class MainWindow(QWidget): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.new_graph_dialog_text = NewGraphWindowText() self.new_graph_dialog_graphic = NewGraphWindowGraphic(), self.xdif, self.ydif, self.start_vertice = None, None, None, None self.from_file, self.graph_present = False, False self.used, self.con_points, self.tin, self.tout, self.lines = [], [], [], [], [] self.algo_starts, self.timer = 0, 0 self.paths, self.coords = [], [] self.setGeometry(300, 300, 1000, 500) self.move(QApplication.desktop().screen().rect().center() - self.rect().center()) self.setWindowTitle("Articulation Points") self.setWindowIcon(QIcon("icon.jpeg")) self.menubar = QMenuBar(self) self.filemenu = self.menubar.addMenu("File") self.newfile = self.filemenu.addMenu("New") self.newtext = self.newfile.addAction("New Graph(Text)") self.newgraphic = self.newfile.addAction("New Graph(Graphical)") self.openfile = self.filemenu.addAction("Open") self.savefile = self.filemenu.addAction("Save") self.exitfile = self.filemenu.addAction("Exit") self.filemenu.triggered[QAction].connect(self.ProcessTrigger) self.startalgobtn = QPushButton("Start", self) self.startalgobtn.setGeometry(self.width() - self.startalgobtn.width(), self.menubar.height(), self.startalgobtn.width(), self.startalgobtn.height()) self.startalgobtn.setVisible(False) self.startalgobtn.clicked.connect(self.Algo) self.resetgraphbtn = QPushButton("Reset Graph", self) self.resetgraphbtn.setGeometry( self.width() - self.startalgobtn.width(), self.menubar.height() + self.resetgraphbtn.height(), self.startalgobtn.width(), self.startalgobtn.height()) self.resetgraphbtn.setVisible(False) self.resetgraphbtn.clicked.connect(self.Reset) self.exitbtn = QPushButton("Exit", self) self.exitbtn.setGeometry( self.width() - self.startalgobtn.width(), self.menubar.height() + self.resetgraphbtn.height() + self.exitbtn.height(), self.startalgobtn.width(), self.startalgobtn.height()) self.exitbtn.setVisible(False) self.exitbtn.clicked.connect(self.Exit) self.con_points_lbl = QLabel("meh", self) self.con_points_lbl.setVisible(False) self.sleepslider = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal, self) self.sleepslider.setMinimum(1) self.sleepslider.setMaximum(20) self.sleepslider.setValue(10) self.sleepslider.setTickPosition(QSlider.TicksBelow) self.sleepslider.setTickInterval(1) self.sleepslider.setGeometry( 0, self.height() - self.con_points_lbl.height(), 500, self.sleepslider.height()) self.modelbl = QLabel("Mode:", self) self.modelbl.setGeometry( 0, self.height() - self.sleepslider.height() - 40, 50, self.modelbl.height()) self.editmode = QRadioButton("Edit", self) self.editmode.setGeometry( 52, self.height() - self.sleepslider.height() - 40, 50, self.editmode.height()) self.editmode.setChecked(True) self.choosemode = QRadioButton("Choose starting vertice", self) self.choosemode.setGeometry( 104, self.height() - self.sleepslider.height() - 40, 160, self.choosemode.height()) self.editmode.setVisible(False) self.modelbl.setVisible(False) self.choosemode.setVisible(False) self.sleepslider.setVisible(False) def ProcessTrigger(self, q): if q == self.newtext: self.NewFile("t") if q == self.newgraphic: self.NewFile("g") if q == self.openfile: self.OpenFile() if q == self.savefile: self.SaveFile() if q == self.exitfile: self.Exit() def mousePressEvent(self, e: QMouseEvent): QApplication.processEvents() if self.editmode.isChecked(): try: if == None and self.graph_present: for x in self.coords: if (x[0] - 20 <= e.pos().x() <= x[0] + 20) and ( x[1] - 20 <= e.pos().y() <= x[1] + 20): = self.coords.index(x) self.xdif = e.pos().x() - x[0] self.ydif = e.pos().y() - x[1] self.UpdatePath() self.update() break else:, self.xdif, self.ydif = None, None, None except: return elif self.choosemode.isChecked(): for coord in self.coords: if (coord[0] - 20 <= e.pos().x() <= coord[0] + 20) and ( coord[1] - 20 <= e.pos().y() <= coord[1] + 20): coord[2] = Qt.darkMagenta self.coords[self.start_vertice][2] = self.start_vertice = self.coords.index(coord) self.update() def mouseMoveEvent(self, e: QMouseEvent): QApplication.processEvents() if self.editmode.isChecked(): try: if != None: self.coords[] = [ e.pos().x() - self.xdif, e.pos().y() - self.ydif, self.coords[][2] ] self.UpdatePath() self.update() except: return def mouseReleaseEvent(self, e: QMouseEvent): QApplication.processEvents() if self.editmode.isChecked(): try: if != None: self.coords[] = [ e.pos().x() - self.xdif, e.pos().y() - self.ydif, self.coords[][2] ] self.UpdatePath() self.update(), self.xdif = None, None except: return def paintEvent(self, a0): painter = QPainter(self) painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) painter.setBackground(Qt.white) painter.setPen(QPen(, 2, Qt.SolidLine)) painter.setBrush(Qt.NoBrush) for path in self.paths: painter.drawPath(path) for coord in self.coords: painter.setBrush(coord[2]) painter.drawEllipse(coord[0] - 20, coord[1] - 20, 40, 40) painter.drawText(coord[0] - 10, coord[1] - 10, 20, 20, Qt.AlignCenter, str(self.coords.index(coord) + 1)) painter.setPen(QPen(Qt.darkYellow, 4, Qt.SolidLine)) for i in range(len(self.tin)): painter.drawText(self.coords[i][0] + 20, self.coords[i][1] - 40 // 3, 40, 10, Qt.AlignCenter, str(self.tin[i]) + "/" + str(self.tout[i])) def UpdatePath(self): self.paths = [] for line in self.lines: path = QPainterPath() path.moveTo(QPointF(*self.coords[line[0]][:2])) path.lineTo(QPointF(*self.coords[line[1]][:2])) self.paths.append(path) def ResetGraph(self): self.paths, self.coords, self.tin, self.tout, self.con_points, self.used = [], [], [], [], [], [] self.con_points_lbl.setVisible(False) self.start_vertice = None self.editmode.setVisible(False) self.modelbl.setVisible(False) self.choosemode.setVisible(False) self.sleepslider.setVisible(False) self.update() def Reset(self, e): self.coords = [[*coord[:2],] for coord in self.coords] self.coords[0][2] = Qt.darkMagenta self.start_vertice = 0 self.tin = self.tout = [] self.update() def NewFile(self, mode): self.ResetGraph() global graph_config self.from_file = False if mode == "t": self.new_graph_dialog_text.exec_() else: self.new_graph_dialog_graphic.exec_() if graph_config == None: return self.ReadGraph() def OpenFile(self): self.ResetGraph() try: self.from_file = True global graph_config graph_config = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Open File", os.getcwd(), "Text Files (*.txt)")[0] self.ReadGraph() except: return def SaveFile(self): global graph_config if graph_config == None: return else: name = list( QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Save File", os.getcwd(), "Text Files (*.txt)")) if ".txt" not in name[0]: name[0] += ".txt" with open(name[0], "w") as f: f.write(str(self.num_of_peaks) + "\n") f.write("\n".join( def Exit(self): QApplication.instance().quit() def ReadGraph(self): try: global graph_config movetopoint = None startlinevertice = None if self.from_file: with open(graph_config) as f: data = f.readlines() else: data = graph_config self.num_of_peaks, * = data self.num_of_peaks = int(self.num_of_peaks) self.used = [False for x in range(self.num_of_peaks)] try: ix ="COORDS\n") except: ix ="COORDS") vertices_raw =[:ix] coords_raw =[ix + 1:] vertices = [ list(map(int, vertice.split())) for vertice in vertices_raw ] coords = [list(map(int, coord.split())) for coord in coords_raw] self.graph = [vertice[1::] for vertice in vertices] for vertice in vertices: path = QPainterPath() for i, p in enumerate(vertice): point = QPointF(*coords[p - 1]) if i == 0: movetopoint = point startlinevertice = p - 1 path.moveTo(point) else: path.lineTo(point) path.moveTo(movetopoint) self.lines.append([startlinevertice, p - 1]) self.paths.append(path) for i in range(len(coords)): self.coords.append([*coords[i],]) self.coords[0] = [*self.coords[0][:2], Qt.darkMagenta] self.start_vertice = 0 self.update() self.startalgobtn.setVisible(True) self.resetgraphbtn.setVisible(True) self.exitbtn.setVisible(True) self.graph_present = True self.editmode.setVisible(True) self.modelbl.setVisible(True) self.choosemode.setVisible(True) self.sleepslider.setVisible(True) except: return def UpdateSleep(self): self.update() QApplication.processEvents() sleep(self.sleepslider.value() / 10) def Algo(self, e): QApplication.processEvents() self.modelbl.setVisible(False) self.editmode.setVisible(False) self.choosemode.setVisible(False) self.algo_starts += 1 if self.algo_starts > 1: QApplication.processEvents() self.con_points_lbl.setVisible(False) for coord in self.coords: coord[2] = self.timer = 0 self.tin = self.tout = [0 for x in range(self.num_of_peaks)] self.update() self.used = [False for i in range(self.num_of_peaks)] self.tin = [0 for i in range(self.num_of_peaks)] self.tout = [0 for i in range(self.num_of_peaks)] def dfs(v, p=-1): self.used[v] = True self.coords[v][2] = Qt.yellow self.tin[v] = self.tout[v] = self.timer + 1 QApplication.processEvents() self.UpdateSleep() self.timer += 1 children = 0 QApplication.processEvents() for i in range(0, len(self.graph[v])): to = self.graph[v][i] - 1 if to == p: continue if self.used[to]: self.tout[v] = min(self.tout[v], self.tin[to]) QApplication.processEvents() self.UpdateSleep() else: QApplication.processEvents() dfs(to, v) self.tout[v] = min(self.tout[v], self.tout[to]) if self.tout[to] >= self.tin[v] and p != -1: self.con_points.append(v + 1) self.coords[v][2] = children += 1 QApplication.processEvents() self.UpdateSleep() if (p == -1 and children > 1 and (v + 1) not in self.con_points): self.con_points.append(v + 1) self.coords[v][2] = QApplication.processEvents() self.UpdateSleep() dfs(self.start_vertice) for i in range(self.num_of_peaks): QApplication.processEvents() if not self.used[i]: QApplication.processEvents() dfs(i) if len(self.con_points) == 0: self.con_points_lbl.setText("Connection point(-s) is(are): None") else: self.con_points_lbl.setText( "Connection point(-s) is(are): " + " ".join(list(map(str, set(self.con_points))))) self.con_points_lbl.setGeometry( self.width() - 400, self.height() - self.con_points_lbl.height(), 400, self.con_points_lbl.height()) self.con_points_lbl.setVisible(True) self.modelbl.setVisible(True) self.editmode.setVisible(True) self.choosemode.setVisible(True)
class NewGraphWindowGraphic(QDialog): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setStyleSheet("MyStyleSheet.qss") self.coords, self.lines, self.changable_lines, self.graph = [], [], [], [] self.fromm, self.too, self.line_num, self.line_added = None, None, None, False, self.xdif, self.ydif = None, None, None self.setGeometry(0, 0, 800, 500) self.move(QApplication.desktop().screen().rect().center() - self.rect().center()) self.setWindowTitle("New Graph") self.setWindowIcon(QIcon("icon.jpeg")) self.vertice_add_btn = QRadioButton("Add Vertice", self) self.vertice_remove_btn = QRadioButton("Remove Vertice", self) self.line_add_btn = QRadioButton("Add Line", self) self.line_remove_btn = QRadioButton("Remove Line", self) self.drag_btn = QRadioButton("Drag", self) self.reset_btn = QPushButton("Reset", self) self.reset_btn.clicked.connect(self.Reset_Clicked) self.ok_btn = QPushButton("OK", self) self.ok_btn.clicked.connect(self.OK_Cliked) self.vertice_add_btn.setChecked(True) self.vertice_add_btn.setGeometry(self.width() - 120, 30, 120, self.vertice_add_btn.height()) self.vertice_remove_btn.setGeometry( self.width() - 120, self.vertice_add_btn.height() + self.vertice_remove_btn.height(), 120, self.vertice_remove_btn.height()) self.line_add_btn.setGeometry( self.width() - 120, self.vertice_add_btn.height() + self.vertice_remove_btn.height() + self.line_add_btn.height(), 120, self.line_add_btn.height()) self.line_remove_btn.setGeometry( self.width() - 120, self.vertice_add_btn.height() + self.vertice_remove_btn.height() + self.line_add_btn.height() + self.line_remove_btn.height(), 120, self.line_remove_btn.height()) self.drag_btn.setGeometry( self.width() - 120, self.vertice_add_btn.height() + self.vertice_remove_btn.height() + self.line_add_btn.height() + self.line_remove_btn.height() + self.drag_btn.height(), 120, self.drag_btn.height()) self.ok_btn.setGeometry(self.width() - 120, self.height() - self.ok_btn.height(), 120, self.ok_btn.height()) self.reset_btn.setGeometry( self.width() - 120, self.height() - (self.ok_btn.height() + self.reset_btn.height()), 120, self.reset_btn.height()) def paintEvent(self, e): painter = QPainter(self) painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) painter.setBackground(Qt.white) painter.setPen(QPen(, 2, Qt.SolidLine)) painter.setBrush( for line in self.lines: path = QPainterPath() path.moveTo(*line[0]) path.lineTo(*line[1]) painter.drawPath(path) for x in self.coords: painter.drawEllipse(x[0] - 20, x[1] - 20, 40, 40) painter.drawText(x[0] - 10, x[1] - 10, 20, 20, Qt.AlignCenter, str(self.coords.index(x) + 1)) def mousePressEvent(self, e: QMouseEvent): if self.vertice_add_btn.isChecked(): self.coords.append([e.pos().x(), e.pos().y()]) self.update() elif self.vertice_remove_btn.isChecked(): for x in self.coords: if (x[0] - 20 <= e.pos().x() <= x[0] + 20) and (x[1] - 20 <= e.pos().y() <= x[1] + 20): self.coords.pop(self.coords.index(x)) self.lines = [line for line in self.lines if x not in line] self.update() return elif self.line_add_btn.isChecked(): for x in self.coords: if (x[0] - 20 <= e.pos().x() <= x[0] + 20) and (x[1] - 20 <= e.pos().y() <= x[1] + 20): self.fromm = x self.lines.append([x, x]) self.line_num = self.lines.index([x, x]) return elif self.line_remove_btn.isChecked(): for line in self.lines: if ((line[0][0] <= e.pos().x() <= line[1][0]) or (line[1][0] <= e.pos().x() <= line[0][0])) \ and ((line[0][1] <= e.pos().y() <= line[1][1]) or (line[1][1] <= e.pos().y() <= line[0][1])): self.lines.pop(self.lines.index(line)) self.update() break elif self.drag_btn.isChecked(): try: if == None and len(self.coords) != 0: for x in self.coords: if (x[0] - 20 <= e.pos().x() <= x[0] + 20) and ( x[1] - 20 <= e.pos().y() <= x[1] + 20): = self.coords.index(x) self.xdif = e.pos().x() - x[0] self.ydif = e.pos().y() - x[1] self.update() break else:, self.xdif, self.ydif = None, None, None except: return def mouseMoveEvent(self, e: QMouseEvent): if self.line_add_btn.isChecked() and self.fromm != None: self.too = [e.pos().x(), e.pos().y()] self.lines[self.line_num] = [self.fromm, self.too] self.update() if self.drag_btn.isChecked(): try: if != None: for line in self.lines: if self.coords[] in line: self.changable_lines.append([ self.lines.index(line), line.index(self.coords[]) ]) self.coords[] = [ e.pos().x() - self.xdif, e.pos().y() - self.ydif ] self.UpdateLines() self.update() except: return def mouseReleaseEvent(self, e: QMouseEvent): if self.line_add_btn.isChecked() and [self.fromm, self.too ] != [None, None]: for x in self.coords: if (x[0] - 20 <= e.pos().x() <= x[0] + 20) and (x[1] - 20 <= e.pos().y() <= x[1] + 20): self.lines[self.line_num] = [self.fromm, x] self.line_added = True self.update() break if not self.line_added: self.lines.pop(self.line_num) self.update() else: self.line_added = False if self.drag_btn.isChecked(): try: if != None: self.coords[] = [ e.pos().x() - self.xdif, e.pos().y() - self.ydif ] self.UpdateLines() self.update(), self.xdif, self.ydif = None, None, None self.changable_lines = [] except: return def Reset_Clicked(self, e): self.coords, self.lines, self.changable_lines = [], [], [] self.fromm, self.too, self.line_num, self.line_added = None, None, None, False, self.xdif, self.ydif = None, None, None self.update() def OK_Cliked(self, e): global graph_config self.graph = [[str(x + 1)] for x in range(len(self.coords))] for line in self.lines: a, b = self.coords.index(line[0]), self.coords.index(line[1]) self.graph[a].append(str(b + 1)) self.graph[b].append(str(a + 1)) self.graph = [" ".join(x) for x in self.graph] self.coords = [" ".join(list(map(str, x))) for x in self.coords] graph_config = [ str(len(self.coords)), *self.graph, "COORDS", *self.coords ] self.close() self.Reset_Clicked(None) def UpdateLines(self): for i, p in self.changable_lines: if p == 1: self.lines[i] = [self.lines[i][0], self.coords[]] else: self.lines[i] = [self.coords[], self.lines[i][1]]
class Example(QWidget): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.initUI() def initUI(self): self.cnt = 0 self.txt = 'aa' self.labList = [] self.labTop=130 datetime = QDateTime.currentDateTime() self.lcd = QLCDNumber(self) self.sld = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal, self) self.sld.setRange(1, 10) self.sld.setSingleStep(1) self.sld.setTickPosition(QSlider.TicksBelow) self.rbtn1 = QRadioButton('Lotto 6 aus 49', self) self.rbtn2 = QRadioButton(self) self.rbtn2.setText('Euro Jackpot') self.rbtn2.setChecked(True) self.btn1 = QPushButton('RUN', self) self.lbl1 = QLabel("How many?", self) self.lbl1.move(10, 10) self.lcd.move(10, self.lbl1.height()) self.sld.move(10, self.lbl1.height() + self.lcd.height()) self.lbl2 = QLabel('|', self) self.lbl3 = QLabel('|', self) self.lbl2.move(self.lcd.width(), self.lbl1.height()) self.lbl3.move(self.sld.width(), self.lbl1.height() + self.lcd.height()) self.lbl4 = QLabel("Which Lottery?",self) self.lbl4.move(115,10) self.rbtn1.move(115, self.lbl4.height()) self.rbtn2.move(115, self.lbl4.height() + self.rbtn1.height()) self.btn1.move(10, self.lbl1.height() + self.lcd.height() + self.sld.height()) self.rbtn1.toggle() self.rbtn2.toggle() self.sld.valueChanged.connect(self.lcd.display) self.btn1.clicked.connect(self.buttonClicked) self.setGeometry(2000, 300, 300, 300) self.setWindowIcon(QIcon('logo\web.png')) self.setWindowTitle('Let win!!!') def buttonClicked(self): self.cnt = int(self.sld.value()) self.lab = QLabel(str(self.cnt)+"are picked",self) self.lab.move(10, self.labTop) if self.rbtn1.isChecked(): self.txt = self.rbtn1.text() self.lab1 = QLabel(self.txt+ "ㄱㄱ", self) self.lab1.move(10, self.labTop+20) for i in range(0,self.cnt): lotto = random.sample(range(1, 49), 6) lotto.sort() bonus_number = random.sample(range(0, 9), 1) bonus_number.sort() self.labList.append(QLabel(str(lotto) + ' Losnummer: '+ str(bonus_number), self)) self.labList[i].move(10, self.labTop+50 + (i*20)) self.labList[i].show() else: self.txt = self.rbtn2.text() self.lab1 = QLabel(self.txt+ "ㄱㄱ", self) self.lab1.move(10, self.labTop+20) for i in range(0,self.cnt): Euro_jackpot = random.sample(range(1, 50), 5) Euro_jackpot.sort() lucky_number = random.sample(range(1, 10), 2) lucky_number.sort() self.labList.append(QLabel(str(Euro_jackpot) + ' Lucky number: ' + str(lucky_number), self)) self.labList[i].move(10, self.labTop+50 + (i*20)) self.labList[i].show() def center(self): qr = self.frameGeometry() cp = QDesktopWidget().availableGeometry().center() qr.moveCenter(cp) self.move(qr.topLeft())