def paintEvent(self, event): qp = QPainter() qp.begin(self) qp.setBrush(FILLBRUSH) qp.drawRect(self.rect()) # Show question if self.parent().alex: anheight = ANSWERHEIGHT * self.size().height() qp.drawLine( 0, (1 - ANSWERHEIGHT) * self.size().height(), self.size().width(), (1 - ANSWERHEIGHT) * self.size().height(), )
def missing_icon(): global _missing_icon if _missing_icon is None: p = QPixmap(ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE) p.fill(Qt.GlobalColor.transparent) painter = QPainter(p) pal = QApplication.instance().palette() painter.setPen( QPen(pal.color(QPalette.ColorRole.Text), 0, Qt.PenStyle.DashLine)) margin = 3 r = p.rect().adjusted(margin, margin, -margin, -margin) painter.drawRect(r) painter.end() _missing_icon = QIcon(p) return _missing_icon
def paintEvent(self, event): h = self.geometry().height() w = self.geometry().width() qp = QPainter() qp.begin(self) qp.setBrush(FILLBRUSH) qp.drawRect(self.rect()) p = margin = self.__margin qp.setPen(SCOREPEN) qp.setFont(SCOREFONT) if self.winner: winnerrect = QRectF(0, NAMEHEIGHT + 2 * margin, w, 2 * NAMEHEIGHT) qp.drawText( winnerrect, Qt.TextFlag.TextWordWrap | Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignCenter, f"{} is the winner!", ) return namerect = QRectF(0, margin, w, NAMEHEIGHT) qp.drawText(namerect, Qt.TextFlag.TextWordWrap | Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignCenter, if self.info_level > 0: answerrect = QRectF(0, NAMEHEIGHT + 2 * margin, w, 2 * NAMEHEIGHT) finalanswer = (p.finalanswer if len(p.finalanswer.replace(" ", "")) > 0 else "_________") qp.drawText( answerrect, Qt.TextFlag.TextWordWrap | Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignCenter, finalanswer, ) if self.info_level > 1: wagerrect = QRectF(0, h - NAMEHEIGHT - margin, w, NAMEHEIGHT) qp.drawText( wagerrect, Qt.TextFlag.TextWordWrap | Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignCenter, f"{p.wager:,}", )
def paintEvent(self, a0: QtGui.QPaintEvent) -> None: super().paintEvent(a0) qp = QPainter() qp.begin(self) qp.setRenderHint(QPainter.RenderHint.Antialiasing) # Hintergrund malen pen = QPen(Qt.GlobalColor.gray, 1, Qt.PenStyle.SolidLine) qp.setPen(pen) qp.setBrush(Qt.GlobalColor.gray) qp.drawRect(0, 0, self.width(), self.height()) # Sample malen pen.setColor(Qt.GlobalColor.white) qp.setPen(pen) qp.setBrush(Qt.GlobalColor.white) qp.drawRect(*self.norm_to_pixel_coord_int(-self.margin, -self.margin), self.norm_to_pixel_rel_int(self.x_range + 2 * self.margin), self.norm_to_pixel_rel_int(self.x_range + 2 * self.margin)) qp.end()
def paintEvent(self, event): qp = QPainter() qp.begin(self) if self.lit: qp.setBrush(HIGHLIGHTBRUSH) qp.drawRect(self.__answerbarrect) if self.arrowhints and self.parent().alex: qp.setBrush(CORRECTBRUSH) qp.drawRect(self.__correctrect) qp.setBrush(INCORRECTBRUSH) qp.drawRect(self.__incorrectrect) qp.setBrush(HIGHLIGHTBRUSH) qp.drawPixmap(self.__leftarrowrect, self.__leftarrowimage) qp.drawPixmap(self.__rightarrowrect, self.__rightarrowimage) if self.spacehints and self.parent().alex: qp.setBrush(HIGHLIGHTBRUSH) qp.drawPixmap(self.__leftarrowrect, self.__spaceimage) qp.drawPixmap(self.__rightarrowrect, self.__spaceimage)
def paintEvent(self, event): qp = QPainter() qp.begin(self) qp.setBrush(FILLBRUSH) parent = self.parent() pheight = parent.geometry().height() height = pheight * (1 - SCOREHEIGHT) width = height / CELLRATIO if not # Normal board for x in range(self.board.size[0]): for y in range(-1, self.board.size[1]): rel_pos = ( x * self.cellsize[0] + BORDERWIDTH / 2, (y + 1) * self.cellsize[1], ) cell = (x, y) qp.setPen(BORDERPEN) qp.setBrush(FILLBRUSH) cell_rect = QRectF(*rel_pos, *self.cellsize) text_rect = QRectF(cell_rect) text_rect.setX(cell_rect.x() + TEXTPADDING) text_rect.setWidth(cell_rect.width() - 2 * TEXTPADDING) qp.drawRect(cell_rect) if y == -1: # Categories qp.setPen(CATPEN) qp.setFont(CATFONT) qp.drawText( text_rect, Qt.TextFlag.TextWordWrap | Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignCenter, self.board.categories[x], ) else: # Questions q = self.board.get_question(*cell) if not q in qp.setPen(MONPEN) qp.setFont(MONFONT) if not monies = gp.money1 else: monies = gp.money2 qp.drawText( text_rect, Qt.TextFlag.TextWordWrap | Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignCenter, "$" + str(q.value), ) else: # Final jeopardy qp.setBrush(FILLBRUSH) qp.drawRect(self.rect()) qp.setPen(CATPEN) qp.setFont(QUFONT) qurect = self.rect().adjusted(QUMARGIN, QUMARGIN, -2 * QUMARGIN, -2 * QUMARGIN) qp.drawText( qurect, Qt.TextFlag.TextWordWrap | Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignCenter, self.board.categories[0], )
def paintEvent(self, event): h = self.geometry().height() w = self.geometry().width() qp = QPainter() qp.begin(self) qp.setBrush(FILLBRUSH) qp.drawRect(QRectF(0, DIVIDERWIDTH, w, h)) qp.setBrush(DIVIDERBRUSH) dividerrect = QRectF(0, 0, w, DIVIDERWIDTH) qp.drawRect(dividerrect) # Light dividers num_lights = 9 light_width = w // num_lights light_padding = 3 ungrouped_rects = [ QRect( light_width * i + light_padding, light_padding, light_width - 2 * light_padding, DIVIDERWIDTH - 2 * light_padding, ) for i in range(num_lights) ] grouped_rects = [[ rect for j, rect in enumerate(ungrouped_rects) if abs(num_lights // 2 - j) == i ] for i in range(5)] qp.setBrush(LIGHTBRUSH) qp.setPen(LIGHTPEN) for i, rects in enumerate(grouped_rects): if i < self.__light_level: for rect in rects: qp.drawRect(rect) margin = 50 players = sw = w // len(players) if highlighted_players = [ p for p in players if p not in ] else: highlighted_players = [] ap = if ap: highlighted_players.append(ap) for i, p in enumerate(players): if p.score < 0: qp.setPen(HOLEPEN) else: qp.setPen(SCOREPEN) qp.setFont(SCOREFONT) qp.drawText( self.__scorerect(i), Qt.TextFlag.TextWordWrap | Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignCenter, f"{p.score:,}", ) namerect = QRectF(sw * i, h - NAMEHEIGHT, sw, NAMEHEIGHT) qp.setFont(NAMEFONT) qp.setPen(NAMEPEN) if p in highlighted_players: qp.setBrush(HIGHLIGHTBRUSH) qp.drawRect(namerect) qp.setPen(HIGHLIGHTPEN) qp.drawText( namerect, Qt.TextFlag.TextWordWrap | Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignCenter,, )