Example #1
    def test_mapper_from_graph(self):
        A simple test case to check
        the working of mapper.


        # A mock RDF object
        t = CallableGeneratorTest.Temp()

        # Head node
        node = Node(None, None)

        # Set of operations to build the graph
        n1 = node.Define()
        n2 = node.Filter().Filter()
        n4 = n2.Count()
        n5 = n1.Count()
        n6 = node.Filter()

        # Generate and execute the mapper
        generator = CallableGenerator(node)
        mapper_func = generator.get_callable()
        values = mapper_func(t)
        nodes = generator.get_action_nodes()

        reqd_order = [1, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2]

        # Assertions
        self.assertEqual(t.ord_list, reqd_order)
        self.assertListEqual(nodes, [n5.action_node, n4.action_node])
        self.assertListEqual(values, [t, t])
Example #2
    def test_set_state(self):
        Test cases to check the working of
        __setstate__ method on Node class.

        node = TransformationProxy(Node(None, None))  # Head node
        n1 = TransformationProxy(Node(None, None))  # First child node

        # State dictionaries
        node_dict = {"children": [n1]}
        n1_dict = {
            'operation_name': "Define",
            'operation_args': ["a"],
            'operation_kwargs': {
                "b": "c"
            'children': []

        # Set node objects with state dicts

        self.assertListEqual([node.operation, node.children],
                             [None, node_dict["children"]])
            n1.operation.name, n1.operation.args, n1.operation.kwargs,
        ], [
            n1_dict["operation_name"], n1_dict["operation_args"],
            n1_dict["operation_kwargs"], n1_dict["children"]
Example #3
    def test_mapper_with_pruning(self):
        A test case to check that the
        mapper works even in the case
        of pruning.


        # A mock RDF object
        t = CallableGeneratorTest.Temp()

        # Head node
        node = Node(None, None)

        # Set of operations to build the graph
        n1 = node.Define()
        n2 = node.Filter().Filter()
        n4 = n2.Count()
        n5 = n1.Count()
        n6 = node.Filter()

        n5 = n1.Filter()  # Reason for pruning (change of reference)

        # Generate and execute the mapper
        generator = CallableGenerator(node)
        mapper_func = generator.get_callable()
        values = mapper_func(t)
        nodes = generator.get_action_nodes()

        reqd_order = [1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2]

        # Assertions
        self.assertEqual(t.ord_list, reqd_order)
        self.assertListEqual(nodes, [n4.action_node])
        self.assertListEqual(values, [t])
Example #4
    def test_node_pickle(self):
        Test cases to check that nodes can be accurately
        pickled and un-pickled.

        import pickle

        # Node definitions
        node = Node(None, None)  # Head node
        n1 = node.Define("a", b="c")  # First child node
        n2 = n1.Count()
        n3 = node.Filter("b")
        n4 = n3.Count()

        # Pickled representation of nodes
        pickled_node = pickle.dumps(node)
        pickled_n3 = pickle.dumps(n3)

        # Un-pickled node objects
        unpickled_node = pickle.loads(pickled_node)
        unpickled_n3 = pickle.loads(pickled_n3)

        self.assertIsInstance(unpickled_node, type(node))
        self.assertIsInstance(unpickled_n3, type(n3))
        self.assertGraphs(node, unpickled_node)
        self.assertGraphs(n3, unpickled_n3)
Example #5
    def test_return_value(self):
        Proxy object computes and returns the right output based on the
        function call.
        t = AttrReadTest.Temp()
        node = Node(None, None)
        node.value = t
        proxy = ActionProxy(node)

        self.assertEqual(proxy.val(21), 144)
Example #6
    def test_transformation_return(self):
        Test case to check that
        Node objects are returned
        for transformation nodes.


        node = Node(None, None)
        newNode = node.Define(1)
        self.assertIsInstance(newNode, Node)
Example #7
    def test_proxy_return(self):
        Test case to check that
        Proxy objects are returned
        for action nodes.


        node = Node(None, None)
        newNode = node.Count()
        self.assertIsInstance(newNode, Proxy)
Example #8
    def test_kwargs_read(self):
        Test case to check that
        named arguments are
        read accurately.


        node = Node(None, None)
        newNode = node.Define(1, "b", a="1", b=2)
        self.assertEqual(newNode.operation.kwargs, {"a": "1", "b": 2})
Example #9
    def test_get_value_with_existing_value(self):
        Test case to check the working of 'GetValue'
        method in Proxy when the current action node
        already houses a value.
        node = Node(None, None)
        proxy = ActionProxy(node)
        node.value = 5

        self.assertEqual(proxy.GetValue(), 5)
Example #10
    def test_args_read(self):
        Test case to check that
        arguments (unnamed) are
        read accurately.


        node = Node(None, None)
        newNode = node.Define(1, "b", a="1", b=2)
        self.assertEqual(newNode.operation.args, (1, "b"))
Example #11
    def _create_new_op(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Handles an operation call to the current node and returns the new node
        built using the operation call.
        # Create a new `Operation` object for the
        # incoming operation call
        op = Operation(self.proxied_node._new_op_name, *args, **kwargs)

        # Create a new `Node` object to house the operation
        newNode = Node(operation=op, get_head=self.proxied_node.get_head)

        # Logger debug statements
        logger.debug("Created new {} node".format(op.name))

        # Add the new node as a child of the current node

        # Return the appropriate proxy object for the node
        if op.is_action():
            return ActionProxy(newNode)
        elif op.name in ["AsNumpy", "Snapshot"]:
            from PyRDF import current_backend
            generator = CallableGenerator(self.proxied_node.get_head())
            return newNode.value
            return TransformationProxy(newNode)
Example #12
    def test_dfs_graph_with_computed_values_pruning(self):
        Test case to check that computed values in action nodes get

        # Head node
        node = TransformationProxy(Node(None, None))

        # Graph nodes
        n1 = node.Define()
        n2 = node.Filter()
        n3 = n2.Filter()
        n4 = n3.Count()  # noqa: avoid PEP8 F841
        n5 = n1.Filter()
        n6 = n5.Count()
        n7 = node.Filter()

        # This is to make sure action nodes with
        # already computed values are pruned.
        n6.proxied_node.value = 1
        # This is to make sure that transformation
        # leaf nodes with value (possibly set intentionally)
        # don't get pruned.
        n7.value = 1  # noqa: avoid PEP8 F841

        obtained_order = DfsTest.traverse(node=node.get_head())

        # The node 'n6' will be pruned. Hence,
        # there's only one '3' in this list.
        reqd_order = [1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2]

        self.assertEqual(obtained_order, reqd_order)
Example #13
    def test_dfs_graph_with_parent_pruning(self):
        Test case to check that parent nodes with no user references don't
        get pruned.

        # Head node
        node = TransformationProxy(Node(None, None))

        # Graph nodes
        n1 = node.Define()
        n2 = node.Filter()
        n3 = n2.Filter()
        n4 = n3.Count()  # noqa: avoid PEP8 F841
        n5 = n1.Filter()  # noqa: avoid PEP8 F841
        n6 = node.Filter()  # noqa: avoid PEP8 F841

        # Remove references from n2 (which shouldn't affect the graph)
        n2 = None

        obtained_order = DfsTest.traverse(node=node.get_head())

        reqd_order = [1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2]
        # Removing references from n2 will not prune any node
        # because n2 still has children

        self.assertEqual(obtained_order, reqd_order)
Example #14
    def test_dfs_graph_with_pruning_actions(self):
        Test case to check that action nodes with no user references get

        # Head node
        node = TransformationProxy(Node(None, None))

        # Graph nodes
        n1 = node.Define()
        n2 = node.Filter()
        n3 = n2.Filter()
        n4 = n3.Count()  # noqa: avoid PEP8 F841
        n5 = n1.Count()
        n6 = node.Filter()  # noqa: avoid PEP8 F841

        # Action pruning, n5 was an action node earlier
        n5 = n1.Filter()  # noqa: avoid PEP8 F841

        obtained_order = DfsTest.traverse(node=node.get_head())

        reqd_order = [1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2]

        self.assertEqual(obtained_order, reqd_order)
Example #15
    def test_node_pickle(self):
        Test cases to check that nodes can be accurately
        pickled and un-pickled.
        import pickle

        # Node definitions
        node = TransformationProxy(Node(None, None))  # Head node
        n1 = node.Define("a", b="c")  # First child node
        n2 = n1.Count()  # noqa: avoid PEP8 F841
        n3 = node.Filter("b")
        n4 = n3.Count()  # noqa: avoid PEP8 F841

        # Pickled representation of nodes
        pickled_node = pickle.dumps(node.proxied_node)
        # n3 is of class TransformationProxy, so the proxied node must be
        # accessed before pickling.
        pickled_n3_node = pickle.dumps(n3.proxied_node)

        # Un-pickled node objects
        unpickled_node = pickle.loads(pickled_node)
        unpickled_n3_node = pickle.loads(pickled_n3_node)

        self.assertIsInstance(unpickled_node, type(node.proxied_node))
        self.assertIsInstance(unpickled_n3_node, type(n3.proxied_node))
        self.assertGraphs(node, unpickled_node)
        self.assertGraphs(n3.proxied_node, unpickled_n3_node)
Example #16
    def test_attr_simple_action(self):
        """ActionProxy object reads the right input attribute."""
        node = Node(None, None)
        proxy = ActionProxy(node)
        func = proxy.attr

        self.assertEqual(proxy._cur_attr, "attr")
Example #17
 def test_undefined_attr_transformation(self):
     When a non-defined Node class attribute is called on a
     TransformationProxy object, it raises an AttributeError.
     node = Node(None, None)
     proxy = TransformationProxy(node)
     with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
Example #18
 def test_type_return_transformation(self):
     TransformationProxy object is of type `PyRDF.TransformationProxy` and
     wraps a node object.
     node = Node(None, None)
     proxy = TransformationProxy(node)
     self.assertIsInstance(proxy, TransformationProxy)
     self.assertIsInstance(proxy.proxied_node, Node)
Example #19
 def test_type_return_action(self):
     ActionProxy object is of type `PyRDF.ActionProxy` and
     wraps a node object.
     node = Node(None, None)
     proxy = ActionProxy(node)
     self.assertIsInstance(proxy, ActionProxy)
     self.assertIsInstance(proxy.proxied_node, Node)
Example #20
    def test_attr_read(self):
        Test case to check that
        function names are read


        node = Node(None, None)
        func = node.Define
        self.assertEqual(node._cur_attr, "Define")
Example #21
 def test_proxied_node_has_user_references(self):
     Check that the user reference holds until the proxy lives. When the
     Python garbage collector attempts to remove the proxy object, its
     `__del__` method switches the node attribute `has_user_references` from
     `True` to `False`.
     node = Node(None, None)
     proxy = TransformationProxy(node)
     proxy = None  # noqa: avoid PEP8 F841
Example #22
    def test_dfs_graph_with_recursive_pruning(self):
        Test case to check that nodes in a PyRDF
        graph with no user references and no children
        get pruned recursively.


        # Head node
        node = Node(None, None)

        # Graph nodes
        n1 = node.Define()
        n2 = node.Filter()
        n3 = n2.Filter()
        n4 = n3.Count()
        n5 = n1.Filter()
        n6 = node.Filter()

        # Remove references from n4 and it's parent nodes
        n4 = n3 = n2 = None

        obtained_order = DfsTest.traverse(node=node.get_head())

        reqd_order = [1, 2, 2]

        self.assertEqual(obtained_order, reqd_order)
Example #23
    def test_dfs_graph_with_pruning_transformations(self):
        Test case to check that transformation nodes with
        no children and no user references get pruned.


        # Head node
        node = Node(None, None)

        # Graph nodes
        n1 = node.Define()
        n2 = node.Filter()
        n3 = n2.Filter()
        n4 = n3.Count()
        n5 = n1.Filter()
        n6 = node.Filter()

        # Transformation pruning
        n5 = n1.Count()  # n5 was earlier a transformation node

        obtained_order = DfsTest.traverse(node=node.get_head())

        reqd_order = [1, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2]

        self.assertEqual(obtained_order, reqd_order)
Example #24
    def test_get_state(self):
        Test cases to check the working of
        __getstate__ method on Node class.

        node = Node(None, None)  # Head node
        n1 = node.Define("a", b="c")  # First child node

        # Required dictionaries
        node_dict = {"children": [n1]}
        n1_dict = {
            'operation_name': "Define",
            'operation_args': ("a", ),
            'operation_kwargs': {
                "b": "c"
            'children': []

        self.assertDictEqual(node.__getstate__(), node_dict)
        self.assertDictEqual(n1.__getstate__(), n1_dict)
Example #25
    def test_attr_simple(self):
        Test case to check that a Proxy
        object reads the right input


        node = Node(None, None)
        proxy = Proxy(node)
        func = proxy.attr

        self.assertEqual(proxy._cur_attr, "attr")
Example #26
    def test_other_dunder_methods(self):
        Test cases to check the working of other dunder methods on
        Node class.

        node = TransformationProxy(Node(None, None))

        # Regular dunder method must not throw an error

        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            node.__random__()  # Unknown dunder method
Example #27
    def test_node_attr_transformation(self):
        When a node attribute is called on a TransformationProxy object, it
        correctly returns the attribute of the proxied node.
        node = Node(None, None)
        proxy = TransformationProxy(node)

        node_attributes = [
            "get_head", "operation", "children", "_new_op_name", "value",
            "pyroot_node", "has_user_references"

        for attr in node_attributes:
            self.assertEqual(getattr(proxy, attr),
                             getattr(proxy.proxied_node, attr))
Example #28
    def test_supported_transformation(self):
        TransformationProxy object reads the right input attributes,
        returning the methods of the proxied node.
        node = Node(None, None)
        proxy = TransformationProxy(node)

        transformations = {
            "Define": ["x", "tdfentry_"],
            "Filter": ["tdfentry_ > 0"],
            "Range": ["tdfentry_"]

        for transformation, args in transformations.items():
            newProxy = getattr(proxy, transformation)(*args)
            self.assertEqual(proxy.proxied_node._new_op_name, transformation)
            self.assertIsInstance(newProxy, TransformationProxy)
            self.assertEqual(newProxy.proxied_node.operation.args, args)
Example #29
    def test_dfs_graph_without_pruning(self):
        Test case to check that node pruning does not occur if every node either
        has children or some user references.

        # Head node
        node = TransformationProxy(Node(None, None))

        # Graph nodes
        n1 = node.Define()
        n2 = node.Filter()
        n3 = n2.Filter()
        n4 = n3.Count()  # noqa: avoid PEP8 F841
        n5 = n1.Count()  # noqa: avoid PEP8 F841
        n6 = node.Filter()  # noqa: avoid PEP8 F841

        obtained_order = DfsTest.traverse(node=node.get_head())

        reqd_order = [1, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2]

        self.assertEqual(obtained_order, reqd_order)
Example #30
    def test_get_state(self):
        Test cases to check the working of __getstate__ method on
        Node class.

        node = TransformationProxy(Node(None, None))  # Head node
        n1 = node.Define("a", b="c")  # First child node

        # Required dictionaries
        node_dict = {"children": [n1.proxied_node]}
        n1_dict = {
            'operation_name': "Define",
            'operation_args': ["a"],
            'operation_kwargs': {
                "b": "c"
            'children': []
        # nodes are of class TransformationProxy, so the proxied nodes must be
        # accessed in order to extract their dictionaries.
        self.assertDictEqual(node.proxied_node.__getstate__(), node_dict)
        self.assertDictEqual(n1.proxied_node.__getstate__(), n1_dict)