def __init__(self, args, force_calibre_style=False, override_program_name=None, headless=False, color_prefs=gprefs): self.file_event_hook = None if override_program_name: args = [override_program_name] + args[1:] if headless: if not args: args = sys.argv[:1] args.extend(['-platformpluginpath', sys.extensions_location, '-platform', 'headless']) qargs = [i.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(i, unicode) else i for i in args] self.pi = plugins['progress_indicator'][0] QApplication.__init__(self, qargs) self.setup_styles(force_calibre_style) f = QFont(QApplication.font()) if (, f.pointSize()) == ('Sans Serif', 9): # Hard coded Qt settings, no user preference detected f.setPointSize(10) QApplication.setFont(f) f = QFontInfo(f) self.original_font = (, f.pointSize(), f.weight(), f.italic(), 100) if not self.using_calibre_style and == 'fusion': # Since Qt is using the fusion style anyway, specialize it self.load_calibre_style() fi = gprefs['font'] if fi is not None: font = QFont(*(fi[:4])) s = gprefs.get('font_stretch', None) if s is not None: font.setStretch(s) QApplication.setFont(font) dl = QLocale(get_lang()) if unicode(dl.bcp47Name()) != u'C': QLocale.setDefault(dl) global gui_thread, qt_app gui_thread = QThread.currentThread() self._translator = None self.load_translations() qt_app = self self._file_open_paths = [] self._file_open_lock = RLock() if not isosx: # OS X uses a native color dialog that does not support custom # colors self.color_prefs = color_prefs self.read_custom_colors() self.lastWindowClosed.connect(self.save_custom_colors) if isxp: error_dialog(None, _('Windows XP not supported'), '<p>' + _( 'calibre versions newer than 2.0 do not run on Windows XP. This is' ' because the graphics toolkit calibre uses (Qt 5) crashes a lot' ' on Windows XP. We suggest you stay with <a href="%s">calibre 1.48</a>' ' which works well on Windows XP.') % '', show=True) raise SystemExit(1)
def __init__(self, args, force_calibre_style=False, override_program_name=None, headless=False): self.file_event_hook = None if override_program_name: args = [override_program_name] + args[1:] if headless: if not args: args = sys.argv[:1] args.extend([ '-platformpluginpath', sys.extensions_location, '-platform', 'headless' ]) qargs = [ i.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(i, unicode) else i for i in args ] self.pi = plugins['progress_indicator'][0] self.setup_styles(force_calibre_style) QApplication.__init__(self, qargs) f = QFont(QApplication.font()) if (, f.pointSize()) == ( 'Sans Serif', 9): # Hard coded Qt settings, no user preference detected f.setPointSize(10) QApplication.setFont(f) f = QFontInfo(f) self.original_font = (, f.pointSize(), f.weight(), f.italic(), 100) if not self.using_calibre_style and ) == 'fusion': # Since Qt is using the fusion style anyway, specialize it self.load_calibre_style() fi = gprefs['font'] if fi is not None: font = QFont(*(fi[:4])) s = gprefs.get('font_stretch', None) if s is not None: font.setStretch(s) QApplication.setFont(font) dl = QLocale(get_lang()) if unicode(dl.bcp47Name()) != u'C': QLocale.setDefault(dl) global gui_thread, qt_app gui_thread = QThread.currentThread() self._translator = None self.load_translations() qt_app = self self._file_open_paths = [] self._file_open_lock = RLock()
def __init__(self, args, force_calibre_style=False, override_program_name=None, headless=False): self.file_event_hook = None if override_program_name: args = [override_program_name] + args[1:] if headless: if not args: args = sys.argv[:1] args.extend(['-platformpluginpath', sys.extensions_location, '-platform', 'headless']) qargs = [i.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(i, unicode) else i for i in args] self.pi = plugins['progress_indicator'][0] self.setup_styles(force_calibre_style) QApplication.__init__(self, qargs) f = QFont(QApplication.font()) if (, f.pointSize()) == ('Sans Serif', 9): # Hard coded Qt settings, no user preference detected f.setPointSize(10) QApplication.setFont(f) f = QFontInfo(f) self.original_font = (, f.pointSize(), f.weight(), f.italic(), 100) if not self.using_calibre_style and == 'fusion': # Since Qt is using the fusion style anyway, specialize it self.load_calibre_style() fi = gprefs['font'] if fi is not None: font = QFont(*(fi[:4])) s = gprefs.get('font_stretch', None) if s is not None: font.setStretch(s) QApplication.setFont(font) dl = QLocale(get_lang()) if unicode(dl.bcp47Name()) != u'C': QLocale.setDefault(dl) global gui_thread, qt_app gui_thread = QThread.currentThread() self._translator = None self.load_translations() qt_app = self self._file_open_paths = [] self._file_open_lock = RLock()
def __init__(self, args, force_calibre_style=False, override_program_name=None, headless=False, color_prefs=gprefs): self.file_event_hook = None if override_program_name: args = [override_program_name] + args[1:] if headless: if not args: args = sys.argv[:1] args.extend(['-platformpluginpath', sys.extensions_location, '-platform', 'headless']) self.headless = headless qargs = [i.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(i, unicode) else i for i in args] self.pi = plugins['progress_indicator'][0] QApplication.__init__(self, qargs) if islinux or isbsd: self.setAttribute(Qt.AA_DontUseNativeMenuBar, 'CALIBRE_NO_NATIVE_MENUBAR' in os.environ) self.setup_styles(force_calibre_style) f = QFont(QApplication.font()) if (, f.pointSize()) == ('Sans Serif', 9): # Hard coded Qt settings, no user preference detected f.setPointSize(10) QApplication.setFont(f) f = QFontInfo(f) self.original_font = (, f.pointSize(), f.weight(), f.italic(), 100) if not self.using_calibre_style and == 'fusion': # Since Qt is using the fusion style anyway, specialize it self.load_calibre_style() fi = gprefs['font'] if fi is not None: font = QFont(*(fi[:4])) s = gprefs.get('font_stretch', None) if s is not None: font.setStretch(s) QApplication.setFont(font) dl = QLocale(get_lang()) if unicode(dl.bcp47Name()) != u'C': QLocale.setDefault(dl) global gui_thread, qt_app gui_thread = QThread.currentThread() self._translator = None self.load_translations() qt_app = self self._file_open_paths = [] self._file_open_lock = RLock() if not isosx: # OS X uses a native color dialog that does not support custom # colors self.color_prefs = color_prefs self.read_custom_colors() self.lastWindowClosed.connect(self.save_custom_colors) if isxp: error_dialog(None, _('Windows XP not supported'), '<p>' + _( 'calibre versions newer than 2.0 do not run on Windows XP. This is' ' because the graphics toolkit calibre uses (Qt 5) crashes a lot' ' on Windows XP. We suggest you stay with <a href="%s">calibre 1.48</a>' ' which works well on Windows XP.') % '', show=True) raise SystemExit(1) if iswindows: # On windows the highlighted colors for inactive widgets are the # same as non highlighted colors. This is a regression from Qt 4. # p = self.palette() for role in (p.Highlight, p.HighlightedText, p.Base, p.AlternateBase): p.setColor(p.Inactive, role, p.color(p.Active, role)) self.setPalette(p) # Prevent text copied to the clipboard from being lost on quit due to # Qt 5 bug: self.aboutToQuit.connect(self.flush_clipboard)
def __init__(self, args, force_calibre_style=False, override_program_name=None, headless=False, color_prefs=gprefs): self.file_event_hook = None if override_program_name: args = [override_program_name] + args[1:] if headless: if not args: args = sys.argv[:1] args.extend(['-platformpluginpath', sys.extensions_location, '-platform', 'headless']) self.headless = headless qargs = [i.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(i, unicode) else i for i in args] self.pi = plugins['progress_indicator'][0] if not isosx and not headless: # On OS X high dpi scaling is turned on automatically by the OS, so we dont need to set it explicitly setup_hidpi() QApplication.setOrganizationName('') QApplication.setOrganizationDomain(QApplication.organizationName()) QApplication.setApplicationVersion(__version__) QApplication.setApplicationName(APP_UID) QApplication.__init__(self, qargs) self.setAttribute(Qt.AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps) self.setAttribute(Qt.AA_SynthesizeTouchForUnhandledMouseEvents, False) try: base_dir() except EnvironmentError as err: if not headless: show_temp_dir_error(err) raise SystemExit('Failed to create temporary directory') if DEBUG and not headless: prints('devicePixelRatio:', self.devicePixelRatio()) s = self.primaryScreen() if s: prints('logicalDpi:', s.logicalDotsPerInchX(), 'x', s.logicalDotsPerInchY()) prints('physicalDpi:', s.physicalDotsPerInchX(), 'x', s.physicalDotsPerInchY()) if not iswindows: self.setup_unix_signals() if islinux or isbsd: self.setAttribute(Qt.AA_DontUseNativeMenuBar, 'CALIBRE_NO_NATIVE_MENUBAR' in os.environ) self.setup_styles(force_calibre_style) self.setup_ui_font() if not self.using_calibre_style and == 'fusion': # Since Qt is using the fusion style anyway, specialize it self.load_calibre_style() fi = gprefs['font'] if fi is not None: font = QFont(*(fi[:4])) s = gprefs.get('font_stretch', None) if s is not None: font.setStretch(s) QApplication.setFont(font) self.line_height = max(12, QFontMetrics(self.font()).lineSpacing()) dl = QLocale(get_lang()) if unicode(dl.bcp47Name()) != u'C': QLocale.setDefault(dl) global gui_thread, qt_app gui_thread = QThread.currentThread() self._translator = None self.load_translations() qt_app = self self._file_open_paths = [] self._file_open_lock = RLock() if not isosx: # OS X uses a native color dialog that does not support custom # colors self.color_prefs = color_prefs self.read_custom_colors() self.lastWindowClosed.connect(self.save_custom_colors) if isxp: error_dialog(None, _('Windows XP not supported'), '<p>' + _( 'calibre versions newer than 2.0 do not run on Windows XP. This is' ' because the graphics toolkit calibre uses (Qt 5) crashes a lot' ' on Windows XP. We suggest you stay with <a href="%s">calibre 1.48</a>' ' which works well on Windows XP.') % '', show=True) raise SystemExit(1) if iswindows: # On windows the highlighted colors for inactive widgets are the # same as non highlighted colors. This is a regression from Qt 4. # p = self.palette() for role in (p.Highlight, p.HighlightedText, p.Base, p.AlternateBase): p.setColor(p.Inactive, role, p.color(p.Active, role)) self.setPalette(p) # Prevent text copied to the clipboard from being lost on quit due to # Qt 5 bug: self.aboutToQuit.connect(self.flush_clipboard)