Example #1
def createCodeEditor(initial):
    editor = QsciScintilla()
	Customization - GENERAL
    # # Disable the lexer
    # # Set the encoding to UTF-8
    # editor.setUtf8(True)
    # # Set the tab width to 4 spaces
    # editor.setTabWidth(2)
    # # Set the End-Of-Line character to Unix style ('\n')
    # editor.setEolMode(QsciScintilla.EolUnix)
    # # Make End-Of-Line characters visible
    # # editor.setEolVisibility(True)
    # # Set the zoom factor, the factor is in points.
    # editor.zoomTo(4)
    # """
    # Customization - LINE WRAPPING
    # """
    # # Set the text wrapping mode to word wrap
    # editor.setWrapMode(QsciScintilla.WrapWord)
    # # Set the text wrapping mode visual indication
    # editor.setWrapVisualFlags(
    # 	QsciScintilla.WrapFlagByText, QsciScintilla.WrapFlagByText
    # )
    # # Set the text wrapping to indent the wrapped lines
    # editor.setWrapIndentMode(QsciScintilla.WrapIndentSame)
    # """
    # Customization - EDGE MARKER
    # """
    # # Set the edge marker's position and set it to color the background
    # # when a line goes over the limit of 50 characters
    # # editor.setEdgeMode(QsciScintilla.EdgeBackground)
    # # editor.setEdgeColumn(40)
    # edge_color = caret_fg_color = QColor("#ff00ff00")
    # # editor.setEdgeColor(edge_color)
    # # Add a long line that will display the edge marker coloring
    # """
    # Customization - INDENTATION
    # """
    # # Set indentation with spaces instead of tabs
    # # editor.setIndentationsUseTabs(False)
    # # Set the tab width to 4 spaces
    # editor.setTabWidth(2)
    # # Set tab indent mode, see the 3.3.3 chapter in QSciDocs
    # # for a detailed explanation
    # # editor.setTabIndents(True)
    # # Set autoindentation mode to maintain the indentation level of the previous line
    # # (the editor's lexer HAS to be disabled)
    # # editor.setAutoIndent(True)
    # # Make the backspace jump back to the tab width guides instead of deleting
    # # one character, but only when there are ONLY whitespaces on the left side of the cursor
    # # editor.setBackspaceUnindents(True)
    # # Set indentation guides to be visible
    # # editor.setIndentationGuides(True)
    # """
    # Customization - CARET (the blinking cursor indicator)
    # """
    # # Set the caret color to red
    # caret_fg_color = QColor("#ffff0000")
    # editor.setCaretForegroundColor(caret_fg_color)
    # # Enable and set the caret line background color to slightly transparent blue
    # editor.setCaretLineVisible(True)
    # caret_bg_color = QColor("#1f0000ff")
    # editor.setCaretLineBackgroundColor(caret_bg_color)
    # # Set the caret width of 4 pixels
    # # editor.setCaretWidth(4)
    # """
    # Customization - AUTOCOMPLETION (Partially usable without a lexer)
    # """
    # # Set the autocompletions to case INsensitive
    # editor.setAutoCompletionCaseSensitivity(False)
    # # Set the autocompletion to not replace the word to the right of the cursor
    # editor.setAutoCompletionReplaceWord(False)
    # # Set the autocompletion source to be the words in the document
    # editor.setAutoCompletionSource(QsciScintilla.AcsDocument)
    # # Set the autocompletion dialog to appear as soon as 1 character is typed
    # editor.setAutoCompletionThreshold(2)
    # """
    # Customization - CALL TIPS (Not usable without a lexer)
    # """
    # # # Set the call tips foreground and background color
    # # calltip_fg_color = QColor("#7f7f0000")
    # # calltip_bg_color = QColor("#7f0000ff")
    # # editor.setCallTipsForegroundColor(calltip_fg_color)
    # # editor.setCallTipsBackgroundColor(calltip_bg_color)
    # # # Set the call tips to appear above the text
    # # editor.setCallTipsPosition(QsciScintilla.CallTipsAboveText)
    # # # Set the call tips to ve displayed without any context
    # # editor.setCallTipsStyle(QsciScintilla.CallTipsNoContext)
    # # # Make the call tips visible
    # # editor.setCallTipsVisible(0)
    return editor