def init_ui(self): label = QLabel('カプチーノを入れています...', self) label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) pbar = QProgressBar(self) pbar.setRange(0, DOUNLOAD_COUNT) pbar.setTextVisible(False) vbox = QVBoxLayout(self) vbox.addWidget(label) vbox.addWidget(pbar) vbox.setContentsMargins(QMargins(16, 16, 16, 16)) self.setLayout(vbox) self.__progress_bar = pbar
class RenameFilesGUI(QWidget): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.init_ui() def init_ui(self): self.setMinimumSize(600, 250) self.setWindowTitle("Change File Names GUI") = "" self.cb_value = "" self.setupWidgets() def setupWidgets(self): """ Set up the widgets and layouts for interface. """ dir_label = QLabel("Choose Directory:") self.dir_line_edit = QLineEdit() dir_button = QPushButton('...') dir_button.setToolTip("Select file directory.") dir_button.clicked.connect(self.setDirectory) self.change_name_edit = QLineEdit() self.change_name_edit.setToolTip( "Files will be appended with numerical values.For example: filename <b> 01 </b >.jpg") self.change_name_edit.setPlaceholderText("Change file names to...") rename_button = QPushButton("Rename Files") rename_button.setToolTip("Begin renaming files in directory.") rename_button.clicked.connect(self.renameFiles) file_exts = [".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".gif", ".txt"] # Create combo box for selecting file extensions. ext_cb = QComboBox() self.cb_value = file_exts[0] ext_cb.setToolTip("Only files with this extension will be changed.") ext_cb.addItems(file_exts) ext_cb.currentTextChanged.connect(self.updateCbValue) # Text edit is for displaying the file names as they are updated. self.display_files_edit = QTextEdit() self.display_files_edit.setReadOnly(True) self.progress_bar = QProgressBar() self.progress_bar.setValue(0) # Set layout and widgets. grid = QGridLayout() grid.addWidget(dir_label, 0, 0) grid.addWidget(self.dir_line_edit, 1, 0, 1, 2) grid.addWidget(dir_button, 1, 2) grid.addWidget(self.change_name_edit, 2, 0) grid.addWidget(ext_cb, 2, 1) grid.addWidget(rename_button, 2, 2) grid.addWidget(self.display_files_edit, 3, 0, 1, 3) grid.addWidget(self.progress_bar, 4, 0, 1, 3) self.setLayout(grid) def setDirectory(self): """ Choose the directory. """ file_dialog = QFileDialog(self) file_dialog.setFileMode(QFileDialog.Directory) = file_dialog.getExistingDirectory(self, "Open Directory", "", QFileDialog.ShowDirsOnly) if self.dir_line_edit.setText( # Set the max value of progress bar equal to max number of files in the directory. num_of_files = len([name for name in os.listdir(]) self.progress_bar.setRange(0, num_of_files) def updateCbValue(self, text): """ Change the combo box value. Values represent the different file extensions. """ self.cb_value = text def renameFiles(self): """ Create instance of worker thread to handle the file renaming process. """ prefix_text = self.change_name_edit.text() if != "" and prefix_text != "": self.worker = Worker(, self.cb_value, prefix_text) self.worker.updateValueSignal.connect(self.updateProgressBar) self.worker.updateTextEditSignal.connect(self.updateTextEdit) self.worker.start() else: pass def updateProgressBar(self, value): self.progress_bar.setValue(value) def updateTextEdit(self, old_text, new_text): self.display_files_edit.append("[INFO] {} changed to{}.".format(old_text, new_text))
class SetQuotaDiskWidget(QWidget): Sg_view_changed = Signal() def __init__(self, model: SettingsModel, parent=None): super(SetQuotaDiskWidget, self).__init__(parent) self._model = model self.setAccessibleName("InfoBox") self.title = QLabel() self.title.setText("Spazio di archiviazione") self.title.setAccessibleName("Title2") self.sottotitolo = QLabel() self.sottotitolo.setAccessibleName('Sottotitolo') self.sottotitolo.setText( "Cambia lo spazio di archiviazione destinato alla cartella sincronizzata" ) # Barra riempimento disco self.progress_label = QLabel() self.progress_label.setText("Spazio occupato:") self.disk_progress = QProgressBar() self.disk_progress.setFormat("") self.disk_quota = QLabel() # Modifica spazio dedicato self.spaceLabel = QLabel(" ") self.dedicated_space = QLineEdit() self.dedicated_space.setValidator(QDoubleValidator()) self.sizes_box = QComboBox() self.sizes_box.wheelEvent = lambda event: None _path_size = bitmath.parse_string(model.convert_size(model.get_size())) _disk_free = bitmath.parse_string( model.convert_size(model.get_free_disk())) self.populate_size_box(_path_size, _disk_free) self.change_quota_button = QPushButton("Cambia quota disco") self.change_quota_button.setMaximumWidth(150) self.change_quota_button.clicked.connect( self.Sl_dedicated_space_changed) self.dedicated_space.returnPressed.connect( self.Sl_dedicated_space_changed) self.buttonLayout = QHBoxLayout() self.buttonLayout.addWidget(self.spaceLabel) self.buttonLayout.addWidget(self.change_quota_button) self.buttonLayout.addWidget(self.spaceLabel) set_space_layout = QHBoxLayout() set_space_layout.addWidget(self.dedicated_space) set_space_layout.addWidget(self.sizes_box) quota_layout = QHBoxLayout() quota_layout.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft) quota_layout.addWidget(self.progress_label) quota_layout.addWidget(self.disk_quota) # layout disk_layout = QVBoxLayout() disk_layout.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft) disk_layout.addWidget(self.title) disk_layout.addWidget(self.sottotitolo) disk_layout.addWidget(self.spaceLabel) disk_layout.addLayout(quota_layout) disk_layout.addWidget(self.disk_progress) disk_layout.addWidget(self.spaceLabel) disk_layout.addLayout(set_space_layout) disk_layout.addLayout(self.buttonLayout) self.setLayout(disk_layout) self.Sl_model_changed() @Slot() def Sl_dedicated_space_changed(self): self.Sg_view_changed.emit() @Slot() def Sl_model_changed(self): """ Slot collegato ai segnali del model, aggiorna la vista con i nuovi valori :return: None """ # Prendo quota disco con unità e il peso della cartella senza unità (Byte default) new_max_quota = self._model.get_quota_disco() _folder_size = self._model.get_size() # Converto ad oggetto bitmath il peso della cartella e la quota disco folder_size_parsed = bitmath.parse_string( self._model.convert_size(_folder_size)) quota_disco_parsed = bitmath.parse_string(new_max_quota) # Imposto la textbox che mi dice quanto peso ho occupato su quello disponibile self.disk_quota.setText( f"{folder_size_parsed} su {new_max_quota} in uso") free_disk_parsed = bitmath.parse_string( self._model.convert_size(self._model.get_free_disk())) # Imposto la textbox che richiede input if not self.dedicated_space.hasFocus(): self.dedicated_space.setText(str(quota_disco_parsed.value)) # Creo i nuovi valori della combobox if not self.sizes_box.hasFocus(): self.populate_size_box(folder_size_parsed, free_disk_parsed) # Imposto l'item in focus della combobox self.sizes_box.setCurrentText(quota_disco_parsed.unit) # Prendo dimensione corrente della sync folder e della quota disco # e metto in proporzione con quotadisco:100=syncfolder:x _progress_bar_max_value = 100 _tmp = folder_size_parsed.to_Byte().value * _progress_bar_max_value _progress_bar_current_percentage = _tmp / quota_disco_parsed.to_Byte( ).value # Inserisco nuovi valori nella progress bar self.disk_progress.setRange(0, _progress_bar_max_value) self.disk_progress.setValue(_progress_bar_current_percentage) # Se la cartella occupa più spazio di quanto voluto allora la porto a quanto occupa if quota_disco_parsed < folder_size_parsed and not self.dedicated_space.hasFocus( ): self.dedicated_space.setText(str(folder_size_parsed.value)) self.sizes_box.setCurrentText(folder_size_parsed.unit) self.Sg_view_changed.emit() def populate_size_box( self, _min: str, _max: str, ) -> None: """ This method populates the size box with only the available units ex hdd has only <1gb so gb will not be used, the current folder is heavier than 1mb so kb will not be used. :param _min: minimum value with unit ex 10 KiB or just 'KiB' :param _max: maximum value with unit ex 10 KiB or just 'KiB' :return: None """ _sizes = "Byte", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB", "EiB", "ZiB", "YiB" # Converto in ogni caso a string, in caso in cui venga passato un oggetto # tipo bitmath _min = str(_min) _max = str(_max) # Rimuovo eventuali numeri e caratteri extra, tengo solo l'unità di misura _min = ''.join(i for i in _min if not i.isdigit() and i != '.') _max = ''.join(i for i in _max if not i.isdigit() and i != '.') # Rimuovo possibili spazi ad inizio e fine stringa _min = _min.strip() _max = _max.strip() # Rimuovo dal vettore di possibili unità di misura tutte le unità sotto il lower bound lower_bound = _sizes[_sizes.index(_min):] # Rimuovo dal vettore di possibili unità di misura tutte le unità sopra l'upper bound upper_bound = lower_bound[:lower_bound.index(_max) + 1] # Pulisco il vecchio combo box self.sizes_box.clear() # Inserisco nuovi valori self.sizes_box.addItems(upper_bound)