Example #1
class SideToneWidget(QWidget):
    def __init__(self, parent, the_settings):
        # Save link to main window
        self.main_window = parent
        # Save link to settings object
        self.settings = the_settings
        # Get the status bar
        self.status_bar = parent.statusBar()
        # just the time
        self.time = QTime()
        # Slot that will point to a QAudioInput some day
        self.input_device = None
        # Slot that will point to a QAudioOutput in time
        self.otput_device = None
        # set up layout, creating:
        #   self.input_info_list, list of QAudioInfo for inputs
        #   self.cb_inputs, combox of input names in same order
        #   self.otput_info_list, list of QAudioInfo for outputs
        #   self.cb_otputs, combox of output names in same order
        #   self.volume, volume slider
        #   self.mute, mute checkbox
        # Connect up signals to slots. Up to this point, the changes that
        # _uic() made in e.g. the volume or mute, or the combobox selections,
        # raised signals that were not connected. Now connect the signals
        # so that user-changes go to our slots for handling.
        # Mute button goes to mute_change
        # Change in volume goes to volume_change
        # Changes in the combox selections go to in_device and ot_device
        # Now pretend the user has made a selection of the in and out devices.
        # That should result in activating everythings.

    # Method to disconnect the input and output devices, if they exist.
    # This is called prior to any change in device selection.
    # Note that the QWidget class has an existing method disconnect(),
    # and we do not want to override that, so that name is not used.

    def disconnect_devices(self):

        # If an output device exists, make it stop. That prevents it
        # trying to pull any data from the input device if any.
        if self.otput_device is not None:
        # If an input device exists, make it stop also. That means it
        # loses track of the output device it was formerly connected to.
        if self.input_device is not None:

    # Method to connect the input and output devices, if both exist. This is
    # called after making any change in device selection.

    def reconnect_devices(self):

        if (self.input_device is not None) \
           and (self.otput_device is not None ) :

            # Connect the devices by asking the OUTput device for its
            # QIODevice, and passing that to the INput device's start()
            # method. This could equally well be done the other way,
            # by passing the input dev's IODevice to the output device.

            #self.otput_device.start( self.input_device.start() )

            # In case the output device was just created, set its volume.

    # Method to set the volume on the output device. (The input device volume
    # is always 1.0.) This is called on any change of the volume slider or
    # of the Mute button or of the output device choice.

    def set_volume(self):
        if self.mute.isChecked():
            # Mute is ON, set volume to 0 regardless of volume slider
            volume = 0.0
            # Mute is OFF, set volume to float version of volume slider
            volume = self.volume.value() / 100
        if self.otput_device:
            # an output device exists (almost always true), set it

    # Slot entered upon any change in the volume slider widget.
    def volume_change(self, new_level):
        if self.mute.isChecked():
            # The Mute button is ON; assume the user wants it OFF, else why
            # move the slider? Note this causes a call to set_volume().
            # The Mute button is OFF, just change the volume.

    # Slot entered upon toggling of the mute switch, by the user or by the
    # code calling mute.setChecked(). Make sure the volume is set appropriately.
    def mute_change(self, onoff):

    # Slots for selection of the input and output devices. On startup we have
    # neither an input nor an output device. We do not know which combox the
    # user will fiddle with first.

    # Slot entered upon any change in the selection of the input device
    # combo box. The argument is the new index of the list of values.

    def in_dev_change(self, new_index):

        # Disconnect and stop the devices if they are connected.

        self.input_device = None  # device object goes out of scope

        # Get the QAudioDeviceInfo corresponding to this index of the combox.
        audio_info = self.input_info_list[new_index]

        # Create a new QAudioInput based on that.
        preferred_format = audio_info.preferredFormat()
        self.input_device = QAudioInput(audio_info, preferred_format)

        # the input device volume is always 1.0, wide open.

        # The choice of buffer size has a major impact on the lag. It needs
        # to be small or there is severe echo; but if it is too small, there
        # is a sputtering or "motor-boating" effect.

        # hook up possible debug status display

        # reconnect the devices if possible.


    # Slot entered upon any change in the selection of output. The argument
    # is the index to the list of output devices in the combobox.

    def ot_dev_change(self, new_index):
        print('index', new_index)
        # Disconnect and stop the devices if they are connected.

        self.otput_device = None  # device object goes out of scope

        # Get the QAudioDeviceInfo corresponding to this index of the combox.
        audio_info = self.otput_info_list[new_index]

        # Create a new QAudioOutput based on that.
        preferred_format = audio_info.preferredFormat()
        self.otput_device = QAudioOutput(audio_info, preferred_format)
        self.otput_device.setVolume(0)  # reconnect will set correct volume

        # hook up possible debug status display

        # reconnect the devices if possible. Which also sets the volume.


    # Show some text in the main-window status bar for 1 second, more or less.
    def show_status(self, text, duration=1000):
        self.status_bar.showMessage(text, duration)

    # Slots called on any "state" change of an audio device. Optionally
    # show the state in the main window status bar.
    def in_dev_state_change(self, new_state):
        #'{} in dev state {}'.format(self.time.elapsed(),int(new_state))

    def ot_dev_state_change(self, new_state):
        #'{} ot dev state {}'.format(self.time.elapsed(),int(new_state))

    # Close events are only received by a top-level widget. When our top-level
    # widget gets one, indicating the app is done, it calls this method.

    def closeEvent(self, event):
        # if we have devices, make them stop.

        # if the devices exist, reset them and then trash them.
        if self.otput_device is not None:
            self.otput_device = None
        if self.input_device is not None:
            self.input_device = None

        # Save the current selection of the input and output combo boxes,
        # in the settings file.
        in_dev_name = self.cb_inputs.currentText()
        self.settings.setValue('in_dev_name', in_dev_name)
        ot_dev_name = self.cb_otputs.currentText()
        self.settings.setValue('ot_dev_name', ot_dev_name)

        # Save the volume setting and mute status in the settings.
        self.settings.setValue('volume', self.volume.value())
        self.settings.setValue('mute_status', int(self.mute.isChecked()))

    def _uic(self):
    set up our layout which consists of:

                 Big Honkin' Label
        [input combobox]    [output combobox]
               [volume slider]  [x] Mute

    Hooking the signals to useful slots is the job
    of __init__. Here just make the layout.
        # Create the big honkin' label and logo
        icon_pixmap = QPixmap(':/icon.png').scaledToWidth(64)
        icon_label = QLabel()
        text_label = QLabel("Sidetone!")
        hb_label = QHBoxLayout()
        hb_label.addWidget(icon_label, 0)
        hb_label.addWidget(text_label, 0)

        # Create a list of QAudioInfo objects for inputs
        self.input_info_list = QAudioDeviceInfo.availableDevices(
        if 0 == len(self.input_info_list):
            self.input_info_list = [QAudioDeviceInfo.defaultInputDevice()]
        # Make a list of the name-strings for those items.
        in_dev_names = [
            audio_info.deviceName() for audio_info in self.input_info_list
        # Create a combo box and populate it with those names
        self.cb_inputs = QComboBox()
        # If the in_dev_name from the previous run is in the current list,
        # make it current, otherwise pick the first item.
        in_dev_name = self.settings.value('in_dev_name', 'unknown')
        if in_dev_name in in_dev_names:

        # Create a list of QAudioInfo objects for outputs
        self.otput_info_list = QAudioDeviceInfo.availableDevices(
        if 0 == len(self.otput_info_list):
            self.otput_info_list = [QAudioDeviceInfo.defaultOutputDevice()]
        # Make a list of the name-strings of those things
        ot_dev_names = [
            audio_info.deviceName() for audio_info in self.otput_info_list
        # Create a combo box and populate it with those names
        self.cb_otputs = QComboBox()
        # If the ot_dev_name from the previous run is in the current list,
        # make it the current choice in the box.
        ot_dev_name = self.settings.value('ot_dev_name', 'unknown')
        if ot_dev_name in ot_dev_names:

        #'{} inputs {} otputs'.format(len(self.input_info_list),len(self.otput_info_list))
        # Create a combo box and populate it with names of outputs

        # Lay those two out aligned to the outside
        hb_combos = QHBoxLayout()
        hb_combos.addWidget(self.cb_inputs, 1)
        hb_combos.addWidget(self.cb_otputs, 1)

        # Create a volume slider from 0 to 100.
        self.volume = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal, self)
        # set the volume slider to the value from the previous run, or zero.
        self.volume.setValue(self.settings.value('volume', 0))

        # Create a checkbox "Mute"
        self.mute = QCheckBox('Mute')
        # Set it to the value at the end of the last run, or to True
        self.mute.setChecked(bool(self.settings.value('mute_status', 1)))

        # Put those together in a row squeezed in the center
        hb_volume = QHBoxLayout()
        hb_volume.addWidget(self.volume, 1)
        hb_volume.addWidget(self.mute, 0)

        # Stack all those up as this widget's layout
        vlayout = QVBoxLayout()