Example #1
    def draw(self, page, painter, key, tile, paperColor=None):
        """Draw a tile on the painter.

        The painter is already at the right position and rotation.
        For the Poppler page and renderer, draw() is only used for printing.
        (See AbstractPage.print().)

        source = self.map(key, page.pageRect()).mapRect(
            QRectF(*tile)).toRect()  # rounded
        target = QRectF(0, 0, tile.w, tile.h)
        if key.rotation & 1:

        doc = page.document
        p = doc.page(page.pageNumber)

        with self.setup(doc, self.printRenderBackend, paperColor):
            if self.printRenderBackend == popplerqt5.Poppler.Document.ArthurBackend:
                # Poppler's Arthur backend removes the current transform from
                # the painter (it sets a default CTM, instead of combining it
                # with the current transform). We let Poppler draw on a QPicture,
                # and draw that on our painter.
                pic = QPicture()
                p.renderToPainter(QPainter(pic), page.dpi, page.dpi,
                                  source.x(), source.y(), source.width(),
                # our resolution could be different, scale accordingly
                    pic.logicalDpiX() / painter.device().logicalDpiX(),
                    pic.logicalDpiY() / painter.device().logicalDpiY())
                # Make an image exactly in the printer's resolution
                m = painter.transform()
                r = m.mapRect(source)  # see where the source ends up
                w, h = r.width(), r.height()
                if m.m11() == 0:
                    w, h = h, w  # swap if rotation & 1  :-)
                # now we know the scale from our dpi to the paintdevice's logicalDpi!
                hscale = w / source.width()
                vscale = h / source.height()
                s = QTransform().scale(hscale, vscale).mapRect(source)
                dpiX = page.dpi * hscale
                dpiY = page.dpi * vscale
                img = p.renderToImage(dpiX, dpiY, s.x(), s.y(), s.width(),
                painter.drawImage(target, img, QRectF(img.rect()))