def paint(self, canvas, is_secondary_color=False, additional_flag=False): pen = QPen() if is_secondary_color: pen.setColor(self.data_singleton.secondary_color) else: pen.setColor(self.data_singleton.primary_color) painter = QPainter(canvas.image) painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) pen.setWidth(self.data_singleton.pen_size) pen.setStyle(Qt.SolidLine) pen.setCapStyle(Qt.RoundCap) pen.setJoinStyle(Qt.RoundJoin) painter.setPen(pen) if is_secondary_color: painter.setBrush(self.data_singleton.primary_color) else: painter.setBrush(self.data_singleton.secondary_color) if self._start_point != self._end_point: painter.drawRect(QRect(self._start_point, self._end_point)) painter.end() canvas.edited = True canvas.update()
def paint(self, canvas, is_secondary_color=False, additional_flag=False): pen = QPen() pen.setWidth(self.data_singleton.pen_size) pen.setStyle(Qt.SolidLine) pen.setCapStyle(Qt.RoundCap) pen.setJoinStyle(Qt.RoundJoin) if is_secondary_color: pen.setBrush(self.data_singleton.secondary_color) else: pen.setBrush(self.data_singleton.primary_color) painter = QPainter(canvas.image) painter.setPen(pen) if self._start_point != self._end_point: painter.drawLine(self._start_point, self._end_point) if self._start_point == self._end_point: painter.drawPoint(self._start_point) painter.end() canvas.edited = True canvas.update()
def paintEvent(self, pe): p = QPainter(self) p.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) pen = QPen() pen.setColor( pen.setWidth(2) pen.setJoinStyle(Qt.MiterJoin) p.setPen(pen) h = self.associated_label.sizeHint().height() w = h pw = pen.width() b = self.italic_block(pw+0,w,h) p.translate(self.shadow_size,self.shadow_size) p.fillPath(b, QBrush(Qt.gray)) p.translate(-self.shadow_size,-self.shadow_size) p.fillPath(b, QBrush(self.Colors[self.step])) p.drawPath(b) b = self.italic_block(pw+w*1.25,w*0.75,h) p.translate(self.shadow_size,self.shadow_size) p.fillPath(b, QBrush(Qt.gray)) p.translate(-self.shadow_size,-self.shadow_size) p.fillPath(b, QBrush(self.Colors[self.step+1])) p.drawPath(b) b = self.italic_block(pw+w*2.25,w*0.4,h) p.translate(self.shadow_size,self.shadow_size) p.fillPath(b, QBrush(Qt.gray)) p.translate(-self.shadow_size,-self.shadow_size) p.fillPath(b, QBrush(self.Colors[self.step+2])) p.drawPath(b)
def default_roi_pen(dashed=True, pen = QPen() if dashed: pen.setStyle(Qt.DashLine) pen.setBrush(color) pen.setCapStyle(Qt.RoundCap) pen.setJoinStyle(Qt.RoundJoin) return pen
class BaseObject(QGraphicsPathItem): """ Subclass of `QGraphicsPathItem`_ TOWRITE """ Type = OBJ_TYPE_BASE def __init__(self, parent=None): """ Default class constructor. :param `parent`: Pointer to a parent widget instance. :type `parent`: `QGraphicsItem`_ """ super(BaseObject, self).__init__(parent) qDebug("BaseObject Constructor()") self.objPen = QPen() # QPen objPen; self.lwtPen = QPen() # QPen lwtPen; self.objLine = QLineF() # QLineF objLine; self.objRubberMode = int() # int objRubberMode; self.objRubberPoints = {} # QHash<QString, QPointF> objRubberPoints; self.objRubberTexts = {} # QHash<QString, QString> objRubberTexts; self.objID = int() # qint64 objID; self.objPen.setCapStyle(Qt.RoundCap) self.objPen.setJoinStyle(Qt.RoundJoin) self.lwtPen.setCapStyle(Qt.RoundCap) self.lwtPen.setJoinStyle(Qt.RoundJoin) self.objID = QDateTime.currentMSecsSinceEpoch() def __del__(self): """Class destructor.""" qDebug("BaseObject Destructor()") def type(self): """ TOWRITE :return: TOWRITE :rtype: int """ return self.Type def setObjectColor(self, color): """ TOWRITE :param `color`: TOWRITE :type `color`: `QColor`_ """ self.objPen.setColor(color) self.lwtPen.setColor(color) def setObjectColorRGB(self, rgb): """ TOWRITE :param `rgb`: TOWRITE :type `rgb`: `QRgb`_ """ self.objPen.setColor(QColor(rgb)) self.lwtPen.setColor(QColor(rgb)) def setObjectLineType(self, lineType): """ TOWRITE :param `rgb`: TOWRITE :type `rgb`: Qt.PenStyle """ self.objPen.setStyle(lineType) self.lwtPen.setStyle(lineType) def setObjectLineWeight(self, lineWeight): """ TOWRITE :param `lineWeight`: TOWRITE :type `lineWeight`: qreal """ self.objPen.setWidthF(0) # NOTE: The objPen will always be cosmetic if lineWeight < 0: if lineWeight == OBJ_LWT_BYLAYER: self.lwtPen.setWidthF(0.35) # TODO: getLayerLineWeight elif lineWeight == OBJ_LWT_BYBLOCK: self.lwtPen.setWidthF(0.35) # TODO: getBlockLineWeight else: QMessageBox.warning(0,"Error - Negative Lineweight"),"Lineweight: %f" % lineWeight)) qDebug("Lineweight cannot be negative! Inverting sign.") self.lwtPen.setWidthF(-lineWeight) else: self.lwtPen.setWidthF(lineWeight) def objectRubberPoint(self, key): """ TOWRITE :param `key`: TOWRITE :type `key`: QString :rtype: `QPointF`_ """ if key in self.objRubberPoints: # if(objRubberTexts.contains(key)) return self.objRubberPoints[key] # return objRubberTexts.value(key); gscene = self.scene() # QGraphicsScene* gscene = scene() if gscene: return self.scene().property("SCENE_QSNAP_POINT") # .toPointF() return QPointF() def objectRubberText(self, key): """ TOWRITE :param `key`: TOWRITE :type `key`: QString :rtype: QString """ if key in self.objRubberTexts: # if(objRubberTexts.contains(key)) return self.objRubberTexts[key] # return objRubberTexts.value(key); return "" # QString() def boundingRect(self): """ TOWRITE :rtype: `QRectF`_ """ # If gripped, force this object to be drawn even if it is offscreen if self.objectRubberMode() == OBJ_RUBBER_GRIP: return self.scene().sceneRect() return self.path().boundingRect() def drawRubberLine(self, rubLine, painter=None, colorFromScene=''): """ TOWRITE :param `rubLine`: TOWRITE :type `rubLine`: `QLineF`_ :param `painter`: TOWRITE :type `painter`: `QPainter`_ :param `colorFromScene`: TOWRITE :type `colorFromScene`: str """ if painter: objScene = self.scene() # QGraphicsScene* objScene = scene(); if not objScene: return colorPen = self.objPen # QPen colorPen = objPen colorPen.setColor(QColor( # .toUInt())) painter.setPen(colorPen) painter.drawLine(rubLine) painter.setPen(self.objPen) def realRender(self, painter, renderPath): # TODO/PORT: Still needs work. """ TOWRITE :param `painter`: TOWRITE :type `painter`: `QPainter`_ :param `renderPath`: TOWRITE :type `renderPath`: `QPainterPath`_ """ color1 = self.objectColor() #QColor # lighter color color2 = color1.darker(150) #QColor # darker color # If we have a dark color, lighten it darkness = color1.lightness() #int threshold = 32 #int #TODO: This number may need adjusted or maybe just add it to settings. if darkness < threshold: color2 = color1 if not darkness: color1 = QColor(threshold, threshold, threshold) # lighter() does not affect pure black else : color1 = color2.lighter(100 + threshold) count = renderPath.elementCount() # int for i in range(0, count - 1): # for(int i = 0; i < count-1; ++i); elem = renderPath.elementAt(i) # QPainterPath::Element next = renderPath.elementAt(i + 1) # QPainterPath::Element if next.isMoveTo(): continue elemPath = QPainterPath() elemPath.moveTo(elem.x, elem.y) elemPath.lineTo(next.x, next.y) renderPen = QPen(QColor(0, 0, 0, 0)) renderPen.setWidthF(0) painter.setPen(renderPen) stroker = QPainterPathStroker() stroker.setWidth(0.35) stroker.setCapStyle(Qt.RoundCap) stroker.setJoinStyle(Qt.RoundJoin) realPath = stroker.createStroke(elemPath) # QPainterPath painter.drawPath(realPath) grad = QLinearGradient(elemPath.pointAtPercent(0.5), elemPath.pointAtPercent(0.0)) grad.setColorAt(0, color1) grad.setColorAt(1, color2) grad.setSpread(QGradient.ReflectSpread) painter.fillPath(realPath, QBrush(grad)) def objectID(self): """ TOWRITE :return: TOWRITE :rtype: int """ return self.objID def objectPen(self): """ TOWRITE :return: TOWRITE :rtype: `QPen`_ """ return self.objPen def objectColor(self): """ TOWRITE :return: TOWRITE :rtype: `QColor`_ """ return self.objPen.color() def objectColorRGB(self): """ TOWRITE :return: TOWRITE :rtype: int """ return self.objPen.color().rgb() def objectLineType(self): """ TOWRITE :return: TOWRITE :rtype: Qt.PenStyle """ return def objectLineWeight(self): """ TOWRITE :return: TOWRITE :rtype: float """ return self.lwtPen.widthF() def objectPath(self): """ TOWRITE :return: TOWRITE :rtype: `QPainterPath`_ """ return self.path() def objectRubberMode(self): """ TOWRITE :return: TOWRITE :rtype: int """ return self.objRubberMode def rect(self): """ TOWRITE :return: TOWRITE :rtype: `QRectF`_ """ return self.path().boundingRect() # pythonic setRect overload @signature(QPointF) def setRectFromRect(self, r): """ TOWRITE :param `r`: TOWRITE :type `r`: QPointF """ p = QPainterPath() p.addRect(r) self.setPath(p) # pythonic setRect overload @signature(float, float, float, float) def setRectFromXYWH(self, x, y, w, h): """ TOWRITE :param `x`: TOWRITE :type `x`: qreal :param `y`: TOWRITE :type `y`: qreal :param `w`: TOWRITE :type `w`: qreal :param `h`: TOWRITE :type `h`: qreal """ p = QPainterPath() p.addRect(x, y, w, h) self.setPath(p) @overloaded(setRectFromRect, setRectFromXYWH) def setRect(self, *args): """ TOWRITE """ pass def line(self): """ TOWRITE :return: TOWRITE :rtype: `QLineF`_ """ return self.objLine # pythonic setLine overload @signature(QPointF) def setLineFromLine(self, li): """ TOWRITE :param `li`: TOWRITE :type `li`: QPointF """ p = QPainterPath() p.moveTo(li.p1()) p.lineTo(li.p2()) self.setPath(p) self.objLine = li # pythonic setLine overload @signature(float, float, float, float) def setLineFromXXYY(self, x1, y1, x2, y2): """ TOWRITE :param `x1`: TOWRITE :type `x1`: qreal :param `y1`: TOWRITE :type `y1`: qreal :param `x2`: TOWRITE :type `x2`: qreal :param `y2`: TOWRITE :type `y2`: qreal """ p = QPainterPath() p.moveTo(x1, y1) p.lineTo(x2, y2) self.setPath(p) self.objLine.setLine(x1, y1, x2, y2) @overloaded(setLineFromLine, setLineFromXXYY) def setLine(self, *args): """ TOWRITE """ pass def setObjectPath(self, p): """ TOWRITE :param `p`: TOWRITE :type `p`: `QPainterPath`_ """ self.setPath(p) def setObjectRubberMode(self, mode): """ TOWRITE :param `mode`: TOWRITE :type `mode`: int """ self.objRubberMode = mode def setObjectRubberPoint(self, key, point): """ TOWRITE :param `key`: TOWRITE :type `key`: str :param `point`: TOWRITE :type `point`: `QPointF`_ """ self.objRubberPoints[key] = point # .insert(key, point) def setObjectRubberText(self, key, txt): """ TOWRITE :param `key`: TOWRITE :type `key`: str :param `txt`: TOWRITE :type `txt`: str """ self.objRubberTexts[key] = txt # .insert(key, txt) def shape(self): """ TOWRITE :return: TOWRITE :rtype: `QPainterPath`_ """ return self.path() def vulcanize(self): """ TOWRITE """ raise NotImplementedError def mouseSnapPoint(self, mousePoint): """ TOWRITE :param `mousePoint`: TOWRITE :type `mousePoint`: `QPointF`_ :return: TOWRITE :rtype: `QPointF`_ """ raise NotImplementedError def allGripPoints(self): """ TOWRITE :return: TOWRITE :rtype: list[`QPointF`_] """ raise NotImplementedError def gripEdit(self, before, after): """ TOWRITE :param `before`: TOWRITE :type `before`: `QPointF`_ :param `after`: TOWRITE :type `after`: `QPointF`_ """ raise NotImplementedError def lineWeightPen(self): """ TOWRITE :return: TOWRITE :rtype: `QPen`_ """ return self.lwtPen
def loadFile(self, fileName): """ TOWRITE :param `fileName`: TOWRITE :type `fileName`: QString :rtype: bool """ qDebug("MdiWindow loadFile()") tmpColor = self.getCurrentColor() # QRgb file = QFile(fileName) if not | QFile.Text): QMessageBox.warning( self,"Error reading file"),"Cannot read file %s:\n%s." % (fileName, file.errorString())) ) return False QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) ext = self.fileExtension(fileName) # QString qDebug("ext: %s" % qPrintable(ext)) # Read p = embPattern_create() # EmbPattern* if not p: print("Could not allocate memory for embroidery pattern\n") exit(1) readSuccessful = 0 # int ## QString readError reader = embReaderWriter_getByFileName(qPrintable(fileName)) # EmbReaderWriter* if not reader: readSuccessful = 0 readError = "Unsupported read file type: " + fileName qDebug("Unsupported read file type: %s\n" % qPrintable(fileName)) else: readSuccessful = reader.reader(p, qPrintable(fileName)) if not readSuccessful: readError = "Reading file was unsuccessful: " + fileName qDebug("Reading file was unsuccessful: %s\n" % qPrintable(fileName)) ## free(reader) #TODO/REMOVE# not needed in python if not readSuccessful: QMessageBox.warning(self,"Error reading pattern"), if readSuccessful: embPattern_moveStitchListToPolylines(p) # TODO: Test more stitchCount = embStitchList_count(p.stitchList) # int path = QPainterPath() if p.circleObjList: curCircleObj = p.circleObjList # EmbCircleObjectList* while curCircleObj: c = # EmbCircle thisColor = curCircleObj.circleObj.color # EmbColor self.setCurrentColor(qRgb(thisColor.r, thisColor.g, thisColor.b)) # NOTE: With natives, the Y+ is up and libembroidery Y+ is up, so inverting the Y is NOT needed. self.mainWin.nativeAddCircle(embCircle_centerX(c), embCircle_centerY(c), embCircle_radius(c), False, OBJ_RUBBER_OFF) # TODO: fill curCircleObj = if p.ellipseObjList: curEllipseObj = p.ellipseObjList # EmbEllipseObjectList* while curEllipseObj: e = curEllipseObj.ellipseObj.ellipse # EmbEllipse thisColor = curEllipseObj.ellipseObj.color # EmbColor self.setCurrentColor(qRgb(thisColor.r, thisColor.g, thisColor.b)) # NOTE: With natives, the Y+ is up and libembroidery Y+ is up, so inverting the Y is NOT needed. self.mainWin.nativeAddEllipse(embEllipse_centerX(e), embEllipse_centerY(e), embEllipse_width(e), embEllipse_height(e), 0, False, OBJ_RUBBER_OFF) # TODO: rotation and fill curEllipseObj = if p.lineObjList: curLineObj = p.lineObjList # EmbLineObjectList* while curLineObj: li = curLineObj.lineObj.line # EmbLine thisColor = curLineObj.lineObj.color # EmbColor self.setCurrentColor(qRgb(thisColor.r, thisColor.g, thisColor.b)) # NOTE: With natives, the Y+ is up and libembroidery Y+ is up, so inverting the Y is NOT needed. self.mainWin.nativeAddLine(embLine_x1(li), embLine_y1(li), embLine_x2(li), embLine_y2(li), 0, OBJ_RUBBER_OFF) # TODO: rotation curLineObj = if p.pathObjList: # TODO: This is unfinished. It needs more work curPathObjList = p.pathObjList # EmbPathObjectList* while curPathObjList: pathPath = QPainterPath() curPointList = curPathObjList.pathObj.pointList # EmbPointList* thisColor = curPathObjList.pathObj.color # EmbColor if curPointList: pp = curPointList.point # EmbPoint pathPath.moveTo(embPoint_x(pp), -embPoint_y(pp)) # NOTE: Qt Y+ is down and libembroidery Y+ is up, so inverting the Y is needed. curPointList = while curPointList: pp = curPointList.point # EmbPoint pathPath.lineTo(embPoint_x(pp), -embPoint_y(pp)) # NOTE: Qt Y+ is down and libembroidery Y+ is up, so inverting the Y is needed. curPointList = loadPen = QPen(qRgb(thisColor.r, thisColor.g, thisColor.b)) loadPen.setWidthF(0.35) loadPen.setCapStyle(Qt.RoundCap) loadPen.setJoinStyle(Qt.RoundJoin) obj = PathObject(0, 0, pathPath, loadPen.color().rgb()) # PathObject* obj.setObjectRubberMode(OBJ_RUBBER_OFF) self.gscene.addItem(obj) curPathObjList = if p.pointObjList: curPointObj = p.pointObjList # EmbPointObjectList* while curPointObj: po = curPointObj.pointObj.point # EmbPoint thisColor = curPointObj.pointObj.color # EmbColor self.setCurrentColor(qRgb(thisColor.r, thisColor.g, thisColor.b)) # NOTE: With natives, the Y+ is up and libembroidery Y+ is up, so inverting the Y is NOT needed. self.mainWin.nativeAddPoint(embPoint_x(po), embPoint_y(po)) curPointObj = if p.polygonObjList: curPolygonObjList = p.polygonObjList # EmbPolygonObjectList* while curPolygonObjList: polygonPath = QPainterPath() firstPoint = False # bool startX = 0; startY = 0 # qreal x = 0; y = 0 # qreal curPointList = curPolygonObjList.polygonObj.pointList # EmbPointList* thisColor = curPolygonObjList.polygonObj.color # EmbColor self.setCurrentColor(qRgb(thisColor.r, thisColor.g, thisColor.b)) while curPointList: pp = curPointList.point # EmbPoint x = embPoint_x(pp) y = -embPoint_y(pp) # NOTE: Qt Y+ is down and libembroidery Y+ is up, so inverting the Y is needed. if firstPoint: polygonPath.lineTo(x,y) else: polygonPath.moveTo(x,y) firstPoint = True startX = x startY = y curPointList = polygonPath.translate(-startX, -startY) self.mainWin.nativeAddPolygon(startX, startY, polygonPath, OBJ_RUBBER_OFF) curPolygonObjList = # NOTE: Polylines should only contain NORMAL stitches. if p.polylineObjList: curPolylineObjList = p.polylineObjList # EmbPolylineObjectList* while curPolylineObjList: polylinePath = QPainterPath() firstPoint = False # bool startX = 0; startY = 0 # qreal x = 0; y = 0 # qreal curPointList = curPolylineObjList.polylineObj.pointList # EmbPointList* thisColor = curPolylineObjList.polylineObj.color # EmbColor self.setCurrentColor(qRgb(thisColor.r, thisColor.g, thisColor.b)) while curPointList: pp = curPointList.point # EmbPoint x = embPoint_x(pp) y = -embPoint_y(pp) # NOTE: Qt Y+ is down and libembroidery Y+ is up, so inverting the Y is needed. if firstPoint: polylinePath.lineTo(x,y) else: polylinePath.moveTo(x,y) firstPoint = True startX = x startY = y curPointList = polylinePath.translate(-startX, -startY) self.mainWin.nativeAddPolyline(startX, startY, polylinePath, OBJ_RUBBER_OFF) curPolylineObjList = if p.rectObjList: curRectObj = p.rectObjList # EmbRectObjectList* while curRectObj: r = curRectObj.rectObj.rect # EmbRect thisColor = curRectObj.rectObj.color # EmbColor self.setCurrentColor(qRgb(thisColor.r, thisColor.g, thisColor.b)) # NOTE: With natives, the Y+ is up and libembroidery Y+ is up, so inverting the Y is NOT needed. self.mainWin.nativeAddRectangle(embRect_x(r), embRect_y(r), embRect_width(r), embRect_height(r), 0, False, OBJ_RUBBER_OFF) # TODO: rotation and fill curRectObj = self.setCurrentFile(fileName) self.mainWin.statusbar.showMessage("File loaded.") stitches = str(stitchCount) # QString: stitches.setNum(stitchCount) if self.mainWin.getSettingsGridLoadFromFile(): # TODO: Josh, provide me a hoop size and/or grid spacing from the pattern. pass QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() else: #TODO/PORT# warning shown twice?! redundant ?! QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() QMessageBox.warning(self,"Error reading pattern"),"Cannot read pattern")) ## embPattern_free(p) #TODO/REMOVE# not needed in python # Clear the undo stack so it is not possible to undo past this point. self.gview.getUndoStack().clear() self.setCurrentColor(tmpColor) fileWasLoaded = True self.mainWin.setUndoCleanIcon(fileWasLoaded) return fileWasLoaded