def _createContactsTable(): """Create the contacts table in the database.""" createTableQuery = QSqlQuery() return createTableQuery.exec(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS contacts ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT UNIQUE NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL, job VARCHAR(50), email VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL ) """)
def report(self): report_name = self.sender().text() qry = QSqlQuery() if report_name == 'Табель': rui = TheReport(self, query=qry, text1='Месяц', text2='Участок') qry.prepare( """SELECT date, full_name, hours from h_report INNER JOIN employees on employees.code = h_report.emp_code WHERE strftime('%m', date) is :param1 AND h_report.area_code is :param2 ORDER BY date """) elif report_name == 'Добыча': rui = TheReport(self, query=qry, text1='Участок') qry.prepare("""SELECT date, coal_id, SUM(volume) FROM production WHERE area_code is :param1 AND strftime('%m', date) is strftime('%m', 'now') GROUP BY date ORDER BY date, coal_id """) elif report_name == 'Лимиты': rui = TheReport(self, query=qry, text1='Месяц') qry.prepare("""SELECT area_code, plan, removal_plan FROM limits WHERE month is :param1 ORDER BY area_code """)
def proc(self): query_name = self.sender().text() qry = QSqlQuery() p_name = 'Номер участка' if query_name == 'Процедура 1': qry.prepare("""SELECT date, shift, coal_id, volume FROM production WHERE volume is moved GROUP BY date, volume """) elif query_name == 'Процедура 2': p_name = 'Номер участка' value, ok = QInputDialog.getInt(self, 'Ввод параметра', p_name) qry.prepare( """SELECT month, year, area_code, plan, removal_plan FROM limits WHERE year is strftime('%Y', 'now') AND area_code is :param """) qry.bindValue(':param', str(value)) elif query_name == 'Процедура 3': qry.exec("""INSERT INTO pf(id, name) VALUES (14, 'Рязанский ПФ'), (15, 'Уральский ПФ), (16, 'Забайкальский ПФ) """) elif query_name == 'Процедура 4': p_name = 'Номер участка' value, ok = QInputDialog.getInt(self, 'Ввод параметра', p_name) qry.prepare( """SELECT plan-volume, removal_plan-removal_volume FROM limits WHERE area_code is :param """) qry.bindValue(':param', str(value)) if query_name != 'Процедура 3': qry.exec() sqlq = QSqlQueryModel(self) qui = TheQResult(self) qui.ui.tableView.setModel(sqlq) sqlq.setQuery(qry)
def query(self): """ Осуществление запроса и отображение результатов запроса :return: None """ query_name = self.sender().text() qry = QSqlQuery() # определение данных запроса параметра if query_name == 'Объем добычи': p_name = 'Номер месяца' p_func = QInputDialog.getInt elif query_name == 'Список должностей': p_name = 'Номер участка' p_func = QInputDialog.getInt elif query_name == 'Начисление зарплаты': p_name = 'Номер сотрудника' p_func = QInputDialog.getText elif query_name == 'Список ПФ': p_name = 'Номер участка' p_func = QInputDialog.getInt elif query_name == 'Список работников': p_name = 'Префикс номера' p_func = QInputDialog.getText else: raise ValueError("Недопустимое название отчета") # диалог запроса параметра value, ok = p_func(self, 'Ввод параметра', p_name) # если нажато Ок - формируется и осуществляется запрос, выводится результат if ok: if query_name == 'Объем добычи': qry.prepare("""SELECT date, SUM(volume) FROM production WHERE strftime('%m', date) is :param GROUP BY date """) qry.bindValue(':param', '0' + str(value) if value < 10 else str(value)) elif query_name == 'Список должностей': qry.prepare("""SELECT position_code, name FROM employees INNER JOIN position on = employees.position_code WHERE area_code is :param GROUP BY position_code """) qry.bindValue(':param', str(value)) elif query_name == 'Начисление зарплаты': qry.prepare( """SELECT full_name, date, SUM(volume), cost, SUM(volume) * cost FROM employees INNER JOIN production on production.area_code = employees.area_code INNER JOIN coal_table on = production.coal_id WHERE strftime('%m', date) is strftime('%m', 'now') AND code is :param GROUP BY date """) qry.bindValue(':param', str(value)) elif query_name == 'Список ПФ': qry.prepare("""SELECT name FROM employees INNER JOIN pf on = employees.pf_code WHERE area_code is :param GROUP BY pf_code """) qry.bindValue(':param', value) elif query_name == 'Список работников': qry.prepare("""SELECT full_name, phone FROM employees WHERE phone LIKE :param """) qry.bindValue(':param', value + '%') qry.exec() sqlq = QSqlQueryModel(self) qui = TheQResult(self) qui.ui.tableView.setModel(sqlq) sqlq.setQuery(qry)
def insert_data_into_tables(): """Create the mock data items and populate the tables.""" # Set the number of users and orders in the database number_of_users = 500 number_of_orders = 1000 print("[INFO] Getting ready to insert data into the tables...") ################################### Staff ##################################### # Create the users and admin accounts that are able to access the database # users[i][4] values represent boolean values, True = 1, False = 0 users = [[None, "admin", "paSSw0rd!", 1], [None, "employee01", "Godz!lla0", 0], [None, "employee02", "C0d3r4L!fe", 0]] # Create random staff_id for user in users: id = random.randint(0, 9999) user[0] = int(f"{id:04d}") ################################# Customers ################################### # Create a table of customer information print("[INFO] Creating customer data...") # Create customer_id customer_ids = [] while len(customer_ids) < number_of_users: id = random.randint(0, 999999) if id not in customer_ids: customer_ids.append(int(f"{id:06d}")) # Create first_name and last_name data with open("data/first.txt", "r") as f: first_names = random.choices(list(f), k=number_of_users) for i, first in enumerate(first_names): new_first = first.strip("\n") first_names[i] = new_first with open("data/surnames.txt", "r") as f: surnames = random.choices(list(f), k=number_of_users) for i, sur in enumerate(surnames): new_sur = sur.strip("\n") surnames[i] = new_sur # Create Address data addresses, address = [], "" with open("data/addresses.txt") as f: for count, line in enumerate(f, start=1): if count % 2 == 1: address = line.strip(" \n") elif count % 2 == 0: address = address + ", " + line.strip("\n") addresses.append(address) # Create Phone data phones = [] with open("data/phones.txt", "r") as f: for i, phone in enumerate(f): new_phone = phone.strip("\n") phones.append(new_phone) customer_items = zip(customer_ids, first_names, surnames, addresses, phones) # List of tuples customers = [] # Turn list of tuples into list of lists for item in customer_items: customers.append(list(item)) ################################### Orders #################################### # Create order items for Orders table print("[INFO] Creating orders data...") # Create orders_id order_ids = [] while len(order_ids) < number_of_orders: id = "".join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits, k=10)) if id not in order_ids: order_ids.append(id) # Create random dates dates = random_dates(number_of_orders) # Create status for each order status_values = ["Delivered", "Refunded", "Pending", "En Route", "Unfulfillable"] statuses = random.choices(population=status_values, weights=[0.45, 0.05, 0.10, 0.35, 0.05], k=number_of_orders) order_items = zip(order_ids, dates, statuses) orders = [] # Turn list of tuples into list of lists for item in order_items: orders.append(list(item)) ############################## Products & Categories ############################### # Create a table for product and category information print("[INFO] Creating addtional data...") categories = [] # Read in all information for the products table # NOTE: The products.csv file contains both product and category info with open("data/products.csv", "r", newline="", encoding="utf-8") as csv_f: reader = csv.reader(csv_f) header_labels = next(reader) # Skip headers in csv file products = list(reader) # Reset pointer to beginning of file csv_f.readline() # Skip the header for lines in reader: categories.append([lines[2], lines[3]]) print("[INFO] Data samples created. Populating tables...") query = QSqlQuery() # Create new QSqlQuery object # Positional binding to insert records into the Staff table query.prepare("""INSERT INTO Staff ( staff_id, username, password, is_admin) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)""") # Add values to the query to be inserted into the Staff table for i in range(len(users)): id = users[i][0] username = users[i][1] password = users[i][2] admin_or_not = users[i][3] query.addBindValue(id) query.addBindValue(username) query.addBindValue(password) query.addBindValue(admin_or_not) query.exec() # Add values to the query to be inserted into the Customers table # Collect user_id values user_ids = [] for user in users: user_ids.append(user[0]) # Positional binding to insert records into the Customers table query.prepare("""INSERT INTO Customers ( customer_id, first_name, last_name, address, phone, email, staff_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)""") for i in range(len(customers)): id = customers[i][0] first = customers[i][1] last = customers[i][2] address = customers[i][3] phone = customers[i][4] # Create company Email addresses email = last.replace(" ", "") + first.replace(" ", "") + "." + "" staff = random.choice(user_ids) query.addBindValue(id) query.addBindValue(first) query.addBindValue(last) query.addBindValue(address) query.addBindValue(phone) query.addBindValue(email) query.addBindValue(staff) query.exec() print("[INFO] Staff and Customers tables finished.") # Create a set (actually a list in order to keep track of the order) # of all possible categories category_set = [] for sublist in categories: if sublist not in category_set: category_set.append(sublist) # Positional binding to insert records into the Categories table query.prepare("""INSERT INTO Categories ( category_name, category_description) VALUES (?, ?)""") # Add values to the query to be inserted into the Categories table for category in category_set: name = category[0] description = category[1] query.addBindValue(name) query.addBindValue(description) query.exec() # Positional binding to insert records into the Products table query.prepare("""INSERT INTO Products ( product_id, product_name, product_description, product_price, category_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)""") # Add values to the query to be inserted into the Products table for i in range(len(products)): id = products[i][0] name = products[i][1] description = products[i][5] price = float(products[i][4]) category_id = category_set.index( categories[i]) + 1 query.addBindValue(id) query.addBindValue(name) query.addBindValue(description) query.addBindValue(price) query.addBindValue(category_id) query.exec() # Create a list of all product ids product_ids = [] for product in products: product_ids.append(product[0]) print("[INFO] Categories and Products tables finished.") # Positional binding to insert records into the Orders table query.prepare("""INSERT INTO Orders ( order_id, date_of_order, order_status, unit_price, quantity, discount, total, product_id, customer_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)""") # Add values to the query to be inserted into the Orders table for i in range(number_of_orders): id = orders[i][0] order_date = orders[i][1] status = orders[i][2] price = None # Placeholder value quantity = random.randint(1, 4) discount = random.choices([0, 10, 25, 50], weights=[0.70, 0.15, 0.10, 0.05], k=1) total = None # Placeholder value prod_id = random.choices(product_ids, k=1) customer = random.choices(customer_ids, k=1) query.addBindValue(id) query.addBindValue(order_date) query.addBindValue(status) query.addBindValue(price) query.addBindValue(quantity) query.addBindValue(discount[0]) query.addBindValue(total) query.addBindValue(prod_id[0]) query.addBindValue(customer[0]) query.exec() # Update the Orders.unit_price values using the prices in Products.product_price query.exec("""UPDATE Orders SET unit_price = (SELECT product_price FROM Products WHERE Products.product_id = Orders.product_id)""") # Update the total value in Orders query.exec("""UPDATE Orders SET total = (unit_price - (discount / 100) * unit_price) * quantity""") query.exec("""UPDATE Orders SET total = ROUND(total, 2)""") print("[INFO] Orders table finished.") print("[INFO] Database succeessfully created.") sys.exit(0)
def create_database_objects(): """First, check if files exist. Second, create QSqlDatabase object and create a connection to the database. Third, create SQL tables.""" # Check for data folder and data files path = "data" if os.path.exists(path): # If it exists, check for the following files files = ["addresses.txt", "first.txt", "phones.txt", "products.csv", "surnames.txt"] file_list = os.listdir(path) missing = [name for name in files if name not in file_list] if missing != []: print(f"[INFO] Files missing: {missing}") sys.exit(1) else: print("[INFO] All files found. Proceeding to create database...") else: print(f"[INFO] Directory name '{path}' not found.") # Create connection to the database database = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase("QSQLITE") # SQLite 3 database.setDatabaseName("data/inventory.db") if not print("Unable to open data source file.") print("Connection failed: ", database.lastError().text()) sys.exit(1) # Error code 1 - signifies error in opening file query = QSqlQuery() # Create query instance # Erase tables if they already exist (avoiding duplicates) query.exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Staff") query.exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Customers") query.exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Orders") query.exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Products") query.exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Categories") print("[INFO] Connected to database. Creating tables...") # Create Staff table query.exec("""CREATE TABLE Staff ( staff_id VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY UNIQUE NOT NULL, username TEXT NOT NULL, password BLOB NOT NULL, is_admin BOOLEAN NOT NULL)""") # Create Customers table query.exec("""CREATE TABLE Customers ( customer_id VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY UNIQUE NOT NULL, first_name VARCHAR (40) NOT NULL, last_name VARCHAR (40) NOT NULL, address VARCHAR (100) NOT NULL, phone VARCHAR (20), email VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, staff_id VARCHAR REFERENCES Staff (staff_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE)""") # Create Categories table # category_id values are auto incremented using INTEGER PRIMARY KEY query.exec("""CREATE TABLE Categories ( category_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY UNIQUE NOT NULL, category_name VARCHAR (40) NOT NULL, category_description VARCHAR (100))""") # Create Products table query.exec("""CREATE TABLE Products ( product_id VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY UNIQUE NOT NULL, product_name VARCHAR (100) NOT NULL, product_description VARCHAR (240), product_price REAL, category_id INTEGER REFERENCES Categories (category_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE)""") # Create Orders table # NOTE: Store date_of_order as YYYY-MM-DD query.exec("""CREATE TABLE Orders ( order_id VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY UNIQUE NOT NULL, date_of_order DATE NOT NULL, order_status VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL, unit_price REAL, quantity INT (10), discount REAL, total REAL, product_id VARCHAR REFERENCES Products (product_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, customer_id VARCHAR REFERENCES Customers (customer_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE)""") print("[INFO] Tables created.")
def clickedLogInButton(self): """Check the user's username and password information from the database to determine if they are able to log in.""" username = self.username_line.text() password = self.password_line.text() query = QSqlQuery() query.exec("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON") query.prepare("SELECT * FROM Staff WHERE username=:username") query.bindValue(":username", username) query.exec() # Open the main window or provide feedback if query.first(): # Retrieve the first matching username if query.value("password") == password: admin_or_not = query.value( "is_admin" ) # Retrieve the value for administrative privileges # Open the main window and close the login dialog self.main_window = MainWindow(admin_or_not) self.main_window.showMaximized() self.close() else: self.info_label.setText( "<p style='color:#F34B2C'>Incorrect password.</p>") else: self.info_label.setText( "<p style='color:#F34B2C'>Incorrect username.</p>")