class QrReaderCameraDialog(Logger, MessageBoxMixin, QDialog): """ Dialog for reading QR codes from a camera """ # Try to crop so we have minimum 512 dimensions SCAN_SIZE: int = 512 qr_finished = pyqtSignal(bool, str, object) def __init__(self, parent, *, config: SimpleConfig): ''' Note: make sure parent is a "top_level_window()" as per MessageBoxMixin API else bad things can happen on macOS. ''' QDialog.__init__(self, parent=parent) Logger.__init__(self) self.validator: AbstractQrReaderValidator = None self.frame_id: int = 0 self.qr_crop: QRect = None self.qrreader_res: List[QrCodeResult] = [] self.validator_res: QrReaderValidatorResult = None self.last_stats_time: float = 0.0 self.frame_counter: int = 0 self.qr_frame_counter: int = 0 self.last_qr_scan_ts: float = 0.0 QCamera = None self._error_message: str = None self._ok_done: bool = False self.camera_sc_conn = None self.resolution: QSize = None self.config = config # Try to get the QR reader for this system self.qrreader = get_qr_reader() if not self.qrreader: raise MissingQrDetectionLib( _("The platform QR detection library is not available.")) # Set up the window, add the maximize button flags = self.windowFlags() flags = flags | Qt.WindowMaximizeButtonHint self.setWindowFlags(flags) self.setWindowTitle(_("Scan QR Code")) self.setWindowModality( Qt.WindowModal if parent else Qt.ApplicationModal) # Create video widget and fixed aspect ratio layout to contain it self.video_widget = QrReaderVideoWidget() self.video_overlay = QrReaderVideoOverlay() self.video_layout = FixedAspectRatioLayout() self.video_layout.addWidget(self.video_widget) self.video_layout.addWidget(self.video_overlay) # Create root layout and add the video widget layout to it vbox = QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(vbox) vbox.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) vbox.addLayout(self.video_layout) self.lowres_label = QLabel( _("Note: This camera generates frames of relatively low resolution; QR scanning accuracy may be affected" )) self.lowres_label.setWordWrap(True) self.lowres_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignHCenter) vbox.addWidget(self.lowres_label) self.lowres_label.setHidden(True) # Create a layout for the controls controls_layout = QHBoxLayout() controls_layout.addStretch(2) controls_layout.setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10) controls_layout.setSpacing(10) vbox.addLayout(controls_layout) # Flip horizontally checkbox with default coming from global config self.flip_x = QCheckBox() self.flip_x.setText(_("&Flip horizontally")) self.flip_x.setChecked(bool(self.config.get('qrreader_flip_x', True))) self.flip_x.stateChanged.connect(self._on_flip_x_changed) controls_layout.addWidget(self.flip_x) close_but = QPushButton(_("&Close")) close_but.clicked.connect(self.reject) controls_layout.addWidget(close_but) # Create the video surface and receive events when new frames arrive self.video_surface = QrReaderVideoSurface(self) self.video_surface.frame_available.connect(self._on_frame_available) # Create the crop blur effect self.crop_blur_effect = QrReaderCropBlurEffect(self) self.image_effect = ImageGraphicsEffect(self, self.crop_blur_effect) # Note these should stay as queued connections becasue we use the idiom # self.reject() and self.accept() in this class to kill the scan -- # and we do it from within callback functions. If you don't use # queued connections here, bad things can happen. self.finished.connect(self._boilerplate_cleanup, Qt.QueuedConnection) self.finished.connect(self._on_finished, Qt.QueuedConnection) def _on_flip_x_changed(self, _state: int): self.config.set_key('qrreader_flip_x', self.flip_x.isChecked()) def _get_resolution(self, resolutions: List[QSize], min_size: int) -> QSize: """ Given a list of resolutions that the camera supports this function picks the lowest resolution that is at least min_size in both width and height. If no resolution is found, NoCameraResolutionsFound is raised. """ def res_list_to_str(res_list: List[QSize]) -> str: return ', '.join( ['{}x{}'.format(r.width(), r.height()) for r in res_list]) def check_res(res: QSize): return res.width() >= min_size and res.height() >= min_size'searching for at least {0}x{0}'.format(min_size)) # Query and display all resolutions the camera supports format_str = 'camera resolutions: {}' # Filter to those that are at least min_size in both width and height candidate_resolutions = [] ideal_resolutions = [r for r in resolutions if check_res(r)] less_than_ideal_resolutions = [ r for r in resolutions if r not in ideal_resolutions ] format_str = 'ideal resolutions: {}, less-than-ideal resolutions: {}' format_str.format(res_list_to_str(ideal_resolutions), res_list_to_str(less_than_ideal_resolutions))) # Raise an error if we have no usable resolutions if not ideal_resolutions and not less_than_ideal_resolutions: raise NoCameraResolutionsFound( _("Cannot start QR scanner, no usable camera resolution found." ) + self._linux_pyqt5bug_msg()) if not ideal_resolutions: self.logger.warning( 'No ideal resolutions found, falling back to less-than-ideal resolutions -- QR recognition may fail!' ) candidate_resolutions = less_than_ideal_resolutions is_ideal = False else: candidate_resolutions = ideal_resolutions is_ideal = True # Sort the usable resolutions, least number of pixels first, get the first element resolution = sorted(candidate_resolutions, key=lambda r: r.width() * r.height(), reverse=not is_ideal)[0] format_str = 'chosen resolution is {}x{}' format_str.format(resolution.width(), resolution.height())) return resolution, is_ideal @staticmethod def _get_crop(resolution: QSize, scan_size: int) -> QRect: """ Returns a QRect that is scan_size x scan_size in the middle of the resolution """ scan_pos_x = (resolution.width() - scan_size) // 2 scan_pos_y = (resolution.height() - scan_size) // 2 return QRect(scan_pos_x, scan_pos_y, scan_size, scan_size) @staticmethod def _linux_pyqt5bug_msg(): ''' Returns a string that may be appended to an exception error message only if on Linux and PyQt5 < 5.12.2, otherwise returns an empty string. ''' if (sys.platform == 'linux' and PYQT_VERSION < 0x050c02 # Check if PyQt5 < 5.12.2 on linux # Also: this warning is not relevant to APPIMAGE; so make sure # we are not running from APPIMAGE. and not os.environ.get('APPIMAGE')): # In this case it's possible we couldn't detect a camera because # of that missing problem. return ("\n\n" + _( 'If you indeed do have a usable camera connected, then this error may be caused by bugs in previous PyQt5 versions on Linux. Try installing the latest PyQt5:' ) + "\n\n" + "python3 -m pip install --user -I pyqt5") return '' def start_scan(self, device: str = ''): """ Scans a QR code from the given camera device. If no QR code is found the returned string will be empty. If the camera is not found or can't be opened NoCamerasFound will be raised. """ self.validator = QrReaderValidatorCounted() self.validator.strong_count = 5 # FIXME: make this time based rather than framect based device_info = None for camera in QCameraInfo.availableCameras(): if camera.deviceName() == device: device_info = camera break if not device_info: 'Failed to open selected camera, trying to use default camera') device_info = QCameraInfo.defaultCamera() if not device_info or device_info.isNull(): raise NoCamerasFound( _("Cannot start QR scanner, no usable camera found.") + self._linux_pyqt5bug_msg()) self._init_stats() self.qrreader_res = [] self.validator_res = None self._ok_done = False self._error_message = None if "Warning: start_scan already called for this instance.") = QCamera(device_info) # this operates on camera from within the signal handler, so should be a queued connection self.camera_sc_conn = self._on_camera_status_changed, Qt.QueuedConnection) self._on_camera_error ) # log the errors we get, if any, for debugging # Camera needs to be loaded to query resolutions, this tries to open the camera _camera_status_names = { QCamera.UnavailableStatus: _('unavailable'), QCamera.UnloadedStatus: _('unloaded'), QCamera.UnloadingStatus: _('unloading'), QCamera.LoadingStatus: _('loading'), QCamera.LoadedStatus: _('loaded'), QCamera.StandbyStatus: _('standby'), QCamera.StartingStatus: _('starting'), QCamera.StoppingStatus: _('stopping'), QCamera.ActiveStatus: _('active') } def _get_camera_status_name(self, status: QCamera.Status): return self._camera_status_names.get(status, _('unknown')) def _set_resolution(self, resolution: QSize): self.resolution = resolution self.qr_crop = self._get_crop(resolution, self.SCAN_SIZE) # Initialize the video widget #self.video_widget.setMinimumSize(resolution) # <-- on macOS this makes it fixed size for some reason. self.resize(720, 540) self.video_overlay.set_crop(self.qr_crop) self.video_overlay.set_resolution(resolution) self.video_layout.set_aspect_ratio(resolution.width() / resolution.height()) # Set up the crop blur effect self.crop_blur_effect.setCrop(self.qr_crop) def _on_camera_status_changed(self, status: QCamera.Status): if self._ok_done: # camera/scan is quitting, abort. return'camera status changed to {}'.format( self._get_camera_status_name(status))) if status == QCamera.LoadedStatus: # Determine the optimal resolution and compute the crop rect camera_resolutions = try: resolution, was_ideal = self._get_resolution( camera_resolutions, self.SCAN_SIZE) except RuntimeError as e: self._error_message = str(e) self.reject() return self._set_resolution(resolution) # Set the camera resolution viewfinder_settings = QCameraViewfinderSettings() viewfinder_settings.setResolution(resolution) # Counter for the QR scanner frame number self.frame_id = 0 self.lowres_label.setVisible( not was_ideal ) # if they have a low res camera, show the warning label. elif status == QCamera.UnloadedStatus or status == QCamera.UnavailableStatus: self._error_message = _( "Cannot start QR scanner, camera is unavailable.") self.reject() elif status == QCamera.ActiveStatus: CameraErrorStrings = { QCamera.NoError: "No Error", QCamera.CameraError: "Camera Error", QCamera.InvalidRequestError: "Invalid Request Error", QCamera.ServiceMissingError: "Service Missing Error", QCamera.NotSupportedFeatureError: "Unsupported Feature Error" } def _on_camera_error(self, errorCode): errStr = self.CameraErrorStrings.get(errorCode, "Unknown Error")"QCamera error: {errStr}") def accept(self): self._ok_done = True # immediately blocks further processing super().accept() def reject(self): self._ok_done = True # immediately blocks further processing super().reject() def _boilerplate_cleanup(self): self._close_camera() if self.isVisible(): self.close() def _close_camera(self): if if self.camera_sc_conn: self.camera_sc_conn = None = None def _on_finished(self, code): res = ((code == QDialog.Accepted and self.validator_res and self.validator_res.accepted and self.validator_res.simple_result) or '') self.validator = None'closed {res}') self.qr_finished.emit(code == QDialog.Accepted, self._error_message, res) def _on_frame_available(self, frame: QImage): if self._ok_done: return self.frame_id += 1 if frame.size() != self.resolution: 'Getting video data at {}x{} instead of the requested {}x{}, switching resolution.' .format(frame.size().width(), frame.size().height(), self.resolution.width(), self.resolution.height())) self._set_resolution(frame.size()) flip_x = self.flip_x.isChecked() # Only QR scan every QR_SCAN_PERIOD secs qr_scanned = time.time( ) - self.last_qr_scan_ts >= self.qrreader.interval() if qr_scanned: self.last_qr_scan_ts = time.time() # Crop the frame so we only scan a SCAN_SIZE rect frame_cropped = frame.copy(self.qr_crop) # Convert to Y800 / GREY FourCC (single 8-bit channel) # This creates a copy, so we don't need to keep the frame around anymore frame_y800 = frame_cropped.convertToFormat( QImage.Format_Grayscale8) # Read the QR codes from the frame self.qrreader_res = self.qrreader.read_qr_code( frame_y800.constBits().__int__(), frame_y800.byteCount(), frame_y800.bytesPerLine(), frame_y800.width(), frame_y800.height(), self.frame_id) # Call the validator to see if the scanned results are acceptable self.validator_res = self.validator.validate_results( self.qrreader_res) # Update the video overlay with the results self.video_overlay.set_results(self.qrreader_res, flip_x, self.validator_res) # Close the dialog if the validator accepted the result if self.validator_res.accepted: self.accept() return # Apply the crop blur effect if self.image_effect: frame = self.image_effect.apply(frame) # If horizontal flipping is enabled, only flip the display if flip_x: frame = frame.mirrored(True, False) # Display the frame in the widget self.video_widget.setPixmap(QPixmap.fromImage(frame)) self._update_stats(qr_scanned) def _init_stats(self): self.last_stats_time = time.perf_counter() self.frame_counter = 0 self.qr_frame_counter = 0 def _update_stats(self, qr_scanned): self.frame_counter += 1 if qr_scanned: self.qr_frame_counter += 1 now = time.perf_counter() last_stats_delta = now - self.last_stats_time if last_stats_delta > 1.0: # stats every 1.0 seconds fps = self.frame_counter / last_stats_delta qr_fps = self.qr_frame_counter / last_stats_delta if self.validator is not None: self.validator.strong_count = math.ceil( qr_fps / 3 ) # 1/3 of a second's worth of qr frames determines strong_count stats_format = 'running at {} FPS, scanner at {} FPS', qr_fps)) self.frame_counter = 0 self.qr_frame_counter = 0 self.last_stats_time = now
class CQCameraPreviewWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow): closeSignal = QtCore.pyqtSignal() ioctlRequest = QtCore.pyqtSignal(dict) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(CQCameraPreviewWindow, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._MIN_WIN_WIDTH = 640 self.oc_camera_info = None self.oc_camera = None self.b_guard = False self.toolbar = QtWidgets.QToolBar("Preview") self.cbox_resolution = CLabeledComboBox("Resolution:") self.cbox_resolution.cbox.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.__cb_on_resolution_cbox_index_changed) self.toolbar.addWidget(self.cbox_resolution) self.toolbar.addSeparator() self.cbox_frame_rate = CLabeledComboBox("Frame Rate:") self.cbox_frame_rate.cbox.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.__cb_on_frame_rate_cbox_index_changed) self.toolbar.addWidget(self.cbox_frame_rate) self.addToolBar(self.toolbar) self.toolbar.addSeparator() self.oc_view_finder = QCameraViewfinder() self.setCentralWidget(self.oc_view_finder) def __cb_on_resolution_cbox_index_changed(self, i_idx): if self.oc_camera is None: self.fatal_error("Unallocated camera object detected") if self.b_guard: return l_res = self.cbox_resolution.cbox.itemText(i_idx).split(" x ") oc_vf_settings = self.oc_camera.viewfinderSettings() if oc_vf_settings.isNull(): self.fatal_error("Unable to retrieve camera settings") i_w, i_h = int(l_res[0]), int(l_res[1]) oc_vf_settings.setResolution(i_w, i_h) self.oc_camera.setViewfinderSettings(oc_vf_settings) self.oc_view_finder.setFixedSize(i_w, i_h) if i_w >= self._MIN_WIN_WIDTH: self.adjustSize() self.setFixedSize(self.sizeHint()) def __cb_on_frame_rate_cbox_index_changed(self, i_idx): if self.oc_camera is None: self.fatal_error("Unallocated camera object detected") if self.b_guard: return f_res = float(self.cbox_frame_rate.cbox.itemText(i_idx)) oc_vf_settings = self.oc_camera.viewfinderSettings() if oc_vf_settings.isNull(): self.fatal_error("Unable to retrieve camera settings") oc_vf_settings.setMinimumFrameRate(f_res) oc_vf_settings.setMaximumFrameRate(f_res) self.oc_camera.setViewfinderSettings(oc_vf_settings) def __camera_sync_start(self): i_sec_cnt = 0 self.oc_camera.start() while True: cam_status = self.oc_camera.status() if cam_status == QCamera.ActiveStatus: break else: time.sleep(1) i_sec_cnt += 1 if i_sec_cnt >= 10: self.fatal_error("Unable to start the camera") def __update_UI(self): # retrieve all supported resolutions and populate the resolution combo box l_resolutions = self.oc_camera.supportedViewfinderResolutions() if len(l_resolutions) > 0: l_res = [] for oc_res in l_resolutions: l_res.append("%i x %i" % (oc_res.width(), oc_res.height())) self.cbox_resolution.cbox.clear() self.cbox_resolution.cbox.addItems(l_res) oc_vf_settings = self.oc_camera.viewfinderSettings() if oc_vf_settings.isNull(): self.fatal_error("Unable to retrieve camera settings") # set current item index in the resolution combo box # according to the current resolution of our camera oc_curr_res = oc_vf_settings.resolution() s_res_hash = "%i x %i" % (oc_curr_res.width(), oc_curr_res.height()) for i_idx in range(self.cbox_resolution.cbox.count()): if self.cbox_resolution.cbox.itemText(i_idx) == s_res_hash: self.cbox_resolution.cbox.setCurrentIndex(i_idx) # retrieve all supported frame rates and populate the frame rate combo box l_frates = self.oc_camera.supportedViewfinderFrameRateRanges() if len(l_frates) > 0: l_res = [] for oc_frate in l_frates: l_res.append("%f" % oc_frate.minimumFrameRate) self.cbox_frame_rate.cbox.clear() self.cbox_frame_rate.cbox.addItems(l_res) # set current item index in the frame rate combo box # according to the current frame rate of our camera i_curr_frate = int(oc_vf_settings.minimumFrameRate()) for i_idx in range(self.cbox_frame_rate.cbox.count()): if int(float(self.cbox_frame_rate.cbox.itemText(i_idx))) == i_curr_frate: self.cbox_frame_rate.cbox.setCurrentIndex(i_idx) def fatal_error(self, s_msg): if self.oc_camera is not None: self.oc_camera.stop() QtWidgets.QMessageBox.critical(None, "Fatal Error", "%s\nThe application will exit now." % s_msg) sys.exit(-1) def start_preview(self, oc_camera_info, oc_frame_cap_thread): if self.oc_camera is not None: self.fatal_error("Preallocated camera object detected") self.oc_camera_info = oc_camera_info self.oc_camera = QCamera(self.oc_camera_info) self.oc_camera.setViewfinder(self.oc_view_finder) self.oc_camera.setCaptureMode(QCamera.CaptureVideo) self.oc_camera.error.connect(lambda: self.show_error_message(self.oc_camera.errorString())) self.b_guard = True self.__camera_sync_start() self.__update_UI() self.b_guard = False self.setWindowTitle(self.oc_camera_info.description()) self.adjustSize() self.setFixedSize(self.sizeHint()) def stop_preview(self): if self.oc_camera is None: return # this is correct logic, no error here self.oc_camera.stop() self.oc_camera.unload() self.oc_camera = None self.oc_camera_info = None def is_save_state_needed(self): return False def save_state(self): pass def show_error_message(self, s_msg): err = QtWidgets.QErrorMessage(self) err.showMessage(s_msg) def closeEvent(self, event): if self.is_save_state_needed(): self.save_state() self.stop_preview() self.closeSignal.emit()
def __init__(self, d_param, oc_cam_info, *args, **kwargs): super(CSmartCameraPreviewWindow, self).__init__(d_param, *args, **kwargs) self.i_initial_cbox_resolution_idx = -1 self.f_initial_frame_rate = d_param['initial_frame_rate'] # in Hz self.i_initial_frame_width = d_param['initial_frame_width'] self.i_initial_frame_height = d_param['initial_frame_height'] self.s_initial_frame_wh = "%i x %i" % (self.i_initial_frame_width, self.i_initial_frame_height) s_cam_descr = oc_cam_info.description() print("DEBUG: CSmartCameraPreviewWindow(): [%s @ %.1f Hz] %s" % \ (self.s_initial_frame_wh, self.f_initial_frame_rate, s_cam_descr) \ ) oc_cam = QCamera(oc_cam_info) oc_cam.load() l_resolutions = oc_cam.supportedViewfinderResolutions() l_frate_ranges = oc_cam.supportedViewfinderFrameRateRanges() oc_cam.unload() del oc_cam if len(l_frate_ranges) == 0 or len(l_resolutions) == 0: raise RuntimeError("The camera (%s) does not support frame rate/resolution information retrieval" % s_cam_descr) b_requested_fsize_found = False for oc_res in l_resolutions: if self.s_initial_frame_wh == "%i x %i" % (oc_res.width(), oc_res.height()): b_requested_fsize_found = True break if not b_requested_fsize_found: raise RuntimeError( \ "The camera [%s] does not support frame size value [%s] requested in the ini file" % \ (s_cam_descr, self.s_initial_frame_wh) \ ) b_requested_frate_found = False for oc_frate in l_frate_ranges: if abs(oc_frate.minimumFrameRate - self.f_initial_frame_rate) <= 0.5: b_requested_frate_found = True if not b_requested_frate_found: raise RuntimeError( \ "The camera [%s] does not support frame rate value [%i Hz] requested in the ini file" % \ (s_cam_descr, self.f_initial_frame_rate) \ ) self.b_startup_guard = False self.toolbar = QtWidgets.QToolBar("Preview") l_items = [] for oc_res in l_resolutions: l_items.append("%i x %i" % (oc_res.width(), oc_res.height())) self.cbox_resolution = CLabeledComboBox("Resolution:") self.cbox_resolution.cbox.addItems(l_items) self.cbox_resolution.cbox.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.__cb_on_resolution_cbox_index_changed) self.toolbar.addWidget(self.cbox_resolution) self.toolbar.addSeparator() l_items = [] for oc_frate in l_frate_ranges: l_items.append("%f" % oc_frate.minimumFrameRate) self.cbox_frame_rate = CLabeledComboBox("Frame Rate:") self.cbox_frame_rate.cbox.addItems(l_items) self.cbox_frame_rate.cbox.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.__cb_on_frame_rate_cbox_index_changed) self.toolbar.addWidget(self.cbox_frame_rate) self.toolbar.addSeparator() self.addToolBar(self.toolbar)
class CMainWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(CMainWindow, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.oc_camera = None self.l_cameras = QCameraInfo.availableCameras() if len(self.l_cameras) == 0: self.fatal_error("No cameras found!") # Top tool-bar self.oc_toolbar = QtWidgets.QToolBar("Video source selector") self.oc_toolbar.setMovable(False) lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel("Select video source:") self.oc_toolbar.addWidget(lbl) camera_selector = QtWidgets.QComboBox() camera_selector.addItems([ "[ %i ] %s" % (i_idx, oc_cam.description()) for i_idx, oc_cam in enumerate(self.l_cameras)]) camera_selector.currentIndexChanged.connect( self.start_preview ) self.oc_toolbar.addWidget(camera_selector) self.oc_toolbar.layout().setSpacing(5) self.oc_toolbar.layout().setContentsMargins(5, 5, 5, 5) self.addToolBar(self.oc_toolbar) # Central part (video frame) self.oc_viewfinder = QCameraViewfinder() self.setCentralWidget(self.oc_viewfinder) # Bottom status bar self.status = QtWidgets.QStatusBar() self.setStatusBar(self.status) self.setWindowTitle("CamView") self.start_preview(0) def fatal_error(self, s_msg): QtWidgets.QMessageBox.critical(None, "Fatal Error", "%s\nThe application will exit now." % s_msg) sys.exit(-1) def start_preview(self, i_cam_idx): if self.oc_camera is not None: self.oc_camera.stop() del self.oc_camera self.oc_camera = QCamera(self.l_cameras[i_cam_idx]) self.oc_camera.setViewfinder(self.oc_viewfinder) self.oc_camera.setCaptureMode(QCamera.CaptureVideo) self.oc_camera.error.connect(lambda: self.show_error(self.oc_camera.errorString())) self.oc_camera.start() def stop_preview(self): if self.oc_camera is None: return # this is correct logic, no error here self.oc_camera.stop() self.oc_camera.unload() self.oc_camera = None def show_error(self, s): err = QtWidgets.QErrorMessage(self) err.showMessage(s) def closeEvent(self, event): self.stop_preview()