def paint(self, painter, option, index): QStyledItemDelegate.paint(self, painter, option, index) text, positions = self.initStyleOption(option, index) painter.setFont(option.font) p = option.palette c = p.HighlightedText if option.state & QStyle.State_Selected else p.Text group = (p.Active if option.state & QStyle.State_Active else p.Inactive) c = p.color(group, c) painter.setClipRect(option.rect) if positions is None or -1 in positions: painter.setPen(c) painter.drawText(option.rect, Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.TextSingleLine, text) else: to = QTextOption() to.setWrapMode(to.NoWrap) to.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignVCenter) positions = sorted(set(positions) - {-1}, reverse=True) text = '<body>%s</body>' % make_highlighted_text(Results.EMPH, text, positions) doc = QTextDocument() c = 'rgb(%d, %d, %d)'%c.getRgb()[:3] doc.setDefaultStyleSheet(' body { color: %s }'%c) doc.setHtml(text) doc.setDefaultFont(option.font) doc.setDocumentMargin(0.0) doc.setDefaultTextOption(to) height = doc.size().height() painter.translate(option.rect.left(), + (max(0, option.rect.height() - height) // 2)) doc.drawContents(painter) painter.restore()
def __init__(self, text='', width=0, font=None, img=None, max_height=100, align=Qt.AlignCenter): self.layouts = [] self._position = Point(0, 0) self.leading = self.line_spacing = 0 if font is not None: fm = QFontMetrics(font, img) self.leading = fm.leading() self.line_spacing = fm.lineSpacing() for text in text.split('<br>') if text else (): text, formats = parse_text_formatting(sanitize(text)) l = QTextLayout(unescape_formatting(text), font, img) l.setAdditionalFormats(formats) to = QTextOption(align) to.setWrapMode(QTextOption.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere) l.setTextOption(to) l.beginLayout() height = 0 while height + 3*self.leading < max_height: line = l.createLine() if not line.isValid(): break line.setLineWidth(width) height += self.leading line.setPosition(QPointF(0, height)) height += line.height() max_height -= height l.endLayout() if self.layouts: self.layouts.append(self.leading) else: self._position = Point(l.position().x(), l.position().y()) self.layouts.append(l) if self.layouts: self.layouts.append(self.leading)
def set_message(self, text, color_, bold=False, is_permanent=False): from vise.view import certificate_error_domains key = (text,, bold, is_permanent) if key == self.current_key: return self.current_key = key self.is_permanent = is_permanent prefix = text.partition(':')[0] self.is_address = self.is_permanent and prefix.lower() in { 'http', 'https', 'vise', 'file' } self.is_secure = prefix.lower() in {'https', 'vise', 'file'} color_ = color_ or self.palette().color(self.palette().WindowText) if self.is_address: qurl = QUrl(text) if self.is_secure and in certificate_error_domains: self.is_secure = False if qurl.scheme() in {'vise', 'file'}: host = qurl.path() rest = '' sep = ':' else: host = rest = qurl.toDisplayString(QUrl.PrettyDecoded | QUrl.RemoveScheme | QUrl.RemoveAuthority) sep = '://' self.static_text = QStaticText( '<span style="white-space:nowrap; color: {fg}">' '<span style="color:{emph}; font-weight:bold">{scheme}</span><span style="color:{dull}">{sep}</span>' '<span style="color:{fg}">{host}</span>' '<span style="color:{dull}">{rest}</span>'.format(, emph='green' if self.is_secure else 'red', scheme=escape(qurl.scheme()), host=escape(host), dull=color('status bar dull foreground', 'gray'), sep=sep, rest=escape(rest))) else: self.static_text = QStaticText( '<span style="color:{}; font-weight: {}; white-space:nowrap">{}</span>' .format(, ('bold' if bold else 'normal'), escape(text))) to = QTextOption(Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop) to.setWrapMode(to.NoWrap) self.static_text.setTextOption(to) self.static_text.prepare(font=self.font()) self.update()
def set_message(self, text, color_, bold=False, is_permanent=False): from vise.view import certificate_error_domains key = (text,, bold, is_permanent) if key == self.current_key: return self.current_key = key self.is_permanent = is_permanent prefix = text.partition(':')[0] self.is_address = self.is_permanent and prefix.lower() in {'http', 'https', 'vise'} self.is_secure = prefix.lower() in {'https', 'vise'} color_ = color_ or self.palette().color(self.palette().WindowText) if self.is_address: qurl = QUrl(text) if self.is_secure and in certificate_error_domains: self.is_secure = False if qurl.scheme() == 'vise': host = qurl.path() rest = '' sep = ':' else: host = rest = qurl.toDisplayString(QUrl.PrettyDecoded | QUrl.RemoveScheme | QUrl.RemoveAuthority) sep = '://' self.static_text = QStaticText( '<span style="white-space:nowrap; color: {fg}">' '<span style="color:{emph}; font-weight:bold">{scheme}</span><span style="color:{dull}">{sep}</span>' '<span style="color:{fg}">{host}</span>' '<span style="color:{dull}">{rest}</span>'.format(, emph='green' if self.is_secure else 'red', scheme=escape(qurl.scheme()), host=escape(host), dull=color('status bar dull foreground', 'gray'), sep=sep, rest=escape(rest) )) else: self.static_text = QStaticText('<span style="color:{}; font-weight: {}; white-space:nowrap">{}</span>'.format(, ('bold' if bold else 'normal'), escape(text))) to = QTextOption(Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop) to.setWrapMode(to.NoWrap) self.static_text.setTextOption(to) self.static_text.prepare(font=self.font()) self.update()
def viewItemDrawText(self, painter, option, rect, text, color, searchText=''): # noqa C901 ''' @note: most of codes taken from QCommonStylePrivate::viewItemDrawText added highlighting and simplified for single-line textlayouts @param painter QPainter @param option QStyleOptionViewItem @param rect QRect @param text QString @param color QColor @param searchText QString @return: int ''' if not text: return 0 fontMetrics = QFontMetrics(painter.font()) elidedText = fontMetrics.elidedText(text, option.textElideMode, rect.width()) textOption = QTextOption() textOption.setWrapMode(QTextOption.NoWrap) textOption.setAlignment(QStyle.visualAlignment(textOption.textDirection(), option.displayAlignment)) textLayout = QTextLayout() textLayout.setFont(painter.font()) textLayout.setText(elidedText) textLayout.setTextOption(textOption) if searchText: # QList<int> delimiters = [] searchStrings = [ item.strip() for item in searchText.split(' ') ] searchStrings = [ item for item in searchStrings if item ] # Look for longer parts first searchStrings.sort(key=lambda x: len(x), reverse=True) text0 = text.lower() for string in searchStrings: string0 = string.lower() delimiter = text0.find(string0) while delimiter != -1: start = delimiter end = delimiter + len(string) alreadyContains = False for idx in range(0, len(delimiters), 2): dStart = delimiters[idx] dEnd = delimiters[idx+1] if dStart <= start and dEnd >= end: alreadyContains = True break if not alreadyContains: delimiters.append(start) delimiters.append(end) delimiter = text0.find(string0, end) # We need to sort delimiters to properly paint all parts that user typed delimiters.sort() # If we don't find any match, just paint it withoutany highlight if delimiters and len(delimiters) % 2 == 0: highlightParts = [] # QList<QTextLayout::FormatRange> while delimiters: highlightedPart = QTextLayout.FormatRange() start = delimiters.pop(0) end = delimiters.pop(0) highlightedPart.start = start highlightedPart.length = end - start highlightedPart.format.setFontWeight(QFont.Bold) highlightedPart.format.setUnderlineStyle(QTextCharFormat.SingleUnderline) highlightParts.append(highlightedPart) textLayout.setAdditionalFormats(highlightParts) # do layout self._s_viewItemDrawText(textLayout, rect.width()) if textLayout.lineCount() <= 0: return 0 textLine = textLayout.lineAt(0) # if elidedText after highlighting is longer than available width then # re-elide it and redo layout diff = textLine.naturalTextWidth() - rect.width() if diff > 0: # TODO: ? elidedText = fontMetrics.elidedText(elidedText, option.textElideMode, rect.width() - diff) textLayout.setText(elidedText) # redo layout self._s_viewItemDrawText(textLayout, rect.width()) if textLayout.lineCount() <= 0: return 0 textLine = textLayout.lineAt(0) # draw line painter.setPen(color) # qreal width = max(rect.width(), textLayout.lineAt(0).width()) # QRect layoutRect = QStyle.alignedRect(option.direction, option.displayAlignment, QSize(int(width), int(textLine.height())), rect) # QPointF position = layoutRect.topLeft() textLine.draw(painter, position) return int(min(rect.width(), textLayout.lineAt(0).naturalTextWidth()))