class Ghost(object): """Ghost manages a QWebPage. :param user_agent: The default User-Agent header. :param wait_timeout: Maximum step duration in second. :param wait_callback: An optional callable that is periodically executed until Ghost stops waiting. :param log_level: The optional logging level. :param display: A boolean that tells ghost to displays UI. :param viewport_size: A tupple that sets initial viewport size. """ _alert = None _confirm_expected = None _prompt_expected = None _upload_file = None _app = None def __init__(self, user_agent=default_user_agent, wait_timeout=8, wait_callback=None, log_level=logging.WARNING, display=False, viewport_size=(800, 600), cache_dir='/tmp/'): self.http_resources = [] self.user_agent = user_agent self.wait_timeout = wait_timeout self.wait_callback = wait_callback self.loaded = True if not sys.platform.startswith('win') and not 'DISPLAY' in os.environ\ and not hasattr(Ghost, 'xvfb'): try: os.environ['DISPLAY'] = ':99' Ghost.xvfb = subprocess.Popen(['Xvfb', ':99']) except OSError: raise Exception('Xvfb is required to a ghost run oustside ' +\ 'an X instance') self.display = display if not Ghost._app: Ghost._app = QApplication.instance() or QApplication(['ghost']) = GhostWebPage(Ghost._app) QtWebKit.QWebSettings.setMaximumPagesInCache(0) QtWebKit.QWebSettings.setObjectCacheCapacities(0, 0, 0) self.set_viewport_size(*viewport_size) # Page signals self.manager = self.manager.finished.connect(self._request_ended) # Cache self.cache = QNetworkDiskCache() self.cache.setCacheDirectory(cache_dir) self.manager.setCache(self.cache) # Cookie jar self.cookie_jar = QNetworkCookieJar() self.manager.setCookieJar(self.cookie_jar) # User Agent\ .connect(self._authenticate)\ .connect(self._authenticate) self.main_frame = logger.setLevel(log_level) if self.display: self.webview = QtWebKit.QWebView() self.webview.setPage( def __del__(self): self.exit() def capture(self, region=None, selector=None, format=QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied): """Returns snapshot as QImage. :param region: An optional tupple containing region as pixel coodinates. :param selector: A selector targeted the element to crop on. :param format: The output image format. """ if region is None and selector is not None: region = self.region_for_selector(selector) if region: x1, y1, x2, y2 = region w, h = (x2 - x1), (y2 - y1) image = QImage(QSize(x2, y2), format) painter = QPainter(image) self.main_frame.render(painter) painter.end() image = image.copy(x1, y1, w, h) else: image = QImage(, format) painter = QPainter(image) self.main_frame.render(painter) painter.end() return image def capture_to(self, path, region=None, selector=None, format=QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied): """Saves snapshot as image. :param path: The destination path. :param region: An optional tupple containing region as pixel coodinates. :param selector: A selector targeted the element to crop on. :param format: The output image format. """ self.capture(region=region, format=format, selector=selector).save(path) @can_load_page def click(self, selector): """Click the targeted element. :param selector: A CSS3 selector to targeted element. """ if not self.exists(selector): raise Exception("Can't find element to click") return self.evaluate(""" var element = document.querySelector("%s"); var evt = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); evt.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, window, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, false, false, false, false, 0, element); element.dispatchEvent(evt) """ % selector) class confirm: """Statement that tells Ghost how to deal with javascript confirm(). :param confirm: A bollean that confirm. :param callable: A callable that returns a boolean for confirmation. """ def __init__(self, confirm=True, callback=None): self.confirm = confirm self.callback = callback def __enter__(self): Ghost._confirm_expected = (self.confirm, self.callback) def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): Ghost._confirm_expected = None @property def content(self): """Returns current frame HTML as a string.""" return unicode(self.main_frame.toHtml()) @property def cookies(self): """Returns all cookies.""" return self.cookie_jar.allCookies() def delete_cookies(self): """Deletes all cookies.""" self.cookie_jar.setAllCookies([]) @can_load_page def evaluate(self, script): """Evaluates script in page frame. :param script: The script to evaluate. """ return (self.main_frame.evaluateJavaScript("%s" % script), self._release_last_resources()) def evaluate_js_file(self, path, encoding='utf-8'): """Evaluates javascript file at given path in current frame. Raises native IOException in case of invalid file. :param path: The path of the file. :param encoding: The file's encoding. """ self.evaluate(, encoding=encoding).read()) def exists(self, selector): """Checks if element exists for given selector. :param string: The element selector. """ return not self.main_frame.findFirstElement(selector).isNull() def exit(self): """Exits application and relateds.""" if self.display: self.webview.close() Ghost._app.quit() del self.manager del del self.main_frame if hasattr(self, 'xvfb'): self.xvfb.terminate() @can_load_page def fill(self, selector, values): """Fills a form with provided values. :param selector: A CSS selector to the target form to fill. :param values: A dict containing the values. """ if not self.exists(selector): raise Exception("Can't find form") resources = [] for field in values: r, res = self.set_field_value("%s [name=%s]" % (selector, field), values[field]) resources.extend(res) return True, resources @can_load_page def fire_on(self, selector, method): """Call method on element matching given selector. :param selector: A CSS selector to the target element. :param method: The name of the method to fire. :param expect_loading: Specifies if a page loading is expected. """ return self.evaluate('document.querySelector("%s").%s();' % \ (selector, method)) def global_exists(self, global_name): """Checks if javascript global exists. :param global_name: The name of the global. """ return self.evaluate('!(typeof %s === "undefined");' % global_name)[0] def hide(self): """Close the webview.""" try: self.webview.close() except: raise Exception("no webview to close") def open(self, address, method='get', headers={}, auth=None): """Opens a web page. :param address: The resource URL. :param method: The Http method. :param headers: An optional dict of extra request hearders. :param auth: An optional tupple of HTTP auth (username, password). :return: Page resource, All loaded resources. """ body = QByteArray() try: method = getattr(QNetworkAccessManager, "%sOperation" % method.capitalize()) except AttributeError: raise Exception("Invalid http method %s" % method) request = QNetworkRequest(QUrl(address)) request.CacheLoadControl(0) for header in headers: request.setRawHeader(header, headers[header]) self._auth = auth self._auth_attempt = 0 # Avoids reccursion self.main_frame.load(request, method, body) self.loaded = False return self.wait_for_page_loaded() class prompt: """Statement that tells Ghost how to deal with javascript prompt(). :param value: A string value to fill in prompt. :param callback: A callable that returns the value to fill in. """ def __init__(self, value='', callback=None): self.value = value self.callback = callback def __enter__(self): Ghost._prompt_expected = (self.value, self.callback) def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): Ghost._prompt_expected = None def region_for_selector(self, selector): """Returns frame region for given selector as tupple. :param selector: The targeted element. """ geo = self.main_frame.findFirstElement(selector).geometry() try: region = (geo.left(),, geo.right(), geo.bottom()) except: raise Exception("can't get region for selector '%s'" % selector) return region @can_load_page def set_field_value(self, selector, value, blur=True): """Sets the value of the field matched by given selector. :param selector: A CSS selector that target the field. :param value: The value to fill in. :param blur: An optional boolean that force blur when filled in. """ def _set_checkbox_value(el, value): el.setFocus() if value is True: el.setAttribute('checked', 'checked') else: el.removeAttribute('checked') def _set_checkboxes_value(els, value): for el in els: if el.attribute('value') == value: _set_checkbox_value(el, True) else: _set_checkbox_value(el, False) def _set_radio_value(els, value): for el in els: if el.attribute('value') == value: el.setFocus() el.setAttribute('checked', 'checked') def _set_text_value(el, value): el.setFocus() el.setAttribute('value', value) def _set_textarea_value(el, value): el.setFocus() el.setPlainText(value) res, ressources = None, [] element = self.main_frame.findFirstElement(selector) if element.isNull(): raise Exception('can\'t find element for %s"' % selector) if element.tagName() == "SELECT": _set_text_value(element, value) elif element.tagName() == "TEXTAREA": _set_textarea_value(element, value) elif element.tagName() == "INPUT": if element.attribute('type') in ["color", "date", "datetime", "datetime-local", "email", "hidden", "month", "number", "password", "range", "search", "tel", "text", "time", "url", "week"]: _set_text_value(element, value) elif element.attribute('type') == "checkbox": els = self.main_frame.findAllElements(selector) if els.count() > 1: _set_checkboxes_value(els, value) else: _set_checkbox_value(element, value) elif element.attribute('type') == "radio": _set_radio_value(self.main_frame.findAllElements(selector), value) elif element.attribute('type') == "file": Ghost._upload_file = value res, resources = Ghost._upload_file = None else: raise Exception('unsuported field tag') if blur: self.fire_on(selector, 'blur') return res, ressources def set_viewport_size(self, width, height): """Sets the page viewport size. :param width: An integer that sets width pixel count. :param height: An integer that sets height pixel count. """, height)) def show(self): """Show current page inside a QWebView. """ self.webview = QtWebKit.QWebView() self.webview.setPage( def wait_for(self, condition, timeout_message): """Waits until condition is True. :param condition: A callable that returns the condition. :param timeout_message: The exception message on timeout. """ started_at = time.time() while not condition(): if time.time() > (started_at + self.wait_timeout): raise Exception(timeout_message) time.sleep(0.01) Ghost._app.processEvents() if self.wait_callback is not None: self.wait_callback() def wait_for_alert(self): """Waits for main frame alert(). """ self.wait_for(lambda: Ghost._alert is not None, 'User has not been alerted.') msg = Ghost._alert Ghost._alert = None return msg, self._release_last_resources() def wait_for_page_loaded(self): """Waits until page is loaded, assumed that a page as been requested. """ self.wait_for(lambda: self.loaded, 'Unable to load requested page') resources = self._release_last_resources() page = None url = self.main_frame.url().toString() for resource in resources: if url == resource.url: page = resource return page, resources def wait_for_selector(self, selector): """Waits until selector match an element on the frame. :param selector: The selector to wait for. """ self.wait_for(lambda: self.exists(selector), 'Can\'t find element matching "%s"' % selector) return True, self._release_last_resources() def wait_for_text(self, text): """Waits until given text appear on main frame. :param text: The text to wait for. """ self.wait_for(lambda: text in self.content, 'Can\'t find "%s" in current frame' % text) return True, self._release_last_resources() def _authenticate(self, mix, authenticator): """Called back on basic / proxy http auth. :param mix: The QNetworkReply or QNetworkProxy object. :param authenticator: The QAuthenticator object. """ if self._auth_attempt == 0: username, password = self._auth authenticator.setUser(username) authenticator.setPassword(password) self._auth_attempt += 1 def _page_loaded(self): """Called back when page is loaded. """ self.loaded = True self.cache.clear() def _page_load_started(self): """Called back when page load started. """ self.loaded = False def _release_last_resources(self): """Releases last loaded resources. :return: The released resources. """ last_resources = self.http_resources self.http_resources = [] return last_resources def _request_ended(self, reply): """Adds an HttpResource object to http_resources. :param reply: The QNetworkReply object. """ if reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.HttpStatusCodeAttribute): self.http_resources.append(HttpResource(reply, self.cache)) def _unsupported_content(self, reply): """Adds an HttpResource object to http_resources with unsupported content. :param reply: The QNetworkReply object. """ if reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.HttpStatusCodeAttribute): self.http_resources.append(HttpResource(reply, self.cache, reply.readAll()))
class Ghost(object): """Ghost manages a QWebPage. :param user_agent: The default User-Agent header. :param wait_timeout: Maximum step duration in second. :param wait_callback: An optional callable that is periodically executed until Ghost stops waiting. :param log_level: The optional logging level. :param display: A boolean that tells ghost to displays UI. :param viewport_size: A tupple that sets initial viewport size. """ _alert = None _confirm_expected = None _prompt_expected = None _upload_file = None _app = None def __init__(self, user_agent=default_user_agent, wait_timeout=8, wait_callback=None, log_level=logging.WARNING, display=False, viewport_size=(800, 600), cache_dir='/tmp/'): self.http_resources = [] self.user_agent = user_agent self.wait_timeout = wait_timeout self.wait_callback = wait_callback self.loaded = True if not sys.platform.startswith('win') and not 'DISPLAY' in os.environ\ and not hasattr(Ghost, 'xvfb'): try: os.environ['DISPLAY'] = ':99' Ghost.xvfb = subprocess.Popen(['Xvfb', ':99']) except OSError: raise Exception('Xvfb is required to a ghost run oustside ' +\ 'an X instance') self.display = display if not Ghost._app: Ghost._app = QApplication.instance() or QApplication(['ghost']) = GhostWebPage(Ghost._app) QtWebKit.QWebSettings.setMaximumPagesInCache(0) QtWebKit.QWebSettings.setObjectCacheCapacities(0, 0, 0) self.set_viewport_size(*viewport_size) # Page signals self.manager = self.manager.finished.connect(self._request_ended) # Cache self.cache = QNetworkDiskCache() self.cache.setCacheDirectory(cache_dir) self.manager.setCache(self.cache) # Cookie jar self.cookie_jar = QNetworkCookieJar() self.manager.setCookieJar(self.cookie_jar) # User Agent\ .connect(self._authenticate)\ .connect(self._authenticate) self.main_frame = logger.setLevel(log_level) if self.display: self.webview = QtWebKit.QWebView() self.webview.setPage( def __del__(self): self.exit() def capture(self, region=None, selector=None, format=QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied): """Returns snapshot as QImage. :param region: An optional tupple containing region as pixel coodinates. :param selector: A selector targeted the element to crop on. :param format: The output image format. """ if region is None and selector is not None: region = self.region_for_selector(selector) if region: x1, y1, x2, y2 = region w, h = (x2 - x1), (y2 - y1) image = QImage(QSize(x2, y2), format) painter = QPainter(image) self.main_frame.render(painter) painter.end() image = image.copy(x1, y1, w, h) else: image = QImage(, format) painter = QPainter(image) self.main_frame.render(painter) painter.end() return image def capture_to(self, path, region=None, selector=None, format=QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied): """Saves snapshot as image. :param path: The destination path. :param region: An optional tupple containing region as pixel coodinates. :param selector: A selector targeted the element to crop on. :param format: The output image format. """ self.capture(region=region, format=format, selector=selector).save(path) @client_utils_required @can_load_page def click(self, selector): """Click the targeted element. :param selector: A CSS3 selector to targeted element. """ if not self.exists(selector): raise Exception("Can't find element to click") return self.evaluate('"%s");' % selector) class confirm: """Statement that tells Ghost how to deal with javascript confirm(). :param confirm: A bollean that confirm. :param callable: A callable that returns a boolean for confirmation. """ def __init__(self, confirm=True, callback=None): self.confirm = confirm self.callback = callback def __enter__(self): Ghost._confirm_expected = (self.confirm, self.callback) def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): Ghost._confirm_expected = None @property def content(self): """Returns current frame HTML as a string.""" return unicode(self.main_frame.toHtml()) @property def cookies(self): """Returns all cookies.""" return self.cookie_jar.allCookies() def delete_cookies(self): """Deletes all cookies.""" self.cookie_jar.setAllCookies([]) @can_load_page def evaluate(self, script): """Evaluates script in page frame. :param script: The script to evaluate. """ return (self.main_frame.evaluateJavaScript("%s" % script), self._release_last_resources()) def evaluate_js_file(self, path, encoding='utf-8'): """Evaluates javascript file at given path in current frame. Raises native IOException in case of invalid file. :param path: The path of the file. :param encoding: The file's encoding. """ self.evaluate(, encoding=encoding).read()) def exists(self, selector): """Checks if element exists for given selector. :param string: The element selector. """ return not self.main_frame.findFirstElement(selector).isNull() def exit(self): """Exits application and relateds.""" if self.display: self.webview.close() Ghost._app.quit() del self.manager del del self.main_frame if hasattr(self, 'xvfb'): self.xvfb.terminate() @can_load_page def fill(self, selector, values): """Fills a form with provided values. :param selector: A CSS selector to the target form to fill. :param values: A dict containing the values. """ if not self.exists(selector): raise Exception("Can't find form") resources = [] for field in values: r, res = self.set_field_value("%s [name=%s]" % (selector, field), values[field]) resources.extend(res) return True, resources @client_utils_required @can_load_page def fire_on(self, selector, method): """Call method on element matching given selector. :param selector: A CSS selector to the target element. :param method: The name of the method to fire. :param expect_loading: Specifies if a page loading is expected. """ return self.evaluate('GhostUtils.fireOn("%s", "%s");' % (selector, method)) def global_exists(self, global_name): """Checks if javascript global exists. :param global_name: The name of the global. """ return self.evaluate('!(typeof %s === "undefined");' % global_name)[0] def hide(self): """Close the webview.""" try: self.webview.close() except: raise Exception("no webview to close") def open(self, address, method='get', headers={}, auth=None): """Opens a web page. :param address: The resource URL. :param method: The Http method. :param headers: An optional dict of extra request hearders. :param auth: An optional tupple of HTTP auth (username, password). :return: Page resource, All loaded resources. """ body = QByteArray() try: method = getattr(QNetworkAccessManager, "%sOperation" % method.capitalize()) except AttributeError: raise Exception("Invalid http method %s" % method) request = QNetworkRequest(QUrl(address)) request.CacheLoadControl(0) for header in headers: request.setRawHeader(header, headers[header]) self._auth = auth self._auth_attempt = 0 # Avoids reccursion self.main_frame.load(request, method, body) self.loaded = False return self.wait_for_page_loaded() class prompt: """Statement that tells Ghost how to deal with javascript prompt(). :param value: A string value to fill in prompt. :param callback: A callable that returns the value to fill in. """ def __init__(self, value='', callback=None): self.value = value self.callback = callback def __enter__(self): Ghost._prompt_expected = (self.value, self.callback) def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): Ghost._prompt_expected = None @client_utils_required def region_for_selector(self, selector): """Returns frame region for given selector as tupple. :param selector: The targeted element. """ geo = self.main_frame.findFirstElement(selector).geometry() try: region = (geo.left(),, geo.right(), geo.bottom()) except: raise Exception("can't get region for selector '%s'" % selector) return region @can_load_page @client_utils_required def set_field_value(self, selector, value, blur=True): """Sets the value of the field matched by given selector. :param selector: A CSS selector that target the field. :param value: The value to fill in. :param blur: An optional boolean that force blur when filled in. """ def _set_text_value(selector, value): return self.evaluate('document.querySelector("%s").value=%s;' % (selector, json.dumps(value))) res, resources = None, [] element = self.main_frame.findFirstElement(selector) if element.isNull(): raise Exception('can\'t find element for %s"' % selector) self.fire_on(selector, 'focus') if element.tagName() in ["TEXTAREA", "SELECT"]: res, resources = _set_text_value(selector, value) elif element.tagName() == "INPUT": if element.attribute('type') in [ "color", "date", "datetime", "datetime-local", "email", "hidden", "month", "number", "password", "range", "search", "tel", "text", "time", "url", "week" ]: res, resources = _set_text_value(selector, value) elif element.attribute('type') == "checkbox": res, resources = self.evaluate( 'GhostUtils.setCheckboxValue("%s", %s);' % (selector, json.dumps(value))) elif element.attribute('type') == "radio": res, resources = self.evaluate( 'GhostUtils.setRadioValue("%s", %s);' % (selector, json.dumps(value))) elif element.attribute('type') == "file": Ghost._upload_file = value res, resources = Ghost._upload_file = None else: raise Exception('unsuported field tag') if blur: self.fire_on(selector, 'blur') return res, resources def set_viewport_size(self, width, height): """Sets the page viewport size. :param width: An integer that sets width pixel count. :param height: An integer that sets height pixel count. """, height)) def show(self): """Show current page inside a QWebView. """ self.webview = QtWebKit.QWebView() self.webview.setPage( def wait_for(self, condition, timeout_message): """Waits until condition is True. :param condition: A callable that returns the condition. :param timeout_message: The exception message on timeout. """ started_at = time.time() while not condition(): if time.time() > (started_at + self.wait_timeout): raise Exception(timeout_message) time.sleep(0.01) Ghost._app.processEvents() if self.wait_callback is not None: self.wait_callback() def wait_for_alert(self): """Waits for main frame alert(). """ self.wait_for(lambda: Ghost._alert is not None, 'User has not been alerted.') msg = Ghost._alert Ghost._alert = None return msg, self._release_last_resources() def wait_for_page_loaded(self): """Waits until page is loaded, assumed that a page as been requested. """ self.wait_for(lambda: self.loaded, 'Unable to load requested page') resources = self._release_last_resources() page = None url = self.main_frame.url().toString() for resource in resources: if url == resource.url: page = resource return page, resources def wait_for_selector(self, selector): """Waits until selector match an element on the frame. :param selector: The selector to wait for. """ self.wait_for(lambda: self.exists(selector), 'Can\'t find element matching "%s"' % selector) return True, self._release_last_resources() def wait_for_text(self, text): """Waits until given text appear on main frame. :param text: The text to wait for. """ self.wait_for(lambda: text in self.content, 'Can\'t find "%s" in current frame' % text) return True, self._release_last_resources() def _authenticate(self, mix, authenticator): """Called back on basic / proxy http auth. :param mix: The QNetworkReply or QNetworkProxy object. :param authenticator: The QAuthenticator object. """ if self._auth_attempt == 0: username, password = self._auth authenticator.setUser(username) authenticator.setPassword(password) self._auth_attempt += 1 def _page_loaded(self): """Called back when page is loaded. """ self.loaded = True self.cache.clear() def _page_load_started(self): """Called back when page load started. """ self.loaded = False def _release_last_resources(self): """Releases last loaded resources. :return: The released resources. """ last_resources = self.http_resources self.http_resources = [] return last_resources def _request_ended(self, reply): """Adds an HttpResource object to http_resources. :param reply: The QNetworkReply object. """ if reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.HttpStatusCodeAttribute): self.http_resources.append(HttpResource(reply, self.cache)) def _unsupported_content(self, reply): """Adds an HttpResource object to http_resources with unsupported content. :param reply: The QNetworkReply object. """ if reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.HttpStatusCodeAttribute): self.http_resources.append( HttpResource(reply, self.cache, reply.readAll()))
class Ghost(object): """Ghost manages a QWebPage. :param user_agent: The default User-Agent header. :param wait_timeout: Maximum step duration in second. :param wait_callback: An optional callable that is periodically executed until Ghost stops waiting. :param log_level: The optional logging level. :param display: A boolean that tells ghost to displays UI. :param viewport_size: A tuple that sets initial viewport size. :param ignore_ssl_errors: A boolean that forces ignore ssl errors. :param cache_dir: A directory path where to store cache datas. :param plugins_enabled: Enable plugins (like Flash). :param java_enabled: Enable Java JRE. :param plugin_path: Array with paths to plugin directories (default ['/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins']) :param download_images: Indicate if the browser should download images """ _alert = None _confirm_expected = None _prompt_expected = None _upload_file = None _app = None def __init__(self, user_agent=default_user_agent, wait_timeout=8, wait_callback=None, log_level=logging.WARNING, display=False, viewport_size=(800, 600), ignore_ssl_errors=True, cache_dir=os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), ""), plugins_enabled=False, java_enabled=False, plugin_path=['/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins',], download_images=True, qt_debug=False): self.http_resources = [] self.user_agent = user_agent self.wait_timeout = wait_timeout self.wait_callback = wait_callback self.ignore_ssl_errors = ignore_ssl_errors self.loaded = True if not sys.platform.startswith('win') and not 'DISPLAY' in os.environ\ and not hasattr(Ghost, 'xvfb'): try: os.environ['DISPLAY'] = ':99' Ghost.xvfb = subprocess.Popen(['Xvfb', ':99']) except OSError: raise Error('Xvfb is required to a ghost run outside ' + 'an X instance') self.display = display if not Ghost._app: Ghost._app = QApplication.instance() or QApplication(['ghost']) qInstallMsgHandler(QTMessageProxy(qt_debug)) if plugin_path: for p in plugin_path: Ghost._app.addLibraryPath(p) self.popup_messages = [] = GhostWebPage(Ghost._app, self) QtWebKit.QWebSettings.setMaximumPagesInCache(0) QtWebKit.QWebSettings.setObjectCacheCapacities(0, 0, 0) QtWebKit.QWebSettings.globalSettings().setAttribute(QtWebKit.QWebSettings.LocalStorageEnabled, True), download_images), plugins_enabled), java_enabled) self.set_viewport_size(*viewport_size) # Page signals self.manager = self.manager.finished.connect(self._request_ended) self.manager.sslErrors.connect(self._on_manager_ssl_errors) # Cache self.cache = QNetworkDiskCache() self.cache.setCacheDirectory(cache_dir) self.manager.setCache(self.cache) # Cookie jar self.cookie_jar = QNetworkCookieJar() self.manager.setCookieJar(self.cookie_jar) # User Agent\ .connect(self._authenticate)\ .connect(self._authenticate) self.main_frame = logger.setLevel(log_level) if self.display: class MyQWebView(QtWebKit.QWebView): def sizeHint(self): return QSize(*viewport_size) self.webview = MyQWebView() if plugins_enabled: self.webview.settings().setAttribute(QtWebKit.QWebSettings.PluginsEnabled, True) if java_enabled: self.webview.settings().setAttribute(QtWebKit.QWebSettings.JavaEnabled, True) self.webview.setPage( else: self.webview = None def __del__(self): self.exit() def capture(self, region=None, selector=None, format=QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied): """Returns snapshot as QImage. :param region: An optional tuple containing region as pixel coodinates. :param selector: A selector targeted the element to crop on. :param format: The output image format. """ if region is None and selector is not None: region = self.region_for_selector(selector) if region: x1, y1, x2, y2 = region w, h = (x2 - x1), (y2 - y1) image = QImage(QSize(x2, y2), format) painter = QPainter(image) self.main_frame.render(painter) painter.end() image = image.copy(x1, y1, w, h) else: self.main_frame.setScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.Vertical, QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.main_frame.setScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal, QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) image = QImage(, format) painter = QPainter(image) self.main_frame.render(painter) painter.end() return image def capture_to(self, path, region=None, selector=None, format=QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied): """Saves snapshot as image. :param path: The destination path. :param region: An optional tuple containing region as pixel coodinates. :param selector: A selector targeted the element to crop on. :param format: The output image format. """ self.capture(region=region, format=format, selector=selector).save(path) def print_to_pdf(self, path, paper_size = (8.5, 11.0), paper_margins = (0, 0, 0, 0), paper_units = QPrinter.Inch, zoom_factor = 1.0, ): """Saves page as a pdf file. See qt4 QPrinter documentation for more detailed explanations of options. :param path: The destination path. :param paper_size: A 2-tuple indicating size of page to print to. :param paper_margins: A 4-tuple indicating size of each margin. :param paper_units: Units for pager_size, pager_margins. :param zoom_factor: Scale the output content. """ assert len(paper_size) == 2 assert len(paper_margins) == 4 printer = QPrinter(mode = QPrinter.ScreenResolution) printer.setOutputFormat(QPrinter.PdfFormat) printer.setPaperSize(QtCore.QSizeF(*paper_size), paper_units) printer.setPageMargins(*(paper_margins + (paper_units,))) printer.setFullPage(True) printer.setOutputFileName(path) if self.webview is None: self.webview = QtWebKit.QWebView() self.webview.setPage( self.webview.setZoomFactor(zoom_factor) self.webview.print_(printer) @can_load_page def click(self, selector): """Click the targeted element. :param selector: A CSS3 selector to targeted element. """ if not self.exists(selector): raise Error("Can't find element to click") return self.evaluate(""" var element = document.querySelector("%s"); var evt = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); evt.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, window, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, false, false, false, false, 0, element); element.dispatchEvent(evt) """ % selector) class confirm: """Statement that tells Ghost how to deal with javascript confirm(). :param confirm: A boolean to set confirmation. :param callable: A callable that returns a boolean for confirmation. """ def __init__(self, confirm=True, callback=None): self.confirm = confirm self.callback = callback def __enter__(self): Ghost._confirm_expected = (self.confirm, self.callback) def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): Ghost._confirm_expected = None @property def content(self, to_unicode=True): """Returns current frame HTML as a string. :param to_unicode: Whether to convert html to unicode or not """ if to_unicode: return unicode(self.main_frame.toHtml()) else: return self.main_frame.toHtml() @property def cookies(self): """Returns all cookies.""" return self.cookie_jar.allCookies() def delete_cookies(self): """Deletes all cookies.""" self.cookie_jar.setAllCookies([]) def clear_alert_message(self): """Clears the alert message""" self._alert = None @can_load_page def evaluate(self, script): """Evaluates script in page frame. :param script: The script to evaluate. """ return (self.main_frame.evaluateJavaScript("%s" % script), self._release_last_resources()) def evaluate_js_file(self, path, encoding='utf-8'): """Evaluates javascript file at given path in current frame. Raises native IOException in case of invalid file. :param path: The path of the file. :param encoding: The file's encoding. """ self.evaluate(, encoding=encoding).read()) def exists(self, selector): """Checks if element exists for given selector. :param string: The element selector. """ return not self.main_frame.findFirstElement(selector).isNull() def exit(self): """Exits application and related.""" if self.display: self.webview.close() Ghost._app.quit() del self.manager del del self.main_frame if hasattr(self, 'xvfb'): self.xvfb.terminate() @can_load_page def fill(self, selector, values): """Fills a form with provided values. :param selector: A CSS selector to the target form to fill. :param values: A dict containing the values. """ if not self.exists(selector): raise Error("Can't find form") resources = [] for field in values: r, res = self.set_field_value("%s [name=%s]" % (selector, field), values[field]) resources.extend(res) return True, resources @can_load_page def fire_on(self, selector, method): """Call method on element matching given selector. :param selector: A CSS selector to the target element. :param method: The name of the method to fire. :param expect_loading: Specifies if a page loading is expected. """ return self.evaluate('document.querySelector("%s").%s();' % \ (selector, method)) def global_exists(self, global_name): """Checks if javascript global exists. :param global_name: The name of the global. """ return self.evaluate('!(typeof %s === "undefined");' % global_name)[0] def hide(self): """Close the webview.""" try: self.webview.close() except: raise Error("no webview to close") def load_cookies( self, cookie_storage, keep_old=False ): """load from cookielib's CookieJar or Set-Cookie3 format text file. :param cookie_storage: file location string on disk or CookieJar instance. :param keep_old: Don't reset, keep cookies not overridden. """ def toQtCookieJar( PyCookieJar, QtCookieJar ): allCookies = QtCookieJar.cookies if keep_old else [] for pc in PyCookieJar: qc = toQtCookie(pc) allCookies.append(qc) QtCookieJar.setAllCookies(allCookies) def toQtCookie(PyCookie): qc = QNetworkCookie(, PyCookie.value ) qc.setSecure( if PyCookie.path_specified: qc.setPath(PyCookie.path) if PyCookie.domain != "" : qc.setDomain(PyCookie.domain) if PyCookie.expires != 0: t = QDateTime() t.setTime_t(PyCookie.expires) qc.setExpirationDate(t) # not yet handled(maybe less useful): # py / QNetworkCookie.setHttpOnly() return qc if cookie_storage.__class__.__name__ == 'str': cj = LWPCookieJar(cookie_storage) cj.load() toQtCookieJar(cj, self.cookie_jar) elif cookie_storage.__class__.__name__.endswith('CookieJar') : toQtCookieJar(cookie_storage, self.cookie_jar) else: raise ValueError, 'unsupported cookie_storage type.' def open(self, address, method='get', headers={}, auth=None, body=None, default_popup_response=None): """Opens a web page. :param address: The resource URL. :param method: The Http method. :param headers: An optional dict of extra request hearders. :param auth: An optional tuple of HTTP auth (username, password). :param body: An optional string containing a payload. :param default_popup_response: the default response for any confirm/ alert/prompt popup from the Javascript (replaces the need for the with blocks) :return: Page resource, All loaded resources. """ body = body or QByteArray() try: method = getattr(QNetworkAccessManager, "%sOperation" % method.capitalize()) except AttributeError: raise Error("Invalid http method %s" % method) request = QNetworkRequest(QUrl(address)) request.CacheLoadControl(0) for header in headers: request.setRawHeader(header, headers[header]) self._auth = auth self._auth_attempt = 0 # Avoids reccursion self.main_frame.load(request, method, body) self.loaded = False Ghost._prompt_expected = (default_popup_response, None) Ghost._confirm_expected = (default_popup_response, None) return self.wait_for_page_loaded() class prompt: """Statement that tells Ghost how to deal with javascript prompt(). :param value: A string value to fill in prompt. :param callback: A callable that returns the value to fill in. """ def __init__(self, value='', callback=None): self.value = value self.callback = callback def __enter__(self): Ghost._prompt_expected = (self.value, self.callback) def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): Ghost._prompt_expected = None def region_for_selector(self, selector): """Returns frame region for given selector as tuple. :param selector: The targeted element. """ geo = self.main_frame.findFirstElement(selector).geometry() try: region = (geo.left(),, geo.right(), geo.bottom()) except: raise Error("can't get region for selector '%s'" % selector) return region def save_cookies(self, cookie_storage): """Save to cookielib's CookieJar or Set-Cookie3 format text file. :param cookie_storage: file location string or CookieJar instance. """ def toPyCookieJar(QtCookieJar, PyCookieJar): for c in QtCookieJar.allCookies(): PyCookieJar.set_cookie(toPyCookie(c)) def toPyCookie(QtCookie): port=None port_specified=False secure=QtCookie.isSecure() name=str( value=str(QtCookie.value()) v = str(QtCookie.path()) path_specified = bool( v != "" ) path = v if path_specified else None v = str(QtCookie.domain()) domain_specified = bool( v != "" ) domain = v domain_initial_dot = v.startswith('.') if domain_specified else None v = long(QtCookie.expirationDate().toTime_t()) # Long type boundary on 32bit platfroms; avoid ValueError expires = 2147483647 if v > 2147483647 else v rest = {} discard = False return Cookie(0, name, value, port, port_specified, domain , domain_specified, domain_initial_dot, path, path_specified , secure, expires, discard, None, None, rest) if cookie_storage.__class__.__name__ == 'str': cj = LWPCookieJar(cookie_storage) toPyCookieJar(self.cookie_jar,cj) elif cookie_storage.__class__.__name__.endswith('CookieJar') : toPyCookieJar(self.cookie_jar,cookie_storage) else: raise ValueError, 'unsupported cookie_storage type.' @can_load_page def set_field_value(self, selector, value, blur=True): """Sets the value of the field matched by given selector. :param selector: A CSS selector that target the field. :param value: The value to fill in. :param blur: An optional boolean that force blur when filled in. """ def _set_checkbox_value(el, value): el.setFocus() if value is True: el.setAttribute('checked', 'checked') else: el.removeAttribute('checked') def _set_checkboxes_value(els, value): for el in els: if el.attribute('value') == value: _set_checkbox_value(el, True) else: _set_checkbox_value(el, False) def _set_radio_value(els, value): for el in els: if el.attribute('value') == value: el.setFocus() el.setAttribute('checked', 'checked') def _set_text_value(el, value): el.setFocus() el.setAttribute('value', value) def _set_select_value(el, value): el.setFocus() self.evaluate('document.querySelector("%s").value = "%s";' % (selector.replace('"', '\"'), value.replace('"', '\"'))) def _set_textarea_value(el, value): el.setFocus() el.setPlainText(value) res, ressources = None, [] element = self.main_frame.findFirstElement(selector) if element.isNull(): raise Error('can\'t find element for %s"' % selector) if element.tagName() == "SELECT": _set_select_value(element, value) elif element.tagName() == "TEXTAREA": _set_textarea_value(element, value) elif element.tagName() == "INPUT": if element.attribute('type') in ["color", "date", "datetime", "datetime-local", "email", "hidden", "month", "number", "password", "range", "search", "tel", "text", "time", "url", "week"]: _set_text_value(element, value) elif element.attribute('type') == "checkbox": els = self.main_frame.findAllElements(selector) if els.count() > 1: _set_checkboxes_value(els, value) else: _set_checkbox_value(element, value) elif element.attribute('type') == "radio": _set_radio_value(self.main_frame.findAllElements(selector), value) elif element.attribute('type') == "file": Ghost._upload_file = value res, resources = Ghost._upload_file = None else: raise Error('unsuported field tag') if blur: self.fire_on(selector, 'blur') return res, ressources def set_proxy(self, type, host='localhost', port=8888, user='', password=''): """Set up proxy for FURTHER connections. :param type: proxy type to use: \ none/default/socks5/https/http. :param host: proxy server ip or host name. :param port: proxy port. """ _types = {'default': QNetworkProxy.DefaultProxy, 'none': QNetworkProxy.NoProxy, 'socks5': QNetworkProxy.Socks5Proxy, 'https': QNetworkProxy.HttpProxy, 'http': QNetworkProxy.HttpCachingProxy } if type is None: type='none' type = type.lower() if type in ['none','default'] : self.manager.setProxy(QNetworkProxy(_types[type])) return elif type in _types: proxy = QNetworkProxy(_types[type], hostName=host, port=port , user=user, password=password ) self.manager.setProxy(proxy) else: raise ValueError, 'Unsupported proxy type:' + type \ + '\nsupported types are: none/socks5/http/https/default' def set_viewport_size(self, width, height): """Sets the page viewport size. :param width: An integer that sets width pixel count. :param height: An integer that sets height pixel count. """, height)) def append_popup_message(self, message): self.popup_messages.append(str(message)) def show(self): """Show current page inside a QWebView. """ self.webview = QtWebKit.QWebView() self.webview.setPage( def sleep(self, value): started_at = time.time() while True: if time.time() > (started_at + value): break time.sleep(0.01) Ghost._app.processEvents() def wait_for(self, condition, timeout_message): """Waits until condition is True. :param condition: A callable that returns the condition. :param timeout_message: The exception message on timeout. """ started_at = time.time() while not condition(): if time.time() > (started_at + self.wait_timeout): raise TimeoutError(timeout_message) time.sleep(0.01) Ghost._app.processEvents() if self.wait_callback is not None: self.wait_callback() def wait_for_alert(self): """Waits for main frame alert(). """ self.wait_for(lambda: Ghost._alert is not None, 'User has not been alerted.') msg = Ghost._alert Ghost._alert = None return msg, self._release_last_resources() def wait_for_page_loaded(self): """Waits until page is loaded, assumed that a page as been requested. """ self.wait_for(lambda: self.loaded, 'Unable to load requested page') resources = self._release_last_resources() page = None url = self.main_frame.url().toString() url_without_hash = url.split("#")[0] for resource in resources: if url == resource.url or url_without_hash == resource.url: page = resource return page, resources def wait_for_selector(self, selector): """Waits until selector match an element on the frame. :param selector: The selector to wait for. """ self.wait_for(lambda: self.exists(selector), 'Can\'t find element matching "%s"' % selector) return True, self._release_last_resources() def wait_for_text(self, text): """Waits until given text appear on main frame. :param text: The text to wait for. """ self.wait_for(lambda: text in self.content, 'Can\'t find "%s" in current frame' % text) return True, self._release_last_resources() def _authenticate(self, mix, authenticator): """Called back on basic / proxy http auth. :param mix: The QNetworkReply or QNetworkProxy object. :param authenticator: The QAuthenticator object. """ if self._auth_attempt == 0: username, password = self._auth authenticator.setUser(username) authenticator.setPassword(password) self._auth_attempt += 1 def _page_loaded(self): """Called back when page is loaded. """ self.loaded = True self.cache.clear() def _page_load_started(self): """Called back when page load started. """ self.loaded = False def _release_last_resources(self): """Releases last loaded resources. :return: The released resources. """ last_resources = self.http_resources self.http_resources = [] return last_resources def _request_ended(self, reply): """Adds an HttpResource object to http_resources. :param reply: The QNetworkReply object. """ if reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.HttpStatusCodeAttribute): Logger.log("[%s] bytesAvailable()= %s" %(str(reply.url()), reply.bytesAvailable()), level="debug") # Some web pages return cache headers that mandates not to cache the # reply, which means we won't find this QNetworkReply in the cache # object. In this case bytesAvailable will return > 0. # Such pages are # This is a bit of a hack and due to the async nature of QT, might # not work at times. We should move to using some proxied implementation # of QNetworkManager and QNetworkReply in order to get the contents # of the requests properly rather than relying on the cache. if reply.bytesAvailable() > 0: content = reply.peek(reply.bytesAvailable()) else: content = None self.http_resources.append(HttpResource(reply, self.cache, content=content)) def _unsupported_content(self, reply): """Adds an HttpResource object to http_resources with unsupported content. :param reply: The QNetworkReply object. """ self.wait_for(lambda: reply.isFinished(), 'Download timeout.') if reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.HttpStatusCodeAttribute): self.http_resources.append(HttpResource(reply, self.cache, reply.readAll())) def _on_manager_ssl_errors(self, reply, errors): url = unicode(reply.url().toString()) if self.ignore_ssl_errors: reply.ignoreSslErrors() else: Logger.log('SSL certificate error: %s' % url, level='warning')
class Ghost(object): """Ghost manages a QWebPage. :param user_agent: The default User-Agent header. :param wait_timeout: Maximum step duration in second. :param wait_callback: An optional callable that is periodically executed until Ghost stops waiting. :param log_level: The optional logging level. :param display: A boolean that tells ghost to displays UI. :param viewport_size: A tuple that sets initial viewport size. :param ignore_ssl_errors: A boolean that forces ignore ssl errors. :param cache_dir: A directory path where to store cache datas. :param plugins_enabled: Enable plugins (like Flash). :param java_enabled: Enable Java JRE. :param plugin_path: Array with paths to plugin directories (default ['/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins']) :param download_images: Indicate if the browser should download images """ _alert = None _confirm_expected = None _prompt_expected = None _upload_file = None _app = None def __init__(self, user_agent=default_user_agent, wait_timeout=8, wait_callback=None, log_level=logging.WARNING, display=False, viewport_size=(800, 600), ignore_ssl_errors=True, cache_dir=os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), ""), plugins_enabled=False, java_enabled=False, plugin_path=[ '/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins', ], download_images=True, qt_debug=False): self.http_resources = [] self.user_agent = user_agent self.wait_timeout = wait_timeout self.wait_callback = wait_callback self.ignore_ssl_errors = ignore_ssl_errors self.loaded = True if not sys.platform.startswith('win') and not 'DISPLAY' in os.environ\ and not hasattr(Ghost, 'xvfb'): try: os.environ['DISPLAY'] = ':99' Ghost.xvfb = subprocess.Popen(['Xvfb', ':99']) except OSError: raise Error('Xvfb is required to a ghost run outside ' + 'an X instance') self.display = display if not Ghost._app: Ghost._app = QApplication.instance() or QApplication(['ghost']) qInstallMsgHandler(QTMessageProxy(qt_debug)) if plugin_path: for p in plugin_path: Ghost._app.addLibraryPath(p) self.popup_messages = [] = GhostWebPage(Ghost._app, self) QtWebKit.QWebSettings.setMaximumPagesInCache(0) QtWebKit.QWebSettings.setObjectCacheCapacities(0, 0, 0) QtWebKit.QWebSettings.globalSettings().setAttribute( QtWebKit.QWebSettings.LocalStorageEnabled, True), download_images), plugins_enabled), java_enabled) self.set_viewport_size(*viewport_size) # Page signals self.manager = self.manager.finished.connect(self._request_ended) self.manager.sslErrors.connect(self._on_manager_ssl_errors) # Cache self.cache = QNetworkDiskCache() self.cache.setCacheDirectory(cache_dir) self.manager.setCache(self.cache) # Cookie jar self.cookie_jar = QNetworkCookieJar() self.manager.setCookieJar(self.cookie_jar) # User Agent\ .connect(self._authenticate)\ .connect(self._authenticate) self.main_frame = logger.setLevel(log_level) if self.display: class MyQWebView(QtWebKit.QWebView): def sizeHint(self): return QSize(*viewport_size) self.webview = MyQWebView() if plugins_enabled: self.webview.settings().setAttribute( QtWebKit.QWebSettings.PluginsEnabled, True) if java_enabled: self.webview.settings().setAttribute( QtWebKit.QWebSettings.JavaEnabled, True) self.webview.setPage( else: self.webview = None def __del__(self): self.exit() def capture(self, region=None, selector=None, format=QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied): """Returns snapshot as QImage. :param region: An optional tuple containing region as pixel coodinates. :param selector: A selector targeted the element to crop on. :param format: The output image format. """ if region is None and selector is not None: region = self.region_for_selector(selector) if region: x1, y1, x2, y2 = region w, h = (x2 - x1), (y2 - y1) image = QImage(QSize(x2, y2), format) painter = QPainter(image) self.main_frame.render(painter) painter.end() image = image.copy(x1, y1, w, h) else: self.main_frame.setScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.Vertical, QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.main_frame.setScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal, QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) image = QImage(, format) painter = QPainter(image) self.main_frame.render(painter) painter.end() return image def capture_to(self, path, region=None, selector=None, format=QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied): """Saves snapshot as image. :param path: The destination path. :param region: An optional tuple containing region as pixel coodinates. :param selector: A selector targeted the element to crop on. :param format: The output image format. """ self.capture(region=region, format=format, selector=selector).save(path) def print_to_pdf( self, path, paper_size=(8.5, 11.0), paper_margins=(0, 0, 0, 0), paper_units=QPrinter.Inch, zoom_factor=1.0, ): """Saves page as a pdf file. See qt4 QPrinter documentation for more detailed explanations of options. :param path: The destination path. :param paper_size: A 2-tuple indicating size of page to print to. :param paper_margins: A 4-tuple indicating size of each margin. :param paper_units: Units for pager_size, pager_margins. :param zoom_factor: Scale the output content. """ assert len(paper_size) == 2 assert len(paper_margins) == 4 printer = QPrinter(mode=QPrinter.ScreenResolution) printer.setOutputFormat(QPrinter.PdfFormat) printer.setPaperSize(QtCore.QSizeF(*paper_size), paper_units) printer.setPageMargins(*(paper_margins + (paper_units, ))) printer.setFullPage(True) printer.setOutputFileName(path) if self.webview is None: self.webview = QtWebKit.QWebView() self.webview.setPage( self.webview.setZoomFactor(zoom_factor) self.webview.print_(printer) @can_load_page def click(self, selector): """Click the targeted element. :param selector: A CSS3 selector to targeted element. """ if not self.exists(selector): raise Error("Can't find element to click") return self.evaluate(""" var element = document.querySelector("%s"); var evt = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); evt.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, window, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, false, false, false, false, 0, element); element.dispatchEvent(evt) """ % selector) class confirm: """Statement that tells Ghost how to deal with javascript confirm(). :param confirm: A boolean to set confirmation. :param callable: A callable that returns a boolean for confirmation. """ def __init__(self, confirm=True, callback=None): self.confirm = confirm self.callback = callback def __enter__(self): Ghost._confirm_expected = (self.confirm, self.callback) def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): Ghost._confirm_expected = None @property def content(self, to_unicode=True): """Returns current frame HTML as a string. :param to_unicode: Whether to convert html to unicode or not """ if to_unicode: return unicode(self.main_frame.toHtml()) else: return self.main_frame.toHtml() @property def cookies(self): """Returns all cookies.""" return self.cookie_jar.allCookies() def delete_cookies(self): """Deletes all cookies.""" self.cookie_jar.setAllCookies([]) def clear_alert_message(self): """Clears the alert message""" self._alert = None @can_load_page def evaluate(self, script): """Evaluates script in page frame. :param script: The script to evaluate. """ return (self.main_frame.evaluateJavaScript("%s" % script), self._release_last_resources()) def evaluate_js_file(self, path, encoding='utf-8'): """Evaluates javascript file at given path in current frame. Raises native IOException in case of invalid file. :param path: The path of the file. :param encoding: The file's encoding. """ self.evaluate(, encoding=encoding).read()) def exists(self, selector): """Checks if element exists for given selector. :param string: The element selector. """ return not self.main_frame.findFirstElement(selector).isNull() def exit(self): """Exits application and related.""" if self.display: self.webview.close() Ghost._app.quit() del self.manager del del self.main_frame if hasattr(self, 'xvfb'): self.xvfb.terminate() @can_load_page def fill(self, selector, values): """Fills a form with provided values. :param selector: A CSS selector to the target form to fill. :param values: A dict containing the values. """ if not self.exists(selector): raise Error("Can't find form") resources = [] for field in values: r, res = self.set_field_value("%s [name=%s]" % (selector, field), values[field]) resources.extend(res) return True, resources @can_load_page def fire_on(self, selector, method): """Call method on element matching given selector. :param selector: A CSS selector to the target element. :param method: The name of the method to fire. :param expect_loading: Specifies if a page loading is expected. """ return self.evaluate('document.querySelector("%s").%s();' % \ (selector, method)) def global_exists(self, global_name): """Checks if javascript global exists. :param global_name: The name of the global. """ return self.evaluate('!(typeof %s === "undefined");' % global_name)[0] def hide(self): """Close the webview.""" try: self.webview.close() except: raise Error("no webview to close") def load_cookies(self, cookie_storage, keep_old=False): """load from cookielib's CookieJar or Set-Cookie3 format text file. :param cookie_storage: file location string on disk or CookieJar instance. :param keep_old: Don't reset, keep cookies not overridden. """ def toQtCookieJar(PyCookieJar, QtCookieJar): allCookies = QtCookieJar.cookies if keep_old else [] for pc in PyCookieJar: qc = toQtCookie(pc) allCookies.append(qc) QtCookieJar.setAllCookies(allCookies) def toQtCookie(PyCookie): qc = QNetworkCookie(, PyCookie.value) qc.setSecure( if PyCookie.path_specified: qc.setPath(PyCookie.path) if PyCookie.domain != "": qc.setDomain(PyCookie.domain) if PyCookie.expires != 0: t = QDateTime() t.setTime_t(PyCookie.expires) qc.setExpirationDate(t) # not yet handled(maybe less useful): # py / QNetworkCookie.setHttpOnly() return qc if cookie_storage.__class__.__name__ == 'str': cj = LWPCookieJar(cookie_storage) cj.load() toQtCookieJar(cj, self.cookie_jar) elif cookie_storage.__class__.__name__.endswith('CookieJar'): toQtCookieJar(cookie_storage, self.cookie_jar) else: raise ValueError, 'unsupported cookie_storage type.' def open(self, address, method='get', headers={}, auth=None, body=None, default_popup_response=None): """Opens a web page. :param address: The resource URL. :param method: The Http method. :param headers: An optional dict of extra request hearders. :param auth: An optional tuple of HTTP auth (username, password). :param body: An optional string containing a payload. :param default_popup_response: the default response for any confirm/ alert/prompt popup from the Javascript (replaces the need for the with blocks) :return: Page resource, All loaded resources. """ body = body or QByteArray() try: method = getattr(QNetworkAccessManager, "%sOperation" % method.capitalize()) except AttributeError: raise Error("Invalid http method %s" % method) request = QNetworkRequest(QUrl(address)) request.CacheLoadControl(0) for header in headers: request.setRawHeader(header, headers[header]) self._auth = auth self._auth_attempt = 0 # Avoids reccursion self.main_frame.load(request, method, body) self.loaded = False if default_popup_response is not None: Ghost._prompt_expected = (default_popup_response, None) Ghost._confirm_expected = (default_popup_response, None) return self.wait_for_page_loaded() class prompt: """Statement that tells Ghost how to deal with javascript prompt(). :param value: A string value to fill in prompt. :param callback: A callable that returns the value to fill in. """ def __init__(self, value='', callback=None): self.value = value self.callback = callback def __enter__(self): Ghost._prompt_expected = (self.value, self.callback) def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): Ghost._prompt_expected = None def region_for_selector(self, selector): """Returns frame region for given selector as tuple. :param selector: The targeted element. """ geo = self.main_frame.findFirstElement(selector).geometry() try: region = (geo.left(),, geo.right(), geo.bottom()) except: raise Error("can't get region for selector '%s'" % selector) return region def save_cookies(self, cookie_storage): """Save to cookielib's CookieJar or Set-Cookie3 format text file. :param cookie_storage: file location string or CookieJar instance. """ def toPyCookieJar(QtCookieJar, PyCookieJar): for c in QtCookieJar.allCookies(): PyCookieJar.set_cookie(toPyCookie(c)) def toPyCookie(QtCookie): port = None port_specified = False secure = QtCookie.isSecure() name = str( value = str(QtCookie.value()) v = str(QtCookie.path()) path_specified = bool(v != "") path = v if path_specified else None v = str(QtCookie.domain()) domain_specified = bool(v != "") domain = v domain_initial_dot = v.startswith( '.') if domain_specified else None v = long(QtCookie.expirationDate().toTime_t()) # Long type boundary on 32bit platfroms; avoid ValueError expires = 2147483647 if v > 2147483647 else v rest = {} discard = False return Cookie(0, name, value, port, port_specified, domain, domain_specified, domain_initial_dot, path, path_specified, secure, expires, discard, None, None, rest) if cookie_storage.__class__.__name__ == 'str': cj = LWPCookieJar(cookie_storage) toPyCookieJar(self.cookie_jar, cj) elif cookie_storage.__class__.__name__.endswith('CookieJar'): toPyCookieJar(self.cookie_jar, cookie_storage) else: raise ValueError, 'unsupported cookie_storage type.' @can_load_page def set_field_value(self, selector, value, blur=True): """Sets the value of the field matched by given selector. :param selector: A CSS selector that target the field. :param value: The value to fill in. :param blur: An optional boolean that force blur when filled in. """ def _set_checkbox_value(el, value): el.setFocus() if value is True: el.setAttribute('checked', 'checked') else: el.removeAttribute('checked') def _set_checkboxes_value(els, value): for el in els: if el.attribute('value') == value: _set_checkbox_value(el, True) else: _set_checkbox_value(el, False) def _set_radio_value(els, value): for el in els: if el.attribute('value') == value: el.setFocus() el.setAttribute('checked', 'checked') def _set_text_value(el, value): el.setFocus() el.setAttribute('value', value) def _set_select_value(el, value): el.setFocus() self.evaluate( 'document.querySelector("%s").value = "%s";' % (selector.replace('"', '\"'), value.replace('"', '\"'))) def _set_textarea_value(el, value): el.setFocus() el.setPlainText(value) res, ressources = None, [] element = self.main_frame.findFirstElement(selector) if element.isNull(): raise Error('can\'t find element for %s"' % selector) if element.tagName() == "SELECT": _set_select_value(element, value) elif element.tagName() == "TEXTAREA": _set_textarea_value(element, value) elif element.tagName() == "INPUT": if element.attribute('type') in [ "color", "date", "datetime", "datetime-local", "email", "hidden", "month", "number", "password", "range", "search", "tel", "text", "time", "url", "week" ]: _set_text_value(element, value) elif element.attribute('type') == "checkbox": els = self.main_frame.findAllElements(selector) if els.count() > 1: _set_checkboxes_value(els, value) else: _set_checkbox_value(element, value) elif element.attribute('type') == "radio": _set_radio_value(self.main_frame.findAllElements(selector), value) elif element.attribute('type') == "file": Ghost._upload_file = value res, resources = Ghost._upload_file = None else: raise Error('unsuported field tag') if blur: self.fire_on(selector, 'blur') return res, ressources def set_proxy(self, type, host='localhost', port=8888, user='', password=''): """Set up proxy for FURTHER connections. :param type: proxy type to use: \ none/default/socks5/https/http. :param host: proxy server ip or host name. :param port: proxy port. """ _types = { 'default': QNetworkProxy.DefaultProxy, 'none': QNetworkProxy.NoProxy, 'socks5': QNetworkProxy.Socks5Proxy, 'https': QNetworkProxy.HttpProxy, 'http': QNetworkProxy.HttpCachingProxy } if type is None: type = 'none' type = type.lower() if type in ['none', 'default']: self.manager.setProxy(QNetworkProxy(_types[type])) return elif type in _types: proxy = QNetworkProxy(_types[type], hostName=host, port=port, user=user, password=password) self.manager.setProxy(proxy) else: raise ValueError, 'Unsupported proxy type:' + type \ + '\nsupported types are: none/socks5/http/https/default' def set_viewport_size(self, width, height): """Sets the page viewport size. :param width: An integer that sets width pixel count. :param height: An integer that sets height pixel count. """, height)) def append_popup_message(self, message): self.popup_messages.append(unicode(message)) def show(self): """Show current page inside a QWebView. """ self.webview = QtWebKit.QWebView() self.webview.setPage( def sleep(self, value): started_at = time.time() while True: if time.time() > (started_at + value): break time.sleep(0.01) Ghost._app.processEvents() def wait_for(self, condition, timeout_message): """Waits until condition is True. :param condition: A callable that returns the condition. :param timeout_message: The exception message on timeout. """ started_at = time.time() while not condition(): if time.time() > (started_at + self.wait_timeout): raise TimeoutError(timeout_message) time.sleep(0.01) Ghost._app.processEvents() if self.wait_callback is not None: self.wait_callback() def wait_for_alert(self): """Waits for main frame alert(). """ self.wait_for(lambda: Ghost._alert is not None, 'User has not been alerted.') msg = Ghost._alert Ghost._alert = None return msg, self._release_last_resources() def wait_for_page_loaded(self): """Waits until page is loaded, assumed that a page as been requested. """ self.wait_for(lambda: self.loaded, 'Unable to load requested page') resources = self._release_last_resources() page = None url = self.main_frame.url().toString() url_without_hash = url.split("#")[0] for resource in resources: if url == resource.url or url_without_hash == resource.url: page = resource return page, resources def wait_for_selector(self, selector): """Waits until selector match an element on the frame. :param selector: The selector to wait for. """ self.wait_for(lambda: self.exists(selector), 'Can\'t find element matching "%s"' % selector) return True, self._release_last_resources() def wait_for_text(self, text): """Waits until given text appear on main frame. :param text: The text to wait for. """ self.wait_for(lambda: text in self.content, 'Can\'t find "%s" in current frame' % text) return True, self._release_last_resources() def _authenticate(self, mix, authenticator): """Called back on basic / proxy http auth. :param mix: The QNetworkReply or QNetworkProxy object. :param authenticator: The QAuthenticator object. """ if self._auth_attempt == 0: username, password = self._auth authenticator.setUser(username) authenticator.setPassword(password) self._auth_attempt += 1 def _page_loaded(self): """Called back when page is loaded. """ self.loaded = True self.cache.clear() def _page_load_started(self): """Called back when page load started. """ self.loaded = False def _release_last_resources(self): """Releases last loaded resources. :return: The released resources. """ last_resources = self.http_resources self.http_resources = [] return last_resources def _request_ended(self, reply): """Adds an HttpResource object to http_resources. :param reply: The QNetworkReply object. """ if reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.HttpStatusCodeAttribute): Logger.log("[%s] bytesAvailable()= %s" % (str(reply.url()), reply.bytesAvailable()), level="debug") # Some web pages return cache headers that mandates not to cache the # reply, which means we won't find this QNetworkReply in the cache # object. In this case bytesAvailable will return > 0. # Such pages are # This is a bit of a hack and due to the async nature of QT, might # not work at times. We should move to using some proxied implementation # of QNetworkManager and QNetworkReply in order to get the contents # of the requests properly rather than relying on the cache. if reply.bytesAvailable() > 0: content = reply.peek(reply.bytesAvailable()) else: content = None self.http_resources.append( HttpResource(reply, self.cache, content=content)) def _unsupported_content(self, reply): """Adds an HttpResource object to http_resources with unsupported content. :param reply: The QNetworkReply object. """ self.wait_for(lambda: reply.isFinished(), 'Download timeout.') if reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.HttpStatusCodeAttribute): self.http_resources.append( HttpResource(reply, self.cache, reply.readAll())) def _on_manager_ssl_errors(self, reply, errors): url = unicode(reply.url().toString()) if self.ignore_ssl_errors: reply.ignoreSslErrors() else: Logger.log('SSL certificate error: %s' % url, level='warning')