.zoom_change / 100.0)**time_visible)

        x_end = x_start + (x_vel * time_visible)
        y_end = y_start + (y_vel * time_visible)
        #x_end = line_info.x_start + (x_vel * time_visible) - (width_end / 2.0)
        #y_end = line_info.y_start + (y_vel * time_visible) - (height_end / 2.0)

        print x_start, y_start, width_start, height_start, line_info.zoom_start
        print x_end, y_end, width_end, height_end

        self.lblText = QLabel(self.ui.lblPreview)
        self.lblText.setGeometry(x_start, y_start, text_img.width(),
        #self.lblText2 = QLabel(self.ui.lblPreview)
        #self.lblText2.setGeometry(x_end, y_end, text_img.width(), text_img.height())

        qt_pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(text_img)

        self.anim = QtCore.QPropertyAnimation(self.lblText, "geometry")
        self.anim.setDuration(time_visible * 1000)
            QRectF(x_start, y_start, width_start, height_start))
        self.anim.setEndValue(QRectF(x_end, y_end, width_start, height_start))

def get_letter(clt, char):
  if not clt in CLT:
    clt = 0
  font    = CLT[clt]['font']
  hscale  = CLT[clt]['hscale']
  vscale  = CLT[clt]['vscale']
    info = FONT_DATA[font][char]
    # This is the character the game replaces unknown characters with.
    info = FONT_DATA[font][u'\u2261']
  expand_l = 0
  expand_r = 0
  expand_t = 0
  expand_b = 0
  if clt in CLT_EXPAND:
    expand_l = CLT_EXPAND[clt][0]
    expand_r = CLT_EXPAND[clt][1]
    expand_t = CLT_EXPAND[clt][2]
    expand_b = CLT_EXPAND[clt][3]
  box = QRect(info['x'] - expand_l, info['y'] - expand_t, info['w'] + expand_l + expand_r, info['h'] + expand_t + expand_b)
  #box = QRect(info['x'] - expand_l, info['y'] - expand_t, info['w'], info['h'])
  if clt in CLT_BORDER:
    expand_l += CLT_BORDER[clt]['size']
    expand_r += CLT_BORDER[clt]['size']
    expand_t += CLT_BORDER[clt]['size']
    expand_b += CLT_BORDER[clt]['size']
  xshift = -expand_l
  yshift = -expand_t
  if font == 1:
    yshift += 6
  #elif font == 2:
    #yshift += 2
  base_w = info['w'] + expand_l + expand_r
  base_h = info['h'] + expand_t + expand_b
  final_w = base_w
  final_h = base_h
  if hscale != 1.0:
    final_w = (final_w * hscale)
  if vscale != 1.0:
    old_h   = final_h
    final_h = (final_h * vscale)
    yshift = yshift + old_h - final_h
  letter = FONTS[CLT[clt]['font']].copy(box)
  if hscale != 1.0 or vscale != 1.0:
    matrix = QMatrix()
    matrix.scale(hscale, vscale)
    letter = letter.transformed(matrix, Qt.Qt.SmoothTransformation)
    #letter = letter.scaled(int(final_w), int(final_h), Qt.Qt.IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt.Qt.SmoothTransformation)
  if clt in CLT_INSIDE:
    if 'color' in CLT_INSIDE[clt]:
      letter = replace_all_colors(letter, CLT_INSIDE[clt]['color'])
    elif 'gradient' in CLT_INSIDE[clt]:
      letter = add_v_gradient(letter, CLT_INSIDE[clt]['gradient'])
  if clt in CLT_BORDER:
    letter = add_border(letter, CLT_BORDER[clt]['color'], CLT_BORDER[clt]['size'])
  return letter, (xshift, yshift, final_w, final_h)